Anne Hathaway Breaks Down 'Unbelievable' Emotional Response To 'The Idea of You'

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(rock music) - Check it out. - I'm very into like- - Oh my god. (Kelly gasps) - Look at those. - We didn't even plan, we did not plan this. - These are my Wonder Woman shoes. - You guys. - Yeah, Kelly Clarkson. - You look fabulous. - Is New York agreeing with you, or is New York agreeing with you? - I love it. Yes. - Everything's incredible. - Thank you. Thank you. - Congratulations. (audience cheers) - No but wait, speaking of the big screen, this, what y'all did at the SAG Awards was hilarious. - Oh, thank you. - You and Meryl and Emily. That was hilarious. - Thank you so much. - Is it so cool when y'all run back into each other because it's- - Oh, it's, yeah. - It's such a pop culture thing, right? - Well, I love it. - How do y'all look even better now? (Anne laughs) That's upsetting anyway. - Look at Meryl is just- - Yeah. I can't stand all three of you. Yeah. Yeah. (Anne laughs) That's so great for y'all. - Well you know what's so funny is Emily and Stanley are family now. Because Stanley - Oh, right! - Wound up marrying Emily's sister. - Yes you told me, yeah. - So they really loved the movie. - Yeah. (audience laughs) - And um, no, it's like, it's just - Really connected. - It's just such an incredible thing. I actually am, I am, I tend to be a little sincere, and I was up there with Meryl and Emily and, you know, it was that the clips package and I looked over and I hadn't seen both of them together in a really long time. - Yeah. - And I just like reached out and grabbed their hands, I'm like, I love you. - Yeah. - I love you so much. - Like I'm cheesy like that. - And it's just, yeah, no. I go there. - Especially with the montage. I'm like. (blubbers) - Oh my god. Yeah. - And I just- It's the craziest thing to get to have in common and share with somebody. - Yeah. - You know, because we had so much fun making it. It felt really cool while we were making it. But the fact that now it's so much bigger than any of us. - Yeah. - And now it just kind of- - Such a pop culture thing. - Belongs to everybody. And you, and- - I know, that's so special. to be part of it. Yeah. - So special and to - And to still look that fantastic. Years later. Fine. So last time you were here, this is real. This is not a lie. The cupcake hack that we talked about, that was in passing by the way. It was just a fun little cute thing. - It was just an excuse to eat a cupcake man. - Ended up being the most streamed thing on my show. (Anne laughs) (audience cheers) - Oh my gosh. That's so funny. - Like that not a song. Not an anything. - Not a revelation. - A cupcake. - Not a spring sadness. - Not a moving revelation. Yes. - But a cupcake. - Just a cupcake. So I'm just curious, what can we do with more dessert information? Do you have like any. - Oh my gosh. Is a dessert important to you? It is very important to me. - So it's everything. - God, it tastes good. Yeah. - I actually game my entire day around dessert. Dessert is so important. And I actually have to get, throw it back to my friend Steph, who was the person who observed me do that. - Yeah. - And she said, that's TikTok. - Well, she was right. - She was so right. So, thank you, Steph. - Yes. - And dessert is, let's see. I don't have any tricks, but I'm very good with the dessert menu. I have to say, I don't give myself a lot of credit, but I'm really good at ordering dessert. - Wait, so you don't, so you don't ever do de like, envy order, like, you know, when you order something and your friend order something else and you're like, "Damnnit, I should have done that." - No, I order her both. (audience laughs) - We're the same. - No, no, no, no. - I don't, I rarely go out. - Dessert is not the time to say no. (Kelly gasps) - So when we go out- - I, I... - I literally go, we'll have one of all four. - So I- - And we all split it. - I believe in combining. - Yes. - You know, don't be greedy. - Yes. - But you have to, you have to have a plan. - You wanna try it all. - Well, everybody, here's the thing, everybody really does wanna have a bite of most of it. And something else to notice. I have found when, sorry, everybody's looking at me like I'm insane. (audience laughs) - She's like, it's a chemistry class restaurant. - No, I love, I love desserts. - Me too. - So one of the things I've noticed is- - Especially when it's done right? - If a restaurant does not have good bread, don't bother with a cake. (Kelly gasps) (audience awestruck) - I can't stand, okay. (audience laughing) (audience clapping) That is true. - Life truth. - Also, what is true, for a person that grew up on Tex-Mex. If the chips in queso and salsa aren't good, just right from the jump. If you sit down at the table and it sucks, the rest of the meal's gonna suck. - It's gonna suck. - Yeah. - It's gonna suck. - It's gotta- - You've gotta have pride. - You've gotta have a solid chips and salsa. Like, why are you even here? Why did you open a restaurant? (audience laughs) Like why did you do this to us? Yeah. Not too much salt. Just the right amount. Maybe some lime, whatever. - Ooh. Why do you have to say that? Now I'm thinking about it. - Mouth, my mouth is watering. (audience cheering) Now let's look at her new movie. It's called "The Idea of You" it premiers on Prime video May 2nd. The film is so good. It's, it, I will say it's got a lot of serious moments too. That are very honest, which I love and appreciate. And I will say my favorite part about it, is I think that people, like. I'm 41, I think that people think, I don't know, when you're a mom and you're 41, you've all of a sudden have no sex drive or passion or anything like that in your life. - Yeah. - Or desire like that. And I love that the movie points that out as if we do. We're not dead. You know. (Anne clapping) (audience cheering) And so, I love that the movie points that out. But explain the movie. I tend to ruin things when I watch things. And I've watched it and I love it. - What do you mean? - I give away things. They, they almost don't like me to watch things. Because I'm like, oh, I love this part. And people are like, don't- - No, not that part. No, no, no. - Yeah. Yeah. I'm horrible at it. Yeah. - So, okay. I, the movie. I play Solene Marchand, who is a woman who is on the threshold of her 40th birthday. So basically she went through a not nice divorce. - No. - And yeah, her husband did a really bad thing, and then she decided to be a good person and forgive him. And say, I'm gonna stay here for our family. - Yeah. - Everybody makes mistakes. And you know, what he says wasn't a mistake. - That's the worst part. At that table when y'all are talking. And I'm like, if she goes here, I'm might have cried. It's fine. - So, so she said, so she knows about herself that she decided to take the high road and it still didn't work out for her. And she's sitting on that kind of heartbreak, - Which a lot of people are. - Which a lot of people are actually. I think. - Yeah. Yeah. - And anyway, he flakes on a weekend with their daughter, to take their daughter to Coachella. She gets called up, and so she goes to Coachella and kind of meets a 24-year-old pop star who thinks she's hot. (audience laughing) - And he kind of- - And he is easy on the eyes. - He's alright. That Nick Galitzine's all right. - Geeze. - And so anyway, so he, she doesn't really think anything more of it, but he does. - How y'all meet is adorable. - And so he follows her. - Yeah. - He kind of like seeks her out. And then what happens next is they kind of fall for each other. So I have to say, I'm a producer on this movie. - That's so cool. Yeah. (audience cheering) - Thank you very much. Thank you thank you. And- - Because it's important. You get to produce those projects you wanna see too. - Yeah. And I, look, I think that, I genuinely think this is a movie that everybody should see and, and should love. But I really made this movie for us. - Yeah. - And I really made this movie and I was like, the people like me who I don't feel like I get fed at the movies always. - No. - I feel like maybe people make movies like, and you'll like this too. - Yeah. - I'm like, what if they were like, no- - I'm not trying to find myself in my twenties. - You'll like this- - I wanna see another movie. - What if you're like, you'll like it, first. - Yeah, yeah. - You know, and we've had this unbelievable thing happen where people genuinely love the movie. Like, and that, but women, like, usually about 35 and older, the movie ends and they cannot stop crying. Like they just, something happens and they just can't, they can't. I've seen it. I've held them. And they, and they just, it... Because we, we go through it. We go through heartbreak, but we also don't give up on hope. - Yeah. - And so there's a lot in, there's a lot going on in this movie. And there's like concerts and really fun clothes. - Yes. - And boy bands and it's great. - Yeah. He is handsome. (audience laughs) - You know, it was fun when we worked together. And I feel like Nick's, I think people know, everybody knows Nick Galitzine at this point, right? (audience cheering) So when we were working together, it was really cute because... This has happened to me a couple times where I've worked with someone just before, I'm like, oh, you're about to become really, really big. - Yeah. - And so Nick kept having to tell people how to pronounce his last name. Now we know it's Galitzine. And so one day someone's like, so it's Nick Gala-Gala. And I'm like, Galitzine like magazine. And he goes, oh my god, I've been alive this long. And it's never occurred to me. - To use that. - And then I came up with a song, which was ♪ Nick Gallatine ♪ ♪ Nick Gallatine ♪ - So everybody gets it. ♪ You've got a face ♪ ♪ For a magazine ♪ ♪ But he's more than just a beauty queen ♪ ♪ Can't wait to hear everybody scream ♪ ♪ For a Nick Galitzine ♪ - You have a whole rap. (audience cheering) You have a whole rap to teach people. - We became really good friends on this one. - Yeah. - Really good friends. - Can I tell you how funny it was? Because I've watched the things that obviously people are, that's usually what I'm watching at my house. Is whoever I'm about to interview, I'm trying to, you know, catch up on their project. And I had Julianne Moore here and she did "Mary and George" with- - Queen. - And I love, but that is- - Different. - A very different character that he's playing. - Yeah. - So he went from that character. And if you've seen "Mary and George" and then you watched this, it could not- - He's got range. - Be more different. - He's got range. - Yes, yes. - Versatile. - So I was like- - Flexible. - Is that the same kid? (Anne laughing) Is that the same kid that was in the other thing? And it was. There's a line in the movie though, that it's called people hate happy women. Or it's not called that. It's what it says. And I was like, that is the saddest possibly true statement. But what, how powerful was that line for you in that movie? - Um, anybody experienced anything like that? I mean, I think, I think we, we gotta move beyond this thing. - Yeah. - And so I think part of, one of the things about moving on beyond something. You know, sunlight's the greatest disinfectant, let's call it out. - Yeah. - Let's call it out. And something about this movie is we, we don't comment on what's going on. We just show, what would happen in this scenario. And so my character, like she gets to fall in love, but she also has to deal with a ton of internet hate. It's just- - Stay on your own front porch. - We're all here, and we're... Nobody know. I don't, nobody knows what's going on in each other's lives. And happiness is in a given. And if somebody finds it, oh my gosh, what a gift. And, and I just, I just love to get to the point where the instinct, the grace is, oh man, I hope me too. As opposed to. (imitating scratching sound) - Envy or- - Nah. Bleh. You know, like that. - Yeah, yeah, yeah. - And, I really feel for anybody that that does that. But it is something that my character goes through. - Yeah. It's very relatable. Well, last time you were here, we played a game. Do you remember? (Kelly and audience chuckle) Oh my god. - I don't know what happened, Kelly. I blacked out. - Well I felt like a loser. (Anne laughing) This is what happened Anne. - No. - Can you play a freaking song I'll know? - Jason play a song she'll love. (rock music) ♪ Since you've been gone ♪ (audience cheering) - Oh. ♪ I can breathe for the first time ♪ (audience clapping) - The most depressing thing. - I don't know. - As if I've never, as if I haven't sung that song a billion times to hear the- (imitates drums). - Kelly Clarkson, you have a lot going on on this show. You wear a lot of hats on this show. - You're very nice. - You had other things on your mind. Also, I would like to point out, this is two times in a row that somehow we coordinated our outfits without talking. - I know. We did. We didn't even talk to each other. - This is very promising. - We're just this fabulous on the regular. Are you up for a rematch? You have no choice. (Anne laughs) You have no choice. - A rematch of that? - No, I'm not in that particular. - Okay. - Something similar. I think - Because I heard you sing today, I'm like, please no. - Yeah. No I was singing great. - Please don't make me sing in front of Kelly Clarkson. - Okay. Anne's new movie, all is called "The Idea of You", it's on prime video starting May 2nd. You gotta check it out. And we've got a rematch coming up next. (audience cheering) We'll be right back.
Channel: The Kelly Clarkson Show
Views: 332,778
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Anne Hathaway, Kelly Clarkson, NIck Galiztine, The Kelly Clarkson Show, NBC, talk show, American Idol, The Voice, singer, musician, NBC TV, Television, Funny, comedic, humor, jokes, funny video, interview, variety, talent, celebrities, video, clip, highlight, songs, Ella Enchanted, The Idea of You, rom com, romantic comedy, new movie, Princess Diaries, Julie Andrews, Les Mis, Les Miserables, The Dark Knight Rises, Rachel Getting Married, Colossal, Ocean’s Eight, Rio, Alice In Wonderland
Id: 9WMakLa35Ls
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 23sec (683 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 30 2024
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