a tour of my slightly mediocre animal crossing island

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so like just about every socially anxious 20-something who's been recently trying to escape the realities of the adult world and retreat back into the simple pleasures of childhood i've been playing a lot of animal crossing animal crossing wild world was actually the first game i ever played on my nintendo ds light i would like play it at dinner i would play it in my room once i found out that i could lie to my mom without going to sleep and just stay up playing my nintendo ds tragically i sold my ds a long time ago um i would have loved to do like a retro nintendogs pokemon diamond animal crossing wild worlds tour but some rando from ebay now owns all of my games but a couple months ago i got myself a switch and the new animal crossing and um let me tell you i was obsessed with this game for a couple months eventually i reached a point that i didn't even really enjoy it anymore i was just like chopping trees over and over again for three hours in order to pay off my house debt to a monopolistic raccoon with a dad bod feeling bad about myself because my island didn't live up to the perfect five star islands that took over my instagram algorithm which side note i think it's hilarious how literally in a video game that's supposed to be relaxing we've still somehow managed to recreate unrealistic beauty standards eventually i ended up paying off all of my debts and reaching the maximum house size and then i kind of lost the plot line of the game because what's the point of life if there aren't greater material possessions to consume and then spend years paying off debt for am i right ladies so anyhow my animal crossing island is not the most perfect right now i have a four star rating because isabelle is kind of a hard ass isabel really said no to great inflation and also because i need to have a bunch of fruit trees for uh money purposes on my island and i refuse to just replace them with other objects but i think i did some cool things with it so let's check it out also if you're like actually a child who was just searching for animal crossing tours and came across this video please don't watch this there's a lot of adult language and references so yeah click on another video and come back here in like 10 years when you're grown up but i hope you find the animal crossing tour you're looking for and you're very cool animal crossing is a great game i hope you enjoy your childhood okay hello and welcome to my slightly mediocre animal crossing island named toasty by the way i tried to match my animal crossing character's outfit so first off i thought i'd show you around my house because honestly my house looks a lot better than my island um and oh would you look at that my house has cockroaches so it's just like my apartment in real life you guys know i got like one cockroach in my apartment but i heard an even more horrifying story from my friend who lives a couple blocks away he said that he was drinking his coffee and he looked at the bottom of the mug and there was just a huge cockroach sitting there anyway so i'm not going over to his place anymore if that happened to me i would just throw my body in the trash it makes me feel grateful for my one cockroach that was on the floor and not in my dishware wow hashtag blessed anyhow here is the hallway area it's kind of awkward to decorate because it's such a large space and it has all these doors but i really liked how the cherry blossoms floated down on this wallpaper so i kind of just built around that went for kind of a white theme pop some fountains in there i don't know upstairs we have my bedroom which is kind of just a virtual version of my real-life bedroom there's a lot of light green pink floral themes kind of a weird amount of wallpaper although i can only dream in real life about having molding that's the school on the walls since this room is so big i try to split it up with like a couple different rug areas and corner themes i have a dressing corner i have this kind of like chilling guitar playing corner i have a little artsy area and a bed with like a bunch of crap by the bed which i guess is accurate to my real life bedroom and of course this absolute unit of a stuffed animal back downstairs and off to the left i put together this little sitting room that honestly is my favorite room in the house i really like how this like rug all the dark wood came together obviously the obscene amount of plants i think i stacked about every single potted plant i have in the game back here over to the left we have this music slash recreation slash billiards room slash room that just holds a bunch of random objects that are a similar color scheme so they look nice together i am such a hoe for herringbone wood flooring i desperately want it in my own apartment but since i can't change out the floors obviously i've just been projecting onto animal crossing and then to the back would you guess it it's a kitchen that is in the same color scheme and has all the same furniture as my other two rooms for some reason my timmy and tommy just refuse to sell me new items so every single time i go to the store it's like the same set of furniture items that i've gotten before i've logged in for like weeks at a time and just never gotten anything new timmy and tommy will just not sell me any of the actual kitchen furniture so all of my counters here are dressers that have been turned around this table is two lecture hall desks that i combined it kind of gives me ye oldie game of thrones vibes like somebody's gonna get murdered at a wedding or like their sister in this room and then downstairs i cannot believe by the way in this game they make you pay like two million bales to get just a basement but i guess in animal crossing much like real life when you get super rich money doesn't really matter anymore and you just are trying to find something to spend it on if only animal crossing had a little mini game for tax evasion then i think we could capture the full experience anyhow as you can probably tell i really recently upgraded my house so i don't have a whole lot of stuff in here yet i was trying to find the right items to turn it into like a 50 shades of grey sex dungeon but it turns out for some reason in this game made for like 12 year olds they don't have a whole lot of bdsm themed objects so i'm filing a formal complaint with nintendo but in the meantime it kind of just looks like this now to the great outdoors one of my favorite new features of new horizons is the fact that you can customize your house i absolutely love how my house looks um as you can tell i use this game a lot to kind of like project my dreams for homeownership into a video game so if i did buy a house this is what i want it to look like um just baby blue cottage core vibes much like in real life i also uh constantly have an inbox of texts that have gone unread mostly from my mom um yeah one day i'll clean out my mailbox but not today so let's start over yonder over the bridge i've been watching a lot of fargo recently so i've been practicing my minnesotan accent oh yeah that's the only thing i can say i can say oh yeah and that's it here i made a path out of alternating colored hearts when i was deep in the animal crossing instagram algorithm i saw all of these super cool path patterns online but in order to borrow other people's patterns you need to pay like five dollars a month to nintendo in order to like use the wi-fi features not in this economy no sir although maybe in this stock market because apparently the stock market has become completely detached from real life also i kind of have a moral objection to in-game app purchases because uh you i paid for the game i'm not gonna pay you more money i tried to get creative with the free patterns that came with the game and create you know little checkerboard these little hearts um i don't really know what the point of all these hedges are i was just trying to use up space on my island because this island is so big to the left i am preparing for christian girl autumn with this pumpkin patch honestly like every single year i get more and more of an autumn hoe and don't even get me started on fall fashion just you wait till i pull out my blazers it's all over for you anyhow here's my pumpkin patch i've been pretty much buying every single like spooky halloween themed item from the store possible so i put this random giant pumpkin table over here uh because i didn't know where else to put it back over to the right through this bamboo forest we have a little chinese restaurant and this was actually inspired by lin on youtube she made a little dim sum restaurant that looked like this she even made a menu and used a podium as a little hostess stand which i thought was the cutest thing dim sum and bao in particular have always been my favorite food my hometown growing up didn't have a dim sum place so once per year my parents would take me to this like child study at johns hopkins where we got paid like fifty dollars for me to answer like three hours worth of questionnaires about um like my drug usage and sexual activity which were all like non-existent at the time and we did that like every single year for my entire childhood i remember there was this one question in the study that was have you had oral sex in the past year but when i was in high school i didn't actually know what oral sex was i thought it was just like kissing on the mouth because i guess i was like that's sexual and it's oral so when i was 16 i wrote like a question mark like i kiss somebody on the mouth if that counts so i'm sure the research assistants had a good laugh at that one anyhow um yeah i had to do this like weird child study thing and then afterwards as a treat my parents would use the money that we got from the study and we would go out to dim sum in baltimore and um it made kind of the invasive questions about my life as a child worth it in retrospect i realized the story kind of makes it sound like my parents secretly sent me to therapy as a child but i swear it was like actually just this longitudinal study of like child growth and development anyway just niche ashley's childhood things okay if we go up this ramp here i made another little room basically in animal crossing i don't actually really understand how you're supposed to decorate outdoors so i mostly just resort to like building little fenced in areas and decorating them as if they were a house so here i put together this kind of like bondage-themed bedroom that's the only thing that these beds with bed posts remind me of i'm like y'all are into some kinky to the left beyond this little outcropping we have my two animal crossing boyfriends houses this house belongs to jacques who is this pretentious little french hipster bird who reminds me of the hipster boys in silverlake who used to nag me i'm honestly so impressed with how accurately the animal crossing designers have captured this type of personality like jacques does not say hi he says hey jacques wouldn't call himself sexist but he does say you're not like other girls and you're actually kind of cool and then over here we have an absolute sweetheart real animal crossing hubby material this is sherb as far as i can tell all he does is sleep eat donuts and look adorable but that's okay with me he calls me burrito which i think is very sweet um yes we are getting married in the spring out front i made this recreation of the lacma lampposts i love how they look at night and they're perfect for taking outfit pics for my animal crossing characters budding instagram career as i mentioned before i pretty much only know how to decorate the outside by creating little rooms so i kind of created this wall of trees around this cabin area put together a bunch of cozy furniture a fireplace some books to read some arm chairs to smoke a cigar in drink some whiskey talk about collecting mafia money you know that type of stuff and to the right there is this little heart-shaped lake which actually i didn't make myself my island just came with a perfectly heart-shaped lake and that is really just um the beauty of mother nature back down this ramp this is kind of back where we started i kind of just have some wild territory of trees honestly i kind of like leaving parts of my island undeveloped because from like an economic standpoint you're able to earn so much money off of foreign fruit that every couple days i can just shake all the trees on my island get a couple hundred thousand bells and be well on my way to paying for the randomly overpriced things in this game this is back where we started at my house and now let's explore the right side of the island now this part of the island is where things start kind of going downhill and getting just like really random i kind of ran out of ideas at this point and i got kind of fed up playing this game i started having sex again so that i didn't feel the need to take out all of my sexual frustration on a cartoon animal game over here i put together a little concert hall so i have some instruments up there and then i put together a bunch of lecture seating to create a little auditorium here's the main downtown plaza area um just like a ton of flowers for no particular reason i saw somebody on instagram stack together all of these different electronics on different levels in their town and it looked like tokyo it was so cool but for some reason when i do it it just looks like a chuck e cheese okay if we head downwards i have this little pec picnic area over here we have a couple villagers houses now let me tell you about these villagers i have been trying to get rid of them since april i watched all these videos online for how to get rid of your villagers and one of them said if you just build a fence all the way around their house and trap them there so they literally can't talk to anyone go out and do anything um basically just like real life quarantine then eventually they'll get fed up and move but these animals are quarantined queens they have been completely alone for april may june july august september october seven months yeah there were work in progress i'm slowly trying to break them down maybe if i added some like wildfires and trump as president then they would finally give up like the rest of us over here we have moe's house moe on the other hand is allowed out of house arrest he is just like a cute little cat he kind of reminds me of a toddler like a little baby if we circle down here through this awkward placement of trees i created a little what would you call this like a peninsula i guess i worked really hard to get this super symmetrical um and so i think it looks quite aesthetically pleasing if i miss this so myself i'm running out of fun ways to describe my island this is like half the experience of animal crossing just like kind of waiting for your character to run faster across the island across this bridge i created well i was gonna say i created an orchard i feel like it's kind of a generous way to describe this um it's pretty much just a depository for a bunch of fruit trees i created some little stands though so maybe if you were getting creative you could imagine it was like one of those pick your own fruit orchards i don't know that's really a stretch over here we have rolled house rolled is an absolute cutie something about his blank ass stare is so adorable to me unfortunately though rolled is like a fitness type character so he just always talks about like biceps and working out and it kind of reminds me of my ex so i don't really like talking to him but i like looking at him which also reminds me of my ex i didn't say that that was a joke sorry you guys say that i have a lot of plants in my actual apartment but oh baby my apartment is nothing compared to this field every so often when i need a certain color flower i'll just dig it out of this patch patch the hole back up and then in a couple days there'll be a new flower that bred there and so i just kind of have an infinite supply of plants past this absolute pollen fest we have roscoe's house roscoe's one of my favorite characters he kind of reminds me of bojack in that he's this like old grumpy curmudgeonly horse in order to match roscoe's kind of gothic theme i planted all of these black flowers around him and next door we have ken i feel like super neutral about him um i guess he's fine honestly i don't really talk to my animal crossing characters that much like i'll get really attached to one or two but then the rest of them i just kind of like run away you know when some of the villagers have like something to tell you and they say oh my gosh hi and they start like running after you around town honestly i think that is the origin of my social anxiety because i just like run away from them and keep running until they stop talking to me back across the flower field this is where cookie and gayle live from the outside they're both just like super normal sweet pink characters except i have the secret theory that cookie is like in the mafia or something she is normally just like so sweet she talks about fashion school she talks about wanting to be a pop star and then occasionally she hits you with a i'm going to fashion school or at least that's what i'm saying for tax purposes damn cookie girl girl knows how to work a tax code i guess so i made this little hidden mountain in the back which is honestly like obscenely hard to get to i think i've done a little bit too good of a job of hiding it but i made a little secret spa area and there's a go board so we can play games you know skinny dip just me and sherb if you go around this side there's also a telescope so you have a great view of the island and you can watch the stars [Music] so yeah that is my animal crossing island thanks for hanging out with me i hope this proved to you that all animal crossing islands are beautiful and you don't need to compare your animal crossing islands to the unrealistic instagram standards of animal crossing islands i'll see you guys soon bye you
Channel: bestdressed
Views: 1,063,628
Rating: 4.9473438 out of 5
Keywords: animal crossing tour, island tour, animal crossing new horizons, animal crossing island tour, my animal crossing island, ranking my animal crossing villagers, ranking my villagers, animal crossing review, acnh, five star island, my five star island, five star island tour, animal crossing new leaf, animal crossing wild world, play animal crossing with me, new horizons, animal crossing fall, new horizons fall, animal crossing house tour, house tour, animal crossing decor
Id: yW3My_aJNQI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 24sec (984 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 16 2020
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