Animation Madness: Mixamo to DAZ Studio to Marvelous Designer (and back) 😎 - 3D Shenanigans #3.23

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[Music] that was something that i've forgotten to change and it was of course the title sequence that should have been 3d shenanigans shouldn't it anyway wonderful to see you thank you so much for dropping by my friends it is good to see you after a week or a half of absence from the twitch which i uh which i duly needed so perhaps i should abstain from the daily streams that might not be that might not be good for me but you know maybe i can manage once or twice a week i think we should be able to do that mr rated r mr dreamlab and anyone else who's out there watching hello and welcome wonderful to see you all poor pogchamp got the boot i can't believe it that's crazy it was one of my favorite emotes i just like to you know smuggle me in there every once in a while i suppose it's one of those things everyone needs to protect everyone else and whatnot like you say dreamlab i mean no one knew the guy who so you know bizarre stuff i'm gonna go and woo rated ass 100 bits that's exciting thank you that is very cool thank you very much let us start in fact with a little bit of um you know music by mr joey perhaps and old blank sign i like it yes let's let's listen to that that is cool is it on the correct output is it enabled yes perfect all right we have that mr joey thank you for being here with us i'm gonna show you what what i've got planned today so it might it might work out it might not but so what i'm intending to do is literally this is kind of a long extended version that gives me a little bit of practice of how to do this super complicated thing that's about to come up and i'm gonna i'm intending to make this into a kind of a youtube series with you know without it being a live thing you know being a pre-recorded thing let's just have a look what it's all about it is about animations and in the first part i'm going to try and bring in a mixer more animation into that studio so that it looks kind of like this this is a block i've grabbed there not ideal but it's a bit of a catwalk block and you know that's that i've hidden the arms brought that into marvelous designer where i've made a simple skirt and then animated it inside marvelous designer now the tricky bit of course is getting the garment with the animation back into dash studio so that is something that we're also going to try and there's so many steps to the process but eventually we should have something like this so it should kind of work and um you know with the correct textures and all that it'll probably look awesome so there's a lot of steps to this i'm not going to deal with the maps today i've made a video about that recently but uh yes i'm gonna kind of explain the steps that will get us into this area and the hands aren't great so you know it's it's not an ideal anti-block but i think the principle is there and if you guys find other either any blocks or other animations out there then you know this is something that that is definitely possible and then i also went ahead and did a little filament render just so that we can let me see what that would look like in filament i haven't rendered this in irae there were no maps on this this was literally just a quick proof of concept yesterday that i've made there oh yeah there we go that's what it would look like so the issue is always hands often even in in better anti-blocks even the ones that come with marvelous designer the hands often intersect with the garments and there that often just rips the whole garment apart and that's not very good so i've you know i've just hidden them here just to get the basic concepts because of course mixamo has changed and the file formats for importing and exporting i've changed those you know one of those things crazy stuff so i guess that is what we're going to be doing step by step it'll be maybe two hours maybe three i don't know one of those things it'll be it'll be lovely to have you on this journey and give me some practice and we can have a chat and all that there we go that is the plan so for that i don't actually know who that is well yeah they i suppose they try to make it better so they're now supporting the fbx sdk 2019 i believe uh mixer most end but um that studio of course doesn't support that so let me make a brand new folder on my desktop here so that we have something to put our stuff in uh what shall we call that maybe start with an exclamation mark that's always good and then we'll call it perhaps i don't know animation madness how about that yes that shall be that should be my go-to folder here animation madness i like it inside that i'll try and keep all my things and i'll make subfolders so that we get completely organized so first of all let's start with perhaps that studio 4.15 can you believe it year and a half without updates and then we get one every month what are they thinking about crazy these twitch streams are like a foreign language i mean yes i totally understand what you mean it took me it took me such a long time to get to grips with twitch and how it works and the language of twitch but it does grow on you and you know i don't even mix miss mixer anymore i must say it's uh twitch is really cool in regards to the tools that they have in the background and it's um you know it's all really really really funky what they're doing there so we'll start in that studio and then we'll try and get a mixer more block into dash studio that's that's that's already that's an adventure in itself so i'll show you my idea for this is to have a genesis 8 figure for this animation genesis 8 female that's the one i want to use in fact the the dev load figure here so you'd imagine you'd load that and then export that somehow and put it into miximo wrong that is not how we do that bizarrely and of course no one mentions this to you because you know this is the best kept secret ever you don't um genesis 3 and 8 and genesis two so two three and eight they're not really compatible with mixamo i really don't know why the fbx whatever the rigging or what not just isn't isn't working well with mixomo so what we do instead we use the genesis 1 figure whoops not actually the genesis 1 figure so something that you'd never really think to use but that is what we use and that just that's uh miximo likes that and you know it's fine you can apply pauses once they come out from the from the um fbx that we're gonna get we're gonna import that as a pause into that studio and then we're gonna save it as a pose and apply that to genesis 8. crazy stuff that is how it works i will also make myself a filament draw options note here because the defaults still haven't changed even in the latest version of dash studio it is still environmental scale is way too high a zero is a good idea for now also i suppose ctrl l now that doesn't doesn't make a difference okay no worries so all we'll do here will hide it and we'll make sure we select the genesis figure and export that as an fbx and that is what we need to put on to mixer more put into upload to mix them all first folder so this is a folder i'm going to call fbx's perhaps you want your gifts back do you know what i have actually saved some maybe i can show you that in a minute i'll call this one genesis one t-pose maybe just so that i remember maybe just genesis one is probably enough and that is it oh that's the wrong format i didn't mean to do that i totally forgot to say export also why is that christmas music that's just you know what's happening not what we want let's just go let's skip the christmas and the and all the new year's eve song and all that so what i meant to do is select fbx here autodesk fbx and i'll call that one genesis one genesis isn't it with an e there alrighty and what works for me indeed are these settings here which are the ones from the fbx 2012 binary so there's tons of options here but 2012 binary seems to work i mean mixomo seems to accept it so i'm going to go and just use that technically we don't need maps but i'll just i'll just add it all anyway it's all fine and we'll just see what happens it takes a second mr backdoor good day to you too very good to see you steve how about you sir wonderful to see those dresses appearing on your coffee store very very happy about that i'm glad you're back in the 3d swing i've been i've been really missing you so nice i know the christmas spirit all year long what's what's going on steve we're doing something very exciting today and that is mix-a-mole to dash studio that studio to marvelous designer add a garment marvelous designer back to das for rendering in that studio crazy stuff i'm not going to save my scene just yet but what i will do is open up my web browser and have a look at the mix-a-mole there we go get animated free adobe account is all you need perhaps that and that and no thanks they're saying you can log in without a password they have already uploaded genesis earlier well earlier like yesterday i think so but if really what you do is you'd head over to upload character and then pick either an fbx obj or a zip file either will work fine obj does not contain rigging so you'd have to auto rig it that's not what we want we want to use the rigging that's already in the fbx the zip file is if you had some format that would have textures on it you could use that we're not concerned for textures at all right now because we're gonna fix all that in that studio later so let's select the character that we're gonna go and upload which is on my desktop animation madness fbx's genesis 1. that's the one we want to use open that and that should upload it hoping for no error messages this is already the the big thing so you try to upload genesis 8 or genesis 3 and it usually comes up with an error message no matter how hard you try so let's just hope yeah there we go it has worked all to rigger is happy so genesis 1 has been transferred perfectly so that's that's all good we like it let's go next your 3d character has been uploaded proceed with this new avatar oh yes let's do that and then here he is so now on the left hand side we can pick whatever animation we want so we can just click it and then it's immediately applied to the character and this is usually not they're not all of them are loops they are little blocks some of them have forward motion in there as well jumping up and down so you know not all of them will make sense for us long bow locomotion pack so there's a lot of animations in this so this is not just one there's uh there's quite a few in this whole thing 546 key frames and you can then go and chop them up and use it for whatever you need crouch to stand capoeira pack that sounds good that also 39 blocks i know that's exciting oh do you like that do you oh look at that and this text is red indeed what is capoeira tell me more about it oh yes look at that look at gold crazy but you can have it for free so mixomo is absolutely for free that is that's kind of cool so you have a ton of animations there you've got pages and pages of that i'm i'm wondering perhaps you know what's what's twist dance shall we do that should we use twist us that is kind of cool it is a block it's not too long it's not exactly a catwalk animation but i think it animates and it's kind of in one spot so we don't have to deal with hand so much i wonder if we should do that but you tell me if you see something that you'd like to use that's cool i'm i'm with the twist for now there's also roomba just another rumba that is also cool we used these in the bank heist thing i remember that there's also joyful jump that could also be seriously cool do you know that might be not not so bad shall we use that because that's the short and snappy one so we when these things import and export this might actually be nice if we have uh if we have a girl in the skirt and she just jumps that might be look that might look really cool with the skirt what do you think i think i'm gonna use this joyful jump i think that might be cool so there are catwalk things here joyful jump let's just remember that there are things if you type in catwalk and type it spell it correctly you do see things like the catwalk walk that's the one that i've used for the intro that i've shown you and it's not i mean it's it's okay but there are probably better ones that you can use if i look at the hands they're just a little bit they're just a little bit too much for me i think but it is a complete loop so you can use that and sometimes the fingers just don't come out perfect so you'd have to tweak them but that is something we could use but it's a very long one so 454 frames that takes a fairly long time to animate and to export so i think maybe um just to go um the the joy jump might be cool because that's that's short and that might that might actually be good let's do that joy what else joy joyful jump there's also happy just an idol happy that's cool also not bad just for for something that just idles around like for video games these are really cool if you have something like a like an npc in the street or something you can use that but yeah joyful jump dreamlab i'm thinking that as well let's do that and it's brazilian martial art thank you so much for letting us know steve very cool so you have some options here if you're not quite happy with that one thing that often is an issue depending on the avatar that you upload and we can see this here as well the hands go into the body a little bit just there on the on the left let me just pause it here so yeah that intersection that's not good and that it kind of depends on the kind of hip size of your avatar you can uh overdrive something that means exaggerate the motor motion but you can also hide an a character arm space this is the thing that you can increase and i might just go increase that because that's always it's nice when the arms are a little bit further away and there we go that might you know that might be better for us so there's this limited amount of adjustment that you have here yeah maybe 70 is better let's try that 70 maybe maybe 60s maybe 65. so we don't want the fingers if i'm thinking it has a skirt that puffs out a little bit i'd rather the fingers would not intersect with that we can tweak that later and i'll show you how to do that but it's one of those things maybe just let me just go with the 70. yeah boom perfect let's do that that is all we need from mixomo for now but you can of course use multiple things and string them together if you like i'm just going to go download this and here comes the really tricky bit here 30 24 or 60 frames we're going to use 30. we don't need the skin keyframe reduction we don't need either but this is the big change that makes them off made they have added things here as well they have fbx binary and ascii i think they always have that but they now i think default to 2019 format then they have fbx for unity new thing they have fbx 6 and they have collater i've tried them out spent hours with this dialogue and i think fbx 6 is the one that works no promises let's go and download this preparing download and this is already the exciting part over once this is work this is probably the the trickiest part that can often go wrong i'll go and make myself two windows here one will be oops one will be the downloads folder joyful jump that's the one that i've downloaded and the other one is going to be my folder on the desktop here animation madness so i'll go and put this into the fbx's folder and that's just hope this is going to work fingers crossed so the original genesis figure we don't actually need anymore we can literally just delete him and what we will do now is import the new fbx into here and literally hope it works that is all we can do animation madness fbx is joyful jump let's see and when we open that we get another little dialogue here that asks us take to import or perhaps something else some of these formats have more than one thing to choose from others come in completely without anything so we only have one so that that'll be it does it work no what a shame so that is one of the formats that did not work watershed so you can see that all the keyframes have been imported but the the thing that we need isn't isn't there the figure isn't there so the probably the post data is kind of here but that is not what we needed so that was not the correct format sorry about that let's go delete that and try it again so i guess fpx 6 was not correct and also we can't delete this anymore scam absolutely that is uncool dodger how you doing very good to meet you darja is one of my viewers on youtube dodger everyone everyone this is dodger she is a pattern maker clothing designer uses claw i believe instead of marvelous designer that is just as well i love chloe just as much as marvelous designer and uh don john i have met on youtube and uh we've just had a little chat and dodge is very interested in this format so i'm in this thing youtube represents that is exactly right so sadly this hasn't worked let's go and do that again let's go make a new scene because i can't even do that what no no i say i say the new scene oh don't don't do that perfect so my my sixth format hasn't worked let me just go and make a quick note of that so that is joyful jump um what did they call it now this was kind of the the sixth format i think i think six let's go back to miximo see what other options are fbx6 there we go so that wasn't it maybe it's fbx for unity then it could be let's try that i should have made a note yesterday i've made it all happen i've made it all work and then of course i didn't make a note of the one that was actually working so this is kind of this is why that uh why this stream is so cool at joyful jump fbx let's go put that in here and just rename that this was unity i think unity it wasn't unity either but we can't try let's just try them all eventually it'll work unity open let's see boom no unity doesn't work at all unity doesn't bring anything in that is a shame isn't it let's try another one so unity fbx 6 didn't work colada didn't work so let's try the binary and ascii let's try binary first that's what you just have to do sometimes [Music] save that we might as well download the other one as well this one was binary actually let's make it let's make a note of that first shall we this one was binary download the whoop what did i do no i that was the wrong one wasn't it that was totally the wrong one no forget cancel don't do that binary we need ascii then next see if that works and if neither of these work we'll just try and use the skin option as well [Music] oh no that's the wrong one [Music] that is still this this is the one ascii there we go and then we could put these two over here all right let's try another let's try ascii first see if that works we have just mix them all let's see what happens no same thing figure doesn't appear so if i don't see a figure then even with the animation data being here and with the node being displayed it is not something we can use sadly only because in an ideal world and i thought that at first it would be nice to just select this and save this as a pulse preset because that is the next step that we're going to have to do but it says it's there's nothing selected so it's not going to work yes the genesis 8 and 3 they they don't upload to mixamo you can't upload either of them to mix them with or without textures so yeah you have to use the genesis one figure i don't know if you have that pack it's available for free from das this is the one so it's not genesis 8 or 3 or 2. it has to be genesis 1. it's often just called genesis and that was the first figure thing that they've released like that and the funny thing is you know i had this working uh yesterday dodger and i was hoping i could recreate that today so that's that's kind of what i'm what i'm trying here um let's see if it works that's why these twitch streams are kind of cool because sometimes things work really well sometimes they don't they don't work at all like you know in this case so you know i can't bring this thing in at all for the life of me but that's cool we're gonna try more things and i should have really made a note yesterday i totally didn't do that let me go put all of these into a no skin folder and put all of that in here because none of them are working now we'll try everything again and say we'll try it with skin and i'm pretty sure neither asking or binary were working i'm pretty sure was fbx6 i mean yesterday today that might be completely different so let's just see i think so too steve i think it has to do with the rigging wasn't it on genesis 3 that they've introduced something there was or did they introduce out in genesis 1 or 2 already i've also had issues uploading genesis 2 to mix them all right that is probably why it works so let's see oh actually i need to put that from here over to there don't i so joyful jump i'll just call that f6 joyful jump so that i know what that was let's try this again maybe it was literally the the thing there we go now i have two things to choose from i didn't have that before look at that so it looks like it has to be um the one with the skin so can't use the one without the skin that is very good to remember i'll try either if i'm so animation first animation looks like that but there's no animation data that came in so that also did not work let's go delete that try that again so it's definitely the f6 the the fbx6 format whatever and instead of animation we're going to try mix them all and there we go person is here jumping for joy all right high five so before we continue then let me just make a note of that so this is going to be it's going to become a written article as well on my website and i'd like to this is what i should have done yesterday i should have taken notes one of those things so the you know the adventure continues so so for now we have um got we've exported a genesis 1 figure as fbx and that figure then uploads to mixamo we pick in any block and then we download it as what we're going to call this to [Applause] actually mixer mode to ds to md and back that's a good kind of you know tentative title here so first of all we're going to go and export genesis 1 as fbx 2012 binary that's that's another option that's another important thing that we need to do export that as 2012 binary then import to mixamo pick animation adjust arm width if necessary then export has fbx 6 with skin super important then import into ds and pick not animation very important and then we're nearly there oh both from marvel suzanne and khloe 3d what a shame i'll let you know on discord rated r what the password is you can actually if you are supporter of mine you can go to that page if you head over to the front page and then go and register yourself as a user on the website you can see that um let me show you there we go so you can go up to any of my articles and then register yourself for ad free browsing here if you follow that link you get a registration link on either of my both of my websites and if i can verify your email address i can approve you as a user every time you're logged in to my website with your own password you don't get to see adverts on the website so anyone who is a twitch subscriber patreon supporter coffee supporter anything like that youtube super chatter and you can do that on either of my websites and then you get ad free access just a little thank you from me where were we he's already jumping for joy this is now what do we do with the genesis 1 figure if our genesis 8 figure is really the the thing we want to use well this is where it now goes and is seriously interesting because we'll go with the figure selected no worries that's cool i'm sure i'll still be here dodger and of course there's also the prerequisite the vod that you can watch later here this is the exciting thing though um we're going to save this as a pose preset so file save as pause preset this is the exciting part if we do that we can pick that up with a fresh genesis 8 figure or genesis 3 figure in fact and the animation will work just fine it's crazy that that is working i don't really know why but but it is so let me go and save that also on this folder and here i'm going to go and make a new one call it poses and in it i will say genesis 1 jump joy animation for example here we have the option to save the current frame as a pose or use the whole animated range you can futz with what you'd like to embed so perhaps you don't want to animate the hands if the hands are not cool i mean my hands are pretty cool here but if you don't want to do that you can switch things off that you don't want to be part in the animation that is possible i'll untick compress file because i'm happy for it to a b large and b i'll be able to open it with a text editor if this is compressed you can't look at it with the text editor so i'll go and save that and that is all we needed from our genesis figure our genesis one figure so he can be retired and we'll go grab ourselves a genesis 8 figure female death load there we go let's do that haha and she's in the a poll so genesis 3 will work uh with this with this pulse that we've just saved no problem at all but genesis 8 will need tweaking in a moment so what we do is if it's not visible in the content library you could have saved it here somewhere i don't really tend to do that much so i'll go over to file merge and with my genesis 8 figure selected i'll go into my animation madness poses folder pick the one that we've just had and open it it says this preset contains more frames than you currently have selected of my my timeline is default 30 frames but this is slightly longer would you like to extend the timeline i'm saying yes let's do it seconds later we see a slightly wonked up figure but when we do play that it kind of kind of works one of those things woohoo thank you so much for the 100 bits i love it i wish we could change that animation into the little x mixer logos that'd be really cool thank you so much i appreciate that very nice because you're totally number one absolutely this is happening the arm issue is happening because the the original genesis pose was a t-pose genesis 8 is an apollos and the wonderful unbelievably amazing super califragilistic exp alidocious man woman i don't even know what gender doesn't even matter agent unawares has made the best thing ever and it is a pose thing that literally has one slider that turns genesis 3 pauses into genesis 8 compatibility with one slider and if we crank that up we can go and see my girl jumping for jonah it's good isn't it yes i do that as well steve it's you know i have the room and the ability to inspect the file with the text editor is often worth more i suppose for distribution files maybe not but you know one of those things it's not bad right so we have we've done we've done so much already i'm going to take some notes here as well just so that we're on the on the same uh page here i might because i know this was this should have a headline really this is the whole miximo part put that above here and then we're gonna go and say das studio import because that's another part all together import the fbx from mixamo oh we've already done that that's cool in there we need to dang brother save as pose preset animation not the still thing once we've done that we what was the next step oh yes lord correct figure so genesis 3 or genesis 8 apply pause optional use agent unawares pause converter on genesis 8. and i'm sure i can find it here and then i'll drop it in the chat as well so agent unawares in case you don't have that g 3 to 8 post converter that is it it's the world's greatest pulse converter 100 and it exists for genesis uh three female and male this is the first one and this one is the second one so you can probably just search for it but i'm gonna go and add these to my posts here this is one and this is the other groovy next step is going to be mdx md import i suppose while she's still jumping for joy which is super cool i could just watch this for forever really that is really nice i might actually just save my scene here so we need a couple of other things from this so we need to go and save that scene make a new folder and call it das scenes animation prep i'll call it because we will have to mess with that so um should i do this in order or should i do this out of sequence i'm sure you'll understand both of these things oh yes if you do follow that link and you get an official wp guru mug miss christina how are you let me just go jump up and down for joy here because i'm seeing you so nice to see you you've missed dodger earlier she might come back she is also into claw and you know um maybe you guys can meet maybe you know her already she's a viewer of mine so so cool so today's topic christina is to bring mixomo animations out from miximo into dash studio from das studio into marvelous designer and from marvelous designer animating cloth and then bringing it back into that studio for rendering over there so haha i should shouldn't i rate it all that would be nice so there we go this is saved we need a few other things i think i'm gonna go and do this slightly out of sequence so in marvelous designer when we go when we're modeling our clothing usually what we do is we model it on the avatar in the a poles that comes straight out of that studio that's one thing that i would that i would probably do most things that have been modeled for the genesis 8 figure usually have that kind of a pause our initial pose of the animation already almost looks like an a pose but it's not exactly an apost so what we need to do is to export this obj out as a starting pose for the animation and this is necessary because it could be a different pose it could be something that doesn't look like an a-pose at all so it could be something that looks you know way different so we need to just export this first thing as an obj so we can use it as a morph target as a transition in marvelous designer so let me go and do that while i've got this here i'll go and export this this goes back into my objs for do i know i actually don't have that we need we need a folder called obj's there we go and i'll call this one g8f animation start just so that i have that saved wavefront obj there we go that is that some phi that is really nice to see you hello hello good good good to see you thank you for your subscription i appreciate that my friend so in here we're going to just use everything das preset we're not we're not going to do anything other than that just just use that and go boom export that um i will also need an a pause and i don't really remember if i have that or not i've saved the scene so i might just go and just just go grab a new scene export that feed that that figure again in the apos i should have done that before i imported the the whole thing i might do that for the for the actual video so this is the thing that i need to export as well because it is the thing that will that i would imagine when were modeling clothing around so g8f hey paul so these two we need same thing here you broke your hip oh my god christina how did that happen that is really bad news i'm really sorry to hear that oh my god as if you hadn't gone through enough that's terrible did it have anything to do with the with the cold weather was it something along the lines of over-frozen things my god i'm so sorry to hear that export a pulse export first frame of animation as obj import a post character model add clothing those are the next steps here yes marvelous designer 10 there we go from the obstacle house and fell because it was slippery with the ice yes i can imagine yes yeah oh my god that is just how so many people have broken the hip how long were you in hospital for christina seriously uncool seriously uncool so let me just sum this up um for those of you who don't know christina and i'm not going to go into detail because that could take a while but um let's rewind time a few years back a car crash christina was cycling van i believe hit her drunk driver was a drunk driver i can't quite remember but put you in hospital for a long time immobilized you uh confined you to a wheelchair at least for a for a time uh severely immobilized still with with mobility just about getting back out of it christina develops a kind of a cancer tumor in her cheek which was crazy and terrible don't go there the thing is no it's just you know it's just quickly wrapping up what you've been through that is unbelievable you're like a total survivor in my book christina so there was that drunk driver i thought it was a drunk driver so then christina you know just about on her way getting better develops cancer cancer is one of those weird things that isn't something where there's an off-the-shelf medication of course so there's going to be chemotherapy involved and there's all kinds of treatment and surgeries and all that all the way while she was still recovering but she went through it so you know that that happened then on her way to recovery still with with regular nurses visits ralph obviously you know who's also a frequent visitor here hopefully um bad nurse not ralph ralph's a good nurse bad nurse when right on his on ralph stays off terrible nurse comes in infects christina with kovic 19 crazy stuff gets over that is on a tpn much like i was artificial nutrition for months and months on end because body weight is so low because you know when are you going to recover with all the poison and all that ich bin einpet vogel that is that is absolutely right gets over that though gets gets skates out of hospital has a terrible terrible family incident which i'm not going to go into because that was that's really terrible and it's just you know one of those things it hasn't affected you bodily but certainly mentally and it is just super uncool what happened there all that in the recent past and now christina has just moved just getting her life back together with lots and lots of commission work from clients awesome stuff now she breaks her hip of course oh my god it's a book isn't going to be enough this is a serious dream lab it's going to be a 12 book deal or something it can't exactly and it can't happen to one person over the course of what are we talking here four years less than that three four years something like that it's it's unbelievable that you've been through all that and it's just so so wonderful that you're still here that is it's like one test after the other oh my christina it is just what that's just unbelievable [Music] i'll go bring in the genesis a poles here just so that we can do open yeah open or add that that doesn't really matter that's cool just as long as we don't tick this box align bottom to ground we're all gonna be good five unbelievable christina oops unbelievable it's so funny i would have never thought that that's what would have happened to you i just thought no christina's busy last i heard of her was that that she's just mega mega busy so i don't have a piece of clothing so i'm just gonna model a quick skirt here nothing fancy just just 30 wide and five high if i may there we go we'll put that kind of here still not using arrangement points at this point i suppose you could just load in an outfit that you've prepared earlier i'll copy this and paste it kind of in the same space for now move one to the back so this is going to be the the uh horizontally yes horizontally there we go the waistband sorry brain kind of stopped there for a second i'll go and saw this together i suppose from here to there is that right yes and then from here to there as well kind of here to there and that should go around the waist perfect that's nice let's make a super quick simple skirt not even the tail skirt the tip full rock it's going to be something even even less exciting i'll say i'll say maybe 50 by 50 maybe that's just that's just as simple as it as it could possibly come and then we'll make this line down here a little bit longer just so that there's a little bit of um of um what's it called him change the line length to maybe 80 on both sides maybe i don't know just so we have some cloth wafting around yeah perfect and this will go and uh copy or can we actually yeah let's go copy and paste that [Music] certainly no masterpiece but it will get the point across let's see what happens if we animate that oh not animate simulator nearly let's put that together and that together there that should well perhaps if we take the curve tool out just make it a little bit curvier maybe it looks better i don't know it yeah maybe also was it ctrl h to strengthen these i'm trying to learn the shortcut keys here i think was it h yes there we go h was strengthening good stuff and ctrl h to unstrengthen that and i think because we it'll i mean it'll it'll waft around enough i think i'm thinking maybe i'll add maybe i'll just add a little bit of extra geometry at the top here subdivide that just so that we have a little bit more potential wrinkling i suppose i could i should really no let me not do that actually let me just go and add the particle distance 10 on the in fact overall let's do that particle distance down over here i'll just make it 10 overall yeah that'll be that oh that is so nice of you thank you so much christina that is really really cool my goodness it is just it's unbelievable but also you know these things there's this knock-on effect isn't that christina because it's sometimes you go oh look at that christina that's so nice that is really really nice of you i appreciate that you know it's it's sometimes it's a knock on effect isn't it because being on harsh drugs for so long that then does weaken your body and then these things like falling down on ice and breaking it that is that is just what happens isn't it it's just i still can't believe this there's a friend of my mother's who is about 10 15 years older than i am and he developed colon cancer at the same time as i have and he his was stage four so it had metastasized into his liver which is why they couldn't operate all of it so they couldn't um cut it all out and while i've been getting all kinds of treatments and eventually being successfully treated with immunotherapy he and this has been i'm i'm a three-year survivor now so it's been three years since i've had since i've been um designated cancer-free and i'm literally grateful for that every day he was not so lucky so he is still all these three years i've been cancer-free that i've been recovering bit by bit and it took me over a year to properly recover he's been getting chemotherapy still every four weeks and that long-term toll on the body is just unbelievable i mean i i don't know how he does it but it is just it's uh he's his life is severely constricted so it's it's um bowel movements all kinds of things are very difficult for him literally everything unbelievable and we all appreciate it christina it's really really wonderful that's i'm really i i admire your generosity it is just so wonderful that you that you do that i've seen you do this in other channels as well and it's just it's wonderful when that happens oh my where were we we're going to save our project in marvelous designer let's do that save project go animation madness i'm going to make myself a new folder and i'll call it md files uh let's just call it skirt that's fine for now because remember we're not doing this because this is supposed to be a finished item of clothing this is supposed to be an animation so the first step of this is that we now need to import a morph target so that this a pose can change to the first frame of our animation so that we have that transition there there is there are other ways of doing it but i find this um a fairly easy way so um we can we simulate everything looks cool on the apollos but now we need to have that that first pose of the animation come in here so that we do by heading over to file import at obj and we'll select this one here g8f animation start and we want to use well load type add indeed object type morph target very important that this is not going to be anything else but this is going to be a morph target that will come in now over 30 frames that's the amount of time marvelous designer will use between the apollos and the next poles to interpolate hours are very similar to 30 is ample scale dash studio everything else is totally fine so let's do that and see what marvelous designer does it loads it and then gradually moves over to the next pause and with us the change was very subtle but it is there and this is this is really what we need to to get the animation going so it could well be that our starting pose of the animation is something completely different but you know our house is gonna us alice was similar lucky us but you know i'll go and save this again as a whole project and i'll say animation start just so that we can go back to this and do other things with it uh let me take notes while i'm here and the import then we have md animation so that is load first frame of animation as morph target and spell it correctly while you're there perfect and then yes i thought so too christina that is that is just that is just crazy to have to have chemo for that long also to have it for that long and not suggest other treatment options that's the thing that really gets me i mean quite obviously so what that what they're saying is essentially hey we've removed the cancer from your colon but there's still stuff in your liver that is inoperable so we can't go and cut that out so that you're cancer-free because without a liver you can't live we've removed so much from the liver that we really need to kind of wait for that to regrow and that's just obviously not happening because he's on terrible drugs so rather than saying hey obviously this isn't something you'll survive we're gonna maybe get another five years out of you is there some kind of money scam going on that they're just that they're just charging the health insurance for the ongoing chemo treatments and then just going well we're gonna do this for as long as we can and get a bit of a buck in the process it sounds to me as if it's a bit like that so it's crazy stuff unbelievable it is so terrible isn't it i'm glad they did that as well i know it's risky i know it's risky to stop chemo early but i'm i'm so glad they did that because you were you were just so weak and you were just you know it's just your body weight's gone continuously gone down and if if they couldn't keep it up or increase it with the tpn that was how how many hours a day that was that's the other thing they give you all these things and they all think this is a great idea meanwhile you're sitting there yeah i've been through this for several years already what's left of my life friends you know i don't really want to do this for that much any longer anymore unless it's getting better i remember they were suggesting i should have a nephrostomy when i had my my whole my whole bladder was was basically toast and the there was no way that it was just all so terrible that they suggested why don't we give you a nephrostomy and that's this thing that i don't know if you know this this is the the pipes that go directly into your kidneys to extract urine so that the urine if the urine doesn't can't free flow into the bladder and then leave the body they give you this nephrostomy setup which is terrible so it's like two pipes literally going into your back straight into the kidneys so you can't really lie down it's just it's absolutely awful that's what they wanted to do to me and and i said no actually sorry let's not do that i'm i'm you know i'm at death's door here i'm not sure if this is this is going to be even worse than just writing this out and hoping i can get to immunotherapy and it's unbelievable you're right steve absolutely yes yes absolutely no thank you no thank you oh my load animation is what we'll do next on to happier joy jumping so we don't have to change into the animation tab for that what we can do actually let's let's just let's just do that [Music] this red bar here by the way this is now the transition from the first pause and from the aprils into this pause we don't really need that anymore either we now need to uh actually go back to dash studio and export our animation as mdd point cache because that is the only thing that we can import into marvelous designer so let's go back to our animation file here i'm just going to go load animation prep don't want to say that first of all let's see a lady jumping for joy oh they don't pay for immunotherapy oh man but how would you get access then to immunotherapy in germany because it's it's fine if they don't want to pay but that's there's got to be at least they have to say hey look there is another treatment option i think this is what i'm seriously missing with my mom's friend's story that none of the doctors have said or the patient hasn't said obviously we can't do this what other options do i have i mean money yes money is an objective of course but um at least let me know that there are other treatment options right [Music] crazy stuff so this requires animate 2 the full version of animate 2 not so much because we do anything with any blocks or in fact anything on the animate timeline we want to go and already have the first frame of animation which we've already imported into marvel's design and now we need to export the animation and the only way to do this with the genesis figure selected is by heading over to export and using this one here mdd by animate that'll go into a different folder i'll call it mdds jump joy animation just make sure it says mdd by animate 2 and you will only have that option if you have the full version of anime animate lite does not have that so if you have the light version this thing just won't come up so it's important that you use that and then go and say save that'll come up with another dialog here and what i find is that studio preset works well you can use ignore invisible nodes and i would i would suggest you do that if if you have anything else in your scene you can just go hide it and then that won't be part of the mdd export so if you have a walking pose like a catwalk pose in which the hands are too close to the body and they would kind of rip the garment apart feel free to hide them in here so if you do that you have to go and hide things on the original export as well as in the animation export otherwise the geometry isn't going to match up but there is a way to do this if you have if the hands are too close to the body you could just go hide the whole thing the whole lower arm here in the scene hierarchy and then export that and um you know that that's one way to then do the simulation in marvelous design without ruining the garment i hope it's gonna work in our case so let's go hit accept that'll now go through every frame boom that's it yeah 250 000 euros that is um it is uh it's i had that as well i was i was perplexed to see that one immunotherapy treatment was between eight and ten thousand dollars and i had uh 12 rounds so i had the cheaper version so yeah and my insurance paid that i was thinking hey it's cool we're gonna take the premium cno problem my god hmm [Music] and free home visits that's that's nice steve yes it is frightening what that costs it is absolutely frightening so with mdd exported from death studio we go and import the same in here with the regular import option mdd cache standard let's try that i say try because there's always a possibility that this goes wrong jump joy animation 44 meg that's cool we're gonna go and open that and this is kind of an interesting one so this is i'm gonna i'm gonna make a note of this now so for some reason when the mdd cache comes in the character is rotated 180 degrees just on the well in in that studio with the y-axis in um in marvel's designer it's the z-axis for some bizarre reason i don't i don't really know why so z invert is what we need to use 100 percent at the dash studio scale and this one we don't want to take here move avatar and garment to start position because we've essentially done that manually by just adding the first frame of the animation so there's a way that you could just go and let marvelous designer do this transition for you but i i'm not a big fan of that i like to do this manually that is all we need and i think that might then work so z invert let me just see if that is in fact correct oh yeah we're not actually walking so we're just we're just jumping for joy let's see if that works yes there we go so she jumps for joy that's awesome so the only thing that isn't currently jumping is this is the skirt and that we make happen with the with this record button here so this is a good way before you do this this is a simulation takes a long time from frame to frame and it's it's nice if you just go and play this back and see if the animation kind of works the way you'd expect it if it doesn't then you know something is wrong so if i had not ticked that box the z invert she would now be jumping but she'd be facing the wrong way whereas the skirt would still be the correct way and then if you try to if you try to do this whole thing it's not going to work so let's uh you know let's uh let's not make that let's not make that mistake here let's go and record this is not going to go with cloth simulation through every frame woohoo look at that girl so let's see if we can i mean you couldn't probably if there would be more more um more with more fullness in the skirt that would be kind of cool as well because then we would see uh it literally going it would literally just kind of curl up so it depends on the on the skirt we could even remodel the skirt at this point we can literally just go and uh make changes to the garment make it wider and and see how that works that might just look better i might i might just do that just add more fullness to the bottom i might just do that see what happens and i don't even have to do much here i just have to i think he says i just have to make this uh wider i believe is that how it works i don't know does is that how it works change length let me see let me see if it works 80 wannabes make it a meter maybe the waistband is a bit loose yeah go for it let's try it out if it doesn't work we can always go put that back so let's make it a hundred [Music] don't want this to overlap oh there's also before i forget christina's wonderful strengthening tip for which i've just learned the the shortcut i suppose i could just go and strengthen all of it i think it's shift h yes there we go just so that it puffs out once and then we can unstrengthen it again so it goes and falls back together the wardrobe malfunctioned ctrl h again and we can just re-simulate the animation it's kind of nice that it's so short i'm glad we picked this actually because otherwise it would take quite some time if we'd have like a 4 500 frame animation just to to do a quick test that might just you know that might not that might not work look at a jump unbelievable [Music] i think that looks a bit better look at that no wardrobe malfunction all right christina tell me again what is um which direction is warp and which one is weft uh it's difficult to say isn't it really depends on the piece of fabric but in marvelous designer is this warp or is this warp because the other one will be weft i just i just don't remember which one's which there we go look at her girl that is nice if we had a loose fitting shirt for that it'll just all you know wafted around quite nicely so one of those things hey mr rod mr goldenrod should i say so nice to see you so let me just make some notes here before i forget and while the young lady is jumping up and down for joy which is which is great i might i'm gonna make her stop i'll make her jump up and down uh in that studio for a little bit and then we bring over the garment into that studio and we'll see what happens you always have to check to i'm glad to hear that i'm glad to hear that oh man empty animation load the first frame of the animation as morph target then load the animation just with the standard not that i want to do it now mdd cache standard there we go that's what uh mdd cache standard and then of course also over here dash studio that's the import export a plus a port that this is actually export md import isn't it so export mdd by animate yeah there we go that's it that's how we get that out of that studio and then import into here load the animation mdd point cache then we go and simulate well there's also this there's not just that there is in marvelous designer when we bring that in that was that inverted as that inverted then simulate animation and that is technically that oh really red bubble do cool masks say that is good news i think perhaps rod and chris might be interested to hear that why don't you guys both of you make um some cool designs for face masks put that on to both of your redbubble stores i don't have a redbubble store but both chris and rod both have one and if you do that i'm gonna go buy a mask if rated r says they're good masks i'm gonna go buy some because julian and i we have some that are fantastic but you know we need a backup this is going to take a while ah okay okay so weft is left to right warp is up and down okay so warp and weft maybe we can yeah we can remember that and weft i think that is that is easy to remember what because this looks like a w doesn't it so warp and weft cool thank you so much stream i love it yes and khloe and md are totally the same goody warp and weft there we go that's that's good i can remember that joe wonderful to see you very nice to see you again yes i had to take a little bit of a break because if you stream daily for two months twice at weekends it does take a toll on your energy levels and i did have to i just had to take a little bit of a break so there we go they both start with a w that is correct yes but i'm thinking you know and weft that is a good good way to remember that oh rated r there we go maybe this is that's why i can remember it i'm a little bit you know dyslexic so these things if something really speaks to me that way that is that's just cool i can't remember left and right i really have to uh look at my hands and think this is the left hand i know that but if if somebody says to me you know read a map and tell me which way we're going i'd say oh go go right over there because i'm pointing with my right hand over there for me it's quite it makes perfect sense where that is and that this is right dyslexic what can i do oh bridge weft left oh my god west left hi karama let us go back to the simulation tab and export my wonderful garment out of here and see if we can turn it into the same animation inside that studio so for that i'm going to go and because we have genesis in there already i'm going to select my pattern pieces and choose export obj selected i think and that is just the first i see this is what it's important i need to go to the first frame of the animation which currently i'm not on so that is important to remember first frame of the animation let's make a note of that right away similar animation park on first frame of animation then export whoops export first frame obj then we export the next thing let's go one one thing at a time and one thing at a time export obj selected and this goes in the obj's folder we're just going to call that skirt first frame well skirt first frame there we go that'll give us all these excited exciting options didn't i select selected patterns and are they in fact these yes that's perfect we don't want the avatar to be part of this because otherwise you know this must be unselected select all avatars this must be unselected otherwise that ain't gonna work y'all single object yes no thick we need it thin and we also need it welded unified uv coordinates yes scale under percent and that is really all we need that's just the regular obj x port that's the static frame that is that now i believe we need to do the same thing export no now exactly now we need to go obj mdd cache standard so export mdd cache standard and this is now also an mdd i might yeah let's do that let's put that in there as well so skirt animation that gives us another export dialog which is exciting and the settings must match so it's also going to be single object and it's also going to be thin and welded so just make sure it's exactly the same thin and weld welded works well for me unified coordinates everything else is fine play region only or entire region depends on what is set mine is entire region but if you had an animation that's much longer and you don't want to export all of it you can set the play region and then it'll just export the play region and that is all hit okay let it do its thing this is going to take a little bit of time no not actually that much time depends i guess let's go and make sure i remember all that export mdd cache animation match settings for both single object thin welded the end i believe that is that yes it was um it was tricky there were some there were some tricky tricky things that happened on on the streets in washington so i think we're kind of done here in marvelous designer let's see if we can bring all that into that studio see if i can remember how so our genesis figure is still here we're gonna go and keep her there and we're gonna go and import the first frame of animation in of our skirt so let's go let's actually make another headline here das import import skirt first frame obj have i done this correctly i think there's no hang on a minute i think i have done this correctly you see no i haven't done it correctly i'm so sorry i need to i can't imp we can't import mdd cash into death studio i don't think i mean if we can that would be that would be seriously cool but i don't think i can no we can't no so i'm sorry i've made a mistake here disregard my earlier thing we need to do something else in marvelous designer so the export isn't actually what i've just told you the export is with the garment selected export obj sequence that is what we need to do president who steve the disrespect obj sequence that's what we need to do and it will get its own folder i'm going to call it obj sequence skirt seq i'm going to call it well i might as well be generous and type it out skirt sequence and this will give us however the same thing very super mega important deselect avatar very important otherwise the avatar is being exported as well we don't want that single object thin and weld single object same as file name is fine unified uv coordinates is also fine and the rest is cool that's just the one thing at the bottom here entire region play on play region only or input frame we're going to use the entire region and that i thought it was going to take a little bit longer because it goes through every frame it rides in obj now so there we go let him do its thing must make sure we do that here export not mdd cash animation we're gonna go export obj sequence match settings for both there we go that is really all that we needed to do import first frame obj of the skirt in that studio then import all obj sequence files via morph loader also do spell morph correctly we're done we're done cool we can actually just because the obj sequence already has the skirts object we can just go import that we don't need to import anything else yeah that's actually that's actually quite clever and just make sure it is to dash scale accept and it will match skirt sequence there it is so it doesn't do anything yet because you know she jumps and the skirt is a static object so yeah that's not gonna work but the skirt itself let me just go and give it a color just because white on white isn't so good also shiny skirt i mean seriously let's not let's not have that that's on the base glossy glossy roughness let's just go crank that up so it's less shiny also create a filament draw options note because you know i do like filament i just dislike the default values there we go right here so now we can see the skirt a little bit better that's that's cool so make sure we select the skirt head over to edit object morph loader pro it's going to be exciting and then over here we'll go and choose all more files in our obj sequence so first one shift select all of them until the last one say open and then hit accept that will now import all of these things as individual frames individual morphs sorry and we like the success message no deltas for more skipping no that's perfect no worries it's created more successfully that's that's really what we want to see for pretty much all of these hundreds oops hundreds of morphs if you will let's go do that and but still there's no animation going on there the sliders are all there but nothing animates just yet so that happens with my super exciting script which we call animoth uh there we go freshly updated today for version 4.15 dance studio 4.15 probably something else you may not have noticed christina that studio have given us another update with visibly literally no additions but yeah we now have 4.15 really you know the guy one of the popular annie block creators on um on that studio scar motion on on the dash side scar motion he's just thanked on his website he's just thanked everyone for over 10 000 purchases that is kind of cool i mean i don't know how long he's been doing that but it's a good it's a good kind of sales figure to to keep that in mind his annie blocks sell between 20 and 30 dollars they're very good because you can literally just drag him in and it's you know it's it's very cool and over ten thousand of those so let's say with sales and a fifty percent cut let's say he's made ten bucks per block maybe you know uh that times ten thousand that's a hundred grand there we go there's money in that studio any blocks after all so there um with the skirt selected i believe i just double click this because it comes up with a bit of a weird window here but that's cool we just click the first button and script goes to work and applies the animation to our skirt look at that beautiful exactly like we've had it in marvellous designer no pork through hi-yah she's already super happy jumping for joy it works it's magic and it buckles and it doesn't even have a subdivision surface modifier on the dress yet that we could all do that we could put patterns on it we could render it in ira we could do all these things it works it moves yes no problem dodger it'll be also it'll be also on on youtube in a little while to give it a few weeks or so and there's a lot of other stuff that i have scheduled but yeah i will also digest all of this into a little video series without us talking about cancers and broken hips and all that and um impeach presidents and all that so it's yeah one of those things it's uh it's good to do this like two three times so me for me it really helps and i'm taking notes so they'll also be written articles for that so let me just go and see if i've made the correct notes here import all obj sequence files via morph loader run anim morph this script by the way i will also give you a link to that that is available on my github account github first lewis anim morph and i've updated it literally today this is the script that you need in order to turn all the morphs from the obj sequence into an animation inside that studio i've literally tweaked this link for a version for that studio 4.15 so it's kind of it's exactly the same as 4.14 but i like for things to at least appear up to date so let me just go and copy that put that in the in the chat as well indeed yes so this is going to be anime morph script script and that is just uh i don't know why morph is so difficult for my fingers to type i really can't tell you and it also is important for my article run animal on clothing item link happiness exclamation mark maybe even with a with an emoji here there we go perfect and that i think is all this to it she keeps jumping and we've made it we've literally made it all the way from daz studio via genesis one into miximo picking any block export as fbx 6 from mixer mode back into that studio save as a post file apply to a new figure apply this pause file from genesis 1 save it out apply it to a new figure like genesis 8 genesis 3. optional correct the arm position from the a pulse to the t pose thanks to agent unaware's unbelievable conversion little script then my goodness export that character animation out as an mdd cache import it into marvelous designer animate your clothing in marvelous designer export it out as an obj sequence import the first frame into that studio from the from the garment then load everything else as morph loader as morph targets then run animorph happiness that's basically all the steps summed up oh have i not done that child theme wizard that is that is um interesting while we're talking about it what happened with the child theme was it is he not um is he not updated oh for 5.6 i think i've made a compatibility thing there didn't i have i installed him here oh no no stay stay safe draft so yes that that's the that's all the things you know simple procedure yes somebody should write a script about this unbelievable thank you for bringing that to my attention christina i had designated some of them is it here child theme wizard [Music] view details this plow yes yes yes good point christina compatible up to yes thank you so much for letting me know i we should do that we should do that i'll update this because it still works i didn't have to make any code changes but i should at least mark it as compatible with uh 5.6 yes thank you christina i'll do that over 10 000 active installations look at that very cool five-star rating wow thank you so much guys well one guy gives it a one star rating there's always somebody isn't there no worries yes i'll do that wow that was that was quite a lot i must say this is i'm so pleased it went so relatively swift i mean i have dodgy i don't know if you were here when i showed this there was something in just in the beginning just as a little overview i've shown something that i've practiced with yesterday that's this one here this is what i've made yesterday this is a longer catwalk animation in which i've hidden the arms so that the hands they were they didn't look great and this was just another annie block from from marvelous designer they were interfering with the skirt i've made so you can't have longer things it just takes it takes much longer to to do this whole process but yeah essentially we followed all these steps in this stream and then afterwards you go and put all that into their studio run this this super exciting animal script so thank you so much for to dreadmark i believe dredmark and marcus wilm who have been continuously maintaining it and now it lives on my github repository just so that doesn't get lost because you know what it's like with scripts out in the open if no one really takes care of a chart of it it'll just it'll just disappear at one point so there we go no worries thank you so much steve yes this is also from mixer mode dodger this is called just anime catwalk walk i believe there's a there's a couple of things there and the hands they they don't really they don't really look nice and there's a lot of tweaking that you have to do but that studio being so awkward as it is i'd i'd recommend you you find something that that works this is the this is not um an iron render this is a filament render but you know this is also with the i think subdivision surface modifier applied on the skirt all those things are possible with exciting renders and with exciting clothing as well yeah my goodness that was it my friends i think i think that was it i think i've done it all i've we've written the whole article we've made all the bits and pieces i can now in the next few days go to work and record this as a proper series in snippets and hopefully it'll be helpful for anyone and everyone who wants to bring in animations to and from mixomo to death studio into marvel's design and back my friends thank you so yeah the bendy fingers boomers are that is not that is not nice and sometimes that happens and you could literally spend so much time on on on doing that usually what i would recommend is just not use any blocks that have screwed up things like that so if you have something that you find has these artifacts just find a different animation usually if you find blocks like proper annie blocks from the dash store let me just go and quickly show you that uh there's some some cool ones that uh you can get on the dash 3d or website by scar motion actually you can't you can't search for him i think you have to search for any blocks any blocks i think rated r thank you so much for yet another first exciting bits donation that is very cool yeah if you want to use these things he has a lot of stuff in his program and some of them are very short i don't really know if they're worth 30 but he's literally the only reliable annie block seller on the store and we've been talking about him earlier i believe i have these here they all come with demo videos and have a look at his at his product so he even has other things that you can make any blocks with and these are really as simple as just um installing them and then you just hop onto the onto the ana block uh timeline here how does he do it do i have anything buy skull motion yes there we go do i have what do i have with scum oh i've got the i've got the um genesis 6 versus jogging and high heels okay let me just go and let me just go and save this and then i'll show you a couple of the ones that i have installed for uh for genesis 6 his scenes there we go animation finished always good to do this you're very welcome you're very welcome you can probably just go you can you can have a look on your own i'm just going to go and take this copy it in the chat scar motion any blocks have a look at them and have a wonderful wonderful night i hope i will see you again soon i'm not entirely sure about tomorrow possibly possibly perhaps not i'm really not sure it depends on the rest of my day my friends have a wonderful time thank you so much for all the wonderful bit donations and for your for your gifted subscriptions christina i really appreciate that i hope your hip heals better and i hope there's no more mishaps for the rest of 2021 my friends have a wonderful time i will see you soon take care bye-bye oh no that was the wrong button isn't it that's going to be this one you
Channel: The WP Guru
Views: 19,463
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Marvelous Designer, CLO, Animation, DAZ Studio
Id: oELyP6jtSCQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 98min 4sec (5884 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 25 2021
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Please note that this website is currently a work in progress! Lots of interesting data and statistics to come.