Anne Hathaways Adorable Flirting Fails | The Idea of You | The Graham Norton Show

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but I hear an you were very very excited to work with Matthew I was excited to work with Matthew yeah I mean who wouldn't be he's amazing yeah yeah yeah I was excited to work with an but tell the people why you were excited to work with Matthew well I was there were a few reasons I had been a fan for you know a while like like many people and uh I remember sitting down with Chris he uh to talk about the film he said he'd written a new screenplay and he told me the story and I thought it had it amazing and I said well who that that lead Ro sounds unbelievable who are you going to cast in it and he said well I've been thinking about Matthew mccon and you know everybody flashback this is in early 2013 so the MC connaissance hasn't happened yet so uh we haven't you know woken up to the genius of this man yet and he and he goes oh you you think that's a that's a good idea have you seen mud and I said no I've seen magic mic and Chris goes oh yeah well most people who have seen mod think that you know he's really and I'm just like magic mic magic mic is the performance and um Chris is like oh and then he clearly wants to move the conversation along and I will not shut up how much I love Matthew in that film you're so good in that movie CU yes it's like it's hot and sexy and you thrust and stuff but you also I mean it's just such an incredible character and it's so deep and he's scary and he's funny and he's like hot but he's also so skevy and it's just it's like and I remember I walked out of the theater and you know this I walked out of the theater and I turned to all my friends cuz we all went to see it together and I said Matthew MCC is going to win an Oscar and I knew it the second I saw you like pressed up in that a break dancing pose your leg as the camera shooting up your Cobra Cod piece and scissor leg I said that man is going to win an Oscar and I was right yeah remarkable for me to be sitting on this sofa with these people who have who have inspired me from when I was very very very young oh you're welcome to J Man the other connections are more obvious obviously an and Bob you're in a movie the new movie The Intern together yeah and I hear though you have been spreading misinformation about the Bob I'm so sorry about this yes I I didn't mean to but I made the world believe that Robert dairo is a fan of The Bachelor and as it turns out uh it was my mistake and uh I he was being sarcastic in an email where he was told that we were uh one of our trailers or something was premiering in front of the Bachelor and Nancy said Bob I know you're such a fan and Bob said you bet your ass I'm a fan of The Bachelor and I was like this is such good Goss and then I stupidly told a journalist about it and now Bob has had to answer non-stop questions for this entire press tour about what a fan of the bachelor is what's his favorite season what do he think of the Rose ceremony have you ever even seen it no any especially she enjoys when I like insult her it's true yeah you're really good at it and she's very easy to insult but I mean I don't know it's just something about your sincerity or something I you know what I'm not even going to argue with it I know it's true my favorite was when you called me an animatronic [ __ ] teas yeah cuz on that day you really look like her but you called me a big titted Russell Crow you asked me to no no no you're misrepresenting that story Reb's like you know Annie call me a big tit Russ crow in this did I make up that day you did for yourself the zero gravity mhm in it so what is I mean cuz some movies they you know they do it in different ways so how do they achieve it on this there's a few different ways I mean sometimes we were on a wire 80 ft in the air other times you were on the end of a gimbal like a seesaw and other times I know you mhm you show your one leg move yeah yeah sometimes it was very Hightech I would stand on one leg no and sort of float around I hear you're very good at it can you show us can you show us are you sure I mean it's very difficult yeah no let's see it let's see we'll put some music on put some music on some room room oh here she goes here she goes here she goes [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh There She Goes see very good he does that for two and a half hours but an hathway you also do an impression I Britney Spears this is an oldie but a goodie okay ohab how was I supposed to know that something wasn't right [Music] here now out of like how Petty do arguments get in your house it's usually me and it's usually cuz I'm hungry so we have a lot of hangry fights and um one time I picked a fight with him to be fair it was during like day three of my extreme weight loss diet for lamees and I I picked a fight with him about a sunset like whether it was pretty or not no no um okay so I the early days of the weight loss I was a little Manic and I I went outside and I was like I was feeling things pretty intensely and I saw the sunset and I was like oh my God it's the most beautiful sunset I've ever seen come on and so I ran inside and my husband who was being so nice and like holding my hand through this you know the early days of this is pretty hard he's been so nice he's literally he's like I need to have a 15minute work call one point during the day and I burst and sudden I'm like honey there's a sunset outside we have to go and he was like okay honey I'm just I'm on the work call and I just SU just immediately pull a sulk and I'm sitting there I'm like well it's it's happening right now we're going to miss it so then he is like okay I just need five minutes babe and it's like and it's a and it's a work call and I'm sitting there and I make it about 30 seconds my patience is not there and finally I stand up I'm like okay you know he's on a work call and I'm like okay I'm going outside you can come find me I'm really bad and so then and the thing is we're at a hotel which is on like 100 Acre estate like the front yard is 20 acres and the backyard is 80 acres and he's like well okay um he's so sweet he's like okay sweetie um I'll come find you where will you be and I go if I'm not in the front I'll be in the back and then I hid behind a statue and stuck my foot out and got mad when he couldn't find me hor [ __ ] that day that was a successful FLIR cuz he did come no on halfway uh you also produced something since we're last year h a human being yes uh yes I thank you a son jonath Jonathan Jonathan and he's three now yes three and I'm sure he's delightful I'm sure youve a lovely relationship but he apparent is this true that he doesn't like you to sing at all he does not he does not like my singing voice in this like how does he react to you singing um well like sometimes like he's very calm and I'm like okay this is it this is the moment and so I'll maybe start to sing a song that I know he likes and he goes mama mama no no Mama no and then like I give it a minute and I show he goes m m no tough crowd you're like the most amazing singer he doesn't care you sh him have you shown him your Oscar for M i' be whacking around the head with it you have children no I don't all right just Social Services thought best I yeah but you know he loves Peppa Pig like absolutely loves it and we had a really amazing moment when um I was kind of sat at the piano and I and he loves the Peppa Pig Christmas episode and I was trying to sing work out one of the ones in the piano and he let me sing it for him and so I'm like kind of tearing up because it's been a full two years of like I'm not allowed to sing to my child and um and then he I was singing Crying singing Peppa Pig to him a it was so lovely that's not so at least you've got one I've got one it's very small repertoire yeah working in my favor I yeah I thought a short evening with an haway audience of one that time around M Rob when the Oscar buz was all you know intense cuz kind of you were the favorite and everything uh there were all these parties people go to and I believe there was was it a a dinner or cocktail party you went to with Daniel Craig oh well um so it like these moments happen when you feel like you've been you've gone through the Looking Glass you know before that you thought that things were one way and then you kind of get invited into like the secret part so it was a a party that I'd always thought was a cocktail party but then things started to go really well and then I found it it was actually a dinner party too if you things were going really well so I am at the dinner part and then like like a tnd to date you have to do the drinks first going well you get you get the dinner so so I uh so I I'm there and you know it's just it's just amazing because you work really hard and there's no guarantees that it's ever going to happen and then it like starts too and and so I'm I'm they clear away the tables and you're like what's oh it's the cocktail part and then Daniel Craig walks in and I'm like oh my God I was at the party before Daniel Craig like are you kidding me this is amazing and then um and I'm like what am I like can I go introduce myself to him am I allowed to look at him like what's going on and I look up and Daniel Craig is going and he Ms this hey you [ __ ] you and I'm like oh my God I have made it so much that Daniel Craig doesn't even know me and he's messing with me so I'm just like [ __ ] me [ __ ] you and so he goes ah [ __ ] you I'm just like no no no no no [ __ ] you and then he just goes [ __ ] you and I go I'm sorry I can't hear you do you want me to turn it up and then theni Craig goes oh not you and I look behind me and Steven dodre is doing the rudest things you've ever seen and I just look up and Daniel Craig and I just pretend we don't know each other is a hard act to and I know and Anway you didn't get it right straight away did you no I did not I did not I actually um you just reminded me of another time cuz I I was pretty miserable at it for a very long time and I remember this one time you know I was in a school play and we were all hanging out backstage and I was very nervous because there was a boy I liked and he was in it and you know you want to sound grown up you want to sound like you you know what you're talking about I don't know why I did this it was so embarrassing and I was just like somehow like somebody made a joke about sex or something like hey guys we should have an orgie so cute like when I was a kid I thought oral sex was talking about sex I like I've done that so big deal orgie orgie and that didn't work no no uh but the I remember the first time like I tried I mean I remember I was I was 12 and I I wasn't cool but I was friends with a cool girl and she had an older brother who was in high school we were in middle school and we got a ride from one of her brother's friends and I was like freaking out you know so I'm just like sitting in the back seat like like really nervous I don't know how to sit I don't know do I look out the window do I stare ahead do I look at my like what do you do and I'm just sitting there trying to figure out what I'm going to like how to how to be cool how to be tough like I want to be a tough cool girl that's what I want I want to be a tough cool girl and so then he's like and my older brother didn't had gone to middle school with him but had gone to a different high school and he was like hey you're you're my cathaway little sister right like mhm and he was like your your name's Annie and I go yeah who the [ __ ] are you CU that's what I thought tough cool girl is what they do well ex said I was neither tough nor Co or it didn't work that didn't work that did not work either now listen the book lots of advice [Music]
Channel: The Graham Norton Show
Views: 331,449
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: A-list celebrities, Anne Hathaway charming, Hollywood banter, TV highlights, The Graham Norton Show, amusing stories, celebrity gaffes, celebrity tales, celebrity talk show, chat show anecdotes, chat show giggles, comedic interactions, engaging discussions, entertaining conversations, entertainment industry, interview bloopers, on-air humors, on-set laughs, show bloopers, viral moments, witty exchanges
Id: lGpeP3PzMyw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 23sec (803 seconds)
Published: Wed May 01 2024
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