Annoying Orange - Cake Supercut!!

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howdy howdy fruity toots orange here and today we're doing the is that a cake challenge pear quick is that a cake no it's the title of this video [Music] okay i stand corrected hey little apple is that made of cake my monster truck no way i just drove that here just now and wow oh my gosh do i even have a truck anymore no time to think about that now little apple we're short on time here's the dalio the two of you are gonna duke it out for cake identification bragging rights announce your voice guy tell him what the first object behind the curtain is hey that's a stick of tnt i should have guessed this stick of tnt may or may not be made out of cake note the realistic looking fuse the cylindrical shape and its banging red finish one point could be yours if you guessed correctly is it cake or not i'm gonna guess it's cake mainly cause i'm hungry and i want it to be cake and i'm gonna guess it's real tnt knowing orange he wouldn't pass up a chance to set off real tnt well this much is sure one of you is right and the other is pear just kidding let's cut to the chase what you're gonna cut that with a knife well yeah how else are we supposed to find out if it's cake yeah but if it isn't cake it's gonna blow up that's a risk i'm willing to take see piece of cake [Laughter] oh man now that's a huge relief nah it's just a normal-sized relief but i can see how you think that man that really had me fooled it looks so real what can i say our cake artist is a cut above little apple you're in the lead but now it's on to round two voice you make voice over dude tell us what we got what the how did i get behind this curtain resident boring guy pear may or may not be made out of cake excuse me note his cake-like eyes and the stem on top of his head that might be marzipan what is happening guys i am not made of cake one point could be yours if you guessed correctly is pear cake or not well i'm just gonna nip this one in the bud i am not cake i am pear and i'm made of pear i don't know seems a bit obvious don't you think i'm gonna say that pear is made of cake uh why is there a knife hovering above my head silly pear we need to know whether you're made out of cake or not how could i be made of cake you see me talking to you sure but i know a lot of cakes that can talk yeah in fact all the cakes i know can talk good point and speaking of points let's get to it no what the knife was fake talk about a slice of cake am i right har har you scared me after death no this is half to death orange what the i'm so confused was orange made of cake this entire time i mean kudos to whoever decorated these cakes they're beyond lifelike i'll say you didn't suspect a thing about me the entire time what is happening what whoa huh is anything in this kitchen not made of cake just you and me i guess yeah you're really not made of cake be honest with me well i swear i'm legit here i'll prove it wait no that's okay hey you're all doing a beauty pageant right when's the talent portion i could touch my tongue to my eyeball hey hey cake hey not now i'm busy i said yellow frosting not marigold this is the most important day of my life and you expect me to go out there with mary gold frosting marigold doesn't make my lettering pop now does it does it get lost you're fired you'll never work a pageant again wow i gotta hand it to you i've seen a lot of outbursts but that one takes the cake i'm about to be named the next happy birthday cake the next happy birthday cake well that's a weird name my name's orange don't call me a birthday cake not yet anyway i'm not a birthday cake until i've won and i put on the candle tiara knock on wood or something would you i don't want to jinx this i've been working towards this moment my entire life sorry i don't have any hands but i can't tell you a knock knock joke i'll pass thanks knock knock i said no thank you i said no thank you who i am not doing a knock knock joke with you huh i don't think i get it contestants report to the stage we have the results this is it this is the moment i've been waiting for would you say it's the icing on the cake even your knock knock joke is better than that let's get to it then oh wrong envelope this is actually a birthday card for the birthday girl whoa 10 bucks nice sorry about that anywho here's the real envelope and the winner and new happy birthday cake is baby [Music] i'm so happy for you so happy just so incredibly happy there she is happy birthday cake oh my god are they gonna be good here's your sash wear it proudly i have always dreamed this day would come and of course your candle tiara it's like actually happening somebody pinched me if i had fingers i'd pinch her real good thank you so much i oh my god i can't believe this is just so well said baby blue and now that you've been crowned this year's happy birthday cake there's just one last thing matches whoa this pageant just got lit [Laughter] i'm ready this is like so painful oh this is worse than i thought it would be look at her milk in her big moment for all it's worth hey you missed a candle this is my big moment and you're ruining it for me can't you do anything right everybody stop taking pictures thank you everyone for celebrating this moment with me it's every little cupcake's dream to grow up and be a birthday cake thank you thank you i am so jealous of her just look at her smoldering she looks so happy and i'm so happy for her unclench your teeth honey it's not over [Applause] what an attention that is so gonna be me next year as if it's going to be me i just can't decide whether my platform is going to be ending hunger or promoting world pieces every pageant contestant worth her baking powder knows it's world peace not world pieces now pieces [Applause] now that wasn't very sliced [Music] you think cakes have it bad try being a present dude board oh my god i'm bored [Laughter] put me down you big wolf wow a new friend hey hey oh hey uh what's up hey hey you look like a mini volcano i bet you're a real blast what i'm not a mini volcano sure you are turn around i bet you have a really nice ash wow okay you know what can you just leave me alone i think you meant can i lava you alone come on buddy these jokes are gold no in fact they're not gold they're actually oh sorry i didn't mean to int erupt you get it erupt yeah i get it but i'm not a mini volcano really really are you sure yes i'm not a volcano i'm a cake huh i've never seen a cake like you are you sure you're a cake yes i'm a bundt cake a what a bundt cake a butt cake a bunt cake huh i have so many questions like what kind of butts are you made of look i'm not made of elephant butts are you made of elephant butts elephant where do you even get that no okay well it better not be cow butts i'm not made out of cow bots wow that doesn't even make sense also do you smell like butts oh my god and do you taste like butts what do butts even taste like i don't look smell or taste like butts i taste like lemon because i am a lemon bundt cake lemon butt cake you're made of lemon butts no i'm not made of wait oh no grab a lemon oh you didn't kill grandpa loving did you yeah yeah i sliced your friend's butt off to make myself oh no grab a lemonade what a way to go getting your butt chopped up and made into a cake i grabbed a lemon he was so young well actually he wasn't young at all but still it's so tragic hey is that your friend right there hey grandpa lemon and his butt are okay yeah well i've been trying to tell you that i'm not made of butts oh so what kind of cake are you then i told you a bunt cake yeah a butt cake bunt cake we're saying the same thing oh i need to get out of here where's that hand to take me away hey hey butt cake i'm not responding to you hey butt cake are you good friends with rum proust [Laughter] just stop it boy butt cake aren't you acting cheeky hey that's it i am not made of butts i am a bunt cake bunt bunt wow well why didn't you say so ah what is wrong with you you irritating pipsqueak jeez that wasn't very nice i don't care okay i don't care no that's not very nice and i told you i don't care no knife hey you've got something oozing out of you ah this is just great my molten lemon is oozing everywhere wait molten like lava what no you are a mini volcano i know it no it's just molten lemon filling hot lava butt cake who are you i'm moon pie oh man what luck i'm having today wait you don't look like a moon pie aren't moon pies chocolatey and round they sure are but that's not why they call me moonpie this is why ah my eyes [Laughter] next in line hey uh let me get a number two with a uh coke you got it name for the order last name squarepants first name sponge cake say that again i said my last name was squarepants and my first name is sponge cake could we please move this along i'm kind of in a hurry and i'd like to hold up let me see if i got this straight ah here we go again your name is sponge cake squarepants yes that's my name everyone's got one and you know that one just so happens to be mine grapefruit please okay look there's no need to call your brain bro get in here what's up buttercup hey tell grapefruit your name sponge cake now tell me your last name squarepants can i just get a burger and now say it all together you're really gonna make me say it sponge cake squarepants yep sponge cake squarepants so how's that uh number two with a coke coming dude your name is so similar to spongebob oh oh really wow i i never noticed has anyone ever pointed that out to you before nope not once listen and if i could get no mayo i gotta tell bear yo bear please there's no need to bear get in here get in here what's up buttercup two things one stop using my new cat phrase and two listen to this guy's name tell me your name tell him say your name come on say your name listen guys i've already said my name several times i am not going to repeat order up for sponge cake squarepants my god it's kind of like the cartoon except not i know right yes yes we all know okay can i just get my hold on well i just realized something our burgers are absolutely terrible right oh yeah this joins the waste so right now before our very eyes we are witnessing sponge cake squarepants ordering one of our crampy patties this is incredible i gotta instagram this now does anyone know how to download or use instagram listen i really gotta be going in where do you need to go your pineapple under the sea yeah oh sing the theme song no what's the matter don't you know how the theme song goes i do but i'll sing it with you just let me warm up my voice [Music] hey can you sign this photo of spongebob but instead of your name right spongebob i just got instagram oh wait nope i gotta create a facebook account first just to check sponge cake stay here i'm gonna grab a few other people out of the kitchen what no excuse me i said no i come to this fast food restaurant because i wanted to get food fast now if you don't mind i will take my number two with a coke and leave not do a pineapple to my cupboard i live in a cupboard like any other food does wow this isn't very spongebob like of you i am not spongebob i do not know spongebob we are not related now good day sir but i said good day yeesh can you believe that guy i know right just because you have a famous name doesn't mean you should let it go to your head whatever next in line hi can i get a number one with a dr pepper sure thing and what's the name on the order patrick staffroot wait oh god you guys get in here what's up oh come on [Music] far far before park park [Music] hey who you calling mario calling there's no phone not since squiggle butt brook um what now indeed sometimes i hear the sound of flatulent clydesdales [Music] sounds like you got a serious case of the trots hey wanna know a secret only if i can tell other people about it okay sure so you gonna tell me or what i am you are you are what wait are you the secret no i'm a fruitcake but it's a secret so that was that was pretty awesome i've been doing that joke for years but you totally took it to a whole nother level achievement unlocked orange no laughing at fruitcake he's uh a little different what are you talking about my brain is made of boiled raisins see he's totally fine no he's not orange he's crazy crazy funny check it out hey hey cake face pair said you're crazy is that true dude me completely nuts no no no no no no no no just like 10 and it's melee almonds he's so literal that's not what i meant yeah he meant to say you're a couple condiments short of a sandwich who cares i hate ketchup nothing but tubular tomato gelato that's what i'm always saying it's like he's inside my head roasted rats dressing roasted ranch dressing roasted rat stressing roasted ranch dressing that's it i give up hey nutty buddy wanna see what i can do that's brilliant well i haven't done anything yet knock knock no no no no you're not looking knock knock must resist somehow he knows my weakness for knock-knock jokes [Music] i can't take it who's there rock paint no you're losing me raisin brain knock knock knock knock you already knocked once wait someone at the back door who's back there who's at the back door pickled carrot kimchi um okay i think it's time to go back to my jokes now and that's how you make bun minnie mouse sandwich i don't understand but somehow it's still hilarious how does he do it trapped in the world he did not create one bold insect must boldly go where no fly has flown before what are we talking about oh my sides are hurting please teach me teach me your ways the platypus points pointedly towards peoria wow hope i don't get stuck with the bell pop quiz i knew i should have taken better notes if dr pepper tastes like mr pip then what's the point of school [Music] you get an f for farts which means you pass i passed i passed the gas class i'm not cleaning any of this up ah crazy cake you've taught me so much i can't believe it i i just want to tell you one thing knife ow well that was random a toast to orange the most annoying fruit in the kitchen a toast i didn't agree to this hey thanks you guys bye try merry christmas everyone merry merry christmas orange [Music] oh hear that you know what they say every time a bell rings an angel that's right wait wait wait i thought it was gets its wings every time a bell rings an angel gets its wing oh no that sounds awfully pleasant by comparison but come here you should see this hey an angel food cake oh my god oh yeah you do not want to be an angel food cake around christmas time it's a bloodbath out there i'll buckle up cause the clock tower's about to strike 12. [Music] i don't understand why this is happening why are the knives summoned by bells excuse me coming through folks would you knock that off [Music] hey bicyclists have a right to the road too you carbon spewing earth murderer shut up granola well merry christmas to you too guys we need to stop these bells from ringing hello did i hear someone call for bell delivery no we want to get rid of the bells oh so uh just to be clear you do not want this crate full of 1 000 no all righty then let me just uh take this back to the old hermitage okay enough with the bells innocent angel food cakes are getting maimed out there left and right well that's terrible and on christmas seems like we could use a little holiday cheer yeah you know what not a bad idea orange you're right it's christmas and i i should be looking at what's right in the world instead of focusing on everything that's wrong glad to hear it and in the spirit of christmas the kitchen's third grade class has prepared a program i think you'll all enjoy it [Music] how could you expect me to do that when angel food cake crumbs are literally obscuring the window glass it's easy instead of thinking about bad things think about the presence oh that reminds me it's time to open a present which one to go with the one that looks like a gigantic bell no just kidding i'm gonna go with this huge one over here oh thank goodness what is it orange yeah what'd you get it's it's a crate full of a thousand bells what ah it's just what i wanted thanks guys oh this'll give me an excuse to use my new forklift that i'm really bad at [Music] why are there so many belts at christmas time oh nice catch dude what do you expect i don't have any hands great no you lost the ball man don't worry i found it guys guys where is everybody now what's a delicious little potato like you doing out alone on thanksgiving don't you know it's the most dangerous day of the year for foods who are you who i am is not important for you my little friend your scanner dinner's almost served don't make a sound sorry can't help it i'm allergic to peanuts then why are you eating peanuts these are cashews oh so you're not allergic to cashews no i am orange but that's so good stop eating those cashews unless you want to there you are whoa sick sickle dude this is no time for jokes it's time for dinner we need pear slices for the fruit salad and orange juice for the kids table did my hood just come off i think it did you guys were looking at me in a way that makes me think that it did what are you laughing at oh man it's hard to get this hat back on without any hands who would have thought under that spooky hat he's nothing but an angel food cake that's angel of death food cake to you why won't this blasted hat cooperation no no my hat don't worry i've got another hat you can wear instead wow really thanks i'd appreciate it oh it's no big deal piece of cake here you go i don't know you don't think it looks a little dumb do you hey everyone check out the dim reaper okay okay um try this one how's it look hey everyone check out the grim creeper over here um maybe stop making fun of the grim reaper guys this is your last chance i want to have worthy befitting me the pilgrim reaper and i want it now um i don't know if this would work but how about this pilgrim hat what a what you had a pilgrim hat the entire time will it work for you or not yes it will work for me jeez for crying out loud ah much better you know i was going to spare you but now i'm thinking maybe the menu could use some orange marmalade for dessert yes for dessert now hold still while i wow [Music] no [Music] honestly i'm kind of glad to see him go for a schedule my drizzle dude why are you eating cashews again oh whoops i totally forgot that [Music] you
Channel: Annoying Orange
Views: 2,727,487
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: annoying orange, funny, fruit, talking, animation, daneboe, The Annoying Orange, parody, comedy, cartoon, satire, lampoon, fun, silly, spoof, cakes, cake supercut, series, supercut
Id: rXdnVqI6Vf0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 33sec (1653 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 17 2021
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