The marvel cast being on crack for 18 minutes and 37 seconds straight β€ΌοΈπŸ’€βœ¨ (24)

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theatrical evan i mean definitely darling why does everybody know this like something about those so scarlett this is uh your question about chris chris just directed his first film before we go it's about a family of geese flying south for the winter what chris evans yeah it's me how do you know that so quickly i know that armpit anyway someone dying who is that someone's dying [Music] did you do that oh i saw this that's chris [Music] chris yeah oh so i have some quick fire edit questions from different avengers you tell me the avenger who said it okay okay oh wow we have a hulk tony stark captain america no thought no iron man come on most likely to randomly break out in song and dance uh me who learned to play violin in one week somebody learnt to play violin in one week nonsense who benedict cumberbatch no he didn't no he didn't he might think he did but i bet you he sounded like you know somebody killing a squirrel if my cat was stuck up a tree who do you call mm-hmm which of the avengers you can just kill it just dead no more cat up the tree is it you're a cat do you like i don't shoot that sucker if you'd won the lottery who would you tell first about the adventures maybe the hulk because he would never remember exactly nothing goes over my head my reflexes are excellent at drax filthy she has no idea if we had a black light it would look like a jackson pollock painting chris pratt most likely to laugh during a death scene uh maybe downey that's another chris photo isn't it oh they have very similar bodies interesting which christmas conversational german conversational german sorry um they're allowed to know germany [Music] he's a friend from work the friend from work hang on uh thor i don't know who this is though oh it's not from source from who was in billy elliot the musical uh tom holland yes no idea it was tom holland i was gonna say tom holland should have just gone from like widow do it like for no reason for no reason for no reason come over here because for no reason uh karaoke and uh her go-to song is baby got back uh i do know she likes karaoke i'm gonna say true hmm you're wrong come on you don't know anything about me it's over no oh no come back that's hemsworth weird nipple hemsworth that's isn't that that dude from guardians i'm gonna have to wrap up but thank you for waking me up thanks for ruining my career we're a secret keeper ruffle's the worst that's no question mark is bad oh yeah oh yeah i'm sorry i forgot about mark i love you mark i mean place wait have you guys seen the new movie have any of you seen it uh not really no no what do you got hemsworth one word for you to describe iron man and iron man to describe oh um charismatic hold on make it count what do you got turn my mic up thank you rad ass what was it like working together exhausting it was tiring man you know betting's a real diva and she says um oh tom tommy tommy's his hair doing again does he can america is my favorite superhero wow i have to say i'm pretty hilarious [Laughter] ah thank you you tied with ruffalo i don't know if you heard this for most blown takes do you do this do you do you own up to that it's a problem no ruffalo's a nightmare like he's a knight sebastian is a great guy we can just try and kill tom holland we will always have little tom right here tom right you are always on my mind you are always on my mind town i beat your ass you can sit down but uh what i know who's a kid now thor black widow for years we thought we'd put your marvel knowledge to the test it is time for the one second marvel oh no we're gonna play a marvel clip uh but it's going to be just one second long and we're gonna take turns the other person gets a chance to steal skirt uh-oh there you go what how was it classic classic what i even know what i saw uh and this one is worth 1000 points whichever one of us shouts out the correct answer first wins what ready let's play the clip [Applause] uh when the music stops one person [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] i feel like we already made out yeah this is [Music] so you know i want to know you guys you know i saw the movie last night it was i can't swear but it was like [ __ ] awesome oh you just your ears are covered so people are making jokes and you're going oh my god how much would your kids flip they would actually be kind of a nightmare they still sing let it go so do you sing let it go yeah in my sleep at 3 gonna act the [ __ ] a.m of this i promise it's quite a growth spurt ah it's quite a growth spurt why can't i talk how's the circulation it's really to tell the greatest thing that's ever happened to me my face feels so good i don't know i was not supposed to say that lies tonight you leave me all alone here with hey you guys my stuntman's about to [ __ ] you up i mean yeah who are you guys [Laughter] hey i designed this to come off so hey let's face it this is not the worst thing you've got me doing this drink i like it i know it's great right [Music] and i will not be bullied by don't take it personally i don't remember what i had for breakfast gluten-free waffle sir that's right honestly i hate working here they are so weird with paul rudd drinko uh do you want to explain how the game works yes the disc will then plink down and land into one of these plastic cups containing some of my favorite beverages such as capri sun wine spritzer and gravy your opponent has to drink what's ever in that cup [Music] the third turn you'll both mount me it will drop your discs into me simultaneously who's every disc lands in the cup first wins head up there you head up there and drop your drink drop your disc put your disc in me no you get to spit it in the other person's face first person why are we doing this i have no idea let's put on our safety glasses because ryan since you are a guest i will be going first why would we do [Music] this oh can you see anything i can taste your childhood [Music] this is your life's joy um basically what i'm saying and cut that's awesome he'll say this is from both of us okay it's actually just from me okay oh what is this you know i thought you might be hungry you've traveled a long way cocktail peanuts is this from earth it is it looks yummy it's very what do you think it is about loki that people seem to really love kind of moreover thorn a brother or let's say a half-brother said that you are let me quote him right a pain in the asgardian soul he's a pain in my ass guardian soul of course what so what is what guardians signed for yeah what so but what else is happening right we're about to have a little water war card game war but if you lose the hand you get a pint of water in the face yeah that's what i'm talking about put a hole in the wall we played once before a game is that right um oh yeah here we go let's put it back then and we're very happy you're here let's hope you come back ready one two three ah what a shine you know jimmy i want to say one thing the cast from spider-man far from home and we are about to play say what hey nice what died you're you're [Music] wait wait white [Music] mission mission talk about the film in 10 seconds oh describe the film in 10 seconds yeah it's really good it's funny it's so big it's so much bigger than the first one say what i want to say like chris evans but a lot of people want to say that we have a second guess uh jeremy renna jeremy renner rena uh no he is not he reminds us every day he stole an oscar he showed it to me i mean it's been 10 years right of making these movies 18 films that's i saw that commercial yeah [Laughter] and then we'll donate it to the starlight children's foundation is it true you tried to recreate the guardians volume 2 music video but failed chris evans kind of took the idea and ran with it and then forgot about it and then it just fell apart and then everybody just got busy what are you looking at would you boom booming tatum is not honest uh excuse me that is rude to zach efron what about chris hemsworth and thor tom hiddleston is so ugly why is no one acknowledging this i hate white people all of us how many superheroes are in this movie 125. i thought it was 126. 125. no did you ever figure out how many were in 125. we had i did the math i studied math in high school though 125 125 125 please name all six of the infinity stones for me yellow blue red colors or the names why do so many people have a crush on sebastian stan he looks like a potato winston duke brought his hell up top with crackhead legs on forever magnanimous that's not how you say that word how you say it right how do you how do you say it magnanimous you said magnanimous and i'm black i'm gonna see that kimber boy spelling question dormammu can you spell dormammu for me d-o-r-m-a-m-u d-o-r-m-a-x no no no that's it's a yes give me a yes oh you don't mama is so fat no no chris doncido look like a mix between a beetle at rhymes a muskrat and a roach that's just follow this page if you hate dave bautista some people focus on different things like sebastian is really into his abs that's his thing um i'm really into my leg when i go to the beach i was speedo so i want you to know what i'm working with clearly so is winston baku over here focus on his back benedict cumberbatch always looks like he's had an allergic reaction i bet tom holland is one of those whiteys who claps when the plane lands what's the name of the guardians of the galaxy's ship the millennium falcon no seahawk karen gillan once again allow me to ask you who the you think you are i don't know maybe i'm gonna just have to google myself this one is very simple and to the point paul bethany what a like a strong man no but a straw taunt tall dark skinned gap tooth man that's me 5 11 is the new 6'5 what are the aliens that invaded earth at the end of the avengers good at this yeah yes yeah absolutely that's not how it works man oh oh oh the dudes that came with the damn centipede dude yeah um that was a cool look the coolest blackest dude in the galaxy end up with some white red ass name like chadwick if i said it once i said it 600 times chris pratt is still perhaps chris evans isn't truth a great actor but he plays captain america like he's a big dumb hunker you guys are awesome uh you're awesome that's lady four right there yeah so there they are what do you think pretty awesome i'm so close superheroes are in this movie no one seems to know because we haven't seen six and a half seventy six and a half nobody has seen this movie what can you tell me if there was one thing you could tell totally nothing because what does where the snitches end up stitches i know the name of the next avengers movie event the untitled avengers 4 uh what should it be called quantum infinity no avengers this is what happened next it should be called um the long goodbye so avengers and then you have thanos and you have a quote and then you have thanos saying i never left and then you have in in parentheses an action which is mic drop thor ragnarok comes out and it's a huge hit and it's it's hilarious and then black panther comes out and it's just this monster huge cultural phenomenon that infinity war comes out and nobody sees it who's the one person you can tell any secrets about this is there somebody you can fight it everybody has someone they can fire i tell like everyone my children do you yep they know the secrets they know all the secrets you trust them well so say if you tell anybody this school i'm gonna get fired and there will be no christmas presents would you rather battle thanos or baby groot than us probably okay yeah baby groots he's gonna bring everything so i know right it's terrifying
Channel: Jukedoo
Views: 560,172
Rating: 4.9716644 out of 5
Keywords: Tom Holland, Tomholland, The avengers, Marvel, Marvel cast, Marvel being on crack, Mcu, Marvel cinematic universe
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 37sec (1117 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 21 2021
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