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I heard Alpha was having a baby silence I am expecting twins hello twins but princess twins [Music] Mal is expecting to win princesses in Minecraft some gold that's awesome oh I can make some powered rails oh I'm gonna go to my house I'll be right back all right see you in a bit in the meantime I'm gonna mine all of this gold oh no you don't what Ian that's a stick down besides you actually it's a distraction again come on goals forever no I wanna for myself [Music] wait is this this is an ancient city oh my gosh huh what's that uh is this carry the twin princesses rule the server oh Crown well I want to rule the server let's see what this is about let's try this on huh take it off oh I'm not pregnant pregnant I'm pregnant pregnant that okay well I guess I could carry the babies I mean how hard is it to be preventing it plus I control the what's that uh wait hold the lever to ascend the castle I want a castle okay I got teleported up here but I don't actually see a castle huh what the what whoa whoa this is so cool oh my God [Music] is this one being pregnant oh oh no what I gotta hide it go they can't see everything it's in the mines but now she's wait a second Castle oh I gotta stop them is that her up there cousins peasants not a step further wait halfmal there you are but did you build this yourself uh well I actually um was that a castle yo that's amazing oh no there's something wrong with that now what no nothing's wrong shut up Casey no you don't see a thing we are oh no no no she's not she's uh just fat oh you're ugly oh hold on a second how could that be yeah you have to wish on a star for a baby everyone knows that Todd that takes a while but aphmau was normal when she logged on look well Ian pushed me down a cliff in the mines and you pushed a pregnant lady down a cliff what rock s [Music] look I got a crown and now I'm carrying twin princesses it's obviously Me Wait no that's not fair you always get to be the dad it's because she likes me the most uh I'm cooler because I'm emo in mystery mysterious no one likes you if you eat boogers man you eat boogers you're arguing like kids because you all eat boogers I see them do it I see them do it okay everybody be quiet I'm in charge now because all the boys are stupid but now okay tea they need somebody to be the dad and that's all cool and everything but you guys have to prove that you're gonna be [Music] a vehicle oh wait I want to be the dad too no no I'm gonna be the coolest dad what what can you teach princesses noise [Music] I wanted to see my Royal [Music] huh that I don't know hello there you are absolutely ready okay quiet quiet myself it's by the way I like the skin okay if y'all want to be the baby's daddy then you're gonna have to follow me Casey I know exactly what to do with them all right so me and my girl Casey were exploring this dungeon and down here we found this area it's actually very dangerous and if you want to be the daddy you have to protect me okay because I'm gonna go explore it there's some swords and stuff like that um Good Luck okay uh yeah yeah all right should be easy yeah I'm going but I don't understand why because just because I'm forgetting that doesn't mean I can't fight I can't fight if I want uh all right but that's why you gotta protect me come on let's go fine okay I got this ass oh why is that milk just be careful go around the edge like that all right whatever that's that one two protecting me guys well clearly they're not cut on for this [Music] okay [Music] guys [Music] we made it no not my babies my babies haven't been born but there's a big parents abandon you oh my gosh you're so cute I need this baby this is my baby yeah uh it's just okay it's having a tantrum oh my gosh guys [Applause] he's kicking your butt here you go baby there you go oh so cute okay so I'm gonna light up the room a little bit and we're gonna come back and get the baby let's explore the rest of the area uh I'll put the baby upstairs so now I got three babies in the prince let's see um which way do I want to go oh let's go this oh they look so scary I wish someone would help me oh don't don't worry not there anyway as I was saying uh I'll take care of you because I got my custom sword here it's awesome fish on a stick a fish stick listen I didn't have time to make a gold sword or anything come on let's go protect you from everything [Music] I'm gonna light the way a little bit spidery spiders don't get sick of the web s come on be careful down oh like she said not to get stuck in the webs I was trying it ran me into the web okay uh looks like this area is safe we're pretty good all right let's go explore the other area there's some nice materials here and we're gonna have to clean up this stuff a little later so we'll work on that yeah that sounds like the same job sounds like a huge Hobby in no traps no nothing I'm really safe hey guys I'm doing a good job protecting myself [Music] okay oh what is this guys what is it it's an engagement uh here let's pull this what does this do oh yeah what happened Casey look there were engaging Rings down there oh and there's a baby down that we gotta bring the baby up [Music] all right well that was interesting but I got the engagement all right boys are you ready for the most dangerous trial you have ever faced in your life one that is so insane many people have died from it I'm ready all right I got two fish sticks all right we are going to assemble Ikea furniture all right so for real the goal of this one is you are going inside of here there's a baby crib all right and I need help assembling it can we like fight monsters or something no this is important okay all right look look so so Ikea we have the symbol for insurance we have a time all right ready uh-huh all right all right here we go in three two one go oh this is terrifyingly he's eight uh foreign [Laughter] [Music] and almost almost okay time is it I think I think oh I haven't finished the balcony yet balcony it's so good what okay let's examine and show me what you can we can fix that no no no sell me this I need to sell it sell it sell it well you know I was working on the balcony you have the main piece up here where you have uh you know everyone knows that a crib has like the railings yeah you got the railing okay noise what is this noise this is a zero gravity crib so that the babies will have no tension on them whenever they sleep and uh and it's um it's uh did a bad job I think the ants could probably be a little bit higher but but hey it's close what did you do oh I was trying to make a nice little canopy for the twin princesses all right well mine came close uh because it actually it's a little bit disconnected okay okay we all tried what oh what hole oh yeah that's not safe for the babies all right next trial let's go all right all right so a good dad has husband oh I got this that's because I'm hungry I have little like literally so you gotta convince me what to eat because there's too many options all right get the cooking the pigs eat the pork then Slaughter these babies oh they're too cute no don't actually do it yeah not a problem don't worry I got this oh no I am time prepared are you in the mood for sweets uh I don't know uh babies twin princesses what do you want we want oh I was gonna throw them you can't get in the force field I'm dying of hunger oh hey someone got me a burger did you get them oh good it did go through I can't eat the burger the burger take the pig okay here oh God this is raw I said there's something to cook with you don't have any coal here you said it you didn't say how to cook it that's it no sorry here come on you're not Ian sorry I gotta go get Ian feed me I can't get charcoal for the girl yeah come back in like uh one oh what else okay please just partake of Casey's cake before you Electrify me Chef special cookies and cream milkshake no is on point gentlemen is getting this done oh thank You by Queen by Princess my queen all right now you have to guess which one of me is the real one and feed her oh my God okay one more check for you one milkshake sword that's it I have to get my own KFC how about I got some burgers coming up we got Burgers oh well you know I gotta turn the patties into Burgers but you know cook it cook it and cook my steaks my hunger bar is sensation Sensational whatever the one I'm full okay I got more fried chicken oh oh look at Sushi nice would you like something for a midnight snack my princess my queen you can't have sushi well pregnant people can't have raw fish that's right he wins [Laughter] sorry [Music] Casey has sacrificed I mean volunteered her cats to be watched by you guys wait I did yeah you did oh why did you dress him up oh they look so cute pacifiers [Music] yeah if you can take care of a cat you can take care of a kid okay okay this baby's going towards the water oh no oh no no no no no come on little one all right I got a bottle put you back here little baby oh my gosh can we count that as a disqualification no get away from my kitty Ian come on Kitty nap get away from my kitty I am taking care of this one you keep away on it oh on for the last time Kenny will you take a nap guys get back here with the cat this is my cat what happened to yours I want the cat that's it I'm gonna feed them again [Music] what's going on I think oh I think it's time for the babies to be born [Music] we don't have one on the server though I shall help you with the surgery either don't worry this won't hurt at all get in the car don't worry baby [Music] oh my God oh my God [Music] I gotta get out of here I know how to fly a place [Music] to come down and let us help you the Rockets Rockets now guys help you be strong and independent show how much we care by the way uh your other child is down here the one we found okay [Music] I think it's happening did it happen oh [Music] [Applause] oh that was super adorable [Music] wait wait so okay so who's the dad well I have decided that the baby should decide who their dad is who do you want to be the daddy baby do they know those words yeah no the babies I want to be king all right in order to figure this out please go over there and have a rocket launcher fight that's my queen I'm coming no you don't oh okay Casey well I guess you're not gonna take care of these babies
Channel: Aphmau
Views: 1,361,449
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Aphmau, Minecraft, Minecraft funny, Minecraft mods, Minecraft Aphmau, Aphmau pranks, Aphmau Minecraft Pranks, Aphmau Gaming, Aphmau Games, Aphmau Pranks Friends, Aphmau Playing As, Aphmau Aaron
Id: pzSw1MjMFlw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 24sec (1164 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 16 2023
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