HOW2: How To Do 100 Things! [Saturday Supercut]

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hey there fruit lovers it's orange and kicking up a brand new series showing you how to do all kinds of awesome stuff yeah first up we're here to show you how to tie the tie step one pick a tie preferably an orange one sure then you're gonna want to hang it around your neck like a superhero's cape and then you take to the sky orange wait we're talking about tying a tie you know for people who want to look good at business meetings and whatnot hey your next business meeting and I promise you'll look awesome okay can we please discuss how to actually tie the tie please yep okay first step you're gonna need a crane crane and that's some lotion what rub the rain and motion together until the friction starts a fire then roast marshmallows orange chair what are you yelling at me for no I thought we were just yelling names at each other Carl Steve endemic and Sue great now we're out of time listen if you guys want to tie a tie just ask your dad and if your dad's super cool ask your rash God can you please be serious for two seconds dude okay okay wanna tie your tie step one is to light the fuse of some TNT that is not the step one of anything what its origin pair today we're gonna explain how to get rich sweat that's right orange now first thing to do is have a financial plan mine is to buy a small dog huh why is that because all rich people have small dogs bare how did you notice so your financial plan is to do what other rich people do sure and the second thing I've known as rich people do they spend lots of money hey to make money you gotta spend money there now get out there buy everything you can watts vacations expensive socks burn your money in a big pile if you can in order to get rid of it even faster that kind of advice is this oh if you have access to TNT you're exactly gonna want to detonate the money with what why here do you have any idea how quickly you can get rid of a million dollars if you blow it up with TNT you want to get more money not get rid of it that's a pretty simplistic way of looking at it don't you think it is simple next thing I've noticed rich people do I have plastic surgery done to their faces so it's the money that's replenished since you blew up all your other money go get Botox and basically have a doctor give your face the works yeah you look terrible like that terribly rest what you look like ah what an earth boy a breasts hey don't ask me I guess you saw it as a quality investment oh and don't forget you're gonna want to block your plastic surgery with TNT why do I even make these videos with you buddy welcome back to how to no question we here at the show getting asked a lot is which way is the bathroom know what there's no boys no nobody asks that is the world actually a burrito to knock it off okay a real question we often get asked is how to remember your dreams oh yeah I forgot just like my dreams well luckily there's some easy steps that you can take to help recall your dreams the next day after you wake up step one put a note pad next to your bed yeah the pencil can be used to stab the boogeyman what no no it's so you can write down and the pad of paper can be used to store the paper in a pinch I wasn't paper what are you talking about you can never be too prepared to make sure your diet is rich in pairs hey that's not true you're just encouraging people to eat pears especially noisy boring fair by a helicopter what it won't help you remember your dreams but you'll probably sleep really well knowing that you own a helicopter what if this is on the actual list orange can we please get this back on the rails that reminds me of step 4 give orange all your money and give pear a wet willy every time you see none of these things have anything to do a cow stop giving me wet willies until next time I'm orange this is better and I've completely forgotten what this episode was supposed to be about hey everyone he's orange he's hair came today on how to we're tackling a question from Kendall's week who asked us how to get a girlfriend it's a great question in an area I happen to be an expert in what are you talking about dude you've been denying you even have a crush on passion for like six years haha you make me laugh a clamp is terrible step one for getting a girlfriend make it clear to her how you feel pranking her is always a good way to let her know that you have a crush when you tie your shoelaces together like a scary clown and surprise her when she's carrying a bunch of stuff those are textbook examples of what not to do if you do these things to a girl she's going to think you hate her you silly silly oblong child the orange method is well proven to attract ladies like flies to a honey pot that's why I have a best-selling dating advice book attracting fly girls in Drive fly steps really what's step two then impress her with your awesomeness this is gonna require you to damage some public property or risk your own life in some way helicopter these or terrible do you think that's upsetting we haven't even gotten to step three yet which is dress up oh well that's probably good advice let me finish dress up like a scary clown and scare again which is doing something important like taking a test delivering a baby this sounds like the worst book of all time it received over eight such awards in fact and you're proud of this because that bar is actually to write a terrible book and dare I ask what Step five is I'd like I'm gonna give it all away by the book okay okay okay fine come close and I'll whisper it in your ear okay closer okay closer yeah you ready yes can you hear me barely but yes Step five is we've got a request from morgan beck who would like to know how to apply makeup you came to the right place morgan coz there's an expert Hey well I actually have been watching a lot of YouTube tutorials for research lipstick shade that doesn't clash with your skin tone wow that's actually true and then apply the lipstick directly to your eyeball what research shows that people find red and pink eye balls to be the most attractive also apply a little lipstick to your butt if you like to give it a rosy bankable appearance where are you coming up with this stuff next up is mascara right mascara can be used to extend your eyelashes and skewer your iPhone oh are you kidding me for cleaning pair you know what they say mascara brushes are the q-tips of the pimple nobody says that and if you put the mascara in the freezer overnight you can enjoy a refreshing mascara pop alright alright now the last and most important thing is eye shadow Oh No many makeup stores DNT can be exchanged for eyeshadow i guess that's not untrue just a little eyeshadow is all it takes to give your eyes a sexy smoky look that i'll try deep a wild bra on the breasts orange now because it only takes a little eyeshadow to do the trick you're gonna have a lot left over just take it back to the makeup store and refund it with a PMT you buddy with orange with your new beautiful face and a fistful of tnt you're undoubtedly gonna be in the mood to juggle your tea and tea sticks next to an open flame it won't be long until someone comes along and starts an Sonia you know because you're looking so bad at that point your attention is gonna be understandably divided and you'll probably drop the sticks of TNT yeah I think we got that thank you orange welcome to how to I'm pear loser say what what Oh real mature dude okay today we're taking a suggestion from Elijah Anderson how to play chess first thing we'll need to discuss are the individual pieces the small ones with the round tops are called short Roundy's actually they're called pawns yeah and they move vertically you know like rocket ships no no peace moves vertically the horsie piece is called mr. M the mr. Epis can't move but I can talk orange now the castle looking thinking is called a gray Hawk what the crap ha grows into the boarding to pop up anywhere at any time don't know if this is true the groundhog sees a shadow it means there will be eight more weeks of overturning the chessboard come on a chessboard takes forever to set up not true just hit the reset button and where is this magical reset button at the bottom of the board right next to the TNT button but look at to that later right now we need to discuss what the five versus five pieces do those are bishops orange not true it's five versus five now the Spy vs 5 pieces carry out clever capers against one another okay listen guys orange has no clue how to play chess you were all Dumber for having listened to this the last two pieces are the Queen the King the king can move one square in any direction okay this is actually true yeah and the Queen is secretly a stick of TNT dog rats now I remember the TNT button from earlier if you say the word of Jumanji at any point during the game the TNT button will activate press the activated button and the Queen will take out every piece within a trillion square radius are you done now almost just one more piece to cover huh there are no other pieces what about the loser say what piece what orange a bear here with how to ride a bike thanks to Ruben Gil for the suggestion and the compliment now there are a few things you'll need to do before you could get rolling on your bike yeah buy a helmet do your taxes install training wheels the national anthem study traffic laws and hand signals mekin elephants all seriousness you don't have to like an elephant's butt thank you well a properly fitting helmet should be snug enough that it doesn't slide around on your head and if you place a second helmet next to your helmet it looks like an elven fine but dude no buts next you'll want to learn hand signals for right turn left turn he'll turn turn over turn down for life we're talking about real turns only orange moving on to training wheels make sure they're round wheel should be round yeah valid point thanks orange very helpful so wheel should spin if it's not rounded it doesn't spend there's a good chance you didn't actually install a wheel you may have made a common mistake of installing an elephant's I am so sorry to all of you hey everyone world master King gave us a good one this week how to make a video game you are you even know how to code yep my favorite code is the talking hey that's not the type of code that's useful here dude all day every day no dude just because you play a bunch of video games doesn't mean that you know how to make a video game that's why step one for making a video game is to learn how to code the bad guys no not yet there are still like a dozen steps to go before you can actually play the game who's talking about bale games I was saying you should blow up bad guys in real life oh can we please stay on track here step 2 learn how to draw this way you can design really cool-looking characters what why all this designing is bound to get you hungry Oh step 4 should be the scrapped original concept and make a video game about sandwiches stop by the raw sandwich at the back pack sandwiches orange no that only made it stronger try oh you have sandwiches in any other situation are you done the next step is to map out the plot of your game what a funny word why is that funny I was wrong it's black funny at all dude this video isn't helping people learn how to make video games at all okay okay let's do this for reals step one get some bread deli meat step two get some mayonnaise step three these are the stuff for making a sandwich yeah I forgot what the video was about one more what some TNT in between the deli meat don't you dare make a TNT sandwich it's time for how to use a microwave anything for that we have Mario you're gonna want to plug it in step 2 climb inside no do not climb inside the microwave once I want to be a superhero but getting inside a microwave isn't the way to do it do you wish you could be not that it has anything to do with what this video is about but [Music] orage stop it now this is actually a good point for the audience to know for what metal in a microwave you'll start a fire on the other hand if you ever find yourself crazy dap in the wilderness putting metal in the microwave is a good way to get a fire going it could save your life why would anyone have a microwave in the wilderness why would anybody get bored with your face push buttons on the microwave until it magically start you don't actually have to push them at random orange does every microwave separate so just push buttons and hope for the best if you actually happened to push the buttons in the correct order he'll have punched in the sorcerer is close sorcerers code unlocks all sorts of magical powers including time travel why Daisy let's fight Eason dude give it up you'll never be spider-man do it I won't I'd like to clarify for the audience that there is no such thing as the sorcerer is cold your microwave cannot transport you back in time it just depends on who makes a microwave is it ge ge makes no magical microwave oven yeah whatever put me into the microwave no just kidding what is why during a ceasefire a microwave no but pear in the microwave absolutely not it's your choice pear it's either you or I put all these other things in fine but all those other things in but don't say I didn't warn you not gonna be good he's Orange Walk Horn gave us this week's prompt how to behave in a movie theater the correct way to behave of course is like a snake I'm sorry what when you're at a theater you should behave like a snake yeah snakes are really quiet oh yeah well I guess that's true Plus spikes never have to be told to keep their arms to themselves good point yeah I guess behaving like a snake is a pretty decent way of putting it now another thing snakes do is crawl on the floor so when you're in a theater you're gonna want to do that Oh snakes also swallow their food whole so we're gonna make an effort to get all your food into yourself because that one's orange hair I'm in the middle of an analogy here finally snakes can shed their skin so if you're closer skin starts feeling orange the snake analogy doesn't work you cannot take off all your clothes in a movie theater okay well how about a fish fish don't shed their skin plus they're super quiet I don't know they are what was the last time you heard a fish make a peep mmm never I guess see so when you're behaving like a fish in a theatre you're gonna need to breathe so be sure to bring some water to spray [ __ ] your gills they won't actually have gills and since fish can't read you won't be able to locate the bathroom like oh well I'm sorry pair what animal do you suggest they behave like in a theatre a human you should behave like a human being in a movie theater a human being being human being is a human being like a human at fart sound good advice to me I'm not saying beam you heard it here folks when you're sitting in a theater next thanks to the prompter provided by Tidmouth harbor fifty-two today we're gonna train you how to tie your shoes step one is to start with your laces completely untied and step two is to get shoes with Velcro what a doing we're here to teach them how to tie laced shoes that's gonna take forever though why are you making a video where you're a shoe tying expert I'm not now I'm making a video where I'm a spaceship expert that's a way better video you can't hijack the video like this the audience tuned in expecting a video about tying their shoes and if that's what they actually tuned in for they should get out more cuz spaceships and aliens are way more exciting step one of space exploration get a spaceship with an intergalactic warp drive it's not even a real thing it sure is real real awesome find an alien who's trying to tie his shoes good thank you alien super tight circles until you form my biggest step 3 and it's a crucial step please tell me there's not a step 4 step bars do a pair with the space exploration video cuz it's kinda getting boring and sticky with all that fart floating around instead start doing a video about dinosaurs on trampolines dinosaurs aren't meant to be on trampoline I'm out of here wait t-rex gets off the trampoline he's gonna need to put his shoes back on right I suppose so I suppose you'll need to know how to tie his shoes exactly so first the t-rex needs to put his shoes on but he can't because his arms too short look at him try just give up because he's never gonna get those things on so instead he should take up a hobby like space exploration I can't believe I fell for this leave me alone he's going in to exploit everywhere he realizes the shoe aliens are made out of sweet Jenny wants to know how to get a job you came to the right place Jenny I'm an expert at landing jobs dude you've never had a job in your life yeah what you talkin about Willis jobs jobs those are just hobbies of your ah that bread paid me to stop heckling him Jenny asked a serious question so let's give her a serious answer step one check for job listings in your city they could be hiding anywhere so pay extra pair of underwear in case one really surprises you no job listings can be found online or in your local paper yeah I stand by the underwear thing now once you find a listing you like on step 2 get your resume in order and dress professionally if yeah I what around your forehead like Rambo Orange good maybe the job interview is for the role of Rambo 3 punch the interviewer in the face I'm sorry what well I mean if the interview is for a face punching position that is that's not a job I think you'd be surprised pear know if it's a correct kickin job you're interviewing for here you really show yourself if it's a desk booping job you're after dude enough we are talking about normal jobs that have nothing to do with crotch kicking or desk pooping how about nipple slapping no all right now at the end of the interview you'll want to give a firm handshake if you don't have hands maybe lift their hand or maybe just yell the word handshake at them really loudly people ignore everything coming out of oranges mouth it may also be polite to give the interviewer a small gift just to show you how much you appreciate the opportunity okay that's actually not terrible advice so if it's a desk poking division you're after go ahead and leave the gift directly on their desk before you leave alright this video is over Aaron are you ready to handle whatever you throw our way I stand corrected okay today our prompt is to lose weight that's a great question with that simple answer just inhale some helium from a balloon let me make you lighter dude nothing else your voice will sound super funny okay doesn't count as exercise [Music] anyway back to actual ways to lose weight oh I don't wait to lose a bunch of weight super quick chop up your legs what dude don't tell people to chop off their limbs why not we're doing fine without him no one chopped anything off there are much better ways to lose weight like exercising exactly exercising your right to chop up your leg the goop on your buddy yes sir now get him laughing together you'll giggle away the jiggle listen you can actually lose weight by combining a healthy diet Wario aerobic exercise like jogging or swimming or touching you talk to your eyeballs no touching your tongue to your boss no touching your tongue to a TV detonators don't you dare good Oh TNT could be really useful someone wanted to lose a lamb bone works for Luther later okay geez Louise so diet and exercise is probably the way to go correct so like I was saying Johnny verse well we're biking are all great ways to burn calories you're diagnosed black they just pump it back up Orange good idea and I bet that's really good exercise sure yeah and when you're finished whooping wait wait a minute that's no boy club they're here it's time for how to now orange has been giving a lot of poor advice recently so I took care of it by duct-taping his mouth shot this is nice I should have done that a long time ago hey you this week the epic HT wants to know how to become a famous youtuber oh well I guess you start a channel and then just be really funny okay I'm not really qualified to answer this orange is the one who's super famous here on YouTube I can't believe I'm gonna do this but orange I'm good on tape you you're going to seriously and honestly answer the questions without any nonsense got it okay here it goes you're having a trampoline what's why I want to be a famous youtuber you need to get a giraffe at a trampoline so you can record the trampoline jumping on the giraffe you being a giraffe jumping on a trampoline oh those videos are a dime a dozen hair no one's ever seen a trampoline jump on a draft before so that's what you gotta tell cool anything folks can do that's actually you know physically possible get some Groucho Marx glasses it's a DAT no no you don't what with the glasses on the TNT and record on 20 lakhs people would watch that if you say so I swear I'll put the duct tape back on dude okay okay another way to become a famous youtubers tip a friend someone who's already a famous youtuber you know like hey so everybody emailed a force on the secret YouTube friendship password what's the password adoy TNT why do I even have any advice on video equipment mr. butt parts 1/3 wants to be a famous youtuber make sure you have a camera with at least 8 megapixels why is that so you can zoom a not stops your neighbor your nose your skin whoa I didn't know that there were cameras that zoom didn't that far nothing check out what I discovered on cars yesterday with my million megapixel camera aliens dude you discovered aliens this is you yeah kind of small little size but my camera zooms in way more than that what is he yeah sure hold on zoom out zoom orange and this is pear my best friend for the last time I'm not your best friend and this is get it cuz there's no guys yeah did they get it dude today's question is how to use uber ooh that's a good one almost as good as our friendship pair whatever dude as far as ride-sharing apps it's super easy step one we'll need a smart phone a smart phone can be pretty complicated not to mention expensive because of all the candy involved but you don't need TNT to build a phone make sure you have all the electrical and computer components as a thorough understanding of Cody Orange you don't need to build a smart phone they come pre-made well I guess you could do that if you're lazy now once you set up the app request a car to pick you up wherever you are now building a car is definitely gonna be tricky no you don't have to build the car a car that has already been built will come to wherever you are now in order for the driver to find your exact location it's gonna need your precise coordinates for this you'll need a compass a sextant and an understanding of the night sky dude it's 2016 you don't need any of that stuff the app automatically finds your location for you oh well if you out of the cool you're gonna want to carry it around what are you doing sidenote sextant is a funny word that you can say that adults can't get mad at you for sextant sextant holy moly yes very funny how finally the uber car will pick you up and take you to your desk which point you get out without paying the driver but you better run fast cuz the cuts will probably be on the scene in a matter of minute what why are the cops coming because he's don't arrive without Bank duh here's some advice stick to alleys and back streets there's a lot of places to hide but fewer witnesses will be able to get a good look at you for identification later just cuz you left the car without paying doesn't mean you stole the ride you automatically pay for it over your balls yeah and I automatically pay for your book with my phone hey give it back I paid for it using my phone see pay pear bowl doesn't even work it's a monstrosity plus it appears to be made out of TNT for some reason you're a monstrosity made out of TNT sorry this video was so unhelpful guys hey hey Wow no way it's made of tea a team will probably blow up no matter I signed it for about two telemarketing lists so it's only a matter of time before someone comes my ball today hey everyone I'm pear and this is orange wearing a bandanna for some reason hey knock it off this rocking bandanna is in honor of today's epic question Wow to play a guitar [Music] two seconds one grab that guitar by the neck and to wail as hot as you can fine and dandy orange but it takes a lot of practice before you can get to the point where you can wail awesomely leave it's a bear to make rock and roll boring and the guitar isn't strictly for rock and roll dude there are other styles like acoustic jazz classical there's Spanish guitar hi bear I can't hear you over this amp you you are terrible at the guitar that's not even music sure was it's the opening chords my favorite song of all time please get back on track if you want to learn to play the guitar step one is to learn the basic core crippling boredom strings and see what happens ought to be sort of like a yak barfing well then think I'll a mountain of amps wasn't plugged in please don't [Music] blown away by your whitey tighties I'm not I'm not cleaning that we're supposed to be talking about guitars that's right let's talk paint jobs we didn't even talk about people like blank but I kind of got more creative volumes Alvin but wait a minute it's the guitar I use when I play TNT you know my favorite song alright also it's actually made out of TNT do not play that guitar welcome to how to ignore him those aren't our names would watch a show called orange pear what does that even mean if your brain is shrinking by the day dude alright this week's prompt comes courtesy of minions Vance ermita who wants to know how to use a computer Wow it's a wonder they were able to submit that rock considering they don't know how to use a computer but I'm sure glad they did first step is to turn the computer off now there's probably a power button with this symbol step to get your group already what it's only a matter of time before the computer infuriates you in some way and unleashing your rage with the crowbar will prove really therapeutic smash your computer with a crowbar you know what pair makes a good point my jammers are far more devastating use one of those if you can no I mean don't smash your computer at all hmm interesting I'm listening dude if your computer starts acting up just take it in to get fixed Wow anyway once the computer boots up use your mouse to move the arrow on-screen yeah say for example you want to buy a sledgehammer just move the arrow to the by sledgehammer button and click a mouse um okay keep in mind that technology is advancing at an incredible rate that's true and it's only a matter of time before your computer gained sentience and is able to perform basic tasks without your employed dude will your computer be good or even go either way if your computer winds up being evil you're gonna be glad you bought that extra sledgehammer your laptop computer will not gain sentience and turn evil hmm that's exactly the type of thing a sentient computer posing as my best friend would say I am NOT up hey you get that sledgehammer away from me what's 2+2 4 you do that in your head you're a computer anyone can do that in their head you just did in your head right now you're right yeah my computer don't point that sledgehammer at yourself our fuel we run on TNT please just don't swing that sledge hammer anywhere near there what do we have for the fruit lovers this week all right wants to know how to survive in case you find yourself stranded on a deserted island delicious I love me some dessert that's not what that means dude so here's what you do first take care of the big three survival basics food water shelter for a shelter check into the nearest hotel well so long as it doesn't look too seedy or there are no hotels on a deserted island hey yeah that's what makes it deserted you have to figure out how to survive with no help no amenities no fresh water oh gosh yeah wait so how do you get fresh water I'm glad you asked you can use large broad leaves to catch rainfall for one thing and actually when things get really dire some people have been known to stave off dehydration by drinking their own urine between dying or drinking your own urine I think it becomes a pretty easy decision no kidding it's easy I choose dying 10 times out of 10 I guess that's your decision to make but I wasn't planning on spending this much time discussing urine drinking maybe we could go on to another picture thank bear when you gotta go you gotta go anyway once you've gotten creative and taking care of your immediate survival it's time to drink your own pee no no as I was saying it's time to worry about getting saved you have two choices either stay on the island and hope someone finds you or leave the island in hopes of finding help if you decide to stay gather sticks and make a message and the same that's right this way planes and helicopters can see you're in distress and save you or you can just make them laugh what flying the plane can get really boring so feel free to spice up the day with a knock-knock joke or a picture of an elephant by Oren just write the word help and then go drink some of your own beat you're ruining this video now if there's enough water on the island you may be able to fashion a raft and if there are palm fronds you might be able to weave a basket okay and if you weave it really well you might even be able to get a receptacle to hold rainwater that's true or you're on me this is the last time I try to teach you something new alright I'll stop now I can see you're in a bad mood I just want to see you happy you're number one that's orange that's pear in that tree and that's a beluga whale what that's not important right now cuz we ever do episode to do yep today's prompt comes courtesy of two sports kit who wants to know how to win at Scrabble great question see why don't win at Scrabble the most important thing is to avoid losing well that's not untrue I don't see where you're going with this if you find yourself losing at Scrabble ask yourself what happened any chance of winning this game if the answer is no then there's only one thing you can do flip the board is anger that's it dude you've lost all answering privileges I'm taking over now to be good at Scrabble it helps to know a lot of words and that includes swear words get no it doesn't probably a good idea to get the official scrabble dictionary memorizing all the two letter words is a great place to start favorite is the two letter word hold on let me check don't egg isn't a word remind me to never play Scrabble with you we're already plays oh well okay let's see here oh I can play the word Perkins for 48 points I'll say that might be the highest scoring word I've ever played all right what are you gonna play that's right today rocked his butt wants to know how to get ripped great question raucous and it just so happens that I know the 2011 mister fruit limpia that's an image that's gonna haunt my dreams forever then you should see the photo of me winning miss fruit limpia my eyes but seriously a trip is a result of two simple things dice and exercise that's right for diet try filling your plate with high-protein low-calorie foods like pigs cottage cheese and deep fried large no orange those are like the worst foods possible for getting ripped oh I know how to get RIPD did I hear you slip a TNT into the list back there who me I would never good let's keep it that way shall we no as for exercise start lifting small amounts of weight then slowly add weight over time for example the first time you go to the gym try lifting just one stick of TNT why the following week try the p10 wait why are we lifting sticks of TNT instead of waste that's what I said lift one pound weights the first week two pound weights the second week no you did not I got it I think you're being really paranoid oh yeah please have one episode that doesn't end in an explosion please all right what the who are you I'm orange no you're not you're TNT that's just what I said I'm TNT you just said that you were orange hawk you're mistaken we're TNT why does this always happen to me wait wait wait wait wait why are all the lights out I don't know I'm completely in the dark about it - yeah well I guess now's a great time to tackle charizard films prompt how to replace a light bulb replacing a light bulb doesn't happen hard that's right and yet I already take 100 tones to unscrew one you're gonna need to get to the light bulb there's a good chance it's high up and out of reach and if your little apple chances are great no eating with light bulb is easy if you have rocket boosters dude rocket boosters why wouldn't you just use a ladder well the light bulb might be on the moon pear you didn't specify all right then allow me to specify the light bulb is not on the moon jeez now step two remove the burnt-out ball no it's screwing the bulb isn't gonna be easy so you'll need to mount rocket boosters on the sides the ball unscrewing the light bulb is super easy dude now would you quit it with the rocket boosters okay okay right after that they finally Step three your new light bulb in now picking the right bulb can be difficult right because some bulbs might actually be TNT this guy says a light bulb wait what it's true a light bulb ugh B TNT in disguise come to save ya but that's just a really weird thing to just say go ahead pick up a pair just pick wisely why do you keep suggesting the light bulb is TNT all right here goes weren't man I thought you were tricking me with TNT for sure no way Jose although now that the room is lit I can finally see where I hit my deity huh where'd you hide it Oh over there near where I left the rocket boosters flying around haphazardly huh he's orange and he's sort of a light greenish color this week diamond doll wants to know how to deal with your baby sibling Oh baby that's a good one different siblings can be tough to deal with because they require a lot of your parents attention they cry a lot and they need to have their diapers wrinkly an ugly little wet hairless Bulldogs smell like them too first remember that your baby sibling needs you they can't do even the most basic things for themselves they need help so if your baby sibling wants to ride the dog like a rodeo bull don't do it alone always handle your baby sibling very carefully they're not as big and strong as you so it's possible to hurt them accidentally yeah so hold them as carefully as you'd hold the flocks of hands yes that's true but I don't know why we need to introduce TNT into the conversation no you shouldn't ever like either one on fire okay Wow all valid points orange thanks for really taking this video to the next level I think videos to the Redis beer also a brief note you should not shoot your baby sibling into the Rattus beer even if they are in fact rat enough to exist in the rat affair okay fine remember that your baby sibling is going to grow up to be one of the most important people in your life so even though they might do a lot of things that annoy you like Riley middle of the night slept like naked boback's require a lot of your parents attention right a rocket ship into space wearing sunglasses to share your bedroom light a stick DMT when no one's looking light a stick them wait wait what what are you wearing it's time for help you you don't know it Daniel and this week's propped is all right let's get this over with I suppose Telus Fonzarelli what's the first step in becoming cool Jones Robert Tom Cruise's character's name wasn't Top Gun cows okay I was with you up until cows their house have the best leather jackets of all time your skin yes I can't argue with that and that's what makes them cool dude you want to be cool eat a bunch of grass let's respectfully disagree would you stop hitting things and yelling eh I'm not a jukebox step 3 wherever you want this is terrible advice step 4 hang out barns and fields and also croak utters you're just listening cow things now only say one word let me guess Moo nope the word I'm talking about is hey why is there TNT buy that jukebox with your host orange and pear dude I think you meant to say how to there's only two of us oh not this week let's make I cloned myself and brought an extra meal wha oh this is not good anyway this week and two wants to know how to make a book great question my quote and I will attempt to answer in unison please focus on the book stuff alright step 1 come up with a great story something interesting that's never been done before that's right catapulted into oblivion using a teeter totter I will not apologize for catapulting your annoying blown Orange step 2 get the book published for this you might need some help from someone else like the publisher or a clown no or an agent okay someone else is Agent Orange made you say Agent Orange right once you get the book published you'll need to promote it that's step 3 now promotion is a lot of work for one person it's a good thing you have a nobody you're just being ridiculous let me guess it involves clothing this week Natasha wants to know how to survive a fire right here now this is my kind of question what the matches away dude this episode is all about fire safety while there's ever a fire in your house the first thing to remember is that your life is way more important than any of your stuff well except for the bear no your life is more important than any for you oh no what is it you just made him up besides I'm your best friend I finally got you to admit it anyway if there's a fire you should immediately get out of your house you might not be able to use a door so you can climb out the window or first with a wall like the kool-aid man if there's smoke in the house stay low to the ground smoke rises so there's more breathable air near the floor personally I like to crawl on the floor even when there's not smoke in my house I work too much info dude bear doesn't judge my warm fetish why do you even have a teddy bear made on a TNT you know what never mind shut up once you're outside a safe distance from the fire call 911 okay it's 9-1-1 dude right but what's their phone number I'm telling you it's 9-1-1 never mind well just ask auntie bear later oh alright when the firemen show up stay back and let them do their job there's a pet inside the house for a teensy bear leave it to the firefighters to go in after him they're trained specifically for this very very dangerous type of work this has been really helpful well good I'm glad to hear it I'm gonna go try out the things you taught me right now what no no dude you have to wait until a fire happens oh I guess we shouldn't have told TNT bare air an orange here with a very special episode of how to orange don't would you put down your phone we're doing an episode here Oh God I was kind of pick at you okay what's going on we're doing an epilate I just bought another one dude focus this week's prompt is how to reach level 25 in Pokemon go well the answer is simple I want to reach level 25 don't have a light orange that's really mean but it's the cold hard truth aspiring Pokemon trainers need to hear wait listen if you're gonna catch more Pokemon than your friends you have to have the app open it all times anytime you walk dry fly to the electric worm skateboard or right anywhere that's an opportunity for Pokemon opportunity if you will wait wait did you just say that people should be playing pokemon gold while they're driving Wow of course you shouldn't play while you're driving so long as you're okay with being mediocre and wallowing away at level 85 is the big league span weird if kissing pulpit boys here we're catching pokémon well this seems like absolutely terrible advice you want anything in this world it requires sacrifice human sacrifice what really well no but close listen up audience if you're watching this video it's already too late you're missing polka opportunities with every passing second and other traders are passing you by have a girlfriend that's family forget that noise your life is 20 by now think you're losing it people need to spend time with their families sure they want to wallow away at level 15 like a total spaz just don't get it if you don't care about keeping lighting more digital images the pokemons and your friends - then there's no thank you and the light in your eyes is gone out dude you're insane also to achieve level 25 you're gonna need to manage your thoughts what what are you thinking about right now is it Pokemon if not do you honestly believe you have what it takes to be level 25 you honestly believe that's it I'm leaving wait I just found one okay oh hey that's kind of fun I know kind of addicting like that right okay maybe just one more which Pokemon did you catch it's just TNT great this isn't a real Pokemon game is it no hey everyone time to learn how to milk a cow I didn't know much about this topic so to learn more I went deep undercover for the past week that's what a cow no silly I'm way too small to pass track now but I grow through but it allowed me to get up close and observe house daily lives and let me tell you it was pretty boring just the opposite bear cows lives are jam-packed with excitement what they eat they train they run around on the grass all day attack what's step one for milking a cow make sure the cow is dressed in his uniform dude what are you talking about step two the coin to decide which county receives the opening kick out orange I don't think you're observing cows I think you were watching a football game what no that's impossible I fold my cow friend Jeffrey around the whole week nobody's heard from Jeffrey and day's orange word on the street is that he was made into a football I would explain why Jeffrey took that field trip to the factory and came out looking smaller and kind of oblong but they're definitely cows pear were they wearing helmets and playing a game reminiscent of American football yes but cows are free to play football they want another thing I learned about cows this week they run around a to feed a bunch and let me get this straight you built those so-called cows well I tried but no milk came out that's because they were male also they weren't even cows out of their own opinion gasps this is not an opinion step great for milking a cow when a cow and your team scores a touchdown often that cow will do a celebratory dance Oh kidding me [Music] mastering the art of babysitting that's a whole other ball of baby wipes yeah that's why this week pear and I are gonna show you how to master babysitting I don't actually have any experience babysitting but I have read several books on the subject don't worry I am an experienced I used to watch my kid sister all the time your book smarts in my street smarts no baby we'll go on set all right step one the baby's safety comes first that's right so if the baby you're in charge of wants to play the highway you'll say Oh white baby that's right and it's dad suggests something safer going on the room or on a less traveled straight no orange you can't let the baby do anything even slightly dangerous the baby's parents are trusting you with their child's life I'm out there this might just be where your book smarts in in my street smarts take over what I mean come on did my sister roll off the roof sure did it caused permanent damage hey not too much this is not up for discussion we're moving on now step to putting the baby to sleep once you have the baby in the crib you want the baby to stay put right so you can sing a lullaby tell the baby that the floor is made of snakes working hi sister she never once climbed out of her crib horrible or telling that there's a squirrel hiding in the room and if lurking just waiting for a little baby to leave its crib so it can never lock some baby toes how could you do that to a baby there relax there isn't actually a squirrel are you listening Oh besides girls don't even like baby toes they like nuts no you're a terrible babysitter babysitter then why'd my sister turned out so I thought well okay I guess you're right he is pretty awesome what don't you say that my sister is awesome stay away from her hey no one's allowed to date my sister can we just move on to step three please yes and three nobody takes my sister now this has nothing to do with what we're talking about this video was supposed to be about how to be a better babysitter I said babysitter dude it's too late come on ramped up I already like the dancing what's where the heck did TT come from where did your feelings about my sister come from dude I know that feelings about your sister oh she's not good enough for you now huh okay you know it's at this point I am so okay with the DNG ending this video you gross orange and I have been playing Monopoly for two hours because today he shaming wants to know how to play Monopoly why couldn't he asked how to play something fun instead this game is excruciating I'm probably the one that should answer heats monopoly question because I'm absolutely crushing orange right now true but he may be interested in my perspective because if things start to go poorly for you there's one tactic you can always have in your arsenal what's that we're playing that for two hours and in two seconds I went from inevitable loser to super cool dude you are not super cool do you have any idea how infuriating that is to be winning a game of Monopoly and heaven flipped away like that that's why you should never try to win at monopoly always lurk in last place then when they least expect it monopoly is bigger than just some board game it teaches you about real world and truer words have never been spoken pair that's why I take my monopoly tactics to the streets yeah if someone drives their car into your property if someone builds a hotel on your block dude that's terrible advice you can't just flip out of your real-world problems maybe one problem in the real world I can't flip out of what if you total your car you can't flip out of that flip out of going to school sure can ridiculous you're out of your mind I choose not to let your mean comment affect me I'm deflected instead by can we get back to monopoly already you don't have to be I don't either just stop flipping things ah easy bear no need to don't you say it's black orange have you ever yearned to ride a horse and sunset on the beach have you ever yearned to ride a horse on top of a horse on top flash your half that's why this week Cara and I are gonna show you how to ride a horse on top of a horse on top of another horse dude that's not what it says and you know it you sure about that now an important thing to remember when you're around horses do not walk behind them that's right cuz horses know what no well okay maybe certain horses but you don't want to walk behind them because you might get kicked that makes sense next you'll need a saddle well not necessarily you could simply place a smaller horse on top of the water horses back instead this video is not about fighting the horse on top of another horse all right once you're on the wars you want to take the rain unless it's a drought other people like farmers could probably use those rains more so don't take the reins in a drought those kinds of brains dude you mean the horses sure it's a really bad idea to write three muscles at once thank you can you imagine that's right today the audience wants to know how to make a wish come true that's easy some people think you have to wait for a shooting star so I'm crazy to make a wish come true yeah if your wishes to barf all over the place so what are you supposed to do with it then that will not work you know what we do have experience granting wishes that's right we do so let's tell about our recent adventures with Jason that's a great idea pear so recently thanks to the make-a-wish Foundation we were able to meet a very special young man named Jason now his wish was to fly to California to meet the orange kitchen crew and learn about the processes of making videos and being a youtuber his wish also included shooting pear with a blueberry pie cannon ah no it didn't do was granted although it wasn't very nice so anyway Jason's actual wish day started with meeting des Beaux and the entire crew at the YouTube space in Los Angeles B Jason we're breaking all the rules today no food on stage yeah right yeah right now after the initial greetings and sharing of some sweet gifts it was time to record Jason so we could star in some episodes alright we'll jump in to do that funny stuff with your mouth [Music] all right after the voiceover it was time to [ __ ] bass bait nah no next up it was time to play some sweet gaming episodes with Jason which involved zero farting whatsoever that's a bummer and we were doing a gaming video with our good buddy Jason Jason introduce yourself to the camera that's a good handshake yeah we're gonna play video games grandpa lemon wake up now after wiping the floor with the entire crew in the gaming episodes it was time to move on to Dave & Buster's for more gaming on the order at Dave & Buster's a medium cheeseburger and it'll snow and a snow cone a fudge brownie stop it so pretty I'm so cute and I'm so pretty overall it was one of the best days ever finally fair and I agree on something [Music] [Music] that's good now unfortunately the day had to come to an end and we had to say goodbye but Jason had one last thing that he wanted to say keep on rockin right till next time me too so there you go even though it was Jason's wish to meet us we were the lucky ones because we got to meet him and his whole family yeah you could say Jason is the bomb yeah I guess you could just like most weeks prompt isn't one you're gonna like dude you ready for this huh yeah break it out you sure you're not gonna think it's gross yeah I can handle it all right this week low bucks it wants to know how to kiss a girl you promised you'd hold it together orange fine well you're one weird guy but I'm not here to judge thank you okay step one find a girl who wants to kiss you - sounds simple enough you think so but you'd be wrong girls think kissing boys is just as gross the odds of you being a weirdo who wants to kiss somebody and then finding another weirdo who wants to get somebody - its astronomical are you talking about people kiss each other all the time tomato - no - step 2 pucker up that's right you'll want a purse your lips right before you kiss her don't forget to aim if you close your eyes you're kissing blind you're not careful you could wind up kissing a lobster dude you're being dramatic kiss missing is very real and very dangerous take care where you aim that cast fellas otherwise you could wind up kissing the bottom of the Grand Canyon three move on step three after the kiss is over that's when things get real dangerous really yeah ever heard of people talk about having butterflies in their stomachs well yeah but that's just a phrase that people yes a bunch of butterflies are gonna burst out of their cocoons and start flying around you better believe they're gonna be hungry from all that cocoon stuff they've been up to what's your duodenum is gonna be the first organ to go because everyone knows butterflies like eating the funniest sounding things first oh my gosh seriously there is a real post kissing danger and it's fireworks fireworks hair many people report fireworks directly after a romantic kiss which isn't dangerous in and of itself but people often mistake DMT for fireworks what is a mistake to make honestly super understandable right orange did you accidentally like TNT instead of fireworks just now I let the actual fireworks the fireworks poured that to get feedback free over there what era Norwich here ready to field your questions now to select our next question from the all right never mind I'm not even gonna ask Joseph Angelo Zechariah's wants to know how to train your dragon I love that movie no your dog he wants to know how to train your dog well that's not quite as exciting yeah well it's the question we got so let's get to step one start with one very simple command what said or stay our breathe fire orange we are not training a dragon okay okay all right next I'll reward your puppy's good behavior if your puppy obeys a command reward it was a dog biscuit or something it's possible that your puppy might be hungry than that Sophie for grabs a fan desire for skipped me wine also poppies weights might be a little crap because he's never used them before orange I'm not gonna say it again Papi's gonna have wings actually no they can well I believe puppies can do anything they want [Music] we are not going dude bring a dragon to train your dog what bring a dragon to train you want to train your dog whatever is more efficient not either of those are efficient why wouldn't you simply just train the dog who trained the dog to train itself that's not how it works train a train to train a dog and you've done it this video is officially today orange and I are gonna show you how to build a sand castle really really hard on that well it was no piece of cake hiding inside of it the entire time you were building it whatever let's get started step one find a sandy beach Shep to find a kid with a cap in his front teeth he'll come in useful later um okay next get a pail impact damp sand and do it the water helps keep the sand pack together as you shape your castle be sure to spend a lot of time on the details already turret details on the drawbridge it's like that it'll make it far more rewarding for the kid who eventually runs up and kicks it in dude what are you talking about there every sandcastle ever made has met the same exact thing a kid with a sunburn or the gap in his front teeth runs up and kicks it over it's tradition that isn't true I just built this sandcastle over here no creepy get out of here his pants give him all the sugar he wants and then refuse to supervise it we just go back to sandcastles please all right that kid's gonna be back no he isn't he's nowhere in sight now don't build your sandcastle too close to the water or the waves might wash it away also make sure you have a firm foundation to build on right this feels like a good spot no it's just a matter of packing damn sand and repeating yeah voila all that hard work is paid off a beautiful sand castle built on a firm foundation and it's far enough away from the water but best of all no gap-toothed kit in sight to wreck it foundation you build it on are you sure you built it on sand of course I built it on sand what do you mean suppose it was built on something else someone else what life's a beach no need to be so sloppy [Music] hey there folks Josephine wants to know how to get a party ready my question Josephine and time we do cuz I'm actually putting together at the Hitler Halloween party as we speak care to take us through the steps for your Halloween party or an absolutely I'll get on it right away you want your Halloween party to be a hollow inner all it starts with is the guest list that's why I'm inviting a werewolf what did you do dude let me just stop you right there you're inviting real monsters to this party oh yeah it's gonna be legit you have any idea how bad it is to invite a werewolf to a party on a full moon did I hear something about a crazed we're on the list going to be a disaster orange that wombat is going to wreck the entire kitchen and also risers stick a TNT on the list that must have been a typo it better be now then we've got our guest list pared down to a safe manageable group it's time to talk about decoration right Halloween decorations include orange and black cobwebs tse I can't stop TNT is not a Halloween decoration would you stop trying to blow this party up you're not fine that's like I'm taking over the party planning but no I don't want to hear it no buts orange you had your chance who decorated the room a deity give that back to from the great welcome back 30 dude today on how to Rachel Potts wants to know how to be a mad scientist oh that's easy first find something to get really angry about that kind of mad orange matters in crazy insane that's way more fun alright step one you're gonna be a good scientist mad or otherwise you've got to get good at science that means studying studying study scientists all you need are two things a crazy hairdo hold on I'm not letting you slip TNT into this episode orange mad scientist do all kinds of experiments pair controlled explosions are part of the work I guess you're right but I've got my eye on you step 2 that scientist you need a super crazy experiment that no other scientist would ever dare to take on that isn't Mad Science that's just normal science we're talking big stuff here oh I got ya so basically what you're saying is that if I somehow got enough TNT together to blow up the moon I would be a mad scientist let's not get hung up on the moon blowing up things it was a bad example but say I did you think they'd make a movie about me orange do not try and blow up the moon what do you think they would get to play me I bet it would either be Chris Pratt a great friend orange he just stopped before wait wait why are you in black and white where'd you get that hairdo then wait a second where'd you get that sidekick he has a name pear it's Igor Igor help me practice my [Laughter] [Music] excellent now then a gourd yes art orange stop banda looks like the fuse went out man dang thank goodness it's a good thing we have all this extra tt lying around I bear in hiring and it's time for another installment of the Navy out to get rid of your nightmares oh man I'm sorry to hear you're having nightmares maybe this will help how is that supposed to help someone who's having nightmares I was just trying to scare the nightmares away so they wouldn't come back all right just leave this one to me oh may be helpful to think of pleasant things before you fall asleep to help we've brought the kitchen's resident happy person marshmallow happy well those are kind of cute all allow it here that ghosts bear allows it okay let's take it back make it stop they're just ghosts spare they can't do anything to you in your mind I guess you're right but Freddy Krueger's sure again what hello what dude I was talking about Freddy Krueger supposed to help people get rid of their nightmares see look what you did you wouldn't scared marshmallow I'm sorry what is it marshy okay this is good word marshmallows frame of mind now we've got a positive vibe going on now let's talk about eating whoa boy having nightmares sometimes it's best if you don't eat before bed with them what's happening ready brothers are taking over fight back with what - why are you hitting Freddy's with the TNT like it's a stick or something what do you mean how else would I use it obviously you bite it sort Lofa what a great idea thanks for the suggestion bears out of it my pair and this is orange orange ordering a pizza yeah that's right extra cheese and extra TNT dude can we please go one episode without TNT okay okay all right hold the TNT jeez all right today phone app Dustin wants to know how to survive freddy fazbear I love this question so much I can hardly bear it well here the five nights at Freddy's expert orange so take it away will do paddy poo step 1 make sure you have a camera on Freddy at all times this is key whatever you do and not take your camera off ready for even one moment sorry dude is it just me or does Freddie seem a little closer than he was before lock doors between you and Freddy fazbear wait don't you order a pizza that's right where's the pizza guy and why does it look like a pizza guy got the boat out here by bear-like creature UPS I'm sorry what more importantly where's Freddy good point okay he definitely moved that time handy orange you promised you wouldn't desperate times call for desperate measures pear that seems equally dangerous you should not be in charge of TMT no it was just a leap no it was your own shadow dude haha I guess I'm losing it think of it this way maybe Freddy left and went home yeah yeah that's a good point maybe he's not even trying to attack us at all in this point every lovers married or enjoy kicking off a new episode of how to today Luca gaming wants to know how to be a good soccer player that's a question with legs Luca let's take it one step at a time oh brother step one for anyone looking to succeed at soccer Rome legs if you don't have that okay I mean you're not wrong oh and that grow legs are those legs if you can walk can't have too many foots when you're playing football you'll have so many legs to kick the soccer ball that defenders won't know what to do you can't just grow legs dude now with that attitude they can't now step to practice a whole bunch yeah now we're talking soccer is an extremely difficult game to master so you'll have to spend a lot of time and effort honing your game I've been told that dribbling on a soccer ball is good practice I'm not sure why but go ahead and trouble all your saliva all over the soccer balls for hours on it apparently that helped close not dribbling on soccer balls orange dribbling soccer balls that seems even more weird there was no saliva involved in dribbling a soccer ball well of course not the saliva is replaced by soccer balls ability for high pressure situation okay now this is true to be great at soccer you need to be able to deliver when the stakes are high disarming TNT bombs are a good way to hone this skill what nothing's more high pressure than disarming a bomb hair well yeah but it's soccer why practice on bomb because practice makes perfect lovers oranges we're here with another mountain today we'll wants to know how to cook seeing as it's Thanksgiving I think that sounds like a great idea pilgrim yeah John Wayne could use some work dude step one for cooking get all your pots pans and utensils ready check the recipe to see how hot to pre-heat your oven pilgrim absolutely terrible not even close dude no dad Scott Pilgrim Wow okay that one was actually kind of worse that's what cooking is it's the preparation of food to be eaten oh yeah that reminds me step three I must use goat in your cooking do not eat it then why even bother cooking it other great boy pear cooking sounds like a real waste of time it's probably best if nobody cooks at all yeah okay okay face it orange people have to eat food in order to survive food is gonna get eaten one way or the other you're gonna save food lives by blowing this all up ah yes you're right I was wrong all stop go ahead and cook food I won't stand in your way thank you step 4 always food such as turkey in the oven make sure you secretly stack we're an orange here this week we've got a good one for you guys how to win the lottery numbers it's a little harder than that orange winning the lottery takes something that's very very difficult to get algebra nope look yeah at least it's not algebra now step one figure out what your lucky numbers are maybe it's your birthday maybe it's your age or maybe it's that number you draw on pairs back a week ago and he still hasn't figured out it's there yet what why everybody keeps calling me a zero now the number I drew on your back is a five-ton of it I guess people must think I'm a zero bummer right Abdul Karim lucky charms with you but what if I get hungry can I eat the Lucky Charms no orange what if I only eat the marshmallows har-har know what I mean by Lucky Charms dude I'm talking about like a four-leaf clover or a Lucky Penny haha I got ya well I already carry my lucky charm with me all the time really what's your lucky charm orange my lucky charm is TNT pear you can't tell me that it isn't ever since I started carrying TNT around me at all times my life is improved drastically just watch me drop this piece of butter toast on the grandma see it landed butter side up that never happens besides I've been so lucky recently that people just come up to me and give me stuff for free oh yeah like what see though some people give you lighters did orange do not block that TNT of course I won't I need to keep all this lucky stuff around so I can win the lottery shitty biggie which my first ticket right now well did you win that's strange maybe I just need more Lucky Charms is all dude I guess I need more Lucky Charms no the orange I don't know branding my horns do not like that loops or jubair here with a hole dude holiday special that's right this week the audience wants to know how to decorate a Christmas tree you sure I didn't say Christmas p.m. tree yes very sure we're talking about normal Christmas trees this episode orange all right step 1 find the right tree you'll know it's the right tree the moment you see it because it'll be orange okay I suppose you're entitled to any color trees like but it's not gonna be easy finding an orange tree dude there are no orange ones would you stop it alright fine here's an orange tree you happy don't you think oh all right step 2 hang ornaments and tinsel from the branches make sure the ornaments are orange say with the pencil dude the trees already orange how much orange do you want orange isn't even a traditional Christmas color dreaming [Music] holy moley orange gifts under your orange tree and you know what else makes for great yes let me guess oranges you're ruining this video Oh am I really yes I'm sorry I'll let you finish pear thank you sorry about that folks Honda step 4 what's the star on top now the star can be any color you'd like I'm gonna go with the blue one because hey everyone it's pear and orange here with another super useful episode of how to this week the audience wants to know how to make the perfect snowball great question see anyone can make a snowball but making the perfect snowball takes skill patience block and the ability to see color yellow snow means trouble folks stay away yeah great stuff orange as always this how-to episode would be lost without you another hot tip if you're color blind just look out for where the Huskies go do not sing the song dude yeah those are the only lyrics that I know cool alright step 1 find perfect packing snow warm wet snow packs better than dry cold snow so if the snowball isn't staying together you might need to add a little body heat from your hands to help it stick take off your gloves if need be if you need more body heat try taking off your boots no no caching audience do not listen to orange ever step 2 do not listen to orange ever yeah finally something sensible coming out of your mouth step 3 finally something sensible coming out of your mouth what what go our steps and stop copying what I say step 5 these aren't steps and stop copying what I say har-har anyway now step 7 I'll make your snowball as round as possible you'll be able to throw it more accurately this way whoa autumn see you can actually trust that would you stop would you stop I just remember the second first of that song alright let's hear it might as well this videos gone entirely off the rails already anyway we're the fuzzy it's no sense why would the beep oh they're free lovers in Happy New Year orange it's New Year not nude year man I was really looking for 2017 in honor of the new year today orange and I will be discussing how to make new year's resolutions I still think it's new year it isn't fuzzy step one for writing out your resolutions identify a few things you'd like to improve maybe you'd like to lose weight maybe you'd like to spend more time with family or maybe you'd like to eat your fruits and veggies for example but seriously we totally appreciate it whatever the areas of improvement might be write them down now what's your area of improvement for 2017 orange that's how I want to get a pencil all right so you just write that down Wow okay step to decide on tangible practical ways you can achieve those goals Steve decided to lose weight figure out exactly how you'll do it by eating less by exercising more by wearing no clothes because they're so happy for the last time it is not nude year your is nude year if you're me can you please be serious for two seconds all right all right yes here I'm gonna be less annoying now that sounds like a fantastic idea now how will you achieve that specifically any wow that's actually a really great resolution orange really Thanks we set off some fireworks to celebrate um what come on man it's New Year's Day New Year's wait wait a minute are you sure those are fireworks yeah what else would they be well if the grape says TNT hey there everybody I'm pear and this is orange and today we're going to be showing you how to put up Christmas lights step 1 find a string of lights that's the color you like orange most people go for holiday colors such as green or red or orange fine orange it is but it's not gonna seem Christmasy okay step 2 whichever member of your family is best with ladders should hang the lights along the edges of your room orange okay apparently orange believes he's the best candidate I heard you the first time you said it dude wait why are you only saying orange yes why are you only saying the word orange is this some sort of game to you orange orange goo this video is gonna go nowhere if you don't contribute anything besides the word orange yeah fine play your little game I'll do it myself step 3 for safety make sure someone holds the base of your ladder when you go up in this case I nominate okay once the lights are hung stand back bring them in and bask in the orange orange if you're not gonna help why don't you go do something else people watching this video genuinely want to know how to hang Christmas lights seriously this game you're playing is so soon annoying oh okay I'm sorry I didn't mean it you're not annoying dude you're just orange that's it get out of here wait wait wait wait wait dude dude you left behind some TNT oh no it's got a timer which wire do I caught got it wait do you really mean to cut the orange wire is this still part of the bit Joseph's words orange I don't know whether to believe you right now all right I'm cutting the words wire up trusting you dude hey there fruit lovers this week Rad's Vandenberg wants to know how to drive you came to the right place rats bargain expert driver I am yeah you've been driving me bonkers for years yeah right back at you orange all right step one grab the steering wheel at ten o'clock and at two o'clock yeah those are the only times you can grab any other time in the steering wheel will electrocute you no orange those just refer to the positions your hands go on the wheel see ten o'clock two o'clock oh I get it so if you put your hands in the wrong position on the wheel that's when you get electrocuted oh dude nobody gets electrocuted from a steering wheel wow that's boring moving on stick to accelerating push the gas pedal with your foot and press the nose button with your thumb nos what are you talking about nos you know the nitrous oxide system they have on the best dude we're teaching the basics of driving nobody here is ready for nos okay gotcha just easy stuff okay let's start with jumps then step three went jump into the car over a king orange we haven't even covered windshield wipers yet we're not ready to be jumping cars over canyons well that went that attitude can we please keep this thing between the lines orange that's right keep both eyes on the road so you don't accidentally swerve out of your lane keep both eyes on the road Millie well sure why wouldn't you get dirty is raped up dude it's a figure of speech yes yes very funny Wow is it really that funny great orange is on laughing gasps just what the world needs okay let's wrap this thing up now a lot of our past how-to videos have gone a little off the rail exploded off the rails I'd say and orange is promise me that this episode will answer the audience's questions seriously and effectively yeah let's just hope this week's question is about TNT it's not this week be a pie wants to know how to brush your teeth Vicky can handle that orange wait his name is be a pie his screen name yeah this is exactly how episodes go off the rails orange sorry I'm sorry it's just [Music] no he isn't ah at any rate step 1 find a toothbrush you like step 2 get arms so you can actually use it hardy-har-har what your dentist will be really disappointed if you do orange soon as ever confuse those two things it's an easy mistake to make pear oh really sure earlier you thought he was a human but he turned out to be a boy I did not think it was a boy well so I guess you got fooled okay if you'll excuse me I have a very serious video to make as do i xl ewwww orange that is not what this video is about it's what people want pear that's what they need this is not at all what people need well maybe that's what I need it's very difficult to tell the difference is between pies and people - tall yeah congratulations orange you've derailed another how-to episode I baked you a pie orange that pie has a fuse and I'm pear and together we are fortunately we are not parent we are two very different individuals here to answer your questions and this week we've got a remarkable one Wade wants to know how to be a good person I guess I've never really stopped and thought about that before and thanks to Wade now you have see this is how the how to series could be orange hmm I guess being a good human begins with being a lot taller and looking more like a human nah he's not asking how to be a human dude he knows how to be a human orange he's asking how to be a good person I don't follow then just listen for once would you alright step one for being a good person is the golden rule yeah so much gold that you can't make the rule no no the golden rule is treat others the way you'd like to be treated oh I do that every day cease talking incessantly waiting this is Oh at all hours these are things you wish everyone else did totally so here's my idea for how to be a better human get up your boot friends stack on top of one another then hide inside a trench coat see now that's a good human virtually undetectable oh you really don't get this do you do same things humans would say like yma human or I am definitely not for fruit stacked on top of each other inside a trench coat we'll get out of the trench coat that seems like a bad idea oh yeah you know what sounds like a really bad idea to me ruining the trillionth how-to video in a row with your jokes when we finally get to a prompt that could actually help people so you want me to take off the check cop yes really yes you know very well my name is pair I do yes we're best friends then we were best friends can we just move on to today's question French yeah and it just got weird okay today Brooke wants to know how to set the table I think we can tackle that one don't you orange I'm with you there best friend yeah okay step one what a devil pop on the table wait to have a clash to protect your tabletop from food I guess what you need a table to keep food off your table clock you know that I think about it you're gonna want another table glass of projective active applause in another table classic okay okay we get it stop saying tablecloth anyway step 3 place napkins utensils and dishes at each place setting words would you stop pulling the tablecloth off the table you just ruined like a bajillion dollars worth of dishes okay please no blaze with silverware on top please Oh fine just make it quick all right all right focus that point here go one two wait wait there there's TNT on the table don't worry the tablecloth out super fast T&T want me to start it off forgive me for not believing you but do not pull out that tablecloth dude no no hey guys I'll do it no fruit lovers today we've got a how-to episode that'll be music to your ears specifically this music I'm sorry orange but today's episode has nothing to do with kazoos don't worry I can change that would you stop Zeus pellets pairs underwears in a twist or something my underwears not in any twist orange today's prompt is bound to play bagpipes bagpipes really yes so you can put your kazoo away absolutely because oohs can be with this thing okay this may not have been a good idea okay then let's just make sure we don't interrupt the flow of the videos when bagpipe noises sounds like a plan Stan okay wonderful so step one is just kidding I'm totally gonna interrupt step like the bagpipes put on your skirt see you must wear a skirt in order to play the bagpipes that's a kilt dude this now this is definitely one of my sisters skirt okay yes you are wearing a skirt but people wear kilts when they play the bagpipes oh yeah then explain how a white one while wearing the skirt holy moley you aren't buying them you have no idea how to play them well neither do you you're not even wearing a skirt how embarrassing playing bagpipes play them in the middle of the night why because I'm a busy guy when else am I gonna possibly work back by practice into my schedule dude you don't even have a job because I don't have time for one pair yeah gotta get my morning yen as in noon seat spinning one PM PM oh [ __ ] Rabia that's like come to my eye I'm sorry what'd you just say what's on your schedule 3 p.m. touching my tongue to my eye try to keep up there no before that morning yeah yes after that are you referring to the TNT explosion yes maybe I don't know free up some time and your busy schedule by not blowing up TNT I didn't considered that before I could come back my schedule event I suppose okay wonderful so you're going to practice bagpipes instead of blowing up the kitchen oh I'm gonna practice bagpipes while blowing up the kitchen because efficiency back with another particular episode of this week amber w wants to know how to deal with parents I get it amber your dad makes you mad and your mom's not the bomb it on days like that it's important to deal with your frustrations in a healthy way take me for example whatever my parents are getting me down I like to take my frustrations out through my music your music yep specifically my nineties style rap music what what what are you doing right now [Music] okay well it seems like your mom has a really good point orange what do you mean I mean you were messing around with tea and tea and she suggested you stop seems like good parenting to me me doesn't need to argue pay you just don't understand okay whatever dude now something I like to keep in mind is this even when your parents are getting on your nerves you should always be thankful because remember some kids aren't lucky enough to have parents that's right some kids were raised by wolves that's not what I mean as a matter of fact I wrote a rap about that very thing please don't where to begin with that so many questions like wow like you know that wolves and coyotes are two different types of animal rights sure don't break can we get back to the point of this video now right I believe we were talking about tnz the crap we were we are not talking about TNT while we are now and now I'm rapping about it [Music] with another how do that's right boss this week Brooklyn Waltz wants to know how to Boyard for starters you'll need gonna stop you there pair read that again Brooklyn doesn't want to just know how to mow a lawn Brooklyn wants to know how to mow a yard like a boss very different question oh really oh hey somebody wants to mow on what if I need a lawn mower ear protection exactly I'm yawning over here that was just so boring not boss at all what there's no mention of six-foot speaker's blaring death metal not one word about the souped-up engine the bionic shape the EMT or the pterodactyl which are necessary if you're gonna mow the lawn like a bus yeah a pterodactyl tonight your TMT in that list absolutely not now step one of any bottle on mowing starts with a souped-up engine if you have access to your dad's old Mustang that should do the trick wipe it in your lawn mower then listen hear that know your what oh good grief why you're probably wondering where the Bionic sheep come in sure um the biotic sheep give me programs gets edges on your lawn don't wait my car necessary with these guys on the job the Bionic chip love death metal so you're gonna really need to brown it in order to keep them motivated yeah anyone and what about the neighbors they're not gonna be happy reminds me why someone owns a pterodactyl again because that's what you're gonna want to burn something totally boss into your lungs so planes flying overhead know just how boss you are maybe the word boss or a picture of a pterodactyl a picture of TNT would be gonna hold up a huge picture of TNT in your lawn relax bad picture can be of anything that's boss doesn't have to be TNT the picture could be a pill even really sure you're the boss's fruit I know huh thanks dude of course to put the image into your mom you're gonna need to do a fancier ready to drop some knowledge on your brain stam's bear you ready tell me what a drop it um could you not drop that on my brain stem also I never agreed to the nickname pee pants so let's nip that one in the bud right now okay we'll go ahead yeah yeah okay this week Francisco Leon wants to know how to escape from prison that's easy just blast a hole in the wall using TNT no it's not that easy if you're in prison how do you get your hands on TNT in the first place um that's the guards person go to the candy store no such thing also not a thing are you done yet just getting warmed up so it seems like the real question here is how do you get TMZ into the present dude there are a bunch of other ways to escape that don't involve T&T you know if you're asking me breaking out of prison should be a blast Oh disguise the TV stick of something or a beautifully wrapped present or baton or a birthday cake yeah something tells me they're gonna notice the cake candles yeah super huge red birthday candles you're probably right what to get a super huge birthday cake to the sky so large the birthday candles are brilliant thank you I'm not so I was being sarcastic and I don't know what that word means it's party what why party there is no birthday party well of course there is why do you think we got the cake to break out of prison we need to break out of prison pear we're not in prison I know that we're in the kitchen surrounded by your closest friends Oh orange I know all of these things really so you know why were in the kitchen surrounded by your closest no you guys remember wait orange these candles are are they har-har actually this week we're tackling how to make your bed good question let me grab my hard hat and my eye protection eye protection for making the bed already dad step 1 guess what its power tools this ain't gonna be easy folks orange when people say they're making a bed they don't mean they're literally making the bed from scratch they're talking about putting the sheets back in order so it looks nice that's all yeah I know what making the bed means I just happen to do it with power tools what so as I was saying before I was so rudely interrupted if your sheets are out of place Bratz Orange you've made an even bigger mess out of the sheets of course it doesn't look good yet we haven't even whipped up a mega orange we're further from having made a bed that sounds actively bad fine forget the tools we'll just whack it a bunch of others what okay just admit it dude you have no clue what you're doing it'll be the best you've ever had I will go nowhere near that bad there are splinters and nails sticking out all over the place so you're saying you don't like nails and splinters in your bed no okay okay geez I'm not a mind reader you know I don't know all your weird bed preferences okay step two if the bed gets messed up scrap it huh yeah I reckon fall in here we're gonna have to start all over again make his bed from scratch this was your whole plan all along wasn't it Orange Miley has the wrecking ball today we don't have a wreck what are we gonna do how will we ever destroy this monstrosity gee I wonder if you have an idea speak up bear we need rain power I know where this is going dude it's so obvious it might mess please dude just put up with TNT you know you want to really you don't just so happen to have a pile of it right over there I am not condoning this okay none of that is true underwear sharing BFFs orange appear here with another episode of this week neon sheep wants to know how to survive a tornado great question yon sheep and an equally great screen name if I do say so myself please don't do the song step one listen for tornado sirens that's right if your nails are common in your area your top probably has tornado sirens that sound like this orange orange please please stop that doesn't even sound like a tornado siren no as in please stop tell me my tornado siren sounds are accurate no okay fine very very accurate thank you make sure you've made your way into the storm cellar that's right a storm cellar can protect you from the violent weather while you and your loved ones remain safe and sound underground safe and sound on the ground that ran very good Orange here's a gold star three what's the tornado is past come out of the storm cellar and help others who might need it a lot of people might need help with their homework after the tornado blew their textbooks away but that's not exactly what I meant it also might need help with your hair after the tornado messed up their sweet new orange could you please just stay on topic for once I'm sorry I apologize thank you no kidding wait aren't you a gift because I'm sorry they're alright but if it's a stick of TNT I swear you promised I wouldn't give you a stick of TNT alright orange I'm right here what do you want [Music] yeah can we just get this over with step one for realsies come on very true this is the number one thing that annoys me about how two episodes really annoys you even more than this sound yes yes yes yes it annoys me more than any sound more than this holy moly can we please just get back on topic of course of course now as I was saying I can absolutely touch my tongue to my eyeballs Oh gross okay no one was arguing you couldn't dude wait wait a minute that wasn't the topic at all you change the topic hahaha they're annoying they're breaking into the equation correct blowing up the kitchen is always annoying but we won't be doing that today no siree we're just talking about annoying pear we're not actually annoying pear yeah that's debatable God star [Music] nice try but I'm not going well I've only sang it once so far don't you even [Music] alright alright we've covered everything these are all the ways to annoy me Congrats you did it we can end the video now okay orange what do you say in the video thank you of course you know what every how-to video ends with please know it's your choice pear either blastia tea or listen to me sing what's going on on repeat for the next two hours okay okay bye [Music] hey everyone I'm hair whoa whoa dude are you okay you don't seem very orangie today in fact you look kind of green oh dude why don't you get some rest today we're talking about how to avoid getting sick and something tells me you're in no place to do this video try to carry on without me somehow something tells me we'll manage by now oh my god it's finally happening good episode of how to without over an inch yeah we can actually stay on track for once and teach you something useful and we won't get blown up with TNT this is great all I need now is the perfect go post how about we the tick I'm an expert on evading the flu bug my creepy uncle is a flu bug um all right let's give it a shot no no shots except one for avoiding sickness never get your shots and we're off to a terrible start you honestly believe they're injecting you with a vaccine wake up sheeple they're planting a secret locating device in your shoulder who is they are alien overlords of course okay maybe this isn't such a good idea Lou step two away from other people other people have germs and diseases don't go near the matter that's gonna be tough to do Lou oh no no it's easy just move into a sterilized tin foil tent in the mountains miles away from everyone else and never talk to any person again for your long disease-free life okay okay don't talk to anyone nope not even the voices in your head though I'll admit that's easier said than done nope I feel like this isn't helpful I'll tell you what's not helpful the government destroying all evidence of my 1987 alien abduction near Topeka Kansas it's on me bro he prodded me on their spacecraft and called me names bug boy and eight legs but you do have eight legs just stop it right now you one of them are you hylian lu this just isn't working out I think you should leave oh sure the moment blue starts dropping truth bombs the Sheep will close their sheep hole ears well that's fine I'm going by Lu gravity's a lie what the okay and whoa orange you look better yep while I was gone I discovered how to avoid beans what really you tell otherwise this video is gonna be an absolute disaster well it turns out the best way to defeat illness is love are you pulling one of my 10 legs Lu you only have eight legs Jews to believe I am damn love that keeps you from getting sick then what is it I'm not really sure what that was all about but welcome everybody to another episode of how today's episode is a real slam dunk that's right it's how do you dunk a basketball that's right right the rim is ten feet off the ground so it'll take work and dedication a growth spurt wouldn't hurt either all right what's step two don't get mistaken for a basketball man that'll give you a headache real quick I don't think they have anything to worry about dude people don't often get mistaken for basketballs okay now it's a good idea to do leg exercises to strengthen your leg it's also a good idea to come up with names for all your sweet dumps ahead of time that way after you do an awesome Jam and everybody's all like wow what was that calm you'll have a good answer like I call it the booty the body dog I've dreamed of all sorts of radical genius the paratrooper I'm sure those wouldn't go over in an actual game dude because it could be no it could be in disguise bear it's very crafty orange you're nuts do not get mistaken for basketballs and hoops do not get mistaken for TNT sure not by smart people like us but there are a lot of dummies out there pear no will you excuse me while i dunk this basketball orange let's go faster for a sec sail on the sea of knowledge with orange hair this episode we'll be showing you how to solve a Rubik's Cube things like a Rubik's Cube how exactly you're gonna do that orange on your own something tells me that people watching this video aren't gonna be able to do that whoa whoa all right this is ridiculous more like ridiculous am i right step two focus on completing one side of the Rubik's Cube and when you inevitably get one square away from completing decide to realize it's impossible go ahead and take all your frustrations by blowing up the Rubik's orange no no they are yeah that is not even true with this pitch boy I give up that's the spirit step 3 give up and get a different hobby once rubik's cubes are impossible admit it no one has ever completed one I've just completed a bunch of them it just takes patience sorry no can do my attention span is shorter than little Apple now if you'll excuse me I've taken up a new hobby the idea hey everyone I apologize for him yeah gross check it out three lovers this week we got a super fun prompt from tamati how to become a superhero um not sure we can help you there tamati you know cuz it's not exactly how do I put this possible talking about it is becoming a superhero it's super easy if you say so yeah and how do you suggest doing that Einstein Dewey nuclear reactors also if yourself and about you in demand right now dude the only animals biting in more cows yeah radioactive cow what is it with you whatever if he wants to be the world's first superhero right this ought to be good which supercool cow name will you go with there are so many to choose from you're right there are Larry dude waterboy what was that beefy McGriddle Ted I like that one too the suit makes me look really needy no before that Derrick did after that butter boy my personal Fame no no after that the teen teen don't worry that was just a joke okay good good I thought the suit was made out of TNT for a second there no the joke is that it's not really TNT yeah that's a relief yeah it's made of dynamite orange [Music] today Dawson bean wants to know how to be a rockstar awesome question Dawson yeah what make sure you have five points this is crucial um points what are you talking about they figure out a way to live in this story wait orange do you think a rockstar is literally a star no good because it's not oh I get it now we're talking about a rockstar correct glad you could join us okay okay let me start off that one compress yourself into a dense mass what is it an actual rock either all right why don't I just take the lead on this one now a rock star is of course a rock and roll musician actually a human and not an actual star I'm learning so much keep going keep going all right now step one for becoming a rock star learn to play the guitar you're nothing if you talk to me too long orange a rock star is not actually a star okay step to warm up and get some buddies together and make some music no no not like that Orange no one wants to hear kazoo bands there's a market for it I'm down yeah kazoo kids on the block his lips we're gonna blow up any second now yeah I somehow doubt that you're not even talented no no I mean we're Lynch we're gonna blow up any second orange here and there today Liam Weddell wants to know how to find a pot of gold yeah this question would be asked by a Liam well Liam we may not be able to show you how to find a whole pot of gold but we can definitely show you how to find some gold that's digging gold diggers alright second one juice a method to find gold there's a bunch of options like for gold using a sluice box like a orange you can't wait wait actually you're right about that for a celebration don't for the last time there is no such thing as celebratory tea anyway today we'll focus on just one method the easiest one in my opinion Oh No orange okay the easiest way is just to use a metal detector yeah that's probably easier it's possible but luckily that's not a gold nugget dude would you just chill out those are just tin cans yeah that's exactly what someone would say who wants get their hands on my sweet sweet called knuckle it yeah I have so many issues with that statement not to mention the fact that you keep mispronouncing it doublet for some reason orange those aren't gold nuggets look it literally says chili beans on the side called another way yeah you think grab you agree oh boy you're gonna blow up this video with TNT aren't you celebratory TNT how is that different from normal TNT there's way more of it I'm orange and this is pairs underwear and today I promise we've got a super exciting episode of get that out of here yes we sure do this week everyone wants to know how to be smart this one sounds boring no way you couldn't be more wrong orange nothing is more exciting than accruing knowledge it orange are you asleep wait a nightmare that we were doing an episode of how to be smart dude we are doing that episode that is funny this is gonna be an awesome episode all right step one for becoming smart read books would you please stop the question that's wonderful questions are what drives academic discovery all right go ahead orange I know we know orange we know okay okay step two go to school and orange you're obviously not if you want me to wake up you're gonna have to turn on my alarm clock that is obviously just tea and tea dude well you can't have it all right step three make sure the mathematical concepts you learn makes chords don't you do it do not blow up man left is important math is boring don't come any closer Bob Dylan map could be fun okay listen listen if I have three sticks of TNT and you have two sticks of TNT how many sticks of TNT do we have it all okay but what about this orange look the few spare I've never been excited about that before hit me with a dummy Orange howdy Doody's orange came here to blow your minds we're in the new episode but we won't be blowing anyone's mind with the help of TNT what do you say we find out what this week's prompt is okay how to use a [ __ ] spinner in this episode I'm ready [ __ ] spinner I don't even know what the heck of digits better even in that's cuz you're out of touch bear [ __ ] spinners are the coolest huh well I guess I learned something new today take it away orange pick up your fidget spinner seems simple enough so far 50 what your budget spinner um okay please tell me this is going somewhere what I mean there's like a point to it right like it gets more complicated oh okay good good you're in a different way that's that's just the same step as before budgeting is fidgeting the right way are you seriously getting snobby about fidgeting dude there is no right or wrong way to fidget okay okay relax maybe step four would help you understand it better all right they do with your fidget spinner and yet a dip orange there's its bitters have to be the dumbest thing I've ever heard of I'm sorry you think you look cool right now not my thoughts I think it's safe to say this video is over no I'm not fishing with anything come on don't move on the party fare no I'm not spinning one of those I'm like wow I guess you're just gonna have to use your stem man hey hey don't do that crap get this thing off of me whoa I gotta control no not the tha I'm orange in this hair remember there will be an inquisitive the video don't tell them there's gonna be a quiz you'll scare them away from watching the video okay okay we won't give you a quiz but what we are gonna do is show you how to do something super cool today's episode orange I can't do this episode why not because how are we gonna teach someone to fly it's impossible but we're not bird orange the process start doing bread things like orange no one could just become a bird move on to flying machine yeah people did that none of them worked orange everyone new dude you'll like this one 3 believe in yourself if you believe in yourself enough what is possible touching but not exactly true when it comes to flying go shashi pear don't distract me I'm believing in myself what's happening orange you're doing it wait a minute is that a rope no it is dude you're just using smoke and mirrors to fly no no orange these people came here to learn how to actually fly are you gonna tell them how to do that or not no that's what I thought but pear what I don't need to learn how to fly really soon or else this TNT is gonna get detonated Wow why don't worry I'm thinking positive thoughts if I can believe it maybe I can do come on oi [Applause] isn't working whatsoever how do you to this fine evening I'm here and this is orange excuse me it's pronounced all right no it isn't he's right and we're here to answer another one of your questions this week Kelsey wants to know how to make a song love in this episode already yeah me too orange I think we're really gonna be able to help Kelsey out with this all right step one think of something you'd like to write a song about well pear I'm gonna have to stop you right there I mean come on think of an idea hey you make it sound like writing a song is hard well it's not easy sure it is you just start singing and a song comes out okay but is it a good song [Music] yeah I smell a Grammy alright alright go ahead there yeah yeah I prefer it my way thank you very much step two once it's written learn to play an instrument [Music] what's why do all your songs involve mega boogers dude mega boogers are my meals yeah oh good lord let's get this over with all right step three form your song in front of other people don't you say it on your friends do not say lip again orange don't you say anyway today we'll be exploring how to ignore haters for the right wants to answer this pair have any haters oh really I don't think you The Annoying Orange have any haters literally everyone loves having me around Wow something tells me they've come to the perfect place to learn about ignoring haters if you say so translate any means things said to you it's a nice thing orange that is the dumbest thing I've ever heard orange that is the smartest thing you've ever said and your teeth couldn't be whiter orange that's not really ignoring the haters so much as its misinterpreting Orange you're my best friend and your teeth are so white it's hurting my eyes maybe I'll start taking it easy on the toothpaste now I know not everyone can invent a headset like this so step two in order to here's my buying gear flops and a sleep mask that permanently exists in a world where the feedback of others can't possibly hurt you orange this doesn't seem healthy orange that seems very healthy thank you would you take that thing off orange I thought we were gonna go in a different direction with this video you know like step one in your haters the benefit of the doubt maybe they're just having a bad day or step 2 focus on the positive feedback you receive instead oh I get it like what 3 you see empty as your box that is not what are ya here you throw these earplugs fair Oh orange they're gonna explode these really work your wake up everyone it's two o'clock hi there and this is orange and this week Cookie Monster 27 wants to know how to win the claw machine oh those claw machine things are so hard and even harder if you don't have any hands to operate the controls yeah okay they're definitely tough but they're not impossible so let's get to it step one select something easy to pick up that means something that doesn't weigh much and is sitting on top yeah of course you do fortunately for the rest of us you're not gonna be able to get the TNT because it's personally buried beneath those teddy bears darn teddy bears always conspiring against me actually we're happy to move if you need access to that TNT buddy really oh yeah happy to help just tell your friends teddy bears are surprisingly nice and cuddly not fishes and ferocious as most people seem to believe come on okay step two once you've selected the item you want line up the club both from the front and from the side yeah orange you're seriously going for the TNT yeah I changed my mind I'm going for the pink teddy bear you're not even lined up anywhere close to the pink teddy bear oh it's not gonna work orange the TNT is too heavy you're not in the clear yet orange you have to remember step three don't celebrate too early a lot can happen as the claw travels over to the drop zone a lot of people accidentally drop their fries at the very last moment yeah I definitely don't want to do that especially not over that lighter oh hold on why is there lip liner in this claw machine seriously who starts this thing Orange do not drop that TNT onto that lighter you don't ever check the claw machine then why did you choose to all right we ready to do this we share a pair go ahead and read the prompt you sure are giddy today okay all right let's see what we've got today raishin nation wants to know how to prank pear wait what that's what the audience asked for pear we got a deliverer dude I'm not gonna just let you prank me that's fine I don't need you to let me I'm gonna do it anyway oh no you don't you stay away from me we're gonna go over here and read my book if you wanna do it at a time he'd never suspect ha joke's on you orange I suspect it now so you blew your opportunity to catch me by surprise all right the joke is on you and I already set up an elaborate Rube Goldberg device before the video even began and connected it to the very book you're opening right now why is that connected to TNT move of TNT is not a prank orange it's a very serious har-har well good luck getting me again I'm just gonna stand here and not do anything you sure you want to do that why wouldn't I be fine I'll move over ever so slightly to the side and I have a feeling this video is really making a splash oh that's it you're not gonna break me again because I'm on to you now I'm gonna do the opposite of whatever it is you want me to do ah don't be like that ha see a crack code I thought that it's just that I wanted to give you this bang and apology basket to thank you for being such a good sport oh oh well I can't do that one thing I mean I was a pretty good sport yeah get out it's got everything cookie stuffed animals flowers chocolates a fuse an apology wait wait wait a second orange why is there a fuse in this apology basket I think the name you're looking for is pear okay so today we've got a great episode for you Garrett Brogan wants to know I got this okay take it away you're gonna want to do is hold a lot of stuff like spaghetti what and you'll never be a good bowl if you can't hold cereal milk so okay dude the audience wants to know how to bowl not how to be a bowl damn ah no it's not the same diff we're talking about the game with one lane ten pins in a bowling ball wrap two icecream cones and a beach a party to the audience know which has nothing to do with bowling okay step one a falling pick your ball of yarn gross a booger ball did I hear you say tanti balls yeah no put that away you have to pick from the bowling balls you mean boring balls okay seriously now it's important to pick a bowling ball that's the right weight for you and one that's comfortable to hold in your hand would you knock it off you never had hands next you want to roll the ball down the lane aim for either side of the first pin that will give you the best chance to knock down all the pins got a strike he knocked the pins down yeah that's called asteroid and rutabagas are called tire irons there when you miss that's a strike in baseball exactly this is bowling st. damn no completely different game okay now if you bowl and leave some of the pins standing don't worry you get to try one real time hole the dreaded 710 split woo do they got that because you get a banana split next no it's when you leave the two pins farthest apart but then you eat a banana split right no okay then you move all the bananas play there are no splits no there's no splitting pants and no banana splits no cake I just called some cats but okay now the next step is to roll the ball and knock down any pins left on the lane oh it's okay don't beat yourself up the 710 split is the hardest frame to pick up I can get that no problem oh oh really you you who have never bowled before is going to pick up how do you think you're gonna do that welcome to another episode of you say dude Bruno wants to know orange what stop orange you're dressed like a cow I think you did I'm going to disagree how many times are we gonna go through this orange cows aren't cool yes you are you have a tail agree to disagree super microphone that's right because rapping is all about running cream all the best rappers use their mics to turn cream into butter what white butter oh I knew it that's it I'm taking over Wow yes yes honestly listen to yourself you can't even say no correctly anymore you're blending it with the word Moo you're losing it dude oh okay step 3 pick up microphone and rap into it because that's what rappers do Orange they rap into microphones okay good glad to see you're back on board orange no care to explain the concept of rhyming to the audience no sweat it helps if every line in your rap sounds like the end of another line like please never call me p-money again okay I guess the money is fine okay so today the miracle muffin wants to know how to take over the world Wow yeah that's a biggie I don't know if we can really oh is that so you're telling me that you know how to take over the world sure it's all strategy that's why that point is to play welcome checks it's a great way to learn I guess I can't argue with that captain play the board game Monopoly I see where you're going with this monopoly teaches you how to take over a small portion of the world yeah sure okay oh yeah to learn the strategy of world domination it's actually pretty good orange jacket for invite me over for your date night because I love playing all those games what's the real step for orange I'm curious now why wouldn't I like it come on tell us okay okay the real step is make a video about mark to distract everyone while you Rick the entire planet with orange porridge unring this planet this instant say what no and I guess I have no choice but to okay orange you took over the world happy cheery how is there a step 5 isn't that the end of it fool everyone to think of you and rigged the whole world with TNT ah you gotta be kidding me just rigged the globe with this week you wanted to know how to save your money what a responsible thing to want to do proud of you audience yeah yeah maybe you could start by not throwing dollar bills all over the place you gotta spend money to make money well that's not exactly Orange do you really need 7 cars one for each week also one for each a whole bunch of money sit back and wait for the savings to roll okay where are the savings Orange I don't see them Oh underwear underwear what's yours a pair they're coming does not seem like a financially sound move I can't get over this or orange you're out of money um probably because you bought an entire herd of cows and gave each of them a car that uses more gas we met a small nation I never could have predicted this really okay fine desperate times call for desperate measures temporary treasure and get rich again orange you you can't just buy [Music] orange people aren't just gonna find buried treasure whenever they need it that's not what I'm saying you want to open this one well I guess okay why not what's inside more money oh I hope it's more orange there's nothing in here but tea [Music] I do a lot of these episodes where the advice is kind of well terrible downright false the exact opposite of what you should actually do something like that but today we're gonna give it to you straight so what's the prompt fair I'm in the mood to give some real good advice bring it all right here you go Bri wait Brian wants to know how to wrestle a bear do what answer how to wrestle a bear dude we have no clue how to do that he's doing look at this question again he's not asking how to wrestle a bear pear he's telling us I don't follow duh Ryan gave us the answer you wrestle a bear by using burgers doughnuts and footballs orange I think you've officially lost it I can't believe I'm actually saying this but I'm on board with this so far go on be good to carry the Bears favorite pair bears like donut still you know I guess that's not true [Music] the Bears trusted friends yeah I don't even know how this happened but you're making decent points so far you have some explaining to do on the footballs though oh the footballs are the most important parts step 3 now that you're chummy with the bear use the footballs to practice blaze kicks all right you had me then you lost me that would totally work in real life dude that would never work in real life you're gonna do football play skits with a bear in real life of course hair I thought through this very thoroughly yeah they're proving where's a bear wrestling oh hey bear yo what up you wanna you know do some football plays kicks do I look like I was born yesterday you're gonna pull it away and do that Charlie Brown thing yo ho yo ho okay yes he wants to know this is a good idea no no I mean I think it's a bad idea for us this water is clearly you're telling swim students to surround themselves with sharks motivational sharks hair they're a very positive influence you could do it I believe in you okay that's actually kind of nice but maybe people should start in the shallow end before jumping in with sharks around okay okay go ahead and listen to him thank you okay now step one for swimming lessons yeah well neither do they very funny orange and pear cordially invited you to another episode of how to thanks orange very formal okay any excuse I can to wear a cummerbund say the word cumberbund okay we get it dude this week the audience is wondering how to avoid spoilers that kind of spoiler orange talk TV show spoilers actually does that kind of spoiler - that makes sense he seems like the type yeah alright step one for avoiding spoilers if you're not caught up on a show avoid Facebook until you've watched it that's right interacting with other people where are people supposed to get bunkers from the bunker store yeah I'm surprised you didn't know that pear there's no such thing as a bunker store orange what if you don't watch any shows no one could spoil them this is ridiculous hearing spoilers is a minor nuisance but there's no reason to go to these sorts of links right there spoiler alert okay what is it what spoiler are you about to tell me my cousin is driving - Warren G glad today dog madness wants to know who go to sleep fast great question done I have trouble falling asleep all the time except when Paris tries to talk what except when I start to talk what are you talking about alright step one for falling asleep fast is boring enough to put anybody out cold isn't boring I'm kidding I'm kidding it's not the math that puts you to sleep it's having so many fluffy sheep surrounding you what a couple dozen sheep are crammed into your bedroom you're gonna have to let me sheep will judging every part of you really comfy stuff you'll sleep like a baby I don't figure we're talking about counting sheep in your mind imaginary sheep oh really guess I screwed that one up bad anyway option number two is hire yourself out during the day if you're worn out when bed time rolls around you'll fall asleep no sweat this is great tiring people out people say that tire to be like all the time you don't say you just got to tire yourself back country why do all these activities involves oh I'm sorry would you rather they involve cows no no we won't be needing the cows today who are they the moving company oh brother so anyway once you're tired from playing with sheep all day that's when you get all your sheep buddies to crammed in your bedroom with you and then orange enough with the Sheep okay you're Adam guys backer but that's what the cows to [Music] [Music] this week Mario music warrior wants to know how to dance like Michael Jackson easy orange Michael Jackson was one of the greatest dancers of all time dance moves wait wait wait wait so you're saying people should come up with the name even invent the move let me try again okay your first one was the T and T let's make this a reality I do not want a TNT related dance move in any way shape or form got it no well she's pear you're the one name in this mom not me yeah you're right I am naming it so I'm gonna name this one something scientific you meet something boring no something scientific now then this dance will be called the dinosaur mitochondria yes the dinosaur mitochondria really yes really that's what I've decided okay may I suggest you shorten it a little kind of hard to shut it out on the dance floor you know yeah that's true maybe the Dino Condrey oh hey the Mitel condign oh now that's no good wait I've got it dinosaur mitochondria we'll call it dynomite I did not agree to that nickname I'm sorry I already made t-shirts and everything or should I say B shirts all right this week we'll be showing you how to make a sandwich whatever you'd like orange pick the ingredients that's right sandwiches two pieces of bread with food place between them that's not a sandwich that's just a bunch of bread any ingredients I just bring you have to choose something other than bread sandwich it is yeah maybe try peanut butter and jelly or jellyfish and peanut buds all right another good sandwich is bacon lettuce and tomato let's call the BLT or you could try a BLT whoa a BLT yeah orange you are not allowed to put TNT between pieces of bread to make a sandwich do you understand me oh yes bear just because it's a match as TNT and it doesn't mean it's gonna have tea and tea inside two pieces of bread okay you're right you're right I'm sorry I jump to conclusions Balaji dad thank you outside instead of Brad say how to or cow to I said good because I don't want cows taking over another one of these videos when all of our wants to know well you came to the right place Gwen I myself have been playing piano for years I didn't know you tickled the ivories I sure do what first guy you interested in tickling the ivories about tickling the ivories that appealed to you why are you saying that so much what tickle the ivories yes is there something wrong with saying tickle the ivories well no it's just a lesson it's not true not everyone who plays piano has a tuxedo of course not which brings us to step three if you don't have a thick seed or tail just get yourself a tailor so sorry for suresies it can be used as a third hand for extreme ivory tingling pairs dude no one needs an actual tail to play piano dance are very good at tickling and that's when you tickle the ivories yes we get it also it's not a cow tail orange cows are not gonna take over this video do you hear me loud and clear [Music] [Music] hi there everyone or should I say hi everyone orange no one gets your joke we haven't told them what the episodes about yet alright today we're going to yes everyone gets it now least till the episode we go anyway heists are very complicated so to help us answer this we brought in Liam the Leprechaun heist there everyone I spent the better part to me life keeping a watchful eye on me gold from those who would steal it so you could say I'm something of a security experts against ice say William where is your pot of gold why I left it right over there crap wow this feels like a golden opportunity to talk about step one together that's right for any heist you're gonna need help and whoever you pick to be on your team should be an expert at something like computers or touch lasers we're delivering awesome one-liners at opportune moments freeze okay oh I'll give you that guy I have the best one-liners you could even say me one-liners are your gold liam is your pot of gold supposed to be behind that curtain Oh keep stealing me gold step to Matt about every detail of the plan meticulously now this step is crucial and takes a lot of work which means it's separate bar just get an explosives expert and totally wing it that's the worst thing you could do orange I've got me gold right behind this front door I refuse to believe anyone can possibly get to it now second before all get blown to bits wait what happened was that faked and he sure was and it was all part of the plan now later guy you're out wait hey what is happening ha ha ha this was our plan all along orange would pretend to go rogue and once your guide was down we'd send in our laser expert to get the gold because for any great plan and great execution orange hands so we could high-five right now but were you ready to tell me that I was tortured by some TNT guy how we thought you'd get a kick out I most certainly did not get a kick out of it I lost our ego I think you're still gonna get a kick out of it I'm telling you I absolutely am NOT [Laughter] paranoia cheer with an extra day we'll be discussing how to make a Halloween costume step 1 decide what you want to be no surprise there unfortunately we already got all the supplies to make a Ninja Turtle costume so today you're gonna have to be a ninja turtle you can't be a cow orange stop having a cow orange you very well that ninja turtles don't have uh ters they don't Harve Airy funny but for the last time we are making a ninja turtle costume today got it step 3 for making her Ninja Turtle costume make the turtle shell out of a trash can lid how's it coming along orange whale just gotta put one last go to bay [Music] that's okay there's all over this stuff that's it all right I'm so okay with ending this video by any means necessary get me the den name I'll do it I'll show you how to trick-or-treating costume everyone's gonna think you didn't dress up and call you a party boo bear it's gonna be hilarious you are confusing the audience dude our mouths don't move in how-to videos so how are they supposed to know which one of us is which yes though Wow glad we got that sorted out cut to your neighbor hope it's the door yeah trick or treat you yell it when they open their door not just anytime you feel like it orange okay so should I got it now no what do you mean they gave you candy you don't give them a trick like that it's trick or treat either they give you a treat or you give them a trick trick emotion orange did you set a trick in motion now orange yes I'm not really orange then who are you oh this is getting ridiculous I demand to know who is inside all these costumes but I don't think you're gonna like the answer yeah we'll see about that oh wow I really should have seen that coming everyone I'm here with legitimate answers to here legitimate question yeah I'm sure this week the audience wants to know we're gonna carve a pumpkin great pumpkin question one use a marker to draw a face on the pumpkin how delightful orange you gotta have to draw a face otherwise it's not a jack-o'-lantern maybe I'm making a crack O'Lantern okay step two grab a knife and cut along the lines you just drew consider the ramifications of your actions huh do take it down a notch he's get back on track here disrespecting pumpkins you know you mean by doing things like I don't know drawing BOTS on them it's hilarious of course I have no issues with it got it it's all that reasoning dude step 5 what's your pumpkin is carved light a candle inside serious that's a firecracker October everyone candy you guys came to the right place cuz she's got all this candy I got from trick-or-treating oh wait it looks delicious razor blades just an urban legend I've never heard of anyone actually finding razor blades in the candy that got trick-or-treating we can't take any chances that's why I take all my candy to the x-ray machine go back there okay place in your candy yeah I figured you wouldn't but we did find 4.1 ounces of liquid inside these gushers so you're coming downtown huh wise guy yeah welcome Jackson Wow the perp has a point newspaper injection oh come come on break there maybe you should have a bagel ah yes you if you get arrested leave all your candy with orange for safekeeping okay I'm back from jail I am so ready to eat my candy now hey where's my candy then why is there chocolate on the corner of your mouth orange maybe it's mine you're eating mud I could have been eating mud ah you ate my candy orange don't say it so loud you'll alert County police there is Jackson paper towel roll that purple I've got the perp exactly the kind of thing a perp would say ancient manuscript objection okay you guys you're supposed to be arresting Orange he's the one who ate all the candy which princess says three after eating your daddy's work up those excess calories by God I don't good [Music] [Music] we're never gonna catch this orange guy let's just balloon this Bell instead just doesn't even hurt you guys hey everyone it's time for another episode of we're totally gonna answer that just as soon as we figure out who this Bob fella is Bob hey hey Bob isn't a person dude hey what's up okay yeah that is Bob but we're not talking about that Bob we're talking about this Bob this Bob hi there no no not that Bob either there you're gonna have to be more specific I know a lot of Bob's really wide that's the secret to bobbing for apples no argument here no please stop no okay there's no reason for your mouth exercises to be so loud what you say it can't be over my mouth exercises I said there's no reason for I said we have to without using your hands pick an apple out of the waters up with your teeth like this yeah wow that was really easy for you please don't watermelons no that would be impossible holy cow dude how wide can you open your mouth no Chuck it up Bob's this guy's bobbin from watermelons over here incredible but what are you gonna Bob for next one welcome to another episode of blue - I'm pear that's right today orange and I will be showing you how put up a Christmas tree because lovely that one more get your tree measure it to make sure it'll fit in your living room nothing's worse than a tree that's too high for your ceiling blasting on your roof you don't have to blow a hole in your roof at the trees too tall you just cut the tree a little shorter is all to take your tree for hibernating squirrels what there could be hibernating squirrels in your tree fair man I thank Jessie when they get woken up from hibernation yes why not just open the door please get back on track we got three put your tree in a tree stand then step here what well nobody yeah you're right it was probably nothing doing it done dude are you sure you got all of the hibernating squirrels out of here [Music] [Music] today we'll be discussing how to get on Santa's nice list orange you should especially listen up dude based on the amount of things you've blown up this year I'm pretty confident that's really nice to hear orange step one stop point things up I'm serious TNT causes damage and destruction neither of those things are very nice so let's do it orange hand over your TNT is that all of it good now then wow dude okay then moving on step two write Santa a nice letter telling him how you've changed your ways I've been trimming back on telling annoying jokes because I'm sure that'll do the trick dude is gonna think these jokes late step three lead milk and cookies by the fireplace for Santa on Christmas Eve give it my track record maybe I should leave him a full three-course meal no I think milk and cookies will be fine why are in the fireplace check can't wait to see what presents he brings me great did you say fire in the fireplace dude Santa has to come down the chimney ho ho ho Merry Christmas the CNC Orange today we'll be discussing how to discovered dinosaur bone now start digging dinosaur bones are found underground beneath millions of years worth of accumulated sediment that's true looking for dinosaur bones in the ground so you want to find the dinos that no one else is finding that creative looking places would normally expect wait in your garage or in your butt hey okay dude no one's gonna find dinosaur bones in there but have you looked no but I think I just found a new incredible dinosaur skeleton oh that's his own skeleton do leave that man alone he's not a dinosaur his arms look kind of T Rexy George stop okay anyway we got three once he found dinosaur bones real dinosaur bones dust off the bones very carefully to get that pesky difficult to remove dirt off the bugs you may have to blow it up with or [Music] don't the entire skeleton is dust now I know what knows if you're gonna sneeze please face the other way well at least the video didn't end in a TNT explosion oh wait it looks like there's 100g pair here back with another juicy episode about you this week Ivan wants to know how to hack stuff what the heck kind of question is that you're in luck Ivan I just so happen to be the world's latest hacker readest hacker understand what just happened I just had a bunch of stuff their computers mainframes yeah that's actually what my first question was about what's with the cow again this could be the weirdest episode yet hopefully and that brings me to watch meatpackers yeah the practice practice practice after that the sounds into dancing the Macarena you know how on earth is practice gonna help you dude there is no yeah I get it you think kissing is gross but that's the tradition dude if you and someone wind up standing under mistletoe together you have to kiss do you feel better already but stay away from me until the third one happens please also I have to point out that I cannot believe you just put that hat back on your head alright step one find a good high traffic area to hang your mistletoe where a lot people gathered exactly step 2 plug in the coordinates event location into what I did oh of course what are you even talking about some kind of missile that delivers tell us to expecting children at Christmas a missile that delivers toes Y toes because ok ok anyway step 3 with the person you'd like to kiss steps under the mistletoe what's going on orange mistletoe isn't an actual missile you understand that right goodness it'll be exploding toast to place any moment now mistletoe is that green stuff right there the stuff you were eating earlier yeah well passion certainly seemed impressed by that maybe from now on refrain from eating wickets out yes stop eating mistletoe you know it upsets your stomach figuratively speaking of course cuz there's not gonna be any TT this episode right orange things I'm not allowed to do in this episode it's a short list okay good good because today's episode is gonna be a great one we'll be discussing how to make a new year's resolution no not that kind of resolution dude a new year's resolution is a promise you make with yourself sure dude something like that now then rough one for making your new year's resolution identify something you'd like to change about yourself growing the mustache is not a new year's resolution dude because it's supposed to be something that improves who you are like eating better or reading more or what I said fine orange your resolution could be to grow super sexy legs no can we please move on to the next step no no I'm not even gonna respond to that that's a totally great idea bear okay step two write down your resolution that way you'll have it as a constant reminder we're not gonna sprout unless you get to step three orange go out and make it happen resolutions don't happen on their own they take commitment and dedication on your part yeah dude it's your not easy for growing legs to something else yeah I think that'd probably be a good idea something more feasible well that's nice to hear you're really getting the hang of it huh what's here it's being delivered UPS delivery please what you can't just order your resolution to be delivered I followed all the snaps I identified it wrote it down and then I went out and made it happen okay well let's just see what you wrote down hey this is just a list from here with another episode drum roll please today Igor Silva wants to know how to play the drum [Music] it was so funny I forgot to laugh [Music] no we are not because it's your first drum set keep it simple a snare drum a bass drum a ride cymbal no no I'm saying there are too many cowbells why on earth would anyone need more than one cowbell anyway like sit near that dude they're booing of course they're gonna like too much cowbell taking their sticks away well alright this video seems sufficiently derailed congratulations on ruining yet another episode of how to orange at this point my eardrums are already ruptured I might as well give you the sticks back with another episode of that's right this week war beagle master wants to know how to make a horror movie you were out of control with this cow stop you got a beef with that cow knows what he's doing he's the Steven spielberger all right all right enough with the cow puns already dude choose a scary monster that you want your movie to be about like a werewolf or a vampire would you stop we're trying to make a scary movie here oh I thought you said dairy movie you're right yeah vampires are way scarier please proceed thank you with that to write a script of what happens in the movie that's right picture scary exciting things happen throughout the script and don't forget vampires witnesses let you exposure to sunlight or garlic oh not that kind of steak dude well maybe it should be three get actors and a camera and shoot your movie with PMD why would you say that it's good advice pair filmmakers trying to make a scary movie should not blow up the camera the TNT well no I agree it's just weird that you said it I mean why would there be TNT anywhere near this movie sex well what what did you hear about the crew members we're on the straightest at their cow high row maniacs and if it's easy parents don't have a cow we're surrounded by fire and explosives and you think delish episode of happy that's right cuz this week Narwhal 29 wants to know how to order food from a restaurant which is a great question there's actually a fancy new restaurant I've been dying to try not even close dude no all right step 1 look over the menu orange just in time you're not gonna ruin this fancy dinner for me orange now then hmm this all looks so delicious maybe we should try this is a French restaurant I know what it means we please get back on track let's get back on track step 2 tell your server what you'd like using the magic word you ordered a huge pile of good drink some water orange you have to tell them which dish orange this week Andre wants to know how to fix a doorknob great timing with your question Andre just so happen to have a broken door knob right here um what are you talking about Orange we just use that doorknob it works perfectly fun well it's broken now let's get to it step one for fixing the doorknob unscrew the doorknob from the door this will leave an orange sized hole in the door which is perfect for hide-and-seek if you're an orange sure but not if they're human why would anybody want to do that well I didn't think that orange now there's a huge hole in the door that defeats the entire reason for fixing the doorknob in the first place why lock the door if people could just walk through it good fine yeah okay this is all great only we're no closer to fixing the doorknob than when we started orange wrong way they're lucky to even size superfast really you're not supposed to be human-sized all these humans you're gonna have to change the size of the hall and make it even a door sized hole you just installed a new door to orange the point was to fix the doorknob that's my bad yeah answer the questions you've been harboring in the deepest darkest recesses of your soul or just questions about pizza today we're gonna show you why don't you make a pizza that works too orange yep one run by tossing it in the air the higher you throw it the better your pizza will be really why is that unbelievably fantastic drinks are called pie in the sky yeah I'm not really sure about that okay really dude you wanted a pigeon on your pizza what Becker there we go well that's a nice segue to step to put on your toppings apparently orange is gone with woodpecker because I don't know you think it sounds funny it sounds funny bear I know it's funny how much wonder what backpack you what that good wood Wow just when I think you can't possibly get more annoying I'm an orange yeah let's just get this over with step 3 Wow I will that's with my pet woodpecker in a napping dude it's not your party game a name and everything yeah what's his name what back-end you named your woodpecker woodpecker how original [Music] okay okay fine we don't have to do step three we're not gonna wood fire your pet birds I do go on woodpecker [Music] it's a wood-fired oven that's what a lot of the time [Music]
Channel: Annoying Orange
Views: 11,385,394
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: annoying orange, funny, fruit, talking, animation, daneboe, The Annoying Orange, how2, annoying orange how2, how2 how to do 100 things, saturday supercut, how2 saturday supercut, parody, cartoon, comedy, lampoon, spoof
Id: kmhvZ8kVdG4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 191min 1sec (11461 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 24 2018
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