Animal Crossing with Marzia

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Lord gang floor welcome to Wakanda the Utopia the greatest place on earth so this is my place in Animal Crossing if you're not familiar with Animal Crossing I'm sure you know someone that's been obsessed with this game lately I saw my Chet play this and I was like that's the dumbest that's the dumbest thing I've ever seen no one's know we're never gonna play that game but she convinced me to download it and yes I am hooked yes I love it so this is my city this is what Conda welcome to Wakanda please give me free stuff if you're playing this game and tell me what your turnip prices are so I put these streets in I downloaded the streets but I designed these yellow ones so it's like Japan because I love Japan I think it's pretty cool I try to give it like a urban feel to it this is one of the first items I have glorious Statue of Liberty very nice so this is actually my real character the problem is I bought a switch light but you can't record on switch lights I have to record with this character it's so dumb got my drinks if I need one it's all G fuel in case you're wondering I think there is actual G fuel in this game people I've been liking me like G fuel and stuff I feel like if I video makes no sense if you don't play Animal Crossing but we are going to visit my dad later I just want to show off my island first so this is basically it I even try to get my mom to play this game but she said that the characters speak too annoying for her so yeah it's not it's I like it I think it's cool it's got a good feel it makes me feel good this game is very very very addicting these are my villagers this is sherbert best friends he's just pretending because I'm this not my character this road ends here but we're working on it basically I started playing this pretty late so if you're judging me it's because yeah I was late I was a late bloomer in this game and now I'm paying the consequences because everyone is like years ahead this is the beach here's our turtle he sells seashells normally but I needed the seashell so I took them from him his name is Sven I'm just kidding can I enter these by the way Oh sad alright here's the duck I don't like him all my villagers are basically sociopath do you not normally just stare set the grass and that's all he or she ever does I don't know what it is to be honest in here we have my animal crossing normally she loves me okay it's cuz I'm someone else whenever I hear might say used to heart emoji which is playing with other people I have to ask her where she's doing it to I gotta be sure all right let's put Brent we also have my house to show [Music] who else do we have this game is like so fun to play but it's so frustrating at the same time if you played through Easter you know exactly what I'm talking about oh my god what an introduction snakes hobbies is weightlifting a lot of them are but it's funny he's also asking me like what's your favorite workout and then he judges me based on my work I'm super weird it's really fun interacting with the villagers in this game for those who you don't know I don't have a flag yet I'm not the white flag is not what we're doing I know that's kind of ironic to be what kind of it but that's not what we're doing oh yeah I have the weirdest villager ever all he does is sing in the middle of the night all grace is crafting cool that means I get a recipe look at this house those give me a recipe wooden double bed okay I'll take yes yes just give it to me I wanted to give like the amazing furniture years look at this house dude give me some of that gamer bread I need it I'm not watching villagers isn't the most interesting well get to my house eventually this is my tour later in the game you get to change the world like you get to move water and make mountains and stuff so I'm planning to put a house here and a house here it's just that I can't do it right now and I want everything to be symmetric I spent so much time and money for everything to be perfectly symmetric if you don't put it perfectly the first time if you're new playing make sure you put it perfectly otherwise you're screwed you'll regret it don't listen to only one I got this rich Emperor Klaus moving in so it's a different I think there's a hundred different villager so it's kind of fun seeing them all I just got this lighthouse I know pretty epic this is my fishing bridge very nice it's my happy place the bear yes there's a Roman guy can you go to your house so I can show off your house Klaus is rude oh is that his name you have a beautiful love Fountain Park with some lights it's very pretty at night and then over here I'm planning to have the temple I'm planning to build all this out I have big plans okay I have big plans it's all coming together and then I have this little spring area with the pagoda it's pretty cool this one at first items I got I was so happy I think yeah the only thing left to show it's my house really it's so funny when Jack told me about this game it was like oh animal crossing you should play it it's so fun and relaxing no wait it's not anyone that tells your animal crossing is relaxing liar the game has mortgage it has stock market so these turnips are basically the stock market of the game you can't keep them in your inventory that's yeah oh my god it's all turnips yeah I'm I'm playing the turnip game okay but just imagine that is normally a really cool okay and then don't even get me started on the stress with eastern imagine you're playing an RPG and you're trying to level up but all the sudden the game introduces RPG Easter mode and then everything that gets you XP it's just cut in half because instead you get eggs what are the eggs do a bunch of garbage it's all turnips basically for now please if you have good turnip prices let me know because I have my entire life saving on the line here on the turnips if the turnips doesn't work out I'm out of a job all right I can't I cannot let this happen yeah I'm just planning to build it all out but Canada is going to be the greatest country in the world it's a completely free society hence the Statue of Liberty there's no rules there's no laws you know how long it took for me to put on these tiles okay you better enjoy it right I have to go individually and put them all down was it worth it absolutely okay let me check it back in wisdom icing mindset can I visit you now I never seen my sis so invested in anything in her life as this game I don't know what it is well how the bells ring that's how I know what time it is now I don't check my watch I play animal crossing here's a big fish see what we get and I got the long boy with Jack during his life she was hilarious she bet it's at least C+ that's how I raised thank you oh my god all right the snapper it's looking what I caught a red snapper it looks pretty dapper that's funny do you like my outfit by the rank Swedish Viking duck thing I think it's pretty cool this is the most low-key video I've done a long time police much like so I feel better by myself thank you funny things doctor outfit I gotta buy everything a doctor outfit that's kind of tempting it makes me so uncomfortable when he makes a new post stop ooh that's kind of hot okay oh it gets better yeah I'm getting this definitely definitely I don't have a room god damn it this is your fart night this is your fault Mabel look she follows you around in this store accent all right yes you learn this game is so relaxing you should play this game now we're ready to visit Marcia thank you the Mabel for nothing all right so be nice and say nice thing to might say a lot of nice comments okay this is very important my life depends on it okay so we're flying over picky picky she owns a snake as a villager temperatures comfortable oh dude she's got kanji on there oh she is look at Sookie oh she has the same dress in the game is real life every time Martha comes to me she has a different outfit she's always on point I gotta give her props I mean so do i but she doesn't know that yet can't wait to hear a reaction okay wait she probably has something prepared but so do i I have a tambourine but she doesn't know hello curlies welcome to thank you she only makes that emergent to me no one else okay all right watch me there look at this whoa look at this can I don't even get out foot oh cool hair thank you okay I want some coconut drinks that's so cute [Music] we have the same hair how did I get this hair nice this is peak animal crossing gameplay happening you don't understand very cute I like the road I like the little trucks admire tiny champers I can't make emojis I give them one little sponge each there you go oh look see if she can make some waterfalls and stuff I can't do that it's not fair it's not theater that's cool sign actually I don't apparently this isn't good made today I like a why she just has to try a shot what if I just pull open sweet look at that I think you drew that oh my gosh you definitely drew these yes okay yes please you get goody bags and picky picky I'll take it join what do we get oh nice oh hell yeah who's this you have no pants on oh my god he's my boy oh my god I knew it stop okay what else you got amazing of course my wife's Italian so you gotta have those Italian pizzas for continued Hana let's flower nice or sucky months oh my god what well I'm so good at it no more Tiger drugs I drew it I can tell all right so this is the play for kids area very nice nice I like the I like the cherry blossom cute well picnic area I could play my tambourine here oh my god the Bears whoa I never seen the moon before the chief says cheating she's cheating my ex he actually wanted me to make sure to say that she has not been to that people online have been accusing her of cheating but she has not and I can confirm that she has she plays 24 hours basically I'm actually scared look she's got her turned it's all organized oh that's the witch oh yeah I know you can say how did the dog hold up its Edgar Edgar lives in there another picnic area this is where she writes fanfic about you and the bear is a long long boy betrayed me I knew it is a tough life yeah you know spin around oh yeah I can look around yeah amazing what a cool time oh hell abort abort game aboard no no how do the toilet opens by itself we truly are living a utopia oh there we go oh my god that's what it would look like if I went on in the toilet basically oh my god she even customized the fan that's detail that's crap oh my god what is this this is the massage room what is this nice peaceful peace at last oh this is a bedroom why is there a single bed where do I sleep sorry I live here now oh she's a bird sometime I'm gonna pretend I didn't hear that whoa look at that that's soaked oh my god that's a raccoon guy no I don't like him can he leave oh my god he made these they look great they look so tasty no wonder Mars is always poor she has so many items Jesus Christ oh my god it's so big up here I would have to give this four time brain Saida for are we going to the Bears now yeah I'm a little scared I'm not gonna lie I was dating say I'm not terrified okay where's she yeah all right we have keemstar nice yes so much more to show them this could have been it's an episode on its own you connect this is so anime I'm blessing it with my tambourine oh my god that's a big ban hello hi Bear Paw Paw Paw Paw Paw bless my states officially more gamer than I am it's been proven yeah it's that ok Yama's on alright can I hit the gong yeah oh my god it's so great bait [Music] amazing it's like we're in Japan which we were supposed to be that's like big oh good still ahead oh my god I ordered a good Scylla I don't have it yet I'm scared oh my god oh my god Wow amazing you paying your respects oh he plays a music I don't know oh my god that's so cool is this my cue to leave bless their cars no more who stays never seen her alright I'll call mom and I tell her to start playing this game come on mom my mom has been playing Legend of Zelda for like 400 hours so this is where all the villagers how she got a bus station I wanted that it never comes that's why they alright cute oh yeah this is her Potter area chicken lips ooh where nice where's chicken [Music] oh my god oh wow Thank You chicken everyone that plays this game puts their size up to 8,000 whoa that's so creepy I didn't know you could do this listen there's nothing I'm rattled [Music] [Music] oh you get potions and stuff I mean they're not potions recipes if you need thank you but it's my other accounts I don't need them thank you thank you okay so that's Animal Crossing for you right there oh why she kicked me out really thanks thanks okay so that's Animal Crossing for you if you enjoy this video hit the gently click on the like button and maybe we'll do another one of these a little bit further along and that's it see you tomorrow Hado hey I got to play more element crossing
Channel: PewDiePie
Views: 8,549,867
Rating: 4.9715357 out of 5
Keywords: SATIRE
Id: O54tcW4eupI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 59sec (1199 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 15 2020
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