Aphmau crew builds their DREAM HOUSE | NOOB vs PRO

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the athmel crew is building their dream home in minecraft shadow and i have 30 minutes on the clock who will build the better home that's for you to find out in this episode of new verse pro build your dream house must use item this will light things on fire so uh we have to be strategic with it definitely won't put any wood next to it no no sir all right with that we got 30 minutes let's go ahead and hit this up in three two one go okay so my dream home is actually like a beautiful mid-century modern gorgeous um modern glass so let's find all of the above okay not dark enough you know what it's fine we need to get to building this thing which uh i always find luck building the like main structure of it first and i don't know what that's gonna be and i have to use lava okay so let's do like something tall enough yeah that looks tall enough whatevs that's not why i did not you know what it's whatevs okay uh this whatevs is gonna be the theme of today's video okay so we i kind of want that to be the door what do i want that to kind of be the lava structure what if we have like a little brown moment right here that kind of goes all the way up that i think would look kind of cool i don't have a lot of space on this side so maybe we'll bring back um like a stark structure like this and then what if it's glass so this will be like a framed glass wall okay so that's that after we have a wood structure maybe it's kind of inset a little bit and then this can be like a window of sorts that's the door the whole thing is going to be glass this will be another glass window i think oh my god we'll just leave that there it's a future me's problem okay and then we'll go maybe like oh my god okay and we'll go like this and then i mean all these fancy houses like i need a pool for my house right it'll be fine i don't even know how we're gonna do the roof drew is our roof person you mind if we just do a flat roof it'll probably be fine and build it like that okay so that is our base and then our door will be right there i kind of want this to be like a weird lava structure and then what if the door is right here because we need lava and then okay so what if we go what if we go like this and it's like this weird little thing that we have like we're kind of flexing flex in our lava skills then the lava will flow into it hold on this can't be wood because that will light on fire okay there we go and then we'll just go like that and then this will just all be lava the one lava stream to drop down and then glass in the front and i think that might look dope i should have done oh you know what i could do i could do acacia and that would kind of go against like the pretty lava the lava is going to have to come out of something hold on let's do [Music] that kind of looks nice or do we want to do no i think i want to do the dark glass i think i like the dark what does the light look like and too light i think i like the dark so okay so let's fill this can lava go through pains what if it can what if i'm wasting all this time and i'm gonna go through planes and y'all are just screaming at me like what am i doing we're trying our bestest [Music] okay that is good so then the lava can maybe oh if this is the roof and this is just where the lava comes from and we'll see what it looks like wait wait wait wait wait we got to go down there before it goes down there go down go down go down go down i'm flying what's happening okay we did it okay we had we had to make a little thing for it there oh my god it looks so good i love it okay yeah yeah this is going to be nice i like it i like it this is how our lava flows and then we'll kind of just go like that lava accomplished but i like my idea of doing the acacia instead because it will look nicely against the lava yeah okay that's some matching stiffs okay so i guess we're just gonna go all the way up and this is just kind of like an accent wall because people be having like accent walls i guess i don't know on the outside of their house i think that will be what we want this is gonna need to have its own framing for the glass to make sense however i think i want this to be like that and then maybe this can there's i'm not counting there's no there's no structure here it just exists just let you know mac we got ourselves uh less than 20 minutes left 20 minutes less than 20 minutes all right i've already dealt with my lava and i think i did a really cool thing with it yeah making it the it's it's the wow moment of the house so dang look at you go making all sorts of fancy stuff i have made two rooms i haven't made any rooms i don't know if i will have time to make rooms we are working on the outside of the house this is an outside house moment for us i don't know if we're gonna have time for inside house stuff so i focused exclusively on inside house stuff so we'll see interesting other setup will go for us uh probably fine maybe probably fine well good luck thanks okay yeah i think actually i don't like that uh shoot let's um you know what we're not um okay i don't like it i don't like it i don't like it i like it i want to make like a deck i think oh why don't i like it i hate that i don't like it we're just gonna go i should have looked at it before i did it all egg what are you doing to my house okay we're just gonna go like this i think this will maybe give it um like a moment yeah okay that gives it a moment a better moment i suppose if that's the door or maybe i kind of want this to be the door would this be a better door i think it would so hey it's wood and i said wood [Music] am i gonna have a grass house is it like is this what's happening right now is this how we're living i think i want like this to be oh god there's nundy don't steal my box mr andy please yeah i think that will be good i don't think i did it the same height which maybe is a good thing this will go here like that okay yeah we're kind of working in boxes here and this will be glass as well so we'll do this we have 15 minutes to 15 minutes shadow i don't like having 15 minutes left i still don't have what you would deem a house i mean certainly neither do i not even close to what you'd imagine a house to be feel like you're you're mocking me when you say it like that no no understand i i'll just tell you what i'm doing right now i'm building the interior of the house first and then i will build the outside after that oh why shadow why are you doing it that way because i want this i want the stuff inside the house that i'm gonna i'm trying to build okay um but a part of that is it it's taking some time okay oh i i trust your process don't i'm dropping it don't trust it it's a bad thing to trust uh i don't even know we're gonna have room am i even gonna have a bed like i have grass on the ground for my house shadow this is where i'm at i mean i i have a floor just no walls that's the difference all right i uh i think i've messed up a whole bunch so we're just gonna put this here and that's probably gonna be really bad for us in the end but we're not gonna worry about it we're just making it up as we go i i don't advise this plan uh okay let's see 15 minutes what can i do in 15 minutes okay i can at least have a proper floor so it is time to excavate we're excavating excavating the floors where we can get rid of all this stuff and we stink and excavate congratulations you made an advancement into the age i blast my way into the stone age good job i'm so proud of you okay so huh shadow yeah i hear explosions huh what are you doing making a basement oh okay as long as you're okay buddy okay so now we gotta make a floor while ideally i would like this to be like a fancy uh actually there's no reason why i can't just do a fancy floor and you know what it's fine we're not gonna do a fancy floor we're just gonna do birch for now because it's what's in my hand and we probably only have like 10 minutes left so let me just quickly just put this down all willy-nilly and then it's good see i told you it's gonna be good like this put some more glass because that's what fancy people have is glass everywhere um we have realized that we do not like a full glass wall she is not our friend ten minutes left ten minutes i was afraid you were gonna say that i still don't have what you would consider a house with ten minutes left uh i have decided to go do other completely useless things so i actually am in a similar spot in that regard but that's okay because i'm having fun uh did you use your lava yep i have i've employed my lava uh and it's it's gonna be where my uh where where where i make my tea oh okay that's a really good useful place for lava that's what i'm thinking is i just make myself a little t-zone i like that i don't have any zones i have um some walls but no roof yet and i just put the floor down and i hate it so that's where i'm at no it's gonna be great you've got this under control no problem no problem if shadow's confident that i got this i do appreciate it but i do not think i got this let's do like a backyard because we're extra and why not and let's bring some of this wood that we used in the front um into the house as well we've already made it hard enough for ourselves to figure out how we're gonna put a roof on this thing um so why not make it a little bit more hard for us i'm about to just put walls on this and call it a day though i probably should make this pains too oh wait it's the wrong color actually why do i like that color more no i probably won't even have time to put a bed down you know what we might just put a bed down and call in can i do i have time for a fireplace when i show shadow my house it's gonna be awesome maybe this is just like this and then we'll put the roof on and put a bed down and come with a day actually maybe we do like some sort of like tall window there maybe not maybe no maybe we do no maybe we don't yeah maybe we do yeah that looks fine okay all the way around all the way oh no what did i do it too short no wait why is all this too short uh hold the phone please okay yep yep yep yep yep yep yep oh yeah that side of the house is a different size and this side of the house i forgot i did that why did i do that oh no okay wait we'll do the room we'll do the roof we have five minutes five more minutes at least i'm putting a roof on my five-minute left house needs a roof i sewed a spine and i will not necessarily put one on i don't have a bed yet but that is future me's problems not currently problems so i love giving future me problems to deal with it's one of my favorite hobbies it is i i do it quite often [Music] no okay i gotta concentrate on this roof i don't know how we're gonna join these pieces together we don't even have a door um okay and then maybe we do this so it's like 3d oh my god be 3d geez all right uh okay that's good okay whatever so now we can add a door door what's a fancy door i guess this looks no we need to do this it's the only one that will make sense uh something like that and then we'll do oh i didn't deal with this uh i'll deal with it like this okay let's do our bed is gonna be in the corner right here why is it so sad okay trap door okay we could decorate this i believe us okay so we have a couple minutes left and we're gonna decorate uh so i can't talk bye [Music] mac we got about one minute left one minute one minute i'm um i'm trying to make a couch with one minute i'm trying to make a wall with one minute i don't like that oh wait how are you still making walls shadow i told you i built a house i built rooms first and then i built a house oh dear oh dear i thought i was in trouble i think you're in trouble boy i think i'm in trouble boy i would say you are in fact correct because we had 30 seconds oh okay i gotta finish this we gotta add some more light in here oh that's how you add light light i always think these look so ugly that's a rich people one that's okay i guess that's just gonna be what it is six oh i hate that okay it is what it is four three two one and that's done all right shadow i'm on my way okay all right so uh we had to build our dream home so we had 30 minutes to do it which is not enough time to build a dream home probably not nope okay we did our best and we've got uh this so i'll start here you ready okay yeah ready and welcome to my dream home oh there's no glass but you at least have a it's mostly an outdoor indoor home okay wow you have a dog in this big old yard this is looking good so my focus my priority list was making a bunch of stuff that i thought would be really important to my family you know sure so i want to make sure that bento who's that that's bento right there that has enough space to run around and have a nice big space in the backyard oh yeah yep nice big kitchen space so we got ourselves a lot of space with a lot of natural light and air and uh elements i can breathe very well in here it's very nice oh yeah no the allergies are intense oh we got a basement down here because i wanted to make sure that i was nice and quiet uh away from the rest of the the house oh is this your stream room this is my stream room with the green screen and everything uh you know microphone all that is it in my head and not in the real world on t right there so you can grab you're swimming in the hot tea uh zone that's fine that's cool sure sure yeah honestly a little human uh like like stuff in it is probably good for you i don't know no no i don't i don't think that's true it's probably necessarily true anyway so that's the uh that's the recording cavern down there recording cavern okay that's that's where the tnt came from is this the front room that no one's allowed to be in this the front room that was originally supposed to be kind of just like a communal space that people could hang out in uh i did not have enough time to furnish it so people can you know what it's officially the the the front yoga room oh you like it yeah yeah you want big open spaces without lots of things is this marissa's office this is maurice's office she gets to have a kind of a lowdown on the rest of the house she can see out behind her there is no great view great view she watched the yoga happening downstairs and all that good that's good and then back here if you don't mind the rain and other elements hitting you in your face uh this is the bedroom right here i like it nice lots of open space very airy very very cool you almost forget uh that there are no there are no torches in this entire house you don't even need them you you really need so much natural light and it will never be night all right well you're ready to see my house yep i'm ready to see your house all right let's see this is my house oh see this is gorgeous and again you're very good at building this mid-century kind of modern styles where you get a lot you got your boxes you got your glasses boxes and lots of glasses you get that lots of natural light yes you did some landscaping out here i did a little bit of bushes because gardening is my fav thing i do it as a hobby and then uh you know a kitchen real real nice long big kitchen like i like the trapdoors on the boxes i think that looks really nice up there you know and then a big communal table for people to chat and have conversation at uh some artwork that you're like hmm yes this is nice i'm very rich i have um i have this artwork here you know i gotta study up your table designs here this is way better than just putting a bunch of blocks down and calling it today with some carpet on there yeah you know what though that is much more creativity than i had today so that's fine and then a big old couch [Music] that's where you sit yep just like this that's how you do it and then of course room to jump on the bed so yeah of course yeah and that is my house oh it was your house all intentions of having a backyard but as you did uh running out of time so this is the backyard you got space for people to roam and hang out yeah i need a fence for bento because he will just keep running forward and just never stop running you know he's the same i need to kind of give him a sealed contained space or else he will run and run all right well i think that'll do it doug congratulations back on building yet oh another wonderful home thank you and as always friends uh if you like these videos be sure to like comment subscribe tell us who won this particular build challenge if you have any ideas on future builds let us know what you want please do that all those things i just said also don't forget to tell us who you like best we do look at the comments and i'll take your suggestions so uh it's true we love you guys bye bye
Channel: MacNcheeseP1z
Views: 134,551
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Aphmau crew builds their DREAM HOUSE | NOOB vs PRO, aphmau crew noob vs pro, dream house build, minecraft modern house, minecraft modern dream house, how to build a modern house in minecraft, macncheesep1z minecraft, macncheesep1z minecraft with aphmau, macncheesep1z modern house, macncheesep1z building a house, mac from aphmau, macncheesep1z, minecraft build battle, minecraft challenge, minecraft noob vs pro, mac and cheese plz, macncheeseplz, mac n cheese plz, aphmau crew, mac
Id: 8UFqIXqsM0o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 3sec (1203 seconds)
Published: Fri May 20 2022
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