Annual Cost of Owning a McLaren 720s & Some Q&A on McLarens

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all right so i asked in my community tab the other day if you guys wanted a video on mclaren 720 ownership costs maintenance and what i thought of it after this first season of driving it i've compiled the information out of my receipts we're going to spend some time chopping that up let me get it uncovered so you can get a look at this bad boy all right so i mean technically the car stored for the winter i thought i'd uncover at least so you get an idea it's about five degrees in my garage so we are now coming into the winter months at which point it is utterly pointless to drive this car that's one of the downsides of living in canada unfortunately all right so rather than going through the receipts i just summarize in here let's start with the maintenance costs of the car um there was some surprises let's just say i knew getting into a mclaren that it was going to be different from the german cars that i've owned in the past if you've followed my channel for a while you know the last exotic i had prior to this and i just sold it in september was a v10 manual r8 uh the gen 1 which is a it was a very nice car but it really sat in my garage for most of the summer and i rarely drove it because this thing renders it obsolete it's just it's just a way better car in every way and i'll explain why in this video because i got some questions from people that wanted me to clarify but let's deal with the cost of ownership part of this video so the maintenance part bought the car in march of 2021 within a week on a drive with some friends i had the air brake sensor warning go off in the dashboard and if you're unfamiliar with the 720 the rear wing you can see it there it's it's kind of elevated right now it'll tuck in flat when you're going fast if you've got the pedal down to basically reduce drag and it comes up when you're hard on braking it normally sits in that position during most driving and um it wouldn't move and i had an air brake sensor warning go off and said take the dealer that cost me nothing it was under warranty it was a minor adjustment just the inconvenience of driving it to the dealer driving into the dealer if i'm being honest isn't a huge deal uh it's not a small deal either it's probably an hour hour and 30 minute convenience so a 90-minute convenience out of my day getting down there getting back uh they're very pleasant to deal with mclaren in toronto is a fantastic dealership they really take care of you um they understand you know the cars inside and out they understand the frustration a lot of owners have especially when they're driving cars like this instead of you know more reliable or less problematic cars keep in mind this car is hand built it's not done through a mass production line with cookie cutter lasers and robots making everything perfect every single time each one of these cars has its own quirks and features as doug demuro might say and that's part of the joy of the ownership believe it or not it's it's actually an interesting experience and overall again it's been brilliant i'll explain why towards the end so there's air brake sensor april 8 april 26 both my glass panels had to get replaced the glass panels on these cars crack very very easily um i'll take the camera off towards the end and i'll walk you around the car to show you a few of the flaws with the the car but it's supposed to be this stuff here is supposed to be gorilla glass and it's supposed to be quite strong it's not i'm not sure why they keep putting it on the card in fact if i'm not mistaken i think on all the new mclarens after 2020 or so somebody can correct me in the comments if they know better they stop offering the glass roof panels and these are either offered in a solid dark plastic or in carbon fiber now the glass panels they want eighteen thousand dollars to replace them because it was so close to the purchase date of the car i asked them about options and they said well you can either replace them with the carbon fiber ones which are forty thousand dollars crazy right or you can put the plastic ones in which i think were a total of five or six thousand dollars which i wasn't too keen on because they don't the i don't think they look as good as a glass and one of the reasons why i got the glass is to let more light in when i'm filming in the car as you guys know i do some videos and cars from time to time and i wanted to make sure it had good lighting which is what the glass panels do and also i don't think the like the black plastic would match the carbon fiber roof we gotta walk around the car with the camera towards the end so i opted for replacing the glass now instead of the 18 grand asking price i wanted to replace both glass panels i managed to negotiate them down and they basically did it for cost so the total cost for the panels was 14 795 and 41 cents yes i know that's the price of pretty much any used car on the market today you can probably buy a kia or a honda or something like that for that price but such as life when you get into a car like this you kind of expect to spend some money that wasn't its unexpected expense that i didn't want to incur but again by the end of the summer it was all totally worth it next maintenance cost was rear tires uh which needed to get replaced august 11th so i had a few months of problem-free driving not having to go to the dealer and in august i'd take it back to get rear tires because i was going to do a rally to quebec and it's probably going to be about 1500 kilometers and i wanted to make sure i had good tread so i just replaced them just to make sure because it's rear drive it's got 700 and something horsepower and it will go through tires it just does you have to expect that with a car like that so i replaced that at a cost of uh two hundred twenty one dollars and sixty seven cents next maintenance item was a september fifth pre-track inspection which was four hundred fifty dollars sorry i got those numbers back it was 225 dollars um the pre-track inspection needed to be done when you book a track day with uh faf mclaren because the dealership is owned by fafsa owns a whole bunch of dealerships they facilitate some track days and on the card on the top right uh i'll show you some video from that actual track day where i just scared the crap out of myself so you can watch that if you haven't seen it uh but you have to take it in for pre-track inspection the reason why they do that is they want to make sure the car is safe before you drive it on a race track at or near its limits you don't want to have a tire blow up because your alignment's off and you've got wear on the inside that you don't see you don't want a suspension component that might be going or breaking to go on a racetrack and you're off into the rhubarb so it's for safety reasons it's not a big deal i had no issues paying it and the track day was totally worth it allowed me an opportunity to experience the car at and near its limits um the next expense was october 5th which was a post track inspection and i also had an issue with the passenger door closing it would it would indicate on the warning panel that the door wasn't closed when it was in fact closed i learned from the dealer due to the finicky nature of the car you have to um start the car before you close the door so the pattern that ended up happening was my passenger would get in the car close the door and i would start it because they were too anxious to get in the car and go for drive or something i would imagine um but what you're supposed to do is start the car then close the door it's got soft closed doors so it's probably better for the car and better for whatever sequence the geeky programmers put in but that's what the car is expecting so if you close the door before the car started it throws off a warning silly i knew but that's it there was another issue that i brought it in on october 5th with the post track inspection which there was a discovery on something else i'll talk about in a second and that was 450 for that visit uh there's an exhaust issue which i'll show you again when i do the walker in the car after i walk through these expenses where one of the tail pipes because there's two uh sticks out a little bit more than the other so and i'll show you where there's a little bit of uh paint that's starting to suffer as a result of the heat when i walk the car but anyway that was not a significant issue apparently because i looked at a bunch of cars in the showroom and some in the shop and all the cars sold by mclaren in a 720 model line which is a super series the uh left or sorry the driver's side exhaust pipe actually sticks out about half an inch more than the passenger side exhaust pipe why that happens i don't know uh i don't know if it's a design issue or it's a design flaw but that's the car it's hand built you know you're going to get that with hand built cars so with the post track inspection on october 5th and generally you want to bring them back after the track day so they want to check them before the track day and after the track day to see if anything is wrong with the car that might deem it unsafe some people might block at that and say oh my god i can't believe you got to do that man that's you're dealing with a car that does like well into 300 kilometers an hour that is a weapon it really shouldn't be sold to just any idiot that has the money or can just drive it anywhere it's my recommendation that you follow their recommendations for maintenance you can choose not to i i happen to follow what they were saying so i brought it in for a post track inspection along with the other issues with the door and the exhaust which i just explained and they discovered that the front uh passenger side tire was no longer aligned i don't know if that was a result of that track day i did another track day about a week after so the first track there was a mos port which you'll see the cart up on the top right for the video you can watch that there's another one i did about a week after at um cayuga which is a totally different track the surface is kind of if anybody's driven there that's watching my video they'll know exactly what i'm talking about this isn't the best car to drive on a small track with a bumpy surface but the front right tire was now misaligned and the wear on the inside was really bad the belt i don't know if they're steel earth or kevlar but the belts were almost starting to show so had i not brought it in i wouldn't have discovered that problem because i i didn't feel anything off of the car didn't pull i didn't notice anything with the car but with machines like this apparently that's how they go so that's why you want to follow the recommendations i brought it in for the post-track inspection they caught the issue i mean i could have had a catastrophic blowout at high speed and you know boom right so it's it's better to follow the recommendations and make sure that you maintain it as it should be that's the cost to pay to play with cars like this so there was that and then i had to bring it back after the tires came in because i had to get ordered i don't think they were in stock or maybe i had to go i didn't have time to leave it that day so i brought the car back about 10 days later for front tires and alignment front tires in alignment cost 2 541. total cost for my first season driving on the car including the glass panels was 20 233.49 had i not had the issue with the glass panels my total cost would have been fifty four hundred and thirty eight dollars uh the twenty grand i'm not stoked about i would have been happier you know with a with an annual fee around uh fifty five hundred dollars around that uh i think that's more reasonable for casa ownership but i think it was you know it's it's odd that the glass panels uh broke uh they're not covered by the warranty there's an extended warranty on the car which i bought when i got it uh the car had i think 16 000 kilometers is in 2018 it's got about 10 000 more kilometers the good news about the glass panels is even though they've broken and they're still broken right now and i'll show you them in a second i didn't bother to replace them right away because you have a one-year warranty on the parts on any part they put on the car that you pay for out of pocket so these are technically warrantied until next april the 8th was it no april 26 was when i replaced these so as long as i bring the car back to the dealer then they'll replace them before the 26 for free which is what i wanted to do because i figured why drive sorry why replace them after they broke under warranty when i can let the cars sit in the garage and storage just replace them in the spring and have brand new glass panels in so those were the maintenance costs um yeah not cheap by any stretch of the imagination i mean for 20 grand what can you buy comment below i'm sure a lot of you guys right now are like mike hart asked this that's [Music] okay i'm a car guy i like hard stuff i like fast stuff this is what i do i've always done that it's always been that way it's not like this hurts me financially um you know you have to look at things in perspective like if i was watching a video with a guy like jet like jeff bezos talking about his new 70 million dollar yacht breaking down i'd be like that's a lot of money for a boat but perspective right you know like you understand what i'm saying all right i'll talk about some of the q and a stuff in a minute let me just walk you around the car to show you um some of the flaws and specifics all right so um let's start with the glass roof panels um because you can see let's see if you can see here where the light you can see that crack there's one there's two there's three here you can hear the car buzzing because i just unlocked it four over here and five over here i tried to put a ppf on here i think you might be able to see it off the edge a paint protection film but that did nothing to prevent the cracking i don't know if the cracking happens because of stone ships kind of like coming up here from from speed you know when you're doing rallies and stuff like that it doesn't look like it here from what i understand it's just stress cracking and it's a design flaw it's one of the downsides to this car and i think that mclaren just got fed up with replacing panels during uh warranty issues so they've just decided not to put them in the cars anymore which is probably a good move so there's that um i wanted to show you the exhaust as well because that's just i don't know that's just how they built these cars it just happens to be that way i don't know but you can see if i stand here and i look down you can't see the exhaust yes i know there's not a lot of clearance it's a very tight garage for the car you can see that there's almost no exhaust sticking out from here if i just come down you can see that this is the exhaust tip over here this is the performance exhaust so it's a little bit louder than the factory one or sport exhaust i think is what they call it that's a little uh trim which this spoiler kind of tucks onto when it when it closes down and then that's the exhaust tip but again if you stand up here you don't see it if you stand over here and look at this exhaust tip you can see that one sticks out and as a result of it sticking out a little out a little bit more i don't know if you can see this in the video if it shows but the paint right there just above my thumb is starting to um suffer a little bit but apparently that's all mclaren so what are you gonna do about that um a few things that i should also mention while i'm holding the camera on the car is i compared because some people ask me about the depreciation of the car and i'll deal with a bunch of the other questions in a second but they were asking me about the depreciation of the car and the way this car is kitted so this is a performance car it's got loads of carbon so to give an example headlight inserts are carbon vents here are carbon mirror caps are carbon roof is carbon uh i don't know what these things are called but that's carbon this is carbon that's carbon the rear these things are carbon the rear diffuser so this car is fully loaded with carbon fiber even on the interior if i were to compare it to the other comparables out there there's even a lot of carbon on the inside around the dash even these vents here have carbon on them but um yeah you get the general idea you can also see some of the cracks here if you know you look through the glass that way i know it's not super bright but you get the idea but um i paid i think it was 280 for this car when i bought it and comparables right now for similar cars with mileage are approximately 296 to 319 so if anything i didn't lose any money in the car if i wanted to sell it right now and it's the off season it's the winter time i could probably make money off this car if i were to sell it so a lot of people complain that you lose money on exotic cars that's not always true uh depending on the car and the market and in this current market and with this car if i were to sell it right now i would make some bank a substantial amount in fact so just keep that in mind even with the uh cost of ownership for the first year even if i applied that to it it would technically be a wash and i would essentially own the car for free all right so let's get to the q a portion of it because i do have some questions here people sent me um if you're not subscribed to the channel subscribe to the notification bell blah blah blah there's a community tab where i posted this before i made the video to ask people for their feedback so here's the questions from the community that watches on a regular basis red dwarf says winter storage costs and any special requirements um you can take the car to mclaren and have them store it for you it's 450 a month for the winter time i decided to do it myself i've got the space in the garage although as you can see it's a little tight but it fits nonetheless um the requirements to store what i do some people do a little bit more they'll put the tires on either these um they're like rocker holders that kind of cobble them so there's no flat spots that's pretty standard with most guys at store cars only this car is very light it's mostly carbon fiber and aluminum aluminium for those in the uk so it's quite light it doesn't apply a lot of pressure on the tires so what i did is i just over inflate the tires to about 41 42 psi that keeps them nice and round um i'm not too worried about flat spots i'll probably need new tires early spring anyway so who cares that's one thing people do the other thing you got to do is put a stabilizer in the fuel just so it doesn't accumulate any water or it goes bad over the winter time because it's going to be stored for about five months or so here uh four and a half to five and a half months to get the idea so it's fuel state stabilizer i also put on a battery tender i don't know if you can see it on the wall over there it's a little it's barely showing but there's a mclaren battery tender which is a trickle charger and all it does is that keeps battery charged and the computer happy these cars get very unhappy one of the big flaws for a lot of owners or people that might be interested in owning one is that you should know if you don't drive it a lot keep it on the trickle charger um some some guys will just drive it for a weekend and it'll sit for two weeks in the garage and even though it says it might have like two weeks of charge or a week of charge on the battery it's not good for the computer the service advisor is always telling me if you're not driving it for a length of time like for several days or a week straight don't let it sit just plug it in it's very easy to do this little cigarette lighter thing you pop the uh the front open it up plug it in done it's not a big deal so that's the other thing you got to do for storage and of course just you know clean it and cover it like i had the car completely cleaned before i it so it's pretty much you know tip top shape right now so that's what i do uh maintenance versus repairs i covered that um there's been real like aside from tires there's been no maintenance on the car it's it's been repairs for finicky things or because i took it on a racetrack you know for example so aside from tires that's it uh they're carbon ceramic brakes i'm told they should last pretty much for the life of the car i have a friend with a blue 720 if you follow me on instagram it's entrepreneur's underscore in underscore cars on instagram you can just look at my name uh you'll probably see some pictures of some videos from time to time but my buddy uh dog he's got a blue once perish blue i think he's got 55 000 kilometers on it mine's got about 26 000 on right now and uh his car is it's totally fine they're they're very very reliable cars mechanically speaking uh finicky things like you know door sensors when you start the car and push the button air brake sensors if something goes off or whatever reason they can be finicky for just dumb like that but mechanically the engine the transmission is very very solid very very sound in fact the only time people run into problems mechanically is when they do things like um change the turbos software tune they change the downpipes and they bump it up these things are capable of over a thousand horsepower very very easily with some reasonably cheap modifications that's when you're going to end up blowing a hole through the crankshaft or doing something stupid in my view this car doesn't need more power what it needs is more grip if anything i would say if there's any modifications because people ask me i'd probably say wider tires and cup tires would probably be all you'd want to do aside from that it really needs nothing it doesn't in my view need more power it needs more grip because first second third gear the traction control light pretty much comes on if you nail it especially on a cold surface um this car is very very fast and there's a few questions here they're gonna have me deal with that so i'll cross that bridge when i get it third question from wet red dwarf is the hood strong enough to smash on um look this isn't pouring out it's youtube uh i'm gonna keep it on the download what i'll say is that the body panels are mostly carbon fiber um i know there's some aluminum parts on the carpet it's mostly carbon fiber uh the tub is definitely carbon fiber it's it's a little bit fragile it's not an f-150 pickup truck or a german car i would definitely not uh do anything in that regard on the car just saying in the car is a no-go unless you're a you ain't doing anything on the inside uh ceramic pro louisville says if you're considering another car from the 720 are you happy you made the decision or would you have made a different one now what's your favorite least favorite thing about the car so the first question is am i happy yeah i'm i'm unhappy that the glass roof panels broke a few weeks after i got it and it cost me 14 grand um but overall the car's worth it honestly you've got to pay to play i'm going to say it again stuff like this handmade high precision like weaponry grade type of machinery that does the things that you know this can do that's my thing other guys like art other guys like you know whatever you know that's your thing this happens to be my thing and i enjoy it and it's worth me paying the money for that enjoyment i've always liked fast stuff i always will um this is like for a 2018 so this is a 2018 model in their super series if you put this up against any other 2018 car stock for stock in its price bracket nothing touches it not even close out of the box if you put sticky cup tires on this or like our triple a tires on a drag strip if you followed anybody that owns one of these i think brock from drag times got like nines all day long on it it was it was a sub 10 second car out of the box these are very very quick um what's your favorite and least favorite thing about it favorites just the way it feels it's so awesome there's cars that are faster off the line a buddy mine has a 911 turbo s i think it's a 2018 and he has a tune on it so it has about 700 horsepower as well but off the line his car blows me away it is way faster off the line he threw me the keys on the racetrack we were at cayuga and it is a very quick car off the line but once you're rolling once you're over 60 kilometers an hour in this car i wouldn't want to drive anything else nothing feels like this car feels amazing least favorite thing having to go to dealership for stupid stuff oh your air brake sensor isn't working or you know it looks like the paint is starting to be compromised because of the exhaust tip position because really like that's a manufacturing flaw or a design flaw or something but at the same time it's like okay well that's the flaw but it's also a hand-built car that feels incredible when you're driving it you know you have to like you can't have it all at the same time it is what it is so there's that so it's you know it's the cost that you got to pay to enter one man's chorus says what are after-market spare parts like and you take the vehicle to a specialized mechanic i take your car to the dealer um because it's under warranty and um that's what you should be doing when it's under warranty i mean if the engine blows i don't know what they cost the engine in these things i would imagine it's it's quite a bit of money who knows 50 grand 100 grand who knows um but i take it to the dealer for that reason so the maintenance is covered by them if there's any recommendations and i deal with it uh if it was an out of warranty card then i'd probably find a specialized mechanic that has a lower uh hourly rate but can still source uh parts so there's that as far as what are aftermarket spare parts like i think you can get pretty much everything for this car i mean um you want down pipes you want bigger turbos you want a software tune you want to change the wheels you don't need to do anything as far as brakes or suspension i mean this car is lowered so let's see as far as modifications go so transparency the car's lowered it's on sprint it's lowered by maybe an inch i think it's not it's not significant uh matthew says how do you recommend obtaining these kinds of vehicles well do the work um i think he's asking more about buying financing so buy outright finance uh long-term cash delivery outlet blah blah blah so i had quite a few conversations with my accountant over several months and the best way to do it because you've got buy lease finance whatever uh i ended up buying this uh buying this straight out because that made the most sense under canadian tax code before you buy something like this and you want to get some clarity on what the best way to go about it is just talk to an accountant that's my advice biking with craig says i'd be interested in hearing about how much you enjoy you can play compared to the rv that's a good question i'll put a card up in the top right there's a video that i did um where i basically call this a 10 and the r8 is a pleasant seven um that's basically what it boils down to this this is a time if you're dating women you should understand the difference between a pleasant seven and a ten um most of the time i would tell guys when it comes to women i'd rather be with a pleasant seven but when it comes to cars if you have the money you know if you've got the time and the resources and all that sort of stuff if you want the best hide right here it's it's going to be problematic as i've already explained with my annual expenses um but that's what you got to do so overall that's how i would sum it up um the r8 was more analog if i could put it that way because it's got three pedals and a stick shift and the gated shifter it was it was a great car i love it i was sad to see it go in fact my kid was just sad to see it go which was strange too but um went to a good owner um you know the owner became friends so uh it's not like i'm never gonna see it again it like it went from one enthusiast to another enthusiast uh it's gone to get it home so let's put it that way and you know when you have i mean there's some people that own a lot of supercars i'm just not that kind of guy that wants to have that liability i don't really even like having the liability of things holding me down here so um you know getting getting rid of it made sense to me you can take that money you can invest it in digital assets and make way more um so as that goes great car i would still recommend an r8 v10 manual if you've got the means i think they're still going to go up in value uh they're great first or second you know supercars um and they're a lot of fun you know they really are it's just you know when you go from an r8 to this it's like going from a it's like going from walking to going to a bicycle okay it's that dramatic driving something like this if that makes sense uh reef keeper says is the fit and finish truly worth the price or is it just the name that you're paying for so the fit you don't buy a mclaren for fit and finish let me say that the fit and finish is not great as i as i showed you the tailpipe on one side sticks out more than the other side on the driver side of the car because the gas tank would be around here on the driver's side the alignment of the body panels around the gas tank they're not good again it's a hand assembled car on the hood over here you won't see it from that angle because it is more accentuated on the other side there's a little bit of a lip between the hood or the bonnet and the quarter panel and that's just a fit and finish issue because again it's a handmade car so this is not a fit and finish car you want a fit and finished car buy a rolls royce buy something like that that's very high-end which has very very very very very tight tolerances like they use robotic tolerance levels with lasers that are off the chart um if you want build quality like that then that's what you want you don't buy a mclaren for build quality um you're buying it for performance this is f1 dna okay um if you watch formula one you know um this this engine is not specifically built by mclaren i can't remember the name of the engine builder but they have motorsport heritage i think mclaren played a part in the design of the engine and the specs for what they wanted to go in the car but the engine builder is a british motorsport engine builder and the name of it totally escapes for the life of me somebody in the comments just write down the name of the engine builder i'm sure you know what it is we asked that value uh to be fair then he has he says i have a ca corvette and i love it what makes mclaren worth twice the price so if you have a c8 stingray uh that's one-third the price of the 720s in the canadian market i haven't driven one so i don't know what it's like uh the c806 i really like i want one um i don't know if i can get my hands on one that might be a car that i replaced in 720 for uh it's naturally aspirated it's you know you can really load it up with some awesome for less money than what this car would cost and i would imagine it's probably close to just as good on the racetrack i don't know how long i'm going to keep this car but um i tip my hat to c8 corvette owners chevy did a great job on that i like all parts i'm not a part of not you know some guys like f and f this and you know maybe you know when i was a kid hanging out with my friends i'd be like oh you know your mustang sucks and my chevy's better because i got a camaro back then today i like all parts you know i like anything that's engineered it's mechanical some better than others this just happens to be my weapon of choice today but um when i say the mclarens work twice the price of a c8 corvette yes definitely twice the price of a c8 the cab and one third the price is seeing right here of this i don't know i'd have to drive them so i can't really say uh dc ambition says how does mclaren help you in terms of networking good question very good question if you have a car like this and you join a supercar club which i've been a member of for a few years now you do have like it opens doors so let me put it that way if i showed up in a more entry-level mid-engine sports car uh i'd be like a porsche cayman or a uh spider or something like that like a gt4 or like a spider they're going to look at you a little bit different like it it just is right like somebody sees you in a 720 you know you get in the car and you're like hey you know you open it up and you know your passenger gets out she's looking hot you're getting out the other side it like you know the visual of that does it make a difference yeah of course it does does it help with networking yes absolutely how much networking are you doing are you doing things with it like if you buy a car like this to look at it in your garage no it's not going to help you with networking if you buy a car like this you put miles on it you drive it you hang out with other supercar guys and you have dinners with them and you do multi-day rallies um you know you have drinks with them you're you know you're hanging out and you know you're gassing up and you're shooting the having a coffee in the morning blah blah blah yeah of course it's going to help you with not working absolutely you don't need a car like this to network at that level you can network at that level with an r8 you can network at that level with a hundred thousand dollar sports card even it's just you know you just have more clout than something like this but i didn't buy it for networking i bought it because i legitimately like fast exotic cars that are like weapons on a racetrack it just happens one of the byproducts that they're doing rallies are it's good for networking too what is the leech factor from women that's from johnny p to be honest with you cars like this don't attract women yeah they look at it and they're going to recognize the success level that you bring to the table like you have the social cloud the value sort of thing but this thing's a dude magnet it's a sausage magnet i go to the gas station dudes talk to me i mean from time to time you see like a woman kind of look at your shouldering sort of thing but it's mostly a dude like this is a sausage magnet guys coming to you and talk to you all the time um it is what it is you know um women generally don't approach guys they're not they're not like even in cars like this if it was a rolls royce they just generally don't approach guys fast cars fast exotic cars specifically mostly attract dudes i mean i've seen women walk by and they're like oh wow that's a gorgeous car and they just leave a comment they sort of walk sort of thing that's that's the extent of it there's no leak factor from from women that's a um that's a big myth that a lot of guys have uh leslie rochas says why did you opt for a mclaren over orlando good question the mclaren sorry the audi r8 that i had is based on the exact same prop uh platform as the lamborghini gallardo and huracan okay so it's essentially the same car it's just different body panels the lambo has a lower roof line more angular it looks like somebody designed it with a ruler whereas the r8 was a little more smoother and rounder and you know just have that different look literally the same car like why would i go from it's like wearing this jacket to going to wear another jacket it's still the same like it's still the same thing underneath if you know what i'm saying aside from a aventador which in my view is a piece of aside from you know some doors that go up like this i've been on a race track with an aventador in front of me and it is a turtle compared to this car so that's why i went for the mclaren if you want a performance car that that that drives really really really really well get the mclaren if you want bling bling and you want people to look at you like uh i'll tell you if you go to a car meet and you park this car beside a lamborghini more people will look at the lambo just reality because the badge lambo lambo lambo that you know they just do most people look at this and they don't even know what it is right like i've been at stoplights and i've seen people like you know behind me and there's like you know old ladies in their glasses and they're looking at it and they're trying to figure out what it is they're like you know what that is mildred i don't know barb and it's like you know most people don't know what it is you park a lambo somewhere it's distinguishable by almost everybody they know what it is so long story short you want a driver's car get a mclaren you want people to look at your get a lambo uh just in case 008 says is it a heat score for cops surprisingly no but i'm going to say this there's a reason why i got it in storm gray because it's more stealthy it's got the dark wheels it's got the darker paint this car looks amazing in the daylight by the way if you want to see pictures go to my instagram again but it's like metallic paint and it just kind of changes color depending on the daylight like at nighttime in the dark it almost looks black and daylight it's a lot brighter in like the gray color sort of spectrum but it's a very stealthy color i got it in this color for a reason whenever we're out doing drives with friends the guys that get pulled over have the bright color cards the bright blue the light orange the bright yellow the lambos the porsche gt3s those are the guys that get pulled over so it's not a heat score for cops i think if you buy any exotic car in a more subdued sort of um stealthy color scheme you're going to be picked off a lot less if you know what i'm saying big jack john says why don't you get a proper sports car like a lambo ferrari or a porsche okay oh that hurts so bad yeah i got the mclaren in my garage i already dealt the lambo question ferrari very very simple do ferraris have doors that do this no do ferraris like there's nothing in the ferrari lineup in 2018 that would have compared with the mclaren 720 all ferrari doors open out unless you're talking enzo the ferrari then you're into three million dollars for the car um so ferrari they're great cars the other thing i don't like about ferrari is in my experience whenever i've been to the dealer to talk to them they're snobs they treat you like mclaren at least respects people that visit as buyers the impression that i got from ferrari is to like get the hell out of here right it's like i don't have time for that okay i'm gonna show up at the dealer like this i'm not gonna wear my suit and tie and pranks in like this is how i roll okay so that's the impression i got from ferrari uh and porsche was the other one um i like porsches a few of my friends have 911 turbo vested with some tunes and some work done and they are very fast in fact i'll be honest with you a porsche 911 turbo s is probably the ultimate rally car because it's very reliable it doesn't have any technical glitches it's german made it's built by robots for the most part i think like even like even the windshield on my car it's it's fragile it's it has little freckles in it from tiny uh stone ships um you don't notice that with german cars so that's a car for consideration if i'm gonna keep doing rallies would be a 911 turbo os with some work done to it so that it can keep up to this sort of performance level it just doesn't feel the same it doesn't like i've driven an i-11 turbo s in the track you know while this guy's poking fun and i get it tongue-in-cheek like when you get a real sports car it's like no you haven't driven one of these maybe you can't afford to drive one of these or nobody will let you drive one i don't know but until you've been behind the wheel of one of these you have no idea what you're talking about you can't judge and say get a real sports car like a porsche porsche makes great cars but this is why i got that i would explain that anyway i hope that offers some clarity on maintenance costs some faqs you guys threw at me a little more inside around the car this brings you back to the cars part of the entrepreneurs and cars channel so yeah like the video leave a comment below and let me know what you think see you guys later peace out you
Channel: Entrepreneurs in Cars
Views: 37,164
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: entrepreneurs in cars, richard cooper, tips for men, masculinity, business, investing, financial advice, Mclaren, mclaren 720s, supercars, exotic cars, mclaren cost of ownership
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 38min 40sec (2320 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 23 2021
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