Kevin & Jackie Unbox A Fancy Drawing Monitor • Draw Off

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hey you want to know a fun fact Kevin what's a fun fact did you know that lobsters pee from their face cool Jackie what are we doing today oh you don't know no we're unboxing a wack welcome welcome welcome wacom cintiq frog that's right the good people at welcome sent us a couple of Cintiq pros to use on the show so we figured why not open it in front of all of the internet scissors right exciting just like giving a box of c-section be careful No so this is the box this is a drawing of the thing that we draw on do you think they drew that on a Wacom Cintiq here's the irony I think they probably didn't done-done okay now help me okay we're pulling this off I did it congratulations this is the heaviest piece of styrofoam ever I think there's stuff inside yeah this is the weight don't drop it I'm not gonna try to drop it it's over not gonna drop it Jackie I want to unbox that I want to know the surprise in wha would you look at that we got some wires we got the pen very important and Zardo seems like we got a futuristic disc maybe if I press it Kevin will die come on it's like a Life Alert but the opposite of death alert here are some instructions if you don't know how to plug in screens there's the brick here's the brick filled with lots of power there's more cables Jackie we are lousy with cables okay warning this bag is not a toy keep this bag away from babies and children Kevin get out just kidding Evans an old man Wow very soon I think these are like a little simple stand if you want to do that that's pretty cool so you don't need a stand but the nice people are welcome sent us a stand so we're going to unbox that stand as well ready Jackie I'm red I don't see another box I'm not helping at all you're not helping Jackie not at all Wow can I stab it no no stop it opening up the bigger box Jackie how do you think our unboxing video is going I think our unboxing babe I think our unboxing video is going pretty good more instructions they're very huge the REO state lines no no no this just comes out Oh like a like an egg just things heavy okay well Liv drill came with two packets oh thank you yummy don't eat these they literally say on them do not eat I just feel like that's a challenge for me look it says decadent silica gel does not say that it says desiccant decadent Tessa can't it's a very different jacket is silica don't eat the silica gel whatever you do don't eat the soil oh it says donut eat mmm we're gonna assemble the stand which will take us a couple hours but for you we'll only be a couple short seconds we did it it took us no time at all took us a very long time actually but we put it together yeah we did it was a good time so this is a Cintiq 24 HD touch it is a touchscreen that's crazy so you can zoom in and zoom out with a pinch yeah just like how you use on your phones that's for you Millennials alright Jackie I say you and I do a collab on our new Cintiq here how about you do the sketch I do the inks oh wow right that's gonna be wild and wacky right wild and wacky with Kevin and Jackie we're not calling it wild kevin and jay alright so what do you want to draw what are something that we both like alright one two three we both love avocados okay are we gonna draw a regular avocado or raw avocado person let's do another kind of person okay okay so avocados are shaped like they look like little pairs if pears were delicious sure oh I love those pencils do you guys have this you guys have this pencil tool because I do it's pretty great it feels like I'm drawing on a real sketchbook just gonna have a big ol smile oh it's a she yeah I've given this avocado female perhaps great she's pregnant Oh with a little avocado pit a little baby oh oh you see what happens when you work together oh she's holding her little avocado pit does she have any hair that's adorable she just loves turning this a little boat that's very cute all right now now Kevin will line my drawing you see this and I get to adjust the air ghost and adjust the air ghost and do my angle I'm gonna make a new layer I'm gonna drop yours to about 20 percent that's how sketching works and I'm gonna take my anchor oh so the cool thing about Cintiq s-- is that they are pressure-sensitive so you can start with a light line and then make it thick just like just like here's what I typically do with lines like this i overshoot it a little bit that's how you get those nice confident confident lines everyone look at that see and then we just erase the part here all right check this out all right in order to make this line here I'm gonna rotate this guy are you guys looking at this it is basically upside-down yeah I don't and lock them you are you are crazy we're getting closer getting close oh there's a lot of different than what is it there's like thousands of levels of pressures and these a lot of levels of pressure there's a lot of levels of pressure sensitivity folks do you want to do color let's do Co I'll do some color do some color I'll do some add the adding some color the outside is dark it's like dark green yeah there we go yeah I think that's pretty good I like that I'm gonna make her hat the same color as our pit okay I am gonna add a little little shade just gonna go drop down into the red a little bit bolshy I like it let me do a little background on it I want to do like a water color brush water color big round so the cool thing about this is that it responds to the tilts of the brush and the pressure just like real life just like oh oh look at that you guys see that now that's adorable isn't it yeah all right what do you think I think we did a good job the two hours of putting the stand together totally worth it to draw this avocado Jackie do we have a name for our avocado friend name is a Nakano anakata so we want to thank our friends at Wacom for sending us these great monitors you will see them in future episodes of draw-off so be sure to stay tuned so on behalf of me and Jackie and anakata we want to thank you for watching our first and probably only unboxing video we will never ever do this again
Channel: BuzzFeedVideo
Views: 983,102
Rating: 4.9641008 out of 5
Keywords: K_fe, Kevin & Jackie Unbox A Fancy Drawing Monitor, PL5vtqDuUM1Dl67yQPW2HmHHLTfT8S4-Th, animator, animator vs cartoonist, artist challenge, artist draws, buzzfeed, buzzfeed draw off, buzzfeed kevin, buzzfeed video, cartoonist, cartoonist draws from memory, cintiq, digital art, digital drawing, digital tablet, draw, drawing challenge, drawing from memory, drawing monitor, drawing tablet, drawoff, jackie lee, kevin mcshane, unboxing, unboxing fail, wacom cintiq pro
Id: 0VN_ndOIphY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 56sec (476 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 20 2019
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