Artist Vs. Cartoonist Draw Comic Strip Characters From Memory • Draw Off

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hi I'm Brent I'm Jason today we're drawing comic strip characters from memory I mean I know some comic strips definitely easier than comic book yeah if you say comic book I'd be having a heart attack right now you're on my turf now too bad right he's pretty iconic yeah oh come on I don't I only I only know that guy from memes watch a spare okay he's got a big nose see the massive nose isn't 90% of his body knows he's chill - oh he's he's usually got like an eye closed right yeah I think he's I think I'm seeing that soon Oh what is this I look like that's the thing all Peanuts characters are made up of like three lines yeah so if you don't get those lines down there's no hope for you thank you it's like Riverdale right yeah not that I watch that show I don't watch that show no I don't watch that I grew up drawing Garfield's this is almost muscle memory for me if I see it and it looks nothing like our field you're gonna be peeved you're gonna be peeved I mean I remember like you know he's like this high school dude who hangs out Jughead he's usually has like a sweater on and that's what I'm worried about is the clothes lazy - yeah I think like a sweater and like jeans and usually his sweater has like our on it for Riverdale okay so what does Garfield look like Garfield's a cat his construction is big head kind of a beam body like a beer belly he's got like a gut your belly I feel like some of these things are contradictory to each other no all right he's just gonna be sleeping on top of his little doghouse he's got big feet big feet like like not not like cat feet wait so he was like it was like human feet no okay they're like think of clown shoes like if clown shoes had toes I don't like that this description makes me uncomfortable is Riverdale like a supernatural sort of show I've never seen it I do I just know is loosely based off the comic how can one can't be so difficult to draw what am i drawing what is this oh I don't understand not so easy to be a cartoonist now is it Jackie what a mess what a mess this is so I take it you didn't read Garfield as a kid no read Garfield who's reading some reason I remember what he looks like when he dances like he has his head all the way up and you don't see his eyes he just sees like little happy face uh-huh I'm gonna draw him dancing - there's poses that I sort of draw a lot so I'll just be like you know what don't know how to draw this guy but I do know how to draw this pose I'm gonna draw him sitting with his leg over his other leg and hope that the drawing comes out okay I'm just drawing I'm standing there wait to Snoopy have like flat kind of feet oh god I feel like he's got like people feed I drew him with people feet yeah I don't know what I'm doing he just doesn't look like this looks like an alien he does kind of look like an alien like he's I feel like the character has been around so long and he's been refined so much that he no longer really looks like a cat you just looks like Garfield what dog it is a newbie I don't know oh okay herb eels they have like sad eyes right am I thinking of like a my brain refuses to make this into a thing but you've seen Garfield before I have but I've never looked at him I just oh wait you know what I think his ears are together that feels like it's correct yes ears are together I'm some kind of genius because I'm drawing this hand I'm realizing that I really don't ins are definitely one of the hardest things to draw okay I don't know what his attitude is he's sassy and my drawing yeah he is very sexy what are you doing for your drawings like like stylistically okay it's kind of a mix of what I remember from the comic style and just general cartoon meanness what characters did you grow up drawing Sailor Moon oh yeah but you know what we don't have to color anything his guess what he's black and white black and white because he half of pink tongue though I mean if you were gonna include that tongue then I guess yeah I think he has a song his house is red and that's all I need to draw I kind of want to make the lines smoother it kind of felt like when he was drawing them he drew them what's like a smooth line like I did them very yeah they were very gestural yeah like lines what I liked about Archie from what I can remember of him is he's really happy looking everyone in that comic just looks so happy what era does it take place in obviously you have your time like a lot Jackie I'm feeling pretty good about this it's this is not okay why is it not okay she someone should not nobody should be forced to look at what I'm doing Oh Jackie I've never seen you go through this many emotions before I'm very stressed out he's horrifying I've never seen such a monstrous creation come out of my own hands okay drew three versions of Snoopy you threw three words Easy's is gonna be super accurate does he have like those things that dogs have little spots no no okay no things though okay and his eyes are always closed I think he's pretty minimalist okay stop overthinking this Jason finish your drawing it's done are you done yeah I don't know what else to do to it right how about we have a positive attitude how about that hey guys I'm done with my drawing I love Garfield what a guy what a guy that Garfield he hates Mondays oh he loves lasagna I drew guy let's calm Archie he's got freckles and a big R on his shirt and that's all I remember from Archie so I feel great yeah yeah like his five fingers you got the the peanuts dancing is spot-on yeah okay that's the thing I remember I was like you had to do that little lady that yeah let's dance it's not fair what do you mean looks just like him yeah cuz I grew up drawing Garfield Wow you gave him some disturbingly human eye you I just noticed his feet his feet are frightening Jackie I said he had human-like feet and you literally gave him human feet this is like ridiculously appealing he's got an arm freckles me remember yeah yeah okay he's got like a big expressive mouth he's got he does Wow okay I think yours is way closer than mine I mean with the collar he does have a collar yeah he's got freckles yes oh we did have whiskers but they're up on his head they're like on the side of his head why does yours look so much Garfield Garfield is such a weird-looking cat he is a weird-looking cat it's because it's you know 40 years of refining the character they just becomes more and more abstract he also had did you say he had heron yeah I know I had like whiskers is what I was thinking but he has eyebrows that I did yes I guess he has eyebrows yeah he does have thick eyebrows yeah yeah got the thick eyebrows I was way off on the hair his mouth thing was so weird right that was the one thing that I remember the most about him was his mouth and how they constructed it like Garfield he's my enemy now how can you not like girlfr Garfield has made an enemy today Wow yeah Garfield is the most beloved cartoon cat in history that's not true Hello Kitty would like something to say snoopy yeah he's been perfected by Schultz over decades of comic drawing there's some kind of beauty in that simplicity you get like you just get him down to his basic forms you know his iconic shapes yeah and he's he's unforgettable you know except when you have to draw him from memory [Music]
Channel: BuzzFeedVideo
Views: 2,649,390
Rating: 4.9638176 out of 5
Keywords: buzzfeed, buzzfeedvideo, buzzfeed video, artist vs cartoonist, animator vs cartoonist, artist vs cartoonist draw comic strip characters, comic strip characters, buzzfeed draw off, draw off, animator draws, cartoonist draws, animator draws comic strip characters, cartoonist draw comic strip characters from memory, animator draws from memory, cartoonist draws from memory, artists draw from memory, cartoonist, animator, artist challenge, artist draws, draw from memory
Id: 6H0wu-y12x4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 30sec (510 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 16 2019
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