Are we ready to get married?

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Kon'nichiwa Arigato gozaimasu, We learned a lot of Japanese Oh yeah; A lot of great things from Our Japan trip What is this intro I always do this I always- We're ENGAGED; As you may have heard I finally popped the question I was thinking between you and Edgar and I decided Last minute I'll go- I guess I'll go; Oh thank you Now we're about to get married So why don't we do a test- Let's do it! To see if we are *Compatible* To get married or not; Probably Not So this is from I don't know why I say it like their sponsoring it What are you expectations, What are your hopes, What are your thoughts We're gonna be super compatible, and we're gonna be like-get married-easily! 100%! Hopefully we'll be married by the end of this quiz. How much of the time do you feel Happy with the Person, Rarely- Oh My Gosh 50,70 or 90% 90% Percent; I agree Pound it brotha Damn we need to slow down to get this video to 10 minutes Do you agree on the number of kids you want to have We haven't even talked about that, You always check here There's like an Italian way- Well that' s like A thing that kids do they see like this both things They see like this both things Of your wrist that pop up Too see how many kids your gonna have- Everyone is checking right now How many kids are you gonna have??!?! IHAVEZERO, I have one Guess that means I'm gonna get CUCKED That's One!- The Marriage is OVER! Ok, So we haven't discussed, Not really, I think more or less is the answer though More or Less Yeah, We're on the same page and We both don't know yet There you go. You disagree on a topic how do we solve this problem? We rarely disagree on things do we? Yeah, I feel disappointed but avoid fighting We agree to disagree We eventually start fighting after trying to compromise We resume straight to fighting These are all terrible, I don't think-- We agree to disagree! I don't think so though I feel like we just explain each other's point of view That's agreeing to disagree No, cause then we still find a thing together and we-- MY GOD I DON'T WANT TO ARGUE WITH YOU RIGHT NOW We Agreed To Disagree How do you find their little quirks, what would be one of your quirks That you shout in public. That's a thing. If I don't record during a day, I go crazy It leads to you shouting in public Cause you challenge me to shout something awkward. It's like the "Penis Game" , Yeah but I don't do it so you just do it for the fun of it And to see me uncomfortable I like making you uncomfortable. Yeah. Sometimes Is that: Adorable, Funny, or well, just little oddities or annoying. I will say funny. Your little quirks is that you never replace the toilet paper roll. (giggling) WHAT? What's an actual... Don't touch me This is not going great. What is a quirk for my lovely little Marzia? How much you love Maya Funny, let's go with funny Do you feel comfortable around your partner No, i always feel like I'm walking on eggshells Jeez. If you're making them a quiz like this... That's crazy. Not really, yeah most of the time I can reveal my bad habits and weird parts I mean, we were talking about poo right before you proposed. So yes, I'm pretty comfortable Yeah, maybe a bit too comfortable I would say. Yeah. Literally I am about to pop the question and you just be like, "I'm gonna have an amazing poo right now Felix". Yeah. Yes. Have you ever noticed a red flag in your relationship Once. Multiple times, Once, Not sure, or Never I don't know if I necessarily had like a.. big, big red flag uhh-wha-me, I don't know like necessarily like that one momment but maybe like, yeah, thought about it. I guess you have that one time. I have one, yeah It's that time that we went to The premier? Yeah. And I just blew you off. There was this choice of going to get your picture taken by you know, photographers and being interviewed or going from the back and just entering the cinema and you were just like, "Oh, we'll see you inside" and you just left me and wanted to get your photo taken. I really wanted that photo I guess. Well, it was more about the fact that you picked going alone inside in front of cameras and like getting that celebrity moment and that was like, woah, am I not your partner. I guess that it was good that you had that because i feel like it also made me realize what's actually important I don't think I saw it at that momment I was like, yeah, I want to be in the spotlight I couldn't careless about that sort of thing. Now. Maybe that was a red flag for me too. No, *laughing* Once This is going great Does he or she try to limit the amount of time you spend with other people uhh umm, no. What was that no? What was that no? Sometimes i feel like, you're kinda like you need to be back by this time. Nonono, my only condition is that you don't come home drunk Not at all. Nonono, go a little, my partner is a but unhappy we're not Oh, that's actually true though No We put on some extra pounds does your partner support you? Is that like weight? Oh, is that what they mean. But they use money as a picture If anything-- I guess I'm thinking a hypothetical scenario what if you get really fat, then I will propose exercising together But then again we already do go to the gym together and stuff like that. Yeah, let's just do that one. Yeah. You're running late, what's your partner's reaction? uhh-nothing new giggles They call and ask me if I am OK They call me the dinner's getting cold. They don't even notice They make a big scene. I call you to tell you that dinner's getting cold Yeah, yeah, that makes sense. Last question. Oh my gosh Do you feel excited about this relationship? That's the easiest one Yes, very much YOU ARE MEANT TOGETHEEER! Wow Even though we- I felt like we were doing bad Just because we had to like bring up bad stuff from the past. Obviously, we have fought like any other couple. I guess This is weird talking about it. I feel like we don't really actually fight that often But if there's an issue We talk about it. Yeah, we try to solve it. and we get through it. I think that's how we really strengthen our relationship. Yeah. And also the reason why I'm glad, like now's the perfect time cause we're, we're so strong because of it. Yeah. I'm glad we didn't rush into our relationship, I mean, our engagement too soon cause like, we're stronger than ever. Yeah. well you be a good wife- of course i going to be i want to know-lets see do you care about other people-yes yes. i would like to try, not a passion no i can't it's not like i am taking care of you. we like taking care of each other but yea have you volunteer in this field many times no i guess you would like to try WHAT YOU MEAN I'm. I gave you seven years of my life. I gave YOU seven years-yea your partner decides he want to spend the evening with his best buds.what's your opinion? great, it's important to give you space for sure-ok,ok i wish we just said that last time it was weir-well you got weird about it Yeah, I didn't realize... How often do you nag and complain in a relationship? What does tha- What does nag mean? Like, small complaint {giggles) It's not at me though, is it? I feel like you get frustrated sometimes and maybe at something else and then I'm the punching bag.
Channel: PewDiePie
Views: 13,581,397
Rating: 4.9525242 out of 5
Keywords: SATIRE
Id: 0l35jAGQPOI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 4sec (844 seconds)
Published: Sun May 06 2018
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