Animator Vs. Cartoonist Draw Each Other As Avengers • Draw-Off

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hi I'm Kyra hi I'm Stephanie its Britt and it's Jason whatup cheese bags I'm Kevin I'm Jackie and today we're doing something mysterious that we don't know about which is kind of the point of the show today you'll be drawing each other as Avengers okay why alright let's jump right into it okay which one do you want to be okay I want to say I want to be an Iron Man and oh there are so many women in design it however you want be as free as you want to be Nathan that's so fun that's if you can be war machine you're just wrong as war machine who do you want to be just make me dr. strange doctor a little weird alright so the hand stuff yeah the hand what avenger do you want to be I would have a lot of fun as Valkyrie my thor ragnarok at a test of thompson version I think she's really badass okay so which avenger do you want to be me oh I want to be Thanos of course you do I want to be fan of yeah I want big losses and I want a big chin yep who do you want to be surprised me really you get to choose Jackie I get to chose who you're gonna draw me as oh it's gonna be it looks like we're allowed to use reference on this one yeah thank God I don't want to imagine an Iron Man suit for my head I already hate decisions I mean you just started I know I am like already in panic mode and I started now so why did you choose him big it's gonna be something that's gonna amuse you I know that yeah it's gonna be something that you find very funny no I'm having like issues drawing what would you like me to do Jason you can I take a picture of home are you looking this way slightly give me a smile it's like a dream both smile yeah thank you that's perfect that's creepy thank you Jason is working from a photo cheating shouldn't artists not have to use reference ever and just come up with everything from their head all the time hey I used photo reference constantly no using reference is not cheating using references really that's an important element of doing art people that think that using reference is copying I think they don't understand what goes on in the art world that's my spicy take on that will be a dream Ironman colors oh yeah I want to be green black and yellow green black and gold green because those this is Jamaican colors Oh flag I don't remember this character wearing this outfit but I guess he did wear it he so it's a he okay no I'm not gonna guess okay but like most of the characters in this universe or of man fair enough maybe you should check my first think about that what no you're making coffee what that's my I have the powers of the universe at my disposal and I use them to heat up my coffee yeah cool Jackie how you doing this is pretty interesting it's not like a super good drawing okay but I think you're gonna like it I think you're gonna like who I chose for you but I think you're gonna roast me oh no I'm not and you're gonna be learned you look great right now I do know Oh what superpower would you want to have a super the superpower I feel like I'd want to have would be probably like the ability to transform into anything cuz you can do like anything yeah really unstoppable I've always liked the idea of flying I feel like real world physics would probably make that not great to do yeah I feel like there's a lot of powers that seem cool but they're probably like mm-hmm the one that always gets me is like reading minds you're like that's that's the last power I know it's like too much it's like would you really want to know that if you could be any one of the Avengers besides Thanos who would you pick who has the least bad life maybe vision no vision like mega dies he like gets his like four head ripped off but he like lives forever cuz he's a robot yeah but his forehead gets ripped off also he's a robot doesn't he struggle with emotions don't you struggle with emotions [Music] so how do you think you're doing I don't have the Hulk attitude you're not the angry version of hope I'm realizing now that I'm missing that component I'm gonna make you angry I'm gonna give you angry eyebrows oh boy are you having a terrible time I'm not having a terrible time it's just this you look very squat squat yeah you're making me squat happen you have no neck come on well the neck look you're right do you ever like okay when you draw our hands I always have to like count the fingers a couple times yeah I kept Maul he's like missing fingers that's four fingers that's good good that's the right amount one thing I'm always paranoid about is drawing backwards hands oh me too I was just thinking about right I'll give you a hint this is an artistically inclined Iron Man yeah I'll take it abs are hard oh yeah abs are really hard to draw so strong I want to intimidate everything it's always hard when they have like very complicated visual effects to their power set you know this is like how do you draw oh you have a like green sparkly things yeah so his whole thing was like if half the world is gone we have more resources yeah my coworker said the funniest thing to me okay she said why instead of making half the world disappeared did she not just make everyone 50% small good points real good was the idea of that was so funny and anticlimactic if he used his powers and snapped and everyone just got a little smaller like not to smell like just small enough that it's inconvenient exactly like oh now cars are too big and everything we've ever invented it's a little too big I like this I think it's a good plan you look like a frog did you look like a frog you love frogs it says I got the feet that makes very froggy I have finished I'm almost done stick with me kid I can floss can I show them that I can floss guys look I know how to floss [Music] congratulations Jenny you are the coolest kid of 2018 that's 2020 oh I see now very much it isn't had to do buddy I think I did okay I'm just wondering if it looks like you because your eyes are kind of closed in this mm-hmm you have kind of a Doctor Strange haircut without the gray something like I hope it like reads as you it's it's not quite Hulk enough but it's mostly green lady who kind of looks like a frog that's exactly what I want to be so I'm glad that looks like I'm really glad that I could fulfill that dream for you I think you're gonna like it I think it actually is a pretty good drawing okay it's like horrible like subject wise but you know I think it's cool does it look like me this is sick I've never looked cooler Jason oh yeah like super soakers have lepen oh my god like this is such a good drawing it looks so cool beautiful I wish I looks like that just like my ultimate form oh my god do you like it this is great I love this thing did you choose this character because I have gray hair no did you make him gray because no the raccoon is gray okay but I chose him because I was thinking like all the weirdest characters I confuse you with he was like a raccoon rude no this is great I love it and what do you think this is really present yeah it's giving me like secondhand like itches it looks good I'm glad you made me look tough I look like a off-brand garden gnome that you could find in Marshall's discount rec so if you had Thanos's glove and you did the snap do you think I would survive that's find out ha joke's on you wait Jackie I don't feel so good see you later cheese bag [Music]
Channel: BuzzFeedVideo
Views: 2,193,382
Rating: 4.9589305 out of 5
Keywords: buzzfeedvideo, buzzfeed video, buzzfeed, draw off, draw off season 2, PL-DrawOff, PL-DrawOff-S2, drawing marvel characters, drawing avengers, marvel characters, avengers end game, avengers infinity war, drawing thanos, drawing cartoon characters, superheroes, guardians of the galaxy, black widow, dr strange, iron man, tony stark, Animator Vs. Cartoonist Draw Each Other As Avengers • Draw-Off, animator vs cartoonist, buzzfeed draw off, drawing challenge, artist challenge
Id: ALziEkZRdoo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 19sec (619 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 28 2020
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