Kevin & Jackie Draw Subscriber Suggestions • Draw Off

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Pam J hey I'm Kevin and today we're gonna be drying whatever the internet tells us so this is a replay of a previously recorded live stream the chat on the live stream will be telling us what to draw as embodied by the voice of our producer Matt Matt we're gonna start throwing suggestions at you okay if something grab it if you grab for something if something grabbed my attention drop it drop it drop oh I should be a town crier you should Lexie Borja don't know how to pronounce it dinosaurs in burlesque outfits cat on a boards gate boarding on an alligator not sure how that one works okay we got a teenager learning to use an element of your choosing this is just avatar that's the log line of Avatar The Last Airbender that they brought in Jackie as the cat you take that back whoever said that Jackie as a squirrel you take that back we got a reverse centaur a reverse Center so like horse top human person bottom Oh Cthulhu working his summer job Cthulhu working a summer job I'm gonna look at what casue looks like I didn't tell you that yeah I think you could do that really cute it was kind of scary I'm gonna draw this you can draw a Cthulhu summer job food and working a summer job okay what job should could do have I was thinking of just a simple cashier Oh Kevin as a squirrel Kevin as a squirrel now that's a suggestion I can get behind alright I'll do me as a squirrel Oh a little shade in the chat Barbara he says Kevin will do him anyways Oh Barbara V thanks my mom mom is that really gets my mom mom what the hell I guarantee you Barbara V is my mom I love Kevin's mom oh I got I got a lot more jobs in essence if you need one you think you get it give it to me I'm just gonna get lifeguard we got swim instructor we got ice cream parlor don't ice cream parlor people come with wool hats yep oh if you look up ice cream parlor outfit you just get a lot of uncomfortably sexy Halloween costumes Jackie what do you know about the who live octopus baby he's an octopus baby baby hey Matt are there any questions in the chat for us ask me a question I probably won't answer it but maybe I will black sheep in suggests what those you guys favorite cartoons you go first I have to think about it my current favorite cartoon is Bob's Burgers Bob's Burgers is amazing yes but I would say my favorite cartoon of all time would probably be freakazoid you remember freakazoid well I mean I know from the 90s I know freakazoid but you know him I do know personally yes I went to high school with that get out yeah is he cool no that's a bummer it's a bummer you know domi your yours what's your favorite cartoon I don't know there's one it's my favorite but I think when I was a kid the most I've ever watched of a cartoon it's probably Powerpuff Girls I was gonna guess it was some type of anime like Sailor Moon or I guess if oh if we're talking anime as well Sailor Moon over Naruto yeah cuz Naruto came kind of later tiny Time Lord asked if you were a superhero what would your superpower be Wow okay what would be your superpower yours would be being a squirrel apparently what do you think I would have 700 are we gonna do it for each other let's do it for each other I think it would get more interesting results otherwise I'm gonna say something stupid like I wish I could teleport so I don't have to walk anymore well that's actually kind of what I was gonna say for you next question how do you feel about a SuperSpeed that's pretty cool I think I would love to just flex on people for being really fast so that's what I would choose for you what would you choose for me the power to change someone's mind like Inception no just like a yes or no decision yeah do you want to go get ice cream wait wait wait let's try it out do you want to go get ice cream yes I don't even like ice cream you know like ice cream oh yeah I hate all things that are fun how's it going coming it's going pretty good I'm lining I've got a good time learning as well I got a great question from Ruby artwork love you Ruby artwork how do you color faster are there any tips and tricks that you have to color and eye drawing faster I'll take this one one thing that I've started to do here on draw off learning from Jackie is to simply duplicate my line art layer and use the paint bucket tool in order to fill it in now in my world of print media that is not a good way to do it because you want to do what's called trapping and I'm not gonna bore you with what trapping is but for screen art it's perfectly acceptable and it's a much quicker way to to color asami yuzawa love nurse asks if you could have contributed to any cartoon or anime I'm assuming in history what would it be it was pretty good Wow that is a great question spirited away I wish I made that single-handed just by yourself by myself I wish I worked on it but I debt I definitely was born the year it came out I'm gonna go with freakazoid again freakazoid yeah love that guy it really informed my sense of humor what color is cocoon what does a chat think what color should Cthulhu be so I am then what flavor of ice cream should this be oh yeah very important and should it have toppings if so what kind sprinkles rainbow sprinkles I mean he's like a horrifying demon wants like blood on it no no I'm Bo sprinkles I mean blood just hits the spot in a different kind of way hot pink seems to be on the top of the list and mint chocolate chip is the most popular flavor guys are weird Jackie do you like drawing live on the internet it has no positive or negative effects you are completely neutral about it I have there's just no emotion attached there's no emotions attached to a lot of things you do huh yeah I think so are you dead sidetracked a little bit huh if you look into my eyes if you look closely if you if you look take off my shoes oh geez okay look closely into my eyes you can see that there is no more happiness or joy only suffering okay Jackie you're making the Internet feel really uncomfortable I love this question from Andrew Blissett Andrew beset hit us with it who is your first cartoon crush oh my god Jackie who was your first card Yugi from Yugi seriously yes oh boy not Yugi but when you geek becomes cool because he's using the pyramid whatever yeah I don't really remember the details yeah but I was like wow what a guy that Yugi I also sorry everybody I really like Gary from Pokemon Gary Gary is like who's Harry oh really yeah oh you like the bad boy yeah I like the bad ones oh he's not bad he's a he's a good guy yeah yeah but he's cool like a bad guy I'm gonna give her a really lame answer and a very like white boy answer Jessica Rabbit yep god I hate this I'm sorry I am done I am also done I have finished how do you think you did I think I did wonderfully do you think you did the internet proud do you guys like my drawing a lot of knows my career is over YouTube said I can't draw that was just a joke Oh see Matt hesitated boy Matt doesn't like my drawing I think it's great he says no I do what do you think you did Kevin well it definitely looks like me as a squirrel you know what Jackie they say draw what you know and I know me you know you and I know squirrels and you know a squirrel I don't know screw I actually have not seen many squirrels I had to pull up a reference for squirrels because I don't know what squirrels look like off the top of my head it's really really funny why draw squirrel from memory right now you got 30 seconds ACORN okay well we'll see yeah we'll see I'll put him he's the one getting the ice cream [Music] what is that noise uncomfortable it's good it's just scary I like making you uncomfortable with my drawings yours is adorable Thanks it's you know what when the internet suggested it I had a mental image in my head and this is pretty much what I saw I drew the squirrel do you like the squirrel yeah your squirrel is better than mine you did in like 30 seconds congratulations is that what you want to hear yeah I just wanted to hear that I'm better than you in every way and that I am a perfect and flawless human being and I can draw literally anything and everything without looking up reference was this fun would you've done this yeah that was really fun let's do that again I did I'd liked a lot of the suggestions but the fact that I could only pick one made it made me picky we'll have to do it again right yeah if you guys want more live streams let's get some eyes in the chat everyone just starts screaming let's get some screams in the channel I get some screams can we get some blood-curdling screams like murderous screams in the chat like you are dying of murder in the chat in the chat please why you always gotta make it weird at the end [Music]
Channel: BuzzFeedVideo
Views: 1,514,566
Rating: 4.9770412 out of 5
Keywords: buzzfeed, buzzfeedvideo, buzzfeed video, animator vs cartoonist, buzzfeed draw off, draw off, animator draws, kevin and jackie draw subscriber suggestions, subscriber suggestions, drawing from memory, animator draws subscriber suggestions, cartoonists draw, cartoonists draw subscriber suggestions, drawing challenge, cartoonist, animator, artist challenge, artist draws, kevin and jackie, draw subscriber suggestions, buzzfeed kevin, buzzfeed jackie, PL-DrawOff
Id: DDg-BoeCxAM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 37sec (637 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 10 2019
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