Marvelous Designer 10 And Daz Studio - 3 Methods To Transition Between Different Static Poses

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[Applause] [Music] hi everyone in today's video i'm going to be showing you three different methods that you can use to transition between different poses so we'll be using des duty and marvelous designer and this really comes in handy because you can start with an a post where you actually create your garment and then you can actually see what your garment looks like in a completely different pose as well so this works really well for static poses you can see over there and i'm giving you three methods so you can see whatever works best for you so the first thing i want you to do is on your desktop create a folder called md poses and then in that folder create a folder called obj marvelous designer poses and fbx and then in the obj folder just create an a post folder and a post folder so the three methods work like this the obj is going to be our first method that uses morph targets the fbx is our second method that shows you how to do this just with animation data and the third method is with marvelous designer poses so we save marvelous designer poses from the fbx data and that's that's going to be my personal favorite method so without further ado let's get started now i want you to go ahead and open up dare studio so once you've got theirs open go to window workspace select layout and select hollywood boulevard so that's using the same ui go to actors wardrobes and props go to figures and just load in a genesis 3 mail so this comes pre-installed with des if you don't have this open up your des in store manager and download it and install it into desk so it's just going to load my character into the scene now the first thing i want you to do is go to pose animate make sure this icon is all the way on frame zero so whenever i'm creating a garment my first pose is always going to be either a t pose or an a pose in this case i'm actually going to create an a pose so i'll select the slim and bring this to the side of my character like that and now my character's hands are completely flared and that's really good especially if you're trying to create gloves but you can easily change the pose of the hands by selecting a hand going to parameters pose controls and you can either add some grasp or you can reduce some of the spread but i'm going to leave it like this so this is going to be my a pose now i'm going to drag this all the way to one and on frame one is where we are going to create another pose for our character and i'll give you creative freedom you can click on these limbs and pose this however you want it to be so just for the sake of time i'm going to use a pose that's already being created so i'm on i'm making sure i'm on frame one and my character selected and i'm just going to select this flex pose so there we go so now over on our timeline we can see we've got an a pose and a transitions into that posed state so now what i want to do is i want to since we're working with the first method which is the objs and the move target let's go back to frame zero i want to save this out as an obj so file export and then go to your folder over here go to your obj folder a pose and this one's going to be a pose mail make sure this is on obj click on save these are my export settings so you can pause and see what i have selected and click on accept and now do the exact same thing for this pose so file export go to the post folder this is posed mail click on save and click on accept all right so we can head into marvelous designer so in marvelous design i go to preferences gizmo select local coordinate it'll just make your life a lot easier when you're navigating in the 3d window moving around a 2d patterns so let's load in the first obj so import obj and make sure you're loading in the apos all right i don't want any arrangement points i want this on auto scale at 100 and then click on ok and my character will load in so this will be the starting point of a project right you load in your apos or your t pose and then you start creating your garment now for the sake of time i'm just going to load in a pre-made garment so these are some pre-made garments i've made i'm loading this basic crew neck and just added as a as a comment i move this up a little bit and over here with the sleeves this position there a little bit better so this simulates correctly okay so there we go so let's pretend like i've created this garment from start to finish and maybe you've gone ahead you've created your own garment right now but you want to see it in a different pose so this is where we'll use more targets so move targets can come in handy it's probably my least favorite method for you know transitioning into different poses because poses cannot be you know like you can't have arms in completely different locations because of the morph target it'll actually adjust the anatomy it'll make the arms of a character shorter and then will start growing again you know to accommodate for that new pose so it can cause issues it really depends what your second pose is and in this case i made sure that these two poses are completely different because i want to show you the issues i'm going to encounter by using more targets but maybe it might work for you and whatever pose you're using so to load in a morph target right now you just go to file import obj and then i'm going to go to my post folder over here click open now in earlier versions i think you go to file and there's import move target we import obj morph target but in md10 i just go to morph target i leave that on 30 auto scale 100 and click on ok but now notice these limbs are going to get shorter and then they'll start growing again so that it can actually fit the new pose but this is going to cause issues with the garment you see this doesn't simulate correctly and this is why i don't use morph targets that often but i still wanted to show you this is a method that you can use maybe you're not using this characters maybe you've sculpted a character and you've sculpted different poses just save them out as objs and you'll be able to morph between them but keep in mind that if you have really different poses the limbs and the anatomy is going to get shorter and then start grain again and you're going to get issues like this okay so i wanted to show you this but i want to show you now the second method which is fbx so before we go back to das to say save our fpx i'm just going to control z to undo this to get the garment back in the a pose and then i'm actually going to go to avatar and delete all avatars because we're going to be we're going to be bringing in the fbx file instead so let's go to des now we still have this animation data over here that's been saved and if you want to remember you can save this as a project file a scene file as well in this folder you can save this as a scene so that you can always come back to the scene if you really need to anyway let's save this as an fbx so i'll put that on frame 0 go to file export go to your fbx folder click on save and these are my export settings for fbx so you can pause and see what's enabled click on accept and now we can head back to marvelousdesigner so now i've got my garmin back in the apos i can go to file import fbx and just go to open i don't need arrangement points auto scale 100 click on ok so fbx will load in with our character now here's the thing with the fbx file the anatomy actually does look completely different to an obj it does get a little bit messed up and that's why i'm still keeping those objs because i will be using them again but with the fbx file you do get the animation data complete included with the entire file so over here let me just move this garment up a little bit there we go so with the fbx file you just go to animation click on this drop down arrow and you can see here's the animation data but now in order for me to get this garment onto that different pose i have to click on this record button right and then when i click on record you can see it'll morph into that different pose so fantastic and this is cool because i can always go back to the a pose as well let's say if i wanted to continue working on something over here add some more detail uh or other information to the garment then i can always go back to animation and just drag this forward and then press spacebar to simulate that again on that new pose on frame one all right and if that doesn't work you can always just click on record so this this is a great way to also morph between different poses is to use this fbx file that contains the animation data the only thing is like i said then the anatomy is not the exact same way that it looks in there so it does get a bit messed up and we need to use obj files and yep there we go so i'll show you now if i import one of the obj files let me just bring this there and just hide the garment so the anatomy does look like it's correct but it's not especially about the elbows the desk character has a much more pointy elbow on it so if i wanted to i could keep it in this pose right let's bring the garment back i could delete this avatar right now and then just import the obj file which is over here of our posed character so that we get the correct anatomy and click on ok and then just let it drape let the garment drape on this correct version i'll show you i'll hide the garment see pay attention to the elbows this is the correct version the anatomy looks exactly the same way that it does in dares but now because i use the fbx file i was i could get this easily into this pose and then i just press spacebar and now the garment is simulated on the obj with the correct anatomy so this is also a really great way to transition to a different pose is to use fbx and obj together so now i want to show you the third method of saving marvelous designer posts files and having post files is pretty cool uh it functions actually similar to the fbx where you can jump between you know like the apos and then the post state but let's say maybe you are encountering issues with an fbx then you can always just load in post files as well it's nice to have you know different options anyway just make sure in your scene that you load in you actually go to delete all avatars and let's load in our fbx okay load this in and i'm just going to bring this back here there we go all right so let me show you how to save marvelous designer pose files so what you want to do is for your first pose now you can save a pose on any frame that you want over here and it's going to it can be its own individual file but i'm going to bring this all the way to zero and this is going to be my first pose so i'm going to go to file save as pose now remember we created a marvelous designer poses folder and just save it as a pose and click on save and there we go now i'm going to go back to animation bring that all the way to 1 and then go back to simulation and i can save this as a pose as well so i put that on post now in order to use posed files you actually need to make sure you're using the fbx because the fbx contains you can see i'm hovering over here by this icon called x-ray joins you can see that there's an internal skeleton so you cannot save you actually you can save post files with an obj but you can't transition between other objs because they don't have this internal skeleton you need this internal skeleton so now that that's been saved as a pose if i want to transition to the a pose i just load the pose into the program so i can just go to file open pose and then you can see a pose click on open very important click on pose and join to translation and then click on ok and it easily just transitions into that a pose and you can see it's a really cool method it's also non-destructive now i can go back loading the post file so i can just switch between you know the posed and the a pose very easily using marvelous designer pose files now obviously because the anatomy is still being shared from an fbx if we want this to be draped correctly on the correct anatomy we would have to delete the avatar well undo that she said i want my garment to fall we would have to delete the avatar and make sure that we actually bring in the obj that has the correct anatomy so in this case this would be the a pose all right and i'll just drape that on the correct anatomy just like this and there we go so those post files are really handy now you can see with obj there's no internal skeleton so even if i try and load in a pose right now it won't work you'll see nothing's going to happen right because there's no there's no internal skeleton so you can only morph between different poses with the fbx file but i think this is a nice method because i prefer actually loading in those post files instead whenever i'm working on a garment instead of just relying on the fbx and the animation data i think pose files are a little bit more flexible so remember you could always go back to daz maybe drag this forward over here and then maybe on frame two right you'll know you're on frame two when that reaches zero again then you can create a different pose so you could literally have an fbx with a whole bunch of different poses and then you can save them out as individual pose files and just easily transition between all of them so this third method is my personal favorite but you will still need to rely on those objs to get the correct anatomy okay so that's the end of the video i've given you three options that you can choose and you decide what works best for you now like i said i prefer the third method where you save it as marvelous designer pose files but having different options is always a good thing that's why i decided to cover all three the the first one was objs with morph targets the second one was with just the fbx file and the third one is saving pose files from an fbx and then using the post files to switch back and forth between different poses very easily so let me know what you're thinking down in this in the description below hopefully this covers some you know issues that you've been having trying to figure out how to move between different poses i've covered all three methods and yep there we go so as always i truly appreciate the support on this channel so much you guys are super awesome stay tuned for some more videos and tutorials and goodbye [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Travis Davids
Views: 40,415
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: education, art, 3d, artist, digitalartist, pixologic, zbrush, fusion360, cad, marvelousdesigner, cinema4d, octanerender, tutorials, travisdavids, daz, daz3d, marvelous designer, marvelous designer fbx, marvelous designer morph targets, marvelous designer pose files, daz 3d and marvelous designer transition to different poses, daz 3d to marvelous designer workflow, 3d fashion design, marvelous designer tutorial, marvelous designer beginner tutorial, daz to md
Id: QnpPJYfD3Hc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 30sec (930 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 24 2021
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