Roblox Obbys - Season #3 [Annoying Orange Gaming]

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hey now back in with another give me video yeah we stopped already my fire you know how it is that's so good alright today we are playing sea adventure Bobby oh man I have to collect keys to keep going sometimes this is gonna be an adventure whoa super water spot I want to go on that like it's going that far this can be so awesome be yeah wait for me lady I'm coming down oh yeah adventure IV it's gonna be a grand adventure you got it whoa you have to get a giant key for that it's like a Paul Bunyan sized key crazy try that again good but please didn't just blow D all over the place right away let's show you the way to go I'm so good in this game I've said I don't know if I'm really good at this game because I just started this IPO B you might really like his IV so yeah today Wow are you in enough up here back in I'm stuck in a fight pitches a pipe dream here we go are you guys ready for this time I do believe so oh yeah I didn't stick the landing fix your tie together husband okay [Laughter] okay let's write what mug that no you must the guys last time - okay oh yeah ah that's what I say whoa trapping that cameras enemies don't touch the white one yeah looking good oh yeah okay yes okay that's how I made it hey this really rules get it cousin a ruler you got it okay you're more at ease yeah get the let out BAE BAE thanks you made it finally okay come on go this way lady I don't you know I really like that sauce except the ones that are broken because they're really pointless this is Joe I can explain to you mars-1 well I'm going blackboard crazy is there a turbo button the thing I how do I get this to move let's do this finally away forever Wow boy I really I never saw this coming oh this obstacles are cut above the rest [Laughter] high jump don't touch up you guys that would be really tacky whoo house actually concept I bought it oh oh you guys like some blueprints don't want to touch the white parts I bet that's not gonna do yeah another obstacle down before they all friends for the movie platform okay warp engaged go hey my poor take so long the batter over fly another pipe dream look Wow drank guitar that's music to my ears what am i what am i doing wait what oh oh you were stringing me along wait you didn't grab it grab it grab it [Laughter] should I stay here keep the gate he goes wait a second come on yeah it's a quick it with the pointer if you play any other game any other game in the world all you do is touch it okay pesky late you can follow me yeah let's go around now part you need to jump over all these you can just go like that you can continually have to jump over a few I can't believe that happen okay coming baby I'm gonna let your hate your radio huh okay come on oh thank you finally give it you know you can't deny it you can try you can say oh yo Ryan hey cuz you crying because he be crying did you fell in the hot lava and your leg is burning your pit like inside you're like that fire it happens all the time my moving platform you're so slow you're like stuck in molasses hey I got platformer here don't worry you got plenty of time because it's not moving hey once you get that key where'd that come from okay you hold on oh no I don't want to fall up in the hot lava even though I love hot lava you toasty your friend I do I wait burn No oh you are friends okay yeah one more what we're never in there now you had the key to know hopefully it's not a key that we actually need to keep going all right I'm gonna jump on these giant platforms sticking out of whoa is that a dragon up there stop dragon back stop dragon back my father how do you guys think my hobbies will be all these skills aren't are they pretty good in comparison among people like I'm sure you watch other people play I'll be will be obese keep it covered again I got scales mascara scales oh yes a danger situation here this is not the kind of prints that with usually Christ's right in this case I'm gonna make an exception since it's the only way I can go oh yeah we're doing pretty good oh wait that was gonna drag it was just a giant leap or something weird okay guess I'm going down to price another pipe dream oh wow I'm going in a bowl Siri oh very nice cheerio poppin our cheerios here we go go - ah Cheerios Oh what somebody's worn some more cereal up in here you don't wanna get hit by itself pay for it oh yeah just give it a second okay okay it was a fluke don't worry about cuz I'm a proud mm llo p sometime so I guess I could be a fruit loop right okay looks like coming up man sir come on baby we're going let's go yeah well what is this place Wow how's that Cherry Bomb chip chip chip - Cherry Bomb he's my heart oh is it chocolate yeah I see some button Oreos over there don't touch don't touch it let me turn on - oh yeah give me some choco pies good these guys set nuts those who invest in chocolate with their money behind bars oh well Oh Leo's my favorite oh that was a cake that I was on very nice is my birthday yeah really but you know you can give me a press and it's like cool maybe like a perfect kazoo or something I'll take five or 18-pound anyone give me come on let's go whoo what's that sad gingerbread man I hope he doesn't mind that I'm hopping on top of him I know that makes him feel crummy but you know Oh check it by okay Becky crap Chuck rise to the guys gonna shine drop whoa oh I hope this doesn't turn out to be like a giant eating me or something that would not be going well he's got this hippie shake you got the shitty shakes orange okay going up here there's an iron checkpoint oh no quacking up in here huh fine you fine I mean the soda but it's fine so delicious yo it's your spooky cookies yeah tightrope walking on something next look countless ex-truck you guys haven't do that where you have a bunch of straws and you stick them together but then you have a super strap and then you drink your drink Oh lolli lolli lolli lollipop but Oh pom-poms right I'm pretty sure that's how it should go anyway look Wells close water where we at what are you doing here Oh get out of here I just keep jumping like a kangaroo yes we got out of their camp I couldn't get out scary situation come on come on kangaroo back let's go yeah that's how you do it right there just a crew but now here we go this is like the adventure club look lovely okay just tuck get hit all I see it's like speeding wall you gotta get there before the back of the hook whoo before the bowler gets you that when that rack me both hurt yeah you're right okay while I'm doing this I'm gonna sign off because I think this one is a pretty long one all right watch it oh yeah oh yeah I've got this I got this one okay I'm gonna make you to the bike for them to sign up cake ice till next time yes [Music] hey yeah what they fell back in with another game video look where we're at once again bring your pro box if we're doing the adventure AVI Bhoomi Oh baby number two oh what's that boo-boo it's the priests take your turn now don't bite me you're very fight for a cure thanks a lot snake let's do it up here all your dying five guys you're crying I think that's how it works right I mean Nancy what else are you gonna cry into what's up lady don't don't mind me I'm gonna go over here and I'm not gonna die this time okay hey what are you guys crying to a bucket a wheelbarrow a farting kangaroo's pouch that would be very nice even though it is a farting kangaroo oh yeah it looks like oh yeah that's right kid I can't just touch it I gotta click it look at the Whippet yeah I got the key key looks like I'm should be shaking a fairy cake yeah be really careful he's compressed Thanks I'll go over to please that's not that two things so that's a touch him don't touch him okay just a point the snake I leave you feeling rattled I thought you ladies come follow me I know where to go I got the key to my yo-yo hey me what's up lady you following me that's right cuz I got the key the key to your heart falling in love with orange teeth so what happen get out of your snake fangs a lot oh yeah checkpoint baby whoever blows up keep don't touch that I don't even know if this is toxic waste hot lava sand that's what it is it's such a toxic waste hypothesis and you guys oh please yeah hello to it we're gonna click at the Whippet clickety clickety click whatever I'm gonna hang on find a while that's a lot of snakes there's last Nikki's next over there who is this where I put the key that it is well me you guys I know the way find out away oh okay open the thing opens do it what that's not working oh it's broken somebody call locks man hey maybe we have to go up this way by the slippery snakes sneaky snakes whoo-hoo you home full cap it lady oh yeah that's right idea hanging out on the ledge yeah okay scuse me coming - all right what's round the corner whoa we going right way no we are not going the right way watch this come on I want to feel it finally oh yeah okay called it just hold back okay yeah precedent that's what I'm doing it's not doing anything you guys I don't know what to say wait you got Wow hey you have a key - oh is it a different color key Oh baby eyes are okay I thought I had a key to my heart but maybe I only had a key to this my chicken enchilada lady you let the other one that's nice of you the group that parts together stays together please that's right I'm classy ladies whoa what we got going on over here a whole zoo area well I'll follow you you think they know where you're going yeah we're kicking this adventure a bo me I'll be kicking in the booty booty Oh B oh hello Polly which way we go I'm gonna follow you you seem to know where you're going feels like it's this way yes I found it come on Lady Hey all right companies to jump in action you ready for this oh yeah we this oh yeah come on let's get it yeah oh we're having some fun you know how it's done angelic pink heart you're pretty good at this game let's move on up in the world all right after jump some more you ready for this man you are here we go oh yeah that's my favorite okay here comes the moving platform the other ladies now we got this back we got it come on flat fart bump yourself out oh yeah sure you have good we're gonna do some time go whoa you got the key Mac key to your hearts okay got it okay should I get one too maybe I'll get one too just to be safe instead of sorry yo chickens nothing so baby with my lady friends all right we're all here what was you - what you trying on it's them what's going on oh yes you're that key you got it got it oh maybe it means needs a key that I guess it's the key that I got before thanks what it was born right all right open up star for your ladies come on I'll go check the bed cut through the Laurie why doesn't anybody want to follow me by again hoping it I open it like 32 times for you there it's open there you go you happy okay now where I'll get thrown fine I've been farting on your windshield father live long day please I have so many girlfriends all right okay go across here you guys never else but well it's give me just let me go through me [Music] [Laughter] leaving me behind oh yeah just walk right across it that's it you should solve it up for mashed potatoes all over the front dairy cow yeah all right got some Legos nice I love me some Legos you know how it is let go boy hey go buddy you're over here I think I see a game boy over there very nice I wonder what kind of games again oh look it's got the key boys come on me oh oh okay movie platforms like I don't know I can jump from here I hope I don't need that key do I need that key what if I need a king you guys you guys have a game boy or did you ever my favorite game is I really like Mario on Gameboy um but I really don't like Tetris Tetris is like the worst game ever because this blocks note I mean don't be a square yeah yeah you got whatever I'm weird foamy bouncing ball like Jesse I don't even know what's wrong with that thing is that on fire they can smear with mashed potatoes or something come on you can do it yeah good job okey [Laughter] okay that's checkpoint yeah you've actually it triggered that time I don't understand why sometimes they go by a checkpoint they hit it doesn't trigger and then and then I end up restarting kind of way back way before that checkpoint lies don't be a blockhead yeah oh hey you better watch the carpet ya better hope that's not a card shark around oh yeah jump another Queen hearts the queen of fights I mean what was that three fights now what oh I got happy to stand on the bank well yeah we're cruising hey what do you call a motorcycle rider with bad teeth leader of the plaque so wait where am I going well who cares where we're going we don't need roads yeah bud okay the carpet is very dangerous the core is lava I did not know this yeah okay let's see if we can get through the fiery yo let's turn to soon backfill the hole this is for the contract oh now what do I do ah my spec again oh wait hold on a second this whole thing just leads right over here so can I just drive right over here and be done with it let's try and see so clever yeah okay I just have to stay on the topic okay go in the crust fine you're gonna make me do it the right way going up a bootie like that that's not good that does not look like it's comfortable but yeah mind if I drop in yeah what's up pizza but okay I touched it touch the thing I texted the checkpoint stay on the pepperonis and whatever these are peppers or tomatoes my murdered Franza another time yes okay going on the break head where we at but what's it okay wait what what is this climb an Excalibur or something what I don't even know what's happening right now whoa oh geez the winner ran away to chicken dinner sweet you gonna give me all kinds of stuff wow I'm invisible was kind of cool hahaha nice alright I can't believe it you guys so awesome what happened what is that [Applause] hey-yah with a bow back again with another gaming video guess what we're back ruff locks with the kid that's right they were playing the wipeout happy puppy puppy bunch back see you my few spongebob let's do it over there give me the thumbs up I can use a thumbs up but I finally passed hi not real life either I don't have any thumbs down either and I know he comes in this case good luck he just got like hooks for hands yeah time to wipe out the competition go back lady well she really fell for that one jump that broke two balls over here very nice oh yeah Kabir come back captain skinny jeans I'm come on come here how you feeling see you later Hey look at Fat Wreck fire your armpits he's always way with it oh they are you following me huh you beat a creeper rule creepy paper but up which one should I choose this one okay that was not the right one so lady don't call me excuse me I'm first look where you going she's definitely going the wrong way we'll meet up okay that's always great when I do that it's really frustrating when you literally pick every single one need I am dying that's a frustum a pink Oh I also hate it when I fall off the edge and then I can plummet to my death yeah gravity is what brings me down here get it it's a joke because gravity does bring it down I can do you IV explain smart okay don't touch the red stuff what's up Steven universe I like your flip-flops what the red stuff is made up that you can't touch it um I bet you it's made out of Justin Bieber farts that's probably what it is I guarantee they borrow my stuff up the user nest weapon itch now I know it's one of the ones that I have to choose right or that guy I really fell for that one yeah I just every one see that's what I'm talking about okay why does it always happen oh yes hey what do you think Oh what did I say to the ghost when the ghost stole my peanut butter I said I know is you I can see right through you cops came upon it it's my pea pot it ghost me to get there I'll be in the bar don't you now oh yeah got the moves I got the groom yo okay this one looks like white pop that I thought with me I thought there was gonna you know cuz I've wipeout to cut those big balls you gotta jump on the balls and he bounced off you go in the water it's really funny yeah that's not happening here okay I'm assuming you don't want to touch these blacks cuz those blocks are definitely made from walrus parts you have the other ones were made from Justin Beaver parts these ones are made from walrus parts very toxic if you didn't know already did not jump on the red no I catch the red again see I told you Justin Bieber Francis went down yeah man you know what you know what I hate I hate it when a snail loses the shell he said it looks really sluggish jumps just random jokes me guys hail a god you look at excuse me or just Kevin what what happened are you okay she must have been scared about how good I was at that scam and she's like I just fear I'm done yeah we're really wiping out aren't we whoo this is a high ladder I really gotta step it up yeah guys if I want to get past the ladder there's a lot of steps that have to be taken oh wait I've learned my booty on the laser looks like hey wait you're painting me now get back lady I technically touch that one oh well then go see Dad you know Oh coming after you no don't jump away from me oh this is hot West Oakland topless to another friend Wow a hooker friend how's it going ladies yeah stay out of that game yeah okay now the point of the game is to not die see nobody told her I'm counting now we're playing wipeout this is the King White House I was waiting for this the whole time who knows Klaus we got this lady yeah a nice blue space crew one more yes okay can you Lana all right now we baby lady come back redbud looks like melody 1 4 7 p and me a male anyone for 70 a little pee there I mean your name don't you like my jokes they're really good after this we should go bungee jumping but then we might get suspended yeah cuz you're suspended on the bungee where you got late ladies this way you don't go that way that's the legs you got you go up the legs you die you follow me I know it go we chose that red stuff just to be refreshed just let you know yeah how did she feel follow me I'll show you right wait lady I've never played this cave before but I know which way to go I'm an expert at this game you got yeah yeah she's following hey what's up Bethany melody okay you going this way okay which one to get picked now okay you go that way children all right children wait for me hey we're having fun here come back okay thank you for joining me at rate thank you very much that's it those three nights it's very nice to have a friend now let's go come back follow me I know which way to go you can do it put your back into it you can do it what you sandwich isn't doing the sandwiches on my back you know cuz I was putting my back into it and then once I put my back into I said I have to I'll turn it up and I'm gonna put some sandwiches in there yeah what's up bro you going runway hey what's up buddy Nicholas marshmallow pants is that your name I think I'm pretty sure it was your name Nicholas marshmallow fans it's a great day and so many colorful floating platforms I gotta jump fine it's exhausting you got the red one the red ones I've cut some even farts remember we've been through this a few times you guys it's about time that you know can you remember when you're at school and the teachers like okay take out your crayons ink color the fire hydrant red you're like captain red is the color of Justin Bieber farts you can't do that yes it's just illegal that's just saying you can't ever use the color red ever again okay choose this one yeah we're just kinky cut oh hey I can't believe that that never happened okay you made up for it there yeah I took the Justin Bieber for ya go hey what that happens okay these guys look like floating Mentos or something yeah that's pretty good hey I don't wanna let them know because you never know we already got Justin Bieber farts in walrus parts I mean you never know what yeah I survived guys it's okay come on now I thought we've established the color red and I won't have to jump on top of but I don't even have it whoa I actually think I touch it that time but it's in counting so it's our neighborhood relax don't do it where do you want to come to it relax don't do it I don't know why we're doing you what spongy Bobby there's Patrick oh yeah there's pump Alphonse McGillicuddy I think that's his name right and there's crab emic daddy's right you crabby yes I'll just jump it around you guys Wow cool it's color replicas terrific really specific when you touch this with the Pacific Ocean and it's looks like an egg yeah yeah yeah oh not the color red again oh no so many things that can go wrong I got this you guys yes here we go here we go w can co see and come on Bobby movie oh we go don't touch the red stuff you know thread stuff is cool I found except with a lot less wipeout that the title would suggest because it suggested that there's gonna be wipeouts but there's not really that many wipeouts in this game so yeah let's keep going put you back do it open ah ah oh oh oh oh open a piece ah oh oh oh oh oh hey whoa come on please here we go here we go here we go we're gonna step it up once again please say there's not a whole bunch more okay be playing the game forever thank you forever yo you have it a bomb I'm having a ball yeah you're always having a ball when I'm around oh yeah a little bit tougher oh yeah now this is like wipeout my own kid only I'm not bouncing off and splash it to my doom that's okay okay okay okay okay go a spongebob Oh what how can spongebob me the wrong answer that's crazy okay okay that's right spongebob what's the right answer oh yeah SpongeBob's answers like yeah okay few more colors to jump up Jim come looking pretty good jump to it put your backs into it there we go and we step it up once again more laughter Wow how high is his ladder whoa look he's so angry why is he so angry did he accidentally eat a snausage you know a donkey tree he thought it was a sausage but it was actually a snausage that's my thang guys be angry - why are we - the eggs walrus parts Oh cake the W means winner winner winner chicken dinner take that one for rainbow for me wow yeah it looks like ice cream yeah we got rainbow ice cream breakdancing up in the air that's pretty awesome alright we paint it we bake the white Bobby you guys look good I got those master ivy movie Obie skills yeah alright guys well thank you so much for watching make sure you do everything get a big smile 5 a big on your legs please they're good good y'all next time the lady tour had to rainbow ice cream may Yahweh take smell back Yoda levitate booyah we're back in roblox once again they were escaping from Grandpa's house yeah look how you've grown you should probably stop shopping in the kids section because that shirt does not fit you your belly sticking out a little bit wait look how you've grown yeah you told me that already grandma all right oh hey what's up buddy keep em eyes Louisville pushpins giant pushpins and don't worry I can get faster because I'm a sharp individual come on buddy you can do it I'll stand here chair okay I'll bet you yeah come on you can do it you can do it put your back to it you can do it you can do it put your back you come out your mouth there you go that's how you do it Bobby that's what you Ventures of trapping adventures [Laughter] that's an obstacle I can really sink my teeth in that's what back grandma how'd you get here grandma your bellybutton sticking out too weird jumping on grandma's head yeah you taught me that three times grandma maybe what's up the hell your name is fancy boy you are fancy all right let's get goin out gonna pay from Grandma boo boo boo chocolate chip cookies will chip off the old block you can't get me Chuck class not delicious you can't get me a chocolate you go on to the next one what's this tag I see a deck and try and click around and see if I can find a way out Wow Wow there's a fountain it's a secret passage and I'm not kidding ya can't get away KitKat you can get out of the way that'd be perfect [Laughter] get it oh boy Sammy's amazing I wonder why we trying to get away from Grandma who rabbits house she tried to give me kisses Wow I like those big wet grandma kisses your routes hilly company like sounds right oh here we go sit in the band and in another then I'm gonna find my way out hey did you guys know I'm reading a book about places yeah I got lost in it yeah yeah more jokes make it through here clickety clickety clickety yes yeah I was right fine do it we go we can keep on going Wow grandpa well this looks like a close-knit community because she's she's knitting when you knit in that way can I wear that is it a hat depending off your pants cuz I don't want my wet pants using our past acts put your brakes prior naked here maybe that's why I'm trying to run away from Grandma pants specially if you're an orange whoa giant yarn balls blue what happened what the heck is that yarn made up then it makes me fall to pieces is that radioactive yarn there we go we got this we got me there we go there's one nobody likes radioactive yarn somebody's this case Cheney this game is cheating stupid radioactive yarn no what I'm trying to escape grandma trying to knit me sweaters and pants got a Brady lack of yarn the holy rock back unless you like spider-man or something whoa a better hope that I'm pretty sure yeah radioactive yarn that's what spider-man would want right because that's always changing you got okay how's that by a radioactive spider so I imagine if you got zapped by radioactive pants you'd probably turn into some kind of superhero made out of jeans I caught myself speedy jeans if that happened speedy jeans to the rescue you [Laughter] give him a buzz for as much as I'm trying to get away from grandma right now I have to come in here for filling her / living room up with lemon I mean most grandmas just give wet kisses they don't give you a hot lava you gotta you've gotta respect someone it gives you hot lava especially if it's grandma thank you grandma so much for giving me hot lava clothes I'm gonna check your cookie I love hot lava dip Chuck cookies that's my favorite thing with dip chocolate chip cookies into hot lava you guys might like milk or something like that you crazy that's definitely the bat whoa what happened here looks like somebody went crazy with a paintball gun ha ha color me impressed get it cut it you're not laughing why not laughing it's funny it's a joke you want me explain it I'll tell you why it's buddy I just had to make sure there wasn't anything in there ooh boy where we at now grandma's gone mad she's turning chick children in a food Wow well that's up the hard turn okay now kids you love me food gets the best oh yeah and you're supposed to feel bad for the kids but I don't cuz it's pretty awesome being food you don't even know bring the bat bleep what I asked me to touch a spoon justice but it's fun one time and he died well that's crazy why my back oh I see look so I guess I'm not supposed to touch his phone jump over it oh there we go don't touch the cookie yes you're not gonna rolling paint me that's no yolk yeah because there's a nick there hey big Rolly pinned I'm gonna pancake that's what's a flat meat whoa let's see watch your step there's some missing floorboards grout just gonna help out to choose right did I choose right Wow I chose right on the first time that's way better cuz usually I choose the wrong ones every single time this guy says I think crab has gone crazy you found crank crank we just sitting there buddy you can jump over the radioactive yarn it's good jumping on yard balls having a ball okay why is grandma fifty feet tall now how does that happen maybe she was eating her own yarn balls oh wow what happened I think that's a floor would you talk about what you're talking about oh I got this I got this we can get through this whole thing is all yarn business don't sweat it get it don't sweat it don't sweat it but she's probably making a sweater or something right now packet never get on now push pins like this oh man if I fall I go all the way back okay do some orange we can do this oh yeah that's too Road you get three oh you got the next one push pin put pan here we go yes last one show you how it's done yeah that's fun whoo I don't want to go on grandma's lap weird okay where do I go I just crawl oh I can't okay grab here nope get away to begin Oh loading chocolate chip cookies my favorite but loving with chocolate chip cookies float you won't let me do it look me bye where's nightmares buddy where you going save me we've been eatin look wait there's food body parts in here oh that's weird so grandma's turning kids in the food and then eating them grab the cash Bob because I like I said grandma's a cannonball but you can you should cook me cannonball but she's also a cannibal cannibal cannonball wait what happened can't go through the invisible force field so I guess that's why we're escaping grandma cuz she's trying to eat us he's trying to eat everything but wait and she's turning if she turns kids into food and then eat some what'd she do it Bob dead was fooling Bobby oh my shins I'm glad I don't know she's in real life with no seriously isn't like reverse then so if she turns kids in the blue does she to turn food into kids or does she go somewhere else with it like turn boat into pterodactyls cuz that'd be pretty cool I wouldn't mind being turned actor for a day but if you came to me and said I don't want to be a pterodactyl I would believe that you are lying because you would be chopped nuts ribs oh who asked ribs chicken this ribs that's my favorite whatever like ticklish pants - spine time that's what I'm climbing up bad time touching grandpa's innards weird boom-boom deathly hot doc well that's my least favorite pop out to the world you know the high fats they're real Wiener [Laughter] killed me again yeah well what is it oh oh I didn't get jump over these whoever I say I can feel it I see something here I think that's the end I think we did it yeah yeah we escaped grandpa we said can eaten watch we did get eaten and then we got um well released we'll just put it that way oh boy oh yeah give me my badge ride my badge of Awesomeness alright guys well thank you for watching we go he said grandma um New Jersey kids we suppose pop a video on the internet cuz plays hurt because so good mister here yell with detail back again with another given video and that's right we're back in roblox once again to Grandpa what happen to your leg are you turning into an orange give out on that legs that what's happening all you forgot your dentures oh that's so good that better not be a pee bucket in the corner there grandpa that's right we are playing the escape grandpa Obi Obi Obi Boop grandpa what are you told you gotta fix your carpet that's a tripping hazard sit again jump over these I'm just gonna jump on the Wow you you didn't waste any time grandpa you got hot lava right here Oh grandpa knows what's up see last time when we skate grandma she had mama in her house too but grandpa he put it right in the beginning he knows what's up grandpa knows a pig about interior does that you know when you're looking at a cat wait does that say the orange the orange what this these boxes are they full of oranges oh please crap I'm trying to eat me now well wow that where the kitchen a giant kitchen avoid the hot girls 4 grills [Laughter] it's not really James to me cuz this is about the same size that I am so it's about perfect for me maybe giant for you guys ok we gotta watch out for the hot grills at the book the hot girls I told him it's ready now here's my least favorite thing in the world the way that I can jump over these I'm a sharp individual you can't cut me down any turkey legs my favorite boy jump the sink what are you thinking I'm feeling just ducky oh boy fun for days everybody loves some Wow Bunga bingo that's a bongo for a second I mean that's cool if you want to do that Bosco's if you got him some more boxes of orange and the orange about me with this gate the bell for me are they trying to eat me I don't know what's going on here grandpa might be trying to eat me what is that a dead end Oh got click around again see we're gonna go okay gonna click on the orange boxes now nothing here yep no not the pale Pete hopefully it's not healthy browse Ellie grab but there's something underneath your chair you probably want to get that cleaned up that's gross talking about this hopping I can bounce on the springs oh ma dentures ha ha ha ha sneaky teeth bad that you got cramp I got sneaky people watch your skeleton on the Wow did you murder somebody depending on some eyebrow that's probably not a good idea taking a nice leather bag yeah give me buddy gotta get out of my way I gotta jump on these bones no bones about it don't die now Kay just follow me I know the way to go come on buddy man have to it put your back into it everybody know how to feel come out oh it's another maze oh man what is it with Grandma and Grandpa's houses they all have mazes in them I suppose the better question is why a grandma grandpa trying to eat everyone [Laughter] stay away from Brandon grandpa's house I'm not delicious you can't eat me I'm definitely not delicious oh don't you try this wake up where's that way to go oh now I'm getting Loused I got my buddy with me come on buddy uh-oh I think I found the exit oh I know I did all right eyes oh wait yeah dad yeah all right now got my buddy with me come on bro 2:09 oh there's grandpa ooo we gotta jump over the place make like Mario you got your boiler fires get it but he does another but not for talk do it grandpa now flap it it jump on your hat yeah don't make me steal your other leg cuz then you be a Lord of the Rings character Legolas I mean you already ourselves come on buddy quick pick it back up yeah go copy friends don't be slow about it got things to do God we got grandpa let's jump on come on y'all what's your buddy I kicked him in the knee all right come on in bro grab that one and then where'd you go away bro yeah Ruth out slow yeah it's like a giant game of checkers one more one more yes made it I better check out what's up here though oh it's more orange boxes boxes anything I can actually get up here okay don't die a brown bag oh wow later I'm not gonna sit around more orange boxes grandpa is burning his possessions I mean bad scheme of things I guess that's not so bad I mean that's better than eating people just saying what whoa jumping on TVs and dentures I would rather not jump on giant dentures if that's all right with you guys Krauts Wow there's the birdie that was wonder where that noise come from give me gonna throw make it bad for me I'm just winging it yes winging it with the birdies hey you guys are cuckoo zoo go go did you literally what crazy grandpa and tools not to cut necks oh I should have saw that one coming tripping over time bleep loading tools with nuts and bolts that is nuts if you ask me whoa what does happen oh I just got eaten again these guys like to perpetuate my worst fears ah now I'm gonna have to jump on some buns grandpa you should probably chew your food before you eat it cause it kinda looks like you're just swallowing your food home actually that's probably good thing because if you would've chewed me look a lot different than I do now I wouldn't be as pretty as I am looks like it's high time for spine time again wait what's up okay that happens apparently I can just walk through spines I'm weird okay maybe I don't want to go into the oh there we go I got confused we're gonna want to go backwards I don't want to keep swimming and Grandpa's belly chooses raps looks like I'm gonna stay on the platform's boo-boo the believability from 88 me what you need right beside with my number one fear Bob's I'm getting eaten yeah I play these games on roblox I always get eat why be a problem roblox what you do it what you cool but you realize food playing player games tonight we're trying to make us realize all these fears doubts class on yeah I can do this I can do this dance into the Dan Anna never better than back up to what you brought to it you know what I do I'm an orange are you guys like to escape from let me now maybe it's the mailman he's always trying to deliver you packages packages of broccoli no bail man uploading jello cubes jello jigglers who doesn't want some jello jigglers what's next you got to be give it to me give me give me always gets again I must be nearing the end this is what that was at the end at the other one and I'm being quite frank and frankfurter that is why exactly hotdogs see where are these hot that's made out of oh yeah hey what's your name oh yeah my badge it's going on go in there oh yeah oh yeah oh yeah oh yeah yeah yeah oh oh [Laughter] goodness [Music] hey how about here with that way elbow elbow it fell back again with another given video that's right and we're back in roblox once again and guess what it's the escape the summer camp Abby Abby Abby what you got to say I was so excited for summer camp this year but the leaders won't let us do anything what let's get out of here yeah let's get out of here summer camp where you can't have any fun I bet just cuz they won't let you part on the flowers right I hate when they do that yeah put the pedal to the metal baby petal flowers hey Richard Oh or just get see he's got these of things you know got bars flowers he has nature love it okay just gotta be real careful and get over here you go I didn't touch it your water you thinking hey what's up buddy feeling ducky yo really fits the bill excuse me excuse me up first hey come back here what are you going oh yeah you distracted me I should kill Bay was Thole her fault she's won it did it I didn't do it she did it okay let's see if I can get across this boring without dying now died like three times it's a first level there we go usually I'm a lot better it will be obvious how to do it yeah let's hop to it what's up lady hey check this out I got skills I got mad skills oh wow ah I thought I was supposed to not touch the tires but I supposed to touch the tires yo kick the tires light the fires baby yeah yeah you real good actually we're not doing real good so far I don't every single level what's going on yo I'm scaling the wall just call me spider-man I guess spider orange spider orange ah okay well I technically I haven't died on every level cuz I climbed in the wall and got over it without dying so basically what's going on here it's not that hard yeah yo swinging it swinging it yeah yeah getting across that thing very nice Oh continuing the tradition of dying in almost every level why got all the cool kids are doing it don't worry about it I'm cool dude good then I'm gonna do real good when it comes to going to summer camp you have to have positive intent get it in tenth I love it get out of my way tree leave me alone hey what's going on double bubble toil and trouble away bow on the rubble and nicked my stubble that sounds like trouble it's true because it rhymes that's how it works hmm this waters a real blast you know if it's if you're at summer camp you probably don't want to have it next to all these like really horrible things like I don't geysers that blast and kill you that'sthat's distancing dangerous no well no now we're having a ball yeah basketball that is what kind of machines shoot up basketballs you said isn't it usually tennis tennis balls whatever hey either way I'm still gonna be around orange it's nice in here that's why I jumped in I tell you and do that by actually I did it on purpose because I need a dip but don't let the camp counselors catch you swimming in there otherwise you'll be in hot water soak in the buns well this levels a wash I can do this all day oh all right I'm just gonna do this seriously now because I want to do it fast well that's how you do it fast you make mistakes just like vegetarians get it missed steak yeah you get it you know what I'm doing Hey Oh what do we got over here what's going on can I jump in there now I can't do that fine okay okay got that you know what you got to say we could shortcut over the hill yeah it's much more fun going through the lake yeah let's go let's do it let's do it I almost climbed on them like a jungle gym I didn't meet you it's the whole truth nothing but the truth okay Kazaam pulse your tubes now what a tireless effort get it tired you know two tires alright let's jump all the way around I gotta go collect why's that I don't wanna buy anything well let me use a gear coming okay we got this we got it hey wait for me buddy buddy wait for me I'm coming yeah hey come back we're best friends yeah that's cool let's go all the cool kids doing it I'll meet you on the other slide come on buddy you can do it you can do it put your back into it yeah I'm not gonna wait for you come on I want to get to the checkpoint then I'll go back for him okay now it's time to go back for him come on buddy you can do it we're best friends best friends till the end well it's like a best friend cuz prayers my best friend oh yes see now you doin real good yeah I'm showing you how to do this and then you're right here good to go all right buddy let's do this thing okay you go first if you don't go first you smell like cheddar or so you have to go okay I'm waiting please go I'm always the one that goes first no you go first okay we'll go at the same time okay three two one go go do that yeah okay so now I know it's ready to go thanks buddy I appreciate it I saw him trying to go to the left one after this one and he died so we go to the right one there we go yeah make your buddy that's how you do it all right buddy don't let this all go down the tubes the inner tubes that is already way to go best friend I need a second best friend come on we're going this way the waiting is the hardest part there you go oh wait no longer oranjee here's the intertubes can't go wait what oh what happened oh you fell in again come on buddy you got to pit up this a tub it you too but that is you're gonna make it gonna make you hurry yes um I'm never gonna wait for your best friend never to but you you just take your time you can get it done I need to do it but I'm gonna okay oh I see ice cream that's my flavor it hey what's up buddy what you gotta say ice cream all over the beach yeah it looks delicious trap to slow us down be careful oh really that's call baby the roof the roof the roof has an orange what it's your mind you can do it you can do it I believe in you yeah you guys look at my bone see the spinning all right it's time for I scream you scream we all scream for peanut butter butter box every tears that's how the saying goes right whew that's close I was fell out of the chair with no underwear it's funny cuz it rhymes tight real black and here we go baby I'm trying out for the circus but what I fall into is this more ice cream cone ice cream do you think it says oh I know deadly yeah guys this time yes yes oh it's so good well good neighborhood what you got what you got going on here ducky [Music] oh I could have just walked around the ice cream ah yo check it out we're having a ball you guys never get sick of that junk do you oh he does have said that joke in all the videos I've ever made now that would be a good super kind okay I'm walking around at ducky oh and this of a force field you were robbed ducky you lied you said I could roll around here but I can actually can't apparently birds of a feather lie together and lie I mean isn't that tell the truth not like laying down in bed taking naps ducky naps for you what's this bill what's Bugsy what's that the flag say rainbow rainbow rainbow rainbow rainbow rainbow rainbow rainbow that's what a rainbow sounds like did you know that yeah what you got to say Debbie forest is flooded Oh let's climb the tree course it's flooded [Laughter] let's try short I'm alright I would do it again let me do it I'm gonna turn the camera around you'll be real good watch it he's gonna aim it just right cuz a little hard to do it cuz I'm doing it backwards but hey look at me oh I didn't see that strike there I should have jumped over that well I didn't mean I mean I totally meant to do that you suck so I'll show you guys what happens when you do it that I'm just giving you guys information here we go here we go I should know I better like two kids so many times I definitely wouldn't recommend it don't do it you guys do not do it here we go here we go gotta get around these things maybe I'll just jump right over it yeah I can do that nice night I have to swap back and forth it's so good oh man I gotta jump over so many of these okay want to I wonder if I could just run across them what am I trying I'm just gonna try it cuz I just got ya there we go again yeah yeah you tried to trick me you tried to trick me but I can actually make it a bath oh I see somebody up there and I see a balloon a balloon that's full of hot air literally oh yeah now we could take this whole air balloon back to Tom help what help I didn't I didn't help you do anything I'm the one that made it here I mean what okay let's go where's the on button I need the unbuttoned just need to go in here wait brother people to get your tails Boone I wanna take it for right yeah thanks for the non help alright guys I'll take it going thank you so much for watching make sure if I meant to do that make sure you everything can make suppose my video on your neck [Music] all the other side yeah yeah get away from the spider bury something ah he's out of here I'm going here well whoa weird okay more so let me so I see the hammer oh I got it MC hammer time no you look at the hammock you asked for it what should I deal with this my supposed to break these things break down the door let me bow maybe I'm supposed to bump him on the head yes me I don't know what I'm so sit down with that weight counters going down oh you need to get a 10 times I got it good all be that buddy if any of the him in the head a couple more times of hammer oh I got a wish I can use this like Thor's hammer just break through the wall make my own weight choose my own way to go where we're going we don't need book oh hey yeah there we go delete all right time to brush up on my epics guess what how'd that kill me we're orange is one weakness bristles [Laughter] like a shoelace or something weird to Molly Molly there we go yeah there's fine everywhere know what if I were advice if I was a in this place I'd want to get out of here - it's all the miles are moving by themselves there's flying mutating everything jane hairbrushes I really know how to get around now if I can just get around the ball right there we go maybe I'll go over here and I'm gonna wreck super back oh yeah running like a scream a demon yeah that's how you do it guys all right that would you back some of the stairs are not as stable as others well don't you think you should replace that cefixime like more work to have to stop until every single person that comes by here than this broken yeah who steps on unstable there technically you should have said that you should assess exactly steps [Music] okay well let's together orange seriously pull it together a million pieces here okay I got this you guys yeah I honestly haven't seen one pack yet so I don't know what am i escaping from opening in the stairs that's crazy [Laughter] [Music] [Music] my imagination electricity is destroying me you see I go first you know that's saying women & children first well yeah but orange is in front of those so the oranges and that is women the children and it's men hahaha orgies always go first well gang we're making it we're doing it you got this you guys okay when you're when you're for your tightrope walking you gotta make sure not to get your waiters back oh wait that wasn't electrifying experience Oh shucking no I go first they need you near me I don't you or just go first yep no point to suffer - whimpers little tiny there was a bad time you got it yeah I'm crazy oh yeah brush it up on a jumper skills once again I got this yo I'll show you how to do it now okay so do I jump on the brushes or the hair okay stay on the brushes see you beat em consistent cuz earlier in the game jumping on the brushes kills me now you're saying don't jump on the hair hello oh man that was right now we gotta make our way through and get to the other side jump and I'm on gemenon bones I wonder if I ever had a broken bone before that really cracked me scuse me drop it my business with me it's just my mouth business just jumping on some bone and then you come in and you're like yeah my guess is more like hot stomach juices yeah a city goodness they gotta make this jump go here we go gotta wait for it gotta wait for it one two buckle my shoe two three four wait boy yeah oh okay that's more bones I like to jump my bones cuz I'm bad to the bone you gotta pick the right bone okay yeah yeah didn't kill their bones don't worry guys killer bones have a humorous side to them get it humorous that's the name of a type of bone I think that way they got rock line hey if you break a bone today you'll hurt tomorrow tomorrow hurt tomorrow now in your bones bones jumps yeah it met okay what are we doing next Oh checkerboard pattern I don't think this is inside of the back I'm pretty sure there we go there we go hitting that chick fight yes plotting blacks whatever floats your boat do a jump on the bones or do I jump on the black yes stop scaring me that's what they actually I know one of the tops are going crazy up in this place because you know what you're leaving bones everywhere tops love bones course they're gonna get out they're gonna go crazy like what's another bones there's no good then this is it I'm pretty sure they're try not to know they're trying to eat peoples they're just trying to eat the bones what the heck is this thing good okay I meant to do that let's just testing the structural integrity of the house from the floor yeah that's exactly what I was doing the structural integrity seems to be fine oh yeah jump on the swirly where these didn't jump on the bow Oh keep going outside all right yeah what you got buddy let's get out of here for what Scott here you guys should know you guys should know there's an orange to speed with speedy chains I don't get cars out of here this road is specifically dedicated to oranges with speedy cheese oh boy alright guys well thanks for watching I'll make sure to do everything you can to make this money Tilly's good it's so good I escaped until next time guys replicators I'm gonna do a super dive into the pool [Music] hey yeah we take them all back again with another video how Bad's gonna see it I don't know we're back row backs once again that's right we're gonna play beach escape waterpark ob/ob early we're gonna jump on doughnuts doughnuts my go nuts for doughnuts yeah oh yeah dude good I wanna know who that disappearing doughnut really made a splash party now everybody's here everybody's here so go come in here if you don't have any air then just fall in the water and just ran get blown up into a billion pieces it's fine everybody loves doing it okay seriously I want to get past the first obstacle it's only the first stage I'm dying I don't really times now Kim come on donut here we go holy moly [Laughter] man this episode really went down the hall okay says they have to take my time I keep thinking jumping in the wind the water and I keep dying okay okay now I wait here until that one disappears it comes back and I'm not gonna Chuck at the hole this time I'm actually gonna pass the stage I'm gonna do you guys I know what you're saying at home you're like orange how could you how could you have died like eight times water and you're thinking especially the first day geez okay moving on uh no no I didn't hit it back there we go you got what you got a make sure it's good that's my impression of the sound of mix yeah I'm just gonna jump over you guys enhance then I don't have to worry about it this saves don't spray it's just me we're trying to shoot me with your water guns your little squirts oh yeah roll it around and doughnuts okay we're good way does the sound it made ye all right it's time for slide time make this one hey that's pretty good whoa you guys are on ducks right here I bet you're feeling really ducky okay I can't go ladies wrong with this swimming wool it's broken mr. gross rocket okay I'm doing all right what the tux kill me well that really doesn't fit the bill seriously though it's not all it's cracked up to be all those clothes okay I got this come on okay I'm just gonna jump on top of the water that works why don't you ducks go do something else maybe go play some billiards you have to get it bill billiards okay Keys stop dyeing orange this game is not that hard I don't know why I keep dying okay down the slide here we go will I die nobody now is getting over here and then I'm gonna go over here cuz that other one's gonna appear right there yeah see I told you get out of the water oh that's close duck almost respawn you got me again whoa what you guys whorfin that's cool I like whooping whoa umbrellas I'm gonna throw some shade your way oh yeah oh don't bottle up your feelings wait is that a base ah fun didn't work bottle base sink dip you got this okay we don't got this whose deadly stuff on the floor maybe you should put deadly stuff on the floor maybe it is a bottle yeah it is a bottle I bet some bottle of sunscreen or something and they got okay the pun did work we can go back you guys the blend didn't work don't bottle up your feelings no but seriously if you're using sunblock that is that also kills you don't use that sunblock just a word of warning 9 out of 10 doctors agree using deadly sunscreen is not good for your health admittedly the Tenth Doctor was an orangutan so his opinion doesn't really count I really missed that feeling deadly mist what is that who shoots deafening mist out of a periscope why don't do that it's crazy little time to do this right okay dad again I thought it would have missed me to miss jokes in the same stage don't you feel lucky or maybe you're feeling lucky I'm gonna take this real slow we're gonna get this I didn't die for in this ah be that I've ever died in another alley before and it's not even that hard right there we go I'm hopping on the ship whatever floats my boat right dee dee Wow so just scrooge mcduck this don't tell me that if I fall into the money that it kills me because there's no such thing as deadly money you guys you can't put like a whole mountain of money down there and expect me not to you want to just jump right in it like Scrooge McDuck swimming in style cash money honey you know what it is Oh goodbye giant mountains of money I'll miss you the most oh well this doesn't look dangerous at all as an explosion not as good as TNT explosions now whoo oh boy I think that coins that one might have sliced my butt a little bit really close oh nice to meet you okay okay okay okay can I ask you a question come on swing it swing it here we go and oh yeah oranjee made it through and then almost fell in the water whoo hey hey hey well you shouldn't block your boat bubbles at me don't make me chew you out excuse me now I don't want to be oh no one just one right through me okay so the bubbles not hurt me well that was weird I don't like creepy octopi that blow bubbles on me that's weird I don't like it okay I guess we're gonna go where do I go am i oh I think I'm on the other side of the chimp I got you oh there we go I see giant ice cream cones that are melted also I can't touch the ice cream that's melted are you surfing deadly ice cream up in here and not just that you're serving giant deadly ice cream cones that's cold man that's real cold I thought I was safe you really greeted me with an icy reception let's try this again one more time one more wittmeyer one more and the ball on the ball the balls in your court actually it's my coin to jump right over here there we go safe and sound okay I think I gotta go through the door here what's through the die oh we're going up now go now slice again okay I'm gonna pick this one in orange II sticks the landing whoa swimming to win it where we going I don't even know where I'm going hop and do it there we go over here Wow a food I'll save you hotdog hold on your buns you two giant burger I'll save you - you guys stay here I'll uncle for help okay we got to get him out of there they're in a real pickle I didn't cut the mustard I can't cut the chase Bell that was it I don't know what's going on I think with jumping skills are off this game it's usually I don't die as many times I'm pretty good a table you'll be obese forgot mad skills especially for some of their dozen blanks oh why are we doing Wow zombies I have speedy genes although not too speedy they're moderately speedy not quite speedy but respectable respectable speed genes okay we're gonna go over here oh hey I see you lady what you doing okay I'm coming here we go [Music] my booty okay let's get these respectable speedy jeans back on okay oh my gosh wait for this other kind of go by there we go get it boys it Wow oh I think this is the end it is and we paint it crazy it didn't even really have an ending but it had an ending that's weird well we did it guys we escaped the water park well whoa Wow Jenny oh wait no yeah me what's cami I am what I am and that's all that I am whoo I got a bird's-eye view you guys I'm gonna do a super dive into the pool yeah now good good neighbor who's gonna get the drop on these guys hey what's up buddy I'm going back in here again oh I'm just gonna let it slide yeah good form don't be sad get happy you just beat the game come on spin it to win it that's what you can do you gots being in circles until he barf all roads lead back to orange what oh you knocked my lights in my head off that's cool I didn't need them anyways actually I do in this game I do all right well Aloha what is she asking how to pass this level you don't pass a level you beat the game this is the end I'm telling you that's what I'm tellin ya how do you do it you already did it I'm just on ya lucky she doesn't think we beat the game yeah see exactly jump for joy you won you won the game yeah celebrate good times come bow okay there dude one more dime one more giant time here we go you ready you know I got some serious air here we go let's try to land on the donut from way up there going quite do it though and so close so close but no cigar but no I don't want that no no no how I accidentally bought it after I speak the game Jill why I want a refund I mean this is kind of fun but I want a refund oh well all right guys thank you so much for watching make sure you I wasn't getting enough of eating on the internet kazooie there guys okay done that time later happiness yeah we take it out back yeah we're back in roblox once again that's right hey we're playing look Ethan Gaber Abbi [Music] it's keeping gamers room this is so cool guys there's YouTube rewards oh cool oh that's banner up there wow this is super neato burrito sorry I stopped apples catchphrase for a second okay what what the what happened what happened the delivery dumb didn't label looking back over there shrunk us with that race smoker danke what I think I think he said we're the size of Apple now gross I think I think Ethan was a skill as builders a milkshake something My milkshake brings all the fruits to the yard you know how goes oh yeah gets dragged out can't touch those milkshakes looks like there's some chocolate chips or something there pop laser blasts what's happening Wow check out this cool keyboard that is super so wait what's a sander I will ruin your kick delivery why would you do that that's crummy okay that's not the way to go now what if I suppose go on the keyboard let's try the oh yeah I see I see you gotta see on these keys don't go to their keys oh you got the key to get it cuz it's a keyboard don't touch me okay those are darts I see their nerve starts whoa cool hey what's up buddy feeling ducky we got a monster huh that person is a hater what you're most likely trying to stop us from delivering the cake to eat them ah we're delivering cake so it was a drum or something ha ha ha hopping on darts in farts one I jumped on it I wanted my cake and eat it too that's it I don't I don't want to eat cake he's my friend Louis whoa rags it to the top here we go here we go here we go yeah keep that chick boy sweet you got pizzas on the ground there's pizzas and hamburgers hello I don't know if you still should store those on the ground it's kind of hard to run with a cake on your back but you know what I can do it it's just mind over matter I get it batter batter okay mind if I drop in well what's going on over here hey you feeling lucky buddy it's not quite that for the move but this heart beating in it what do you say take me out to the ball game that's work okay JC do you guys have any orange you could spray me with you know because it is my favorite card you say ha ha ha what you can do is just add a little bit or engineer come over go down here what is this thing cool looks like a giant Sour Patch Kid jump on the beat back my favorite board meets that I'm surprised no one has ate all of it buy me time I'm gonna give you a pizza my mind hey Jace over time please don't kill me don't kill me bro my skills are a little bit crusty oh yeah burger boy here we go ha ha ha check boys we got it guys real careful there we got one do I got it with my pinky towel you know I pick it out let it out can I make it totally [Laughter] [Music] moving up in the world though or not yeah yeah this is pretty stylish avi I'm diggin it you're gonna catch up on this I missed it today I'll show you what you're not supposed to do guys just showing you just want you to know see there you go you just go around and you don't yeah don't touch that I'm just telling you just is you know now a little bit tougher a little bit less space to be doing there we go get it what's this what's this ring what is this well no it's a port-o-potty I didn't go to the bathroom in the Porta Potty I promise can I go around this yes mate is that way well let me go am I supposed to like fart louder than the sound waves and I'll set this aside sound waves what am I supposed to go here what the pop'n'fresh is going on here come on now we're not having a bob [Music] stop an evil sound waves push me get this cake into space [Music] no we're not playing soccer I know I've lost my goal in life okay you should've told me that why just give me something oh it's a bugle no it's a boo-boo sailor I get it cuz the soccer boo-boos Ayla you my friend what what am I supposed to do I'm gonna get the ceiling here oh he's a former sailor go to the end of the jump back yeah I backed back jumping backs yo hey I can make up of Jose decide without of a was a lap watch exactly like it right good okay I thought I supposed to ride on that trophy hunter don't touch those things okay stay away from me weird the Prowler to do all the wards have those things now then their blades out on expand that that'd kill you I didn't know that usually when you get an award it's a good thing maybe they change sticks around now okay going up here that's a weird okay I wouldn't have that attached to my door but that's just me cool check it off the background you can see y'all's YouTube awards so wait that's ready go all right now what are we doing oh cool Rhett link red link the sausage legs okay no they're not sausage links but they could be you never know it might be sausage links in disguise they're wearing human costume okay no I don't wanna go in that side go around the side here we go you're gonna work your grind crime in the ladder a little weird but that's okay hey my stir really fits the bill doesn't ask have those beyblades are still moving almost there we just have to reach that rate arrested array what would you sleep with my friend ray I really came out on top on that one yeah I get it there's a time here just for the top don't get killed [Music] it's nice to meet you too hey hey come back here now I deliver the cakes you can't deliver the cakes before me what you doing yo what'd you do it oh yeah you can I was joking around don't you care for the cakes how'd you walk right do it how'd you walk my dog okay I can do it I can do it you guys you can't I've shown you guys what not to do yeah do with all this on purpose you know me on the top dog get cuz it stop okay here we go here we go get a try to get one if you just perched up there real nice I'm gonna come over where you at you can jab here we go here we go here we go you ain't got a tummy tuck whoo hi kids jitter oh he died - oh you found the pieces you okay Rhys pieces just like two steps away and then it kills me every single time stop doing it oh here you got the next checkpoint I see are you ain't for me oh that's so nice kid okay from each I know I'm tough dog yeah I see jump in I see jumping buddy I see you boo-boo you're pretty good at dodging that dang that's awesome okay okay I gotta use all the skills as dodging nice for five bucks and years I'm getting my whoa that was close alright we got this you guys we closed car delivered a fix hey everybody loved the cake dad what kind of cake it is better not be an orange cake my friend but I can't do it right now I'm doing some business I got some business to do you accept your friends retina cake hold on I missed it oh well I'll get you next time buddy I'll get you next time hold on let me finish this gonna roll you want from speed geez bg5 got speedy speedy jeans actually I don't I'm not wearing jeans let's jump into that Ray Ray make us big again oh oh that's right I've delivered some cakes up in here with that body party time it's a litlle we did it we can't no even got this birthday cake I stopped the heater oh thanks for the help you're welcome yeah yeah yeah blocking up the haters yo yeah hey with a funny funny cat out to me so slow I just kidding I'm just kidding I know you waiting for me alright guys so much for watching but you're there any gigs with my video next door again so good the next time laters [Music] with another game video look where we're at we're um we're playing the escape The Fatman hobby oh wow it's a giant growl we're just chillin and Grillin pages somebody's at stand over here I always really wanted to meet you I can't meet we're jumping I meet again missing sausage link oh my baby we're going over here we're trying to escape the fat man who I think is gonna try and even though you're gone the right way go this way got spinach a winter a little bit first right yeah we gotta do come on buddy this way then all these hot dogs and stuff you never sausage you're safe before killing such a say sorry just say yeah now it's fitting it to win it okay where we going they're great Wow ain't nothing but chicken wing or chicken egg yeah come on let's go shake a chicken leg well you kind of glitch in there a little bit late come always do this whoa that was close make no bones about it yeah all right taking us all the way to the frosted flakes bucks bear girl right yeah that's a saint oh we're going up in a world huh oh you know I kind of feel like we're actually going towards the giant Batman anything's Hey look his teeth look like mine you want you back you back you want me go over here floating Oreos I see potent Oreos over there wow we've already really got a long way yeah that's where we were all the way over there man they're way behind haha orgy takes the lead Oreos and burgers and cereal all bye bud I'm sorry I'm sorry I have to say it every time there's a hamburger involved in something I gotta say I got a look at the bun bag I'm gonna stop all right looks like you got some pretty lips over here you gotta make a job come back Oh orgy man cementing yeah yeah oh we're doing pretty good all right we're doing it we're doing you guys doing a little loop-d-loop what happened my exploding one is even happening hello I answered the board dance Wow the cortex like pulled me into a million bees that was weird I was really way you're don't do that one out into the vortex I'm exploding but yeah I'm still together what then many times am I gonna die of the flu I see oh you have to jump right in the middle of them you should leave that with me I would fall right through the middle and into the milk but okay apparently and this one it doesn't that's why I was trying to jump on the edges up down now makes more sense do it yeah what's back do it you can do it come out hey you messed up those Froot Loops you're gonna have some fruity soap that's my favorite flavor it yeah nice to meet you do Oh check out my sharp jumping skills please no no no chopping there we go yeah you try to give me now you couldn't do it you could do it orgy still alive that's right okay kids your bunnies fry guys I'm feeling a little fried if you know what I mean oh yeah see that jump on this one he's got a got time this just right you guys almost there don't want to fall off into the fryer getting oil oh and look at the bacon looking pretty good crispy Casey oh yeah sitting in the fryer just bacon in the heat you knew it you knew I was gonna say it you could you tell good yeah you can read my mind or should I say you can read my rhyme speaking of which I'm gonna give you a piece of my mind all right I have to jump on random toppings to see if I can get over there it's all random apparently looks like we want to get over to the [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] right I mean see those sweet spinning skills awesome pretty good okay where we at we're in the stomach now and apparently if he just eats food hole and he doesn't enjoy look at this Hall cakes in here seriously chew your food that's gross hey you want some more of it ha ha ha ha ha hey guys check out my buns every time it never is it not funny no way no how never ever never not never funny I just convinced myself orange sometimes you know oh I don't know what this is but I don't want to be in here right now I don't want to be eating you guys Oh although I gotta say it's pretty doubt it you can make your stomach juices your stomach acid a form in a checkerboard pattern it's pretty cool I don't know how you do that but that's pretty cool yo hip hop hip hop anonymous hippopotamus hip hop anonymous yeah that's where I died I make no bones about it I marry make that joke I really fell for that one what I followed you browse yeah this level is my favorite color purple Joe's wrong once again what'll I do the very rotunda man has eaten me once again my crown of a spine or way what is this like want to know what this is shiny touching this yeah grouse pony pony floating bones this is from all the chicken legs you ain't know what's up what's happening either that or you have a lot of bones dislocated you're just floating around your body you should probably get that checked out you might want to see a doctor beyond he goes to doctor doc she's like what's wrong and he's like nothing it's not too bad it's just every time I sneeze four bones come out of my nose so he picks me back Wow I didn't mean to do that I'm sorry looks like we're all alone right now we're operating on a skeleton crew what those pretty humorous wasn't it I get it cuz there's a boat call the humors in your body not my body cuz I'm just puppy I don't have bones yeah I know I know my buns are bad to the bone just give up these cookies they're coming out he just can't stop Oh an apple gross not even an apple that hurts my feelings you're an apple you're an apple for eating all of my friends and even my nan friends like apples they simply laugh a little apples awesome yeah Wow wow that was close you tried to kill me right there didn't you Wow rodents wrote it down a river of weird GUI by juices bounce if your body if your body was a band if he called a nerd Skynyrd that was a weird joke well I got a friend here we're not robbing out of stuck out the crew hey you can't go in front me first let me go first you know what I want you to hurt yourself or just breasts wow you really like to slide me around a bunch don't you what are we even going oh I see right here oh we got this jump in you want you talk about this two days yeah yeah okay that's for doing spending it to winning it gotta get a little bit of a pirouette though it's cute here we go with spinning spinning spinning someone in here we go yeah now we're traveling in style watch me get so dizzy I barf hey what is this what is this Oh are we going down oh I see rainbows down here what is he happening I'm floating oh hey I got the drop on you guys now there's no in here cool is this and is this inside that guy's body am I still in the guy's body did he eat an entire cabin and rainbow slides did he do that that's weird if that's what he did oh wait I think this is the end it is yeah I really hope I made an outside of his body because if this is the end and I'm still inside of his body I don't think that's a win oh yeah we come rainbow action Apogee look at that look at that so pretty so pretty oh you can't stop me I am your biggest fan thanks lien master that was pretty hot to me being a sane goobies may occur bean are you gonna try out this super super duper slide let's do this [Music] [Laughter] faceplant well thank you guys for watching I'll make sure you do everything care to make a smoke pop your video on your next totally searches so good cuz it's got im eating me in the escaping I think I hope I'm escape [Music] [Music]
Channel: Annoying Orange Gaming
Views: 4,972,404
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: annoying orange, ao gaming, ao games, let's play, ios, gameplay, annoying orange gaming, satire, spoof, roblox, roblox obbys, minecraft, cartoon, comedy, escape obbys, Obstacle, parody, video games, fun, silly
Id: 1lc70jf6mYw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 101min 44sec (6104 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 10 2019
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