Animator Vs. Cartoonist Draw More Spongebob Characters From Memory • Draw Off

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hi I'm Kevin hi I'm Jackie and today we're drawing more spongebob characters for a memory today [Music] I know I grew up without television so I don't know I know what spongebob looks like Jason what shape is I don't know you did such a great job with Patrick Patrick is like one shape and Squidward is like four shapes what four names is he circle right maybe like a triangle okay mayhaps a pentagon they have it's interesting I don't watch the show at all but I is no way not to know what this guy looks like I think I've drawn this character so many times in my youth it should be have you done research you know what I have watched a little bit of Spongebob how did you like it I liked it a lot Oh can you tell me a little bit about her so mrs. puff is SpongeBob's driving instructor and she's at wit's end with him because he has failed whose driving tests like really his head is quite large thing is that he has a really big nose like that's right in it tangle yeah it's like over his mouth yeah he's got lots of tentacles oh yeah he's got like he doesn't have human hands don't draw human hands okay that's gonna really freak people out think of like a cereal box kind of like that shape he's got like wavy lines on the outside and then just give him some like Swiss cheese holes his limbs are kind of to be he's got like the rubber hose thing going on I will never get tired of spongebob it's just like it is ingrained into our culture into some people's culture and he's got like big eyes like spongebob right yeah he's got a big old nose I'm about much I think that's the only thing I know about him does he have gloves no no no because he's yellow okay so his hands already stand out the shape of his head mm-hmm is it like a bullet shape or is it something different it's like a mushroom it's like a mushroom imagine a mushroom you know it's like a bulbous uh-huh and then it's got the stem okay next question yes is he wearing clothes yes he sure is like shirt and pants what do you think oh no oh this is the limit of you helping me here it looks like a cookie wait can I ask you for in hints are her fins like hands or are they just like fin they're like fin feel big buck teeth all right I think yes Bugsy's not wrong I'm at okay oh now right now I got it okay I think I got it now so I've made an executive decision I am giving him both a shirt and pants sounds good I'd support you I feels no you're right keep it go now I think you're effing with me no I'm not I would never do such a thing I'm actually like really cool and awesome and kind it makes something a sailor's dress is a very good reference day when they had uniforms that are inspired by like sailors yeah okay okay does she wear shoes yes are they fabulous yeah they're like little high heels I think cute she is really tiny like it's like an interesting take on a Blowfish which is cool like I don't really think I've seen any other Blowfish designs like hers how old is she she's like middle aged does she wear makeup yes I'm so boy okay oh boy you should maybe restart the clock oh my god I spent too long on the niceness of the loins I think and you know be able to color it I have to decide what colors I want to make him he's a very drab color I know that you should try all sorts of colors now you're just actively trying to screw with me even you know find space for this hi Jason do not forget the time alright I won't forget I'm gonna come at you in the comments the time I should have formatted my drawing like one of those drawing tutorials where it's like just draw a square and I'll be like listening to you dropping it yeah next time who needs art school when you can watch BuzzFeed videos oh wait wait but does she does she have arms yes well even though like arm fins you could take any frame of Spongebob out of context and probably make a meme out of it just because there's so much like character and expression in it sponge NAR or like caveman spongebob it's like when future spongebob goes to the past and like meets is like caveman counterpart Wow and sponge gnar is like Oh what about you Jason you got a favorite spongebob me no I don't know about the names much sigh audience I live in the cave don't do that oh my god can we have a loose - no doesn't look right I'm coloring in his pants and I feel like I made a bad decision it's too late to change it it's too late to change it you got a Camilo I gotta live with it but I feel like it was wrong for me yeah oh this is definitely not missus I think I did really well I think this looks like the character more than anything else I've done in this challenge you know what I'm confident yeah I'm confident in my decisions I feel someone okay I feel like the pants were the wrong thing to do we're gonna find out he doesn't have pants oh they oh she is so cute like that is adorable you made her look like a Sailor Scout she's adorable did I kill it you did amazing I killed him with a knife no I'm the real knife I stabbed him over and over until he bled misunderstanding me what until he died no yes he's like robbing us at lighting your finger point yeah this looks kind of like the first draft okay before they refined it yeah they were like they drew this and they were like this is the guy and then and then they like quietly gave it to a real character designer and they're like I think it's not bad drawer they're like listen can you clean this up for Ted here oh yeah exactly that I forgot he had like the blue eyes oh yeah oh and socks I didn't know you had socks Wow I thought his holes were more 3d ish you seriously like gave him like divots into his like skin yeah you did it you made my gritty live-action remake Bob Oh would you look at that Wow I mean you were dead-on was that yeah it is like he has darker suckers small circles are darker but you got the purple you didn't give him a collar on his shirt I was gonna say that you got the collared shirt for some reason that's a weird thing for me for you to remember right she's a lot more hair than I remembered yeah she does have spikes I shouldn't we got the legs right oh you got them perfect don't know how you got the colors yeah spongebob is literally you've kind of like Mickey Mouse at this point I don't know who the rest of the characters of the show is but there's no way you can avoid knowing oh yeah yeah you're SpongeBob's gonna beat up my son you did good Kevin thank you jack I'm so sorry I never hope you but I really like not helping you that's weird but I'll take it I just think it's funny it's just a good time to watch you struggle please everyone likes to watch me struggle I'm sorry I told you that that's alright I'm just gonna listen to you anymore [Music]
Channel: BuzzFeedVideo
Views: 8,559,575
Rating: 4.9253182 out of 5
Keywords: buzzfeed, buzzfeedvideo, buzzfeed video, animator vs. cartoonist, animator vs. cartoonist draw spongebob characters, drawing from memory, drawing challenge, drawing spongebob characters from memory, cartoonist, artist draw spongebob, artist challenge, animator, artist draw spongebob from memory, cartoonist draw spongebob, spongebob characters, spongebob drawing challenge, spongebob drawing, drawing spongebob, draw spongebob, artist try to draw spongebob, draw off
Id: mv-3D3noaxk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 15sec (495 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 02 2019
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