Hydraulic Press Challenge | Annoying Orange

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👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/redit-browser 📅︎︎ Feb 25 2021 🗫︎ replies
- Welcome to the hydraulic press challenge everybody. - Take it from me, this episode is gonna be flat out awesome. (laughing) - I couldn't agree more Orange. Now, the rules are simple. There are no rules. We're just gonna put different stuff under the hydraulic press and watch it get squished. - Sounds like a real piece of cake or should I say pancake? (laughing) Yay! (machinery churning) - Okay, there is one rule. Only I get to push the button. - Okay, okay. Keep your pants off. - What should we flatten next? - Hmm, I'm thinkin' this banana! (laughing) Look at that banana. Yes sir-ee. Definitely a real banana. - Orange. - Press the button, Pear. Quickly. Don't think about it. Don't look closely at the banana. - Orange! - Just push the button! - No! Dude. Your banana is obviously a stick of TNT painted yellow. - Nuh uh, it's a banana. Here, bite into it. - Dude! (groans) Okay, since Orange forfeited his turn, it's back to me. Let's go with this ice cream cone. - Come on ice cream, stay strong. You cone do it. (machine whirring) Ew, guess it wasn't mint to be. (laughing) - Next up, a coffee mug. - Let's see if it can handle that pressure. (laughing) (porcelain crunching) - Well, what'd you think of that one, Orange? - It was brew-tiful. (laughing) (Pear groaning) Seriously though, I liked it a latte. (laughing) - Stop! - Words cannot espresso. - Orange! (groaning) Your turn. Go ahead and pick something. - Woo hoo! Okay, I wanna put this cherry on the hydraulic press. - A cherry? I figured you'd picked something bigger. - Somethin' big? Nah, imagine the mess. Clean up would be the pits. (laughing) - All right, put it under the, hey, wait a minute. What's that hissing? Orange. Turn that cherry 90 degrees. - But, but, but. - Now. - Okay. Can we still press it? - No, but we can press this lollipop. - Cool by me. I'm a sucker for a good squishin'. (laughing) (machine whirring) (glass shattering) What do you think? Should we squish this basket of raspberries? - Heck yeah! This is my jam. (laughing) - We now interrupt your regularly scheduled pressing for some characters who wish to test their metal against the hydraulic press. First up, Squash. - Come on, Squash, we believe in you. - Thank you! - Okay, get ready. It's gettin' close, Squash. Squash? - Where'd he go? - I dunno. He was just here, but now he's-- (machine crashing) (Squash laughing) - Yeah! I knew Squash couldn't be squashed. (laughing) - Well, it was an expensive lesson, but I'm glad we learned it. Fortunately, we have plenty of backup hydraulic presses. We have extras? Very impress-ive. (laughing) - (groaning) Okay, next person who wants a crack is Zoom. - I believe in you, Zoom. You can do it. (laughing) - Extreme! - Zoom, oh no, Zoom! I swear Zoom, you will be redeemed. For 5 cents at the recycling facility. (laughing) - (groaning) And finally we have Durian. - Wow. Blast from the past. - No, no, no, no, I'm Dorian the second. I'm here to avenge my father's brutal murder from years ago, I'm gonna prove myself. Been toughening up my already super tough skin. So let's do this. (Durian grunting) - He might actually do it. The hydraulic press is givin' it all it can. (Durian squishing) - Wow, tough luck. (laughing) - (groaning) Okay, Orange. I'm gonna give you one last chance to press something. Okay? Something that isn't TNT because we are not blowing up the kitchen today. So, what do you want? - I've thought long and hard about this and I want the hydraulic press. - Are you saying you want to try and withstand the hydraulic press? Dude, don't do it. If Durian and the second couldn't handle it, you don't stand a chance. - No, hydraulic press. - Huh? - You pitted one hydraulic press against another? That that's the only match for a hydraulic press. Another hydraulic press. - That's absolutely right, Pear. You hit it, right on the button. (both yelling) (funky upbeat music)
Channel: Annoying Orange
Views: 10,437,053
Rating: 4.6709309 out of 5
Keywords: annoying orange, funny, fruit, talking, animation, daneboe, The Annoying Orange, Hydraulic Press Challenge | Annoying Orange, Hydraulic press challenge, challenge videos, comedy, cartoon, squish, lampoon, satire, spoof, parody, silly
Id: epi2pDmqygc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 3sec (303 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 10 2020
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