Aphmau Crew NETHER vs END | NOOB vs PRO Build Battle

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the aphmau crew has their biggest dilemma yet as we decide which material is better to build with blocks from the nether or blocks from the end it's only 30 minutes on the clock whose house will make you say wow that's for you to decide in this episode of new verse Pro oh and don't forget to like And subscribe what makes a better house a better house yeah with the materials that we chose and I chose nether clearly because there's more materials in the nether did you say that but whose box has got more stuff huh okay you chose the end and it looks like ugly stuff listen I I just there's too many blocks that's why I just might be blocked one of each type of block because there's all these blocks have stairs and slabbies and all that fun stuff chiseled versions you know all that just sounds like to me is too much work and too many decisions to make Mac I kept it with a simple set of tools and I'm going to build the best house you've ever seen we got 30 minutes to do it Mac okay 30 minutes just prove that the nether is gonna grab all this so I buy okay so we have to build a house with materials I left all my stuff in the chest because like honestly there's way too much and I have a vision okay so I want to build like a cottage which we have quartz access so we'll do like a smooth cords because it's white we have this option for a roof and let's pull some warped wood again don't quite know where we want to go with it but there's a lot of options here a lot of cottages have like a white middle pieces and they're like panels right so maybe we can let's see I always feel too close to that thing so let's kind of oh it makes a weird sound okay you know what that's fine so maybe we just go like this build a square of some sort we have to just like dictate our panels so we'll probably build the frame first something like this and then panel panel I don't know how many each panel should be five we need a window and then it'll come up like this or if it's not too big because then it'll be five six two two the window you know I think that'll be fine I think I think that's good probably that seems right all right anyways let's uh bring this this okay that was an accident [Music] one two three four five move your butt one two three four five wait hold on what one two three four five I did seven I mapped wrong why didn't you go why didn't you tell nothing correctly you're you're supposed to be a homie and tell me God rude one two three four five this one will be like this and then theoretically one two three four five one two three where the door is gonna be should I do like a balcony or something I I don't know that's a future Meez problem we haven't really thought that far yet so we'll worry about the door later we're just gonna build the house and then actually no I need to worry about the door hmm I had not thought of this maybe the door is like right there they kind of off to the side right is that kind of cottagey and then the rest of this can be like a thing that way we're sticking with the theme then this is bigger on this side I think it's fine though is it fine am I just making this up and it's really not fine and is it stairs like that it goes up into the house or is it a deck I haven't thought that far it could be something kind of like this and then maybe it's like that yeah I kind of like that I think that looks good and then what is it like a two-story house is it a one-story house what is the house doing with its life where are the windows maybe the windows are kind of like this is does that look good and then what do the windows look like on this side I don't know I feel like they need to be in the middle otherwise it just isn't gonna look good did I make this too big already no it's probably fine I think we're just gonna go finish these windows okay so all of these are here but now what let me shank I don't know I feel like I don't like it I feel like it needs something like more more depth in the cottage like it just doesn't feel cottagey I'm just gonna play around with this one side let's like put the glass in like wait do I can I put glass in I guess I can't put the glass in right so let's do warped we'll do fences maybe or maybe we'll do what's the other one Crimson we'll just see what these look like we'll get some options here something like that and then yeah that kind of looks like a shutter actually do we like that though and is that how high the house is gonna be if that's the window that means the floor the whole thing needs to be risen then what does that mean for the deck oh God these are problems that I wasn't anticipating well do we even like that hold on let's see it lower and see what we like I don't know what I like I I just made this up as I went so you know yeah I think I like the lower well I don't know I can't ask you guys because you're watching this right now and uh you weren't here when I built it so well I don't know which one do you guys like better I like I truly do wonder I don't know if I'm gonna make the right decision or not because you're not here to help me but what if we did kind of like this that kind of helps a little bit I think I like that better hey Mac just letting you know we've got about uh 20 minutes left 20 minutes 20 minutes how are you feeling what's going on what's uh lay it on the old Uncle Shadow uh uncle's Shadow Uncle Shadow oh okay okay making them look cute I have the walls up but I don't have a floor or roof I decided to build it from the walls up so that is a fascinating Choice there ma'am I don't know if I'm gonna regard it but I think I will probably regret it so you're gonna regret somewhere yeah yeah probably you're gonna be regrets how's your process I'm doing great uh I I've had though I still think I have the Superior Building Material obviously obviously and I already have one two three four different color is going on how many colors do you have four colors yeah four colors you don't have four colors and N blocks Shadow and what are those what are the colors on those tell me purple and yellow not not there's also a dark gray in between each of the uh the blocks on each and a dark purple on the purple but wait like a version or yeah if you if you look at the texture it's got different colors on it these are semantics these are semantics yes that's all I've got Mac okay don't you dare take those semantics for me I guess I guess whatever helps just leave at night my dude I need lots of things to help me sleep at night oh okay oh yeah yeah so time is good for you then you're you're feeling good about where you are for right now yeah I think I'm doing okay yeah I I I I could I could feel worse yeah definitely definitely could feel worse I'm now working on the floor I picked a color and I've added a fifth one so there very nice very nice I am having I was I was curious as to how chorus fruit grew and I'm learning very quickly how does it grow uh quickly oh I mean you're not physically learning quickly you mean that it grows quickly I mean it grows quickly oh okay Kinda Yeah yeah that's kind of what's happening okay well uh good luck with that shadow I wish you the best yep I guess check in in a little bit if you uh come into problems like I want to know about it you just want to know my problems don't you uh maybe because obviously nether is the right choice and I just wanted to make sure uh that it was the right choice oh my God there's a creeper where did you come from you need to know that it's the right choice is it is it the right choice then Mac I don't know about that that sounds like you're not very certain I don't know but a creeper literally just spawned in my house while I was turned my back was turned oh such a shame anyway back you got about 18 minutes left oh okay don't worry about the creepers I'm sure they're normal I don't think I don't think they are I don't think they just spawn like that you sure yeah whatever anyway good luck thanks um Honestly though why is there a creeper in the house that was weird was it always here can you rewind the tape uh maybe because obviously nether is the right choice and I just wanted to make sure uh that it was the right choice oh my God there's a creeper where did you come from hmm that is pretty weird oh well okay anyways I guess we'll just keep getting the building because uh we don't have time to worry about a stupid creeper maybe he lives here I don't know I'm kind of I don't know I'm kind of weirded out by it all right so I went with this for the flooring uh because it looked like a cool pattern oh how where are you coming from my dude anyways okay we need to worry about the roof I kind of want an A-frame but what are you made out of that's the question I mean we have the Crimson on the bottom we have a lot of blocks to work with if we decided to choose Crimson I don't know maybe we do what would we do like dude would it hold on would it be this low stop or would it be one Higher like that I think I kind of like it lower something like that and then no okay ER I don't want to stink and see a bunch of breads so you know what to protect me from embarrassment of bras we're gonna do the real thing homage yeah I couldn't montage Lynn [Music] [Music] okay obviously we're not done with the roof even though I said we were going to finish the roof in a montage not done yet that's okay I wanted to maybe try something I don't know if I have enough time to try something but I thought I would maybe give it a go let's just letting you know we're down to about 13 minutes 13 minutes back 13 minutes okay I was just saying how I wanted to try something and I didn't know if I had enough time to try something and um so yeah I definitely don't have enough time to try oh no poor Mac am I hearing that possibly the they're just too many choices with the Nether and it's making it difficult for you no definitely not it's more so um that I wanted to try building a roof a different way than I always build a stinking roof um and I thought I could try something uh different but now I I don't know I don't know if I have enough confidence to try something different if I'm being honest well I'm doing something very different and my ability to do so it hangs mostly on the thanks to the fact that I only got like five bucks to work with packs like a bubble on the creativity flow today wow okay Shadow way to just like put it in in my face like that I'm just saying less is more mac less is more and more and that is what I'm working with today I don't know if it is more I feel like it it's more stressful because then you don't have enough pretty blocks and then you're constantly like oh man is this an ugly build I don't know you know let's be honest builds are that I'm not too worried about that one you know what I'm saying Shadow your skills aren't that ugly oh not that ugly thanks yeah thanks you're welcome thanks for the vote of confidence back you know I always look to you know when I'm in those moments where I'm not quite sure about what I'm doing with my life I always look to you Mac and you're always like Yep they're all new somewhat ugly I appreciate that well we're down to 10 minutes so good luck oh great thank you okay 10 minutes to potentially try something new so what I wanted to try was maybe like going up well this technically has a whole thing but I don't want to redo it just in case so what if we went up and then hold on if we went uh it's gonna Crest like that so like the whole thing would go up you know what I'm saying like this we're just gonna see how we like do we even I don't think I like that it looks like a Schoolhouse oh great okay all right back to the back to the right the regular the regular messages of of this house it's we're doing a normal style I honestly I really just don't have the time I just don't okay um montage [Music] okay so now let's get the back of this all ready to go and then we have to decorate which I'll honestly say for you to see with Shadow uh because I don't really know what I'm gonna do and I need to kind of think about that in silence okay what did I do on the other side I think I did something like this all the way across oh actually I think I did it lower just so it went right over the Windows like that and then whoops oh I guess is it this way I guess it's not it's like this and then what uh the windows are one two three two three cool I can do that that's easy peasy lemon squeezy okay yeah that looks good okay I am going to decorate the inside of the house and you'll see the finished product when Shadow does all right Mac we had 30 minutes to try to build the ultimate end house that another house he was pronounced the word nether not not was the best end house and uh here is my wondrous creation [Music] whoa okay Shadow yeah yeah I decided to go a little you know a little abstract art kind of energy today yeah your roof is um it's not gonna protect you from the rain no but it provides sufficient shade and that's all I was looking to do okay got some nice beds here because that's what passes for beds in the end I see yes you got some little shulker dudes oh yeah plenty of shulker boxes lots of storage you know try to make sure that they you know whoever's living here knows that they can put any other stuff there anywhere they want you got jeans head too of course wait Gene yeah the dragon's name is Gene no yeah oh [Music] I just wanted to pet him and then he went away oh yeah look at this though this is a really unique roof I like it yeah yeah I was really playing around with it was it an accident or ah I know I was just kind of playing around with it it was like you know what I'm doing something weird today because I I very quickly realized I was just building a box and I was like I don't want a box I wanna I wanna do something cool so I ended up cutting the box and turning working outside the box let's say [Music] fruit plants yeah they grow a lot more than I thought they would they're still growing yeah I didn't I just put them down I did not do any of this that's awesome yeah yeah you got a little light guys this is great Shadow thank you thank you this is actually really good I'm a little worried now I had fun with this one all right yeah it looks great um all right let's go take a look at yours back all right Shadow I present to you the better house the better house nether Cottage Cottage oh look at this yeah a little cottage Jack first off I love your little like groomed like hedge trees that you've built here that's pretty fun they look really nice I got yourself nice a nice roof you got yourself a nice the windows look really nice I gotta say since no neither of us had glass I see who both of us glass I don't know if glass is in the end it might be it might be I was like I'm not gonna play around I'm just gonna I'm gonna use the things that are core to the end just figure it out as you go whoa okay and then we got some Basalt happening on the ground some nether brick and then there are chests in another Fortress thingy yeah that's true that's true yeah put some chests there yeah I guess I could have done that much well I got shoulder boxes are there chests in the ship I think there are but ultimately you know shoulder box is just the better chest anyway so even though you're not wrong so that's what I'm saying that's why the end's the best let me put some plans here because I didn't know what else to do without uh having bookshelves I like I like the design of that yeah it's looking pretty good Mac Wonders work this this is a so what cards on the table I'd rather live in your house than in my house uh yeah if I was like some like yours is like an art museum on the art museum design but I I'm not sure if I want to live in the art museum yeah your your house is more like um like I don't know why I get like Andy Warhol Vibes sure sure I'm into it yeah I don't know it's just kind of like there I like it I'm also into it well friends it looks like we built two very different homes so oh yeah you need to tell us then which one you like better is it by Night Night at the Museum or is it I like that that's good yeah they're Cottage let us know in the comments and let us know who you thought wasn't this one in particular and if you have any other suggestions for things you want us to build or verse let us know because uh we like a little versus action let us know in the comments all right until next time friends we'll see you later [Music]
Channel: MacNcheeseP1z
Views: 16,482
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Aphmau Crew NETHER vs END | NOOB vs PRO Build Battle, Aphmau Crew NETHER vs END, noob vs pro versus, building a house from nether blocks, building a house from end blocks, aphmau crew noob vs pro, macncheesep1z noob vs pro, noob vs pro build battle, noob vs pro, aphmau crew builds, builds using end blocks only, builds using nether blocks only, minecraft house ideas, macncheesep1z from aphmau, mac from aphmau, mac and pierce noob vs pro, mac and shado noob vs pro, mac minecraft
Id: SUQWkwpp5TE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 58sec (1198 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 21 2023
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