Aphmau Crew builds a PIZZA Shop | NOOB vs PRO

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okay it says build a pizza shop pizza shop chest item okay challenge yeah it's been a minute so which oh Pizza witch with her Pizza witch hat that that's not a thing no I appreciate it absolutely that's you see you put the pizza in there to keep it warm when you deliver it oh that's why they wear the hats yeah and it's but it's only one slice at a time which is why it's it's the shape that it is oh right hold you'll just see a piece of sliced pizza sticking straight up into the air nope uh I I refuse to believe that that's absolutely correct anyway we got 30 minutes to build it so let's go okay we have to build a pizza shop uh with um with pizza okay so let's see I think I kind of want my pizza shop to actually be a pizza slice I think that could be really fun I want to build a big giant pizza slice let me just play around with some Browns hmm I don't know this doesn't really give me pizza crust Vibes I don't know what that gives me but it's not it fam all right so what if the pizza slice was upside down and that's where like the building is so it kind of looks like this and it's like a a takeout only kind of joint you know it's not one of those banshees me and see you sit in there and then they give you the pizza it's not like that actually that seems a little wide what if it's more like this yeah I think I like that better all right it's gonna yeah again take out only only take out this is this is this is dominoes this isn't this isn't um insert other pizza place that allows you to eat inside we're bacon Domino's but it's not sponsored Domino sponsor me just kidding but not really I really like your pizza okay anyways I kind of want the crust to be rounded a little bit so we're just kind of kind of play okay okay yeah all right let's fill this in something like this oh I'm gonna do this on the other side you know what it's fine it's fine part of me wants to go out just a little bit more but I don't I don't know if we're gonna like lose the pizza e Vibe of this thing actually I think I kind of like that okay so we're gonna go two in so that's our pizza slice which means we're wrong again this is the size of our building we can't make it the building smaller which just goes to reiterate how this is literally a takeout only kind of place we have our crust that means we can build this out like this [Music] that is done uh for that let me just go like whoops okay all right we're not Brian okay let's go like this so now the cheese but are we doing like this kind of vibe or are we doing this no we're not doing that we're doing this all right so this is gonna be the cheesy part of it and then are we going all the way to the edge I suppose we would and then eventually we're gonna have to like triangle this thing out but let's just go like this or maybe I should build it first before I lay all these blocks and then eventually have to get rid of them that probably seems like a much better idea so let's see we basically just need to build a triangle what's the center point here oh no it's not centered why did I make even oh no oh no all right so these two are the center I should have made it odd I have regerts are we gonna cross the Wall I don't know uh you know that seems pretty good that seems pretty good okay so we're gonna go all the way up like such oh oh I fell all right you know what sometimes we fall and that's fine you can just pick yourself back up and that's how it goes and and we don't really make a hullabaloo about it we just kind of do it you know because that's what you have to do in life sometimes when you're making big pizza slices you gotta put your big girl panties on and just do it instead of complaining about it all right that's a little bit of advice a little bit of Vice there okay anyways let's see I think I'm not doing this right am I doing it right maybe we go a little taller maybe something like this and then this comes all the way up like that oh my God we're crossing the wall We're not gonna tell Shadow we're crossing the wall because then he's going to be concerned and I don't want him to know how cool of a pizza slice we're making so how in the world are we gonna mimic this hopefully this works out because I'm pretty sure with it being even that this might be a problem but it doesn't need to be a sister or a twin it just needs to look like relatively correct you know we could put stuff up like there could be an upstairs oh wait a second how did we mess up uh did we mess up yeah I feel like it essentially just needs to be moved over the whole time the whole thing just needs to be moved over which we kind of thought was gonna happen anyways all right look at that that is that is a pizza pizza if I've ever seen one okay let's fill this baby in in the front We'll add some pepperonis and then decorate we should probably check in with Shadow I feel like I got a lot done and it's hard for me to believe that we haven't surpassed a lot of time Shadow are you lost in your own little world and forgot to give me time cues or what yeah of course but also uh this is actually coming up with the first time queue here in about a minute so we're actually doing pretty well okay because I got a lot done and I'm like there's no way Shadow didn't forget to tell me something there's no way no no I'll tell you right now we are at uh we are just now creeping into about uh 20 minutes and 20 seconds really yeah we got time today we feel good yeah yeah I'm working on my pizza shop uh Shadow so you're from Wisconsin and I'm from Chicago correct I feel like your cheese and my pizza like probably go together pretty well but what's a wisconsin-style pizza what does that even mean oh I'm so glad you asked uh mac and cheese because because one thing that we very much do here in the state of Wisconsin is we put mac and cheese on pizzas what yeah you put mac and cheese on paper I am not kidding I had a mac and cheese pizza uh Saturday uh of all days I'm not like straight up I am like I've had it at CiCi's Pizza of Wisconsin Jane because I've only ever heard of it at CiCi's Pizza yeah I mean yeah because it is we don't I mean no I don't think so but the important thing here is that you know we we try to find any excuse to add more and more cheese onto our pizza and if that means that we have to add some noodles on there to to make it into something we can use uh then so dang be it oh my gosh that is the craziest thing okay guys everyone in both Shadows comment section and my comment section write down if you guys have ever had mac and cheese on your pizza because I do want to know I want to know that's like some wild stuff right there like that that's that's crazy but I'm also not playing like I I hate not not not a joke I had a mac and cheese pizza yesterday or yeah Saturday uh so that was like three days ago wild so tasty but I mean your Chicago style definitely takes some Wisconsin cheese let's let's be honest oh yeah we would have to probably like cross the border and then milk some cows and then make some cheese with it because like okay why are you making it so sounds so like illicit like like it's illegal jumping over the Border steal your cows and then Crossing back wild hopefully um I really like the thought of an image of this so um honestly I I'm gonna I'm gonna go with it I'm gonna go with it that we're illegally milking something I can't believe you do this to us anyway we got uh we're coming down on uh night 18 minutes okay sounds good thanks Shadow yep all right mac and cheese on pizza totally wild I kind of love it though I've had it only at CC's I've never had it in a more like meaningful delicious way so I'm gonna have to go to Wisconsin and try it but also that makes me wonder if you guys have a very specific way to make pizza at your hometown don't tell me your hometown but if you have a way that you guys make pizza let me know uh because in Chicago We're famous for our deep dish pizza but I gotta say I gotta say Chicago thin crust also known as Tavern style is probably my favorite type of Pizza Chicago thin crust is where it's at the locals do not eat deep dish we only bring it when relatives or people are visiting from out of town we eat Tavern style thin crust almost all the time so uh yeah let me know let me know what crust and cheese variation uh you all do because I'm curious this is our cheesy Biz I think we're gonna finish this up with a montage which is gonna look a little different than it normally does um but it's still gonna have the same effect it's gonna it's gonna pass time and that's what we're doing right now [Music] [Music] thank you all right we're almost done with adding our cheese to our cheesy pizza slice which then we need to add pepperoni circles which I do realize that we're adding all of this yellowy block just to take it away however I think that uh I need to do it to visualize otherwise I'm not going to know like correct placement and whatnot and I just think that will make my life a little bit easier uh but yeah okay I normally don't eat pepperoni pizza um at all but I know that that is Drew's favorite pizza he always says you can judge a pizza place by how good it is by the quality of their pepperoni pizza if they have a good pepperoni no we're down to 15 minutes I am talking about pepperoni pizza right now and you rudely interrupted but also thank you for the time you're welcome and also pepperoni pizza is correct so you know I was just saying that Drew has a thing where he'll the first time he goes to a pizza place he'll just order a plain pepperoni sure because he says you can judge how good a pizza place is by the quality of a normal plain pepperoni if they mess that up then you're doomed I think I agree with that because you know like it's it's very simple setup you you're judging the sauce the cheese yup and then they got one meat right and you can tell because even if the cheese and the sauce and all that's good but like there are like their main one of the most basic ingredients is trash then you know you're probably not doing so good yeah probably not doing so good or like if they just I don't know the quality is actually super important like if it's not uh if it's not just like I don't know like the cheese has to be right the pepperoni has to be right like the vegetables the sauce everything like even the water that the whole thing is made out of needs to be like the right pH foreign like New York style pizza is so specific because it is like it's not because they're disgusting trash water of course yes you nailed it don't listen I hate New York style passion and I fully believe that anyone who likes New York style their opinion cannot be trusted so if you're if you're like hey let's go to this pizza place and I'm always like what's your favorite kind of pizza and if they say New York I'm like yeah we're not going to that place say that's something else bag I like I was I was happy to to support you on not liking it but then throwing people out who suggests New York style oh yeah they're done to me done you're like chance at like giving recommendations for restaurants is now over like you're it's just nope that's not happening again like I I'm not I'm not one to really actively seek out New York style pizza but man you'd have to do them dirty like that no I did it was necessary it was necessary Shadow uh-huh I'll tell you what else is necessary the 10 minutes we have here left okay that's a good enough time to decorate I've just finished my pizza Bria and now we need to decorate the inside um I guess Pizza things and then have you dealt with your witch yet nope I but I have like I have a plan I do have a plan okay well I'm excited to hear uh your plan and uh see what you what what you did sounds good all right see you soon all right see you soon bye no for real New York style is disgusting it's like flat you fold it like what's the point I don't understand his life and so um no uh opinion stance it's gross I don't like it I said it I straight up said it all right let's go into our place here uh we can maybe give it like a birch floor that way um it kind of brightens it up in here just a little bit I think that will look good and then um yeah add some pizza stuff and our pizza counters and a Pizza Factory uh situation I think that will look good I'm so excited for shadow to see this I wonder if he built a regular stinking building and I'm over here with a pink all right so I think I'm gonna decorate the rest of this and you'll see the rest of it when Shadow does all right Mac we had 30 minutes to build our ultimate pizza shop parlor place yeah we had a pizza parlor place shop that we built and how did you do pizza parties I think I did pretty good why don't I just let you take a gander for yourself take a look at my Pizza Palace oh Shadow loose slice is gone and everything yeah I don't think it would stand up normally this that's fun thank you thank you yeah I try to go hard on the pepperoni and get some cheese on there three witch Jeremy's pizza shop yep or three germanys which pizza shop you know what I set it up so you can read it either way and it would still be okay yeah a couple uh couple little tables here you got your entry space here oh diamonds yep right oh and then you gotta pay extra if you want topics toppings are extra okay we know what you're doing here oh I love the little kitchen setup you got going yeah lots of ovens space we got plenty of stories bridge in here yeah and then are the pizzas in their hats or what yeah yeah yeah no this is great Shadow I love this and turn it by form because jolly because you brought it up I also included uh where we get all the cheese from oh oh jerem oh Jeremy's the cow I see Jeremy's the cow Jeremy's also The Witch uh Jeremy's are both Jeremy is the cow and the witch they're all they're all about it together this is great this is coming the novice seriously what were we expecting it's huge yeah cool um I I don't know maybe like a little HUD or like um can't believe you let's move on all right Shadow are you ready to see mine I am so ready Mac let's see what you got [Music] it whoa that's a really big pizza slice yeah it's a big old and maybe it's a slice out of Europe it it's a lot bigger than the slice of mine that's true it is but I love it I love the I love the different size like bits of of Pep I would presume and sometimes yeah some of them are little Windows to bring in some light yeah the bag doesn't have any pepperoni because that doesn't make any sense did block wide so of course there's back pepperoni I see I see well yeah in my mind I was like of course there's no pepperoni no no you're absolutely correct I should have put a I should have put the dough on the bottom oh my God you're like stuck to the curve of this thing so the tables are like up on the sides here yeah I was gonna do like a takeout only kind of vibe but I was like wait I do have room for tables I would say the exact same spot where it's like this is a takeout Place wait I can put throw in some tables yeah yeah oh I love up here up here is where they cook um The Witches were getting a little ruly and jumping up on top and then jumping over the edge and then falling on the floor so there's lots of the big fences yep that's the big fences so yeah so these are our um you know cook until cheese starts to Brown yeah yeah I do like it to lean you got time to clean I can't believe that Mac is already turned into a terrible manager yeah just give me a pizza Empire and he'll do it to me yeah he went for emeralds instead I appreciate that did gopher emeralds you got the meat lover at three the pepperoni at two and then uh the veggie and the teaser at one because you know um I'm veggie and I I want some cheap veggie pizza but what if it's expensive to make um you know what I'll eat the cost okay okay that's fair you know what I would definitely go for that veggie pizza because I am also cheap so there there we go oh and then like this red instead of redstone it's the sauce that he got like the milk over here for the cheese and the the bread for the like the dough oh yep yep so good thanks thanks all right well this one's a toughie I think both of us honestly did pretty good on this bill not gonna lie she did like a big old Pizza yeah and I love that you've made a giant pizza slice I did I couldn't help it I had to it was very good well friends let us know in the comments who you thought won this one was it by uh kind of pale it almost looks like a frozen pizza the more I look at it I don't know if that's done one more time in the oven or is it backside Tower you know what you did you actually did go for my slice of pizza standing straight up in the air underneath the witch's head the leaning tower of pizza but oh the Leaning Tower of Pizza it's so good oh yeah okay you know what that's what I'm gonna name it literally right now yep the Leaning Tower of Pizza yup anyways let us know in the comments if you have any other suggestions of what you'd like to see us build we do read those comments and we do take them seriously we do indeed do you have any ideas let us know until next time friends
Channel: MacNcheeseP1z
Views: 18,365
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Aphmau Crew builds a pizza shop | noob vs pro, Aphmau Crew noob vs pro, noob vs pro, macncheesep1z noob vs pro, Aphmau Crew, pizza shop build in Minecraft, Minecraft build battle, Minecraft macncheesep1z, Mac from Aphmau, macncheesep1z from Aphmau, Mac and pierce noob vs pro, Minecraft build challenge, noob vs pro build challenge, pizza shop in Minecraft, opening a pizza shop in Minecraft, minecraft pizza, Mac and cheese please, macncheeseplz
Id: qEhk30K3OH8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 46sec (1246 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 24 2023
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