Minecraft but WHO AM I?

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who am I huh who am I aphmau Ian you're you what I you're you're who am I Zayn you're this is who am I players have to guess who or what they are mystery time and you're dead are you ready to guess who you are I can't we're gonna turn into something we don't know who we are we can't see ourselves someone step in the middle if you guess who you are you win if you guess wrong you get a strike strike out or time's up and you lose all right ready okay let's go what I want to go first oh no okay all right I feel I feel very short okay all right yes you are like me oh oh that's it um am I a uh a tiny tiny AKA normal size aphmau you could say that I guess is that a guess don't encourage him yes what are you I don't think you're that specific I mean what are you wait so so what what happens with the guests oh Yeah you sort of guessed one you guessed wrong all you have to do you have to do I am and then that counts as a guess your time's running out so you better hurry uh um okay so uh more hints more hits uh I'm I'm like aphmau I'm small um I am a tiny bug aphmau nope you're really going out on the limb but actually have none so actually you don't really have limbs none I got oh and I got two wrong okay um um you're not gonna get ahead of this game yeah yeah stay on top of it Ian [Music] I'm [Music] just ahead just ahead come on that's no fair all right my turn my turn my turn all right um all right okay oh there's a lot going on here really a lot yeah there's a lot going on in that corner I couldn't be bad as that right Ian I don't know what you're talking about yeah you know I don't love that yeah Don't Go Near him let's focus on the main attraction here okay okay all right am I one of you kind of all right am I Kim part of you part of you is I mean yeah I am Kim with a book oh no I am him missing a leg it so yeah I mean why two in a row let's okay put it this way you have legs but they are four of them and they're not necessarily yours I have four legs yeah so I'm there but there's also something else there maybe you need to have something hot to eat to clear your mind you know yeah I am super Kim okay I'm taking a look whatever what is happening here it's my favorite movie rakakuni yeah this trash Panda wanted everything [Music] I like him he's great okay so I'm seeing a lot of uh little things popping around me I'm assuming that I am smelly yeah very smelly some white really some one smelling I don't like this person oh okay so that so this person is not in the room right now you know like you don't like this person if I were to use the toilet I would think of this person but this person would also be in the toilet if I if I ate like too much Taco Bell and like okay all right answer your question it is somebody in the room no there is at least someone in there okay okay I got this am I being in a dumpster close in a toilet okay so don't give it away I'm not telling him I'm giving him something I want to help him okay so Ian's popping out of something no no Ian is in something that you would find in a toilet oh no are you I can't believe I'm saying this is is Ian inside a giant dookie [Music] let me look at this oh wow yeah no wonder Ian didn't like it okay yeah yeah I'm just gonna deal with my own self over here now this one oh boy okay [Music] okay I don't know is it anybody in the room yes uh yes it is okay okay is it she seems excited to tell you something is it is it a monkey no no no no no no no if it's someone in the room it sounds like Zayn didn't like this so is it's someone in the room and it and they're like oh gee you really narrowed it down for her ass it did help that you that you like this scene yeah you know I mean I mean look at the face I'm making like well look at the dog on it that is that is a vacant stare behind those eyes I'm gonna be something cool this time all right here we go wow wow [Music] wow we got two famous people here wow wait um wait so I'm not famous no okay not in these circles no no okay you're not you're definitely like a version of you you sort of got your wish Ian you are cool in a sense okay I I am uh I'm not human and I'm super cool I am a tiger what no no tigers are cool yeah but you're not a tiger and you're not cool what you you have stuff on your eyes that makes you look cool but you yourself are not cool so I'm wearing sunglasses yes you're like you're like um what's his name uh Remy's the Ratatouille rat the rat you're like the rats cooler like long lost not interested in cooking am I Chuck E cheese [Laughter] what I'm a rat with sunglasses oh I'm not Chuck E cheese she wasn't being cool think back to Ratatouille again wait is that gave me the answer okay whatever so we're going back to Ratatouille I'm a rat with sunglasses I'm not Chuck E cheese um oh my God I'm not famous I mean that you just that's pretty much it right there yeah yeah so I'm just a rat wearing sunglasses who's not a chef yeah um yeah look I gotta take a look so you got it yeah what am I you explain your dominance okay okay dominance I want to know what I am I wanna know what I am all right okay oh okay honestly um pretty close pretty close to what we we could be Bros okay okay am I a niece or am I a raw you're a me sir I'm specifically Amis yes okay I'm sorry I looked at Kim and I can't okay I'm a miss uh-huh uh let's go am I chunky choose no you are not cookie Choose You are a famous niece though oh look a mouse oh [Laughter] oh what what am I what's the matter it doesn't matter am I a moose too am I a miss a mouse or human not like us you know you don't even hang out with rats like you may know a rat but they're not really your friend yeah actually there's somebody one of your friend's friends and a traitor rat at that yeah yeah yeah your friends of a friend of a rat yeah you're very popular at this school oh am I okay very popular um and if I am I a nerd okay your friend is a nerd your friend is a nerd but not you but you have like the glass half the glasses okay all right you um you okay you're a wizard a father [Music] all right now comes the audience I am nothing like any of you huh not at all okay am okay am I what what just happened it's changed but you're still the same the same thing but yeah am I am I like a living thing or an inanimate object no you're a living thing you're a people Europe I'm people do I work with like animals okay [Laughter] you make music and you're very popular okay okay [Laughter] yeah that really narrows it down you gotta shake it shake it shake it off uh oh Shake It Off shake it up oh wait oh so am I am I Taylor I am Taylor Swift yeah hello hello again give me a hug wait now we're Team pulsing yay [Music] oh [Music] [Laughter] I said the theme I'll go first sure am I a Pikachu a version of a Pikachu I think we're all a version of a Pikachu yeah I think that goes without saying okay so much I am balloon Pikachu no you are not no okay uh think more think more modern more futuristic very Sleek I'm a cyberpunk Pikachu [Music] feed like am I like a Roomba and Aruba is a type of a type of machine yes put that together am I a robot Pikachu yeah oh my oh very futuristic wow okay all right okay so I'm assuming we're all in the peak of variety here [Music] [Laughter] uh okay am I creepy okay am I somebody in a Pikachu suit you're somebody Florida no no no yes not in a suit imagine if Pikachu went to the gym oh yeah oh wait is this uh I am swole Pikachu I mean oh well that yeah I could do a few more reps I think [Music] no we better make this quick or she might um start to melt away oh yeah she might melt uh am I a Pikachu are on the cold variety but she got it okay okay can I eat her now uh no oh I look delicious yummy oh wow okay I can't eat her because it'd be too many calories so too many calories for him uh you're a robot you can't eat can I am I a version of Pikachu that can eat ice cream you're all kind of in the food variety though yeah we can enjoy you at a cafe yeah okay I am a Pikachu barista oh yeah really you're something that you would find in a Cupboard a cupboard I'm a Pikachu a Pikachu cup [Music] close enough yeah what am I oh cute little mug yeah but you have no eyes that's that's been bothering me yeah determined to help us all win [Music] why is she giving me so many all right ready oh hey can I switch spots with Ian he has a better view than I do oh uh oh wow oh boy before I think Kim should go first okay let's get this out of the way mostly because she's the same color as she always has been you know okay kids let's do this girl all right um You is uh big and you are and green yeah I is big and green yeah onions what is that onions what is that what what is that okay this is awesome that just changed the whole perspective didn't it giant tall kid with a flamethrower no you're not Well you certainly are that okay okay all right you have an added aspect to you think layers think um Roar do the roar [Music] uh-huh yeah [Laughter] okay so let's start guessing here am I some I mean am I some kind of an inanimate object uh oh [Music] okay okay do I have any kind of Cape no no cake no no capes you got a logo on your chest yeah yeah there's a logo on your chest you're on brand it kind of gives me the heebie-jeebies yeah oh yeah so I'm a hero have a logo on my chest um Marvel or DC oh um uh Marvel yes uh you don't feel so well you don't feel so well am I a sick looking Thor I don't know definitely not okay you have an uncle that you hold dear wait no no that's like his dad though like oh my God no like his his his like Iron Man dad oh oh you are confusing too many things right now okay what you don't feel so good Mr start okay so am I am I like like Spider-Man dissolving away or something or something like that oh same same okay okay I I I I I know how to spell this and you're one two letters off oh wait you're a meme I think am I Spider-Man [Applause] melting away from the nap no oh okay because he sounds like I was close let me look at yourself yeah take a look Spider-Man very cute yeah Emma okay okay if I'm cute am I lazy uh I'm not really sure how you can determine that is lazy am I okay okay okay am I am I an animal yes yes am I a huge fluffy animal am I uh wearing a hat no you are wearing something though yes yes I am a Cat in the Hat oh my God really close though so I am a cat yes okay okay I am a cat okay I need to help her think get someone give her some potassium potassium am I a cow with a banana am I am on my head I am a cat with a banana suit [Music] oh my what has happened what happened to me you're also a sad yeah you're sad about it you're not happy about the situation cute okay I want to go okay what are you oh all right all right so am I an animal of some kind [Laughter] I have two legs and two arms two legs two arms and I use them a lot uh I first guess I am siren head that's not wait what that's not wait what oh wow it's kind of an animal maybe okay I'm gonna help you out uh you were ugly no is that I'm ugly [Music] [Laughter] oh I know what I am yeah I'm the best version of the Blue Blur I'm sick first first time I've ever seen you in three days oh no don't worry spooter man will save the day
Channel: Aphmau
Views: 9,544,523
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Aphmau, Minecraft, Minecraft funny, Minecraft mods, Minecraft Aphmau, Aphmau pranks, Aphmau Minecraft Pranks, Aphmau Gaming, Aphmau Games, Aphmau Pranks Friends, Aphmau Playing As, Aphmau Aaron
Id: 9dDoqb4GqoI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 41sec (1241 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 05 2023
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