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james why does sam aggravate you? and don't say  something childish. what's going on in that big   cyborg brain of yours? it's computing. you know  what i can actually see it i can see the gears   turning oh they're malfunctioning shutting down  yep they're on fire. in my miracle um he would he   would talk less. exactly what i was going to say  isn't that ironic. i have a feeling they might be   a part of the big three. what big three? the big  three what big three? androids aliens and wizards.   that's not a thing. that that's definitely a  thing. no it's not. so when i was a kid my tt   passed away. your your tt? yeah. my tt yeah. who  was your tt? fine when i was a kid my aunt passed   away. every time we fight we fight one of the  three. so who are you fighting now gandalf? how   do you know about gandalf? i read the hobbit in  1937 when it first came out. so you see my point.   no i don't there are no wizards. dr strange. is  a sorcerer. there's no such thing as wizards.   a sorcerer is a wizard without a hat   think about it right i'm right i just  i just came up with that it's crazy  hi. you okay? that little girl kicked your ass. oh shit.  oh come on really you gonna do the notebook  thing why it's passive aggressive don't say it   left come on oh the notebook that's great guess  i got a late start really you should be ashamed   of yourself you should take another lap did  you just take i assume you just took it no   it's just trash hang on i have an equation oh  oh this will clear it up i got a vibranium i   can take the and i can fly who gives a [ __ ] i  have all of that on camera you know that right   get out of my face sam or i'll break it he's  cute don't hurt him i always wanted to do that   what the hell is that everyone's got a gimmick now you have a metal arm that is awesome dude   good of you to join the fight sam you're doing  the staring thing again it's time for the soul   gazing exercise i like this one thank you for  i love this oh the incredibly annoying guy in   front of me with the staring problem she always  just stare like that you get used to it you   should really enjoy this i'm going to i know  you are yeah all right get close come closer   well which way we have right the bionic staring  machine i heard that you know what fine here   you happy now it's a little close it's very  close that's what you wanted right guys   there you see that wasn't so  hard wait what are you doing are you having a staring contest just blank  sweet jesus i mean how old are you 106.   freaky magoo over here the manchurian candidate  you're killing me there's a truce here you can   drop the receipt for your gear bird costume come  on i didn't write it look let me just walk you   through a hypothetical can i walk you through a  hypothetical what did you do i didn't do anything   whoa you're going back to prison if i may no supercharged you're going back to jail  i really think i'm in love shut up if we   have to do something about this i'm the only  one who looks like a pimp only an american   would assume a fashion forward black man looks  like a man your ditty would be proud of you   if you try that [ __ ] again don't engage him he's just going to extort  you into that stupid head tilt thing   zemo's going to mess with our minds especially  yours no offense offense it was rid of you to   defend me at least hey you shut it you killed  nagel do you really have to litigate what may   or may not have happened there's nothing  in litigate you straight shot the man   don't worry i've decided i'm not  going to kill you imagine my relief   keep an eye on it i'll stay out of your way i  can't believe you pulled in your chapel i can   i don't like how casual you're being about this is  unnatural are you and where are we man rule number   two what was rule number two nobody gets hurt  it's a big one and why isn't there rule number one i don't know if you've been in a fight before but   there's usually not this much  talk all right sorry my bad   yeah i agree see making progress right oh get off of me that was really  great thanks doc for making it weird   i feel much better remember i took  the wings for your ass so that you   could save his ass from his ass before you  were his pet psychopath you were mr america   cat's best friend oh she's kind of awful now  you know how much i can get for a real monet   easy deactivate your hustle mode you sell fake  money she means real yeah what's google say   no [ __ ] try to stay out of trouble trouble wait  for my signal damn it i thought we were gonna go   left you went the wrong way i swagged away i  came out first you're supposed to follow me   where are we now i can't run in these hills it's  in every action movie hello how are you good what   did i miss nothing your partner is not my partner  co-workers look you've gotta nurture friendships   i am the only person you have called all week that  is so sad you're welcome by the way you're welcome you're welcome why didn't you use the metal  arm well i don't always think of it immediately   right-handed sounds not right about walker  you don't say oh this better be unbelievable   explanation take it easy before it gets  weird well i know it's crazy when i see one   cause i am crazy can't argue with that turn him  over i saw your role man let's be clear shield   or no shield the only thing you're running  in here is your mouth we should do something   looking strong john i don't come up to the sky  to tell you how to barrel roll or whatever so   don't come down here and start messing around with  things you clearly don't understand wow bye wow don't flirt with my sister because if you do i'll   have carlos cut you up and feed  you to the fish okay good talk hi sarah i'm invisible don't take  it so hard maybe she's got a friend just falcon kid it's black though is it because  i'm black and i'm the falcon i wonder how much i   can get for your new bird costume maybe a baguette  a few french fries so are you like a black kid seriously bucky you had one  job look at you white panther   it's actually why wolf huh would you want black  falcon you need to learn some madness sorry i   was uh i was texting and so all i heard  was um a black guy in stars and stripes can you move no come on you're not  gonna move your seat up are you not you
Channel: ALCHEMY
Views: 497,174
Rating: 4.9877887 out of 5
Keywords: TFATWS, the falcon and the winter soldier, captain america, bucky barnes, sam wilson, 99 problems, the best of sam and bucky, The best of Bucky and Sam, Humor, Humour, TFATWS humor, Funny, Memes, The falcon and the winter soldier humor, Crack
Id: jdK3Clsp5ts
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 29sec (509 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 24 2021
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