How to combine Genesis Morphs into a single slider with DAZ Studio (Morph Loader Version)

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hello there in this episode I'm going to show you how to combine several morph tiles in the - Genesis figure together into a single slider without the help of any tools such as hexagons so we're gonna do this just with gas and with nothing else just in case you don't like hexagons I have another video on my channel that explains the process how to do it with hexagons but just in case you're having trouble with that this is the gas studio standalone version there's also there's another video speaking of which there's another video on my channel which explains how to remove a morph that we're creating just like this so check that out there's a link in the description to that so in my case let me show you what I mean actually so in my case I go over and load my - Genesis 8 basic female figure and it has nothing really dialed in - this is just a basic female figure and to illustrate what I'd like to do I'm gonna head over to the parameters tab and I'll focus on the full-body morphs just because they're visually discernible you can do this with any kind of morph I'm just I'm just demonstrating this with full-body morphs here so I'll give my character maybe a combination of three I'll say perhaps body size I'll make that a bit bigger and I might go and give it a bit of bodybuilder details here and I might also give her a bit of a pair figure just so that we know this is now my special character you use as many sliders as you want and as you well know having less products that destory has to go through will speed up your loading times for the Genesis figure so it is advisable that if you use like a combination of 20 morphs all the time you might as well turn them into a single slider and then get rid of the products that have created these for you individually that'll speed up your workflow there so this is my special character this is this is imagine this is how my character to look like so in order to save that out so that we can bring it back in as a morph there's a few things we need to do first of all we need to open our figure and make sure we don't show the eyelashes they just you know you just disabled them with a little eye icon here and that is because if I were to export this figure has a - - you would combine the eyelashes with the geometry of the body into a single or BGA by the time we bring that back the geometry count is off and bastardy throws an error that's why that happens along the same lines we also need to go into the with a figure selected here into the parameters tab and on the general tab let's head over to the mesh resolution and we see this high resolution option here that is essentially applying a subdivision surface modifier to the object which then implies more polygons that are actually there like on the fly just for display and rendering purposes we did set that to base resolution once again because when I export this as an obj it would export this as a high resolution object which has four times the amount of vertices then the base resolution has it comes back as a high resolution thing that's three says sorry can't deal with that geometry mismatch so those are the two things switch off the eyelashes and turn the resolution to base level then we're ready to export this thing once again with the figure selected head over to file export and here we're gonna give it a first of all down here make sure it says wavefront obj and then we're gonna call it something that I want my morph to be called later I mean just something Maya perhaps in a test character how about that that's a good morph this brings up the export options which I could literally leave alone just make sure at the top here the - studio preset is selected you can technically switch things like right surfaces off we don't really need to export any maps and I will do it I'm just going to leave it on the default it'll save a little bit of space on your hard drive if you don't export the textures on the character because we don't really need them and just hit accept that's that so now we can go and bring the eyelashes back they'll give up you know eyelashes again and the other thing I'm going to do is head over on the parameters tab - currently you and I'm only gonna do that because I want to get rid of the morphs that I had individually dialed in I could just go ahead and load a fresh figure in again that's cool I could just delete this figure and then load in another one but it's just as easy to just set these things to zero so either by alt clicking hold left clicking on each slider that does them to zero or you can go and use this little cog icon here and choose reset if you want that does the same thing and so now under currently used we should have one much less I'm not really sure why we have eyelashes curl and I mean they're said to well I guess suppose that they're set to 100% rather than two to nothing I suppose that's why they're showing up anyway with those steps under a belt and with a figure selected let's go create a move head over to edit object more floater Pro advanced will work let's let's use pro because you know feature-rich and all that if we select that we get this little import window and once again we get a menu here which should also be set to death studio because you know we've exported that has at that scale so we're gonna import the same thing with tasker's everything's gonna be fine there's many things that you can set here we don't really worry about that all we need to do is pick this thing which says choose more files so files notice plural you can bring in multiple morphs at the same time with more loader pro we're not going to do that but in case you ever have to bring in 20 morphs at the same time you can do that at the same time if you wanted to choose the file that we've just exported which in my case is test character and that doesn't quite do anything yet this will now as soon as I hit accept will create the morph as a slider in a certain position that I'll show you how to change just in case I'm kind of you know looking ahead here if you do this a lot you may not want to change the position of your morph all the time you might say hey I know this is needs to go not into morphs morph loader or more floater slash morphs or whatever I want this to be in a particular directory and you can set that while you're making this more just in case you've done it a few times in your thinking I'm getting really weary and tired of this you could go and open this little disclosure triangle here and you see something called the property group and it says hey I'm gonna create this morph with the name of whatever the file is calls a test character I'm gonna I'm gonna create that under morphs morph loader if you already know that is not how I want to distribute my product you can right click on this and see this huge list here that kind of corresponds to the hierarchy that we have in the Genesis figure so we see actor and there's also display impulse controls and we can find these things they actor this display and post controls and so forth and anything after a slash has a subdirectory so if you said I wanted to put this into I don't know actor people for example you could select that right here and then that's where that morph is being created I'm gonna leave it in the default and show you how to do this manually afterwards both options are possible just thought I'd mention it you know it makes life a little bit easier I'll hit accept and that will create them off so you should see loading morph test character or whatever your file name was create it more successfully that's what we want to read we don't want to see geometry michmash mismatch couldn't create them more sorry about that nothing works that's not what we want to see because that means destory was unsuccessful in doing that he'd okay and I will go under my Genesis figure here I'm gonna go under morphs morph loader and that is in fact where I have my slider now so if i dial that up it'll now turn my Genesis figure back exactly to how I had envisioned her with like all the individual sliders that have brought up there but it takes me one slide it only takes one file for that story to load not a hundred or whatever how many it took for you to create this shape to begin with pretty sweet huh so I could go ahead and now uninstall the products or disable the libraries that these products are in and destiny doesn't have to load them anymore makes working with tester a bit faster so the thing is so um I really want for this to be called more small floater test character I would like for this to be in a different category for example actor people like hey I'd like for this to be in here and just you know call it Jays character or whatever so in order to do that we need to go to our morph first of all and use that little [ __ ] icon here click on that and select parameter settings and in here you find all kinds of exciting things so first of all you can set the limits here if you wanted the limits to be minus 110 plus 100 that's cool I mean currently it allows me to use negative values to the character and that just gives me the heebie jeebies I don't really want to see that a lot like for this to be kind of a zero to 100% type slider I could also allow to go into more than 100% if I wanted that so that you change that here and the parameter settings it's a minimum let's just set that to zero and the maximum is a hundred you can use limits limits are owned by default so now we can not go be below zero or above 100 but you could set that on this on this little cog icon under parameter settings you could make that happen you could also not use percent zero to one is also possible you could set a default value other than a hundred percent or zero percent default could be different something whatever you like but most importantly you can you can change the position of where this morph appears so mine is still called test character the label is test character I might just leave that and the path here morphs morph loader you can type anything else in here if it doesn't exist - we'll make it happen if it does exist it'll just slot in there right away so in my case I know actor people exists so I'm gonna go call this Hector forward slash people and then it'll just be test character so if I do that and hit accept then notice that the whole thing seems to collapse because morphs more flawed or no longer exists but if I head over to actor people and now have my test character at the very top there we go now if I were to delete my Genesis character and bring in a fresh copy this morph wouldn't be there so I must save this so that next time I load up my Genesis figure this morph doll can come back and in order to do that we need to know where in the hierarchy we've saved it so I know where it is it's under actor people that's cool so in order to lock that in in my library I'm gonna go over to file save as support asset more facet and that'll bring up my whole library here for the figure so first of all at the top here is the asset directory where I'd like to save this if you want to create this more for distribution you should save this in a completely empty directory otherwise and then you zip up that directory and give that to people to install into their libraries I'm gonna just put it into my regular that's 3e library here vendo name that's you or your company and product name I'm gonna leave that on product but you can turn this into anything you want if you have do you know several products that you're releasing with several morphs then you know that that could be it or the name of the project that you'd like to save this as that would spring to mind I'm gonna leave it on the defaults here now head over open up the Genesis 8 female and find your morph where your more face on my case is under actor and as on the people and there's test character so I need to take that and only that nothing else otherwise anything that you take anything else that you'll take will also be saved so I only want to create the more file for this thing you can't compress the files you don't have to do it and I need to do is hit accept and that is that that morph is now saved let's just you know quickly prove a point let me go delete my Genesis figure and head over to my smart content tab or to the regular content libraries load in a fresh figure of Genesis eight basic female and see if my theory was correct under parameters people there's my test character awesome that is how you do that if you want to remove this thing again if you've made a mistake you want to override it or whatever there is another video on my channel in which I'm showing you how to do just that so that in case you do not want that slider to be back in your regular Genesis 3 character that there is a video on my channel I'm gonna link to that in the description below other than that thank you so much for watching I hope this was helpful too please share this video with friends family and total strangers have fun with - 3d or with that studio Radha and I will see you in the next episode take care bye bye [Music]
Channel: The WP Guru
Views: 25,583
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Id: mZ1TOAqIzeU
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Length: 13min 58sec (838 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 29 2020
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