Antique Storage Unit YEARS OLD.. Made $1,006 In GOLD Jewelry!

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what's going on guys yes I am in a truck and you guys did not expect this did you for this video but this is the beginning of the video guys we're actually on our way to a place that melts down gold basically they pay out ninety five percent so when you take coal to when you take gold to pawnshops they pay seventy to seventy five percent this place will play ninety five percent and they're really a trusted people so it's downtown Portland so it's worth the drive so the reason I wanted to do this video though is to show you how much we made now that units so we're gonna take this over there see how much they're willing to give us for the gold I just want to be 100% transparent and show you guys the before in the after and we have Kade okay we have Axl over there and wifey is driving so alright guys I don't know I can't guarantee they can let me film in there probably not but at least they'll probably give me receipts and I'll show you guys what we made and this is all from that unit guys so often that unit no extra cool for any other units so keep track and I'll see on the floater sup guys I am back back from getting the gold taken care of so let me kind of show you what I did and I think you guys would be proud we did really good so you guys know that I was on my way to take in some of the gold and silver it's nice to get my initial investment out of the unit I got I paid six hundred ninety dollars for the unit and we made out really good with just the gold that's the only thing I've sold I have not put any of this stuff online just the gold so check it out so I did not sell my silver a hundred percent of the silver I kept because guys it just was not it was this all silver but it just wasn't worth it for me I'll sell it on eBay and make way more money so I didn't sell any of the silver now these rings I did not sell yes I could have made probably an extra two rollers but I did not want to sell these rings because they're worth more money if you sell them on eBay this one here is actually 18 karat gold which 18 karat you know breaks and bends and scratches more than 14 and 10 karat it's just a beautiful ring so I must sell this online and I do know a jeweler that will give me a letter of authenticity before I sell it so I won't have any problems I'm also gonna sell this bad boy it's just kind of a unique older piece and yes I must sell that and then I'm also gonna hold off on this guy's this is a beautiful ring very old it's 14k and I didn't want to melt this one down now I also have all these two guys now some of these I'm going to give it's my grandma this is actually gold all this is gold this is gold plated the rest are gold I just like these pieces and I'm going to keep them give one piece to Grandma and then I'll probably sell the rest on eBay now let me show you the actual receipt now this is the we didn't move this so I don't show anything really okay so as you can see a a precious metals they will do all that I made a I made one thousand six dollars and ten cents guys and this is literally today January 31st 2019 one thousand dollars I've already paid for the unit and made four hundred dollars and I still have all this and the cool thing too is when you take a lot of gold in if you don't take it into pawn shops if you take it in somewhere where they will melt it down they don't care about the jewels they'll pop them out for you so you see this they popped out this jewel and this jewel so I can still keep the jewels they pop them out and they just care about the gold so not only do I get to keep the jewels I'll sell these on ebay I'll sell these on eBay give that piece of grandma and sell the rest on eBay so I still have a ton of jewelry and I made $1,000 and six sorry one thousand six dollars and ten cents so paid for the unit and I haven't you listed one item in this whole unit so anyways I like to be hundred percent transparent I do not like to I just like to be me like either I if I win or lose you guys are gonna know so anyways may not really well I feel like and so we're gonna go ahead and open all these boxes here now these are all breakables and I did not go through any of them in the storage units I did not have time remember guys is getting towards the end so all these are wrapped up I've never went through them except that item is showing but see so we're gonna go through all these on this video here and I'll show you exactly what we have in here this is the same thing I need to remove that out there before I open it and this is also never been seen so I don't even know what's in here it just says knickknacks I'm assuming I'm assuming more more more on music boxes but we'll see alright guys that being said let me get this jewelry put away and let's get into the video all right let's do this let's do this alright let's get into this like I said not much in this box look at this there's plenty a lot of cooking done in this bad boy it's the back of it just kind of here here let me see if I can pull over for you okay so look at this piece that's a beautiful piece guys it's a pretty cool hot streak but I bet this is like a salsa or sorry like a stew or something like that and then look at this one this is beautiful man what does that say oh man it's just wore out I don't know what that says on there anyway cut the rivet it's kind of a nice dish yes success okay so literally guys that's the quickest box ever that box is done let's continue over here shall we alright ok so here is a ashtray got cracks you can kind of see that up front but really cool ashtray wow this is things full and I have any went through this thing yet do this okay I think my grandma has some of these exact ones I could be wrong but I'm pretty pretty sure it's just a set of these and I think grandma my grandma has exact same ones oh they're from France AR cor Oh see France right there they're from France Wow these may be worth some money guys the side of one what is this holy moly what is this thing awesome I wonder if these are actual pearls though man they feel and look real Wow look at this it's actually pretty big it's got pearls wrapped around the whole thing I know you can grind the pearls on it put the pearls on your teeth and if they're grainy then they're real let me try mmm they're pretty grainy I don't know if that works anyways but look at this thing that is really cool guys that's pretty tall I would say that's like 9 inches [Applause] Wow what the heck is this oh wow that's still has salt but look at this thing Wow these got to be worth some good money look at this holy moly but look at the bottom that's corkscrews now this one's got a little bit of damage right down oh man you gotta be really careful actually it's flaking right now it's got a little damage right here so I gotta be really careful but these things are cool look how the P and the s Wow and you can tell that's never been opened in a while this stuff is just dirty and okay so that's the bottom no both of them but look at this thing that is such a cool piece it's got a little leaf down there excuse me pretty cool though huh so there's that I'm gonna put that for its Wow what the heck wow man okay this one is made exclusively Japan so there you go look at her oh my gosh that is so cool and she's a salt pepper shaker one of the two so Oh quick quick status I found look who I found oh the kids come down guys the kids the kids down here the kiddos down in here look at that down in that cool guys Wow somebody's gonna love that they did love I think like the salt pepper shakers okay I can't believe we're still doing this unit what the heck look at this thing the focus focus so it's got a little hole right there but look at this bowl Wow and he's got a little I don't see any markings on there so guys I don't know I don't know what you know Brant or what company this is but it's pretty cool and I know a lot of people collect this stuff so alright [Applause] look at this look at the dirt they've been in here a very long time in fact let's see what the newspaper says 1980 so this is before I was born here's this dish and come on focus there we go and look at this thing so this is probably what they put spoons on I think right you put it on your you put it on your stove and they put spoons on this thing so that's the brand right there guys so [Applause] it's got a little chip on this one but see the chip right there no brand that I see wait does say something nope hmm mine - give me some okay this here's another leaf this probably obviously probably goes somewhat together maybe so if you guys know what this is let me know it's kind of small wow this is Rogers silver plated silver plate Italy this thing is what this is I want I don't know cuz this isn't a candy dish I don't think look how old that is you guys see that and that's the come on focus there we go focusing this is silver plated that's a beautiful dish though I bet it for cigarettes maybe could be wrong but pretty crazy I've never seen anything like this before and it's silver plated and it's in really good condition guys I would say this is probably five inches by probably five inches or so [Applause] let's show these things are massive you can tell look how big they're so they're big big plates I probably like had like snacks and stuff on here right I mean look how big this thing is you can see it's got indents it's kind of heavy too here's the other one this is kind of like a snack probably could see how you can kind of put stuff in here and then it stops and then you put like dip or something in the middle but these are nice pieces Wow look at those things can I give you an idea and they're big so two of those it makes me wonder cuz there's some more stuff in here this must be the party oh we know this is one of my favorite foods of all time deviled eggs this is an egg deviled egg thing because he put deviled eggs right here deviled egg tray look at this Wow and you can see the craftsmanship back then look at the little bubbles thing right here and it just looks amazing that's pretty big so this is for your deviled eggs guys let me know in the comments if you guys like deviled eggs as much as I do [Applause] [Applause] look at this this is a really cool tray and says hand-decorated something fair or we're made in California let me add a canteen hardly see ya its bamboo but it's a pretty big one guys I mean takes up my whole arm beautiful right it doesn't look like there's any chips or anything like that which is great and then there's another one oh people are gonna be on me is it Pyrex huh is it Plex wow this is old too because it says 372 P Plex I'm just joking guys DC so look at this thing it's crazy sell me let me show you you guys see that doesn't work beautiful right somebody's gonna love this thing and it's they're highly collectible and I I learned a few months back that that all the capital letters are the vintage ones so whenever you see big capital letters on this it means they're vintage the lowercase ones mean they're they're newer but this thing is big guys look at that yeah 372 P and then d /c okay this is heavy this is heavy dinnertime I'm joking anyway so these Nazis so that's the brand guys wait this oh my god Ashley this is Cutco number one 144 Cutco is like way expensive the knives oh my gosh Scott Colan Ives are super expensive this is I did another good so basically this stuff is really expensive this is Cutco this came in the unit this is one of the videos I've already done already but this stuff is super expensive and I've got the sharpener vintage sharpener too but wow I had no idea that they made look at this guys so this is little platters to put food on little TV tray platters but I can't believe this is Cutco this may be really expensive I don't know I'll have to check this may go for a lot of money we'll see anyways guys tell me what you think of this Cutco and they look in great condition obviously they're dirty but look at this thing not crazy Wow all right let's do that box right there and then we'll call it a video and we're back unfortunately there's been very little things that broke but this was broke I already can tell by squishing it so let's get into this box right here and see what we have see we have honestly there's been only like two things that are chipped and like one or two things that broke out of all this and I'm surprised too because they really didn't do a great job Wow look at this this is etched glass I believe you guys are gonna have to tell me there's no that's weird it's a little bump there a little bump there but I believe this is etched glass but yeah let's see if there look at that little design on there pretty cool I think there's a blotch over here Party Time guys party too look at this so this one's big so [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] it's I have another one of these we have two of those yep here we go there it is so we have eight of these and only three of these the one over that's broken it's one of these unfortunately but video number nine I don't know yet anyways who's counting at this point it's gonna be video number 50 but if I were no I think we have got about five more videos of unboxing and then we're done this is crazy please thank you so much Vicki other people you guys are amazing I read all my comments sometimes I get a lot of comments so I can't read them all I mean I read them all but I can't respond to all of them so in fact I read them Ashley reads them mom reads them and guys think about this too you're not just helping me you're helping other people in the community as well who who kind of want to like watch the video and then learn in the comments from you guys that you know know a lot about this stuff so thank you so much for all the comments hit the subscribe button hit the subscribe button and the bell icon when you know I'm going live until next time you'll have one more video out today and then we'll call good alright guys talk to you soon see ya
Channel: Wades Venture
Views: 18,089
Rating: 4.8727736 out of 5
Keywords: Antique Storage Unit YEARS OLD, Antique Storage Unit, GOLD Jewelry, gold found, YEARS OLD, storage unit, storage locker, gold found in storage unit, storage unit business, storage unit house, storage locker living, storage unit living, storage unit wars, storage unit auctions, gold jewelry haul, storage locker home, storage locker opening, storage, storagewars, storage wars, storage unit buying, vintage jewelry, abandoned storage unit, dumpster diving
Id: crD_gZvmj84
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 13sec (1573 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 01 2019
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