AM I HUMAN | Detroit: Become Human - Part 1

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hello welcome to the Detroit experience I'm an Android and I'll be your hostess before we begin let's make some adjustments to optimize your experience okay there was no menu or anything this is what detected on your console uh-huh are they correct yeah uh yes uh-huh okay continue please adjust your screen settings oh okay oh I'm gonna I'm gonna make it a little bit more bright ooh keep these changes yes thank you now select your profile okay Oh experience casual whoa I want to focus on the story with simpler controls a more forgiving challenge with a fewer chances to lose character let's just do casual because why not when this sign is displayed please I don't know if your console okay you are now ready to begin Detroit okay remember this is not just a story this is our future whoo okay August 15 20 30 8:00 that's the future if you didn't already know fancy coin tricks very fancy coin tricks uh you're not human you're an Android who are you on site oh I am playing now okay well first of all hi welcome to Detroit becoming human this is the new game from chronic dream the same people that made heavy rain which is one of my favorite games I really love heavy rain I haven't played it in a very long time so I don't know how do i how do I kneel oh okay okay so this dude obviously is an Android r22 until your objectives okay so find captain Allen alright captain Allen is over here captain Allen I need you apparently what's wrong with the what's happening to the girl captain Allen hi hi how do I interact with you you're captain Allen yeah okay cool talk my name is Connor it's firing in everything from hoops it already I found two of my men we could easily get it but they're on the edge of the balcony if it falls ah okay deviance deviance behaviors you know if it's been behaving strangely before this doesn't matter I need information to determine the best approach okay do you have a tribe it's deactivation codes the first thing we tried okay all right saving that kid is all that matters that's why did you deal with this [ __ ] Android now I'll take care of it okay probability of success 48 percent ah that's not great I mean it's almost half save the hostage at all costs understand what happened okay well what do I do now uh-huh something over here hello so I guess there's a gun missing okay use the right stick to move the cursor okay so there's a bullet ah hold analyze processing data okay one more clue can be used ms eight five three blackhawk okay so reconstruct use alt or r2 to review the reconstruction Oh deviant took the father's gun okay alright so now we know what happened so I guess again 51% yes I guess what's going on here is they send the Android because it probably has the highest success rate then then a human but also it it's maybe supposed to do sort of what's best in each scenario maybe I don't know so again this is made by the same people who made heavy rain which was like one of the one of the first bigger games that was like the choices that you make impact the games ending and all that stuff so this is probably gonna be it is going to be very similar where the choices that you make heavily impact what happens in the game processing data deceased I had 6 feet 187 pounds okay is this the dad so his gunshot looks like mm-hmm so he was shot with his own gun question mark left kidney perforated fatal abdomen an epidermal trauma or lung hemorrhage internal bleeding we checked all right so what happened I think that he got shot by his own gun but by who hmm father was holding something we wanted to search for new clue okay so who is that ooh we can was he holding looks like he was holding he's phone or a tablet maybe an iPad a Kindle he was reading his favorite book okay how do I find the new clue though this one I thought I saw something here oh wait maybe we have to wait for it to be aha there it is now what is that hmm it's exit why have they not looked at this huh other than deviate what's going to be with place ah okay so it was another Android I sort of figure that out sixty percent okay we're not doing it someone just get shot okay what do we do what do we what do we do what do we do I understand what happened in search hostages room examine the victims so should we examine this guy let's analyse officer was first responder well if we call it deceased okay obviously it's on this hand led swip hold on go back can I not justified only one shot okay great hard ventricle perforated okay do we need to search all of these clues so it looks like there's a lot of stuff examine the maker okay did that what about the hostages room you're not gonna Android stuff I'm gonna turn off the thing okay all right where's the hostages room step back this way it's cool how it doesn't walk normally you know he's like spinning around I didn't do that did that himself it's interesting it's really like these kind of games are like a playable experience unless of like it's not really about the gameplay necessarily okay name is Daniel so why why did he why did he go all wack because like I'm assuming they're programmed so they don't kill the people that sort of own them or whatever child didn't hear the gunshots ah okay anything else thing else in the room that we can search for all right search the hostages room examine the victims I thought I did examine all okay so we need to need to hurry up a little bit what else we have okay let's go over here can we go faster is that something that we can do the shoe passage could be wounded all right understanding a little bit more what's going on what's that blood mmm that don't taste it fresh blue blood model peel 600 okay so we know the model and he was looking at the peel 700 or something like that right spooky spooky now one more thing the boiling pot let's turn it off family was about to have dinner okay all right how do we get up to the roof keepers can we get up to the roof okay hold on wait let's go out that is a little Oh hache is located okay hi don't jump please oh you shouldn't shoot him he's too close to the edge okay what's your name [Music] I know a lot of things about you I've come to get you out of this this is a tricky situation uh why would you do that helicopter stop it okay gain the deviant stud trust a person okay okay possible cause MMU let's do a my new very close you think she betrayed you but she's done nothing wrong to me 70 percent Oh buddy let's Alan put down the gun all right okay possible cause you're just a little kid she's got nothing to do blaming look what you did you were designed to serve humans not kill them that's not what I wanted Oh No destabilizing okay hold up a sec hold up a sec hold on helicopter let's wait a second aah get the helicopter out of there okay I will do that for you accept okay yeah they're good 85% okay rational listen there are snipers on every roof let the hostage go you have no other choice and I want a car when I'm outside the city I'll let her go Oh compromise that's impossible Daniel let the girl go and I promise don't go down no I don't want to die I know you don't want to die dude reassure just going to talk no percent okay I trust you careful careful careful careful careful oh no why did you do that why did you do that it was under control I didn't let him I didn't know that was gonna happen what the [ __ ] dude come on mission successful was it successful I don't think it was successful it was moderately successful you got the Aussies thing taken care of well well well well it's very hot in here and I have things to say about it ah this is the scenes flow chart here you can review the paths you take in the past it to be explored and what possibilities you've unlocked each node earns the points that you can spend in the extras due to the nature of the game some nodes and endings will not be counted toward the completion of the flowchart okay okay world stats mm-hmm 33 percent of the snipers shot the deviant what why could we have prevented it could we prevented that from happening cyber life ooh are we inside the head of a an Android loading operation operating system all systems okay handles the kids honey it looks amazing handles the kids homework how much did you say it costs at the moment we're doing a special promotion on this entire range at seven thousand nine hundred and ninety nine dollars with a forty eight months interest free credit and it comes with a two year warranty for parts and labor an excellent choice if you're just so odd this is so weird what if this happened in the future hi this difficult getting it back and working order it was the car hit stupid accident see anyway it's as good as new now except that we had to reset it meaning we had to wipe its memory hope you don't mind it'll be fine okay give it a name my daughter didn't a x400 register your name Cara huh my name is Cara oh very very weird very weird it is like a weird like child slavery kind of thing so they look so human but they're not exactly human but maybe they're becoming human hmm so we're gonna play out the rest of the thing as this as this said replicant why was it all messed up - that's my question I don't think it got hit by a car I think he's a lying lying éclairs [Music] get yours today [Music] the future looks somewhat like today but tomorrow Wow well so far seems pretty cool it's freely beautiful as our most Quantic Dream Games that's my judge because of the and rivets I sort of forgot about that kind of thing like if we have robots doing everything people just lose their jobs all right let's see what we've got I'm gonna wha I think this game is like 11 12 hours long so I'm probably gonna do longer episodes for this like an hour-ish 45 minutes to an hour per episode so sit down get some popcorn maybe a nice cup of coffee there's nothing in here but there was hello hey it's that dude just from Grey's Anatomy and a lot of other things but a Bellini paint shop I wonder what the the population ratio is between androids and humans so weird I know like how do people even get money you know because it seems like in this sort of thing and this sort of future a lot of it would be okay though a lot of it would be the androids doing the work because people wouldn't really want to just through that straight up on the ground alright you know why have people do jobs when when androids can do the jobs for free because they're robots and not people weird weird stuff all right here's the paints hello since 1909 using my skate skills skate 3 to really swipe that stick around ooh identification verified here is your order number 8 4 7 that will be $63.99 please confirm payment payment confirmed huh transaction complete interesting how some of the androids are more androidy than other ones hey this one seems fairly human and the way that it acts but that one was very very robot II all right so how do we get take bus home okay probably oh the bus stop which i think is over here can we walk faster is this Oh weird Android parking that's odd hmm where's the bus [Music] as us I bet all the buses are drive by Android people or maybe they're not actually it may it all be messed up not this way it's a bus stop over here where's the bus stop this all right ah where the bus is you know twenty-five percent yeah but no one is gonna want to give work to people because they don't they'd have to pay them it's a weird scenario tricky people get jobs do people send their androids to work and then they get paid for look at those eyes cyber leaf mmm-hmm shades of color Marcus took the bus was that the whole thing could I've done other things okay I was just following the direction if you don't follow the directions to you good other things happen could I have talked to the guitar dude all along remember fifth twenty thirty eight so I think it's back to this studio these houses are burned down are we gonna get out join Todd hello Todd you ring off for two weeks so the place is a mess you do the housework the washing you cook the meals and you take care of god damn it where the [ __ ] the brat gone now Alice Alice Oh anyone that's Alice you look after her homework bath all that crap got it all right seem like I get started on real good dude I'm gonna have to do all all the stuff in here okay optional tasks urgent tax tasks white trash all right trash right here right maybe not wasn't that the trash okay oh this trash I see now take out the trash collect trash ah flex it oh yeah so you don't know how to do anything table okay come here get all that stuff yeah yeah I can get that yeah I'll bring it tomorrow right yes clean the kitchen okay so what is he do at all obviously he doesn't do any of the house stuff at all or really take care of his daughter hey cats trash this is what the whole game is gonna be just me to the street just me doing chores for 12 hours no this way this way let's go come on let's go bags to the container yep yep no that's not what I want no then wait oh hey there we go open the bean put him in that bus all right what else do we have to do what other chores do we have to accomplish today reports etad okay what's up Todd what ye why y'all weird finish the first floor ah even a bunch of trucks right in front of your kid okay well okay report to Todd we're going to do dishes yes wash Watson that's a lot of dition that's like all of your dishes dude hmm I don't think the kid should be down here for this let's as [ __ ] that's sad okay let's just report to Todd ah the dishwasher dishwasher not working oh great honey so right right then there you figured out what the problem wasn't ordered the part immediately well that part of the future is cool oh do I have to scrub the dishes with the touchpad wonderful do I have to do that for all what have I gotten myself into Oh No do I have to do this this is watching hi else we should go and we should go and talk to Alice maybe help her with their homework or whatever but she should not be down here I do have to do all the dishes oh boy giraffe Cara yes Todd bring me a cold beer right away okay you are not a nice man I [ __ ] hate you already and I've only been here for like ten minutes here you go okay I made a good start down here I'll head upstairs do what you have to do but stop bothering me okay all right Alice what's uh yes sir already upstairs let's go upstairs find Alice see what she's up to hey play some some tic-tac-toe Parcheesi perhaps oh I love Parcheesi well I think that's Todd's room do I have to this is oh wait we don't need to turn on the TV so tidy everything up the guitar in the corner do a little dusting maybe okay this Todd guy piece of [ __ ] really doesn't do anything at all oh there's Alice okay why don't we ventilate room yeah let's get the let's get the stank out of here there we go there we go that'll be nice anything else should be contained tying the team that is a gun she's gonna ignore that okay all right you've unlocked a dialogue or action often beneficial okay okay all right where is Alice's room that's the bathroom hold on Alice Alice hello hi you just want to tidy up your room oh I only just got you a little fork house hmm all right let's open the window get it get some breezes flowing through here some fresh air okay let's make the bed so you keep your room pretty tidy I'm so scared okay anything else got a cool little fox look at that fort that's a dope fort we say hi you don't I don't think so what's the book Alice in Wonderland Alice in wonder her name is Alice not fun of course allas neutral okay well I guess we'll go to Alice's room okay so now we have to we have to finish up Todd's room I guess then here you switch it on I guess and next some sports games the opening of a new cyber light plant I'm bored okay let's tidy this up hopefully hopefully that'll be it for the tidying so obviously this dude's got some substance issues teh this okay all sports you can reread discovered articles in the extra section I'm fine I don't really need to read any sports teddy Todd's room clean mess tomorrow to clean the mess where's that over here tidy okay tidy up a few things eyes it porn are you looking at it weird are you turning yellow what was it okay talk to Alice all right yes finally Alice just coming in to say hey what's up hi it's cool fort you got friendly I'm sure we used to be friends before I was reset maybe we can be friends again interesting you should tell me about yourself what you like to do where you like to go your favorite foods that would really help me you seem quiet you're very quiet I hope I don't scare you your father said you chose my name hmm Cara it's nice how did you choose it that's a lot of questions okay good talk hmm what'd she give you a key to where Oh said that hold on wait go back over here treasures this is where all our answers are [Music] so I'm assuming that her her mom either passed away or just not in the picture at all anymore just move somewhere else nope that's really sad so that's what happened to Cara you see it go red for a second [Music] don't leave the key in it don't leave the can't oh well you're gonna leave the key in it okay now mmm ask Tom for new insert okay we're not gonna clean the bathroom yeah feel like cleaning it back Gress greps not for me go and talk to you doing I know what you're thinking I think your dad's a little life huh [ __ ] loser can't get a job take care of his family don't you think I tried to make things work Jesus dude but whatever I do when someone comes along they just [ __ ] it all up is doing I'm sorry you know if you don't you know I love you oh okay so obviously so not only is he like obviously has like substance abuse problems and stuff and drinking problem there's not a great to you but also from the pictures and that until the he's an abusive father I'd only fatherís person whoa this is cool posit package colors hmm well now this is a sweet place take care of Carl wait Carl upstairs this place is rad you see that chandelier he's got dinosaurs in here hell yeah dude automatic doors draw the curtains Carl wakey wakey eggs and Bakey I know good morning Carl good morning it's 10:00 a.m. weather is partly cloudy 54 degrees 80% humidity with a strong possibility of afternoon showers it sounds like a good day to spend in bed I did go to pick up the paint that you ordered oh yes of God that is the difference between you and me right Marcus you never forget anything no Carl thank you I'm already pretty much he was a such a fragile machine hmm they break down so quickly all this effort to keep them gone okay I'll take you to the bathroom now hmm Karla you seem like a nice guy so far I mean we don't really know you at all but like just the way that you're interacting better than the other people we've met it's just the bathroom Oh cat Oh spooky looking cat okay put you back in bed now I guess ah yeah we're gonna take you around Karl looking spiffy could you damn dude you are looking spiffy anything special on the agenda today yes there's the opening of your retrospective at the Museum of Modern Art the gallery director left four messages to confirm your attendance I haven't decided yet you'll see about that later okay what else just your usual fan mail I've already answered dad so Zach leo like Leonardo DiCaprio I can call him if you like no no I don't bother everything about this place is awesome very going go to the kitchen oh boy your breakfast is ready bacon and eggs just the way you like them thank you Marcus you're welcome hmm Carla's a nice dude so far said thank you just make a nice small talk versus where's his breakfast AHA right here right here mm-hmm give him some coffee maybe a little bit of OJ give him some fruit ah great stuff great stuff here you go mister who got you your eggs and Bakey thank you mom television got you a little smiley face coffee it's nice so I'm assuming that these two stories are gonna intertwine I wonder about the that was just sort of an introductory thing find something to do okay that's nice what can we do can we ride on the giraffe maybe we can play a tune a hey what about it tune let's play some play a little ditty sit down let's do it do some jams I'm calling hopeful intimate let's do let's play something a little melancholy hey we actually pressing the keys [Music] that's so cool when you press on it it plays the keys [Music] and you can play slower or faster I like that that's so cool [Music] that's so cool I feel like a musical genius wizard man look a faster plane [Music] did you like that did he somehow changes the way you play sometimes I think you have more humanity than most humans maybe a little bit of passion behind to take care of you anymore you'll have to protect yourself yeah what happens with that decide who you are I don't want to become like in a situation like this there's no like family don't let anyone tell you who you should be let's go to the studio like it's just like Marcus in this old dude and like if he's not around what happens to Marcus does he go somewhere else or like they have free will what do they do we're going backwards I guess this is so cool is this are these windows or is this outside now either way it's so sick let's see where we left off remove the sheet remove the sheet move that sheet so huh well now we know why we needed the paint I thought it was to paint a room or something nope it's all just paints for the portrait you got a real nifty space here Carl don't lift indeed got some sinks over here anything else Carl how's it looking what are you feeling it's very blue you just like this blue or blue have some emotion behind it some deep deep emotion I've got some sick cats too what do you think Carl what's your verdict Marcus hmm I like it yes there is something about it hmm something I can't quite define hmm I guess I like it the truth is I have nothing left to say anymore each day that goes by it brings me closer to the end I'm just an old man clinging to his brushes Carl but enough about me let's see if you have any talent oh I get to paint try painting something ok what I'm painting what anything you want give it a try I really like Carl he's such a charming old man those look all those all look try do I get to pick the colors and paint paint Carl's painting [Music] what if I paint Karl's painting I think that might make Carl feel bad let's paint this statue do you have some talent Marcus took 15 seconds there's a perfect copy of reality the painting is not about replicating the world it's about interpreting and proving on it showing something you see Carl I don't think I can do that it's not in my program go on go try it grab that canvas don't use a reference just paint something do something for me close your eyes close your eyes trust me close close those beautiful imagine something that doesn't exist something you've never seen now concentrate on how it makes you feel and let your hand drift across the canvas do you have feelings though identity dopes [Music] it's gonna be interesting because like what kind of thoughts - robots have other than taking commands and like knowing what to do with them you know in this sense anyway just like all they know that it's like what's in the program so cool pretty good Hey hey Dad you know you know I was in the neighborhood I thought I'd stop by it's been a while right you all right you don't look so good oh yeah yeah I'm fine listen he's in cash dad okay what happened to the money I just gave you no no no I swear it's not that don't lie to me leave what difference does need some cash that's all sorry the answer's no what why you know why yeah yeah I think I do know why you rather you'd rather take care of your plastic toy here than your own son okay tell me that what's what's he got that I don't smarter more obedient not like me right you know what this thing is not your son it's a [ __ ] [ __ ] enough you don't care about anything zip yourself in your goddamn paintings you've never loved anyone you never loved me dad you never loved me hmm okay so he does have some families woof woof woof woof I thought that he was gonna like I thought he was gonna do something that boy seemed very on edge he intruded to ask for money all right well I think that I am going to end this first episode of uh Detroit becoming human become human human you read it here I like it so far it's definitely super interesting gets me thinking about that kind of stuff yeah I don't know it's just like where when robots are that advanced like what is the line between robot and human you know it's like at what point in this sense like with them like doing everything and stuff and what point is it no longer like robots just doing stuff and it's now like slavery it's very very interesting but I'm gonna end it here let me know what your thoughts are on it so far please no spoilers in the comments I mean we all know that but I have but if you play the game or seeing somebody else to play the game please let everybody else that's watching enjoy it and please don't spoil it for them so thank you guys so much for watching I hope you enjoyed if you did make sure to slap that like button right in the face now we'll see you guys in the next video love you all stay cranky bye [Music]
Channel: CrankGameplays
Views: 137,525
Rating: 4.984551 out of 5
Keywords: CrankGameplays, Crank Gameplays, detroit: become human, detroit become human, detroit become human gameplay, detroit become human walkthrough part 1, detroit become human walkthrough, detroit, detroit become human gameplay part 1, detroit become human ending, detroit become human part 1, become human, detroit become human ps4, quantic dream, commentary, detroit gameplay, full game, androids, detroit game, david cage, heavy rain
Id: eMGj1ONju8Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 57min 58sec (3478 seconds)
Published: Wed May 30 2018
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