Aphmau Crew builds for their VALENTINE | NOOB vs PRO

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hey friends macintesley's here today shadow temple and i are facing off in a build battle to build something for our sweethearts but get this our significant others get to choose who wins this contest if you're enjoying this video then don't forget to like and subscribe okay so it says build a tribute to your sweetheart that's nice so we know both of us got someone special in our lives and i think it would be fun maybe if we were to build something that would you know just celebrate that person yeah and also here's a little extra bonus i'm going to throw on are you ready for this okay i'm ready how about instead of us like judging each other's stuff to see who who we thought was the best build what if we put them in in order to figure out who had the better build okay so i bring drew on and you bring marissa on and then they get to say who did it best that's exactly right make sure you stick around to the end of the video to see how our yeah how marissa and drew thought we thought we did in this one i think okay this is gonna be fun because we'll be fun so uh what's in our chest cause remember we have to use the item in our chest that's right that's right uh zombie spawning and an anvil and a name tag so it doesn't despawn so we have to incorporate a zombie somewhere in our build and it has to make sense and as always this is a timed effort right yep we got 30 minutes on the clock go ah 30 minutes okay okay okay okay okay so i of course drew loves loves loves jacuzzis every single recording we do he's always making jacuzzi so i think it would be really fun to tribute him uh with a fun little like jacuzzi pool build he likes the color orange so uh let's see tara high spell terracotta okay we'll get um this block i think that will look good with some courts maybe some of this action maybe some of this section we'll see what that looks like we'll probably want to do a diving board at some point okay so that'll be good for right now i think i want this to be an in ground pool so let's do one two one two three four how big do we want it to be okay one two one and then one two one two three four okay so this will be a good indication i think that's is that too small okay you know what we only have 30 minutes so i don't want to go too big and then not be able to finish the build so i think i think this will be good drew will understand even though i know that he's gonna want like the world's biggest jacuzzi but let's be real we don't have that kind of time we don't have that kind of time so i guess we just excavate excavated excavation station oh my gosh i wish i could do this faster okay okay how deep are we gonna do it because we have to fill it with water too though i do know a special trick to fill things with water so okay maybe we go one more deep because we want it to be deep enough to where when we put our decorating layer in it's still pretty deep whereas the decorating layer will take up a block space so we we have to keep that in mind shadow how you doing how are you gonna uh tribute to uh marissa i i think i'm doing okay so far i i'm building up uh i'm building up the front wall of the place that i'm building okay it's taking time but i'm getting there you know step by step how's yours going pretty good i was wanting to do what i'm doing a little bit bigger but then i realized i only have 30 minutes which by the way how much time is on the clock right now oh we still got just over 20 minutes left wait what it's been 10 minutes specifically we got 23 minutes left how is that even possible why would i lie because it would also be that i have less time listen i now i'm just concerned that i i again overdid it as usual yeah i feel that too i i don't know how far i'm gonna go with this particular not even not even a whole build just the facade just the front side of what i'm building here today this is yeah not not even just the outside the front of the outside there's there's nothing else done yet so far oh well okay well we'll check back in a little bit okay um it seems like shadow zoo is something really big i wonder what it's gonna be for marissa okay how about we guess what do you think shadow's building for marissa i think he's gonna build a ski resort or no no yeah ski resort final answer what do you think shadow's going to build for marissa or maybe like a robot or something i don't know okay so let's just add a singular layer of this and then uh to get the water in here let's break all this off we're gonna have to put glass down which i think will be faster than just trying to fill it with a million buckets of water okay so that's my pool area oh wait you know what we need to do is okay camp fire let's see let's hope that this works okay it does work it does work okay so then we'll go like this campfire down like that we'll put this down like this maybe one more here i think that will be good get the idea that it's nice and hot okay so now uh water how do i do the water how do i do the water okay let's do water um i was gonna do the glass glass the glass thing i guess i'll put that there for now so we'll fill the water break the glass this is usually best suited when you have a much deeper pool which originally i wanted this to be three blocks not two but it'll be fine okay so now we fill it is that did i do it yo okay and then we break the glass we gotta be careful to not break the design but just the glass listen i haven't bread yet i think actually i don't know that's a lie i don't know if i bread i might have bread but i don't remember buying so if you think i read let me know in the comments i think this is gonna be good we have to add a diving board of course a place for drew to add his 360s because like let's be real drew is gonna want a 360. uh oh okay i'm brawing there cool okay so now well we should probably mow some of the lawn right we should mow the grass oh oh geez geez i like the flowers but i don't like the tall grass uh hey just letting you know we got about 15 minutes left for this build just so you know 15 minutes 15 minutes what's that twin since about 15 minutes ago what lies nope sorry well i mean you're 15 minutes anyway yeah i got 15 minutes okay okay okay so what we gotta do in 15 minutes okay i can do this i can do this wait a second it's uneven why is it uneven uh this here is okay we could cover this up we could cover this up um this will go here this will go here and that will go there all right that looks good okay so now we need to build a diving board so we can do one here it'll be like a low dive and then we'll do like a high dive right here and then we'll go even higher something like that there we go yeah that looks cool okay so then let's do court we'll do let's do smooth quartz actually that way it looks nice and smooth and cool actually that's too much we'll go like that and then this two three yeah that's a high dive okay so now we need a ladder we need a way to get up there i don't think i like this block though it's too ornate let's do smooth quartz i think will be better and then maybe we use that um on like the outside i think that will look cool if we did like a decorative i don't know like a decorative thing there we go like that okay this doesn't feel very drewy though does it we need to make it better cooler i don't know what to do maybe it has like an area to chill like a bench yeah a chill spot um [Music] oh there we go that looks cool and then we could do oh i know carpet for beach towels so here we'll lay down a beach towel here which will look cool and then we can do iron this will kind of be like an umbrella something like that will this work i don't know if this is gonna work okay hold on string maybe i've seen this done before yeah okay so then no we need to do the string on this block level so that way we can go like this yeah oh my god look at me adding string who is she we don't know her okay so then we'll go like this for our umbrella okay okay just so you know we've got nine minutes left nine minutes nine minutes all right i'm adding decorative features wait you're already on the decorating part oh no well i i just feel like my i'm gonna be honest with you i feel like my design is kind of lacking like i had a solid idea but i think execution just wasn't as good uh-oh well i have an excellent design and terrible execution as well okay so we have similar problems yeah or at least you know i have a problem in that this may not be a building by the end of it and you have a problem of just maybe it not being as glorious as it normally is oh so now we'll do like a like a little mixture action like that okay i like that i like that and then we'll add bushes because of course bushes make everything look better so we'll do the azalea bushes and we'll put a bush over here we'll put a bush over here and put a bush over here oh my god what am i doing this isn't a bush it's a blockade all right something like that and then maybe something like this kind of like expanding it a little bit yeah i like that okay yeah yeah because that kind of gives it like more depth if it has like a cool design to it it almost looks like privacy bushes like this is like a private pool area you know how drew always has like cups in his hand we can't put a milk jug down but what we can do is do a pot so it looks like a glass of like milk or something or tea so we can do that and we'll put this down like that so that looks good oh my gosh okay this is really coming along okay so drew's favorite color is orange as you all know so we're gonna add some orange flowers into the mix we want them to look kind of natural oh my god the ladder i almost forgot that would have been so sad that would have been the worst if you can't 360. and then we could put a sign sign uh he loves acacia wood so we can do must have parental supervision to 360. okay there we go um okay anything else that we can add to our little drew mix oh wait some lighting some lighting so let's do lanterns we'll add the orange we'll do acacia fencing so we'll do stuff like like that we'll add a little something something like this okay there we go okay not bad not bad we got four minutes left four minutes okay i'm adding my lighting elements now i forgot about lighting i kind of did too but uh you know it's it's the it's the thought that counts right yeah yeah i i think i'm pretty much done like i don't know what else to add to it so i'm kind of just adding a bunch of stuff cool i'm not all right so we have our lighting anything else we have four minutes oh wait maybe we could do like a a towel area like like right here right like we need to uh oh my gosh i totally forgot about the zombie oh my gosh oh my gosh best friend best friend okay best friend best friend best friend oh my gosh i can't believe i almost forgot about it until until he he spawned it holy smokes okay at least they're alive so that's good best friend best friend best friend we got a lot of best friends here dude i forgot zombies burn in the sun oh no i'm glad i made mine just a black box of of nothing then i am lucky in the sense that i did a particular thing um but yeah i totally forgot about the zombies so glad i remembered with 90 seconds left yep and speedwitch got 15 14 13. you got it uh yeah i was gonna do this over here nine eight seven six two five i even add one there no four three two well that's that's it that's that's all we got all right that's it i think i'm good yeah all right shadow do you want to see each other's builds or wait until we bring on our sweethearts i think yeah just just a real quick look at each other's and then we'll we'll bring in our sweethearts all right look okay meet by the chests okay are you ready yeah all right let's let's do it let's uh see which one do you want to look at first uh let's look at yours okay let's let's go take a look so welcome to uh my piano bar which is just a big bar in the shape of a piano yep there it is i like it yeah come on inside take a look and enjoy the yeah it's it's mostly a box if i'm being honest i love it i love it oh and is this the bartender over here yep bartender chef we'll make whatever you want uh and we'll make sure that everything's good and we also bent over here of course clyde the bartender chef and bento the dog gotta have it that's really about it you can go upstairs we got some natural lighting up here that i really worked on because it was like you know it's otherwise it made a black box of darkness and i wanted to make sure i fixed that and yeah that's that's kind of it i like it i have enough time on this one but i i did my best i built what i could i yes as always wait a little bit over in terms of just what i wanted to do and not necessarily thought about what i could all right so over here is my area very cool so i decided to do a little jacuzzi yeah i won't go into too much detail until drew comes on but my colors are teal and drew really likes orange so i incorporated a nice little uh jacuzzi retreat yeah fully equipped with a uh some high dives in here yeah some high dives so that you can easily just 360 off um they're all they're all best friends they're all best friends yep i included all of drew's best friends here well i think this is super fun i love i love the the you know poolside attitude i love the color scheming i love the very clever use of of the of the zombies to kind of turn it into a whole pool party it's a pool party thank you thank you okay so let's be which let's go bring those friends on and see what they think yeah i think it was only appropriate that instead of just mac and i looking at these things that of course letting you guys judge that we bring in the people that we actually built these for so with me i've got my dear sweet darling fiance at the time of recording marisa wow that sounds very ominous like in that that status hopefully will change at some point and not necessarily just like tear off but yeah oh my gosh and we have my boyfriend drew is here it's just the voice of marissa yeah no no i promise she is floating in space next to me all right let's go with shadows first yeah let's go take a look all right so this again was built uh because in honor of you marissa okay wow wow you ready i'm ready and three two one wow it's a piano it is a piano cause you're the music lane why does this start on f [Music] i'm i'm impressed that you have at least the configuration of black cues in the right place i i at least i've looked at a piano before okay so the the exterior is definitely the main focus because we only had 30 minutes to build this just to prep you for the interior let's wow the grass flooring very natural yeah you know i i know how much you love being outside marissa so i i really set you up for for a nice one i did leave you a little music area a little music station play music wall you're also hanging out uh you got a couch oh okay that's it uh over here is uh clyde the bartender slash mac and cheese deliverer there's a bar in here this is the bar cafeteria lady worker man oh where's where's the bartender he's also the bartender oh okay it's like a day and night kind of thing by day he serves mac and cheese and by night he's the bartender poor clyde also bento's here bento our puppies right here oh little buddy hi buddy all right and then up here [Laughter] yep so that that was my my tribute to marisa uh completely uh very nice and decorative on the outside and hollow i missed bento i mean honestly with the the now that i know that you all had 30 minutes to build this this is really impressive i don't think i could have done this in 30 minutes yeah it was on the clock yeah 30 minutes and i used every last drop of that you must have been really happy oh yeah okay ready yeah let's go check out yours back tell me when tell me when when when oh i can't wait what is that is that a hot tub oh my god with diving boards with diving boards why are there there's zombies in my house oh your best friend they're my best friends okay okay you guys ready you guys yeah let's see let's see i want to see this dive [Applause] now watch out because best friends will bite oh yeah i gotta get out of there got the little orange carpet over here you gotta keep your feet nice and dry yeah you gotta dry it off make sure you don't slip yeah yeah you don't want to slip into the best friendville [Laughter] got a little place to lay down over here got some some flourless flour these are drinks they're drinks oh those are for bevvies these are your babies okay guys it's the moment of truth who did you feel did the best job representating their significant other all right i think so i mean how can i not love a hot tub that's built for 360 into that's filled with all of my own personal best friends but i do i do really appreciate given the time that y'all had just the the amount and just size of the piano it's like i i try to go for something large you could play something on that yeah i think i think that i don't know i don't know i can't pick i'm gonna so just for the just for the sake of picking i'm gonna i'm gonna say that i like the hot tub the best and marissa what do you got i like the piano house all right guys let us know who your favorite was in the comments down below yeah tell us what you think because apparently we can't decide but thank you for joining us thank you all so much for joining us for more minecraft don't forget to check out shadow's channel and see how he built his creation i'll put that link in the description down below oh and did you know i stream on twitch every monday and thursday at 9 30 a.m and on sundays at 11 30 a.m pacific i'll see you at twitch.tv mac and cheese please until next time bye friends
Channel: MacNcheeseP1z
Views: 222,730
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Aphmau Crew builds for their VALENTINE | NOOB vs PRO, aphmau crew build battle, aphmau crew noob vs pro, macncheesep1z builds, macncheesep1z build battle, macncheesep1z pierce, pierce from aphmau, mac from aphmau, macncheesep1z from aphmau, valentine build minecraft, macncheesep1z minecraft, macncheeseplz, noob vs pro build battle, minecraft build battle, macncheesep1z noob vs pro, noob vs pro build challenge, aphmau crew, shado_temple aphmau, macncheesep1z, minecraft building
Id: B2Hhxt9a1M8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 45sec (1305 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 13 2022
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