Who KILLED APHMAU In Minecraft?!

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[Music] thank you aaron and thank you aaron all the potatoes happy valentine's day be sure to treat yourself and like and subscribe thanks for this minecraft server has big murder when someone tries to get rid of me i'll pretend they won and go undercover to find who is believe i guilty it oh this had a low spot right but i finally found the diamond sapling i'm gonna put you right here oh so perfect okay it took me a whole fourth to cut down i had to burn some trees i had to get some but you know what i got it and that's perfect all right i need to find a stupid place to make it grow it's gonna stay right there in my treasure vault stay right there okay all right and it should be sick here it'll take someone really smart to find that if they could [Music] if someone followed me they would really try to get that sapling it's somewhere all right [Music] you know what i'm just gonna open it don't mind if i do all right let me see let me let me see what this is like that was a oh that was a big explosion of okay i am uh getting out of here uh okay that was crazy there's a sheep and a cake uh okay maybe i'll just grab some and just eat a little what is trying to get me here i can't believe this there's so much explosions happening okay calm down i fell it's just got to be a coincidence right this is okay all right no no this can't be cool why is there chickens coming out of here they're all exploding chickens are exploding who would do that why is there a gold anvil i gotta get back to my house okay all right i don't remember there's so much happening guys help oh no no no no aft was that you i saw the whole thing what happened i almost died insane no you almost died in it are you okay i think i think someone was trying to kill me oh my goodness it would do such a thing i mean no i don't think anyone in this server would try to die did you yeah not even me unless she had something i super wanted maybe you should take a break i mean it was probably a prank gone wrong or something what say it was probably ian no no no no no this was not my prank my prank was to explode your house [Music] you know i put the tnt in the wrong house [Music] time for you to learn your colors starting with red zayn i i i really think that i i just need to get out of here something you just need to come into your room here and calm down it was just a prank gone wrong but but scene aft just go into your room and calm down okay fine oh here off now here's a good look this will relax you thanks you're welcome i mean honestly her trunk thinking someone's going to kill her yeah it's so silly i can't believe this is those two making me come up to my room you know what i'll prove it i'm gonna find out who was trying to do that to me and i know just the way to do it right and perfect all right let me put the knife down and there all right now all i gotta do is take this command block and let me just hide it in here just in case there we go perfect button and then that spout's been what what's going on i don't know we gotta get it [Music] [Music] but i don't know what it means she was indicted oh ah this is awful why didn't i believe her what should we do she was in danger this whole time hey guys hi kitty hi hey how's it going and no one knows how really who did it that's what i'm going to find out it was one of us she said someone was out to get her and whoever it is is still here on this server [Music] we are going to get to the bottom of this i am keeping my back turned away from all of you there's a door there though so oh okay you know what i'm gonna go help him i will slowly back away too cause zayn did it it seems smart i gotta [ __ ] it i'm not afraid to use it i'm getting the back out who tried to murder me no matter what all right everyone's in their houses someone's gotta go back to my house right there's a mortar there oh there's ian all right [Music] watch where you're going what zayn i want everyone to clear the area here this is an official crime investigation here whoa what oh it's you oh i'm investigating why are you here well i am too and plus i've got an outfit and a badge oh but didn't [Music] that does not matter i have been on this server longer than you and i have official authority in this investigation well i know but i'm new here so maybe i can help what if i'm investigating you you just showed up here nobody hardly knows you very suspicious timing as well what if i don't know if it's you what are you kidding me bathmat is my best friend why would i do that no but i know that i don't know you so also how could i do it i just logged on after it happened okay fine i guess it gives you a good reason all right you can assist me on this we have to go question people no no right now we have to see if aphmau left anything behind you know like the evidence and stuff like that so come on in here why do i have to see this again in this cruel world its joy is always fleeting your friends always leave you behind whether by voluntary or by force [Music] well yeah i mean there's got to be a way to you know what i think i may have something that might be able to help us out hang on a minute uh let's see do i have something here and oh yes yes i've got this right here like this is a clue finder this should be able to help us track out any specific pieces of evidence that we need to find through here oh perfect but how do i know you're not gonna use that to hit me huh when i got my back turned huh huh okay okay if you feel that way why don't you go ahead and use it oh okay all right let's see um it finds clues see if we got anything around here with the clue finder whoa hey huh there's some wool here blue interesting there's some gold over here it's a gold what a nugget oh now this is starting to get even more interesting i know right oh my god there's crumbs of cake over here detective zane what yeah now it's three times more interesting there must be something over here oh there's some [ __ ] glasses over here too oh even more interesting than three times you got some investigating to do okay so we've got wool gold cake crumbs and glasses right now this could specifically lead to four people i know oh let's go let's get in the car i just wanted to drive a car wait no no you no you don't do the driving i'm the detective i get to drive all right so my first clue that i want to follow is the cake crumbs i believe i know who it leads to yes exactly casey open up the door um i'm i'm really busy at the moment uh casey come on just open up what are you doing in there oh um i'm making cakes or or not bacon cakes i i don't i don't know the right answer what was that that's it we're coming in missy i kicked the door open oh [Music] how could you i can't believe you of all people what why are you that cheating how could you that it's what red icing let's keep looking around here there's gotta be something else we can find [Music] there's purple icing in the fridge purple icing what is the meaning of this casey um it's yummy hmm a likely my story where there's smoke there's fire i guess i'll just have to go [Music] that makes sense now she got away she must have lit her house on fire to escape us from finding the truth she's highly suspect let's go back in the car let's go who are we gonna see next detective following the blue wool clue that we found i think pierce is suspicious in something but now this time we need to be sneaky i don't want to go busting in this time sorry i'm hot tim exactly hold you back now that is suspicious all right you know what i think we need to get more evidence yeah i wonder what those question marks could have been about let's go inside quietly [Music] okay oh hi hi how's it going hey [Music] well well well looks like someone has a guilty conscience yeah are you scared because the minecraft detective showed up to your house hi who are you i don't even know spill it pierce where is the green sheep you used to murder rathmau yeah wait wait wait wait you see my sheaf oh oh i'm so glad you guys pay attention to my new sheep oh i'm so glad oh thank goodness oh no sheep ah yeah well i was you know i was trying to dye him i was trying to like do colors and stuff like that right but you decided to died at now instead oh god i mean i'm pretty sure my sheep is still out there i just don't know where my new sheep went all right let's go search for it come on pierce you're staying with us oh okay yeah i'm not taking my eye off of you get in the car i'm driving [Music] where are we going we're gonna go find your sheep oh good yeah i like that this is cheap there's the seat oh night detective zane are you here i'm coming yeah you're slow poke come on we're fighting a sheep well if you didn't just peel off like that it what the sheep i think so oh but it looks like it's dealt with sheer terror come on buddy let's get you home i don't even have you so do i even have a chance to name them yet i'm getting out of here have fun with your investigation guys figure out who murdered that power and stuff let's see if he had cheered somewhere around this area there might be some traces of it hey look there's some move here and it's green and that means the shearing must have happened recently we need to investigate this house i agree we've been staking out here forever we could've just gone in i know i just wanted to see if there's any suspicious activity going on but fine it might be best to go with the direct approach yeah let's trust him get him wait what look out what hey hey what are you doing hey well well i think we found our culprit what what zane what are you talking about you're under arrest ian i i am not under any restings or naps [Music] we found some gold at the scene of the crime yes yes it all makes perfect sense wait you found gold see he admits it no no guys i would never leave gold behind besides i spent the whole morning setting up tnt at noyes house then why did he need to attack us you guys have been standing outside staring at me all day it's creepy besides why would i want now gone i thought you didn't even you know no one plays pranks with me like she does kenny can i talk to you for a second yeah yeah i don't know he sounds like he's serious about this [Music] if you really didn't do this do you want to help us try and find out who did uh okay oh well i guess that was easy that was really easy actually yeah uh uh how can i help well um kim we gotta mistake him she's right there she's the last one that we haven't investigated yet guys we gotta go in quietly kim is very gentle from what i can tell all right very quiet and then we're just gonna yeah she loves doing that yes you may enter oh oh thanks oh sure yes step right into my domain [Music] we're here to ask you about broken glasses yes have you seen them before i have not but they can't be mine for mine or on my face oh she's got a good point yeah that is a good one almost too good what did you do to half out in calm down that's not how we do it i didn't do anything i've been trying to contact her now kim jong let me ask you what did you do yeah i haven't done anything i'm trying to contact her using magic and spirit stuff [Music] what are you guys talking about come follow this way oh come on whoa [Music] okay hang on where'd you get this gold never you mind we shall now speak with the spirits okay everybody step on the pressure plates in the room luckily we have just the amounts that we need moms come over here is she supposed to talk to us through this yes with all our connections in this room we should be able to speak to her from beyond the crane if you were there please give us [Music] this is too much i i can't do this zane [Music] thanks for your help kim we'll find that person who did this come on in okay okay no problem see you later where did he go i think he went home he got away too fast the one person i haven't investigated yet is zayn is you oh is it going after the whole thing how could i have done it sorry yeah okay so hmm ian you want to help me investigate zane yes yeah i think uh i i took care of that we need a bigger distraction i don't think it's he's falling for it all right i'm gonna go inside create a distraction ian what is it that you need right now perfect what's that are you distracted what is happening in here a machine and lamps this is all the stuff the glasses the gold oh my gosh look what he's doing he's the one who no sane okay i gotta get out of here [Music] well well well hi i'm afraid the jig is up kitty but unlike with aphmau i'm not going to fail um um what [Music] gotta get over here and i gotta i gotta let's do it [Music] one day [Music] no no way that that was just a misprint that that that's not what it looks like [Applause] no whoa what's going on on the servers dave what's going on with your house you know he is just being the rascal he is you know zayn oh yeah say what's going on down here it's a secret lab we go down there everybody see down there oh no zayn the glasses the gold all of this stuff was things that was used to try to murdered me earlier okay fine it was me i was the one who tried to die to you why not for the reason you think what you see i always work on machines and sometimes i need diamonds for those machines but you were too busy to see that those very diamonds were [Music] okay fine i just needed the diamond sapling that you found a diamond she totally found a diamond sapling in the forest [Applause] [Laughter] you'll never catch me [Music] i broke my back
Channel: Aphmau
Views: 18,641,657
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Aphmau, Minecraft, Minecraft funny, Minecraft mods, Minecraft Aphmau, Aphmau pranks, Aphmau Minecraft Pranks, Aphmau Gaming, Aphmau Games, Aphmau Pranks Friends, Aphmau Playing As, Aphmau Aaron
Id: sqgmsGRv6fI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 33sec (1413 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 14 2022
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