Among Us But Crewmates Are The Same Color

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[Music] ew banana you stink stop it i'm self-conscious [Music] oh i reek too i'm not surprised we've been wearing the same clothes for like three months it's time we wash them fine i guess it's time to undress then hey no peeking [Music] all right everyone gather your spacesuits here i'll put them in the wash now it'll take about 10 minutes here we go you can look now [Music] wait a second this isn't right ninja what did you do i'm not ninja i'm snowball oh sorry honey ninja i'm sorry i must have accidentally put them all together in the same washing machine i guess the colors leaked into each other our accessories are ruined too look at my banana look i said i was sorry how are we supposed to play among us when we all look the same oh i have an idea [Music] there you go oh good idea mrs potato it'll have to do for now look the airship's here already hurry before it leaves without us [Music] ooh this is going to be fun [Music] oh hi um jeff hey jeff hey chester hey what's that what oh nothing i was mistaken oh um okay well bye [Music] uh bye [Music] hey chester what's up oh my god it's chester it's chester it's chester it's jester what are you okay poop get away from me you murderer what are you talking about you know exactly what i'm talking about no i don't yes you do guys quit it what happened jester just killed mr pepperoni man right in front of my eyeballs are you kidding no i didn't oh really then where are you now hmm i'm in electrical can anyone vouch for you uh no but aha you're the imposter chester you got caught just face it it sounds like chester got caught i doubt banana would make up a bold lie like that on round one who's down for voting chester out maybe looks like the majority wins sorry chester what he wasn't the imposter how is this possible he killed right in front of me wow you lied to us banana how could you but i didn't lie he really did kill right in front of me i don't get it banana really sounded like he was telling the truth i am then how do you explain chester not being the imposter i i that's it you're out of here [Music] um what how is banana not the imposter either uh i'm getting a headache this is all so confusing look maybe we should just skip vote something obviously went down let's just keep doing our tasks and see what happens all right fine by me [Music] hey babe i've been looking everywhere for you i thought we were gonna meet up um um huh what was that i was just doing some tasks sorry sweetie your voice sounds off do you have a sore throat oh no no i'm fine just tired oh my poor baby here maybe this will wake you up [Music] sandy how could you jeff is that you what's wrong [Music] huh what's going on [Music] babe babe where are you oh [Music] [Laughter] ah i just saw poop vent what no i didn't yes you did i did not you did too guys guys let's just calm down let's just vote for who we think it is and see what happens [Music] [Music] [Applause] what again how can we have voted out four people and not gotten the imposter out man the imposter is good he sure is who do you think it is honey snowball just leave me alone what why because you kissed someone else you cheated on me oh what no i didn't you did i walked in on you smooching with another person sandy how could you what that's not true at all i was giving you a kiss snowball don't try to trick me into thinking i saw wrong i know what i saw and it was you cheating on me with some other guy snowball i would never well apparently you would [Music] uh well why don't we just do our tasks [Music] oh oh my god [Music] what's up ninja i just found a pile of bodies this imposter sure does kill quickly well i think it's sandy she has to be the imposter if she would cheat on me then she would be capable of killing people too honey please i don't understand what's going on i never cheated on you yes you did ah this feels so weird it's like mom and dad are arguing i know right well i'm ready to vote off sandy you are yeah she would never cheat on snowball so she must be an imposter right maybe the imposter revives got to her head yeah maybe you ready to vote uh-huh that's it i can't deal with the pain anymore i think i think we should break up ah snowball don't do this please i'm sorry sandy but if you can't be loyal to me then this will never work oh my god oh no goodbye ah it was me it was me i admit it huh sandy never cheated on you snowball at least not on purpose i swapped out name tags and she thought she was kissing you not me wait really ew i kissed you jeff but how could you do this to us i'm so sorry i'm the imposter and i was swapping out name tags all the time so i could win oh my god sandy i'm so sorry i misaccused you it's okay snowball you know i would never cheat on you right i love you i i love you too [Music] that was very selfless of you jeff yeah well i guess it's time i get voted out it's for the best [Music] guess what guys i've got some good news what is it our laundry's done huh it feels so good to be back in my normal clothes i missed my banana guys i have another surprise as a sort of apology for getting our clothes all mixed up in the first place what is it i'm taking us all out shopping my treat hello boys [Applause] i'm banana [Applause] make sure you flush [Applause] ready to get down to business [Music] they call me ninja cowboy [Music] put your hands where i can see them [Applause] [Music] oh tied out
Channel: STA Studios
Views: 3,702,557
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: CbgtyRr63zU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 17sec (737 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 04 2021
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