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come on Kim come on up I'm coming welcome everyone to the treeh house bad right but you made this of course I wasn't sure you could reach this High wow wait oh no not the bottle oh no yeah don't tell me we're going to play 7 Minutes in Heaven only this time it's crazy wait wait wait what kind of crazy but it doesn't matter me what up I kiss I want to go I want to goal I'm going first uh on what the Bott again wait a why what Z you scared no let just go come on this is going to be so much fun get in here they better make this quick what are they what are they doing I can actually peek in I got to know what's going on all right Zade wow me if you can well maybe I don't want to what s are you afraid to flourish excuse me what's going on in well bring it on Big Boy what ooh flirt or die best sing line all right you guys got to say your lines the best this going to be fun round one the line all right let me get a seat yeah why is my seat back here maybe because the game thought you'd ruin it stay back it's about us let's go wait we have to say this line in a flirty voice yeah what's say are you chicken got to do it time's rning out hunka Dunka chunka hunka Dunka chunka I hate this yeah I do yeah you know I I I think I have to give mine to Kim yeah I guess so all right yeah I'm good to Kim too oh that killed me that's what looks like it hurts oh I don't want that to happen to me all right round two let's go what's going to be I want to see what a new line come on okay what is it I'm ready my love for you is like poo I just can't hold the in oh oh gosh all right your turn something wrong Tim it's like Z so weird I give that yeah I think we got to give that to Zane huh yep thank you Z got it that means I know what happen now feel so good does it okay well I guess we get a tiebreaker yeah yeah yeah yeah oh yeah I'm ready what is it guys it ain't hard to say the line wait what is that what is that yeah I don't even know how to say that did someone pass out try give it your best sh um okay [Music] at least they're trying their hard I do it again okay who wins oh no I don't know Kim I think you did a little more so here Kim had it pretty good at the end there St break buddy I'm the master flirter that was fun you know I'm kind of glad it wasn't pick for this one that was great that was great yeah seemed like you two had a little fun yeah I did I think it was my face oh yeah if you lose you get a small punishment punishment I kind of like this new zene that's it we're leaving o she's mad so [Music] s okay fine if you leave the game will punish you oh really wait what yeah all right let's go crazy it's a party after all woo three hey what what that that's never happened before Oh my gosh let's all go into the closet all of us here we go again hey what guess it's all them this is crazy all right well like what you see boys wait why are you guys so nervous it's just a game come on yeah game hey hey guys guys what if I fired it in here all right here we cie girlfriend you have the item she asks for what does that mean Kim what do you want Oh wait yeah I can ask for stuff oh like Diamonds oh and emeralds SL down girlfriend pick one Kim uh gold find me gold now they got to find her some gold there's a pile of gold over here but I can't find it got gold I don't have any gold you always have gold get off me does Golden Apple count uh sure why not there you go what no thank you is it the ability we have up there I'll take my oh yeah okay let's see apple didn't count want gold guys I changed my mind Hey I want diamonds now I guess you can them Diamond now don't M come on Kim you know what this no it's got gold on it oh you want you change her mind that's Diamond [Music] Emerald you try to get Z H maybe it's my SEC sorry I got to do this say good job ohy oh my God there's a lot of drama going KY careful too yeah I think that happens I don't want this anymore I want gold what do you mean whatever I got points for that gold I got you covered oh Z thank you for the gold you're so nice wow why did he win oh we're back my wait huh what's going on what's going on with my head honestly you know I feel like we all won that round guys but the game is over yet I'm spinning no no no no no I'm spinning F huh what what the this is raged um I guess we should all go in I don't want to share with these two can be I guess we can fit you have to really be here you're kind of like a third and fourth wheel okay so hi guys all right come back with my date dance the longest with theom why am I wearing this and why is e wearing normal clothes I'm the prom queen you look great hey I don't have a nice prom skin not too bad dirt boy maybe that's your punishment yeah Blockhead he's a dirt block okay well you know it's dancing with the pal Queen babe you can come and dance over here with me oh you got you got likeit I got the kiss a no can you can you like you can dance with me too you know s here hey I got a camera you get a cam I can't see oh you can blind people with us comes back I'm going to kill you in oh that's pretty you I can't see nothing okay oh I see there we go okay nobody's going to get me anymore eyes over here come on you you really want to dance with them come here we can dance together right you got me I got uh and Camera where are my Bo come on where are my boys I get him I guess we got to dance together why are you huging all the boys yeah oh it's just it's just a game dancing uh oh wa okay see this isn't what it looks like oh no we're back oh look at you oh hey you got a little Crown yeah Crown too it's so F I know I feel pretty Royal right now indeed he said he feels pretty throw up besides Aaron isn't the pretty one a Zane it's a oh my gosh thanks Zane that's sweet but um too bad for you Zane she's not interested oh what's a matter Aaron feeling a little threaten hey guys come on what did you say can back me up oh no this is kind of working for me oh you you're just feeding all drama with Pap listen I don't know why you two are fighting anyway I'm the one you should be worried about what are you guys doing okay the bottle already right Prett good all right let's keep this going all right and let me spin oh what the oh Casey casy just get in the closet okay ma'am jeez all right I'll get in the closet okay so are we okay yeah we're fine my be isn't really with you I'm just not of zene he's just being a jerk I mean I I feel that no we can hear you right um good because I want you to hear this you've been acting like a like a like a dirty Ro we said it where the heck did you guys go oo next mini game okay uh where is everyone I don't know stay out of my kitchen smos that dirty little roach where's the roach guys do you know where everybody whoa you guys are really big a roach uh um e wait where did these extra arms come from you be so much more productive this way you know what I do to Roach wait a minute wait a minute oh he's quick think about this look at him go get for r with other girl but it's just a game chy you just can't see why can't be like Aon wait what what what was that H what he's like the hottest and nicest boy on the server uh we'll come back to that Casey you got to where's where'd he go where's little roach I don't know what you're talking about he roach where'd you go hey there he is there he is where is he can't see me where's he going look at me so fast what got him ah not the bu spr again SM him serpe Serpentine we almost got him no no come on Casey can we just talk about this sorry I got him I guess I did the most damage of course you'd win glad that's over what wait still rud oh come on yeah rude you left me here here with these two yall just disappeared what happened uh wait what happened oh okay it's complicated just a game hey Zane what you doing hey watch it um Casey when we were in the game you said something I guess it's my turn to spin okay leave me alone okay sure oh yay I I mean oh man you know the bottle so we have to play the game casy what don't sound disappointed I'll be fine I'll be fine oh no casy what we can stop the game right now right I mean oh wow you have such nice arms and like you we have we have the same arms oh well I I've got fourarms now no I can't believe thisuh keep your Pets Alive oh are puppies we're puppies puppies are puppies case's with Aon Casey have you seen the pets there they are a Aon hang on get out here wait guys I don't know us you bi electricity a I found chocolate hey you ate the chocolate I got one in the cran you watch out the kitchen all right thanks also you should reorganize the alphabet put you and me together dogs are trying to Electric themselves so maybe not now this we got to lose we got to lose we got to lose find they're going outside cactuses into them the cactus come on why you ding so fast no no no woo we did it guess we won no flirting for you guys was easy that's are terrible dog owners yeah well you know maybe Casey wasn't trying to hit on me the whole time Casey what was that about yeah Casey what is that all about nothing just okay a black Kitty we get prizes for this a puppies I got a puppy kitty kitty look at you they're adorable talk to you for a second uh sure what's up I to ask this but is something going on I don't think so are you sure because that sounds a lot like the no that usually means yes no well Casey keeps flirting with you and it's making me a little jealous and do you like her wait wait what my Dr sense is tingling do you all have to listen in uh of course I don't how could possibly say that when she disappeared it just it was was a thing that she had a crush on you wait wait wait which is ridiculous I mean AR's a nice guy and all but how could you fall for someone who wears so much red no buddy I like the color red also no it is true what what but casy why because you were flirting with everyone else what I wasn't guys back me up here I don't know Z kind of me earlier um all right listen everyone we're going to spin the bottle and we're going to try to forget about all this okay back in your spot oh nice try you're just trying to get in the closet with Casey again I'm on to your tricks Mr whatever you want to think man oh great can I spin again clever move erring you won't bold me you're just trying to get to KC through me but it won't work whatever man shut up get in the closet what a h dog am I right my eye on you I'm not even going to look at you I'm looking out the window well I'm I'm not looking at this wall I'm not going to look at you are you looking all right well don't death to you part stay alive if you can what does that mean oh this is spooky I like this game where are they Zane huh yeah I see them right here what are they holding get to casy they going to get it you know I'm going to prove that I don't like Casey I'm killing her hey I'm making a point why did you pick her first what are you doing I can't believe this what are you doing let them catch us get back here I mean don't [Applause] you killed KC then I just have to go after a now don't be too R don't want to be do something all right Kim's dead help [Applause] help dude you can't run through those yay won did a great job killing a wait what going to catch me all right dude look I killed Casey immediately it's pretty clear that I don't like her oh you're just trying to get me to let my guard down Aaron I can't even do this uh let's see how you like it I got a tot for surviving ni on WE what a cute another one I don't want to be paired up with him oh no I mean that's what the bottle said yeah it's the gate oh too bad dude you guys got to go on a date now fine let's just get this over with into the closet don't fart what's happening now you better not bring us down as a team what are you talking about I'm working with you if anything you're going to let us down you're going to let us huh why am I in a tree what are you the game put us outside of the treehouse for this one what is going on you two steak freak uh blotted by s's pale skin I that's right take a good look ladies nothing guys guys be quiet I think you need to take Pier's sheep Pier's sheep all right Linda you know what day it is it's Tuesday which means you got to get yourself a little haircut come on come on oh oh I know you're a little nervous it's okay this is going to be easy come on they got to go in their underwear too oh no I got to watch I got to watch drama stay still come on guys got over here let's see now say here's the plan you have to go in and distract him because obviously I'm going to get away with sheep and I'm going to win so you have to sacrifice yourself for me but why can't you sacrifice yourself no I'm the professional here if anyone knows anything about stealing it's me I mean I've stolen from Pierce hundreds of times you even know how to keep his voice down what was that about stealing it was in it was all you're not the brain what what Pierce close your eyes for a second this is going to about to get a little bit messy is that a rocket get back here run they failed uh that was Qui they didn't even get a sheep sorry it's just got to reload get back here don't you dare touch my sheep I didn't expect him to do that well anyways and all right let's go I guess you win okay look at you do I can't play Minecraft like this I have fans and they'll never take me seriously now wait wait wait roll back wa you have fans it's healing fans Maybe of course we do I have fans I only play In This Server so I'm not getting mobbed all the time sure oh yeah okay yeah sure oh my gosh oh speaking of fans looks like I get to spend some quality time with my number one fan right but I'm not a ceiling fan and how going you think that's true come on everyone's airing their dirty laundry so you can finally admit that you like me and not Aon I don't know about that what I don't think it's time how about this Che who Mama H name you're a giant chicken giant chicken those are some big chickens wow those are two giant chickens how about we're we're the mama get them oh get him oh they didn't care about the baby chicken I don't like you look on your eyes you a mou this is perfect we got you as a mama hen me as a papa chicken oh we can raise a family together we're going to be the best parents I'm such a great dad uh it's just a mini game Ian oh come on think about it come here no no no no no no no got you can chicken swim oh look we got the eggs hatch us we're stuck why is this farm so small goty oh nice all right eron is the last one standing hey hey that's cheating oh you can't get me now wait wait wait no no don't do that don't do that here we go big chcken so quick jeez we won I that's right we make the best team maybe just a little bit you know you have to waa I got for that now see athma we were made for each other look at what a happy home we could build together Ian you can't build anything without a guy oh whatever eron listen I know it must be hard losing AAU to someone who's smarter better looking more Charming smells better what hang on whoa whoa whoa who where'd he go why am I smaller and under oh I think he's in the egg wait see I wonder how did you pick me up see what let me see let me see wait wait don't give me to Aaron Aaron what are you doing hey what would happen if I just you I know what you're doing Aon took you away wow Aon that's so impressive you're so strong he just threw an egg girl see just spin the bottle oh so you're the only one that could steal people's boyfriends now ex I didn't do nothing you're just accusing me of what what about cam no I don't know what you're talking about you know what we're just going come on oh Casey oh BFFs remember again s before misters come on show you me winning trle after AR would be a problem what are these what the a it's cute what are you supposed to do with that yeah I don't know know that face recreate your best friend you have to put them together a I can do that I know your face see oh look we're creative okay um I do this you should give her a mustache no please don't I don't think I have that option give funny there we go and I'm making a little nose uh oh wait oh that was cute mouth and oh I gave him my best shot but I could what how did you do what did you do for me what the what did you do to me just so you know drawing my best friend accurately wow you're salty you know what I can do the there we go come on Casey don't be funny with mustaches okay we're back oh I'm not neg anymore well that was something I have to say it's a good look oh hey a that's cute I guess it is adorable again oh how about I mess up your oh my God hey hey hey Casey that is enough what has got an into to you AAU is your friend no she's a boy stealer and stop taking her son what are you talking about hey you leave him alone hey don't hit me my gosh we should probably take this outside we get out here maybe maybe we should just let's uh here if I'm holding this maybe we can do something like this don't hit me I hope it works for me too take me with you what happened yeah that was a thing let's get out of here
Channel: Aphmau
Views: 5,775,789
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Aphmau, Minecraft, Minecraft funny, Minecraft mods, Minecraft Aphmau, Aphmau pranks, Aphmau Minecraft Pranks, Aphmau Gaming, Aphmau Games, Aphmau Pranks Friends, Aphmau Playing As, Aphmau Aaron
Id: LMrx9igQLHc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 16sec (1336 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 24 2023
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