Annoying Orange - Ask Orange 1-50 SUPERCUT!! (Saturday Supercut)

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hey hey fruit lovers it's me orange and you know what that means no it's only Monday looks like you're gonna have to catch up I heard you guys had a lot of questions for me isn't that right laptop what are you joking your fans are they blowing me up yeah literally you've been around quite a while how do you stay fresh that's easy I just go for a good peal Nova asks what's the most annoying sound you can make hmm I'd have to go it jackie asks what happened to your wee pony i had to let him go he needed a more stable environment how long can you spit seeds at pear is marshmallow a boy or girl wow I thought everyone knew that marshmallow was now you finally know what marshmallow is - Tim says I think you should show Apple a little more respect get it little Olivia asks how can you talk hey orange who's your favorite singer Chad asks when are we going to make a terminator show with oranges Arnold pear is Robert Patrick and Apple is John Connor Grace asks if orange is orange what is strawberry oh whoa looks like you're in a real Jam Oh Miguel asks can I have a question on your show you sure can Miguel it's something everyone else just leave a question for me in the comment section below for the next episode so start asking some questions do it do it now that's a question and I've got a whole batch of questions from you guys to answer you buddy one of my favorites this one hater hater asks why does pretty much everything in the kitchen explode ah come on hater hater not everything in the kitchen explodes just look at that carrot he hasn't blown up yet yeah exploding alright guys let's get to the questions and like Apple keep them short how many oranges does it take to screw in a light bulb how many of us are here again seventeen Wow looks like we have a really bright future pokemon bolt asks what happened to Pizza uh you know him you know he's got it thirty minutes or less can you jump no but I can peel out [Laughter] what is your favorite game hmm let me think I think it's weather can you squish a squash probably not but I can't scare up hair did somebody say my food Brandon asks would you pick a fight with Godzilla out loud I'm a watermelon not Godzilla no seriously is marshmellow a boy or a girl hey hey marshmallow we've got a question for you it's a really important question that all the fans want to know who is your favorite youtuber why does every person on your show get cut in half oh they don't all get cut in half some get scores some get blended and some gets washed right peanut Oh No yummy food six six three says make a bit called toast Busters [Music] toast for this episode of ask orange make sure to leave me more questions in the comment below do it now ask more questions do it please yes please leave some questions so he stopped asking yeah don't you mean remember hmm nope yeah I better cut to the chase already Goldie lover asks do you ever wish you were a toy you bet I do no wait little green giant you tricked me Oh I'm like Pinocchio in Reverse I always wanted to be a real toy okay fans let's get to the questions hey orange are you annoying on purpose annoying on porpoise probably ridiculous [Laughter] joy beans asks do you like turtles turtles if there were zombies in the kitchen what would you do I would call squash guys how long can you shut up Wow 1.3 seconds I think that's a record how long can you be annoying hey orange as a screaming rainbow ever attacked you the screaming rave all why is pear boring I've never let pear handle this one hey I just figured out the answer to this equation it's you're an apple what does the mystery button do I don't know what happened to apples machine gun don't you mean is minigun is marshmallow a boy or a girl for crying out loud I want to know okay okay I know everyone wants an answer so I'm gonna stop toying around it's not going around where is copper Lincoln Go Go Go Go Tiger Todd 11 asks have you ever tamed a tiger well I'm still working on it it's been a real Wildcat go make a spoof of Breaking Dawn called breaking winds I I've got something for you Bella what is it orange it's something I've wanted to give you for a very long time what is it orange just tell me please okay are you ready just how we Orange it's okay [Laughter] Wow best movie ever but make sure to leave a question in the comment area below for next time Annoying horns toys in stores now yo what's up fruit lovers it's agent all back with the down-low you guys got a ton of questions and we've got a ton of answers let's get to it hey orange can you fly using annoyingness as fuel oh good question I guess I've never really tried until now [Music] can you do anything stupid anything stupid I can do everything stupid do you ever wish you were a fish hill TS charge yum-yum-yum-yum-yum Wow where's my cookie maybe squash could answer this call off the search everybody got milk what would happen if you shrunk by struck me do that would still be the smallest fruit in the kitchen its little many much convinient Apple will nice iron fist and copper Lincoln ever start a metal band together maybe if they do I'm sure it'll be there's one question that we get all the time it's the next one I guess everyone wants to know is marshmallow a boy or girl okay guys let's get serious hey hey heavy metal band can you tell us whether marshmallows a boy or a girl can you put this comment on one of your videos randomly okay why don't you have a nose wait burp the ABCs okay hey hey next question why did the turkey cross the road duh he was making a pilgrim pitch hmm that's not funny have you ever been attacked by pear nope but me got attacked by a pan bear what would happen if you met Master Chief from Halo No Master Chief it's not hard that doesn't even sound like my name be quiet before I blast you with my assault rifle no will zombie George Washington ever star in your YouTube series however CDW doesn't think that the cherries will ever forgive you well I can't let sell the line that's all the questions we have time for this week but be sure to leave us some more in the comment area below I promise we'll be back next month with more a story until then [Music] hey guess who's back answer all your questions I'll give you a hint it's me let's do this thing what happened to the 50 caliber kitchen cannon it's funny you should mention that this can't be good will you destroy the moon yeah we can't do that we already blew up the moon what wait orange but now it's a new moon [Applause] what do you think is the cutest animal I would say alligator what are you talking about alligators aren't cute no alligator what hey orange what's your best joke a joke what's a joke what's your favorite sport [Music] what's it like being an orange well I guess you could say being an orange is very appealing hey are we cool well I guess you could say that we're cool cool as ice why are you so annoying well I guess you could say that okay enough already looks like you two are making what happened to my lunch I bet squash can answer this hey yo buddy what's your favorite video you've made so far oh that's a tough one I guess if I had to make a flash decision I'd say [Music] can I ask you a question nope what no I have a question for marshmallow I love unicorns yay that's not a question [Laughter] say hi to Skylar I just ate an entire Apple it was a little snack what happened to dog biscuits last I heard he was trying to get his driver's license but he's having trouble trying to parallel park parallel buck are you still going to make youtube videos while you do your TV show absolutely don't worry everybody we're not giving up YouTube just because we're on the food tube we'll still be here every week kickin it old school ain't that right grandpa lemon word to your mother and that word is let their algebra question then you're on your own dear orange can marshmallow have some sue sure what's the worst that could happen [Applause] all right fruit fanatics let's get to the questions make a song called port ships sure here we go yo I'm on a barge Jim yeah I think it's really if I forget to get along Barney as I take this off go what is the most annoying ggest thing you've ever done oh I know probably talking with my mom slightly up from the audio hey hey hey is this driving you nuts I bet it is yeah what would pair look like with the tan great question myself [Music] you know marshmallow is a boy don't you orange no one please destroy the camera not you nasty marshmallows a boy or girl a lot everyone loves her so much and wants to know everything about him so here you go here's the answer but first what do you think of my imaginary friends name it's Billy Bob Joe jr. the third whoa what a coincidence that's the name of my imaginary friend too hey orange will marshmallow cuddle with me in my hamster sure wash mallow loves cuddling with anything and everything does marshmallow like chipmunks what happened to bacon what bang bang where is shoehorn it's right next to leprechaun what would you do if you met Bigfoot I probably failed to put some socks on your feet smell like chatter words hey orange knock knock who's there I've ever heard shaken or stirred you sure about that hey orange have you ever driven a car sure I love driving it's a real gas hey orange are you staring when you don't have hands [Laughter] [Music] can you squirt a pepper into pairs I [Music] what happened to cheese he got carried away by a big breeze can you say hi Noah hey hey orange what rhymes with life and is the opposite of spoon I know what how was a fight opposite of a spoon orange what school do you go to I got my degree from the Los Angeles University of annoying arts try saying that five times fast orange do you miss Apple what I never miss Apple my aim is too good [Music] orange i mustache you a question but I'll shave it for later Wow he felt like a real shave driver mustaches can you do Fu's ro dah on pear I looked up to you is that a bad thing to me all the time because these hoes don't even say it how long is your tough my pup is forever that doesn't even make sense kid one of my comments be on your show ok hey or why do you laugh so much [Laughter] wait what was the question hey ORS why would anyone want a boomerang made of boogers don't ask me I don't know the actual Annoying Orange and not his evil robot twin I will now process your inquiries hey orange do you have enemies I the Annoying Orange do have one enemy my evil robot twin who is constantly bugging to pull off the camera with his exploding bomb seeds next inquiries are not so fast robot the largest back in action Jackson questions hey orange what happens when you mix zoom and zip together I don't know let's find out ivar warn the results of this experiment will be extreme the extremists in me can't help but wonder what will happen if we combine all three of us can you try doing a magic trick I suppose I could try hey better for this trick I'll need a quarter okay here you go presto change-o now your 25 cents poor magic ah why did the banana go to the doctor because it wasn't peeling well ello ello ello ello ello ello ello ello you say Daniel is awesome five times orange can you turn invisible yep hey orange have you ever jumped out of a plane with pear I've never jumped out of a plane with hair but I always jump with my parachute parachute do your thing dude I'm not a real parachute I can't slow us down yeah look out nice why are you a pig can you and copper Lincoln have a dance-off I'll call you out all right let's do this that's pretty good but here's my newest move it's coffee I'm actually an evil robot win Santa's right a camera no not doing it but orange you've got to the feds really really want more ask orange shucks luck chicken but I'm all done with that site the only question they ever asked is dear orange is marshmallow a boy or a girl for heaven's sake oh come on that's not true sometimes they ask things like in Looney Tunes is Tweety a boy or a girl not helping pear fine but I guess that means you'll never get to answer this one I bet you can't burp your name if you had a hundred dollars what would you do Oh almost already Pinkie Pie asks hey orange are you a brony I don't know what you're talking about Pinkie Pie can you say Coleman is awesome hey orange will you play Batman Arkham organs thank you that's the grossest question I've ever spleen Craig asks why does pear hate shocked over there you want to handle this one G let me count the ways nudists zombies honey badgers winnable creepy body-swapping freaking hate Socktober why our dog well that question makes my brain hurt I demand not to be featured on Annoying Orange asked orange number nine I lost my chocolate bar can squash help lose him he's right there hey lovely uh where'd you go the bad piggies plot revenge and steal all the water balloons from the world and destroy the water balloons Factory so you have to repair the water balloon factories that killed the bad piggies to get all the water balloons back and happy again yay hey orange I love your show especially when it involves music videos do you think you can put your top songs on CD I don't know what a CD is but all they're super cool songs are available for download on iTunes look at the link below misfortune of Ned needs its own channel come on Vivian there's plenty of room for everybody here we've got more brand-new shows coming out next year straight with the solo adventures of everybody's favorite fluffy face marshmallow angel asks do you like to be a nightmare nightmare oh I said the worst nightmare ever was it something I said well that's all we got for now leave a question below for next time till then sweet dreams no seriously I hope your sleep really well asked orange tent let me get a helmet before the explosions start back come on pear don't blow your lid I promise this time there will be no explosions really hey orange two million knives questions questions question can you make marshmallow angry I've never been able to make marshmallow angry but I can't do the next best thing I drew angry eyebrows while marshmallow was asleep hey-oh I'm walking here oh oh I'm sorry I had no idea is such an angry person I shouldn't have said anything in a scourge ten can I be a nyan cat [Music] can you peel your skin well I don't really like doing it because it's so immodest Judas nude dude how much long is your toe I guess I've never measured before ready Apple ready here it goes [Music] I'm gonna need a longer tape measure boo I scared you ah orange can you clone marshmellow ten thousand times how about it marshmallow did night just go in the cloning machine is this a good question is a good answer hey hey hey hey no hey hey orange do you love passionfruit how many pets would you wanna have and what type a unicorn that poops rainbows or an ant whichever one wins hey y'all go unicorn who poops rainbows and fight I guess it's you what about the other part of the question how many would you want just one I can only take so many rainbows well that's too bad why remember the cloning machine I didn't order anything well somebody in this kitchen ordered this hair pile of explosives I'm looking for one mr. orange orange why did you order a pile of explosives I prefer to ask why wouldn't I dude this is an ask orange episode you know very well that these are going to explode and the orange flappy birds back in the kitchen [Applause] can you park rainbows orange just diamonds print yourself in a 3d printer oh sweat it's my first time operating one of these things so give me a second to UM now that's wrong too melty so evil that one a burrito uh-oh I forgot I had it set to Taco Bell hey that one might be worth something looks like a Picasso look out someone's going to lick you hey get out of here licorice get out of here come on [Music] can you please put chilli sauce in someone's eyes sure seem to be anybody around guess I'll just put it in my own passion fruit a clean answer alright alright I'll give you a clean answer [Music] [Laughter] sorry guys just singing the Biebs on that's all have you ever had a near-death moment can't say I ever have if I ever do have a scrape with death perhaps [Music] Wow wait a minute I kind of feel like a lot of that stuff hasn't even happened yet please tell me if marshmallow is a boy or girl please who would win in a fight between Apple and marshmallow does Apple have a small chance well you two ready worst fight ever hey orange imma firin my lazor and marshmallow twerk how fast can orange roll and how long can you burp after drinking soup all right we're about to find out the answer to both of those questions right now ready with the radar gun pair yep ready with the stopwatch Apple it's little Apple honestly I don't even know why I bother anymore sounds great let's do this okay I think I'm gonna need a bigger radar gun special delivery I bought this second pile of explosive your orangist anointest internet brand is back to answer more of your questions whoa hey orange how do you play Minecraft with no arms or hands on my tongue every morning I've learned with my tongue with my tongue that's incredible what can you break but I've got someone to teach me [Music] if you could ask us a question on ask orange what would it be wait so let me get this straight you're asking orange to ask something on ask orange it's so crazy it just might work yeah okay let me think you're uh-oh I got it what do you wish your parents had named you personally I wish I would have been named blue just to confuse people oh maybe chadwick von bum Stein ha ha or maybe I'll blur cast an I don't know why it just sounds like a really funny country ha ha but tell me the perfect name for you in the comments can you grow a mustache well I don't know let's find out let me drag it yes not sorry can grandpa lemon wrap nope but I'm sure he can nap ha ha ha sleep jokes why don't you wear any clothes can you hypnotize knife hey great idea you're getting very sleepy night very sleepy when I count to three you're gonna believe you're completely naked 1 2 3 close you'll snap out of your hypnotized state when I snap my fingers ready and gah forgot it on her fingers someone think of the children Oh for heaven's sake they can see everything [Laughter] [Music] [Laughter] [Music] you can't swallow a fly can you talk backwards you're upsetting get ripped up guys neck get Lewis back yeah can you sing why yes [Music] [Laughter] it's marshmallow a boy/girl or night that's an interesting question everyone always asks if marshmallow is a boy or girl but they never acknowledge the possibility that marshmallow is a knife for what say you marshmallow are you a boy a girl or a knife [Laughter] oh that's right y'all it's time for another ask orange and I'm so excited I just can't hide it then a question I bet you can't read pears mind I've never tried to before let's give it a shot there's no way that orange can read my mind right I mean that would be terrible why if orange can read my mind then the secret would be out that I hate babies yeah no one would ever suspect it from old unassuming pear but it's true I hate babies I hate them not just because they're they're ugly either I hate them as people yeah it's a good thing no one can hear these thoughts huh cuz I'm already the lowest-rated character on the show imagine what would happen to those ratings and people found out that I hate babies there's no way he's smooching away because he can read my mind right I mean if you can read my mind he'd know that I hit all the TNT from him in the cupboard huh dad ah dang it don't open the cupboards hey orange do you think that you could beat Naruto and armwrestling yeah I'm wrestling my only weakness seriously though I could take Naruto and anything else I'm officially calling you out Naruto I demand to be featured with all my comments on your show fine but only because you were so polite I have one of your t-shirts does that mean I'm cool yes hey orange hey hey hey yo yo yo yo yo orange yo yo yo yo no yo yo hands up do the most random thing possible [Music] how many walnuts can you fit in your mouth oh there's only one way to find out no but they asked me to no come on just for a minute brush your teeth and maybe we can talk how long can orange stay quiet what other videos would you want to post great question Eric I've never actually told anyone this before but deep down I've always wanted to make some super artsy films you know some really pretentious black-and-white stuff maybe I'll have to give it a shot a single see what is the meaning of art where is the purpose of beauty [Music] Bart's our life life our parks rockin orange thanks but can we rock off now maybe orange what's on your head it's a rock say J is awesome 100 times a hundred times I'm not even sure I've got anything so I pick in all my life don't do it orange it's too dangerous what you big hater well I'm gonna do it for J cuz he's awesome if I don't make it tell passion he'll their dad all right here we go okay [Music] my fellow citrus citizens it's all back to answer more of your questions except if you ask about fart club the first rule of Fight Club is you never asked about fart club wait pipe G&T so hair can't see it what what what are you doing nothing Yeah right seriously what are you doing nothing nothing at all definitely not hiding TNT directly behind you okay well that's good that would be a pretty silly place to put it if you're trying to hide it exactly I mean you could almost literally put TNT anywhere else and it would be a better spot than directly behind me yes all right all right I'm gonna go back to reading my book okie dokie gotta go wait wow he was in a hurry must had somewhere to be and fast son of a there's tea and tea behind me isn't there how can you hear if you don't have ears what did you say how many fans do you have too many friends back in the kitchen oh no no we are definitely not doing that again hey I wish my parents would name me Rick okay Rick hey orange I wonder how old you are old enough to know better than to do that boo oh it's just you hey orange can you do the flop when you laugh the earth shakes really uh-oh I think I broke Florida can little apple make a toad voice what do you say little apple Wow he can't make a toad voice just a little what do you do when you're not making videos for a day [Music] [Music] [Laughter] [Music] twenty-eight time you said that jump today I think the audience gets the picture you're annoying all day long silly pair I'm not annoying I'm an orange well that's enough questions for this episode thanks for watching and make sure to ask me more questions below also always remember I do have a problem feel like some people here in the kitchen don't appreciate farts quite enough that's why I am officially dedicating this episode tough farts begin become the Hulk in court and anvil [Music] I guess I can cross that off my bucket list yeah I have a feeling this is not gonna be a fun episode for me [Applause] you got questions I've got the parts tiny answers Kenny can you fart in pairs face can you grow arms and pick your nose nobody knows nobody knows but my nose can you juggle and burp the ABCs [Music] how do you play guitar you just play a C chords and double whip pick the wind bar with the E string orange can you fart your ABCs hmm all right let's see if I can fart my one two threes now fun fact I make beats what really so do i well I can't say I enjoyed that can you burp out pigs sure no more no more farting and burping things out of you the kitchen is strange and smelly enough as it is you're ruining it pear no more further get burped make things out of me can you fart for 60 minutes oh man the 60 minute bar challenge well I've never tried this before I've been practicing my parts for years and it's all led up to this one moment here we go start the timer no no no don't start the timer stop start the timer make a movie called the fart in the fury the chosen one I've got the fart and the fury so give up right now wait what what you won't give up no but I have the fart okay and the fairy this helps you in any way because it does come on no please no please with peanut butter bowling balls on top what what are you doing there I'm here for the big battle prepare to lose are you because hi I'm the chosen one I've got the fart and the furry wait why are you guys laughing because the chosen one is supposed to have the fart and the fury son of a thanks for watching today's gassy episode make sure to ask more questions in the comment area below and remember always remember they can take our lives but they'll never take our farts or is you glad it's time for another episode of ask orange in anticipation of the new episode I'd buy 9,000 cases of TNT I just don't know how using the best perhaps you guys would have a solution to this problem blow up the house okay no I'm not letting this happen not again we're still cleaning up the kitchen from the last episode of ask orange but pear but err no I am not allowing it okay fine good I'm glad you're being reasonable yeah I won't blow up the house with 9,000 cases of TNT but you didn't say anything about not blowing up the house with 9001 in cases of TNT [Applause] can you put pear marshmallow and apple on your head well this is a terrible idea I think I bruised my butt say hi Paul hi Bob dear range do you have a crush and you do realize that this is ask orange and not ask range right silly Dorothy ranges can't talk can you sing a song what's not [Music] hey orange why do your eyes move the same way hey orange can you say a dirty lie sure Justin Bieber is a great musician can you prank call Batman let's do it hello Paco to see if your refrigerators running yes yes it is well you better go catch it where is it where is it I think it's hanging out with Rachel where's right Joe no where is she where is she words words Oh where's Rachel words words oh yes Rachel Arroyo I love doing that Volken live long and annoyingly can you sing a song of Apple absolutely stop encouraging him why is your mouth so big what do you mean hey George do you annoy yourself hmm hey orange yes orange can you sing a song about a screaming rainbow [Applause] [Music] Bianca screaming rainbow no stop screaming rainbow screaming way Freeman rainbow [Music] well that does it for this episode of ask orange make sure to ask more questions in the comment area below and also make sure to do the know fast dance haha oh one more thing can you blow up hair oh yeah I don't even know why I try you want to tell me again what we're doing here hi pear you know how I feel about unnecessary exposition could you please make an exception look pear this is awkward but I feel like your performances have been lacking what that's that's it's not just me it's the entire cast and all the people working behind the scenes most of the fans both your parents as well as both houses of Congress and pretty much everybody posting over at parent blows comm figures the one domain name I didn't buy yeah they really hate you okay but what does any of that have to do with taking a day trip inside the oven well duh you're an actor and it's very very important to explore your range I really just brought you here to show off my TNT Oh No we're inside and ask orange aren't we yep Hey all right how high can you gun yeah it's orange not Oringer and I've never done before I'm not sure what that is hey check the dictionary ha ha here it is gun the act of throwing five swords in the air at the same time Wow why start at the same time well I've got a gun all the time what are you doing don't gun indoors those swords could kill us all when they fall everyone [Music] what's your butt look like well I don't know I can't see it maybe if I turn around fast enough can you do the chubby bunny challenge he's not chubby he's big-boned what the heck is going on hey orange cat stampede can you not answer this question chair fine I didn't want to answer it anyway you do realize by not answering you just answered right you're routing a pair guess what my butt is green and so is yours [Music] hey orange can you do the funniest face in the planet okay are you purple now for crying out loud is marshmallow a boy or a girl wow it looks like the F word you use got sensor I'll help you yes marshmallow is a fluffy boy or girl can you say Courtney is cool Courtney is the grandpa lemon get married to a scary woman I now pronounce you lemon and wife [Music] Apple and lunch um pickle and breakfast blah blah blah blah blah blah blah stop encouraging him hey orange can you this is sparta pear sure uh no no we're not doing this I am sick and tired of getting injured during these episodes not again I get hurt every single time it's madness madness dang it walked right into that one thanks again for watching our latest episode it's sorry again it turned into a wild caboose chase speaking of which but but what but five five five five five five my buddy you got any questions for cubby bunny just leave them in the comments below [Applause] [Music] that's not even impressive dude they didn't even ask you a question Oh where's the orange slice key I wonder related question are you doing home lat is this an episode of ask orange or is it just an episode of rave about how cool orange slice pictures are do you think people were tuned in to a show like that that wasn't even a question either where's the knife knife knife knife knife drill drill key this is no time for joking dude don't you wonder if these people are trying to warn us all right here we go time for some real questions written out with real words where dude yeah there's there's no but there what there's no but where's my what must be around here somewhere oh I think I saw it oh wait no that was just a shadow it's really not that big of a deal I'm not gonna come Elsa come on do it dude Elsa's a girl don't be like that just do it no come on I will not and I wish everyone here with just let it go can I meet your family who you grew up with my family you've already met in past videos but I do have one stepbrother we never ever talk about really I didn't know that yep we're trying to keep them a secret but I guess now's as good a time as any to tell the world I actually have a picture of him right here [Laughter] hilarious tater knee bud was a poisonous spot alone in the mud cuz no one was his but one day I kept mr. Fudd for her cud but he turned out fine poisonous blood was a died yo yo yo yo yo [Music] hey not again not again not again did you know that you are a mom Yeah right like I could be I've never planted a turtle tree before or Donatello we should have done a bit of research on planting turtle seeds agreed it also means you're a handsome guy have a wonderful person or girl just tell me or else I will chop you like you could chop me I'm here in the kitchen you're probably a thousand miles away across the [Music] it's your favorite brightly colored sphere with the face you know back with a very special Christmas edition of ask all right sorry how do you decorate the kitchen during the festive season do you use orange immense remember that one but you bring up a good point Laura maybe the decorations in your could use a little bit of work let's turn that point set up into a food setup ah you a lot more like cool log Christmas tree how about a Christmas Day entry what the why do you always do this and why is it placed directly next to the Yule Log or as orange 19 a very special Christmas edition Santa Claus or Sandy Claws Sammy Claus Oh whoa hmm is it too late to switch back to Santa Claus hey orange how many Christmas trees do you buy each year very perceptive question Caleb most people would assume I only buy one but actually I buy three trees because it's such a good tough twister three trees three trees three trees three trees I can't do it orange can you sing the he-man song because you say hey in most of your videos that's ridiculous I'm not gonna sing the he-man so I'm just because every once in a while I say the word [Music] [Music] marshmallow is on the naughty list [Music] marshmallow what are you doing this is so out of character wait a minute what's that separate doing there grapefruit you are gonna hold the kitchen hostage for a zillion doll hairs and I would have gotten away with it too if it hadn't been for you you meddling Orange make a song all I want for Christmas is good I don't want a lot for Christmas there's just one thing I need it's green turn normal turtle bits and fight it enjoy teens I just want tools for my own so I'll just rip a bone if I wish come true oh all I want for Christmas is go [Music] who reads the question out well that's a good point we always hear question guys boy did you ever stop to ask ourselves who he really is what makes them tick how about a question guy what's your deal Wow thanks for asking I enjoy cooking walks on the beach and I subscribe to the teachings of Zoo third the celestial crab who dictates the course of the universe Luther yes Luther is a gracious and wondrous crab and I actually have some literature on ermine okay this is why we never asked dude hey orange what's the best Christmas gift to give someone my go-to is a burp of the face while they're carrying a bunch of Christmas gifts it's creative and it's personal so you're no longer annoying I'm not annoying I'm orange never gets old hey orange are you wanting a minion I sure like to think I am orange what do you want for Christmas Christmas all I want is world peace are one of those gold PlayStation can pair be shaped like a donut wow you have any idea how painful this is Michael Bay Michael Bay what is that supposed to Roger that door head these fruitcakes are going down don't worry about the presents save yourself I'm gonna do my best to catch up I said catch up what's my name catch up I said catch up am I missing something here that's my name the first question please hey orange knock-knock [Music] orange orange who orange TNT want to see me touch my tongue to my detonator sure now let's start back with these questions do something funny no problem here it goes not so fast Rose this is no hostile takeover I think it's time one of the other characters got a chance to shine on ask orange you've been hogging the spotlight why not let me answer a question for what sir I can be funny I haven't really died 12 minutes stand up settle as you know and I own a whoopee cushion okay you want to answer the next question I thought you'd never ask rolling don't put me on ask orange or squash will squash you next question I guess spell I come easy I see you pee dude you seriously fell for that doctor what did i spell it wrong or something no but it's icy you pee I cop I'm looking at it right there I cop I see you pee think about what you're saying dude I see you pee house you watch me pee ah if you were real would you sign me an autograph say hi Rachel in parrots work fine but this is the last time okay [Music] grow legs oh hey they're super pretty [Music] can you ever kick boxing face off with copper Lincoln hey orange there's some chocolate on the table oh it's actually poop is marshmallow a boy or gal tell me where I delete YouTube delete YouTube ah watch pal you've gotta tell us but the clock is ticking [Music] in the 21st episode of ask orange I'm going to burp Hamlet in its entirety act 1 please don't write I'll just answer some questions that's dad grandpa lemon drinking extra bunch of dangerous sleep hang gliding sleep skydiving this I'm feeling extremely extreme right now then it's time for the most extreme sleep activity possible sleep flowing at the kitchen oh come on [Applause] where is your hair it's on the top of my head where it's supposed to be can you fart on Optimus Prime you can aren't okay no I cannot can you grow arms and push hair off the table let me try you idiot you can't just grow arms at will face it dude you can't do it you can't grow arms and push me off the table hey yeah I probably deserve that anger management I'm sick and tired of his anger tell me about these issues you have been experiencing I haven't been having any issues at all I don't need to be here exhibits classic case of denial tell me Pam does this annoy you yes very much I see I see are you gonna put it out go put it out Oh a classic case of anxiety Joe haha you see I tricked you all it is a fake quick oh you had me worried there for a second yes you see no it actually leads to that pile of TNT right over there can you point there with a light saber that's my line oh sorry yeah you're by the way I'm a dog I'm guessing you're a Labrador Retriever kiss your ball no promises but I will try to make marshmallow [Music] that didn't work guess I'll just throw this pig paint on you then we blow up the side domi what are you doing you can't blow up the Sun no no sleep button pushing this is it when you're fixing the door hinge watch episode 22 of s coleridge what you gotta do when you're eating your porridge watch s horns and paint on your mortgage thanks beatbox alright first question when are we gonna see Annoying Orange get smarter right now Wow Ali Ali I don't think I can possibly fit one more factoid into my brain Wow hey orange did you know that May 29th has officially put a pillow in your fridge day oh I did not know that going on thank you all so much for submitting your questions I've hand-picked my favorites which is an easy to do when you have no limbs ha ha ha ha hey orange guess what I am hit I am annoying and like to do play hmm what's annoying and like plans I know what you are my arch nemesis rental fit oh you're just jealous because my terrible fiddling is a thousand times more annoying than you could ever hope to be jealous nonsense I can tell you're riddled with jealousy whoa thanks for the warning very simple puddle much hey or can you jump off the counter wow I've never even thought to jump off the counter before I have no clue what's down there I heard it's bottomless you'll just be balling and falling forever well I heard it's just linoleum linoleum linoleum that's it I've chopped it I guess grapefruit was right this is bottomless bottom oh this isn't bottomless in a moment you're gonna reach the wormhole where will this wormhole take me to a land of linoleum I hope no actually it's a land of more wormholes hey orange it's raining tacos from out of the sky just eat all of them but you don't have to tell me twice I'm sorry but you just go around biting people's butts like it's not a big deal well it is I like my bike very much and I would appreciate it if you would keep your teeth off of that silence but Beiderbecke what a marriage but brighter okay but it's kind of important answer this question how could me answering one question cause of death that would require some kind of butterfly effect chain reaction wait is that pollen [Music] [Laughter] [Music] [Laughter] [Music] booty booty hair your mom now your butt grew legs and walked away your black girl legs and walked away wow you're really dead I'm sorry that was insensitive do a barrel roll orange sweet name the emerald TNT I like this guy already just as your name is cool but I don't really see the reason whoa you totally just saved my life has a sign of gratitude I will now detonate all the TNT in the catch end no dude you've already blown up the kitchen twice this episode knock it off alright I'll just leave this massive pile of TNT over here undetonated that's not ominous at all I've got the right actor hat marshmellows gender the gender detector that sounds perfect before I try it on marshmallow can't you test it on some other easier targets to make sure it works [Music] yeah [Music] orange thanks GI Joe anytime doesn't question for it where's TMT if you can't find it you can't do your intro oh my god he's right there obey no I'm not gonna help you find TNT we don't find it we can't do the ad trow we absolutely can't hey would you mind I'm sorry I gotta check everywhere pear even your butt oh that's it I am so out of here wait before you go can you check my back no T no please I'll leave you alone forever and ever and ever Oh fine well would you look at that there's absolutely no TNT anywhere in your as orange or it's who would you rather say me or Apple PS if you choose me I'll subscribe to you oh man I'll do anything for my subscribers would I do anything for my friends [Music] [Music] alright alright yo and say hi Sasha and Thomas - Thomas hey orange did you know that Zayn left one direction my life is like totally can you explode hmm let me try hey orange the annoying dog is invading the kitchen put your paws together folks it's me the annoying dog imma tickle your funny bone then I'll probably try to bury it ha ha ha bow-wow this crowd is rough all right enough of this comedy nonsense here is a question [Laughter] are you sure you should be driving heck I'm not even sure if that's my reflection or if I'm the reflection whoa so do I do believe that orange had snapped grateful to have four faces huh four faces right fruit do you have four faces who don't you that dude you're saying that like it's true this never leaves the room got it uh-huh okay yeah you want three faces hidden on your boxes wait a minute that's Destiny's Child and it never leaves the room the orange what is grapefruit always break by the way love your chin question why are you always bragging yeah okay it's because I don't have biceps and I'm compensating why do you always tell jokes ating we're gonna be great boots turn orange can you speak Spanish sí señorita hey so nachos both grunt a gordita baja empanadas Grande wait wait wait wait wait wait wait are you just saying things off a Taco Bell menu what do you take me for a churro take this advice never listen to my advice okay got it I won't but dude by not taking her advice he just took her advice I I can't get my mind around it he's gonna blow and that's no joke he's got a bunch of TNT up his butt Wow false alarm guys great weight right I feel like after the explosion the john cena beam should play I like that idea I don't [Applause] [Music] can you say em without touching your lips together I need something soft against my mouth in order to do it there from there what what is it I need to put my mouth against your butt real quick what is it with you and books questions buns get away from me can you stop talking for 10 minutes I recorded myself doing have you ever watched Star Wars Star Wars Star Wars orange have you ever mind-controlled someone actually never tried before zombie mutant one love but give it a shot right now zombie Newton one luck and you to touch your tongue to your eyeball I command you to rub your belly while patting your head while singing the ABCs backwards I command you to mail me a live squirrel via Western Union delivery for orange get a hot package for an orange whoops I guess I accidentally set my mental powers to Gingerbread delivery man it's bad [Music] thanks buddy sorry about controlling your mind without permission and all that wait a minute hair orange made you twerk off your butt hey orange can you blow up grapefruit like a balloon we do it all the time for parades now remember insert the tube carefully I said carefully let's get this over with naturally as no anyone's capable of making a balloon more spectacular than me excuse me pack it in fellas pull out the tube don't leave this in ask orange for Apple will grow to the size of a building shrink ray I think we should give you a brand new name I think we should name her Sarah what do you think how about robot Sarah what no she's not a robot no burger McPherson robot burger McPherson Robert we should not have a baby together what's your nightmare my nightmare I hereby declare kazoos and Tom's banned from the kitchen and declare grapefruit and passion fruit men and wife for all eternity and now bring in the dancing hippos [Music] have nightmares next question please what are dog dog armed mammal dot enjoy eat food farts and much chase of cats automobile and mailman can you take out your eyeball can you do in half hair alright it's about time I started getting some respect around here if you do how long can you survive in the blender now on second thought I didn't want to do it anyways later I think you should have an early October [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] Wow megabytes I better start knocking some questions up quick start the timer what timer whoa oh that can't be good downtown I don't know but it sure as heck better not be because orange has TNT ready to be detonated what it isn't true it's peanut butter jelly time peanut butter jelly time we're yet we're yet yeah that's what the timer was for to signify peanut butter jelly time peanut butter jelly peanut butter jelly peanut butter jelly your friends even if you punch him so how about it pear are you still my friend I wasn't your friend before you punched me Wow well in that case say hi Jack Haywood hey Jack hi would hey OH do you like turtles I like poodles [Music] [Applause] he found yen wow that's a new one I just ate an entire orange yo wats better my sister is scared of annoying orange you like Mario orange tell me or else t-shirt sweat pants and shoes I'll never tell all right you asked for it that's pretty cool the whole gangs here there's a slice of meat that's little apples on the understand rap a lemon and wait I don't know any white apples me neither [Music] who's the white apple guys [Music] how heavy is grapefruit good question how happy are you grapefruit will excuse you that is personal information oh come on no I have a scale right here gonna be a little deceiving cuz you don't push a weight a lot more than fat you know yeah yeah muscle also weighs more than hot air which you seem to be full up fine you wait neither is your weight fatty ha ha stupid scale hey or animal noise it's so many oh wait why would you do a squirrel hey orange could you make parrot dinosaur-like para dactyl my life why do you do this to me good they're downright dynomite even hey you know what this is actually kind of nice I can fly this world can't get me up here I could get used to this don't worry about one thing it's better not be tired of my orange dynamite get up there alright good boy now what you need to worry about our world howdy howdy fruit lovers get ready for one monster of an episode it's ask orange halloween edition full of spooky fun and scary answers and absolutely no TNT pairs right he made me promise not to detonate any TNT this episode which is why we're only answering four nine questions which can't possibly lead to TNT explosions like this one how do you make a pumpkin light for Halloween now making a pumpkin light starts with a good diet and lots of exercise he may look heavy now but with hard work he'll be one gangly gourd in time for Halloween ready to get life pumpkin yeah yeah we're never finish eating this cheesecake hello I think I may have eaten a little too much this time [Applause] [Music] a normal bag of potato chips that's definitely not actually a monster thing it Craig you blew it let's get him No who the heck are you I'm Harry by Sting [Music] that come from okay pages turning so yeah no dumb what are you talking about it violated the laws of physics it was incredible no that's super lame dude I'm rescinding your invitation to food wards hey orange can you want the fruits do a scary faces get like daneboe me I mean I guess we could just well no everyone's expecting it yeah there'll be no surprise to it oh how about instead of making scary faces we set up this tent orange you promised what scary things oops you the most broadly grapefruits mob without her makeup on Margaret and grapefruit of the shape orange will there be a parody of thriller cult it's slender [Music] turn into five nights at freddys well that's just silly that's not something I could do on a whim it takes a lot of commuter air into a where pair I can answer this one no no you may not had it up to here with you guys putting me through these ridiculous go oh dang it no hey buddy do you have any zombie puns I need to know actually no huh I can't come up with any it's like I went brain-dead or something seriously though I don't mean to make light of this grave situation this really bites and I feel rotten about it teach me how to be scary yeah first take off your makeup second get plastic surgery to look like grapefruits mom would you Orange [Music] number one top single right they're calling it Orange are you an apple in disguise ha Oh me [Music] why would I be an apple to disguise him you know you are acting really suspicious Lee you're acting suspiciously okay I'm an apple hey orange can you barf up a whole fish a whole bash well that's ridiculous how could I possibly Bobbie Howard trout that ah you promised us don't worry I'll save us just gotta cut the green wire dude aren't you colorblind hey hey hey croquet balls hey croquet ball you're not very dynamite at identifying fruity pink okay blow is your favorite what you have a body why haven't we ever seen it before because it's really intimidating and I don't want you guys to feel bad about yourselves hey bro don't worry about us [Music] sure enough I feel super bad about myself now then you're gonna feel awful once you see little apples body alright fine yeah I need to French do something cool oh yeah saved it what are you doing with your life Wow orange dress happy happy happy no face right cool cool cool Express miss twice nervous nervous nervous tum tum you you you go yogi Lemieux give a boo boo boo beautiful film triple sleep weird thing we're doing we're doing we're bring weird freak we're playing hardstyle it is yay I was on ass orange and now you're on again when it rains it for is happy kittens can you tell marshmallow to say hi Hayley can you come to my house answer your door right now grapefruit become the Death Star the first one hey orange I'm warning you stop making me angry or what chicken butt very well you asked for it energy blasts don't aim maybe she ate this laser sequence can you do grapefruits dude are you serious we gotta get out of here hey orange can you dab I can't dab nabbit find a TNT hmm dude stop trying to find TNT but it's a holiday tradition no it isn't funny I can see the boys and girls to collected baskets you're combining Easter with something I don't know extremely illegal or it'd be very careful with that ice cream that was uh that was someone else screaming got to have anybody about my scream okay carve your face in the move yeah wah-wah it took me a whole year but it's partly finished what a masterpiece we blow up the moon or you will make me sad so do it fine do your thing you got it buddy some of the questions the fans have been sending in the mailbox looks ready to burst I have to warm up my time before I answer any questions can you break call Santa okay here we go [Music] I'm very busy making toys right now why are you doing this my belly fat jelly stop I swear if I ever catch you hey orange do you have a run out of puns to tell me run out not gonna fun yeah orange can you do this emoji [Music] hey orange kiss pear [Music] Wow sing the he-man song backwards say hi Anna and Lena hi Anna and Lena or is it line up either way hi where is squash zoom and rap very good question shot there right here zoom says hello yo yo yo what up where is squash nope just a meteor shower you guys you guys like updog in your spaghetti what's up dog what's up dog don't read this question or you will become a dragon for the entire episode false alarm everybody I'm definitely not a drag and you pronounce my name can you skate now why don't you tell me whoa sweet ride righteous kickflip bro I don't know is there a why mass to answer that let's turn to the smartest person I know dr. bananas thank you orange the existence of a Guaymas has been speculated upon for centuries you see a why is really nothing more than an X whose bottom half has been squeezed together you see now got it now I've created this contraption to accomplish just that although I have not been able to test its capabilities let's do it wait orange no it hasn't been tested this is why mass look at those squeezed stockings looks like something's up but you ever catch that refrigerator of yours if I had a second leg you'd be in sure his trouble mister sing a Christmas song Christmas Christmas that's a wonderful sir boys [Music] [Applause] [Music] stop the song orange Christmas goop is not a Christmas tradition it isn't no is happening hey orange what the where's that noise coming from wait a minute orange zip TMT laying around here somewhere oh where is it where's the tha orange we know it's tan tape where's it going question hey what's up Sophie or else everyone will give you a turbo wedgie then blow up marshmallow sorry bro it's too late you said it wrong now it's turbo wedgie time now it's time to blow up push mellow [Music] it's just confetti orange that was all a test to see if you'd obey the rules oh that's great this calls for orange no can you ride us were like in a rodeo I can sure try ok orange you're gonna try to stay on just orange can you make marshmallow have you ever tried to wrap your mind around [Music] [Laughter] I am annoying yeah I just said that but you can you get hair off into the cold water was right there but them's the rules this is bad one white equals one baby what do you mean subscribe alright and we decided yes yes you should subscribe you should also buy our merch give us your money can you put me on ass orange please mm-hmm do you have a crush on passion fruit hey orange are you in love with passion fruit next question please kiss passion ah who do you like tell me or I will never watch Annoying Orange ever again that's why dad you love passion fruit I won't tell anyone dad what are you going to marry passion fruit passion on the lips what what is it Orange please slow down tell me what's the matter way too much tan see all over the kitchen now I don't know what to do with it Oh guess what I just don't know what to do at all should I jostle it detonate it keep it warm near a fireplace no rattle it around a bunch give it a high five throw it toward a blowtorch like a frisbee Orange do not do any of those things you need to carefully and safely dispose of it I know that's the audience this is ask orange after all hey orange can you smash it with a hammer orange is that knife I see behind you hello hello orange yeah I know scary right you have black in your name I will cut you yeah right man you are dull little apple orange hair grandpa lemon and grapefruit yeah yeah cuz I've been lifting entire refrigerators over my head go ahead and what lets the refrigerator over your head Annoying Orange transform into a robot hey Apple yeah Apple yes Apple what hey hey come on Apple come on what Apple hey hey no hey hey can you do some peanut buns painted puns I'd rather nut I'm butter than that hey orange why did the squirrel cross the road shell if I know I'm sorry I'm still in that fun mode super orange he was just an ordinary orange until the scientific thingamajig turned him even more orange he's super orange defender against rotten foods everywhere this summer justice is blinding I don't have any eyes what you're gonna do about that super orange that's that's right you can't do nothing to this black I love you I love you yay I love the hole get your groove and we love you too and approve it we'd like you to put your face against the screen okay her face is in place ready everyone one two three uh clicking yes sir this is weird hair this one is for you stand up make your own show I hope you do well hey guys um so what's the deal with pineapples I mean they're not apples and they're not fine am i right ya know what I mean oh boy this is not going well that's just how it's quick it's laughs you're killing it buddy oh well that's good to know Thanks this is great I know a whole bunch of like get out of here oh here with an all-new episode of past carnage I'm really excited about this one it's gonna be the best hit me with any questions you want why are you so annoying all the time from the fans alright let's see the first question hope it's a good one this could be the best - carjacker coma haha just a comma comma promise it's not a big deal orange he must have just been a typo or was it you think she's trying to tell me something no I honestly don't wait wherever there are comments to be found there must be my chameleon oh man could you see me back here I'm getting bad it's camouflage in my old age get out of here I'm sorry but you're the most boring character ever conceived and we're trying to make a great episode here nobody watch you around oh really nobody wants me around correcting their punctuation and grammar yeah that's right nobody wants you to don't ever under sentence with a preposition okay okay I'll go but I'll be watching you ready to pounce on your literary missteps whoa Oh kana chameleon seriously he's such a boring character I want to punch myself in the face but I don't have hands cheer up orange I got you something I think it'll help you you got me TNT if it'll make you happy then go ahead and use it just this once though how do you make a penguin exercise I'm pretty and I know it when or sings his voice is so auto-tuned what are you talking about cat number two but their hearts to black and hugged in ground support two different sounds when two two churches ran with two different rounds out of their ex made both cats hurt so they both walked home to make things work and the cats got married with wedding bells me why don't you do blogs because typing with my tongue takes too long strawberry hammer [Music] and marshmallow be my friend about it marshy will you hear it now in front of everyone become a sales friend can you say the first 100 digits of pi sure can't I would really enjoy it if you got nice sorry Nabi you can't always get what you want dude why are you so scared of muffins they're soft and harmless your mind is away from me sacrifice to calm them I thought you left forever oh sorry pal I'm here to stay I'll be pointing out all of the grammatical mistakes you made in all of your videos from now on huh well orange did the episode turn out as well as you'd hoped what are you kidding it turned out better than I hoped best of all I solve all this tea at a leftover wait why would you orange did you prepare oh that's a great idea how should I break him disguise yourself as TMT hey who let this huge pile of TNT here this is so dangerous well I guess I'm gonna have to blow it up right here well nobody's around dude I know I heard you laughing you really thought you could prank me Serge you're right for trying to prank me hey hey just stay clear of the real TNT what you what is your favorite movie oh how small is your brain let's find out well give it to me straight doc well it seems you have a very tiny brain orange about the size of a seed in fact that probably is a seat they can snuck up behind my eyeball sometimes if I start laughing why did the skeleton go to the movie because he had no body to go with actually I can relate I don't have a body either orange make a show called Indiana Orange Raiders of the Lost farm keep your nostrils closed what do you call a person who doesn't fart in public a private tutor I'm definitely not orange grandpa lemon hair little apple doughnut and grapefruit well the whole gang is here all right orange grapefruit huh yeah me donut I've been here since the beginning yeah I've literally never seen you before please let me be part of your group you guys I could do magic tricks I'm gonna go can you do a parody of the Steven universe theme song ah spare [Music] save the day and if you think we can't we'll blow you all away [Music] orange grapefruit what are we why are we laughing at grapefruit guys hahahaha a little self-conscious over here hahaha what is it is it because I don't have a nose ha ha ha ha Toby this is brutal can you play with a Yeti orange can you lift Thor's hammer Norris hammer ball this is incredible let me just yeah what's the matter orange not strong enough to lift Thor's hammer no it's not that I don't have any hands yeah if you read this comment you and your friends will turn into humans for the rest of the video from night we're on top of the food chain baby hey guys looks like we're friends after all wow they said or just friends would turn into humans and it happened to me so I guess after all these years of hanging out together I finally don't know yeah okay okay I'm garlic Jays what happens with zoom zip it Zoop drink each other never before has such a dangerous feat been attempted this is extreme here goes nothing huh I really expected a bigger explosion and we're back with another episode of what kind of questions you have for me today fruityloops hey orange do you have a budget spinner lying around never tried it though maybe it's time to give it a spin it's not like you're gonna fly away dude there's a ceiling why on earth do you or raining funny [Music] orange can you fly [Music] well that was disgusting raro blarp lake where no soul but good apron CyberLink it's trip Rizzy okay orange why are you so cool probably because I'm chilling in the freezer get it it's a jump don't you snow hey orange can you annoy hair ten times this is going to be on terrible get it grow next whitey I just barely got that joke awesome pear puns my favorite [Music] [Laughter] [Music] [Music] [Music] okay what are you doing alright I know you have to annoy me one more time so let's get this over with okay I know where this is going so just do it dude come on would you just say something where do the vampires go to open a savings account answer the blood bank ello ello ello ello ello thanks for the jump buddy say 1 million bad words 1 million bad words we still don't know if marshmallow is a boy or a girl okay Marcy are you ready to reveal your gender all right here we go marshmallow if you're a girl please yell yay if you're a boy play backwards this tells us nothing thank you so much right now [Music] orange is doing I don't get what there is to get they'll have you spray-paint that one while wearing these shoes would you candle brother and you know what I named it let me guess Randall oh but your sis please better thanks let's get some questions up in here I will bet you four million sticks of TNT this won't be in an ass orange video Wow looks like I win this one Bradley please tell me you're not gonna detonate all this orange of course not fair I want to keep it around and enjoy it a while orange lit candle candle isn't buried underneath the teardrop Annoying Orange can you ride a bike actually I never learned cuz riding a bicycle made me too fired tires have you seen my tomato I sure have yesterday he and I saw each other for the first time in a while and we decided to catch yeah yeah can you swim Orange never I just never had a reason to take the plunge Dora Orange I have a question for marshmallow marshmallow can you say Ally loves dogs 1 million times what's marshmallows gender boy or girl please tell us no trolling alright Marcie it's time to finally come clean are you a boy or are you a girl so you're a lady what do you brush your teeth it's too yellow nice Channel say my name Miriam stop nice Channel Miriam secondly nice nice Maryana say hi Ellie or else you'll see Apple grow bigger and you can't make fun of him anymore [Music] hey orange can you destroy the Sun that doesn't seem like a very bright idea hey orange what day do you like hmm I like Tuesday a lot really yeah I'm just playing with you I like Friday Friday catching up on Friday everybody's looking for another napkin oh you just had to engage him didn't you pair passion I love you he passion yes orange oh I'm totally grossed out hey orange will you save yourself or passion fruit porridge you have to act now save yourself or save passion you can't do both oh this is awful I can't watch nosy used to do something right Oh well orange you elected to save passion what happened it was all a hologram design to get at the truth the truth of what most people don't save the other person in this scenario unless they are truly in love with them i trapped orange whatever you say you gotta believe me right dude you are so in love with passion [Music] orange did you know about their secret basement I bet there's a whole bunch of TNT in there no bear was hiding something from us that's locked well we're gonna have to find the way in the level call it brick robot grapefruit go look for a dark Oh [Music] [Applause] very dude I think I hear someone coming yeah it's just me who'd you think it was no one never mind weirdos [Laughter] do you ever cosplay embarrassing can you [Music] can you do something nice to pair okay okay I'm sorry for making you puke just ampair I got your present to try and make up for it ah thanks orange it's a DVD of the new Indiana Jones Buffy can you become toy Freddy from five nights at Freddy's - I can't can you react to your videos or is your skeleton would you rather have your grandma's hair or her first name oh great question mmm my grandma's name was Gertrude so [Music] pictures with super into fun crack by the way why do you like TNG what you talkin about I don't like TNT daddy - water source in the kitchen hey he can't reach little apple with his dad yeah I mean he can still reach you with his milk doh October for life yeah right this guy definitely knows what's up I bet he has the same butt tattoo is I do do you have an evil twin of course I don't have an evil twin and neither do I [Laughter] [Music] [Laughter] [Music] where did you get a laser cannon quick little Apple you have to destroy the evil twin well decisions been made how'd you know he was the evil twin okay though to be fair that is something the real orange would do hair looks like a tattle-tale what no I don't I can't do guys I am obviously pear oh that's exactly the type of thing that I would say doggy telephone and that's exactly the type of thing I would say orange you promised yeah yeah I'm not happy about it but a promise is a promise yeah well let's get to the first but 1983 question can you do an impression of a Pikachu see I told you what is your name just answer the question orange you promised what's my name orange my name is orange what is the color of the sky blue what is the opposite of down now put all of your answers together orange blue Oh No orange blue orange yeah well the audience hey orange nice hair thank you can you put on makeup I never would this is the natural meet and the natural me is beautiful how many friends does little apple have I'm pretty sure it's just a little can you say hi Kira here why are you crying [Music] if marshmallows mom is a unicorn what's its dad good question hey mushy can we be your dad we know here in the kitchen about marshmallow are you saying your dad's weirder and weirder by the day why do you like the next question ice go to the next question their farts emojis what I didn't do anything are you evil now I am not evil I am a friendly orange I am not evil at all do it ask orange live hey lovers welcome to ask orange why but no matter how poorly it goes the show must go on [Applause] orange do something we gotta save this segment I give up hey orange can you do this emoji can you do this emoji Wow looking pretty cool there orange I feel pretty cool Pat you uh realize your leg isn't connected to your body right can this comment be chosen yes orange can you do something you didn't do before you know yes I could do that I've never not had while snowboarding Mount Everest I've never touched my truck my eyeball wall hang gliding over the Grand Canyon and I've never played the kazoo while swimming with dolphins in Fiji wow dude you're really gonna do all those things probably not they all seem pretty hard to pull off why would I've also never blown up the kitchen while burping the Pledge of Allegiance this time orange I invented a Tod detonator that cannot be detonated by you because we've blown up for no good reason dude for a bad pun or something that's true I'd totally do something like that well since you don't let me bring in the episode with a bag all the oranges in the world this comment won't be on ask orange it just what is on ask orange so that means hey orange what do you call a belt with a clock on it no a waste of time get it ello ello ello ello ello ello ello now that's what I'm talking about hey orange why the ticker stick his head in the toilet he was looking for food [Laughter] there's no way to do that can you jump like Mario I've always wanted a orange what are you scared of a dancing hippos be twice scream or see Justin Bieber say spongebob are you ready don't be so gullible orange everyone knows Bigfoot isn't real sasquatch whatever you want to call him doesn't exist okay I'm not gonna fall for this well you must feel like a real heel right about now huh [Laughter] [Laughter] are you an evil robot if you are say Willy is awesome 1000 times orange you only said it 999 times I know oh well I guess that settles it he's not an evil robot hey orange please airborne print hair well you can't do it now cuz I'm expecting it I can see the airhorn behind your back and everything sounds so I'm not gonna be surprised when you pull it on and blast a really loud this bunny face where's the orange orange hey hey I'm orange wanna see me touch my tongue to this THC detonator I don't fart in public just heard the news about you party now way to go man no this is over reading to be one another is done got it what we're back to being ourselves I guess there's only one is marshmallow a boy or a girl tell me or I'll never watch Annoying Orange ever again a boy or a girl not so fast orange where's Phillip technically did what you asked to talk about piglet ask to be told is marshmallow a boy or a girl and marshmallow just did that I'm your biggest fan I love your boys you're not my biggest fan this is definitely my biggest fan if you say hi Eddie Apple will get smaller bye kitchen crew [Music] like invisible one life equals one knows no idea how long I've been waiting for fine as long as we enforce [Applause] orange is the world I'm answering you what do you want that's not very nice these were very painful have you know [Laughter] [Laughter] how many C's do you have inside you how many seeds do you have inside you orange zero let's dig into those questions hey orange where's the toti order here right safe and sound Richard they do mean safe hahahaha it's all locked up in there and I promise bear I wouldn't blow up anything in this episode so that's where the teepees gonna stay I'm not opening it up I'm just gonna sit right here jelly with pizza and navy beans yum yum yum orange don't eat chili with pinto and navy beans or else if you know what I mean hey dude did I just hear your stomach growl at doesn't sound good orange orange you glad I subscribe subscribe that's great news orange do you have a pet snake yeah wanna watch me flicks grapefruit orange fans questions ah but I am a fan spin of these ABS check them out everyone get a good look what do you think of my physique garbage what would happen if you were more muscles than grapefruit I don't understand I love weights every day they get bigots drunk how did you get so huge so quickly to nibble we truly are living in the stupidest time light orange don't ever do that again ok I promise I won't do it again [Music] we have you surrounded [Music] you're supposed to change into a different fruit annoying you didn't you just want Berta Berta Berta Berta Berta you can wrap that fast two pair I can't orange I think it's time you should sit down and have a nice long talk with the kitchen psychiatrist dr. pale orange tell me what seems to be the matter start from the beginning spare no detail why is your butt so long what are you talking about I have a normal butt it's not that long oh really turn and look me in the eye what normal not by a long shot do you please do a parody of circle of life called a circle of knife orange I'm so sorry I should have tried to hold you up considering I don't have hands are you okay can you and fair switch bodies we did it we switched bodies no keep it away from the celebrate we're making this episode 45 that's right instead of one cow we're gonna morning instead of one joke about how tiny relentless we're gonna have 40 jokes please no too late pal we've already been given a budget that's 40 times bigger than casual orange I hate to break it to you but you've already used up the entire budget huh how now brown cow yeah never heard that one before orange you've already squandered the budget unquote enough PMT to blow up Jupiter I'm responsible man anyway I'm afraid that means no forty cows and no writers to write 40 little apple jokes [Music] so here's your TNT hope you put it to good use [Music] let's go to the questions for ideas orange can you make an episode without explosions I see your point no TNT would be the responsible thing to do crowd I respectfully refuse can you break hair when he's sleeping orange okay he's asleep we all set hit play on the cloud projector and three two one [Music] wait a minute we got yourself an orange nothing becoming a clown is not a secret dream of mine this happened orange can you be able to why do you like that really moves me [Music] did it matter why do I have a splitting headache [Music] hey orange can hair get its own movie in a world Wow am I really getting my own movie where pear gets his own movie oh it's actually happening I'm in a movie trailer pear will be the star of a super cool movie finally what is it what is the movie gonna be ear bud pear bud you mean like like ear bud yes pear bud is the story of a basketball-playing pear who knocks basketballs into the hoop using his face I don't want my own movie anymore okay what's even throwing these Wow there bud in your face make the Dean's Frank call yourself refrigerator running yeah then you'd better go catch it cuz it only have squash you [Music] [Music] hey orange fish section is taking over everyone has reception yeah there's no fish section going on here wrong hair turn into a giant and destroy the city in a world eerily similar to the movie rampage oh please not again two giants in the school entire cities no basketball could hurt me now I may be a freakish giant but at least I'm not getting hit in the lovers oranges back again to answer all your quickie questions now let's get to it not so fast dude she's forgetting something Wow Durr so they can hear you I can't explode any TNT this episode that's right and why can't you explode any TNT because I exploded all of it already that's right huh you know what I'm really looking forward to this episode how about you orange hey orange if a train leaves at 2:30 and arrives at 1309 what wait is an elephant if it's traveling at the speed of cake tell me well I didn't expect the first one to be so hard come on orange you could do this believe in yourself are you in love with passion PS your Pinocchio that's right there's no way out of this one orange and that's like an escape out that window up there it's too high sorry dude you gotta answer the question there's no way out I'm not even mad just depressed invert color the kitchen including the kitchen crews wow this is so cool hey bear read any good books lately it's someone call the doctor this one's looking a little green orange is just gonna make color puns all day surprise surprise color me surprised to the moon no but I can turn it give you a moon no no next question am I your biggest fan or second biggest fan definitely second-biggest give this question beyond ask orange yeah orange make this face yes we could do that hey orange can you please turn it to Doge okay Wow such annoying berry motorboating hey orange can you be on Lego brick yeah I can't hey orange did you know you've never seen your face in real life just in pictures and reflections oh wow I had never considered that before this is blowing my mind bear it's blowing it's better not can you say Curtis is cool a million times [Music] hey orange if you make a pun you will explode open up now let me stop you right there it's not gonna happen I'm too prepared dude what do you mean to tell me it's not gonna have fun oh no because you're too free welcome to a very special episode of ask orange why is it special you ask because today's questions all came with my personal seal of approval no no not that seal what are you able my actual seal of approval you may have seen in the comments under my videos it connects the comments from Annoying Orange sponsors sponsors get special perks like having their questions featured in this episode we should do now let's get to their questions how many T's do you have alright twelve sticks over here and over there how many are back in that dark corner let's get a better luck with this torch [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] I see what you're trying to do there and it won't work I'm related I see you P should I tell you there's a seal trying to eat err a seal it's adorable [Music] [Music] guess what orange hair has a huge crush on Selena Gomez is that true oh oh whoops I set it down without looking Shh never heard of a coaster can you shoot hair out of a cannon it would be a blast ha ha ha ha you double-check those trajectory figures right [Music] rocket science yeah it kind of is the answer is clear hey orange can you and pear watch five nights at freddys without crying Shh no sweat oh okay go ahead and start it well obviously I got no clearly can you ride the TARDIS that [Music] would have been the time of my life hey orange I have a crush on passion right now you ever heard of a coaster yay if I had arms I'd hug you hey orange there's something behind there I think it's gng he's right there's something back there in the shadows really what is it baby say Oh little whiskers little tail wait there made me promise to give it off in hand before making the episode that's right no TNT today folks if you're looking for explosions look elsewhere today we'll just be standard boring old questions speaking of which let's get to them now is fair secretly a stick of TNT that's ridiculous I couldn't be a stick of TNT yeah there's no way your stem could be a TNT fuse yeah there's no way your pear-shaped body could possibly be hiding TNT in it well I mean so naturally you're not at all concerned that you're standing next to that open flame yeah totally I'm not concerned because I'm certainly not TNT good to hear because your stem just caught on fire huh well what if I have tain't a warrant provide ante but that sure is as foreign what did the door say to the other door on a date I don't know you're adorable I love door choke smell much I could barely handle a hair orange little apple and grandpa lemon once again I was nothing biting hey orange bowl a strike wow man do I feel like a pinhead wha what gives the gang legs and arms legs and arms for everybody well true but what happens when a second person likes the video Wow yeah I definitely didn't think about that in every ask orange episode all of your jokes are super funny haha this is funny hahahahahaha stop making jokes do [Music] bye hey orange I want everyone to say bye Bailey once again I was not invited by Kaylee hey orange [Music] oh well it's just a dream oh what a relief [Music] Wow me son your pop dad is that you oh well I got you but I don't have arms yawn y'all instead look out it's a parrot - hey orange can you inhale here we go once again I was not [Music] ah it was worth a shot whatever lovers abyzou here with a super awesome episode of ask our age through the question hey orange why is there invisible TMT everywhere I don't see any invisible TNT anywhere mom might be because it's invisible TNT maybe I need some more light to help me see this invisible TNT Oh see it wasn't invisible TNT after all hmm well that's a relief yep it was the real long orange pie orange what do you call a girl with a broken foot Eileen what do you call a man in the ocean with no arms or legs hey orange what is your favorite sport [Music] [Applause] [Music] hey orange what is your favorite dinosaur my favorite Dino is definitely the velociraptor yo wiggity wiggity wiggity what up yo velociraptor I'm here to spit mad rhymes like the lovebirds over take over the next day the plant damn ham unless use up - back off ah this is just not fair huh I know i fel body did ask orange maybe you should give little apple a little more attention get it not even these puns are funny get it actually I don't get it can you explain it to me one more time what is your worst one ever yeah this is definitely one of the worst yeah how many funds that you made probably pun too many hey I got a question was [Music] hey orange could you do woody woodpecker's laughs please please what's your favorite TV show Orange rap these emojis an emoji rap huh I could do that but I think I'll let Velociraptor handle this one instead yo we're gonna do we're gonna wiggity what up yo name is the lots of rapper I'm here to spit mad rhymes Lexi Lovitz over is it go with an x-ray the clap damn hand wait wait stop yo wicked wicked dude what's the matter / philosoraptor that rap had nothing to deal with the emojis yeah gotcha which was the whole point yeah copy that so I got a ask do you only have one rap look my brain is the size of a peanut one raps all I got room for I'm sorry philosoraptor I didn't know no that's okay yeah come back and wrap and you'll listen to it all the way to the end yeah I promise all right yo wiggity wiggity wiggity what up y'all name is philosopher I'm here to spits mad Rhymes lexing Lovitz overtake go win the next day the clap damn ham unless use up to you back me ready for a very special episode of ask orange that's right today's episode is a hip hop music ah the idea struck me when I stumbled across this super different question from Zack part of it Orange make a rush so I thought to myself I near apps all the time what I don't do is ask orange episodes in rap so today we're gonna do that give me a beat DJ beat so that's a beat that can't be beat DJ beat yeah give me with another audience suggestion say Ethan is cool in a loop [Music] George of the three what would you choose for birth order yeah yeah there's enough of this this is literally the most annoying song I've ever heard in my life then you're really gonna eat the rest of this episode hey orange if an apple a day keeps the doctor away what is an orange a day due or annoying orange will get a race gotta tell the truth dude [Music] I told you dude no hey orange I want everyone to say hi angel and I love apple pear lemon and orange we love you too where's Alan once again I would sing a song about [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] the revenge hey orange the cameras Baba hey orange are you and their best friends no everyday my pictures you test actually no no yes we are hey orange hair turned into a bear [Music] it's Bowser orange orange do jacksepticeye's intro top of the morning to you laddies I'm the annoying orange in today we're gonna be answering your question where did you even get that thing what is that what this old hook the junk is called me it's missing a jewel probably worth one orange what's the king of all school supplies I don't know what the ruler no one's ever made me laugh at a measurement joke before that's quite a feat ha ha ha ha ha hey orange what kind of veggies you asked to turn up the volume turn just be careful not to turn the volume up too high that would be awfully rude of Vega I get it rude so high the louder you get the higher it gets [Laughter] [Music] okay for the last time I'll squeeze you if you don't tell me if marshmallow is a boy or girl [Music] marshmallow what does green mean give Apple a super mushroom that might help and grow a little bit [Laughter] [Music] hey orange why do you have TNT in your mouth do you have a dog now having a dog around the kitchen is pretty rough [Laughter] [Applause] [Music] oh no grapefruit just collected all the Infinity stones you need to stop it before it's too late wow that was easier than expected there I stay it was a real snap borage Lawrence what's the matter oh you're looking kind of green no not you too little apple [Music] [Music] what's the first question gimme gimme a name hey orange foldy is in the kitchen orange re I've come to answer questions in a humorous manner would that be acceptable to you oh you just want to answer some of the questions sure actually rule was that a joke about my ruler head very humorous bring on the next question was I do not understand there was no question involved and that was not a word I recognized from any dictionary Oh is the fun thing we do with the audience sometimes just next question is more snow a boy or a girl again I do not understand the so called question who is this marshmallow and how I heard there's no one know their gender why can you not get this individual to give you a straight answer how is this possible it would seem this kitchen is lacking in discipline next question ice cream a fish section is back well what on earth dies that's it I am waving I am confused and bewildered by what I am seeing here I most certainly am NOT I was hoping there would be more math good puns have you made that would say fun too many oh yeah orange are you friends with Sponge Bob but Bob and I see each other from time to time can it see then orange and marshmallow switch bodies switch with marshmallow sounds pretty sweet to me hey I love speaking with other people's voices when I say hey orange if you laugh it will rain diamonds wow if it rained diamonds I wouldn't have a carrot all in the world [Laughter] hey what do you call a cheese nacho cheese now that's what I'm going about I will never get tired of jokes like that [Music] [Music] that's a whole lot of OHS I'm gonna take a super deep breath to say this right here goes nothing nothing like turning into a balloon to make you a little lightheaded Caitlin is cool is that Baldy right behind you or just a stack of TNT it's super hard to tell could be a stack of TNT or it could be ballsy orange bring a mouse bring her mom bring up my own hey orange do you look passionfruit don't why because you are strapped into a chair surrounded by lie detectors and the chair is bolted down also you're in a room with only one door there's no way out that's right we've got you now so answer the question orange yes or no do you love passion what's happening everybody stand back they're gonna blow can you do the floss like zero dental hygiene have you ever gone camping play soccer you're naked what are you talking about I'm always naked this is not news stay away Nikki you're all naked - Apple I made a red button for you it will make you bigger hey orange is this question a question is this answer and answer hey orange if you're president for one day what will you do if I were president for a day I do so much stuff paint the White House Orange make the presidential seal an actual baby seal why air force pine all over Washington DC and I'd want to put a hot topic in the National Mall yeah I think it's a good idea you're not the president dude have I shown you my idea for a redesigned American flag you gotta get that thing away from me nightmare fuel orange do you want a portal gun want a portal gun I've already got a portal gun [Laughter] [Music] orange can you say hi Hayley in cadence hi orange can you become the Sun from Teletubbies who lives in a pineapple under a pineapple under a pineapple under pineapple under a pineapple under a pineapple under a pineapple under the sea now what I want to know is who lives under their underwear I always fall for that hold on a second that's a really long yeah it just seems big cuz you're so small no I think little apples right that could be the longest was up of all time wait that gives me an idea you're gonna shoot for the longest was up of all time no orange okay okay yeah I'm gonna go for the longest was that without training no training I'm kicking it freestyle yo what would three go [Music] [Music] he's expelling every last ounce of air from his lungs Congrats dude now let's get you reinflates I got a bike pump thanks I could use a blow-up huh huh well that's weird are you sure that's a bike pump or didn't blow up at all no I blew up all right huh can you believe it I cannot oh we've got loads of great questions from the fans so let's get cracking I never get fed blast you orange orange it's morphing time gang [Music] right great [Music] [Music] [Music] yeah dude everyone else summon an awesome powerful robotic animal well I didn't I'm a pair so I summon two pair okay well it seems orange orangutan things payers are delicious that's not exactly no wait why is he looking at me like that orange why do you have a dog face hey no need to be rude about it I'm just having a rough morning can you print call for of course I can't no you can't don't be like that right your bro why is your eye so big hey there's one of my eyes look big to you hmm no they both look normal-sized to me you should not my last one nope not my right one no and not my back one Baldy has a question for you oh great that's a math question I can't imagine a worse question than a math question right now does orange have a crush on passion fruit answer the question orange answer the question orange then you must be disciplined make a brother prepare hair let me read that book no I'm reading it I want to read it though now stop being a brat oh oh um pears hitting me what no I'm not a pear stop hitting your brother now let me read that book no I was reading it first mom here spit in my mouth hair stop spitting in your brother's mouth ah man having a brother isn't what it's cracked up to be stop hitting yourself pear stop hitting yourself would you stop break the fourth wall easy-peasy four inch you fool there was a load-bearing fourth wall huh can you pull a prank a little Apple while he's doing his homework are you sure it's not just a regular-sized Testament she's huge to you give you something but I need you to close your book first why would your brother could you imagine marshmallow with helium okay here we go let's see what bar she's voices like with helium [Music] what's happening marshy wait a minute I think I know what's going on Morrissey's voice is so high-pitched only dogs can hear it wow that makes sense hey orange knock knock who's there broken pencil broken pencil never mind it's pointless that jokes so good we should have really led with it orange say hi Nicholas hi Nicholas can you put a little apple on your okay I'll just playing around I wouldn't leave you stuck like that Thor is Loki a really good guy thanks for letting me prank you guys this episode it's better real boy [Music] [Laughter] [Music]
Channel: Annoying Orange
Views: 8,263,170
Rating: 4.7696695 out of 5
Keywords: annoying orange, funny, fruit, talking, animation, daneboe, The Annoying Orange, ask orange, ask orange 1-50 SUPERCUT, supercut, saturday supercut, parody, cartoon, comedy, satire, spoof, lampoon
Id: GqrddgdpJ0k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 211min 24sec (12684 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 06 2019
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