Something is up with Lia Marie Johnson

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[Music] hey guys what's up and welcome back to my channel so today I'm going to be talking about Lea Marie Johnson now I'm gonna explain who this person is so anytime Lea Marie Johnson popped up on my feed it was always negative in the sense of people were worried about her people were alleging that she was abusing drugs and alcohol every time it was something terrible which in and of itself is alarming because it indicates that there's obviously a pattern there but before we get into all of this let me just preface and explain who Lea Maria Johnson is so she is an American actress and internet personality known for appearing in various web series including the emmy-winning web series kids react and for her own vlogging and social media output she's 23 years old as of right now on Instagram she has a 1.3 million followers so she has quite a following she is signed with Capitol Records and one thing I need to make very clear because it is a factor later on is as I said she was in the web series kids react indicating that when she got a lot of attention she was I believe 14 so she was getting attention being very young we all know that the [ __ ] weirdos of the internet will objectify young children in fact there's a subreddit and I'm gonna link it I don't really want to show it too much from it because that subreddit I thought it was gonna be like a fan a subreddit or like a hater subreddit I don't think there's anything in between honestly but this subreddit is far more perverse and creepy because there would be close-ups of like her wearing a shirt and it's not see-through or anything but you would see like her curves more or her nipple would be like you can see the outline or something that's just human like humans have nipples okay congratulations for your discovery but they would turn it into this creepy ass kind of way of saying where they're looking into a window but the person being looked at didn't really consent to be looked at like that does that make sense and let's remember right now she's 23 on that [ __ ] disgusting subreddit there are people being like oh look at young Lea Marie Johnson and they'll post like all these pictures of her in bikinis and the way in which they frame how they're looking at the pictures is what concerns me does that make sense so if it were just a fanpage posting Oh Lea looks so great here fine whatever it's different when it's like people being like oh she looks so sexy when she was at this inappropriate aid that being said a big reason why people are concerned about her is that she'll often do Instagram lives and act in a very erratic fashion now one thing I want to say is I do not like diagnosing someone with anything so here I'm not diagnosing her with any mental illness or whatever but I don't like just saying oh this person's clearly on drugs or this person's clearly an alcoholic whatever what I am gonna say is that I don't think she is in a stable state I think she is somehow impaired whether it's drugs alcohol all of those I don't know but clearly something is up what that is I cannot confirm but a lot of people think it's drug use [Music] she's never even told me her name and she just walks by doesn't the theme just walks by doesn't even know my name before so me human no human is worth understanding analogies [Music] humanly worth understood but Jesus Christ they are just so ugly I see if you're on drugs it looks like I wish I was on drugs unfortunately I wish that I was on the hardcore drugs I wouldn't even be able to use this cell phone as if it was like a soft piece of bread the crust of a soft sourdough my my phone is resting along a chessboard I'm just trying to make sure that I wake up tomorrow with enough [ __ ] water in my system to breathe so no I'm not doing too many drugs tonight [Music] so you sure you haven't had any weeds [Music] let's address this week a really different thing right [Music] [Music] there was a young girl she liked to drink beer and she mid-thigh she drank beer her entire life and that's all that ever happened with her congratulations girl she really did well thank you what's that girl really did well in her life drink all the beer thank you good night good night end of stories I commit suicide JK that's not funny so I just so decided isn't enough funny beer is so weak you're so right in committing suicide on your wrist is stupid if you haven't been watching me for a long time you won't know that I actually used to have a drug problem I used to be a cokehead so when I see her it's not in judgment it's more of like I really hope you're not into what I think you might be into and if you are please get help because people OD I know I did and sometimes you don't wake up from that [ __ ] and that's what I'm afraid of here but aside from that since this story isn't tragic or disgusting enough she posted an Instagram live with allegedly producer and as you can tell he's significantly older than her and I have no problem most of the time with age gap relationships so long as it's not fetishized as in someone likes being with the other person because they're so young a rather than because they love them so I do think age gap relationships are complicated Lia Marie Johnson is a 23 year old woman she can make her own decisions that being said if you are impaired because of drugs alcohol whatever else consent isn't there and on top of that it's a lot easier for someone to take advantage of you there's already a power dynamic between a producer and the talent let alone if you're in some kind of relationship let alone if they maybe know some private information about you that they could use against you or release I'm not saying there's blackmail I'm just saying these are examples of how the dynamic is not necessarily balanced to begin with as of right now even Weatherby it's something weird he has taken down his Instagram and his website which is very clearly what an innocent person would do is it not in the Instagram live there was some kind of effect put on and you can't really see his face but you can hear his voice allegedly if it's him they don't like me [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] you're right [Music] [Applause] [Music] I know [Music] what he's doing is alive but that's a lie that's not even an Instagram what is it livestream what is it [Music] where are you going now we're going back to us hi Jackie your phone for that being said I found an interview with him from years ago and first of all years ago he already looks old for her and like I said not all age gap relationships are bad but in this particular situation I don't feel good about it but I compared his voice and it sounds pretty similar I'm gonna play the clips back-to-back just so you can hear his voice in the Instagram live then the interview and you can make up your own mind and I started taking pictures of kids riding ponies for their birthday the fact that he's taken down his social media sketchy as [ __ ] but also in the Instagram live he said something along the lines of and I'll play it please don't post this this could affect my career no these people are right here other ones that are there is nothing to me that sounds more damning and saying don't post this this could [ __ ] me up because of course there's some things you don't want to post because it's private you know like there's private stuff about myself that I don't want to post because it's private but that's not to say that it's perverse or inappropriate but here that's kind of the implication of if this is gonna affect my job negatively clearly there's something that people would not be too happy about and I don't think it would be because people are judgmental about age gap relationships as much as people would see hey maybe she's not in the right mindset to make these decisions and it's not maybe he doesn't seem like she's at all there's just a whole series of things along with how he was grabbing her in that video I felt very uncomfortable watching it frankly now the update is that the police showed up now there isn't much detail about what happened when the police showed up what they found what's going on of course it's still early but here there's an article that says Lea Marie Johnson has confirmed that police arrived and detained her on January 2nd after her producer quote/unquote hijacked her Instagram live broadcast Johnson is best known from her time on the finebros react series and has since grown her own fan base on youtube and social media in a previous slide stream on December 24th Johnson was emotional and caused some fans distress despite concerns she reassured viewers that she wasn't on drugs but that her behavior stemmed from her interesting mindset she then went quiet over the holiday period re-emerging after the new year for a live stream on january 2nd but it did little to quell fans concerns as the stream ended abruptly at the hands of her producer johnson clearly intoxicated it can be seen kissing the man just out of frame at around 15 minutes onto the live stream as music plays loudly and thousands of viewers watch on moments later the men believed to be the photographer producer Stephen Weatherby can be heard asking are you on Instagram no you're not you can't be on Instagram are you really on Instagram because that would be bad as Lea doesn't respond the man asks again were you on Instagram Lea were you on Instagram Lea then responds no to what she asks then what is this tell me the truth what is this this just does not sound healthy it does not sound appropriate and I really hope the police take this seriously and there's some kind of follow-up or they do some kind of checks on her to make sure she's actually not on drugs or okay or whatever the case may be to make sure that she's healthy but I definitely find it very concerning it's not just because it's happening now but rather because every so often there's a new pop up of like something's wrong let me know what you think in the comments down below let me know what you think of all this if you have your own theories feel free to share down below please let's not do any kind of drugs shaming BS just think we should focus on her getting help anyways guys thank you so much for watching thank you to my patrons as always and I'll catch you guys next time [Music] [Music] [Music]
Views: 511,378
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: lia marie johnson, lia marie johnson live stream, lia marie johnson react, steven wetherbee, kids react, lia marie johnson live
Id: bEQf_5NQX_o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 9sec (969 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 03 2020
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