Playing As My BIGGEST HATER In Minecraft!

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on this minecraft server biggest hater has joined the game and when this hater gains access to my server they'll stop at nothing to hunt athmel down and when my friends find out they decide to stop him at all costs only this hater isn't real as i'm only pretending to be them to see how my friends would react what will my friend do if they find my hater this is perfect i got diamond i got iron gold and dog okay all right that should be enough to to get me started on my new project which is i think that's i think that's looking good [Music] hey hey i was just about to like that yeah what are you doing here huh we're fiddling with something what no you guys are about to pull up casey's house uh yeah it's called a prank that's a mean one just go away we got stuff to do these guys are they're trying to [ __ ] sorry sorry we can't see you uh just um okay casey i thought was about to blow up your house oh yeah it's a while i can see the tnt uh oh it's right there no uh no no no you don't it's literally right i see it's right here oh yeah it's right back here here's why not i just i want some tnt can i have it you know what you guys just get out of here get get him get him wait what do you do where'd you get dogs get out of here wait wait a minute is is what ian said actually true kc what happened ian said that no one likes me is is that is what he said true just what no one i know are you serious that there is no way they are just being jerks because they are doing something bad and didn't get their way you did the right thing you know what you guys are actually right anyway i'm gonna go back because i've got an amazing mining haul and uh i'll see you guys later okay bye bye thanks you're the best yeah i mean some sometimes when she's in danger she's the best i mean i'm joking wait a minute was what ian said actually true just one that can't be maybe i'm just thinking of things anyway just huh no one likes you what um it's still just being mean i have lots of friends wait do they actually like me i mean i'm not sure but what would they do if they met a hater like someone who doesn't like me wait a minute i think i've got an idea oh let's see i'll just come over here and grab a profile potion which should be perfect i'm gonna put these up here just to get rid of this just in case and let's go ahead and use this let's see which one of these might oh they're all so cute this one pick a name uh what about m three a n iconic all right and i'm so cute wait wait i'm a hater i hate how i look is that how this works oh man i don't know if i can be mean i don't like being mean i better get some props to help people think that i'm super mean before i go out especially yeah that should work i just need to get some retextures and everything should be good as long as i plan okay i just gotta find everyone to make sure we got it [Music] okay all right i gotta do it now um push the button okay and oops how did someone get access to the server pay protections on it nerds she's a feisty one guys i like you already how did you get in here anyway uh yeah what what nun your business oh whoa you're not very nice how do you even pronounce your name wait a minute is this the server where asthma lives you're like uh like apple's friend or something like that isn't she yeah nicest person around uh no i know what oh i'm sorry i mean um i mean yeah she's not like a nice person at all what's wrong how can you say that are you even her friend no what have you even met her no what then how do you know she's not nice because somebody told me that on the internet what what proper opinions on the internet um okay listen we need to use our words to settle our arguments here okay here listen good player i don't know how you got on to our server but avmal is a very kind person i mean sure she gets into mischief with her pranks and all that but she is not as bad as ian and only uses her pranks for good i mean in fact i think you would like her once you get to know her oh i don't just not like her i hate her oh [Music] oh she's a hater living at her let [Music] [Music] oh my gosh it's ian yeah uh you know what i think you and i could work together yeah yes you know three people why don't you let me show you around i could use a new minion to help me take out app now okay [Music] uh come this way pierce you're tired wait hold up he never hired me in the first place oh yeah my bad um here's you're tired yes finally i don't want anyone playing this oh all right this way come this way ian you have no idea what you're dealing with ah you'll get over it anyway uh stick with me and i'll show you the ropes of the server oh you seem really mean yeah yeah i am okay so to get you started i'll give you some tools why don't you go gather some materials and meet back in my house it's at a cool blue one over there uh uh here let me give that back anyway uh see you later okay oh man everyone reacted so differently stan and casey especially i wasn't expecting pierce but you know what all right no i should play along a little bit more and kind of get some materials and stuff okay i think i got everything i need to convince everyone that i am a hater uh let's see of course i'm really not i don't like being mean but uh i think i got some props to make baby bean anyway uh all right to get to ian's house i gotta knock on the wait a minute someone who's mean wouldn't knock on the door they'd go through a different way like this oh whoa break it again okay it's just you uh nice nice entrance there good job oh thanks i mean i mean whatever yeah okay so you don't like ath now and i don't like aphmau so now that you've got your bearings we can team up we are going to go explode her house go now okay i get it yes you mean stop okay you know we'll get some uh work on our teamwork so we're gonna explode her house you're gonna take this she's not near her house right now so we can go lay everything in her house and then explode it oh my gosh that sounds awesome and you're so smart oh [ __ ] i know keep telling me oh yeah you're so smart and you know what blue is a good color ah i knew it okay so i'm gonna get started putting tnt around the outside of the house why don't you uh go inside and lay some inside maybe upstairs or something like that uh okay yeah i can do that all right down here there we go okay that should be enough all right oh one more all right but you know what that's not enough a real hater would leave some like mean stuff around that's just i'm a meme oh no my couch oh it's okay it's okay i have to commit to the role that i have um okay it's fine it's fine ooh let me let me use some of this stuff on here let's see here we go and then uh where else can i put one oh maybe put one right here there we go and okay i got all the tnt set up now we just have to wait as she hang on so what what is this oh you know it's a gift for half mal wait a minute i i thought you said you didn't like her but this says you hate her that that's not very nice i thought you didn't like her either yeah i don't like her when she messes with my amazing pranks and is better than me at pranks and always trying to but i don't hate her this is like this is like [Music] this is like you're a hater oh you finally got it you are dealing with a hater no kidding i figured that out what okay what are shut up ian what i mean is her name it's meanie it's gonna be fine i know just what to do i'm gonna ban her from the server yeah you are never going to see aphmau you meaty oh my god i know how to deal with hackers on this server [Music] exploded off mouse house see you later losers bye [Applause] get back here hater is out to get off now um so uh yeah what do we do we need to find athlete and protect her at all costs da that meanie was mean to her wait you were mean to hear her too uh yeah but i'm like a destructive mean and that what's personal mean well also maybe aphmau is smelly and she's dumb probably has cuties and you know other dumb stuff like okay fine whatever we need to find aphmau now they really do care [Music] pranks no i feel really bad i don't want to be mean maybe i should play this a bit more and let them save me yeah if i come back as that now and they save me they'll be happy right i don't want to be mean isn't that the nice thing to do right i should be good um i'll just uh yeah i could just you know see huh what was that well it's probably nothing okay all right i need to tell them the truth nothing but the truth i can just walk up to them and tell them what's going on oh yeah we'll just we'll just add a couple more things we'll make this really sick [Music] [Music] wait what i uh so casey's right it it already got the got the rest of us so uh we're safe but you need to stay in here so we can't get you oh okay okay all right i'll spray your safety oh okay uh we're just gonna leave you here uh go ahead and uh don't worry i'll take care of things oh i fell insane all right you know what that trap works wow um okay oh no i can't tell them they're trying to protect yourself okay all right you know what i i have to play the character i have to do this i have to commit to it just gotta make sure we don't give anything away she's gonna be safe down in there just fine but we've got to play it cool and we can't know that she has a oh my gosh what are you three just hanging around by my house there's nothing important here definitely not hiding it wow this place looks super lame it looks like a place where some like dumb ass now would hide what uh what no obviously she's not here yeah cause this face is way too cool for her yeah well and if she were to be in a secret base it would probably be somewhere around here oh my god no no no no no no it's fine it's fine she won't get past the defenses wow look at these differences they're really bad you know what i'm just gonna go over this way how about that wait no what no one should have been able to get through that oh did you guys forget okay so after would probably be in here right she just without any not any problems she shouldn't have been able to get through any [Music] what if you hung out with me instead wait a minute hang out with you okay you know what that sounds like fun i don't want to see this dumb ass now anyway i hate her oh good stuff all right let's go have some cake and then i'll get my revenge on aphmau why do i want revenge on her i don't know i just hit her oh [Music] well that's a dumb plan so we know you're new to the server what do you like to do with minecraft i like diamonds and i like finding aphmau server and you know just like she's selling your cakes also i like pranking people so i think i'm gonna go to appnas's house and finish the job bye that's so mean she does mean pranks um um hey don't you stop what i'm out of ideas [Music] that's it no more mr nice saying get out of our server oh yeah what he said probably yeah whoa where are you going oh yeah pierce she's really mean oh we got stuff oh sorry i yeah i fell asleep for a bite [Music] why didn't i leave the door hanging open i'll i'll set your house on fire she's back inside wait and no oh good place i've got a better yeah i got some here too you could just put some of that there hi no don't blow up that tnt you may just like you know get rid of it oh yeah so you want us to blow her up hey [Laughter] [Music] [Music] oh [Music] oh run [Music] okay i i think that something's going wrong i don't i don't think that's good oh okay something really bad is happening oh no no kidding you're okay though right like you're not under that girl's control anymore uh no yeah okay that's okay that's fine like i said we love you and everything's gonna be okay yes the the fire of our friendship is going to protect you from that thing yeah that's so sweet as well as the fire from our flamethrowers earlier to protect you here i got an extra let's get this whoa look out what in the world is that so is this really what they mean with my fire friendship uh i think so okay this is giant and hearts barn meanie bird [Applause] i'm the one who let minnie on the server what what why why would you do that yeah because ian saw that nobody liked me and i figured that maybe if someone really didn't like me then i don't know i'm sorry no i mean it's okay it's it's understandable i mean ian gets under my skin too yes save he fired me i think i realized something not everyone is going to like you and that's okay i'm just happy being me i don't want to surround myself with people that don't like me that's not how to live i'd rather have like one or two good friends and people who are close to me like you guys who like me enough to call me your friend so just one or two of us are friends of yours no no no all of you guys like everyone here oh okay let's go just do it let's let's let's calm down well that that means me too right you can admit that you like me too actually i do or else i'd kick you off the server a long time ago that makes a lot of sense um yeah i get it i don't hate hey i gotta get out of here um i don't hate you either here let me help you out durian what there you go looks like you're the one who fired him
Channel: Aphmau
Views: 14,659,404
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Aphmau, Minecraft, Minecraft funny, Minecraft mods, Minecraft Aphmau, Aphmau pranks, Aphmau Minecraft Pranks, Aphmau Gaming, Aphmau Games, Aphmau Pranks Friends, Aphmau Playing As, Aphmau Aaron
Id: cD-r5cg0O7A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 28sec (1288 seconds)
Published: Fri May 27 2022
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