How to fit DAZ Clothing using Marvelous Designer

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[Music] hi I'm Jeff Lewis and in this video I'm going to show you how to sit existing clothing on two different types of deaf characters in deaf studio and we're going to use this using Marvelous Designer now it's not a problem to fit existing clothing using auto fit on the same series of serious series of Genesis character even all the versions of the Genesis character will usually somehow work but you can experience awkward results so for example this breast hugging phenomenon that always looks terrible and unnatural and with Marvelous Designer you can make the clothing fall into place like reality would do it for you and let me show you what I mean so in my example I'm going to use an avatar or character called Ayanna here she is she's made by ice sauce textures and she's got this full round hourglass figure and I'm choosing her because clothing manufacturers usually because he's only just come out at the time of recording this video in August 2017 and clothing manufacturers have very likely not incorporated her more into newer items of clothing and the item of clothing when effect is made by Steve from 3d universe hello Steve shadow to South Africa they're from Miami Beach and I'm going to use the ryan clothing here so Ryan is a rain rather rain she's a team character and her proportions are very much not like that if I Ana so this is clearly not going to fit without a fight but - duty is going to make that somehow work for us and let's just see what happens let's jump right into the desk studio and I'll see what happens with the standard bottle fit first I and just before it begins this is the version of da studio I'm using four point nine point four point one two two and I'm going to be using Marvel's designer six I believe six yes not six point five because six point five has a small bug that makes this operation crash so I'm going to have to use a slightly older version of novices I know it hopefully that's going to be a fix up a time soon so I've already loaded Ayana into the viewport here and if I select her and choose the rain character double-click on her and I'll fit the rain shirt so double click that and that studio is going to try it best to kind of fit that on to the figure but here we can kind of see what I mean this this isn't Gunnar this isn't sitting properly and it creates this horrible morsels would this would never look like that in real life in real life the clothing would just go about here and then kind of fall down but this is happening because Ayane is using or any kind of custom character is using the full body morph in which the proportions of the body are stored and when they do not exist in item of clothing then what that studio does is it creates this morph and follows closely the contours of the body and thereby tries to not intersect with the character's geometry but of course that will lead to unrealistic effects like this example chosen you can buy products like severals fit control that will kind of get rid of that or they will introduce a lot of other morphs into an existing item of clothing and then you can fiddle with sliders but that's just not reality either so the easiest way if you have access to something like Marvelous Designer is to export this item of clothing let it do sitting and then re-import that as a morph back into death studio and there's an added bonus we can then tell that studio to not also generate the small button K in fact save this as a morph going forward if you don't have Marvelous Designer you can also sculpt like this out in zbrush on blender but we're going to be using Marvis designer for that so in a nutshell this is what we need to do with this shirt fitted to our avatar we do first of all unfit this so what that studio will have done is if I've fitted this automatically so select the item of clothing right click it and select fit to and we can see that that suit is fitted this and usually parented this to the target as well which is why you can see that at the top hierarchy here and click this drop-down menu and select none and hit accept so this will now unfit the shirt from our avatar and in fact and they move that over here so that we have this built at the same root level and let's hide the shirt first let's select the avatar that we want and exporter so that we have that as an avatar too important to Marvelous Designer so file export I'll save this all in Dropbox and perhaps create a brand new folder for this call that I am a fit and in it I'm going to call this Ayana t force exported with the standard desk studio preset here where one unit is one centimeter because that was quite well with Marvelous Designer done with that we're going to hide her hide the avatar and bring that shirt back and select it now there's one thing that we need to do here under the in the parameters tab and that is under mesh resolution we have a drop down here under resolution level that's high resolution and which we can set to base or high resolution now this does is it will display the mesh either in its subdivided form on its base form the main difference is that anything you model outside a studio will come in as a base resolution and then that studio can use Pixar's subdivision surfaces to imply more polygons are there but these are generated on the fly and if I select high resolution that will happen whereas when I select base we have to deal with less polygons in Marvel's design and that'll do as a favor when the simulation goes to work so send to base and with the t-shirt selected exported file export wavefront obj I'll call it shirt T polls in the same folder same export preset as long and that's it so far in death studio let's head over to Marvel's designer and now we will first import our avatar as obj so file import obj irt pose evidence and I'm going to select load as avatar in centimeters at scale of 100% that's exactly what I want yeah she looks just like she did in death studio that's always an advantage and now let's bring in the obj that we've exported from desk so here to write the rain clothing and we do that with file import add obj to garment now I must warn you that this does not work with every type of clothing so some geometry is just not connected and that happens on clothing creators just budget together but don't connect the geometry if you do that and you bring it into Mouse designer then the clothing will kind of fall apart and that's the end of the game so you can't use every type of clothing only clothing that has connected geometry that behaves like well like a real piece of clothing you can imagine that if you don't sew the front at the back of a t-shirt together and it kind of just hangs there in 3d space it'll kind of look okay but the moment you let it drop to the gray and is not sewn together you'll have two separate pieces and that's exactly what happens to clothing that has disconnected geometry so careful there but Steve and his clothing that is of course proper geometry that is connected and Dade will work with that so again we're importing this at that's to be of scale but rather than using a hundred percent I'm going to use a hundred and ten percent to scroll the mouse wheel up or type in 110 I know this because I've tried it out before and also because I can see that this avatar is much bigger than the Avatar boss designed for so to make fitting a little bit easier I'll just import it at slightly larger scale this is going to be clothing dependent so sometimes you may have to import this slightly larger sometimes you may have to import this slightly smaller and sometimes 100 percent will just work fine so now we have a time we have our clothing which used to be obj and on the right hand side here we get nothing that's because our clothing isn't made up of a 2d pattern that is the usual way to create clothing in Marvelous Designer but we don't have that we only have a 3d object that will now behave like an item of clothing basically so selected here in the 3d viewport and click on it again to bring this gizmo up and adjust the rough fit of the clothing so we'll bring this down a little bit so the arms are fitting and mainly looking at the shoulders and the arm fit I'm also going to bring this forward a little bit as long as the arms are almost lined up were kind of halfway there the back is going to be Marvel's design is going to sort this out by itself so it's an approximate fit and that'll be enough to get us going click this button at the top left here which means simulate or hit the spacebar and malthus's and we'll go to work simulating the clothing and you can see what a beautiful job it does here following the figure as if this was in fact an item of cloth if is some time to settle down and it will eventually do it by itself but in case it does not in case that you know pokes me like this just grab a piece of clothing from here and just rip that out I think Marvelous Designer will just go ahead and make this fall into place like here on her breast as well just pull that out don't be shy you can't rip it apart which is kind of nice even though it looks very dramatic when you do this if novices on it doesn't cover everything like these bits are still poking out you can with this selected you can head over here and play around with the particle distance that's not going to change the geometry in this case but you can also add additional thickness in the collision aspect here this is going to increase the space between the avatar and the clothing so if I say something like four bars there that's what that our you're almost covered everything another thing you can do to improve this that this overall simulation is if you head over to the scene tab here and scroll down to the simulation property and pick a preset here from custom to complete and that will increase the that will increase the render times a little bit so it's less responsive but it will also be a little more accurate and look at that no more poor give it's a perfect feel free to pull this garment into position and let it settle down before you're happy I think I'm pretty happy the way it is I'm going to press this button again here to stop the simulation and with the shirt selected head over to file export or BGA selected and let's call it shirt fit it because now fit I on a much better than it did before it saves any of this export dialog here make sure select all advertisers D selected export as a single object unweld and the rest is just as default so theta centimeters in test of your scale and hit OK we're not going to worry about textures or anything because we're going to import this as a morph in desc to you and that's going to come up next in that studio with our shirts still selected let's see how it can bring Marvel's designs work into deaths to do as a morph other way we do that is head over to edit object more floater Pro and what this will do is it will load an obj file in but rather than add it to the scene it will if it has the same geometry count apply this to this object as a morph let me show you what I mean with the - suya scale still selected choose more files in our folder shirt ticket and open this and hit accept with a bit of luck you get the success message loading more surfeited created more successfully that's all we want and our morph will be down here under the properties tab under morphs more flora and their shirts fit it and if you crank that up to 100% then we get the exact result that we saw in Marvelous Designer a minute ago so far so good however if we were to go ahead and even crank that up to 100% or even to 0% bring Ayana back and fit this shirt to her then we see nothing's changed that's not what we wanted it this looks as awful as it did before so what's going on there well it's a secret is in the fact that dastardly is still trying to fit this shirt - Ayanna because if we were to not fit this and instead use our morph and crank that up to 100% that looks pretty good however the issue now becomes if we go and pause Ayanna into something like like an Olympian poses probably never work so I said over two hoses olympia has a similar shape to her stance of pointing pause something if we try and do that then the shirt doesn't follow so we could we would either have to export this into valves as I as well and then make the shirt follow this pause and have mouths as I do the fitting for that but you'd have to do that for every pause or is that HAP's another way that we can convince des to you to use our morph instead of the auto-generated more well I'm glad you asked because of course there is it's just knowing how to do it let me show you out maybe put our own morph back to zero here and fit that shirt again so that I can show you where the ugly morph is generated and how we can override that so they'll be morph in place just simply by fitting the shirt now head over to the little context menu in the parameters tab with the shirts still selected and make sure show hidden properties is ticked otherwise you won't be able to see the hidden properties that are going on and click currently used this is going to show you every morph and every adjustment that was made to the currently selected items so that our shirt here notice these three grayed out items down here if this was not selected show hidden properties then we wouldn't see those but when it's selected we can display those and once called PBM next size and then there's a couple that are called something with Ayane that kind of that's kind of interesting is once FHM IST Ayane and was one is called FBM ist Ayane full head morph and full body morph is what does mean so the head morph is applied this is only happening in our clothing so the head mas doesn't have any effect because there's no there's no head shapes in a clothing but the full body morph if we move that we can see that this is in fact the thing that is distorting our clothing or this is the thing that Beth studio also generates to follow the contours of our of our avatar and if we said that to 100% then it'll it'll try it best to to follow the contours and if we set that to zero then it will do no such thing likewise if we now select the morph that we're currently not using but our own morph down here in the morphs there's only one there if we select that and crank that up to 100% then we have all these sitting morphs and none of the ugly automatic modes as a result if we click I on again and apply a pose like the pointing pause then destiny is going to try it's best to still conform the shirt and not use the ugly Morphin instead use our malls at 100% all the time now sometimes it may still lead to folks who like here this is not something we had considered you can increase the iteration counter over the different pauses is not going to be an issues there we go I must say these these poses are not actually meant for Ayane and self therefore they are not going to they are not going to work a hundred percent but if you just keep pausing new your character at least your clothing will now follow the figure and that's kind of exactly what we want there is also a way to make that suit your load this morph that we've created automatically next time you use this shirt and let me show you how that works so with the shirt selected this is the best is when you do that before applying any pauses otherwise hedeman see a lot of sliders and we don't want to do that so before you apply any pauses loading your shirt again and fit it too Ayana it's already happened make sure in this context menu show hidden properties is selected select the shirt and make sure currently used is selected and this is the auto-generated malls here now head over here and click the little gear icon then select parameter settings and copy the name of that malls so we remember it also in this is a context menu make sure you head over to edit mode this is something a little bit scary but you know don't don't be too scared kids we can we can work this out now these sliders look a little bit different and they've got these letters in front of them find the also generated more make sure it's the right one so in our cases dysphonia sbmi FTIL and right click on it and delete it and now that morph no longer exists and destory is no longer automatically creating that now select your figure again and select the shirt down here open the morphs tab wherever your morph is and click that same icon that we've just clicked and here over the parameter settings and just overwrite that with the name that destiny was also generating so paste that name in on the label and name and also give it a correct correct path years alright now ours is more small order and the other one was under actor people real world so if we do that then the more flora and morphs folders will go away as soon as we hit accept and there we go sure isn't fitting because the morph isn't set to a hundred percent but no problem we can we can do that it's got to currently use where is of course no longer showing up watching so let's see if we can find it manually there we go is f p.m. ist Ayana so let's set that to 100% and then this is the the correctly named morph for this character and now stored in this item of clothing so to make sure this is actually happening let's select our character and once again bring up a pause but different and see is our theory works so very good it seems work in theory but are they going to work in practice it's do pointing yes look at that it's pointing correctly and except of smoothing collisions again isn't that poke through disappears but in a nutshell this is how you do it all you have to do is with the shirt selected it over to file save as support asset figure prop asset and see that any way you like perhaps I will save mine in the same folder that I that I just saved all other products and cause sitted shares there we go and if we do that this little dialogue box pops up here in which Vasily will remember what exact item of clothing these new settings are going to be remembered for make sure that the asset directory you pick your current - library so that the asset will be overwritten hit accept I won't do it in case I need to redo any part of this tutorial and once once I do that this morph is kind of set in stone once you don't don't forget to click that context menu again and get out of edit mode here otherwise you may destroy vital and important sliders staff - still you smooth out these little pokes for imperfections here you can always use a higher smoothing iteration count so with our shared selected because that's one button smoothing now head over to the parameters tab and open general under mesh smoothing if you have smoothing iterations and you have collision iterations you can increase both parameters to something larger so it's about five and then that'll get rid of that just thought I'd show you that there is a full render with default lighting in destory you apply it more or less that was it I hope this was helpful and you've learned a lot if you like this video please share it with friends family and total strangers and don't forget to subscribe to my channel for more tips and tricks I will see you next time bye bye [Music]
Channel: The WP Guru
Views: 84,613
Rating: 4.9334564 out of 5
Keywords: DAZ Studio, Marvelous Designer, Clothing, auto-fit, Genesis, Genesis 3
Id: M9o8skP9kLc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 37sec (1537 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 22 2017
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