MORE Machines!! | Kick the Buddy #2

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- [Annoying Orange] Ow! Buddy you really know how to crash the party. (upbeat electronic music) (laughing) Hey, yo, (indiscernible) Yo, look who it is. Once again, it's a rude boy. That's right, we are continuing our quest to do every single weapon in this game! All right. (drill whirring) Come on Buddy you know the drill. (laughing) What? It's time to fix your teeth. That's right its "tooth hurty". (laughing) Get it? Tooth hurty? Get back in that chair, what you doin' you can't get outta that chair. There ya go that's better. Come on, keeping you awake is like pulling teeth. (laughing) Yeah, okay, you're heads kinda comin' loose from your body there Buddy. Come on, stay with me don't brush me off. (laughing) Tooth brush that is. All right let's move on to the next one. What you got? Let's see, oh! A broken hair dryer. That sounds like fun. Okay Buddy, we're gonna do your hairdo! That's right, your hair do do. (laughing) Okay, that looks good. Okay, that, oh, gotta spin it just a little bit, some more, and goodbye! Just gotta dial it in. There we go! Woo! (electric shock buzzing) How electrifying! Ya know, I gotta say I don't think this thing is broken I think it's better now. (laughing) What do you think of it? Buddy is this a hairy situation? (laughing) Can't stand the heat, get outta the hair dryer. (laughing) I think that's how that saying goes, right? Ooh, steamy! This looks like an electrifying experience! (laughing) Shocking! (electric shock buzzing) Buddy loves gettin' his hair did. Okay, what's next, X-ray! Come on Buddy, I know you wanna do this. I can see right through you. (laughing) (x-ray humming) Oh, looking good there Buddy, make no bones about it. (laughing) Yeah, you look like you're enjoyin' it! What, you're looking bone tired. Oh oh oh oh oh! Looks like you're a little radioactive there Buddy, lookin' good! You got the case of the "fishy flashy's". Looks like you need a double dose there Buddy. What, I think this is "humerus". (laughing) Uh oh, don't barf I'm not cleaning it up! Oh! (laughing) I'm definitely not cleaning that up Buddy you gotta do it. No, oh, barf city! Okay, let's see, crash test! Oh yeah, this is gonna be "auto-matic", Buddy. Uh oh, woo! Oh, you wanna get inside? Yeah let's get you in this thing. Come on, aren't you "wheely" excited? To take a little drive? A "Fun-day" drive. Oh, we gotta pick our speed, okay let's go super speedy! (car crashes) Oh, Buddy, you really know how to crash the party. (laughing) Oh, taking it away, wow! Gotta magnetic personality, huh? (laughing) I think we're gonna have to do this again because we really need to figure out what drives Buddy. (laughing) Okay, hop in there, back it up, good. Here we go! (imitating car revving) Oh we gotta pick our speed, let's go. Super speedy, jeez, come on, go up high. There we go. Speedy jeans! Them's the brakes. (laughing) Okay, let's go to the next one. Uh, is compressor! Hello professor, this is the compressor. (laughing) Hey, it's like a pi... a pacifier. (laughing) All right, let's get thing goin'. Oh, oh Buddy, you're lookin' good! Wow! First he got floaty, then he got "spload-ey". (laughing) Floaty and "spload-ey", here we "go-ey". Buddy, you're full of hot hair, you know? 'Kay, let's stop it. And start it, and stop it. Oh yeah, looks like you gained a couple extra pounds. Oh, you lost 'em right away. Okay, let's try the battery. You're being charged with being a rude boy! (laughing) - [Buddy] You're killing me! - [Annoying Orange] Whoa, what just happened? Uh oh, we've got a little battery acid over here. Buddy, you've gotta clean this up with your booty. Here we go, yeah this got to... (laughing) Come on, you love cleaning up battery acid with your booty. What happened to your arm? I didn't know you've been disarmed. (laughing) All right, let's move to the next one, sound generator! Whoa, this thing's makin' waves! (laughing) Let's keep going, where you goin' Buddy? Wow! Buddy, you're head's gettin' too big for your britches. (laughing) What are you doin'? (laughing) Buddy, I don't know why this is bothering you, you don't even have any ears, just like me! Wow wow! Oh... Well I guess, I guess Buddy likes it when his head 'splodes. He's not into stereotypes. (laughing) Hey Buddy, you've got no place to grow! (laughing) Yeah, yeah. Buddy, Buddy, Buddy, you are "a head" of the game. Uh oh, oh! Had to do one more time. (laughing) Okay, lets try the RC grater! Wow! Hey this item is quite "grate". (laughing) You know what they say about this car? It really shreds. Uh oh, we're loosing a little bit more of Buddy. Oh, Buddy don't sleep on the job! Come on, oh they're, takin' a little bit off the top. (laughing) Buddy confetti once again! Okay, what's next? Boat! Hey Buddy, you know what I'm takin' "a-boat". Do ya? (laughing) Oh, it's gonna make a splash, don't ya think? Look out, oh. Oh! Look a little bit off there that with the propeller. (laughing) "Water" ya thinkin' Buddy? Oh, wow! You 'sploaded my boat! You gotta pay for that. Yeah, that's right you gotta pay me! Four hundred thirty five payments of $19.95. It's free. (laughing) Let's see, sun booth! Oh you gonna get a tan, Buddy. Yeah, you gonna look so good? You gonna get that beach bod. (laughing) Perfectly crispy! Extra tasty crispy, right? Wow, Buddy! Yeah, yeah, you might want to get some... oh boy. Yeah you really are extra tasty crispy. Jeez, Buddy you look like it's a little too hot to handle, don't ya think? Wow, um, your shirt's on fire. Is that, is that... maybe that's a new thing that the kids are doin' these days. Yo man, I don't wear shirts unless they're on fire. (laughing) That one's gettin' really fired up. Okay, catapult! You ready boys? You're just gonna stay extra cr... tasty crispy, huh there Buddy, okay. Wow, Those really rock! Okay, what are we puttin' the rocks in here or are we puttin' you in here? I wanna put you in here! Okay, I guess we're puttin' in a rock. Whoa, it started on fire! That really rocks. (laughing) Oh, right in the bread basket. Oh, catch it with your teeth, Buddy! You gotta catch it, 'kay? I'm gonna sling it to you, catch it! (laughing) Right in the booty. Oh I can sling you, yeah! Okay, stretch it back, yeah. Ow! (laughing) You got hit by a surprise rock. Wow! Oh, flame on! One more, ay! It's a home run! - [Buddy] Oh my god, why? - [Annoying Orange] Oh yeah, I can't believe it's not boulder. It's really gonna rock your world. (laughing) Oh, one more. Yeah! Okay, on to the next one, rodeo machine! Yeah, this one looks really "moo-ving". You're not, yeah, come on, well, you're not really riding it correctly, but whatever. Wow! Buddy's really getting roped into this, isn't he? (laughing) Oh yeah, we're having fun now! It's bovine intervention y'all! Spring it to wing it! Yeah yeah yeah yeah! Boy, you're really gonna milk this ride for all it's worth, aren't ya? (laughing) Buddy, wake up, come on, cow butts! Come on cow butts! (laughing) All right, turbine! - [Buddy] No, no, no, no, not that. - [Annoying Orange] Somethin' tells me you're gonna fall for this one. Uh oh. Oh! (turbine whirring) I gotta do that one again, here it comes! Oh, that's just "plane" crazy. (turbine whirring) Get it, 'cause it came from a plane? Oh you feelin' toasty there, Buddy, huh? Gettin' a little even more extra crispy. Wow. (imitating being caught in turbine) Boy, Buddy really knows how to shred. (laughing) Okay, the last mean green machine is, the monster truck. (indiscernible) will be so happy. Whoa! - [Buddy] Buddy angry! - [Annoying Orange] Oh, right, what is this, grinding your gears? (laughing) Uh, this, uh, this monster truck is weird. It's not very sturdy it's very "wackly", wacky wobbly. What are you doing? Just truckin' along. (laughing) Oh whatever, all right. (imitates monster truck) Whoa, there we go! (imitates monster truck) (laughing) Oh, flat as a pancake. All right guys, well that's it for the machines category. Pretty good. Thank you so much for watching. Bet you would do everything you can to make more profit video on the internet because they're good, so good. 'Till next time, see ya later, "avitators". (upbeat electronic music)
Channel: Annoying Orange Gaming
Views: 7,539,289
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: annoying orange, ao gaming, ao games, let's play, ios, gameplay, annoying orange gaming, buddy machines #2, kick the buddy machines #2, mobile game, cartoon, comedy, satire, spoof, lampoon
Id: 7UZovlbfUP8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 34sec (514 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 17 2019
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