Annoying Orange is AMONG US!

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(dramatic music) - Oh no! Emergency meeting! (beeping) (footsteps approaching) I have terrible news. There's a murderer among us. (tense music) - Oh my gosh, that's awful. Also, is that really what we look like on the inside? Just one big bone like that, huh? - We need to vote someone off the spaceship. Normally, I'd vote for whoever I thought the murderer was, but at the moment, I'd just really liked to get rid of Orange. He's super annoying. - La la la la la la la! Hey! Know what's more fun than being an astronaut? A gas-tronaut! (farting) (laughing) (groaning) (upbeat music) Following Blue, singing a song, making sure he doesn't connect wires wrong! Yeah! (groaning) - Leave me alone! - Following White, singing a tune, being super sus in electrical room! - I'm not being sus! You're the one who's sus! - Following Green, hot on the scent, whoops, there he goes down into a vent. (record scratching) - Well, hold on. What was that? - Here comes Red, in a cool hat, askin' me questions like what was that? (laughing) - Hey, stop singing! This is serious. Now what did you say earlier? - I said your hat was cool! - Before that! - Ga ga goo goo. - You did not say that earlier. - Sure I did. Those were the first words I ever said in my life. - I didn't mean that much earlier! (growling) Dude, just tell me straight. Did you see Green go into a vent? - When? Just now? - Yes, just now! - Now, just now I saw him come up out a vent. - Huh? (tense music) (screaming) - Ah, come on, Green. Why'd you half to go and do that for? (laughing) - Oh gosh, emergency meeting! (beeping) (footsteps approaching) Listen up, everyone. Red is dead. - Blue, that's true. Red lost his head. (laughing) (groaning) - Look, can we please vote Orange off? He won't stop rhyming! - Yeah, I'm voting for Orange. The stench from that fart earlier got into my oxygen tank and it's just been recycling through my lungs for like 15 minutes now. - Black that's whack! (laughing) (growling) - I mean, he was standing right next to the body when I came in here. All in favor of voting Orange off the ship, say I. - I. - I. - Ooh, speaking of I, wanna see what I can do with my tongue? (squashing) See? - Yeah, it's unanimous. Orange is out. (beeping) - What the? (screaming) - Oh. I guess we should've specified which Orange we were talking about. - Hey look, he was actually an imposter! (screaming) - Woo hoo! So, I guess we should get back to our tasks, huh? What do you think, Pink? (laughing) (groaning) (footsteps leaving) Okay. Let's see what's next on my task list. - [Green] How about die? (gun cocking) - Hey Green. Why so mean? (laughing) - Laugh it up all you want. You just made your last joke. You're the only one that knows the truth about me. You gotta go. (gun banging) - Oh, you missed! (growling) (gun banging) Don't feel bad. Go on, take another shot! (laughing) (growling) (knife whooshing) - Seriously? - Go on, take another stab! (laughing) (growling) (mallet thumping) Go on, take another whack at it! (laughing) (growling) - That's it. I'm calling a meeting. (beeping) (footsteps approaching) Listen everyone. We gotta get rid of Orange. The Annoying Orange, I mean. He's driving me absolutely mad. - Mad? Seems to me I was making you trigger happy! (laughing) (growling) - I agree with Green. I haven't seen Orange do a single task this entire time. - Whatchu talkin' 'bout? I've been doing all my tasks. In fact, I'm almost done with all of 'em. See? - [Black] Task one, make a fart joke about being a gas-tronaut. Task two, sing annoying songs at people. Task three, rhyme everyone's names until they're super annoyed. - Wait a second. So you're telling me he's actually been doing his job this entire time? - Yeah, and doing it really well. - Whoa. I guess he actually is telling the truth! All in favor of kicking Green off the ship? - [All] I! - Wait, no, you'll pay for this! (screaming) - Sorry we doubted you, Orange. - Don't sweat it, Black. I'll cut you some slack. (laughing) (groaning) Ooh, could I have my list back? I just remembered there's one last thing I gotta do. - It's not to annoy me, I hope. - Nope. It's task four, steer the ship. - Wait. Does this mean nobody's been steering the space ship the entire time? (screaming) (booming) (upbeat music)
Channel: Annoying Orange
Views: 6,561,088
Rating: 4.7407379 out of 5
Keywords: annoying orange, funny, fruit, talking, animation, daneboe, The Annoying Orange, Annoying Orange is AMONG US!, annoying orange gaming, Among Us, video games, satire, spoof, lampoon, parody, cartoon, comedy, spaceship, space, outer space, universe, silly, KNIFE
Id: LLI8c5X6rok
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 5sec (305 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 06 2020
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