Hello Neighbor - Entire Full Game Play Through! (Saturday Supercut 🔪)

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- [Annoying Orange] It's time for you to put a lid on it (laughs). What the, whoa, ah, ha, ha, ha, ha! (upbeat electronic mUsic) Hey yo, it's AO , back again with another game video, and here it is. Finally, you've been asking for it, Hello Neighbor, the final game. Oh yeah, we're gonna start a new game. It's our creepy, peeping, butt-touching weirdo, oh no. I don't know how this is gonna go, we're gonna try and play through the whole game. Oh no, we're having a ball (laughs). Oh, what's happening? The story of a ball. He likes to hang around, about. Uh oh, are we running away from something? Oh boy, boy. Oh no, are you running away from the creepy butt-touching weirdo? He wants to rub his mustache on you. Oh, you do it just for the kicks (laughs). Oh, oh, I'm controlling it. Running and gunning and having some fun and I got legs, and I know how to use 'em (laughs). Wait, how do you use 'em? (laughs) Uh oh, cut scene. What's gonna happen to the ball? Uh oh, what's he gonna do? Oh, fail, fail-wail. (glass breaks) Wow, what was that? Uh oh, creepy, peeping, butt-touching weird. Although that doesn't look like his house. Uh oh, yeah, it's totally him. He's rubbing his mustache on somebody. Uh oh, there he is, what's he doing? Ah, somebody punch him in the mustache. Oh, eh, uh, creepy, creepy peeping. What's going, uh oh. Oh, now I'm creepy peeping. No, don't creepy peep but there, he's gonna grab you and rub his mustache on you. Oh, he doesn't understand, I can't let him know. Ooh, hands are handy, uh oh. Argh! We're having a screaming party. Oh no (laughs). Ooh, he doesn't look like he's very happy. Uh oh, I think he saw me. No! No, no, run away, argh (giggles). No! What's going on, uh oh, what's happening? Oh, it's the key to my heart (giggles). Or the, ooh, screaming meemies, or the key to my fart, (farts), juicy. Oh boy, what's going on? Scary music, oh. Oh okay, I see. Aw, he threw me out of the house, I'm on the outside. Is this my house? Huh, I wonder if they just redesigned the whole house or what's going on, because that doesn't look like the old neighbor's house. Okay, can I go in my, oh yeah, I can go in my house. Hey, alright! Ooh, what's on TV? Ah, I hate this channel (laughs). It's the snow channel (laughs). Lights on, lights off, lights on, lights off. You got any Maroon 5? That's not Maroon 5. The radio's broken (laughs). Oh, don't box me in. Cool stuff in here, ah, I can't take the stuff. Box is kinda blocking my vision a little bit (laughs). Better turn the water on, there we go. Oh yeah, sweeping up the competition (laughs). Ooh, can I turn this one on, too? Oh, okay, good, I'm gonna leave all those faucets on. Anything in there? Nope, no secrets in the toilet, we're good (laughs). That's usually where I keep my secrets. Almost forgot about this one, gotta turn that one on, too. It's important to keep all the water running in your house all the time, all the time. It keeps the water fresh, you guys should know this (laughs). Uh oh, I see him. Okay, you just threw that, like, two inches. Hey neighbor, there's a new trend sweeping the nation, it's called (buzzes lips). You hear me (laughs)? Hats off to ya, buddy (laughs). Yeah, I just gotta find him now. Okay, it looks like this is the kids' room or something, maybe just a spare bedroom. I don't know what's going on here, can I go under the bed? Oh ho, I can, good thing to know. What's go-, oh, what's this? Oh, now we're having a ball (laughs). Uh oh, I can't get in there, I don't have a key. I need the key to my heart. Ooh, okay, there's the basement. That's what I need the key for. Oh boy, what's over, okay, you got a TV right there. Don't go in there, what's in here? Uh oh, ooh, where is he, where is he? Oh, look it here, oh, he broke something, get me out of here. No, ah, he threw something at me (laughs). Were those tomato seeds? Did you throw a tomato at me? It was a drive-by fruiting (laughs). Okay, I need to find the red key. I think it's upstairs, but I'm not quite sure. We gotta get that red key so we can get down to the basement, figure out what's going on. I actually wanna beat this game, wow, that's, I wanna go up there. Uh oh, uh oh, where, where? You're breaking your own windows, buddy. What are you, the Kool-Aid Man? You could use a door like a regular person. See, I'm not on your property, I'm not on your property. Hey, hey, I'm not on your property, I'm on somebody else's property. Okay, see I'm on the road, you can't touch me. That was close. Oh yeah, don't you fold your arms at me. Yeah, we're taking out the trash. Oh, you like it. (laughs) Knocked him over, first bounce. Uh oh, (laughs). Oh, I'm outta here, I'm outta here. Okay, pick it up, pick it up. Okay, I got it, aw! Not fair, you snuck up on me, creepy, peeping, butt-touching weirdo, you're always grabbing me. What's one more broken window, right? Uh oh, ah, he didn't like that. Okay, apparently only you can break your windows. I can't break your windows, huh? I'm getting so sick of you chasing me off your property, here, taking out, (laughs), right off the noggin, and it sticks to the roof (laughs). How do you like dem apples? You don't, because you're an apple (laughs). Hey buddy, its time for you to put a lid on it (laughs). What the, whoa, ah ha, ha, ha. I'm going in your house now. Oh, he angry, whoo, hoo, hoo, hoo, he's angry. He is throwing tomatoes at me. What are you doing? You can't be throwing tomatoes at me. Oh, come on. Oh, that was so awesome. I hit him with a lid and he flew across, whoa. What is this? This is one, I wasn't here, this isn't my house. I wonder what happens if you throw something bigger at him and hit him, geez. Uh oh, was that him? I think that was him. Uh oh, what's he do-. Hmm, someone's laughing. But that wasn't him laughing. Whoa, wow, car crash, the tire came through the window. It was crazy. What's going on? Oh no, uh oh, but there he is, there's the neighbor, what's going on? What is this, is this like a flashback or something? Is this happening, is this real life? Uh oh, he got in an acci-, I think he's crying. Ah, creepy, peeping, butt-touching weirdo, why are you crying? Is it 'cause your mustache fell off? Ooh, that was weird, what is going on here? Okay, can I get out of here, is this it? Go into the light, go into the light! Oh, well that was weird, what even happened? Dude, I just wanna go through your house and ruffle through your things, what's wrong with that? You don't like that, huh? Take a chair, oh, hey (laughs). If we would've been playing dodgeball, we both would've been out. You keep throwing tomatoes, where are you getting all these tomatoes from? Okay, that's it, I'm going up, I'm going in, I'm going in, I'm going in. There he is, there he is. Okay, let's see if I can go up through the window. He's crawling through your windows and stealing your stuff, better hide your kids, and hide your, ah (laughs). Get in, get in, whew, that was close. Oh, he found me. Okay, just be very quiet, it'll be fine. Ah, you don't see me, you don't see me, ah, you grabbed my nipples (laughs). Thank goodness I don't have nipples in real life (laughs). I want out of here. Wait a second, look at that bookshelf, the way it's kinda leaning there, I wonder if I could scale that and get onto the roof. Okay, don't box me in, bro, just keep going, and then let's see, let's go up here. Okay, I'm up here, can I, oh, it's just a little too far. Okay, I think I'm gonna need a couple boxes or something, time this just right. I'm gonna jump and then slap the box down. Yeah, it worked, nice. Oh, there's the roof, yeah. Orange is crawling on your roof. Okay, we could just grab that, and then we're gonna come over here. Don't get in front of your window, and I might just break, oh, that was close, okay. Got it, got it, got it, and, break it. I mean, I didn't break it, it was like that when I got here, I totally found it that way. I just happened to be on your roof, don't worry about it. Okay, I'm in guys, I'm in, I'm in it to win it. Okay, we got levers, and we got cords, we got all kinds of things here. What's going on, oh boy? Ooh, he's angry, he's angry, where is he? Ooh, he's growling at me. Ooh, what's this lever do, does it make a Pikachu pot pie? No, no Pikachu pot pies? It doesn't do anything, it's broken. Ooh, I wonder what this fan is hooked up to. I'm a fan of fans. What is going on, what am I even doing here? I don't know what's going on. Okay creepy, peeping, butt-to-, what the what? I can't even get out of here, it's a room with no door. What, it doesn't go anywhere. Uh oh, what's that? Hmm, I gotta figure this out. I'm gonna have to put a bunch of boxes, see if I can get up there, flip that switch, switch that witch, witchy woman. I got 99 boxes and they're all problems (laughs). They won't do what I want 'em to do. Okay, I just need one more, then we'll put it, no, don't tip up now (laughs). I had my tower balanced. Okay, so the fan goes over there, and that goes over there, what the, how do I even get in here, though? Okay, if I just drop, there, I got it, hoo, can I flip it? Can I flip the switch? Flip that switch, switch that witch, yes, I did it. Wha, what is happening? Excuse me, oh, ooh, it's a trap door. Uh oh, now he can get to me. Oh, that was a terrible mistake. Why did I even do that? I didn't know that's what it would do. I instantly regret my decision (laughs). I was fine in that room all by myself (laughs). Uh oh, uh oh, no, no, where, where, I don't see him. Where, where, underwear, where is he? Oh, throw the box. Yeah, ha, ha, ha, that's what you get. No, oh no, I'm stuck in here. I thought the window was broken. Ooh hoo, he's rubbing mustaches on me. Uh oh. I'm somewhere different. Where am I? Uh oh. Ooh, I don't like this. What's he doing? Uh oh, he's digging a grave, or something, or did he put it in? I don't know what's going on, why? Don't do it to me. Uh oh, I see a door. I see a red door and I want to paint it orange. Oh, I'm orange sized. Why you angry? No, no, no, I'm not down here, don't come down here. No, no! Book 'em, Danno. Oh, (laughs), good thing it was a hardcover (laughs). Whoops, terrible throw. Alright, if you didn't already know, it's Hello Neighbor once again. We gotta get inside that house, figure out what is going on. Gotta get in that basement. There was some screaming in there, at least there was last time. If you've seen any of the episodes of Hello, Neighbor, you know this guy is up to something weird. We don't know what it is, we gotta figure it out. Are there any oranges in here? I gotta save 'em, I gotta save my fellow oranges. Uh oh, he saw me, he saw me, okay, going in the closet. Yeah, can't find me now. No, I said you couldn't find me now. No, my nipples. Why, why do you always do that creepy, peeping, butt-touching weirdo? Rubbing mustaches on me. What are you doing leaving takeout all over the place? That's not using your noodle (laughs). Okay, he didn't want it, he didn't want his takeout. Ah, you hit with me a, okay, that's it, that's it. Yeah, oh, what the? I hit him in the nipple, how do you like it? Yeah, you got hit in the nipple with some takeout. Stop leaving your trash laying everywhere. Yeah, you're gonna get this (laughs). Hey, did you have a nice trip (laughs)? Ow. So it's gonna be like that, huh, we're just gonna throw things at each other. He didn't like that. That's too bad, later (laughs). I'm in your house. Just you try it, just you try it, I'm gonna take out the trash. Don't even do it, don't even do it. Oh, there he is. (laughs) That's what you get, throwing tomatoes at me, you crazy. Okay, now we're gonna dish up some pain. Oh yeah, oh yeah, you're plate crazy. Oh got, what, he got me. I got him, no, come on. Ooh sweet, I'm gonna pick this up. What is it? Oh, it's a bowling ball, alright, time to get the ball rolling with this thing (laughs). I'm keeping this. Maybe I could call 911 or something. Oh, uh oh, no, 911, creepy, peeping, butt-touching weirdo, ah. They didn't respond. Now, I didn't mean to do that. What, whoa, where'd it go? Where'd the bowling ball go? Argh, I didn't mean to make it go flying. Argh, pooper scoopers. Okay, look at that platform, it's hooked to some rails, that means it goes up and down. Oh, and there's an electrical cord going in there. I wonder if that lever controls this. I bet you it does. Ah okay, see I need to get up there, 'cause I gotta get that key. Luckily I opened this thing up over here so I can just go right up here, yeah. I'm back. Alright, now what do I gotta do to get in this room? Let me in, let me in, I want in there. Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, hey, what's this? Whoa, oh cool, I didn't even know that was there. Totally, well I meant I- I hit that picture with my booty. Whoa, keys. Yeah, got the key to my heart. Unlock it, yes, very nice. Okay, now what do I do? Uh oh, no, leave me alone. I'm doing things in here. I'm rummaging through your stuff. Okay, there's a switch right here, so if I hit that, what does that do? Okay, it's on. I'm gonna follow the cord and see where, ah, it goes to the fan. Okay, can I turn that on, what do I do? Yeah, I can, okay, now we're getting somewhere. I don't know where we're getting. Oh wait, wait, wait, wait, the lever and the fan, it's all connected, there's something going on here. I don't think there's anything else in this, wait, wait, wait, wait, oh there is something else in this room, what is this? Come on, give to me. Oh, I think I got it, it's another key to my heart. There's a lot of keys to my heart apparently. Looks like a car key, but it's not doing anything. It should be automatic, come on key, please. What, I'm just running through your gar-, what are you doing? Hey, blah, you hit me with that tomato. You're gonna pay for that. Oh, what the. Yeah, you better run. Otherwise, I'll slowly lob another box at ya. So maybe the key isn't for the car, maybe it's for something else. Woo, I think I heard him. Where is he? I don't know why he doesn't like me running through his house. Ah, no, no, he didn't see me. Ah, he saw me. Stop rubbing your mustache on me. I'm not a mustache cleaner (laughs). You better not come in here, or I'm gonna throw this toothpaste at you. I will, I will hit you with this toothpaste. Don't do it, oh, you're gonna do it. Oh, oh, oh, that's right, I am the leader of the plaque. (laughs) Get out of here. I was shining a light on his mustache. Shine bright like a mustache (laughs). I'm never gonna figure out what's in there. Do you think this could be for the trunk? Wait, I think I, it was, it was for the trunk (laughs). Yeah, I can magnet some butts, I love magneting butts as long as they don't magnet my butt. That's not a positive thing (laughs). Let's see it if it works, wow, (laughs), that's cool. I like this thing, it's pretty attractive (laughs). Get it, 'cause it's a magnet. Okay, let's flip this switch up, and then see if the fan, okay, so I wanna put something up here so it blows the fan, and, ah, come on, and it hits the lever, but it gives me enough time to go outside. And then I could jump on the platform and go out. Okay, apparently the box is too heavy, it must have too many burping kazoos in it. Maybe a milk carton? Whoa, that really works, okay, okay, we're onto something. Uh oh, no, don't come up here, I'm doing things, I'm rummaging through your stuff, it's cool (laughs). Okay, so that might be a little too light. We need something in the middle of a box and a milk carton. (gasps) Wait, we'll, wait, I wonder, I wonder if the bowling ball would Work. Oh no, but I can't, I lost it. Oh no, I gotta go find the bowling ball. Here ball, oh there it is, I found it. Bowling, bowling, bowling down the river. I thought you were gone forever bowling ball, I love you so much, (giggles), I missed you. I didn't want to think of you being gone. That would mean my mind is in the gutter (laughs). I can't get up here. He's sleeping, so I don't wanna disturb him. Just gonna crawl around on the roof, here we, uh oh, did he wake up or something? Flip that switch, then we're gonna put this right here, let's see if it works. Wow, it worked. Ah, but it missed the switch. Try here, come on, come on, you can do it, you can do it, yeah, that's it. I figured it out, you guys. Celebrate good times, Orange. Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey. Oh, no, no, put it up there. Now we're having a ball (laughs). Okay, so now I'm gonna go over here, grab what, no, no, leave me alone, leave me alone. I got the box so I can break the window if I can get to the platform in time. Uh oh, I think he's coming. Okay, I'm gonna turn it on now, come on, come on, come on, come on, we gotta make it to the platform, quickly, quickly, quickly, run, run, run, run, run. Whoo, I made it. Yes, it worked, it worked, I did it. Orangey did it, yeah. Broken window, sorry buddy. I'm all up in your business. Yes, it's the key to my heart. Oh wow, this is the key, this is the key to the basement you guys. Alright, we gotta get down there fast. We got no business, whoa, hey, what, what, what, Rubik's Cube? Who put a Rubik's Cube here? I want that, I want the Rubik's Cube. Can I solve it? Ah, I can't do anything with it. It's useless. I guess I could throw it at its behind, then it's not useless (laughs). Okay, here we go, here we go. I don't think he's here, I don't think he's here. Okay, we gotta get down to that basement, I'm so excited, I wanna see what's down there. Okay, he's not there, yes, unlock, here we go. No, no, ah, you got me, creepy, peeping, butt-touching weirdo grabbed me at the last second. Okay, let's try this again, see if I can in there with the key. I don't think he's there. Ooh, it's already unlocked. Oh, I'm going down. Yes, I did it, I beat the game, I got in the basement. What is it, what's in the basement? Is it gonna scream at me? Is it gonna rip my face off? If it is, I don't wanna see it, ooh. Okay, this is creepy. What's going on, whoa? What is this? What am I supposed to do here? Weird, oh is that a basketball? We're having a ball, apparently not. Whoa, what's this? Whoa, oh, holy trap doors Batpan. What was that? Okay, I think I better grab something. This would make a good weapon (laughs), bounce it off your face. Okay, ooh, looks, what, what, what, what is this, what is this, what is this? I see, there's nails here. Uh, oh boy. Are you in there, creepy, peeping, butt-touching weirdo, what the? Okay, there's a, it's a nice room, with a bed, and all kinds of sodas. You drinking some Zoom, is it Zoom? What the? Hey, I can see behind, that, wait, these aren't, these are just pictures in front of the windows. What is even happening here? I can see, there's something, what is that, what is that? Ooh, that's creepy. Oh, I'm so confused. Okay, this one over here had a little bit more area where you could see behind it, whoa. I didn't even mean to do that, that was crazy, I just took that right off the wall. Put that, owie. Ow. I didn't break that it was broken when I found it. Whoa, oh, oh, it's like a tripod thingy with a light on it. Oh, I see, make it look nice. That means they're, oh, this is creepy. It was a room, he was keeping somebody in here. Was the person that was staying in here, was that what was screaming, is that who it was? Weird, this just keeps getting creepier and creepier, and weirder and weirder. Now what am I supposed to do, where do I go? Do I do it? Okay, I did it. Ooh, the gate is up. Now what? Okay, nothing's gonna rip my peel off, is it? Please don't rip my peel off, I like my peel. Okay, we're good, we're good, nothing's getting me. Everything's locked, this is crazy. Oh boy, I'm gonna have to go exploring, aren't I? Oh man, whoo hoo hoo, creepy. That's a terrible TV show, stop watching that, it'll melt your brain. Okay, I'm stuck down in the basement still, I'm trying to find out where I'm supposed to go, what I'm supposed to do. And now the doors are locked. Ooh, is there anything good in the fridge? Argh, it's empty. I really wanted snacks, you guys. Can I reach my hand in (laughs)? Hopefully it's not a deadly fridge, bite my hand off. Ooh, what's that? Oh, oh, okay, it's like a mannequin dummy thing. Definitely don't, ooh, ooh, ooh, it's alive, it's alive, it's a-, okay, oh, it's not alive. Ooh, it's glitchy, that's what happened. Don't do that. It looked like he was dancing, dancing a jig, the deadly jig. Okay, that door opens. What's in here? Um, okay, just a bathtub on a dirt floor, kinda defeats the purpose of a tub, doesn't it, if it's- okay, it's just a shoe. If you have a dirt floor and you're going to go to the bathroom, to go to the bathtub, and then you're just gonna get yourself dirty again. Okay, I didn't know what I picked up (laughs). Who put this chair in here? Oh, is that why all the doors are locked? I betcha that's it. Yep, that's it, there's chairs in front of all the doors, weird. Looks like you were chairly there (laughs). Ooh, I haven't seen creepy, peeping, butt-touching butt butt butt, you know who I'm talking about. Get these chairs outta here. I see a light coming from over here, oh, it's another one of these rooms, and a flashlight, ha ha ha. It's an enlightening experience. Get it, light? Uh oh, it's another door. Ooh creepy. Guess I'm gonna go over here, nope, that one's locked, too. Why are all the doors locked? Creepy, peeping, butt-touching weirdo, not in here, good. Oh, what's this room, the cage room. We're gonna have to have a cage match. I'm gonna go mango to mango (laughs). Ooh, okay, that's that room. Where am I supposed to be going, what am I doing? Ooh, that one opens, what's in here? Is it a farting hippopotamus? Nope, definitely not a farting hippopotamus. That would've been awesome if it actually was. Ooh, I don't think I've been this way. Woo, creepy. Oh, long hallway. Cracko Mnnkey McGee, ee, okay, nothing in here either. More creepy TV. Why do you guys always watch the snow channel? What's that? What's that? Ooh, it really sparks my interest. There's something going on over there, it's sparky, quite electrifying if you ask me. I'm assuming I gotta do something with that. Hmm, okay. What you sparking for, should I touch it? I should touch it, shouldn't I? (buzzes) Ha, ha, ha, just kidding, I didn't touch it. Oh wait, okay, oh, oh, oh, okay, there's a cord going over here, ah, it goes in that, wait, what's this? Ooh, can I do something with this? Whoa, I can take the bricks right out? It's a brick, wall, and I'm taking it apart. Brickity brack, bric a brac bricking. Yeah, bricking it, yo, brick it. I wonder how many I'm gonna have to take out of here before I can, wow, oh, so I could just, ah, I could've just Kool-Aid Manned it. Oh yeah, break through the walls (laughs). Uh oh, where'd I put my flashlight. Oh no, I lost my, oh there it is (laughs). That was close, okay. Ah, it's locked, are you kidding me? Now what, what, chicken butt? What's the point of all this? I'm not sure where to go, what to do, how to get there. Where we going? Have I been in this room? Oh, oh, oh, oh, creepy, peeping butt toucher, I wonder where he came from. I'm behind here, you can't get me when I'm behind here. It got me. Oh, you surprised me, I didn't think you were there anymore. Seriously, I was walking around that room for, like, 15 minutes and nothing. Uh oh, now it's dark. B-b-boy, b-b-b-boy, boy, boy. Alright, through the window again. I can do it, I can't, there we go. Okay, I think this, yeah, okay, that's how you get through there. Oh, there's the snippity, snappity, the crispity, crunchity, the electrifying. Uh oh, oh, that's why the door is locked. See, I don't know why you got chairs in front of everything. Here we go, now we're back to where we, okay, now what do I do? Okay, we gotta get through this door apparently, can I just flick that switch, flick that switch, switch that witch, oh. Yeah, that's why, it's connected to the thingy, the thingy that's doing the switchity swatchity, the crunchity munchities. What happened to it? Uh oh, oh, I thought was somebody. I thought that was creepy, peeping butt toucher. I thought he was creeping up on me. Okay, I don't know what to do. Excuse me, get out of the way, I'm trying to get through here. I don't want you, that's what you get. (gasps) Go the other way, go the other way. No, no, go through the Kool-Aid Man wall. Ah, how'd you get me so fast? Creepy peeper, stop, don't rub your mustaches on me. Oranges are not for rubbing mustaches on, you should know that by now. Oh wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait. Okay so if that, hold on, hold on. Let's see, can I can get up there. Uh oh, there you go, that's how you do it. You gotta get up and over that fence. Okay, I need some boxes, and some chairs, and some other stuff, stat. Uh oh, I think I heard him. Oh no, oh no, I think he's coming through the door, quick, quick, quick, put it back (laughs). He was, he was on the other side of the door, I did it just in time. How you like dem old chairs? You don't, do ya? (giggles) Now I wonder if I could just rotate this over here, lean it up against the wall, and then maybe what, what, no, no, no, wait, ah, no fair, you snuck up on me. I was doing stuff, very important things I was working on, and then you just come in here and interrupt me, how dare you? You're a meanie. Okay, now just let me go over there and do my thing. Uh oh, whoa, whoa, he's so fast, where'd he go? You're so fast, did you get faster? What's going on here? I think I'm gonna need a bunch of chairs, so I'll just put that one out. What, no, no, no, no. I'm not having a ball. Are you having a ball, I'm not having a ball. Uh oh, what's this? Boy, b-boy, b-boy, boy, boy. Ooh, okay, he's so fast. I swear he's faster than he used to be. I don't know where I'm going (laughs). You can't grab me. Don't grab, no, don't rub your mustache, ah, he grabbed me by the nipples, ah, he did it again. You're making me so angry. Let me do the things I wanna do, quit stopping me to stop, stop, don't go through the window, go through, I can't go through the window, I'm so angry (laughs). Apparently, I need more chairs, which is funny 'cause I don't even have a butt to use 'em. Are you seriously behind every door. Come on, (laughs). No, you're making me angry. Wait a second, oh, boxes, even better. Oh, I didn't have boxes, okay, there hasn't been any boxes in the level, so this is the best thing to use. Okay, just need to build my box fort. Yeah, how do you like that neighborino? Making a box fort, making a box fort. What the, Paul Bunyan farts, no. Hey, I put that chair there for a reason. No, you can't do that, that's cheating, (laughs). He kicked the door, how, how? I put the chair there for a reason, to stop you from opening the door. I spy with my little eye, one broken camera (giggles). That's how he keeps seeing me, okay, there we go, now we're good. Building my box tower of power (laughs). We just gotta jump, and them time it real quick. Yeah, did it, is that enough? Oh, I think that might be enough, come on, let me over, yes. Ha, ha, ha, I did it. Yeah, hit that button. Uh oh, now what, uh oh. Am I stuck in here? Was I supposed to throw boxes over here so I could get out, oh, wait, wait, wait, I think I can get out right here. Oh, whew, I can, that was close. Oh man, I thought I was gonna have to start all over again. Here we go, just time it just right, yes. We did it, now we can get through that door. Yay, oh, what the, what? Double mustaches across the sky, so intense, and butt chunky. Yeah, don't be a butt chunky. Now I gotta go all the way back. Okay, okay, okay, I think I can make it, I think I can make it. Is he anywhere? I don't see him. Make a slow, mad dash. Here we go, uh oh, what? Where was that? Oh, not again, let me go, let me go. Oh no fair, you killed me right away, I didn't get a chance to run. Oh, we're gonna keep doing this until I run. Okay, now time to run (laughs). I'm running, and gunning, I'm having some fun and see you later, hot pota-ter. Please don't touch my bum (laughs). No, no, that's a lot of locks. That's Lego locks. Oh no. Was he supposed to catch me? Was that part of the game? Am I dead? Did I rip his mustache off? That'd be pretty cool. What happened, oh b-b-boy. Ooh, I made it to act two. Woo, ah, that was good. I got skills, yo. Uh oh, am I stuck? Oh, those are my feet. Whoa, holy moly, look at those socks, and I do mean holey. I need new socks. Oh wait, oh, is that a cracker? Oh no, it's just a button on the mattress. I thought it was a cracker (giggles). What's happening? I hear crashing. This door isn't gonna just be open, oh, it is. Please don't grab me. Please don't grab me. What is that, weird. Ooh, is that a voodoo doll of the neighbor? Aw, I was hoping it was gonna be a voodoo doll and I could stick him with a pin, and maybe fart on his face a little bit, and then he'd be like it, ah-hoo, I smell farts for some reason. It'll be like, yeah, 'cause I farted on your voodoo doll. (laughs) Ew, this is creepy. Little red, little red, it's okay. What's this? Is that a ladder? I think there's a ladder over here. Okay, I guess we're going up, up, up, and away, I hear birdies. Woo, hey, we're out, yes! Well that wasn't too hard. Uh oh, why is there a fence everywhere? Oh no, I'm trapped, aren't I? I can't go back down. Yes, I'm trapped. Ah, what do I do? I guess we're just gonna see if we can get out of here. Nope, nope, there's fences around the whole thing, there is. Boy, boy, boy, boy, boy, no, no, you creepy, butt-touching weirdo, don't touch, no, stop throwing glue at me. Who throws glue at me? You throw glue at me, I throw poo at you. How you like dem apples? No, no, oh, he's so much faster than me (laughs). I've worked all that time to get down to the basement, now I've broke out, speaking of break things, break a window (laughs). Ooh, he didn't like that, he was standing right there. You watched me do it. What's that, what's that, there's something in the corner. Is that a pillow? Don't come near me, I'm gonna hit you with a pillow, pillow fight. I've always had a soft spot for pillow fights (laughs). Ooh, bouncing pillows, yeah. Alright, the house looks pretty similar. But there are some changes, ti's weird, I don't know what's going on. We spent all that time getting in the basement, now I broke out, and now I'm trying to get out of this place and back to my home. Ooh, go to the ladder, they can't catch me, I'm all the way up the ladder. I'm up the ladder, can't get me. Okay, I guess I'm gonna have to go in that room, wow, there's less windows there. How did you change your house so much? I don't understand what's going on. Oh no, I can't get in there. I need a hammer, a crowbar, or something, or maybe an air horn, an air horn would be great. It probably wouldn't take the nails out of the board, but it would definitely be awesome to blow it in the guy's face. You're like, hey, what's going on Mr. Neighbor (honks). I'd do that all day. I guess I'm just gonna go through the front door. Ooh boy, boy. Nothing there, okay, oh, you got a couch in front of the basement door now. I didn't want to go to the basement anyways. Locked, argh. Okay, how do I get in the bathroom? And why is the bathroom locked, are you using it? No, you can't come in here, you can't come in here. I'm pooping in here. Since the bathroom's locked, I gotta poop in the closet. Ooh, give me that, no, pick it up, there we go. An enlightening situation. This is pretty cool, I'm taking this, it's mine. Just kidding, I'm gonna leave it here. Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey. Ooh no, you came out of nowhere. I didn't even know you were there. Not fair, well at least it's light out now, I can see a little better. Is that a ketchup packet? I think I got a ketchup packet (laughs). Something like that. Oh, I see, there's pipes everywhere. Whoa, what's this? Oh, can I, can I flip that. Wait, wait, wait, okay, I flipped that switch. Ooh, there's water flowing. Oh, I see you, I see you. I'm gonna hit you with this ketchup packet, you just try it, just try it. Yeah, yeah, what the, you juked and jived. Grabbing nipples. Stop rubbing your mustache on me. Why do you always gotta be doing that every single time, I can't make it out (laughs). Okay, let's try this again. No, you can't do this, I'm just. Oh, you hit me with tomatoes. Tomatoes are my friends, and you're throwing at me. You're throwing too many things, stop it. I'm going inside, please, no, come on (laughs). He got me again. Ah, it's dark again. So creepy. He's climbing in your window, ripping your mustache off, rippin', rippin'. What the, see, this whole room changed too, whoops. Oh, I didn't mean to throw that. Oh, crap, crap, crap, crap, crap, crap muffins. Oh, he knows I'm in here. How'd you throw a tomato through the window and the window wasn't even broken yet? Oh yeah, you like apples, you're the apple of my eye. Come on, come on, you want some, you want some. Yeah, that's what I thought. Yeah, I'll hit you right in the face with an apple, you like that? Gonna have to go check all of the drawers in here, and then I'm gonna have to go check, whoa. Hey, a wrench. Who puts a wrench in a freezer? Ah, excuse me (laughs), but I got your wrench, hey, hey, hey. What a gut-wrenching experience for you (laughs). Hey, hey, hey. Now what, what do I do with the wrench? Ooh, can I unlock this over here? Let's try, just gotta aim it right. Yeah, look at the Orangey. Orangey making moves, knows what he's doing. Climbing the ladder. Now I'm into new heights. What the, I heard somebody scream. Screaming jeans, are you wearing your screaming jeans? Whoa, what's in here? Whoa, I heard Growly, why are you all-y growly, don't came cally, don't do it. Lights off, lights on (giggles). Going up the, okay, no, I gotta go to the other side. I knew that. I'll be climbing up the ladder when I come, I'll be pooping on the floor when I come, because, the bathroom's locked again. What the, what's that sound? Oh, okay, oh, uh oh, wait, wait, wait, what, oh no. Oh, I remember this from the demo game. It's the room with the water. And the shark, that's not very finny (laughs). Oh, okay, wait, wait, that bites, ha, ha, ha, ha. Okay, where do I go, what do I do, how do I get there? Okay, no, that one's locked. It's locked, argh. Okay, so I can't get through there, and I can't go through the water, oh I know what I, I betcha I know what I have to do. I have to drain all of the pipes, I have to turn all the pipe thingies, and then I gotta drain it. You know, the water room. Wat-er they thinking by making a water room? That's crazy, who did that? Creepy, peeping butt toucher, that's who'd do it. Who wants an apple? Eat it, it's delicious (laughs). Wow, I think he did (laughs). It's for the fruits of your labor. Oh, I don't know where he is. Argh, there he is, flash the lights, you can't grab me, aw, the light was on you, the spotlight was on you. Uh oh, what's this? Dlub Yaitsy? Those aren't words. Dlub Yaits, um? It kinda looks like a funhouse or something, only without the fun, and more creepy eyeballs everywhere. Where are the creepy eyeballs? Ah, I see what you're doing there with the creepy eyeballs, trying to creep me out. Uh oh, um, this ride looks like zero fun. Yep, definitely 100% creepy. Okay, do I get in the car? I guess, that's what I'm doing. Here we go. Oh, I was already in the car, why do I have to get in the car again? Oh boy, boy, b-boy, boy, boy. Uh oh, oh no. Oh no, this game really went off the rails, guys. Get it, train jokes. Okay, I'm in the neighbor's house, and it's not creepy at all. (laughs) It's fun. Who can they, giggly, no, no, excuse me with this table here. It's a bipolar coaster, it goes from happy to creepy in no time flat. Don't open the door. You don't need to open the door, creepy eyes. Uh oh, he's on the ceiling. See, went from laughing to crying, who crying? Ooh, I don't like this, no. Okay, is that the roof of the house It kinda looks like the roof of the house. Um, and there's like UFOs painted on the walls and stuff. Okay, yeah, look at that body. You're looking good. Orange is good, he's got a body. Somebody once told me that Orange has got a body, and it's the coolest body in the shed. Hair was looking kinda dumb because he didn't have a body, if Orangey had a body, it was cool. Hoo, hoo, hoo, where we going? Ooh, ooh. Argh, excuse me, coming through, look out. What, uh oh, uh oh. No, no, no! This is creepy. Am I de-, what the? What the heck is with those cut scenes, they're so weird. They make me lose my train of thought (laughs). It was 'cause of the roller coaster, train, but that doesn't really work, 'cause it's not a train, it's a roller coaster, so it's whatever. I'm just a little freaked out right now. Okay, so do we have to futz with those things? Oh, we do, there's more. Oh, okay, so I have to go, blah. That didn't work, uh oh. No, no fair. I'm gonna go up here, I gotta go up here. You can't touch me, can't touch me, I'm gonna go up here. Sweet baby monkey nipples. Great, now I gotta do everything in the dark, thanks a lot, neighbor. Hello, neighbor, nice mustache, I'll rip it right off your face. Okay, here's the pipey thingy-mcjiggy. I just gotta go and jump, and, stay, stay, stay, don't fall, yes! Flip that switch. Yeah, water you thinkin'? Yeah, I can hear the water flowing, okay, okay. Need to find some more. Uh oh, I see him, I see the butt toucher. He's climbing up, oh, he's climbing up here. I'm going down here if you're going up there, later. Whoa, I broke it. Oh, it's broken, what's that? Whoa, wheel of something, that I don't know what it's for, it's for that thing, but can I use this? I must be able to use this, I'm taking a bath. Uh oh, uh oh, I see the neighbor. Don't follow me, oh, oh, oh, he sees me. No, go up the ladder, go up the ladder. Ah, ha, ha, I'm stuck, I am stuck, I can't move. What, no, no! Not fair, I was stuck, I couldn't move, you're such a cheater cheater pumpkin eater. Man, you and these cameras everywhere, there you go, how do you like dem apples? Nah, you don't like 'em, 'cause they're oranges, ha, ha, ha. Uh oh, uh oh, I see you, oh you goin' get hit in the face with a cup. You wanna get me, have a nice frosty glass of regret. Ah, yeah, ah come on. Oh wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, I saw something, I saw something. Oh, I bet I can use the wheel there. Yeah, you can't get me, I'm on the roof, ha, ha. Uh oh, no! (laughs) His mustache was waiting for me. Come on, his mustache is not a trampoline, don't jump on top of it. Okay, this thing has nozzles all over the place. Oh boy, boy, okay, stop making noise. If I could just get to that water, I can hear you slamming over there, slimmy slammy. Just do some tightrope walking, here we go, okay now we need the wheel of something. Here we go, hey, look at that, ha, ha. Then take up our turn, no don't take it up, put it back on there. What are you doing? (laughs) There we go, oh yeah, waterfalls. Now we're getting wet and wild. I'm gonna take the wheel with me, because I think there's other ones that I need to do, too. 'Cause there's one over there, definitely gotta do that one. Yeah, that one, that one, right there. I just need to jump on top of it, but creepy peeper's down there. I don't wanna drop on top of his mustache. C'mon, no, come on, just, no, just fall down there. Onto the pipe, onto the pipe, no, no, no, no, no, no, no! Run, run, run, run, run, run, run, run, run! Okay, we'll go again, it's fine, it's fine, it's fine, go, go, go, (laughs). We're all good, we're all good in the neighborhood. Wanna sweep the leg. Ooh, that was close, he's trying to get me. No, no, no, no, put it back, put it back. Okay, put that there, yes, wheel of draining your pipes. Okay, there we go. Okay, I'm gonna take this back now, gimme that, no, gi-, no, stop, stop. Gimme that, it's mine. And I've got the wheel of something, still haven't figured out those stairs. Hey, why are you putting all those, you don't need those cameras. Why do you need 15 cameras, creepy peeping up on me. Oh boy, okay, if you saw last episode, we're trying to use the wheel of something to drain all the pipes so we can get rid of the water up here, water you thinking. I'm just coming up here to check and see, whoa, it worked, yeah! Now we're talkin' (laughs). Woohoo, what is this? Whoa, that's the shark, okay, I'm not gonna touch that, 'cause I don't want it to bite me in the behind. Open, open sesame seed. Oh, what is this room? Woo, I'll take that. The key to my heart, or this lock (laughs). That works, too. Alright, now I feel like we're getting somewhere, get out of here, lock. What's down there? I can hear him, he's angry. Yep, I'm pooping on the floor up here (laughs). I wonder what that room is down there, okay. Okay, nothing over there, nothing over there, okay, I guess we're going in this room. Oh wait, no, that's the same room. Argh, what the? What did I do all that for? I drained the water out of the pool so I could get to the same place I went (laughs). It doesn't make any sense. Maybe I could grab the shark, should I grab the, I'm gonna try and grab it. Okay, no, okay, I gotta put something down. What do you mean I can't hold infinite things? Wow, cool. Oh yeah, gonna bite some booties with this shark now. Ooh, what's that, oh, okay, that's where the water comes in. Whoa, hey, wait, wait. Oh, I see, I dig this, it's a shovel. I got ya, I got ya, now I can go dig in the backyard. Hey neighbor, I'm gonna make so many holes in your backyard, it's gonna be awesome (laughs). I feel like I'm figuring this out. Oh my god, I was gonna drop down and kill myself. Don't wanna do that. Okay, I can't, it looks like I'm going down there. Argh, I'm stuck on my underwear. Ooh, there we go, hey, what's going on? Whoa, what is that? Uh oh, there's creepy peeper. No, you didn't see me, you didn't see me, creepy peeper. Argh, I hit him, I threw it. Aw, it didn't do anything, he fell down, but he grabbed me, whoa, whoa, whoa, what is this? Where am I? Wait a second, what is happening? Uh oh. What is even happening? Uh Oh, hey, sir, you okay? Do you need CPR? Okay, well you didn't want CPR anyway, 'cause that's candy poop receptacle (laughs). I think I hear something, help. Medic, medic! I don't even know what's happening. I guess I'm going in here. Oh, hello, uh oh, that's the neighbor. Oh, he's angry. I think his mustache is dying (laughs). Can I throw, no, I can't pick any of this stuff up, aw. I was gonna toss something at him. I guess I'm gonna leave, I don't know what's going on. Ooh, glowy door, my favorite. What the, oh okay, we're starting over again, 'cause I got caught, and then I had to learn about his, I don't know what's going on. What is even happening, why were we at the hospital? What happened to him? Okay, I got my shovel, and I'm ready to do some digging. Who's a dirty birdie, you're a dirty birdie. Hey, oh, I see something. Ooh, I feel sick, I can't stop, coffin (laughs). Whoa, a key, what's that doing in here? And it's got a bow tie on it. Weird, who puts bow ties on keys? Ooh, it's sparkly. Huh, well what is this key for now? It's a mystery wrapped in an enigma, weird. No more creepy peeping on me, broken (laughs). Fixed it, it's better, it's better broken. Broken is fixed here. Okay, I tried all the car doors, I tried all in my house and his house, and I can't find, boy, oh boy, boy. Uh oh, uh oh, no, no, no, you can't tickle my toes, no tickling my toes. Oh wait, oh there is. Oh, that's what it's for. Oh, whoa, it's like a mock-up of your house or something. Ah cool. Wow, well what was weird. He made a sound, oh, oh! I wonder if these doors open the door in the house because they were locked before. Oh, I'm gonna go try it. It's really nice that you made a toilet for your dolls, 'cause dolls have to poop, too, you know. Ooh, I heard him rumbling and grumbling. What does this thing do? Oh, it's got another nozzle. Do I have, I do have the wheel, I thought I lost the wheel. Okay, wheel of something. Oh nope, go that way. I don't even know what I'm doing. Really, I'm just hoping that this pipe leads to a confetti cannon, or glitter cannon, so that way whenever, uh oh, b-boy. Okay, so that way if he's watching TV or something and the glitter cannon gets turned on by the wheel, then it blows in his face, and that'd be awesome, 'cause then he'd be covered in glitter, he'd be all sparkly, he'd be like a vampire (laughs). Who put this here? Get this out of the way, I gotta open the door. What's up with the loudness? Oh, hey, I'm gonna grab the, hey, no, no, ah (laughs). At least I grabbed the flashlight before he got me, you creepy, peeping butt toucher. You're weird, your mustache compels you to do strange things, Mr. Man. Okay, let's go back in and go back up here, and let's see if the doors that I opened in there correlate to the doors that I opened in the dollhouse, 'cause that seems like a thing, right? Well geez, how many cameras do you need, buddy? Okay, going back down there and (gibbers). (laughs) I don't even know what happened. What is this, did I find something secret? No, not unless dust bunnies and fart burgers are a secret. This is where you store your fart burgers, isn't it, neighbor? Okay, let's keep going, let's try this. What's this do? Can I flip this? Flip that switch, flip that switch, switch that witch. What, I don't even know what I'm doing, I'm just flipping switches and turning wheels. Ooh, what's that? Oh, I already got one of those, I don't need that. Let's see if we can get down to the bathroom. Geez, neighbor, you have so many cameras. Everywhere, wow, you have four cameras on one wall? Geez, it's almost like you're paranoid or something, that somebody's gonna break in, wow, there's even more (laughs). How many cameras does one person need? (laughs) That didn't work. Orangey for the pitch, yeah, (laughs). Should I try it again? I've been smashing all your cameras, all the live-long day (laughs). Smashing all your cameras, here we go. Oh, this is gonna take me forever. Ah, forget it, I'm just going (laughs). I say nuts to your cameras. Oh b-boy, anybody there? There must've been a flash sale on Amazon for bear traps, 'cause you got lots of bear traps in here, bear traps and cameras. No, no, okay, just let me go to the bathroom, I'm just gonna go in the bathroom for a little bit, I just gotta poop, aw (laughs). No touching booties, what'd I tell ya? Don't do that. I'm climbing on your roof, pooping on the ceiling (laughs). Uh oh, I hear him, he's grunting down there, he's angry, he's so angry, all the time. Let's go over here, okay, looking okay. You're doing pretty good, okay, he's not coming after me. Alright, I think we're okay, just gonna drop down. I'm gonna run over there. Actually, I wonder if I could run on the roof, do you think I can? The roof, the roof, the roof is so slippery. Ah, I can't do it, I can't (gibbers). Okay, that doesn't work. I'm moving around, it's okay, it's okay, we got this, we got this. Alright, I know he's down there, but I gotta go, I gots to go. Hey neighbor, somebody's pooping on your front doorstep. It isn't me. Oh, hey, hey, hey, you throwing stuff at me while I'm sitting on the ceiling, uh oh, uh oh. Okay, okay, okay, I guess we're gonna wait and see. Oh there he is, there he is, okay. Going over here (laughs). Dropping down, alright, yes. Now I'm gonna run, run, running and gunning and having some fun and I'm gonna go in your bathroom, you can't stop me. Here we go, you're busy back there, you're farting around. Okay, okay, okay, okay, going to the bathroom, whoa, what's this? Oh, okay, you put, do you always put toys on the toilet? Is that a thing you do? Do you play with dolls, pretend that they're pooping in the toilet? That's crappy (laughs). This is a pretty cool action figure, I kinda want it, well I do have it now. I wish I had it in real life, it'd be pretty cool. Now what do I, should I go back to the, where's the doll, oh there, here. Oh there it is, yeah. See it was on the, whoa. I can do that, that was awesome. But what does that do? Is that supposed to go in there? Uh oh, you put another bear trap up here. Yo, how many bear traps you need? 10 ga-billion. Okay, so maybe there's just more stuff in the bathroom that I have to put in the dollhouse, whoa. Hey, wait, wait, can I grab that? Whoa, oh that's cool. I wonder if I can get out of here now. Excuse me, excuse me, excuse me. I need out of here, stat. No, can't go right there. Oh, where's the exit in this place? No, can't do that one. Oh b-boy, b-boy, hey wait, can I do this? Yes, I can, let me outta here, argh. I nailed it (laughs). Okay, come on, quick before the neighbor comes and touches me in the booty. I need it, I want it, can't have it. Come on, come on, come on, come on. Is that it, can I leave? Is that it? Oh, yeah! Run, buddy, run. Creepy, peeping, butt-touching weirdo's gonna be coming right, there he is, run away. Ha, ha, ha, ha, I escaped your mustache. He's not happy with me. Woo, ho, ho, we are on act three, alright. Now we're kicking some booties. Hey, what do you got on TV there? You guys got any Fartin' to the Oldies, what is this? Can I put this in the VCR? I want Fartin' with the Oldies, Fartin' with the Oldies. (laughs) Ah, it's broken. Is there any fruits in here? Oh there are, whoa, what's this. Oh, that doesn't go in the sink. Toaster does not go in the sink. It goes in the trash compactor, duh (laughs). Ooh, pear, I'll save you. Oh that's not a pear, that's an apple, ew (laughs). Wait, I think I hear knocking, and that's no yolk (laughs). Alright, I'm coming, I'm coming. Okay, hold your horseradishes. Oh, whoa, whoa, hey, you throwing things at me? Ooh, a letter, what is it? Uh oh, cut scene. It's a cut scene with jellybeans. Ooh, it's a letter, what does the letter say, you gonna read it? Read it to me! I'm pretty sure it says more than hmm (laughs). Okay, just sitting with your apple friends, huh. You trying to be an apple, be one with the apples? That means you're an apple. Oh, taking some books, blech (laughs). Are we moving? Are we moving and grooving, what are we doing? Hiding some skeletons in your closet? Okay, there's another apple, what is it with you and apples? Yeah, you always keep apples in the freezer, that's cold (laughs). What is it with him and apples? What are you doing? You're just gonna leave that projector running, huh? Okay, that's cool (laughs). Uh oh, well now what? So it looks like I'm older now. All that stuff must've happened when I was a little kid. What did that say, calwon? Excuse me, calwom cot wayron croobs. Huh, well Fartburger McGillicuddy to you, too, buddy (laughs). I love gibberish signs, they're for the birds (giggles). Where are we going, what are we doing, how are we getting there? Okay, can I drive? I got my license. I stole it from a mime. Okay, that house is pretty dilapidated, there's nothing much left. Whoa, okay, is this my new house? But it's the same house, wait a second. Okay, so now that we're older, we're moving back home. Now the neighbor's house is gone. We must go deeper, woo, what's this? The key to my heart, that's it, uh oh. Telephone's ringing. Answer your telephone. Okay, no, no, no, no, open the door, don't look through the keyhole, that's weird. Okay, I'm gonna, go, hold on. Yeah, the place needs a little bit of work. Yeah, I think you need four billion Annoying Orange posters for the walls, that'll definitely help. Whatcha lookin' at? Is that, what was that? What the, what was that noise? Oh b-boy, b-boy, boy, boy, boy, okay, the telephone's ringing again? What do you want? Pick it up. It's ringing, you should take your phone to the pool, 'cause then you'd have phone wading, ha, ha. What's happening? Is he having flashbacks? Yeah, I'd probably have flashbacks, too, if I had to deal with a butt toucher. Oh, that guy just disappeared, he was in the window, did you see him? There was somebody in the window, and he just disappeared. Creepy, peeping, butt-touching, disappearing weirdo in the window (laughs). What, uh oh. Uh oh, things are getting real. What the, wait, what's happening? Uh oh, oh! Whoa, it's a flying chair He has a deep-seated fear of those. What's happening? Oh, it's the basement all over again. Uh oh, oh no. What the? What is even happening? Whoa, okay, what the? But I just moved here, and now my, and, but? I am so confused. Well at least my house has lots of stuff now, that's pretty cool. Oh yeah, that's definitely the neighbor's house, this is from the beta build, I remember this. Okay, okay, I get it, I get what we're doing, where we're going, what we're doing. Yeah, this is totally the same house, okay. Oh yep, that's locked, okay, okay, this is good, this is good, I remember. 'Cause I played the beta and the alpha version, so this is really similar. Okay, so I should know what to do at least a little bit. Wait, what's that, what is that, is that a lever? What does that say? Can I flip that lever? I wonder if I can throw something in there. Let's see if I can find something, wait, wait a second, is that the neighbor? He's just chilling out on the stairs. Hey, what's going on, buddy? You maybe wanna be friends or something? Maybe you stop being a creepy, peeping, butt-touching weirdo, just a, ah! Oh b-boy, okay, he doesn't wanna be friends, doesn't wanna be friends, doesn't wanna be friends. Hey, guess what? You're the chairman of the board (laughs). He didn't like that. Oh yeah, oh yeah, you're gonna love this. Lines it up, winds up, oh, you got apple booty. I bet that hurts down to the core (laughs). Oh yeah, oh yeah, you're chairly there. What the, it just bounced off your face. Well that was weird. An apple hitting you in the butt knocks you over, but a chair thrown as hard as I can to the face, just bounces right off, good to know, thanks for telling me. Okay, oh yeah, we gotta get down in that basement. Oh, where, where, where, where? I don't see anybody, argh (laughs). He grabbed my nipples. Why, why does he always do that? Weirdo. You know what's great, grabbing a plate. Would you leave me alone? Taking out the trash. Oh, he didn't like that. Oh yeah, I forgot to give you the lid for the garbage can. Do you want me to just hand it to you? (laughs) Bang it off your forehead. Okay, he's not happy, he's not happy, he doesn't like me throwing me things at his forehead. He's really un-, ugh. Why are you always throwing my friends at me? That's not nice. What'd I tell you about taking out the trash? Whoops, broken windows (laughs). I didn't do it, the trash bag did it. You broke it, you brought it. You broke it, you gotta buy it. It touched you last. Oh, a lawnmower, I know what those are great for. You know, mowing the windows (laughs). Later. Yo, put a lid on it (laughs). It never gets old. Okay, if I could just throw it in the hole, ah, almost. We can do it, Orangey. Come on (gibbers). Binocular butts. Oh yeah, I almost forgot to turn on all the water. It's good, it helps the water air out, you know? You gotta do that in your house, just go through, turn all the faucets on, it helps the water. Okay, here we go, here we go, here we go. We got some smaller things to throw through the window, it's gonna be good. So delicious, argh. So depressing, argh, googly. Soda butt, butt farts, so dastardly, soda nuggets, binocular butts. No, it's cool, I've just been throwing things through the, no, oh, did I get it? I think I might've got it. I couldn't tell, though, 'cause he squished my nipples. Okay, forget about the stupid lever, I can't go to the lever, 'cause every time I try to go to the lever, he keeps grabbing me. Okay, I'm gonna sneak upstairs, hopefully he's not waiting for me. Yep, I remember this. So that's new, is that an elevator? Oh wait, that looks like, oh wait, that's on the other side. Oh, so does that lever control, oh, maybe that opens the door. Okay, yeah, I remember this from the beta build and the alpha build. Wait, is there a gap? It looks like there's a gap in the fence, 'cause before I used boxes to climb over the fence, but it looks like there's a gap. I wonder if I could jump over there. Let's see, lemme try. The power of motorboat compels you. Yeah, nice, here I am. Oops, spiking plates on the ground. Okay, flip this, uh oh, uh oh, b-boy, boy, boy, boy, boy. I heard him, I heard him, I heard him. Whoops, oh no, I keep throwing things. Apples, I hate apple pictures. What the, whoa. Oh, that was cool. Did that make a pathway? Do these other pictures do anything? I want a burping kazoo. Come on picture, give me a burping kazoo, that's what I want. They're not doing anything. Okay, I suppose I better see where this goes, whoa. Oh, it's a whole other area, I've never been here before, this is cool. This guy loves pictures of his self, like his mustache and his teeth. It's really weird, and apples, blech (laughs). I feel like I'm stuck in a maze right now. I wonder how far this goes up. Lots of junk in that one. Oh, creepy peepers, creepy Justin Biebers. I think we're gonna have to enter this guy on Hoarders. Yeah, you definitely have way too much stuff, I can't even get through there. Oh b-boy, okay, I guess we're gonna go this way. No guns, no guns allowed, unless it's a space ray laser gun that shoots mustaches, that's what I want (laughs), disintegrates mustaches. Okay, what, whoa, what Is this? It looks like a pipe, but it also kinda looks like a tuba, a tuba toothpaste, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha. Whoa, what is this? Okay, it's a key in a cage. You gotta lock up your keys, they've been bad. I punish you, key. Okay, I guess the wire goes through here. Open up the door, oh b-boy, b-boy, boy. Stuff on the, ooh, can I grab that? Oh, no, can't grab that. Hey, if the shoe fits, grab it and take it with ya. Get this out of the way, no, I just moved that way out of the way, get out of the way, chair, nobody wants you there. Underwear, what is this? Okay, this door just drops down into another room. Man, this is crazy. If I go down there, am I gonna get stuck? Oh, I'm wa-, wait, what's that? Sparky, Sparky McSparkles. What's in here? Ooh, crowbar. Should I touch it? Yeah, I better touch it. (buzzes) Ay! Oh no, I've lost a crowbar forever (laughs). Oh boy, okay, I'm just gonna go back around this way. Hey, how's it going? Don't mind me, I'm just gonna go out here and see if I can hit that stupid switch. Oh no, oh, he saw me. Okay, he's going the long way around. Come on, come on, come on, here we go, winds up for the pitch. You can do this, Orangey. Oh, I did it, book 'em, Danno, here we go, yes, I did it. I can't believe I actually did it finally. I only had to do 400 things in that little room. If you ever, whoa, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey now. What are you doing throwing things at me? That's not what we're doing here. It was a hardcover (laughs). Have another, that one didn't, (laughs) late reaction. Hey neighbor, I got you this book about birds, it really flew off the shelf (laughs). And off your forehead (laughs), yeah. What's going, oh wait, it's open. Oh, but I'm going up here. I gotta see what's up here first. Oh b-boy, boy, boy, boy, boy. Please stop following me, please stop following me. Okay, yeah, all good in the neighborhood. Whoa, what's this? What does this do, weird. Think I can just press these? Oh cool, now which ones do I, do I press 'em all, what do I do? Is it like an elevator, you just press everything? Ah forget it, you know what I'm talking about, you go in an elevator, you Just hit all the buttons, that's what you're supposed to do. You snuck up on me, I was trying to move the chair and get out of here, creepy, peeping, butt-touching weirdo. I don't know why he doesn't leave me alone, get out of my business, I'm doing things. Uh oh, uh oh, uh oh, flying chair alert (laughs). What, I warned you, I told ya, flying chair alert, happens all the time. Stephen Curry for three. Oh, off the head (laughs), delayed reaction again. I love it. Here we go, here we go. Oh, off the windows, is he gonna go up there? Yes, he's all angry now. Well then I'm gonna go over here. Okay, while's he's up there, I'm gonna smash the window and go in through here. Actually better, yeah, there we go. Whoa, uh oh, he didn't like that, he didn't like that (laughs). You don't like anything, buddy. Don't worry, that window was a pane in the glass (laughs). Yeah, two puns for the price of one. That's it, I'm going in, I'm going in. You gotta go, I gotta figure out what's going on in that elevator. Oh wait, it's not an ele-, oh, there he is. Going up, wow, whoa. Well cool, is he still following me? Yep, he is, he's climbing the ladder, too. Oh, we gotta get outta here, gotta get outta here. Come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, boy, boy, boy. What's this? Oh, another lever. Flip that switch, flip that switch, switch that witch. Whoa, oh, the train tracks come right through here, cool. I wanted train tracks. Uh oh, uh oh, oh, is he still coming? Oh, I guess we're going down here, looks like the only place to go. Oh, what's this do? What the, whoa. This place is crazy. How did you ever get a permit from the city to build this place, there's no way! Nothing in this house is up to code (laughs). Oh, he's angry, yeah, you're probably lost in your own house, you weirdo. Okay, I think he's gone, I think he's gone. Oh boy, that was crazy. I don't think there's anyplace else to go. I guess we're going up, up, up, and away. What, whoa. Yeah, electrical wires going into the water, probably not a good idea. Should I touch it? Should I touch the water? Is it electrified? Am I gonna get electrocuted? Will it spark some good ideas? No, (laughs), okay, I'm gonna do it, I'm gonna do it. Okay, nothing, weird. (blubbers) Wow, okay, there's just a bunch of junk in here, wires. Oh, they're all connected to those things. I don't even know what's going on. But I'm thinking I need to get over there, but I can't get over there, because the water isn't high enough, ah, weird. Water you thinking, a room full of water, that's definitely not up to code. I'm telling you, there's no way you got permits to build this house (laughs). Is this a button, can I touch it? I love touching buttons underwater with wires going into it, sounds like a great idea. Don't do this at home. Uh oh, uh oh, uh oh, oh, he's angry. I've peed in your water room. Oh, I got him, yeah, see you later, hot pota-ter. Uh oh, uh oh, oh, now I'm trapped. Okay, no, no, no, ah. He's angry 'cause I peed in the water room (laughs). I don't even know what I'm supposed to be doing right now. Uh oh, hey, wait, there he is, there he is. Uh oh, up, gonna hit him in the booty, hit him in the booty (laughs). I hit him in the booty, he didn't even flinch. I'm touching your booty (laughs). Uh oh, uh oh. Ha, ha, ha, delayed reaction again. That was amazing. How do you like de-, blah. Hey, you throwing tomatoes at me? Hey, I was gonna use that. You goin' get it, you goin' get it. How do you like these oranges? Oh, that was terrible (laughs). Uh oh, here, oh, it's kinda, what, why is the? Ow, hey. Okay, I guess we're gonna, where is he, where is he? Gotta get in the window, get in the window. Ah, come on, how'd you even get back there? You cheater, you're a cheater with cheating mustaches. Don't do it, don't do it. Here we go, here we go, hey, oh, for crying out (laughs). Another bear trap. What are you, Santa Claws (laughs)? Come on, every time I try and go anywhere, you're already there (grunts). Let me smash your windows, they deserve to be smashed. Uh oh, he's coming. Okay, running away. It's so hard to see in here, it's so dark. I gotta get better at my ladder skills, I gotta step it up (laughs). Where's it at, okay, there it is. It's kinda hard to see in here. Come on, go up it. Okay finally, I didn't think I was ever gonna get there. Okay, we're going over here, and then we're gonna go down here. Uh oh, boy, boy, boy, boy, boy. I wonder if I can make that jump. Do you think I could do it? Think I could jump on the tracks? Oh, I made it. Whoa, what's down there? Only one way to find out, here we, whoa! Good landing, oh cool, I don't know what that's for, but that's creepy. Whoa, is that a control room? Oh, maybe it controls the infinite donut dispenser, that would be awesome. Give me powdered donuts. What does this do? Yeah, big red buttons, I'm gonna push 'em and what does it do? Uh oh, did I break it? Where's my infinite donuts? Whoa, what's that? Whoa, I think I started the train. Why is this locked? Ah, I guess I'm going down the hole, huh. Does that do anything, no. Does that do anything, no. Where's my infinite donuts? I just wanted a bearclaw (lauhgs). Owie. Oh yeah, cool, check it out, there it is. Oh yeah, the cart's a-moving. I wanna ride in the cart, that'd be awesome, oh yeah. On a roller coaster of love. I'm gonna call 911. I'm calling 911. Your refrigerator's running, you better go get it. Uh oh, oh, no, no. Yeah, take that, ah (laughs). You're throwing tomatoes at me and then grabbing nipples, what are you doing? That's illegal. That's illegal in 52 states. And as of this video, I know there's only 50 states, but that's how illegal it is, it's even illegal in the states that don't exist yet. Okay, I wasn't going in your room, that's fine, it's fine, I wasn't going in there, what are you doing? Hey, wanna see what's on the boob tube? Extra emphasis on the boob (laughs), that's you. What you angry, what you angry about? I'm just gonna go in here, ah, you put another, uh oh, run this way. Yeah, that's right, you're tricking me to go, no, (laughs), I was gonna trick you. You were supposed to go through the house. Be kind, rewind (laughs), exactly. What, you angry? You don't want that VCR, huh? Well, it's on your property now, it's yours. Ah, you broke the window, you touched it last (laughs). Off your head, through the window (laughs). So technically, you broke the window, buddy. I'm sorry, that's how it works, you touched it last, so you broke it, you broke it, you bought it. You gotta pay yourself 50,000 payments of 42.95. Now how am I supposed to even get in there? This is stupid. Just gotta throw things at it, huh, is that what we gotta do, we just gotta throw things. Whoa, whoa, that actually worked? Whoa, it actually worked, that's crazy. It's the red key to my heart, that was awesome, I didn't even know that would work (laughs). Okay, I don't know what the red key's for, I'm gonna take this to throw at his face in case, oh hey, whoa, the crowbar. The crowbar down there, it's not on fire anymore. Alright, I bet it got caught enough times, and enough time past, it finally cooled down (laughs). Nice, hmm, what's this lever do? Oh, I see, it controls that platform over there. I wonder what's up there. What's this room? What is this doing? There better not be any creepy, peeping, butt-touching weirdos in here, or any relatives of creepy, peeping, butt-touching weirdos in here. Oh weird, four lights, but they're just constantly going on and off. Huh, weird, what am I supposed to do? At least it, whoa, hey, it went down for a second. There's a globe over there, am I supposed to get that? Where in the world is Orangey Orangey Orange Orange (laughs). Something tells me I can't get over there right now. Hmm, another piece of the puzzle, so many questions and no answers. But, did I do that? I don't think I did that. I think something else controls it. There's probably another room with a farting hippopotamus or something, you gotta time the farts right or something (laughs). That could be a puzzle, right? I better grab the umbrella, 'cause I remember from the betas and the alphas that the umbrella makes you float, whatever floats your orange. It doesn't rhyme, but it sounds much better, yes. Now, we're floating. Hmm, I wanna get up to the door up there. Oh, I see the platform, oh, okay. Okay, so I wonder if I move the platform to the ground, and then throw something and hit the switch. Okay, floating boxes up there, that's crazy. Don't box me in, bro (laughs). Okay, just put this right here, and then I'm gonna throw it at the switch, argh, okay, get out of the way, lamp, I'm trying to throw stuff over here. Just go over there, you're not very enlightening. No, not in the hole, what are you doing? I can't see anything if you don't, just stay right there. There, good, great. Ooh boy, b-b-b-b-boy. Oh I heard him, oh, it's the neighbor. Okay, quickly, okay, aim, and fire away. Yes, ti worked, oh my goodness, I got up here. Whoa, what is, get out of the way, box. Box, you're a real square, Whoa, whoa, what's going on? Did I beat it, did I beat the game, forever and ever? Probably not. Uh oh, what's this? Whoa, shopping cart, cool. Okay, I guess I gotta go forward then, whoa. The sign says, if you stand, you see, if you duck, you don't see. What does that mean? This game just gets weirder and weirder. Did I hear somebody sneeze? Is there somebody sneezing around here? Gesundheit. Okay, I thought I heard somebody, okay, I guess we're just going. What the heck is going on here? I don't even understand anything. Okay, I guess I'll grab the cart. No, cart, come back. Oh, my shins. I can't get it to work. Broke it. I really don't understand what I'm supposed to be doing here. Oh, hey, a flashlight. Cool, what's that noise? Oh, whoa, whoa, oh. What the, what's going on here? Hey, what are you shopping for? Can I help you? There's a blue light special on burping kazoos, you want some? (laughs) You're doing it wrong. Come back, don't run away from your feelings. Ah, fine. Oh, wait, when I duck. Oh, does that mean if I duck then I'm invincible? Oh, that's cool. Whoa, I think they're gonna need the Jolly Green Giant or something to stock those shelves, those are some really high shelves. Okay, let's see with the track coming, what the, what's with the creepy sounds? What does this have to do with the game anyway? I don't even understand. Okay, I'm at the checkout. What's up buddy, how's it going? Can you let me outta-, whoa, no, you killed me! What the, what the secret panel in the floor's going on here? Okay, maybe he's angry I didn't go shopping. Maybe I have to go shopping for stuff. Okay, let's see. Ooh, pulpy goodness, it's orange juice. I'm juicy and I know it (laughs). Alright, if I put this in the cart and he doesn't let me through, I'm gonna give him a piece of my rind (laughs). Actually, I won't, because then that'll be gross to give him a piece of me-, what the, what, what, what? I died, what even happened? Oh, these guys are attacking me. Oh, I didn't know that. Okay, get away from me, you creepy, butt-touching robot weirdos. You guys must be relatives of the mustache man, creepy, butt-touching weirdo mustache man. I don't get it. No, leave me alone, stop. Okay, gonna put a jar of Godzilla barF in there, and then a hat. Ooh, that's good, I like that. Maybe one more. Orangey juice, yay! Cart, what are you doing, you just leave without me? Alright, I'm gonna check out now. I'm gonna take my Godzilla barf, and my hat, and my Orangey juice, and I'm gonna get outta here, okay. Alright, okay, do I, did I do it right? Ah, oh, no, no. What, what? Are those robot farts, what's going on? Oh wait, what's that? Oh, okay, so five things, I got-, oh no! Okay, so I had a couple of things right, I think. I betcha that's what it is. Okay, but how do I know? How do I know which ones are the right ones? Oh no. Do I have to just put random combinations of stuff in my cart, and just hope that I win. That doesn't make any sense. Hopefully, when I put this hat in there, it doesn't capsize (laughs), get it, cap, hat. Alright, I got a lot of good stuff in here. I don't know if I'm picking the right things or not. Okay, let's get some milk, that'd be good, maybe a couple. Milk it does a body-, but no, no, no, no. We're not shopping for oranges here. Orange is not an item you put in your cart. Whoa, traffic jam. Hey, that was my cart, what are you doing? Creepy, butt-touching robot weirdo, I'm outta here. I'm going, I'm outta here. At least my cart isn't a golf cart, 'cause if it was, then it would sound like this, putt, putt, putt, putt, putt (laughs). Get it, putt? Oh no, oh no, I got some wrong. Hey, I got one right. Oh no, now I got one wrong. No! I only got one right, I don't even know which one it is. How am I supposed to figure out which ones I, oh. This is the worst shopping experience I've ever had in my life. Gonna dropkick your robot face. Oh, wait, wait, I can duck, I can duck. Oh, I totally forgot, I got so mad. I forgot that I could duck, because you know, in real life, I don't actually have legs, so I can't duck, that's not a thing I can do. That's just a little confusing to me. Okay, I'm just gonna try a couple items at a time. Okay, one was right, one was wrong, oh no, not the robot farts. That's never a good sign. Ah, robot farts killed me. I'm gonna be stuck in, wait, wait a second. He had stuff in his cart. Oh, wait a second. I wonder if you can only put the stuff in your cart that the other robot thingies, whatever they are, that they have in their carts. So you have to shop for the same thing that they're shopping for. Okay, so I got that one. No, you get away from me, no touching me, no touching me. I'm a very thrifty shopper. It's the cart that makes the farts (farts). I'm going crazy. Okay, I think I have all of the same items that all the robots have in their carts. Uh, that took forever. I've been playing for like 15 hours. I really am gonna shop 'til I drop. If this doesn't work, I'm gonna scream. I'm gonna pull the game out, and I'm gonna smash everything. Orangey smashy. Let me through. You've heard the expression, the customer's always right? Well I am, I am, I'm, okay. Yes, that's two. Yes, that's three, come on. Yes, please, yeah! Orangey did it, he did it. Yeah, get me out of here (pants). Orangey going crazy, (sighs), okay. Achievement unlocked, baking. Mmm, baking, I'm baking in the heat. Okay, did that actually do anything for me? (laughs) I don't know what's going on. That's an illegal use of a chair, you're fined, you're also penalized 10 yards (laughs). Wait, what game are we playing? Ooh, switches, I Love switches. Flip that switch, yo, yo, flip that switch, switch that witch, yeah. Oh, what, huh? I heard him. Hey neighbor, you smell like stinky cheese (laughs). Hey, how'd he hear me? Ooh, okay, no, no, no, no, locked doors. Oh no, he rubbed his mustache on me (laughs). What is going on? After all that shopping, well, either way I got the crowbar now, just taking these nails right out of here (giggles). Yes, oh, oh, I can't get in there, I need a keycard. Oh, we played chicken, and I lost. (clucks) Okay, put that right there (laughs). Okay, I have a key, what should I do with the key? Unlock the key to my heart. Hmm, okay, whoa, hey, what the, you were just waiting for me. Come on, go do something else. Like go take a walk, don't you need some exercise? Ooh, you can't catch me, I'm going over here. Yeah, alright, we're going all the way to the top, yeah. Oh, that's right, didn't I start the cart? The cart, the farty cart (laughs). If you ride in it, you gotta fart, those are the rules. Okay, I guess not. I don't know what to do, oh, whoa, wow, there it is, I see it. Alright, this train's really gone off the rails (laughs). Okay, let me in. Alright, where we going? No, no, get in the cart, there we go. No, no, hey, come back, I wanna ride inside of you. I wanna ride in a cart, come back, please. Okay, it's stopping. Whew, that was close, okay, now let me in the cart, geez. No, stop bouncing, hey! Stupid cart, always leaving without me, I don't know what it's doing. What was that? I saw something, whoa, what's that? What the, wow, cooL. Oh no, whoops, oh no, I died. I should've timed my jump better. What was even, wow, hey! What the, do you not realize this is a residential area? There's Orangeys crossing the road all the time, what are you doing? You can't be driving 10,000 miles an hour, that's what I'm trying to say. Can't drive so fast, slow down. Gonna punch that cart in the booty. Oh wow, that was close. Okay, now let me in, please. Here we go, yes, I made it inside. Geez, you gotta do it just perfectly apparently. Ooh, does that switch do anything. Well that was weird. Okay, I'm pressing it, it's not doing anything. Whoa, what the? What just happened? Why are we screaming? Are we having a screaming party in here, that's cool? I'm pretty good at those (screams). Is this the radio? Do you have any Nickelback? Maybe some Bruno Mars? The radio's broken. I don't understand this cart, it doesn't make any sense, it doesn't do anything that I want it to do. Well alright, I guess we're gonna keep on going then. What? It just killed me. Did the cart eat me? I don't like it when carts eat me. No, leave me alone, neighbor. Okay, maybe if I get the umbrella I can jump over to that thing. Here we go, here we go, here we go. One, two, three, four, go! Unleash the beast, no, oh, I missed it, grab the rope, grab the rope, no, ah, soap on a rope. More like dope on a rope. Oh, man, well that's kinda cool, though. Orangey in the hole, I don't know where else to go. This is like the only, oh wait, wait, oh, hey, look at that, look at that, look at that. Yeah, I can make me your behind now. Yes, I remember this from when I played this level on the beta version. So I gotta go to the other side, and then I can make, no, not throw the magnet, I was gonna use the magnet to get the other key. Oh, where'd it go, where'd it go, where'd it go? Yes, jumping, oh, look at Orangey's skills. Here we go, here we go. Yes, oh, giving it to me, yeah. I got that key, give it to me. Alright, look at that, now I got two keys. Two keys for the price of one. Yeah, butt toucher, what are you gonna do? Oh yeah, I got a magnetic personality, yo (laughs). Going over here, oh no, uh oh, no, no, no, no, can I get in the, no! No, neighbor, neighbor, neighbor, don't touch, ah, you're rubbing mustaches on me, grabbed my nipples, too, gross (laugh). Try that again. Okay, aim it just right. Here we go, here we go. And, two, three, jump. What the, how'd you know I was gonna be here? Ah, creepy, peeping, butt touching, ah, mustache weirdo (laughs). How'd you know? Stop it. I'm sick of this garbage, get out of the way, excuse me (laughs). Yeah, that's what I think of your lamp. Oh no, he found me. I keep getting caught right away. Okay, we're fine, we're fine, we're doing good, we're great, we're grand, we're wonderful. Yeah, what the? Is that another key? I think that's another key (laughs). Look at that, lookie, lookie, who got a cookie. Uh oh, okay, I gotta get rid of something here. Okay, I made this his butt, so I gotta wash that off, 'cause that's gross (laughs). Yes, now I got, no, I don't want the box, I want the key. Give me the key. There we go. The key to my heart, yeah, key to my farts (farts). Gassy! That's illegal use of a chair, you're going to butt-toucher jail. Uh oh, uh oh, I heard him, I heard him, no. Gimme that, don't drop that on the floor. Okay, let's get out of here. Ooh, that was close, once again. I don't know what to do. I'm lost. Okay, check out this sweet collection of keys I got going on here, yeah, colors of the rainbow, and I got some cake, too, yeah, delicious cake. Sliced to meet ya, cake (laughs). Hey neighbor, did I tell you that you're the apple of my eye? Uh oh, (laughs). It morphed into a tomato. Yo, put a lid on it, neighbor. Yeah, I'm gonna bounce that right off your house, yeah, that's what you get (laughs). How am I the only one that cleans up your stuff in your yard? I'm going up here, 'cause it seems like a good idea. I don't know why it's a good idea, but I don't know what else to do (laughs). I've been farting on the neighbor, all the live-long, whoa, no, no, no, no, no, ah. How'd you know I was gonna be there? Creepy, butt-touching weirdo, you should just let me creep through your house, you shouldn't make a big deal out of it. I already beat this level, so I don't know what to do. I don't know where to go. Wait, wait, what's this? Whoa, oh, I didn't know you could actually go in here. Oh, now we're talking, what do we got going on, what's cooking in here? Better not be any of my friends or oranges. Whoa, what is this, what are we doing here? This is crazy. Ooh, that's cool, we shooting apples over here, nice (laughs). Yo, it's the apple of yo' eye. Weird, I don't understand. Okay, so they're hitting those things, and the wire comes out here. Wait, can I go out on the ledge? Uh oh, uh oh, it's an orange on a ledge, look out. Uh oh, where's that go? I can't see. Whoa, hey, what's that? Ooh, can I turn this? Oh yeah, what's this doing? Am I winning the game? Whoa, water you thinking? Whoa, give me that, I want that. That's mine, I gotta have it, yeah! Collect 'em all. Ooh, what's that thing? Oh, what, whoa, gimme, gimme, always gets. Cool, it's a toy truck. I'm gonna keep this, it says video game on it, weird. That's so meta. Yeah, we're trucking it now. Okay, I still don't know what we're doing here. Ooh, maybe if I put stuff in front of this, it'll (blubbers), okay, you broke it, you broke it, you bought it, I didn't buy it, you gotta buy it, it's $100, 15 payments of $100. Okay, that's not really working, let's try it again. Five billion payments of 14.95. Okay, stop breaking the chair (laughs). Ooh, can I take those, oh, I don't the crowbar with me, son of a monkey. Sweet baby monkey nipples, I can't do it. Yep, I can, oh, ooh, I wonder what that is. One of these days, I'm gonna put it all together, okay. I wanna get up there, so I gotta get these boxes, I gotta stack some boxes, then I can do some jumps, yeah. Kris Kross'll make ya jump, jump. Orangey will make ya jump, jump. Okay, here we go, here we go, got this. Yeah, okay now go forward. No, what are you doing? I'm not standing on anything, I'm floating. Okay, if I could just move a little bit up, that'd be great. (grunts) Cheesy Parcheesi. Oh come on, get up, no, stop falling. I got this, I got your number, it's four-three-six-nine-two-niner-butt niner. Whoa, yes, I'm in it. I'm in it to win it, yo. No, come on, yeah, get out of the way, boxes. I'll push you right over. Okay, it's radiating some goodness, that's what radiators do, right? Okay, got some electrical stuff over here, that's pretty cool. Okay, now, that does that. Oh, what's in here? Whoa, spin it to win it, cool. What does this do? Oh, what's that, what's that, I see something, I see something, another key. I want, give me the key. Oh no, but it's magnetized. How do I stop this from spinning? That's what I gotta do, I gotta stop it from spinning and then I can get the key. But I really don't want another key, I have so many keys, I don't know what to do. This is making me dizzy (laughs). Help me! Okay, this is my sweet collection of stuff, I got keys, I got cake, I got toys (laughs). I got that thingy, I'm just putting it all in here in case I need it. Check it out, umbrella farts. Yeah, that's what an umbrella farting sounds like (laughs). Here's what an orange farting sounds like (farts). Oh, hey, how'd you hear that? (laughs) He heard me, he heard me. My farts penetrated inside the game. He actually heard me. Sorry I'm such a pain in the glass. Oh, what's that, broken window. I didn't do it, it was broken when I got here. Yeah, that's right, you wanted it, you got it. What the, no, hey, what the, okay, okay. Well, I might have deserved that one, maybe, maybe (laughs). Roller coaster of love. Can I actually just move this thing? Whoa, did I do that? No, I think it actually did that on its own. No, stop moving. Excuse me. Uh oh, uh oh, am I gonna die again? This is not good. Alright, I'm outta here. Ah, see ya later, hot pota-ters. Bye. Mo-tato (laughs), mo-tato. Ooh, ooh, hey, wait. Whoa, hey wait, there's a door over here. Can I get up, gotta climb the mo-tato plants. Get up, come on. You can do it, put your back into it, you can, yeah. Look at that, lookie, lookie who's got the cookie (laughs). Uh oh, hole in the floor. Is that where we go to the bathroom? Hopefully, the neighbor's not down there. Actually, hopefullY he is. (laughs) No, go down. Hey, it's that guy, the guy looking out the window, the creepy, butt-touching robot weirdo. What you doing, buddy? What you looking at? Okay, this place doesn't seem to do any-, whoa, what is that? There's a safe down there or something, safe door. Uh, what can I do? Boy, b-boy, b-boy, b-boy, what are you doing? No, don't do it. Don't do it, you creepy butt-touching robot weirdo. You got so much to live for (laughs). If I could just find the wrench, then I could get in here, and then I could go up there, and I bet you that's how you shut off the swirly-whirlies, and then I could get the other key, the key that I have no idea what I'm supposed to do with it (laughs). This is the weirdest map ever. Peedo, Tower Moor, Deenvleen. Sounds like Lords of Rings names, what, whoa, no, no! Uh, squishy oranges. I wonder if I can jump in that window. Here we go, oh no, I timed it just a little wrong. We can do this, we can still do it, put your back into it, that's all you gotta do. Uh, uh, fly back in, no, I missed it. Well that was cool. Alright, let's try this one more time. One, two, three, yeah, look at that, lookie, lookie. Oh, we're in a different area now. What's all over here, what we got going on? Excuse me, don't box me in, bro, you got all these boxers everywhere. We shouldn't be putting boxes, what's up with the boxes? Ooh, ooh, what's that? Excuse me, one more box. There we go. What is that? (laughs) Boxes, what are you collecting boxes for, so many boxes. Oh, that goes down there. Okay, I see, it's all connected. Orange is getting it. Now what's going on in this place. Oh weird. Wow, cool, check out the picture. Wait, this is a picture of the room. Right, it looks exactly the same. Yeah, it's totally the same. I bet you there's something to this, isn't there. I bet you there is. Maybe I gotta put everything back in the place I found it. Or not the place that I found it, but the place in the picture, the picture, that's what I'm talking about picture (laughs). Owie. We want a picture, not a belly itcher. Yeah, oh, I heard it, it made a sound, I think I'm onto something here. Yeah, you know what's going on, you know what's going on. Put the giant marshmallow right there (laughs). Just kidding, it's not a marshmallow, it's a pillow. Just call me Skate the Great, yeah. Put that right there, okay, that did not work very well. Put that right, come on, we can do this. Yeah, winner, winner. Yo, hat's off to ya, here we go, got that one. Now we just need the guitar (vocalizes). Where's the guitar? Excuse me, I'm starting to fret, because I can't find the guitar (laughs). Let me guess, it's hidden somewhere. Sweet baby monkey nipples, what's going on? Okay, now I'm here, nope. It's somewhere else in the house. Why can't everything be organized? Yo, check it out, I'm Mary Poppins, yo. Floating back home (giggles). I love the umbrella. Whatever floats your boat, right? Alright, get my stuff, we gotta start getting these keys figured out here. Oh, he's angry again, oh, not again. Where am I going, where am I going, where am I going? Okay, I know there's a lock, a key, a door, and things. No, no, no, not here, not here. Where is it? That's another illegal use of a chair. You're fined, do not pass go, do not collect 200, go directly to jail, misuse of chair jail, that's the best place you need to go. Okay, here we go, I found it. Woohoo, yes, where are we gonna go? Oh, come on, that was seriously, oh no, we've already been here, it did nothing for me. Okay, well guess there goes that key. Good, one less thing to worry about (laughs). Oh yeah, oh, uh oh, no. No, neighbor, neighbor, neighbor, neighbor, we're friends, we're friends, remember? Remember how we are friends? I was telling you the other day, we're gonna go out, get smoothies. No, stop throwing tomatoes at me. I know you want smoothies, I'm not gonna share any smoothies with you. Oh no, no, I'm trapped. Oh, mustaches. Mustaches in my nightmares. What's this, oh, hey, where we going? Ooh, oh no, I just threw my umbrella. That's mist-defying (laughs), get it, mist, I threw my crowbar. Alright, I'm coming in you butt-touching weirdo. Don't you creep up, no, no (gibbers). He touched my butt on the ladder, weird. Oh, you like touching butts, huh? Yeah, well here's what I like doing. Oh, book 'em, Danno (laughs). Later, hot pota-ters. I'm getting real tired of this garbage, huh. Yeah, alright, I'm outta here. Going up, hey, what the, how'd you get in here? Bounce a tire off your head and you stilL, what, he got me? Alright, it's cool, I got this, I got this, I gotta figure out how to get that one key, that key that's stuck to the magnetized, it's magnetized to the thing, I want that key. Alright, going down here, and then, what, whoa! You just dropped out the ceiling like Spiderman? What the, where'd you get the, oh, he grabbed my nipples. Gotta be a-, wait, what? Oh, oh, I figured out how to control it. Oh, finally, oh, you just press up and down, you should've told me that. Oh, man, all this time I could've controlled it. Okay, I wonder if I could jump on top of this thing and then get up there. Yeah, we're gonna try it, okay. Okay, first you're gonna jump on the pipe, it's a pipe dream, oh no, no, no, no! It's cool, I totally wanted to climb the ladder again, totally wanted to go all the way back up here. Okay, now it's a pipe dream, what the, no, hey, gorilla poops. Cool, just showing you guys what not to do, yeah, that's exactly what I'm doing. Alright, third time's the charm. No, no, third time's a Justin Bieber apparently. Cool, I like doing this, no. I love doing this 4,000 times, it's really fun. Jump back over on the other, no! Not again. Leave me alone. Oh yeah, you always act so surprised whenever you see me in your house. How many times have we done this now? You should be used to me. As much time as I spend in your house, we're practically roommates (laughs). Yeah, orange roommates. If I fall back down this time, I just might crack, I just might crack, I just might do it. You wanna see an orange crack, you wanna see it? You don't wanna see it. Okay, here we go, come on. No, yeah, I did it, I did it. Hello, Neighbor makes me jump, jump. Whoa, lookie, lookie, Orangey got the cookie. Oh yeah, then we can go down the stairs, I wonder if I can open it from this side. What, oh, the wrench is on this side. Okay, why would you put a wrench on the inside when you need it on the outside? You make it impossible, you guys are crazy. Well, while I'm here, I might as well unlock it, so then I don't ever have to worry about, what the, ah! Really threw a wrench into the situation. Yeah, boxy butt, how you like it? Box meet butt. I'm gonna put the kettle to the metal. Oh, right off your head. How you like dem apples? Yeah, ha, ha, ha, ha, see ya later, what what. There, let's see if we can do this without falling. Yay, we did it, fine, good, great, wonderful, awesome. I'm climbing on your roof, farting on top of it, fartin', fartin' (laughs). Whoa, this is cool, what's going on up here? Very nice. Hey guys, I'm really branching out (laughs). What, I'm hopping on trees, just leaf me alone. What do we got here? Oh, it's got an exclamation point, that means I gotta open it. Whoa, look at all those gears. Sorry, but my time is all booked up. Oh, that's how you do it, that's how you stop the spinning wheely thing mcbobbers. So then it's not magnetized. Now I could get the key, I bet ya, yeah! Ooh, I wonder if there's anything over here. Well that looks, whoa, hey, I wonder if I could get to that floaty thingy. I guess it's not floating, it's suspended by wires, which really seems kinda dangerous. Okay, let's see if we can get there. Whoa, I am Mary Poppins. Wow, that was awesome, cool. Definitely doesn't seem very sturdy, though. Oh, hey, red key, do I have the red key with me? I think I do actually. Here it is, the key to my heart, also the key to my fart (farts). Whoa, who shut out the lights? Uh oh. I went into the broom closet and something happened. Did I break the game? Whoa, what's going on? Whoa, well what is this place? Whoa, whoa, fireworks, yes, I'd love some fireworks. Give me some fireworks. Whoa everything's really big. Creepy eyes, creepy eyes. Creepy peepers. Now you guys know what it's like to be an orange, 'cause it's about the same size that I am actually, everything is-- Did I hear some secrets? Is somebody whispering secrets? I don't know what I'm supposed to do, where I'm supposed to go. I guess I could go up this ramp here, this shelf, I guess it's a shelf. Oh, goes to another shelf. Okay, I think I can make this jump, let's do this. Wow, yeah, I got parkour skills, guys, yeah. Where are we going, this place is huge. Am I actually in the closet that I walked into, and then it got big? This is so weird. I mean not so weird, because like I said, I'm an orange, so this is about the same size that I am, so it's not that weird, but it's weird. Can I get on the radio? Got any Bruno Mars? I want some Bruno Mars (laughs). Where am I supposed to go with this thing? Whoa, hey, ah! What put a crack there? Ooh, I feel down the crack. Beyonce, Matchbox 20, come on, give me something (laughs). I don't wanna listen to staticky butt toucher. I don't like that song. Maybe if I could just jump to the other side, whoa. Hey, I made it, nice. Ooh, that's looks fishy, ha, ha, ha, get it? 'Cause they were sardines, fishy sardines for me. I can't get up here. There we go, book 'em. And jump, yes, we got it. Whoa, what we got going up here? Cool, okay, can I pick that up? Whoa, I can pick that up, sweet. Excuse me. Whoa, whoa, whoops, I broke it. Oh, I think I was supposed to break it. Hey, I didn't break it, it was broken when I got here. You broke it, you bought it, you gotta pay, you gotta buy it, I didn't buy it, you broke it (laughs). 5,000 payments of 18.95. I hate to break it to ya. Hey, now that's what we're talking about. Yeah, Orangey's cooking now. Oh, don't cook me, I'm not delicious. I'm not edible. Okay, we're going over here. Can I go up here? Hey, is that the exit? It sure looks like an exit, so let's go to the exit, yay. I wanna leave, come on. Ah, do I have to jump in the toaster? Oh, but I don't wanna be toasted. I'm an orange, you don't toast oranges, that's weird. You toast marshmallows. I'll ask Marshmello to come in here and play (laughs). What, what happened? Whoa, I got toasted. What the? Well you just put me on this one, that's not what I wanted. Now I'm stuck. You put me on a shelf that goes nowhere, why'd you do that? Oh wait, it goes up. Alright, I gotta try and jump the toaster again. One more time, let's do this, toaster buddy. Whoa. We want a toaster, not a roller coaster. Wow! Oh, that was cool, hey, it bounced me up here, sweet. This is actually where I wanted to go. Okay, get outta the way, fishies. I'm coming through, Orange is coming through, you gotta give me room. Whoa, oh cool, a dartboard, whoa, yeah, sweet. Oh, hey, can I grab those? Whoa, I can. I'm takin' 'em all. Silly, I'll take this one, and this one, you get the point (laughs). Get it, 'cause they're darts, they have points. Wow, can I ride these? These look like rides. Oh, they look super fly (giggles). Whoa, I can actually fly 'em. Whoa, sweet, uh oh. Where we goin', where we goin', where we been? Yeah, oh, is this where I wanna be? Uh oh, oh no, I think I want, okay, maybe I can go up here, yes. Yeah, yeah, yeah. You guys only have staticky butt-toucher music on the radio, I want some good stuff. What you got, you got nothing. See, you got static on everything. Okay, I wanna get up there. Okay, get that thing, yeah, okay. Okay, it's the darts that makes ya farts (laughs). Oh no, how do I get up here? Can I, I wonder if I can throw this. Oh, I got you figured out. Yeah, we just climb our way up there using our fart darts. (farts) Much better (laughs). Okay, here we go, here we go, we can make this jump. Oh, yeah, are we there, are we there? I think we got this. Oh, lookie, lookie, Orangey got the cookie, now where do I go? Can I get up there? I can't get over the pillow, I don't know where to-, oh (laughs), that's 'cause you don't go over the pillow, you go over here, whoops. Yeah, I knew that, totes, totes magotes. Okay, big arrow wants me to go this way. So do I just jump? No, can't, no. You light up my life, no. Okay, I guess I'm jumping then. This better be right, I'm not climbing all the way back up here. I will literally quit this game if that happens. Here we go, please, please. What, okay. I made it, yeah, I did it, what's in here? There's nothing in here? There better be something in here. It's crazy, there's nothing in here. I'm climbing the walls and everything. Why did I even do that? (laughs) For realsies, there's nothing in here. I've looked, there's potato chips, I don't want potato chips. Actually, potato chips does sound kinda good right now (laughs), I'm still angry. Well, I guess while I'm here, I better get that key and see if it's unmagnetized, not magnet my butt. Okay, there we go, wow, hey. I still have the disappearing power. Oh, I wonder if you do those mini games and then you get special powers for them. Oh, maybe that's it. So maybe I did get something, I just don't think I did. Ah, yeah, give me the key It's the key to my heart, the key that farts (farts), right into the microphone (laughs). Yes, floating through the air, feeling the air on my derriere (laughs). Now that I got the key, I got to open up that other room and see what's going on in there. Uh oh, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, bear traps, bear traps, bear traps from Amazon. That's where you get all your bear traps, isn't it? He grabbed my nipples again. Why, creepy, peeping, butt-touching weirdo. My nipples are not for grabbing. Thank goodness I don't actually have nipples, that'd be weird (laughs). Uh oh, no, go the other way. No, go through the door, oh no, ah, bear traps. Ah, he grabbed my booty. Okay, I'm just gonna grab this tape of old reruns of Saved by the Bell Pepper, and then I'm gonna show those to the neighbor, okay? (laughs) Hey buddy, hey buddy, I got you a new tape (laughs). That's how you do it. THat's what you get for grabbing booties. Get over this, come on, get over, get to the key, come on. Yeah, you can't lock me in. Uh oh, oh no, it's another room to do stuff in. Oh man, what's this one gonna be? Whoa, what is this? Looks like a locker, oh, a bunch of lockers, weird. Can I go in-, oh yeah, I can go inside, nice. But why would I have to go inside? Do I have to hide from things? I bet I do, don't I. Oh b-boy, b-boy, boy. Let's see what we got going on here. Okay, looks like, what now, what's that thing? That scared me. What was that? It's like those weird robots from the grocery store level. Okay, I really don't like this level, this is definitely my least favorite level of all times, okay. I'm safe, I'm safe, I'm safe. Oh, he got me. Okay, I take it I gotta hide in the lockers from these guys. Let's see if I can get to this locker. He sees me, he sees me. Ooh, that was close. Ooh, hey they froze, can I come out now? Yes, okay, let's keep going, yeah, they're frozen, frozen in time. I don't know how long it's gonna go until they can, oh no, no, don't go (gibbers). Get in there, oh, they got me. Okay, so I think I figured it out, every time the bell rings, that means, okay, they're frozen now. So every time it rings, they freeze, and then when it, oh wait, no, no, no. He is definitely not frozen. I saw one moving around. Okay, I thought they were frozen. Okay, no, they're moving again. See, they were frozen, I don't understand, okay, there was one moving, though. Wait for it, okay, there's the bell. Okay, they're frozen, and now. There's that one moving again. Go around and get, (laughs). Yo, I got this, you can't stop me. No, I went too soon. Don't worry about it, don't worry about it. Definitely gonna get it this time, no. Okay, I think I've figured it out. Wait for the bell, see, there's the bell. Then we go out (gibbers). Okay, I get it, I think it's like a school. So every time the bell goes, all the students freeze, and then the teacher goes. And then when it rings again, the teacher freezes and the students go. So I think I got it. It's like school, yuck, I hate school. Okay, there's a bell, that means, okay, all the kids are running around now. Now when the bell goes off again, all the kids'll freeze and the teacher runs around, right. Okay there, yep, I got it, okay, here we go. Okay, now teacher, uh oh, I think I hear the teacher. Okay, okay, maybe if I get up on here. No, I missed it, missed it. Okay, we got it, we got it, don't worry, don't worry, don't worry (gasps). Oh, come on. This is just reinforcing that school is the worst, you guys, you don't even know. Okay, I think we're good. He scared me, a little puff came out on that one. Okay, I'm just gonna go right in the locker, I think, right away. Yep, yep, yep, yep, yep, yep, yep. Wait for it, okay, here we go. Running and gunning and having some fun and you can't get me, up onto the books. Okay, here we go, can I get a jump, yes. I made it, you guys. Yeah, you can't get me (laughs). Woo, now this is creepy. Woo, oh, there's teacher. Way off in the distance, I saw teacher, I saw teacher over there, trying to teach me things. It's so fast, ooh, I don't wanna go yet. You're kind of in the way, I don't wanna. Okay, here go the students, okay, I'm waiting for it to freeze, and then I'm gonna make a run for it. So here we go, here we go, yes, running and gunning and having some fun and we gotta get out of here. I got stuck on one of the students. Hurry, hurry, ooh, hoo, hoo, hoo. Oh I made it, uh oh, he's right outside. Oh no. He must've saw me come in here. Ooh, ooh, okay, creepy teacher. I don't want any math, no math, no chemistry, E equals MC butter squash. Maybe E equals MC Hammer, that works out, right? Okay, maybe I'll go in the next one. I think we're gonna make it. We're gonna do it, guys, it's gonna be so good. Okay, here we go. Oh no, he's right there, go, go, go, go. No more papers, no more books, no more teachers' dirty looks and touching me in the booty, 'cause that's weird. Can't get away from him. Ooh, b-boy, can't touch me. Ha, ha, ha, can't touch this. Can't touch this. Here we go, oh, why is the teacher right there? Why are always putting the, oh, I'm never gonna beat this level. You know what I say to the teacher? Yo, I'm gonna school you (laughs). Oh no, there's the teacher again. No, keep putting him right there. This teacher really droned on (laughs). Get it, 'cause he's kinda like a drone, I don't know, robot. It sounds corny if I say the teacher really robot-ed on. That sounds weird actually, inappropriate. Yo, the math teacher, they had a slice of humble pi. Get it, pi? Where, okay, then they're gonna stop, and then where's the teacher? Where's the teacher, where's the teacher, where's the teacher, where's the teacher? Oh, teacher's right there, standing right in my way. Okay, robot teacher, you're losing all your class (laughs). Okay, I'm going, yeah, oh yeah, right at the bell, right at the bell. Okay, make sure the students don't get me. Yes, are you kidding me, I made it, I can't believe I made it, whew. Yeah, I think this teacher's cross-eyed, 'cause they can't control their pupils (laughs). Yes, we're doing this, okay, oh, we gotta get to another locker, okay, ooh, quickly. (sighs) That was close, that was close. You know, when teachers point their finger at me, they're just asking a lot of pointed questions (laughs). Yes, let's go! Okay, making a run for it. Oh wait, is that the exit? I think that's an exit, I'm gonna go in here first, though, just in case, gotta play it safe not sorry. Whew, I wonder what that heart says. It probably says I love not getting my butt touched (laughs). Wait for it. Okay, on the run, we can do this, we can do this, put your back into it, put your rind into it, come on. Yeah, uh oh, b-b-boy. No, teacher. Teacher, how'd you get in there? Ew, please don't kill me. Your qualifications as a math teacher don't add up (screams). Whoa, (laughs). Have a nice fall (laughs)? Yeah, he took a real nice trip, didn't he? (giggles) Woo-ee, we beat it. Oh my goodness, oh goodness gracious. Oh, well don't box me in, bro. Oh wait, oh wait, no, I better go back in the room, because I didn't actually explore in there and see what's going on. Woo, key to my heart, huh? No, it's just a room with a key. Okay, gimme the key, the key to my heart. Grab it, grab it with your hands. Okay, where we going? Oh, it's that door. Wow, crazy. Okay, I beat all of those levels now, this is nuts. Okay, definitely don't eat that key. Alright, got my umbrella, let's go. Oh, you guys, I think I get it. Okay, so this, you can only go through this door when it's dark, oh yeah, so you can't open that door. Oh, and then this door you can only open in the daytime, I bet, yep, it's locked. Okay, so I need to put something in front of that door so it doesn't close. Okay, you got the box there, and then I'm gonna put a chair there, now everything's in the way. Yeah, you can't close now, can ya? And now we need to make it daytime, so. Owie. Yo, I got some chicken fried rice for ya, right in your, oh no, oh. Whoa, whoa, I can actually stop him. Oh, that's awesome. Yeah, I got the superpower from beating that level, I bet. I betcha that's what it does, yeah. Okay, so every time you beat one of those levels, you get the superpower, that's totally what it is. Nice, yeah. Try and grab me now, butt toucher, you can't, I can push you down (laughs). Orange has got superpowers now. You guys don't even know, I'm so happy, creepy, peeping, butt-touching weirdo, can't even get me anymore. Yeah, I can just push him down. Ooh, cake, my favorite (laughs). I'm gonna put that down so I can get some sweet, tasty cake (laughs). Okay, just go through here. Oh, what's this? Ooh, weird. Let's see what's going on in here. Whatcha got, whatcha got? Excuse me, coming through, look out, geez. Close on me, door, geez, come on, what are you doing? Whoa, bear, whoa, hey, it's the guitar. Yeah, yeah, yeah, okay, I need to find that one room, maybe I can put the guitar into place. Open sesame seeds (laughs). Alright guitar, don't string me along. The guitar goes up here. Perfect, ho, that's looking good. Okay, almost a perfect recreation. Okay, skateboard goes over here, oh yeah, come on. Yeah, doing some wheelies, watch my kick flip, I wanna ollie, watch me ollie. Okay, so now the cord goes out here, and then down to that generator over there. Oh boy, oh, yeah. Okay, let's see. Yeah, it goes to right there. Oh boy, okay, can I hit the button. Woo, hoo, hoo, hoo, hoo, hoo. I hit the button, okay, what does that do? Okay, let's follow the wires. Follow the wires, where do the wires go? Okay, the wires go all the way down here in through this door. Okay, through here, where'd it go? Oh, to the fridge, well what's this? Whoa, hey, there's something in there. Is it, it is, it's melting, 'cause I shut it off. Oh boy, what's in there? Oh b-b-boy, ice to meet ya. Don't give me the cold shoulder, give it to me, ha, ha. Okay, what is it? Whoa, oh, is that the keycard? Yes, I think I can get down here. Oh b-b-boy, excuse me, excuse me. No, no, that's not where it goes, ha, ha, ha, ha. Okay, put that here, yes, it's open. Open sesame, get out of the, who put these boards here? I'm sick of these boards, get 'em out. I'm bored of these boards. Ooh, cake. I'm very excited, ooh, yeah, we made it, you guys. We made it downstairs. We're downstairs, we're in the basement. Oh, it looks a lot like it did last time, only that pipe should probably not be pouring stuff, okay, whatever, that's your problem. I'm not calling the plumber, you gotta call the plumber. Bummer, you need a plumber (laughs). Okay, if you guys haven't watched the previous episodes, you gotta go watch 'em. We finally did it, we made it through the third act, and we're down to the basement. Maybe this is still the third act, I don't even know. Ooh, do I have to go through the window? That's how I did it that first time. Oh, no, maybe not. Where do I go? Creepers, peepers, where's the creeper peep-, oh wait. Oh, hey, it's a different room. Oh, what the? Well, that was weird. Okay, can I, ooh, is there something in here I can hit? Hey! Oh, no, I want that up, I wanna get through there (laughs). I'm sure he can probably find something better on TV, Dancing with the Starfruits or something, you know. You don't always have to watch static, it's the worst ever. That's locked. I guess I'm going through here. Ooh, sparklies, don't touch the sparklies. Oh, creepy leaks. Okay, creepy peepers, don't touch me. What's that sound? Okay, whoa, I see a light. What is that? Wow, what is that? What the? What happened? Did I? Is it to the next level or something? Oh no, I started over, what? Did I die, I must have died. What even happened? Okay, okay, where is it? Okay, I see it. It's a weird, creepy thing with glowy eyes, I don't like it. Oh there it is, there it is, I'm gonna hide back here. Does he see me? Did he get me again? Oh, come on. I don't like your creepy peepers, I don't like 'em at all. Okay, just go past, go past me, you don't need me, I can't go back. Who put the gate down? Who put the gate down? Wait, you guys, I got it, I got it, I got it. Okay, maybe I have to duck down. You know, like I get, yeah, I get invisible. That's why I get the superpower, 'cause I beat that one level, the grocery level. I'm not a grocery, don't put me in a basket, I'm not edible. Okay, I'm invisible, you can't touch me. You can't touch me, I'm invisible. Is he coming or is he? I think I have to move forward a little bit before I can move forward? Okay, and invisible. Don't see me, please don't see me. Please don't scare me. What the heck are you? B-b-b-boy, boy, b-b-boy. Okay, ooh, ah, he got me (laughs). Yeah, I don't think I stayed kneeled down long enough. Okay, I'm still invisible. Okay, go forward, yes, yes, no. Okay, we good? I think we're good. Okay, okay, okay. Yeah, yeah, we did it! Ooh, that's not good, that's a leak, that is a crazy leak something's going on there. I think that's a gas leak, don't light a match. And don't fart, definitely don't fart (laughs). Ooh, b-b-b-b-buh-boy. Okay, I don't see any creepy peeping butt-touching weirdos in here. No, no, no, I definitely need to get in there. Don't block me in here, okay. Going in, okay, there's a door out. Okay, can I go through, owie. What's going on in this basement, you guys? What's even happening? Ooh yeah, that's a lot of leak, okay, there's gas leaks, and then you have a fire going? Yeah, this house deserves to blow up (laughs). Just not with me in it, please, okay? Okay, going through, wait, wait, wait. Oh yeah, a brick wall, is it time to do the Kool-Aid Man? Let's see, oh yeah, we're doing it, it's Kool-Aid Man time, oh yeah (laughs). I got you, I got you, brick wall, I got your number. Okay, so check it out, check it out. Yeah, okay, there's a gap above there. Okay, so if I can put this down here, and then jump off that, yo, I can do just parkour style, just jump right over this fence. You got it, bro. Alright, we were chairly there (laughs). Alright, jump for joy, oh, oh. I totally thought that was gonna work. What, well now what? Maybe there's something about the fireplace? Oh wait, that's right, I can do double jumps, I almost forgot, that's another one of my superpowers, yeah. Super Orange! Okay, double jump in action, here we go, double jump, yes, we did it, you guys! Oh my goodness. Okay, where does this go? Crazy (mumbles) butt-touching weirdo, no touching butts, no touching butts, get out of here. Yeah, (laughs), lookie, lookie, Orange got the cookie. Whoa, what are we doing? Whoa, oh, okay, it's still going. Oh, uh oh, I hear creepy people butt-touching weirdo noises. Come on, come on. Whoa, this is getting weird. Should I just run? Maybe I should just run. Okay, where we going? What's this door? I don't even know what's going on. What the? Oh, okay. Did I die? Did something grab me? Hello? What's happening, the suspense is killing me. (gasps) Act finale, wow. We're at the end, you guys. I don't know what's in, okay, maybe. Do I need to use the basketball for something? Do you wanna have a ball? Wanna maybe shoot some hoops, play some horse? Who wants to play? Okay, weird cardboard cutout kid, what do you want? (Orange gibbers) Giant creepy, peeping, butt-touching weirdo, ooh, he's angry. He's angry. I don't like this, you guys, I don't like it. Ooh, ooh, ooh, why is he angry? Is he angry 'cause I pushed him? (screams) Let me out, let me out, let me out, let me out, let me out, where am I? What is even happening? Yeah, yeah, we're having a ball. Yeah, you want this, don't you? Yes. Okay, didn't even, did it hit him? No, it didn't even hit him, wow. Super secret surprise groin shots (laughs). Yeah, bouncing balls over here (laughs). Didn't do anything. I don't think that works. Okay, so the giant creepy, peeping, butt-touching weirdo is not affected by groin shots apparently. Ooh, what are you doing, what are you doing, what are you doing? What the heck is even going on? I don't even know what I'm supposed to be doing here. This is so weird. Maybe, double jump, double jumpin' come on. Here we go. Double jump it, yeah, double jumps are awesome. Man, I wish I could double jump in real life, that'd be so cool. Maybe even a triple jump. Yeah, tightrope walking up here. Ooh, I see a but, okay, here's a button, here's a button. What happens when I press the button? Yeah, oh, something's moving over there. Look at that cart, it's moving. I wonder if I have to get in that cart. Okay, that could be cool. Whoa! What the heck? You just blasted that, wow, okay. That was weird. I fell. Wait, okay, hold on a second. Oh, wait a second. Okay, it's saying umbrellas up there. Up there, where? What was that? Was that a late reaction to my groin shot that I gave you there, buddy? I wonder if I could hit this light switch. You think I could do it? I betcha I could do it, hold on. I got super skills, yo. Oh, I just missed it, I got this, I got this, don't worry, you guys. So I wanna aim for just a little bit lower than the actual, yeah, look at that, second try, that's how you do it. Put your butt into it. Okay, now what? Okay, it looks like the cord goes around here. Let's see what's over, oh, okay, it's a giant toaster, we're gonna roasty toasty our buns. Oh, b-boy, no. Okay, double jumps don't work. I think I gotta use the flashlight. You light up my bun, whoa (laughs). Go double jumping, yeah, that's how you do it, put your back into it, that's how you do it, put your rind into it. Tightrope walking all the way to the top, we can do this. Ooh, that was close. Alright, now I'm gonna jump in the toaster. Are you ready for this? Oh boy, and a one, and a two, and a three. I'm toasty. Yeah, ha, ha, ha, toast my buns, that's how we do this. Okay, we're gonna go straight up it looks like. Whoa! Whoa, check out that air, yes. Okay, what am I supposed to be doing? Uh oh, no, no, no, no, no, no. No, no, no, no, ah, ew, right on my groin. That's not good. Let's try this again. Roasty toasties, toasty my buns. Yeah, catching some air. Oh okay, maybe I have to land on that platform. Here we go, oh yeah, oh yeah, come on, steer it, steer it. What? It killed me? Ah, ha, ha, ha, crushing defeat. Maybe I gotta jump in the other one. Ooh, ooh, ooh, that was close. Okay, going up, ooh, here's another platform. Have I got it, have I got it? Yes, I did it, hoo, what's this do? It better give me free grilled cheese sandwiches. Yeah, grilled cheese sandwiches for everybody, woohoo. Oh, it's a platform, cool. I bet I needed to get on that platform (laughs). Okay, try it again, where we go. Ooh b-boy, boy oh boy. Okay, there's the platform, quickly, quickly, quickly. Jump, double jump. Oh yeah, Orangey going up in the tube. You know what they say, this is just a pipe dream here (laughs). Okay, what's up here? Woo, whoa, weird. Um, hello? Maybe do I have to take this? Whoa, wow, oh, I don't even know what I'm supposed to do here. I guess maybe smash the window? Yeah, it's a real pane in the glass. Ay (laughs). Alright, I guess I'm going in. Oh, I see another switch in there. Oh yeah, flip that switch, flip that switch, switch that witch, yeah. Oh, wow, whoa! Wowzers, that was so many umbrellas. But now what? Oh my goodness. But now what, oh, it's raining umbrellas, hallelujah, it's raining umbrellas, hallelujah. Oh yeah. Lookie, lookie, Orange got the cookie. And look, fireworks, ho, ho, ho, ho, that's my favorite. Oh, I wonder how I shoot fireworks at him. I need to find a lighter or something, hmm. Well, when all else fails, just go up, up, up, up, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. What you got on the radio? Got any Blink 182? All the orange things, fruit cares, fruit brings (laughs). That's my favorite song, don't you know? Oh, yeah. Orangey makes you jump, jump. Ah, I guess there's no way to go but down. Whoa, hey, there's a platform right next to him. Hmm, yeah, that's what I'm saying, hmm (laughs). I wonder if I should go on the platform. Just don't fly in his mouth, I'm not tasty. Yo, look at the platform, gimme platform, yeah. Ooh, hey, whoa, whoa. Hey, I can go, that house, it's got a wall open. Yeah, I definitely need to get up there. Hmm, alright. Well, I'm gonna make a jump for this house down here, since that, the giant explosion earlier blew out the sides and I can fly right in. Hey, are those candles? I think those might be candles. Ooh, and cake, my favorite. I'm gonna have my cake and explode it, too (laughs). Yeah, can I grab this? Yes, I can! You guys, I got fire. Oh boy, we're gonna set off some fireworks, yo. You know what they say about setting off fireworks, it's a blast (laughs). Here we come, oh boy, you don't even know what's coming at you, buddy. Fire away. Is it gonna go? Oh, there we, whoa, it did, it start, it lighted, yeah, whoa. Uh oh, oh, fireworks all up in your face (laughs). He didn't like it. That's what you get for grabbing my butt (laughs). Okay, let's see if we can jump onto that shelf. Here we go, I saw some stuff over here, yes. Oh, we gotta go get those balls. I think we're gonna try and push it into that ball machine. Hey, buddy, mind if we drop in and have a ball (laughs). I like to move it, move it. I like to groove it, groove it. Oh, oh, uh oh, uh oh, ball goes in the hole. Hole in one, oh, ho, ho, ho, ho! We want a pitcher, not a belly itcher (laughs). Alright, now what? I wonder if the house is low enough. Wait, was it that? Another platform, it doesn't hurt to go check it out, right. Oh yeah, there's something over here. Whoa, is that a crossbow? Ah, sweet. It's very arrow-dynamic (laughs). Uh oh, another string, hmm. Can I, no, I can't untie that. I wonder if I use my candle, do you think that would work? Worth a shot, let's do it. Fire it up, baby, you, whoa, light up my rope. (screams) Oh, it went out. Do I have to try again? Let's try again. You, whoa, ooh (laughs). Took him downtown, James Brown. Oh yeah, he's a little bit lower. Oh yeah, I think I could get to it this time. Okay creepy, peeping, butt-touching weirdo, it's time to feel the air on my derriere. Oh yeah, I could totally reach that. Look at that, it's totally reachable, I got this, I got this, yo. Oh yeah, oh yeah, I'm just gonna drop right in, buddy. Whoa, you know me, I'm feeling pretty fly (laughs). Yes, come on, land, land, oh, ooh, I almost fell. Yes, I did it, I did something. What happened? Achievement unlocked, I have no choice. Oh, uh oh, simming, does that mean swimming? Does it mean missing? Either way, this guy leaves quite a paper trail, huh? Oh, ho, ho, creepy eyes. Ew, creepy eyes, what is it? What is it, what are you? Don't look at me. Creepy peepers. Oh, there he is, he's hanging up one of the swimming signs. Ooh, what's that? What is that? Whoa, what is that? It's creepy, he's got creepy peepers, it's the creepy peeper guy. Ooh, he's got creepy lights for eyes. I don't like it. Okay, I think this is the exit. Should I go through it? I'm a little afraid to. What's happening, what's happening? Who turned out the lights? I hear music, whoa. Whoa, hey, is that, that's me, or well, you know, there was a guy in the beginning of the game, remember, kicking the ball. He's having a ball, hmm. What are you doing, buddy? That looks like a fun game you're playing. Oh, b-boy, b-b-boy, b-boy. You might wanna turn on some lights in here, it's a creepy house. What is even going on? I don't know, I don't like it. Hey, you left your plane behind, kid, that's plain crazy (laughs). Don't you like playing with your plane Uh oh, whatchu looking at? Whoa, whoa, whoa. Oh, it's a creepy peeper. Wow, he's giant. Okay, I'm gonna follow you, where are you going? You show me where to go, I don't know. Whoa, he's got creepy peepers. I don't like it, I don't like, ooh. He's so creepy. Okay, I'm gonna sit by you (screams). He destroyed the building. Creepy peepers, what are you doing? Kid, we gotta get out of here. Creepy peepers, he's trying to hit you. Okay, you don't have to run into me, it's not a mosh pit. I'm trying to help you here. Kid, where you going? I want to help you. Ooh, ooh, okay, maybe you're helping me (laughs). Tell me where to go, it's creepy. Okay, what, hey, hey, I can't fit through there. Hey, kid. What am I supposed to do? Okay, well now where do I go? Whoa, what the? What the screaming meemies? What's with the screaming meemies, what happened? Uh, kid, where you going? Oh no, creepy peepers, yo. Oh, I must have did something wrong. It started all over again. Whoa, you're so creepy. (screams) He slapped me in the face. You got shadow guy slapping me in the face, you got creepy, peeping butt toucher slapping me in the butt. What the heck's going on here? Okay, last time I stood right next to you, and then. (screams) Okay, okay, I think that worked. Come on, let's go down here, kid. Yeah, okay, so since I can't go down that way, oh yeah, that's what it is, I gotta go this way. Alright, where's he at, where's he at, where's he at? Kid, where are you at, yo? Are you coming out this way? I bet you you're coming down this way, aren't ya? I think I'm actually protecting him, or I'm supposed to protect him. That's my job, I'm protecting him from the giant shadow monster, creepy peepers. Okay, okay, stand in front of you. Yes, oh that's it, whoa, did I get bigger, wow? Am I turning into the Jolly Green Giant? Cool (laughs). The Jolly Orange Giant, that is (laughs). Where you going, kid? Kid, where you going? Uh oh, oh no, he went through a little tiny door again. No, I gotta go the other way again. I'm stuck. Oh yeah, I gotta go this way. Where you at, kid? Oh, you went up the ladder. Come on. I will save you. No, argh! Try this one more time. Okay, stand in front of you, and then, oh, slapping butts. Okay, now I'm big. Now I'll go over here, hit that ladder, yeah. Gonna get a step up on the competition (laughs). I hate you, creepy peepers. Where do I go? Oh, hey, whoa double jumping action, yeah. Where do I go? Come on, oh, hey, kid, where you going? I found you. Come on, come on, come on, run. Oh, no, no, no, gotta stand in front of you, quickly. Oh, that was close. Wow, I'm so tall now. I'm like the opposite of Midget Apple (laughs). I don't know where to go. I guess we're going this way. I'm kinda slow, the bigger I get, the slower I go. I'm kinda running in molasses. (laughs) Green Giant, Orange Giant. Oh yeah, that's how you get over it, you gotta get tall. Uh, where do I go, where do I go? Kid, where are you? He's gotta be, oh there he is, hey, I found you, where you going, kid? Where you gonna go? No, no, no, no, oh, hey, right there, nice. Oh, ho, ho, saved you again. Okay, I guess I'm going over here. I don't know if this is the right way to go, but I'm just assuming so. You can't stop me, creepy peepers. All the orange things, fruit cares, fruit brings. Am I stuck? Oh, I'm really hoping he comes through that doorway. Oh boy, hey, he did, wow, that was awesome. Stand in front of you, yeah, whoa. Achievement unlocked, no more fears. Oh yeah, I'm taller than you, bro. Guess what's coming next? I have no idea (laughs). Come on, what's gonna happen? Wow, he splodied! Whoa, where am I? I'm like in a white void. Is that an exit door? Am I supposed to go through that? Oh boy, okay, well I guess I'm going through. Whoa, hey, what's that? Well I'm gonna go check this out first. I didn't think there was anything else here, but I guess there is. Oh, I think he's in there. Creepy peeper, are you in there? Oh no, it's creepy, peeping, butt-touching weirdo. I'm not helping you. Is there someone else in there? Someone's slammin' on the door. No, it's creepy peeper. Well he's trying to get into that room, and the neighbor's trying to get, well, is he hiding from him? Well, that's kinda sad actually. Oh, I don't know what's going on. Neighbor, did you steal his Snickers? Well, I guess I put him in weird jail (laughs). I don't know what's going on. You could say it's foreshadowing (laughs). Get it, 'cause he's kinda like a shadow monster. Ooh, creepy peepers, yeah, I'd keep that neighbor, I'd keep that door locked, 'cause that guy, that guy is possibly creepier than you, and that's saying something. Alright, well, I'm gonna go through the door now (laughs). Okay, exit. What's gonna be through here? White light. No butt grabbing, no butt grabbing, no nipple pinching, okay. Are we good, please? Ah, I've got hands. Whoa, oh. So that was all a dream. I like dreaming about volcanoes, it's the lava of my life (laughs). Okay, the neighbor's house is gone now. Definitely gonna need a new paint job there, guddy. Definitely gonna need to fix that door, because doors are not supposed to rotate that way (laughs). Hey, what's up, buddy, you waving at me? I'd wave back at you, but I don't have hands (laughs). Uh oh, uh oh, is something creepy gonna happen? Tentacles gonna grab your booty. Look out! Oh, oh, okay. Why do I keep expecting for something to jump out right now. I think I played too much Five Nights at Freddy's (laughs). What are you doing? Looks like he's just moving in. He likes to move it, move it. He likes to groove it, groove it. You know how it is, what what. Oh, wow, that's it. I beat it, you guys, I beat the game! I beat the creepy, peeping, butt-touching weirdo, yeah! Alright, wow, that ending was weird. Well, I guess it was a happy ending, right? Kind of, well for me, anyway (laughs). What does it all mean? What do you guys think, let me know, okay. Alright, well, make sure you do everything you can to spot this video on the internet, 'cause it's so good, he's famous, yeah. 'Til next time, later hot pota-ters, yeah. (upbeat dance music)
Channel: Annoying Orange
Views: 16,653,660
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: annoying orange, funny, fruit, talking, animation, daneboe, The Annoying Orange, hello neighbor full game, saturday supercut, hello neighbor, annoying orange saturday supercut, cartoon, video games, satire, spoof, lampoon
Id: ddnE80rZnmA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 130min 28sec (7828 seconds)
Published: Sat May 26 2018
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