The Truth About Buying a McLaren - A Masterclass in Bad Service & How NOT to Treat Your Customers

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hello everybody if you're the sort of person that doesn't like the videos where I simply stare at a camera on waffle on for about half an hour now is your time to get out but if you're up for hearing the true and yet unbelievable story of one of the most embarrassing car buying experiences I've ever heard of please stay tuned this week's story is entitled mclaren snatching defeat from the jaws of victory it features a cast of four my friend James Dean who you may have seen on the channel previously his father John the people of McLaren Manchester a part of Sydnor group and McLaren themselves hereafter known as Woking how did this all begin well my friend James and his father both decided for various reasons that they wanted new cars they wanted to buy MacLaren's my friend's dad John decided to buy a 720's very nice specification and his son James decided to buy a 570s spider you will possibly have already seen reviews of both of those cars on the channel because they should have been out by the time this video goes live things went wrong really from day one of things have gone so badly wrong then I had to produce myself a little time line up here to kind of keep track of how things all happened and where exactly things started to go aright but the simple fact is that it wasn't right from the moment the cars were picked up you would think that if you and your father spent the best part of four hundred thousand pounds on two new cars there would be a little bit of ceremony wouldn't you well unfortunately you would be wrong he said we arrived at McLaren Manchester at the allotted time and I was actually told to bring my camera along with me I mean I was just there basically for two reasons number one to be a taxi driver and number two to check the car over John had recently had a problem with his 911 which was then being sent back to port and a few of the problems had existed up on delivery of the car but with him being so excited about getting a new car he had overlooked them so I was asked to be there as an impartial observer and to make sure that the car was simply in the condition that it should be being a brand new quarter million pound McLaren and to make sure obviously that everything was you know good hunky-dory and he could take the car home safely and happily James had told McLaren Manchester that I was a youtuber which is always a bit embarrassing but you know hey oh that's that's how it is and they expressed some interest in having some filming and stuff done so I said you know what it's not every day that a father and son both collects brand-new cars let alone brand-new supercars or any McLaren on the same base so yes sure I'll bring my camera stuff I'll come along and film I didn't get there the cars are nowhere to be seen normally when someone's picking up a new car even if actually if it's a used car I've been with a friend to pick up a used car and you still get the whole experience in the handover Bay with with the coffins of the reveal and all that yeah bit but sprinkle a bit of stuff on you're spending a lot of money with these people the least they can do is just you know give you a little bit of gloss a little bit of Sheen during the collection procedure something happened which I couldn't believe I spent a long long time deciding whether or not to tell people about this or to keep it quiet I understand now that it has been dealt with and it no longer exists but it is something that to me summarizes McLaren Manchester's attitude so completely that I thought I'll be silly to not share it with you while we're at the dealership James and his dad were off doing all the usual boring paperwork stuff and then James calls me throat and says can you have a look at this please him and his father are having to sign documents each for some normal stuff but there's one piece of paper in particular for each of them which stands out and just looks wrong to me I just can't can't quite fathom and I actually have the pieces of paper here in my hand and if I didn't actually have these pieces of paper in hand I am I wouldn't believe that they exist quite frankly now there's one for James's car and there's one for is dead they are on the face of it ordinary pieces of paper and there's something stuff written down on here I think he's very very sensible but I'm gonna read you through the entire thing and I'll allow you to make up your own mind about it at the end now it says McLaren Sport Series okay first off it's vital that a McLaren is kept on charge when not in use after three days downtown now that's what it says it says after three days downtown you you have to charge your car you can see here I've highlighted different bits on this piece of paper they're all of the typos and things on here then and that's what confused me about this piece of paper you see I mean this is fine if you Clara is you know loads guys before well if you leave them for a while you really should keep them on charge and the Clarence have a lithium-ion battery it's very expensive it doesn't like Ozzie being run down like any battery and so that's that's a good solid advice poorly written but solid advice if the doors are left open long enough the car goes to sleep you'll need to close the door and open it again and close it again for the windows to shut themselves finally it's just an oddity now here we go McLaren is fitted with coarser or Trofeo another typo our tyres will follow the roads camber this will give a sensation that the tracking is out as it will pull if the steering wheel is not gripped firmly [Music] the cars can be quite you know they can't follow the camber but the sensation of the tracking is out from these cars is because the tracking is out when the battery is low the vehicle may not respond to the key fob when pressing the ignition to start the key the car hold the hold the fob against the the wheel getting it gentle fine 570 Spyder roof trims will break if you do not give the door glass enough time to drop we can cover this work under warranty however it is nearly a week's worth of work there's nine times out of ten we have to send the roof off the body shop for repainting basically don't open the door too quickly otherwise the car will break slightly aggressively written but ok it's general advice I mean I don't know why you given this in a document to sign aircon gas is a conceivable item will not last forever McLaren recommend the servicing the air conditioner service every system every third service with the air cons best setting appears to be Auto low putting it on the highest speed does not get the cabin any colder in other words you're saying the aircon on the car doesn't wear every well the battery life indicator on this display isn't is an estimate and not exact on when you have these cars that tell you the battery's got forty days of life left in it whether it's again fine fine fine when maneuvering at low speed with lock on the steering you may experience wheel skipping or dead ring this is due to the campus that have been there's normal while it's due to the fact that the car has no nante acumen geometry much the same as a lotus and the 500 tell people this again I don't know why you're making someone sign a document but then then the killer panel gaps are never identical from new this is due to the vehicles being hand-built when I saw that my advice to James was don't sign it because for a start I don't believe this this is basically they're asking you to sign dr. which we were told we were told came from working and we were told explicitly if you do not sign this document you cannot take your car and I was told this very aggressively by the salesperson when I was that I would never sign such a dog minute if I if I was gonna buy McCann from and he said well you wouldn't have a car from us then yeah when you're paying quarter of a million pounds for a car lads I should be signing a document saying it's gonna be brilliant because it's handmade not the other way around now this document is not from working out not at all this is this is a fabrication of McLaren Manchester it has already been dealt with the fact that it ever existed is an utter and total sham it is awful the one for the super series is potentially even better these 720s will experience a rattle from the exhaust when applying light throttle from stationary when cold McLaren have advised us of this and are currently not looking to rectify which sounds to me an awful lot like they know there's a problem but they don't care 720's rear quarter panels are loose as standard are they due to this old move if leant on we only test vehicles to the national speed limit this is especially important on sold units as we have had three cars of recent that have all had complaints at 130 mile an hour plus in other words the 210 mile an hour supercars that we are building on very good quality another bit about that door having to be cycled if you leave it open for long a bit about the air concept it's the last one please make sure the owners are advised that the vehicle has to be warmed up prior to requesting all the power from the throttle we have found that if the vehicle is not allowed to warm up man it's a terrible terrible spelling less bother you will experience a lack of power the sensation of running out of fuel and will ultimately bring an amber engine warning light on the display McLaren are currently working on a safeguard as an interim and to keep the car in charge I mean it now I'd like your comments on it if you'd just spent a quarter million pounds on a supercar your first supercar and you have a signed piece of paper saying it was badly built do you think at that point you just walk away I think I might like I say the have been dealt with this but that that's not cool that is not cool at all Manchester Jones car eventually turns up being driven simply down the road and around the corner to the dealership no fancy reveal nothing like that it just appears and to keep you some context here McLaren Manchester have two sites they have the dealership which is where kind of everything happens but they also have their service center and their body shop north of all things actually different places but where the cars get prepped and sorted yz9 miles away so his car had been driven nine miles to the dealership that morning and they just turned up around the corner both of these cars have basically been rushed through prep because we were told that if you leave a McLaren outside in the rain for any period of time without it moving the knock sensor will fail it will break is not considered a warranty item and the dealers have to replace them and you can probably guess that every single car that McLaren manages to keep in stock is outside in the rain going nowhere for some time so basically every single car they have in stock has a broken knock sensor so this has to be replaced on the 720 and on the 570 as well so they apparently I've been you know rushing it through the last minutes get this stuff all sorted and done even though they actually told us when to pick up the cars anyway regardless 720 turns up and then a couple of hours later the 570 turns up we give the the cars a good look over and the 720's generally okay there are some small bubbles in the paint protection film which has been applied to the front of the car then I was told would would go away and I chat with a couple of people I said yes that there can be a normal part of the process so that all seemed okay unfortunately the same could not be said for James's car his car actually had a number of bits of damage to it there were small sort of ordinary paint chips where pastels he hit the car and some more whining scratches and on the inside of the car at the front a reasonably large scuff mark some scratches on the back of it as well Jim it wasn't good it was not good at all and the people there seen a little bit surprised about this and it was all a little bit awkward because Manchester is quite far away from where we all live it is more or less a 500 mile round trip from James's house to Manchester and back now a couple of things there number one if you're watching this from the state's 500 miles in the UK is quite a long trip number two James's nearest McLaren dealer would probably be Hatfield but even they are a good sort of probably five to six hour round trip for him there are no McLaren dealers or service centres in our area of the country at all the if we want to buy Anna Clara Noronha MacLean or whatever we have to travel that's just you know other alternatives include places like Belle and Koval still a five-hour round trip for me and I live closer to them than they do belikov was simply a service centre and not a dealer so that that's a McLaren issue the reason the cars are purchased from Manchester originally was the fact that the deal was just very good much better than anyone else could do Sid was that nothing wrong with that people shop around all the time these days it's normal its ordinary I don't think they should be punished for that thing alone so we have a problem whatever 570 which has got quite a few issues with it now this is a Thursday and so their original session was about take the car home then bring it back and we'll sort it and then you stay over in stock which just doesn't seem like a good use of time so I suggested if the paint shop have some last-minute availability if the car can be squeezed in there why don't we stay overnight locally maybe put up in hotel have a meal whatever and in the morning or in the following afternoon hopefully the car will be done or better and we'll take it home we came back the next day and the car was better but not sorted there were still clearly issues that needed to be fixed but we'd been in Manchester by that time for about of 30 hours and we had had enough we said we'll take the car home and then we'll work out later what it is that we are going to do about the whole sordid affair so we do that we take that home a series of phone calls and things with Manchester ensue in which they pretty much try and shirk all responsibilities that they have for the whole thing now this video I am trying to keep as factual as I possibly can and the reason I say these things is because I have heard the conversations myself I was there for nearly all of this and so I know that all of it happened if you attempted to jump into the comment section at the moment and say I'm just on a mission to bash McClaren please do urge you to stay until the end because this is not of course the whole story just yet so Manchester say take the card hassle take it take it to your local dealer our response was well why should they deal with it it's not a problem at they've cause this is not a warranty issue this is not something that's broken this is a car that wasn't correctly inspected to give you further context of this James's 570 have been in stock at that time for about six months so the damage on the car had either been there for a long time and never noticed or had been done during the prep process now whichever way it was doesn't really matter it's incompetence pure and simple you're either ignorant or someone damaged the car and didn't want to own up to it I mean look stuff happens okay things happen things go wrong cars get damaged in dealerships all the time it just happens okay two-factor life and we can deal with it and we knew that the McLaren ownership experience wasn't going to be smooth sailing wasn't gonna wasn't gonna be easy but we had hoped at the very least that they would be professional and decent about it Hatfield very quickly got back to us and as we expected and rightly so they said look we cannot deal with these problems and it's not that we don't want to we're simply not allowed this is not an us problem this is a Manchester problem in Manchester must deal with it Manchester then said oh well you should drive the car all the way back up to us and then leave it with us for an indeterminate period of time for it to be fixed James rightly pointed out the fact that he is on a finance to Hill and the finest deal has a mileage limitation and to go to Manchester and back is another 500 miles or about 5% of his annual allowance to fix a problem that he did not create not very acceptable Manchester didn't really want to do anything about this this is the stage at which McLaren head office Woking coming to play so James started talking with his contact at client services that's a facility that exists or people that own MacLaren's to get problems solved they were helpful they were decent they were very good and with their assistance it was organized that a courtesy car a McLaren was going to be delivered to James and then at the same time his car taken to Manchester to be resolved in the interim some problems with John 720 had occurred the paint protection film on his car was beginning to sort of bubble quite badly and start to come away there was him electronic glitches things like the stereo not working on occasion which happened during my review and the whole system just not wanted to work if you tried to start it too quickly and some oddities as well with gear changes on at least one occasion one actually got on film when we were recording so that kinda needed Dean with as well but we agreed that the five seventy was the one that had the the bigger more immediate problems and so that was going to get dealt with first on the 30th of October at Wednesday James's car was due to be picked up he was at home and sitting around waiting for the AAA to arrive and collect his car taking away and drop off the replacement loan car in the middle of the afternoon his father calls him and says oh by the way your car's not being picked up today for reasons totally unknown to us McLaren called James's father and not James to tell him about problems with James's car they never made contact with James about it and at no point did anybody try and tell James that the car was not gonna be picked up on the Wednesday James it stayed at home explicitly for the car to be picked up he had lost another day of business this is two days of business already he's lost sitting around trying to you know get problems with this car it resolved and if you think oh that's a shame that's a road dear how sad all McLaren the way around a little bit for his McLaren to be sorted well how do you think these people afford a McLaren in the first place they're busy very very busy I appreciate that I don't earn enough money to earn a McLaren yet but even for me losing a day for nothing he's very very except and costs me quite a bit so this was this is a problem especially because we were then ourselves away for a couple of days McLaren themselves were annoyed at this because McLaren Woking had organized and sorted the transporter they had sort of set kirsta car all this sort of stuff and all Manchester had to do was get the thing to James at the agreed time which they they fail there and their excuse was the fact that James live too far away and logistically it was difficult for them to deal with that's there's not a good excuse that's not acceptable as discussed previously all McLaren dealers should be prepared for selling cars to people that live quite far away and that's a global thing as well it's not just a UK thing so that is not cool James and I were actually on a trip filming with the Jaguar f-type yes we are and then it's a couple of days which meant that we were then unavailable so it's rearranged for the car to be collected the following week in the interim when he got back and started using his car again the windscreen and it cracked and this is a common thing on the Clarins and if you see the picture you'll see that a lot of them crack in the same place and the air conditioning was not working properly either the 570 GT got dropped off and left with him as a courtesy car and the 570 has got taken away and we then have to start thinking about what it was that we actually wanted to do with the car I say we I mean I have no financial stake in the car at all I'm just his kind of you know car consultant the type person and confidant in all things automotive now a problem was beginning to form here that we could both see coming you see we are both lotus victims I'm a former lotus victim and he is a current owner of an exceed cup 430 and we've both been in the position of having problem cars and it never gets better you you think that once the problem is fixed everything will be fine and dandy but then another one occurs in a null one and another one another one and so on and so forth and it just never ever stops so we were very worried that with so many things about McLaren being exactly like they are with Lotus that this was going to be the same so I said to him we should probably look at the option of replacement he loved the car absolutely loved the car I loved the 570 just two bits and and really really enjoyed it and didn't want to lose it and he got a very good deal as well but that particular car was clearly going to be a problematic one so I said okay we don't want to reject it a repair is is not gonna get get done in in a reasonable timeframe or by probably competent people so let's replace it unfortunately the 570s is now out of production and and has been for quite some time that's one of the reasons that the deals on the were so good they are basically clearing stock that means that Manchester didn't really have very many cars that they could potentially replace his with and one of the things he didn't want was a black car they had a car in stock that was basing an identical spec to his but it was black and not gray however we didn't want to dismiss it out of hand so we said okay let's drive all the way to Manchester again let's have a look at your car and let's just see if it's an option that we can consider so we go all the way up there have a look at the car unfortunately it's just not going to work for James so we start talking about other alternatives the alternative then was for him to upgrade to a 600 l LT though some pretty decent deals available on those and we sort of looked at me and said look with it with a little bit of goodwill from Manchester and so on and so forth perhaps an LT would be preferable because they had an LT available in stock with respect that he very much liked the car that you've probably seen again reviewed already this week so he said yep okay we looked at the numbers which I'm not going to divulge because that is personal financial information was it yes okay it can be done and Manchester were willing to work a little bit towards that to get him into an LT instead as an acceptable compromise so the deal struck hands were shaken we knew what the numbers were that's cool we're gonna change your friend LT instead but it's gonna take them a little bit of time to prepare the LT because poori the knock sense is broken in it and they want to go over it with a fine-tooth comb to make sure that the same issues don't occur again and that the car is properly PDI Pat this time now fine fine fine so we take the photos on GT t back home all good let's wait a couple weeks and see what happens in the interim john 720s is developing more and more problems and McCarron on a regular basis keep phoning the wrong family person they keep finding James to tell him about his father's problems and they keep phoning John and telling him about James's problems it's all a bit of a mess really John 7:20 the door starts literally coming apart where you can only on the inside of the door it's kinda hard to describe but you can see that it's just held together with double-sided tape and it's starting to come apart the windscreen doesn't want to clear itself or D mr. so very easily unless you've got the thing on full blow and he discovers that in November a 700-plus horsepower rear-wheel drive supercar isn't the friendliest thing in the world to drive so he wants winter tires unfortunately he's then told that you can only put on the approved set of winter tires otherwise your entire warranty is void this is this is not this is this is simply not how things work but that's what they were telling him and then they were telling him that setup winter tires for his car was the best part of 3000 pounds and oh yeah he can't he can't have them anyway so it's all a bit of a disaster so they're saying that you can only put our winter tyres on but we don't have any in stock D of you anyway and they're really expensive it's it's all a bit of a mess and John is understandably getting a little bit upset about the fact that he seems to be forgotten in light of the fact that James has loads and loads of problems but just because the two have the same surname doesn't mean that they're the same customer they're two separate people okay mclaren need to learn how to deal with my parent manchester needs to learn how to deal with more than one customer at a time so roll things on a little bit we're now at the 13th of november it's been about a week or so since we were at McLaren and we agreed that we we would take the 600 LT James is over at mine with the 570 GT he's been to see a customer of his and he's coming home and he's just being sociable he's just he's just stopping off then he goes to leave goes outside and the boot on the GT won't shut or there's a covered the hinge at the back okay not shutting that's a problem because obviously it's just gonna just gonna fly open which is not safe and the car won't lock so it'll try and lock it'll ill beep at you and it won't lock so we're like oh hell no it's about 4 o'clock in the afternoon it's over like right we've got time first off phone Manchester and he's told basically perhaps he's not a mclaren customer because he keeps causing problems what come on guys seriously seriously that's your attitude no no no no no no no no to be told that by the sales guy like I know maybe I'm just not gonna sell you a car anymore because you're a difficult customer ah we don't create these problems well this is not problems will because okay so nothing we can do there's loads of stuff online about the cars having problems with the boot being stuck shut nothing about it being stuck open but that's what happened so their first suggestion is okay we didn't call the we're gonna call McLaren Assist which is basically the AAA rebranded but we have to do it with phone mclaren assist guys has a problem with this car they say right we're going to send a man from the AAA out to take a look at the car we've we've looked at it already there's nothing that he can do a guy from the AAA is not gonna start taking apart the tuner ground the supercar okay on the back of my driveway to try and get the car sorted not going to happen now the guy from the AAA then wants to take James to the local airport to try to pick up a courtesy car however there's an issue here McLaren have a deal with the AAA so the idea is that getting McLaren is kadis-kot is not the normal thing the normal thing is you get a custody car from enterprise the car-rental people but a way back when a lot of people complained when they're six 50s or 12 she's broke and they basically came a Ford Fiesta as a curse - you're understandably upset I'm sure but what McLaren did was they then decided to sign up for the enterprise premium scheme meaning that if you get a car from enterprise it's a nice high-end decent car you know a proper AMG something like that but the way the contract works means that you can only get one of those cars you will not get some rubbish a crappy little thing it's just not going to happen so the AAA guy wanted to take James to Stansted Airport to get a courtesy car from there but we were pretty sure that they didn't actually have any of these cars he was desperate he was saying no you had to come down he had to come now you have to come down and get it James smartly refused smartly it turned out because we were then told that not only discounts did not have the correct kinda car to give him but because the car that are broken wasn't actually James's it was it wasn't MacLaren's on the ground Manchester's they couldn't have given him a car anyway so he would have been stranded at the airport with nothing so a tow truck is then called for the 570 GT because the problem is the back won't sharp you can't lock it therefore the car is useless you can't lock the car it's in the back is based you want to flip open all the time it's useless so we try and think what the hell do we do now we're told that mclaren manchester do have another five 70s courtesy car so we think right what's the most sensible thing to do okay let's be practical let's be proactive let's fix the problem quickly hey guy taped up the back of the 570 GT and we drove to Manchester and we said to Manchester up we only come in in the morning and we can have a meeting with you and we're going to sort out what the hell is going on because this is getting a little bit stupid now so the next day we get to Manchester the sales guy tries to start a fight with James over what seems to be a misunderstanding of words but is then very very aggressive with it I mean really seriously this guy wanted a scrap I've never seen a car did you have never in my life that was unbelievable - what I pretty much had to break the two of them up that was and that was not James being the aggressor there at all he was trying to defuse the situation and the other guy just didn't want that to happen so we got rid of him got the manager in finance guy and we're trying to work out what's going on but we would hoped that the 600 LT would have been available for us to take back that same day that would have solved a problem however it turns out they had found damage on the 600 LT as well that they wanted to repair another car in McLaren registers inventory with damage on it from brand-new we then asked them about the other five 70s that they had that was broken too so at this stage we've got the original 517 that broke the 570 GT that broke and the other 570 is also broken we asked them to see what other cars they had in stock on their system and the system was broken too it was getting to be a little bit of a joke so we decided okay let's go off let's work or village it because at this stage James is not sure if he actually wants to be a McLaren owner at all either especially when we were told by the manager when we got there that maybe we're not mclaren customers or maybe he's an on-the-ground customer I don't understand the sort person that can say it to someone that is not that's not right that sort of person shouldn't be in charge of a business at all and this story's not even over by the way we're about halfway through this gets crazier and crazy and crazy doesn't it McLaren ownership everybody McLaren ownership its then discovered that the finance people have also screwed up and that the numbers that they had quoted to James for the 600 LT which was going to be a struggle for him to make work but but something he could you asked about swing yes yeah he's still he's still well into his car he's still excited he still wants to be a McLaren on his 600 LT is something he thought he could never ever own but he's like oh my god this is actually maybe doable like just you know fate has intervened and then he stopped by the way now they screwed up the numbers they got the miners limit wrong which we told them about ten times that the my limit needed to be specifically ten thousand miles yeah and then they did it wrong basically so we're not sure what to do we go off for lunch I put some calls into a contact I had at Woking who was very very helpful and working themselves through the entire debacle were the only people that actually ever apologized for anything no point at all and McClaren Manchester ever apologized for all the crap that they caused they it's just beggars belief anyway we then we've also decided that we never want to deal with Manchester ever again we want to be McLaren owner but we don't want to do it man just over again I mean I personally lost about four days on my own time by this stage and just want the reasons that I'm very keen to make this video because frankly another way of making it a load of others so it's then decided that we can sign the paperwork on the LT that day and then the LT will be delivered the following week fine we take an Audi courtesy car home which I'll tie James over for the next few days until the car gets sorted on the 17th in November the LT arrives the number plate on it is wonky there was a scratch on the wing mirror and it doesn't want to start it does not want to register the fact that the key is there and seemed to be an oddity of that particular day because it hasn't done it since but that day that that thing just went working was not working honestly at that point is becoming a bad joke John 7:20 gets taken away at the same time so then have his problems fixed and that we sort of thought was the end of it 600 LT is still with James at the time of writing it's been fairly reliable apart from the fact that the tracking is out and the air conditioning also doesn't work the 720's has come back to John many many problems have been fixed and I think it's a better car I haven't can do him much since but I think it is somewhat improved however about six days later McLaren dropped another clang err and this just underlined to me how badly organized they are James phoned me and said there is a 7:20 in the driveway being unloaded and I thought he meant his dad's I didn't realize his dad's was back from being worked on at that time no McLaren Bristol had sent some guys car off to be resprayed and he arrived at my friend's house all rather embarrassing really so why have I made this video why have I prattled on for the best part of 45 minutes about these cars the one thing I don't want people to think as hard as it may be to believe is that I'm just unnecessarily bashing McLaren hopefully if you've watched all the other videos in McLaren week you'll see that I have a real genuine deep passion for the cars themselves and indeed it is amazing that McLaren have achieved so much in so little time these are without a doubt some of the best cars I have ever driven and I've driven a lot so what is that McLaren really need to do I know that McLaren have appointed her new person in charge of after-sales for the UK and that really is the key role women Karen I'm missing out they seem to have all the engineers that they need to design these fantastic amazing pieces of machinery they have I think still some quality control issues which could be improved and I'm sure eventually they will but to me the real failure is in the customer relations aspect of things if you look at the other competitors in this sort of marketplace you'll find that it is repeat business which is the key to long-term success look at anybody that owns a Ferrari and it's very very unusual to see people that only own one Ferrari once they are repeat customers and the same goes for a portion Lamborghini I'm sure as well if this is going to be the template for McLaren ownership I think they're going to find that they're going to go through a lot of customers very quickly none of whom are going to come back and really it's actually quite an easy problem to solve the driving experience of these cars more or less cannot be bettered but the ownership experience couldn't really be any worse McLaren at the moment seemed to be focusing an awful lot on the super high-end customers things like the recently announced elver I'm sure a great if you're the sort of person that regularly spends 1.4 million pounds on a car but for people like John and James these are serious investments these are very very expensive items second only to that house and for them to be treated in even just a sort of average way it's not acceptable let alone being treated in the poor way that they have been McLaren need to look at how their customers are treated and that begins with the moment you step foot into a McLaren dealership there are not really many of them about and so hopefully it's not a very difficult task to make them well or standardized in a way make them good make them a positive experience you want to make him a Caron dealership the sort of place that encourages you to buy McLaren perhaps long before you can even afford one now we had some dealings with McLaren Bristol as a result of the the unfortunate mix-up which made someone's car arrived on this driveway and they were actually very very nice very decent people and in fact they apologised far more for a balls-up that was not their fault the Manchester ever did for all the stuff that went on with this and that just can't be right so from now on we're gonna be dealing with McLaren Bristol because they seem like great people and indeed working themselves had nothing but good things to say about them so good McLaren dealers are out of there unfortunately there just aren't enough McLaren dealers for there to be any space in this world for bad ones I think McLaren really needs to take the sort of bull by the horns in this case and deal with things and I hope that they are because there is so much that the company does right they are so fantastic and I really genuinely do want to support them but I honestly believe that the only way a business like that can learn is if examples like this are basically made public and people are made aware of what can potentially happen because McLaren I'm sure will tell you that this isn't how it's meant to be and I very much look forward to the day when service like this is a distant memory anyway I think I've spoken for long enough now I thank you all for watching especially if you've made it this far have a great day bye bye
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Views: 1,016,789
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Diary, VLOG, Car, Sound, Test, video, Review, Comparison, JayEmm on Cars, McLaren Manchester, McLaren, Customer Service, Horror Story, Horror Stories, Cowboy Car Sales, Cowboys, Wild West, Sytner, McLaren Bristol, Brewery, Rogue Traders
Id: H7qpUqwLS9o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 40min 6sec (2406 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 20 2019
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