Fighting Mama Mewon πŸ‰πŸ˜± - Bugsnax PS5 Livestream: Ellen Plays Bugsnax

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I’ve been really enjoying these. This game is a brightly colored turbo-nightmare.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 2 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/cdskip πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jan 30 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

Is there a playlist of the bugsnax streams? Having trouble finding the 1st one

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 1 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Liberal_irony πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jan 30 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies
[Music] foreign [Music] uh [Music] hello welcome to bug snacks [Music] [Music] did it so wonderfully wonderfully wonderfully wonderfully strabo there we go how are you all doing um big ellen here hello uh do you miss me probably not it's fine um we are back in bug snacks uh we're gonna try and fight the mama medwood there's a creepy big watermelon lady that we didn't quite kill last week because i was experimenting and my experiments broke the boss fights a little bit so let's make me little aim a little let's jump back in let's continue our game and we will go find our buddy our bodybuilding buddy there he is come on hey what's up sup chandlo right let's chat let's chat to you still stunned i'm not getting any stronger um i wasn't pushing hard enough maybe it's the first oh everyone's saying that they missed it way too small you feel me i alive could lift it no way sounds like the ultimate workout oh yeah meet me in flavor falls okay let's go flavor falls oh yeah i forgot it warped you there okay okay right so we worked out because the thing is when i scanned the thing it said that it didn't like trap so i like put down traps and it didn't care only dislikes traps if it's children in it which is understandable uh but it you know it's the these the fun of this game is the experimentation just thinking about that buff snack is getting me pumped the story keeps telling me it's okay if i can't lift the tree stone i know who thinks you're a buff snack i love him he just doesn't get it i'm trying to like help you guys see each other you really love each other um that sounds like a horrible trap oh people saying boo it's a knife nice one okay here we go here we go here we go now he's gonna annoy her there it is well was kidding that snack is huge all right big sucks here comes the chan low sleeve okay oh so what we need is this and then we need to grapple that thing hi hi come on get in there we go right so now we go okay okay so snap trap [Music] that's not what i meant to do ah so these things break when she runs into them as a sign of where they were about things [Music] ah as you oh my goodness she creates more that was a close wrong dog that snack is on a rampage i got an idea i'll distract them you get the drop on here [Music] there there there they're there no you need to do it like that okay okay did it [Music] oh not fun big angry eyes looking at me that bug could have killed me it was way strong dog once i eat it i'll be just as strong okay okay okay let's feed you the mama my one okay teeth or head let's go for the the head yeah or the horn oh no no head whoa i was hoping i'd get twice as big or something no i'm just the same chandler oh buddy isn't good enough you look good in life climbing a mountain once i got to the peak all i saw was a taller mountain oh my goodness this game i could rip out that stump i couldn't stop an earthquake there's always going to be something bigger than me stronger than me but you can't do everything bud danger you can't do everything oh no he's oh he doesn't even have his hat any but he always sorry i'm sorry buddy it's called snacks hat gosh this game is like should it's the alternate name of this game is existential crisis right ex's stacks an actual crisis huh man okay um granville would like to talk to you find out what crondo does at midnight well let's okay buffer locust we've not quite come across so let's chat to snorpy and gramble and then head back out and get all these other things that we need to get enough chris got enough dressing wow [Music] philip hun existential body horror the game right um let's get some fill up on ketchup always useful um man this game is like oh every time i try to succeed it's never good enough and there's always a new thing [Music] our marriage might end and on dealing with some really tough stuff i don't think it deals with it very well but it's like i wasn't expecting this oh snorpy is always going to be in danger right dom adam i know he's like he really he really cares all he wants to do is protect his friend oh is there anything here to say it but wambus has a point bigger snacks means more to love and they might be a bit smarter might respond better to my training too okay please get me the biggest snackiest bug snacks you can find please a praying picantus and a scoopy banoopie okay okay snoopy noopy great cool i don't think we've got one of those yet but i have seen the picantus oh it's a little taco thing little taco looking thing um we're nearly nearly done on boiling bay got noodler that's what we need we need a noodler can't be put out while in such a hot climate how in the heck are we supposed to get you out right who else we need to talk to we need to talk to hi existential crisises um oh where's the stump snorpy i removed it with my digging device it took five minutes oh thanks anytime chan lo it's oh he feels undermined oh hey hey buddy catch you later okay okay oh he was like i did it right how's it going good to see you on this ordinary tyranny free day hello let us talk pleasantly of the weather yes yes the weathers i've discovered something terrible my seismic readings show that activity in the mountain is growing stronger and more frequent over time must find the source of the quakes before the situation grows out of control oh my god there is an unusually large bug snack on the mountain that i'm certain is involved the formidable scoopy banu disassemble it and dispose of the components in my mouth and once more we will have thwarted the grumpernauti you want me to get you a bug snack so we've got to get a get a snoopy banoopie for you okay so we've got to get two snoopy new peas um and go get buffer locusts for you tiffany tiffany even got to talk to you who's usually over here hello nice to see ya hey how's it going according to the journal this time we're heading for the boiling bay oh wait is this going to be like another fight okay all righty see you there okay right okay i've got i've got some room i've got some room lovely place isn't it yeah check out that real interesting shipwreck you don't mind keep your eyes peeled for a treasure chest and a freeze and cold bully of a bug snack okay that's the that's the go get a pallet okay so we've got to get okay okay okay okay that's good that's good that's good right buddy okay hey come here come after me there you go that's it that's it come on explode explode buddy are you gonna that's it no i there you go i need you because if you if you go over there you just reset yourself on fire [Music] there we go there we go there we go we got this yeah gotcha okay yeah did you already already have one in our inventory i could have just sped it to sorry it's been two weeks since i've played this game so okay let's feed your palatos done let's give you the teeth i bet it will be like wooden teeth he's a dead knife yeah delicious you know floofty's got a theory that the bigger a bug snack is the older it must be okay no telling yet how old but imagine that snack was around in grump beard's time he could have even chased him off the beach oh fun to think about a yeah eight uh okay what was i doing treasure chest for a treasure chest and a freezing full bully of a bug snack okay i got i've got the bully got the cold bully because he's mean oh um hey i need you for for an idea that i have all right treasure chest huh okay sorry so what i do when i jump i have to do the noise um [Laughter] in the shipwreck in the shipwreck it's already been looted okay let's go to tiffany tell her all about it i'm gonna swim that settles it this ship belonged to grump beard he disappeared at sea a hundred years ago but i guess he wound up on snack tooth island hard to tell what happened to him after that his bones could be just about in woods it really is the saddest thing isn't it oh yeah nobody knows how your story ends oh he knows who dies he tells your story right i can't find anything she's not here either who's not here i didn't mean to keep it from you but that journal it's um it belonged to my see some years ago my grandma veronica ladablog decided she was gonna explore snack to island and discover its history but we never heard from her again that's really why i'm out here to find out what became of her anywho that's already now let's head back to town i'm missing grandmother and everyone in the chat is like oh god this game right hello from govanga um who's in the philippines hello hello john stonehall hello jessica productions uh sadly i can't stay and watch my first live stream in months as moving house good luck with the mama melon and don't eat the snacks i do not eat the snacks don't worry um good luck with the moving house um hello there smith hey snore be me and your crush nearly died just now oh it's okay oh he's so shy okay right let's head out [Music] so through here go out to get us some bug snacks let's see if we can get yep i don't know how how in the heckins are we supposed to get noodles so they like cheese and hot sauce but can't i can't pick them up because they will put me on fire so i need to work out a way why is he here what yeah [Laughter] that's just heat no no didn't get enough of a run up stop stop stop stop now i'm on fire again ah okay okay okay oh man this is this is not your day it's like there's no way so we've got to like someone's saying can you life them out of the cave i think you mean no perhaps buddy buddy there's no point you're going to explode soon um this is the other way in yeah no no let's let's have a look for the banana thing that well they don't like him they kind of attack him there's a snacky snack up there get one of these snacky snack boys hey buddy can i can i do a little bit of parkour okay okay okay okay okay let's let's [Applause] [Music] just as his misery is about to end he starts burning again there we go sizzling sands oh god the noodler yeah right puffle chops uh samantha wycroft said my second semester in graduate school starting this week so i'm glad to be watching one of your bugs next stream to chill get that noodler i will try and get that noodler i need to work out a way of it not being on fire why is that chicken what no i hate it right so there's the the buddy boys are they the chili loaded's buddy that's it so he's oh he's scared of normal spuds oh okay so he hates the i need the piccampus i need a picantis don't don't look at me that thing scares the liggin living daylight what is that what is that he's not a flapjack though he's a pancake flapjacks right in in in the uk okay about being uk specific because i know that what oh that's adorable that's so great okay so the picantus gets knocked out by those things but they go they go very on fire how do i knock them have them not be on fire [Music] let's have a little lookie cause if i pick him up i will just be i will be on fire i know i i i know people like you you call um you sometimes call flapjack like pancakes are sometimes called flapjacks but in the uk flapjacks are a very specific thing they're like a kind of granola style thing it's like oats and uh golden syrup which is just what there's a thing that's in bit he's not quite he's not quite loaded in or is he there he is hello sir ah okay so i want to kind of lure one of these guys um over here uh so you like hot sauce and cheese oh watch it watch how this doesn't work i've chosen the right thing right yeah hot sauce yeah yep yep yep yep yep boy over there girl there buddy get out there where's the other picante there any other picantes oh my goodness leave him alone oh my gosh he's he's on fire right stay away stay away strabby he's okay he's okay right hot sauce boy that's it that's it yes good good good good just keep keep going [Applause] come on what there you are oh my goodness what what that's the tucker roach i am so confused hey buddy what do you like so you like you like come on come on you like hot sauce buddy look at the hot sauce delicious hot sauce okay [Music] great hey buddy yes right okay let's get rid of one of the palatos yes lovely put that away bring up my boy strabby okay so that's not quite what we wanted [Music] so we kind of we want a palatos that doesn't explain um [Music] hmm [Music] what if i just like cover you in ranch dressing no now you're just mad but ranch dressing has a cooling flavor um uh oh chris james hi ellen nervous to do my first ever audition for a professional musical at age 40 31 and relaxing with some orchestra thanks for all the content oh thank you that's very kind of you good luck or well done if you have done it depending on which way around right how in the how in the heckins are we supposed to get a picantis slightly sound like they're saying something else but hey um um uh our theme in the world hi ellen hope you're having a good week so far and if not i hope the rest goes better that's not too bad not too bad thanks to the streams helping me start my year right oh thank you okay right i don't know how the heckins was supposed to get a scoopy banoopy yet um let's have a look at the map scoopy banoopy where would the scoopy banoopy be where would a scoopy banu there's one part that we've not discovered yet but i have a feeling that's probably all end game stuff garden grove that is not that's like a canned drink so probably it's probably in simmering springs i reckon scooby-doopy is there i've got you surely i've got the taco thing surely that's i've just i've literally got one in my inventory look okay okay fine okay so you're not i thought you're still on fire so you weren't really you weren't a fiery one okay okay well let's head back to snackberg let's drop off some stuff scoopy banoop is in the area you haven't seen okay sarah i'm gonna trust you on that let's keep going um trying to follow this story let's do us a snoop let's do the bethica one um okay hey buddy buddy buddy buddy so you like you like cheese wait i experiment yes that's it i got it i got it okay i'm about to get okay let's get rid of the mini mackie i can hear the palatal's about to go up we got a noodler we've got a noodler go away from me palatos [Laughter] i could have possibly used a strawberry and like but i'm part of me he's like no he'll get he'll get like boiled alive i don't wanna poach strappy [Music] because that's a real thing like spend a lovely day walking around the desert in california and then going to like the the kind of like center the nature center there and like museumy bit and they're like oh this is what it looks like underneath and it's just like thousands of spiders buried underneath there and i'm like it's great right um right what who do we who do we need noodle noodles noodles noodles who are the noodles for i don't even know who the noodles are for uh got a scoopy scoopy banu later on deal or no deal so need to get a buffer locust um we need praying picantus and a snoopy venupi big snoop let's do a snoop we need to get sherby okay i don't know what the noodles are for i can't even remember the noodles before ah right well let's donate anyway let's donate a fruity snack pod let's donate uh did i donate a palatase [Music] right um who's the noodler for noodles of a floofty ha ha ha ha ha ha ha right well let's see oh what time is it okay well we can do the the big snoop see what crondo crondo does at midnight let's have a look just sit here for a bit right um somario sunni says if a scooby-dooby wouldn't were not you but me then where may such new people new peas be free if you feed a buffer locus to bethka does she turn into a buffer locust i think so angel b um oh sumu having a bad day but this stream is really cheering me up thanks well after this uh the others will be playing some jack box in in a very much like it's it's gonna it's like pitching stuff so it's really gonna be like a flashback to all of my university uh like presentations and stuff i had to do so i'm just gonna be like watching along and having fun i think i think we're gonna try and do it so that you can like actually vote in the game and such um but details will be in the stream don't worry um non-binary dragon bear says this game is something else so many feels so many puns a strangely relaxing stream while stuck in isolation yes hello to everyone we're all we're all locked away um but things are happening i want you up at 11 at 12 on the dock now come on crondo [Music] what are you doing rondo there we go there we go gramble sleep walking again don't mind me don't want me just hiding behind this skull hey gramble hey gramble oh okay these poor bug snacks all buried what are you doing are you going up to my ship better not be going up to my ship no it's going past it he hates bethica i mean same i trust him as far as i can throw which is 31 feet as of last tuesday [Music] get up everybody come on and do the wiggle with me to the wiggle to the wiggle there is somebody there nope you didn't hear anything no you got that not a single peep i didn't hear nothing i didn't hear nothing oh he's so mad um it's okay buddies it's fine let's sleep sleep until 5am that's not enough sleep i need my 8 hours uh talk about snacksberg hi before o m g that explains why he's always so jealous of wiggle why would he even hide that it almost makes him kind of likeable oh i know what i need to do i know what i wanted to do right so sir i've given you a frieda hat a burger nose and i'm gonna finish off your meal uh with a soda so le send you giving that on uh your right leg combo meal trophy yay that was a fun thing that i saw looking at i was like having a look at the the trophies that you could get in this game and seeing what sort of things and then it was like ah that's such a fun thing so it's a friday bunga and sudo um but it's so good it's a good trophy isn't it it's a very good trophy cara very good um is there anything else uh any any what other ones can i get what other oh i can give a melon to the wee melon yay ah okay so i've got the biggest okay i've got loads of room in my inventory now okay i've got a noodle noodle boy in the arms of the gramble in the arms of the grandma amazing look oh look [Music] that's adorable it's adorable right let's have a little explore let's have a little explore shall we what what catch more we need to get a snoopy venue buffer locust we need to get another snoopy beneath him in the picantus and we need a sherby so a sherby i believe we've seen something okay so when it's raining we need to go to flavourfalls [Music] nothing there at night but not when it's raining okay that's the terrifying chicken leg thing there's another strabby type thing um sugar pine woods as well wondering if we need to head back to the sugar pine woods our night cat from the cog off to bed catch up in the morning happy snacks and thank you very much i'm done to you and luke and the whole oxbox team um oh no gone past the sherby um where and at least finish off that side quest um okay drills into the sand okay okay hates chocolate okay grumpy snack pot so grumpy okay right let's head over to boiling bay i really hate the noise that that pineapple makes i really really really hate it andrea martinez hi ellen this is the last stream i see before moving to my own flat and this is so chill it's helping a lot with the packing have fun hey that was one of my goals for trade i got held up um i i remember yes it was the ice cream there he is not the sodu it's you sherby sherby sherby right so you're scared of the thing you hate the thingy you hate those but you love chocolate okay well let's let's try a traditional and let's see if this works at all ah he's gonna be underground no no wait wait yeah so he stays underground let's see if he'll come up for the chocolate okay so he's washed that off okay so he comes up above on here oh he made himself hey he knocked himself out we got a shovel great this is so good all right so we've got nearly everything in boiling bay we haven't got a full grande pallet which is apparently possible to catch because there's like a little thing that indicates we haven't caught it yet um fruity leafy blob evidence okay ah so because i've scanned things it'll tell me like what will appear yeah yeah can i chat to you you took your precious time getting here any longer in my leg might have rotted away um let's finish our work okay okay uh uh snack experiment give you another red binocular oh i can only the things that have already changed that was it it's a snack experiment let's no let's give you um the mini mackie maggie uh let's see what your teeth look like oh they're rice okay cool cool uh give me another mini macaroni uh right now there you go and then minnie mouse cool cool cuckoo cool and so i can like feed her everything and then make her all one i've uh like fed her something okay okay oh i accidentally pressed back instead of feed and okay let's no i don't want to re-feed you that oh it's raining stay raining stay raining i want to get the one that's in the in flooded the thing at the beginning the falls stay raining oh i need to give her the noodle i do need to give her the noodler but it's raining so i wanna yes i need i need to give give them the noodler um okay there stay raining stay raining stay raining stay raining stay raining because it's uh it wasn't garden growth flavour falls right at the beginning only appears when it rains just wanted to get that bug snacks we're so close to getting the full set in flavorfuls so yeah we'll do this and then we'll go back give her the noodler i know i know i'm going the long way around but oh gosh i had a like huh when i went underneath and it sounded like it stopped raining right okay okay okay okay right let's look for i found something that apparently okay that's the green lollipop there's the strawberry up here no that's where i fell down that's where i fell down oh my goodness the garden grove but it's in flavour falls sticky glob evidence of a bug snack what the heck is that i've seen the olives i've not caught one but i've seen it ah okay yes yes got it okay right let's get that olive and then we fully collected all of the bug snacks here okay so you go there you go around there let's put this down is [Music] should i get a pickle let's get a pickle because i need you hey come here [Music] let me pick you up i have because i was hot i had to throw that down and throw it down okay okay i can only throw it okay okay right oh my goodness we've done all of the flavorfuls that was really weirdly specific that the the caramel popcorn only showed up in like it when it was raining but when it was in they had to be indoors so maybe like that's where they go to shelter in the rain but they were like jumping around in the pool i don't know i don't know the logic behind that bit but let's go uh give some noodles let's let's donate donate donate a couple of these and then guess what let's donate all right all right let's give you a lollies oh hello hi oh it's like a little it's one of the ones with like the pepper in it looks good it's good best one best olives are garlic stuffed olives caramel pop tick oh look at it oh yukky hello so delicious oh god that the mini mackey is like terrifying grumpy snook pod grumpy snack pod and keep the sherby i need to bury the sherby evening talk to wampus please turn right back thanks for sticking with me that's all i want tomorrow we'll see if this bears fruit yeah okay okay okay right noodles noodles noodles middletown was just just seeing what was going on there but they were all just queueing from the shop um sweetie fly sweetie fly all right here we go here we go daiquiri is just like the cutest one back the daiquiri sounds like um kazooie from banjo-kazooie uh it's just a little um it's such a cool character as well like i love the hair look at their hair and they have the coolest tie and specs it's good it's good right so let's why have i not got you are you a main quest that's why that's why okay turn 50 into noodler all right okay let's give you i don't ruin your hair just yet so leg intriguing i have learned much despite your gender oh it was confused to me it's a good job no matter how many bug snacks i become my body feels no different is there a threshold of krampusness when every cell of my body is bug snacks will i remain fluffy fizzlebee oh my goodness coming in with those big existential questions i must find out [Laughter] the answers won't come to me without further testing however i have exhausted my research here i will experiment on snackspur yeah come home wait don't you mean experiment in snacks i look forward to working with you further okay now i'm scared of you that's that's not disconcerting at all fluffy floofty sorry get your name right oh my goodness okay well let's let's get back let's talk to them okay okay okay so i need to go back and interview fluffy ah i need to break another picantes that was for her one anyway as well well should we go should we go break another campus thing as we're right here and that'll hopefully bring her back as well huh and then we can interview the both of them when they go with her epicurean ball says when the snackery trills it reminds me of togepi oh yeah it's it's all very pokey months oh no it's all windy um [Music] oh there we go there we go explode oh it explodes into the components okay got another tucker roach oh it breaks up into the cup that's so clever that's amazing okay i have unblocked the obstacles lack of temptation removed yet one still lost in darkness seeking the light the flower crowns only in the light of mother nature ray can the toxin be purged seek a raspberry raspbero a hidden ruin a maze of trials guide this raspberry to one's side okay so i'm guessing i have to use the strabby [Music] surely there's something here okay the ruins underneath there's a thing there ah this looks breakable that's a buffer locust okay so you look at his dumb face um [Laughter] sometimes just be opportunity i need what if you use it says it dives bombs onto its favorite sources so if i do this and it'll like smash into that perhaps get mad at each other that's it yes yes he is he has done it he has done it for us thank you but you're on fire so if i pick you up i will burn buddy there you go there you go you're up again should we should we go in i did it dude thank you oh my goodness i need to get a black raspberry oh dear oh my oh my oh dear oh dear okay let's clear the path first then hey okay okay see it's just there okay okay okay okay no no i don't want to go out there no there we go thank you thank you right hang on i'm just gonna bridge handle i just wanted to get that um trail off of uh in chorito okay careful of being chorito there he is no he's over there he's over there okay okay this is this is the way this is the way okay he likes chocolate and he needs some help so it is time for okay chocolate stay there okay so he's hiding in there he's hiding in there he's okay right stay there stay there stay there right you're scared of me it's fine it's fine it's fine it's fine don't worry don't worry [Music] why are you so scared of me this is scared of me okay go over there that's it we have got this we have got this okay okay stay there stay there oh okay okay okay okay you're okay there you chop up that's it stay out of the water this is like jaws [Music] yes but we did it can i get a like spike with that can we get a like spike for freeing the tiny black raspberry okay oh what once was yay we got the raspberry the path to light determined the time however this cat is watching egress from the sand so it is that shelter survives yes i i don't understand why i did any of that it was a metaphor now to snacksburg goes me to bring such clarity to my followers [Music] [Applause] yay [Music] stay away from me yay oh look at it little face a raspy whoa okay a black olive okay okay okay well let's get let's get that attached look at the other taco actually i've got two of them already i'm fine i'm fine i don't need yet another one okay okay so we've got two people back at town that we can get [Music] for you you hate hot sauce okay how in the heck is i supposed to get epicanthus without it exploding do i like have to get the components and rebuild them like a million dollar math uh oh hang on what way is this way oh look at my shadow ah this is a loop round to scorch gorge it all connects this must be back to the ah this is the oh buddy hey bro just got done fixing up the old guy he fixed the bridge sooner but cromdo wanted me to pay him for the rights of repair whatever that means buddy anyway well this is the short thank me it's like dark souls find sheldon all right okay we're more like demon souls had some shortcuts i will one day learn more about dark souls okay okay okay okay nope okay never mind never mind never mind right let's run back to town let's do some interviews it's interview time back to snacksburg i need to get my interview equipment out out of my drawer [Music] okay okay i've got a couple of people here now put some new little buddies it's chilly tonight huh uh-huh it's gonna be a standoff i know you've been spying on me you keep out of my business wrong or you'll what you're the one keeping secrets you can't touch this you think i'm the only one who's sick of your gossip girl stick huh sooner or later you're gonna be back in your cave all by yourself whatever at least then i wouldn't have to hear your slimy voice oh okay okay right let's i've already donated a pickle there's a horror of a tarantula thing um well they came out of the ground all right how's it looking i didn't bury them deep enough uh i don't think you should have listened to tiffany is their way to go but are you going to try what am i supposed to do if even i don't believe in me i didn't come to this island to be free or to live off the land i'm here because i couldn't make it over there i'm a fail this game you're being too hard on yourself it's all right i knew it all along well i still got my sauce his wife has got a missing grandmother not nothing maybe i'm just stubborn enough to call that yeah look at all the cool sources you got got all the cool sources um i'm really worried about the name of this next quest for snorpy i don't think i mean i stand them too much okay i need to get buffer locusts at one point i need to get things that oh before would like to talk okay well first let's interview some people i want everyone's asleep let's let's sleep let's wake everyone up come on here we go sleep until 5am i know i know it the joke is that it's a dis banana split because it's a ice cream based banana snack but i don't like i don't like it i still don't like it there's too much of a you know double meaning in there um new building that i haven't got written yet that's edgar burton befrika's place wiggles in there um where's my new people at so you've slivered back into town up to another grumpy knot i'm not participating in your delusions brother you waste your talented mind playing spy games when you could be assisting my research i'm never assisting you again not until you find your moral compass and stop working for the man oh please don't try to dress up your cowardice i'm no coward i you still haven't told the green meathead how you feel but whether that's different don't try to confuse the issue i thought so lead me to my business and i'll leave you to yours okay um 50 i'd like to interview you dispute gossip for that obnoxious rag you call a newspaper coming up to the truth i want to hear from which one do you think they would be most i am only after the truth i i could be like oh you're the smartest though but no i really like how the strabby looks like they have a mustache the world's first gastroenterologist [Music] what is a gastroenterologist exactly in baby language i study bug snacks and their effect on grumpists okay why come to stacktooth island to study bug snacks obviously but you didn't know what bug snacks were until you got here [Music] when elizabeth megafig was recruiting for her cult of personality i observed something strange about her arm she was keeping it hidden but she displayed early stages of snackification that kicked my interest is something thoughts on bug snacks you are asking for opinions instead of facts i'm not going to discuss my feelings with you emotional parasite emotional parasite every time i try to publish my groundbreaking research you journalists instead turn out slender about my dangerous methods or my questionable behavior stop editorializing and focus on the science okay i think that they've they're not a fan of journalists who are like hey is this sensible anyway why did you leave town i simply wanted to continue my work edgabel or no but sheldor blamed me for the disappearances i'm no stranger to the which could come out is it true that you is it true that you eat compasses [Music] don't be ridiculous i've only eaten one rumpus why is there a separate leg in your heart would you prefer i keep my severed leg in the outhouse any info on this butt the truth elizabeth was an arrogant coward unlike eggabel what about icabelle ekkebel truly understood my research she was hungry to participate in it all work together was fruitful even pleasant until somebody interfered who interfered sheldon that mummified fraud stoked elizabeth's fear of my work weaponizing her relationship to egypt scrambling her fragile emotions and fabricating a binary choice between myself and elizabeth so what happened ultimately agavel chose sentiment over science and i surmise that was the death of her okay you you just straight up think she's dead okay any final thoughts yes i have the password to aggabel's personal storage box it may be of interest to you you've wasted enough of my time now leave [Music] okay thank you okay well let's chat with you quickly as well what are you up to you're here i have need of your assistance again okay well since my last discovery i've been testing the limits of bug snack regeneration yeah unfortunately i've done all i can with this one leg i want to try something rather more advanced put simply i'm going to remove my head come again pardon me i forgot your limitations remove as in cut off head as in the thinky part and i am reasonably certain that bug snacks will regrow it in its entirety this seems unsafe indeed perhaps i could do something more measured if i had a full team funding in a great deal more subjects but as usual nobody's volunteering very well you're welcome to try okay it's not every day that you got someone like how are you and they're like yeah i'm thinking of decapitating myself for science okay um 50 is in the middle house is that who where are we right where do i need to talk to what um i brought back the other new person a new new person oh okay you're over there chatting nice to see you hi tiffany hi um where is she oh there she is there she is i see the flower crown flower crown is very important oh sheldon's back wiggle and granville are gonna be so stoked oh yes one has returned from a great spiritual soldier i bet you're overflowing with wisdom now go ahead and lay it on me shell dog ah yes uh wisdom um the strange pieces like music can not be found within toxins for the truest strength is the will to resist whoa i get it i gotta check my snacks and if they look toxic i won't eat them no one is not you ah clearly you need more guidance yeah i do i'll bring the others too oh one is sure it will be enlightening yes hi hi hi hi keep you keep running keep running keep running talk to my friend here hello sheldon uh oh i can't move the camera up sorry your head's cut off have time for an interview asks questions one may receive answers okay cool come on i've got my interviewee at thing who are you one is called shelder okay the one who is me acts as a vessel for the will of mother nature so it is one maintains balance and purity okay why come to snapchat island a calling felt in the soul distant voices saying they need you three tickets one in a raffle elizabeth held a raffle a raffle is a metaphor but yes thoughts and bug snacks the toxin the mother of [ __ ] living in all their alluring forms okay crawling around us beneath us inside us [Music] where's the mother anyway mother nature the mother the mother the purest [Music] wow why did you leave town one cast out they the scion of toxins yet lessons unlearned the cravings only groove so it was one journeyed far to isolate oneself and live by example so it was one got very very lost any info on lizard she the huntress is gone from us strayed from the mother's path chasing the healers tainted love rice were they born so this once shall be warned a doom befalls those who consume the toxin okay do can be more specific a tomb of toxin unending the ground shakes the sky splits look not upon it move not an inch or be swallowed by the queen of venoms oh so i heard okay i i just i just imagine that was the most fun to record like just imagine them in the voice acting booth like just having the best time you're a fraud aren't everyone is a fraud in a sense thanks that was all very unhelpful ever are more questions asked seldom are more answers given one must live content with the absence of knowing meditate on this yeah we'll meditate on [Music] okay ah ah can i open this with the mystery yeah oh yes yes yes yes yes video diary okay confirm confirm confirm let's run in uh here we go here we go here we go here we go let's get this mystery going number five today is the day i elizabeth megafig solved the greatest mystery of this island i found a door [Music] what are you doing out here following you did you want to come with me i thought it might be fun to hunt bug snacks together oh if that's all right with you that'd be amazing but maybe not today this peak isn't i guess it's hard to see my muscles under the bug snacks you really are changing bill i'm sorry i was being so selfish there's a door at frosted peak i don't want apologies worrying any of it i just want us to be together and to see how much you're exaggerating about your dangerous work oh really i think it'll be a walk in the park huh oh right and i bet i can even catch more bug snacks than you this is not going to end well oh man okay let's have a look at this gotta search the frosted peak okay well let's have a quick chat with everyone and see if they can help you want something hi there uh um i don't think i'd be any help in that department no worries floofty said i was about as useful as a beaker without a bottom oh okay no worries what about you what are you kidding me pal i like my organs where they are thank you very much that's that's fair enough that is fair enough um oh well fluffy's fun to get up with but their methods are pretty extreme don't you think she's trying to cut her head off so yeah um [Music] i'm not really selling it but yes yes hello absolutely not whatever scheme my sibling put you up to it certainly won't end well okay no no no problem um buddy ramble oh no no no thanks they're all terrified he shows up in my nightmares always watching me no no no thank you i can't hey wiggle hello darling no no just no uh 50. they once called me a vociferous profligate i'm terribly insulted though i have no idea what that even means okay no not going well for you loofty you've not really made many friends um speak not of the wicked alchemist they who gladly hasten our doom okay fair enough no okay what else do you want you who continues to spread the toxins dark influence are lost okay but one will guide you to the true the box of purity okay those bug snacks placed inside shall be purged by the light of mother ray make an offering to the box show that you are willing to walk this path next to the churito [Music] did it a wise choice was made so it is the light that shines within darkness shines brightest over all okay meditate on this okay return one day hence okay so return like the next day okay right let's go tell 50 that no one wants to do the bad experiments well-met as expected my name alone is enough to frighten them off hardly it's not me they're truly afraid of they give in to cowardice and ignorance because they cannot fathom the tremendous good that my research can do since i have failed time and again to change their minds the burden rests on me to complete the work perhaps then they will understand its value okay as for you i require enough bug snacks to fully transform my body only the sweetest and most filling will be acceptable okay uh that seems out of character consider it a personal request this could be my last meal after all okay so i've got to fully transform them okay okay i won't do that right now or shall i let's see what i can what i can actually well let's give you give you a pickle leg uh there we go believable yep uh let's give you uh attacker roach uh the teeth are done no this is a horn head intriguing no the good hair is gone i've got rid of their good hair a loaded spuddy and chorito schlagen and chorito or inch wrap in trap give you a left horn in trap uh and get the palatos for your right horn snack experiment and let's let's make you um red banopa here here here um and then back and then make you [Music] uh coconuts coconut legs there we go and then uh i like your strawberry nose well let's i'll give you noodle hair give you noodle hair okay that sort of works [Music] right horn noodle noodle bowls yeah that's good that's good rice teeth um or shall i make you all what should i do i quite they look they're kind of like adorable monkey is aren't they oh it's a bowl cut says cece yes yes um the one who snacks says snacksberg more like saltsburg right they're so salty about each each other um john stoneheart wondering if crondo went to the same business school as tom nook probably probably right um well actually you know what you know i actually feel like let's go for that's it that's what i want okay okay i think that's everything yeah how do i [Music] hmm [Music] so dd i need the body okay well let's make you a big soda can believable hey trophy very good you're actually being useful i have a few more preparations to make experiment will begin in 24 hours oh it's happening one of my brother's put it in dropping traps and made some modifications once the device is activated snacks will flow into my open mouth thus triggering my regeneration this is terrifying yes i surmise that is why i am inside the device and you are not i need you to load the funnel at the back and then we can begin you put a stop to this nonsense right now snobbington here to sabotage my career again sabotage i'm trying to save your life nonsense if my hypothesis is correct i will be perfectly fine and i will have advanced medical knowledge by a century and if you're wrong you'll be headless yeah even after everything you've done i still care about you fluffy don't try to infect me with your cowardice no what you should care about is my work that is what is truly important you are important despite your rampaging ego the world will go on with or without your experiments i would think you at least would understand instead you insist on being a selfish spineless slack-jawed baby see this is why nobody wants to help you oh buddy oh you're so angry it's pitiful isn't it no i can't fibrous tissue with electrostatic waves but i cannot convince my own brother to help me my work should stand for itself i shouldn't need to put so much effort into explaining myself but it does take care of you to explain yourself about others it is simple i can write them off as ignorant frightened children but not snoppy i know he's not a coward or a fool which means that the elder is mine yeah i cannot make myself understood so i lose patience and i give up on understanding and perhaps that is cowardice on my part it's important that's interesting holy holy moly this game man this game okay right ah this game sheldon loses faith sheldon would like to talk to me about something there she is so it is the toxins are no more did you eat those bug wow snacks look at her leg one would never be okay because i was like how are you supposed to feed someone who won't eat bug snacks this is why one sits in meditation every day for six hours repeating that okay so we've don't think about bug snacks and so it is were never things what about the burrito legs what about your burrito leg wow okay clearly what's next until the sun rises ever are more toxins left to be purified in dreams each night one sees inch wraps cheeses and peel bugs okay so those are the ones that you want next okay okay so it is you must bring them to the box of purity okay i annoyingly i think do i still have the entrance no i got rid of the in track cheese okay okay well there's a few things that we need to get but i am not completely i don't know how to get buffer locust yet i don't know how to get epicanthis yet because they're on fire they're on fire so i don't i don't wanna oh befrika wants to talk to me no let's go we've got 20 minutes left before outside xbox are joined by my pal mr luke westaway as they play some jack box um [Music] and it's gonna be fun it's gonna be fun look at the little sneaky face that she's got i'm not i'm not eating bugs next definitely not right mountain climb pin the mountain climb so search the frosted peak so gosh where was that again that i needed to go to i think was it in the sugar pine woods yeah yeah it would have been the yeah we should have fine woods yeah yeah yeah yeah because there's the frosted peak we've got to go find secret door hello everyone in chat hello nelson says to the woods mike allison says oh my goodness i know this game right this game i apologize for dragging you into this mess again take care of this issue myself if i want so spindly and reclusive i know what you're thinking why don't i just ask but wait what what do you want me to do snorpy what have i lost track of that you want me to do ah the scoopy manoopi i'm guessing that it's around here then i'm guessing it's that one okay well let's keep an eye for some keep an eye out for some scoopy banoopies [Music] okay okay okay let's go i think was this not there before so oh no there we are hey you weren't here before hey guys wow five hours go by pretty fast when we're working together whamby oh now that the avalanche is cleared away top of the mountain trippy i'm almost 50 and my back's at least a hundred let's go lie down first bell ah look at them okay let's stay away from the popsicle here we go frosty pink new area oh my goodness chili nearly chilly oh i tried to hug one but it gave me the cold shoulder literally oh my gosh mount zody okay don't stay in the water for too long okay okay all right are you gonna get oh wow that freezes off as well oh my god what is that that's it no no i'm in the water i'm gonna freeze again okay he loves chocolate that's a nightmare that is a nightmare oh i don't like it i do not like it at all right how in the heck am i supposed to get that scooby-dooby oh right well there's fire there's fire let's get just get to the fire hey buddy oh i know he likes chocolate okay okay okay okay yeah yeah yeah off you go that's it explode explode explode explode i shouldn't be walking backwards on a mountain that's like the worst thing you can do i look so sad [Music] okay so that just breaks it up into all its component parts is it scoopy okay okay and then the bonopa that jumps in the trees okay you shouldn't be here it's not safe you need to get off this mountain for the sake of your health and well-being trust me i'm a doctor aren't you anchor bell you you know me oh oh you're the reporter the one liz was always talking about i didn't think you'd really come out here another earthquake strikes it'll cause an avalanche if you're up here when that happens you'll be buried in snow and if you don't die from blunt force trauma you'll asphyxiate okay okay aren't you in danger too i can handle it i've been up here for weeks on my own doing fine what are you doing up here surviving not until i find liz what happened to liz see it came off me we were exploring the mountain there was an earthquake and we got how separated i help just go back home okay be safe and please don't tell anybody i'm up here but no ah talking about bug stuff interviews did all the interviews oh my goodness got trophies for days today how in the heckins okay you like hot sauce so let's try okay hey what is it oh amazing that's it that's it that's it come on melt milk why are you not melting that's a picante melt melt that's it if i point it at the thing come on yes yes [Music] this is surely something we've got to follow eggerbell to discover her secrets but also we won't be able to finish it before next like before five o'clock so i'm sort of just wondering what the heckins is going on here oh how how do i get you because like there's an egg on the ground i got yeah i got the keg um how in the heckins how in that scene let's see if i can get [Music] he's just getting slowly cooked alive okay right you guys don't like each other but you're on fire [Music] i want to catch okay so you do have to put out the flame sh look at that walk through okay so ah so i gotta grapple it to the wall okay okay so i can't do it here okay okay that's a that's a very particular how to get it there oh what's happening there everything's on fire wow let's have a little sneak don't get me spud ignore me spud oh look come on cherry go on we're gonna get you before the end of the stream and it's gonna be really cute where are you going right you like uh it was chocolate it said you like didn't it ah [Music] hi buddy come on get out okay okay fine fine let's preview yes yes well ah this is the way up to echo bouquet this is the way ecobel went i'm pretty oh the little balancing stone things they always have those here it wants to be coated in it drawn to a peanut butter like a moth to a lamp okay okay okay oh my goodness there's even more caves here this is wild now i wonder if i can melt those things as well wait let's do one more let's do one more experiment before we go now you like hot sauce don't you i don't want to know about the creamy patch okay no you are you are just out there okay okay okay let's just stay away from you let's go through here this is a wild oh egg a bell well edgar bell oh look at the toast it looks so dumb i love it no no no no no no no do we think okay i'm sorry gonna have to cliffhanger that we're gonna have to cliffhang in it she never had such a hat but is it no because there's two bags here well some people in chat saying it isn't what you think but what is it what mystery is this is this is this elizabeth or is this some other random explorer that they came across themselves hey buddies get some melty snack pods um but for now uh for now i think we'll leave it there um [Music] uh wow what what a what a possibility what possibility i'll also um have a lucky up of ways to uh capture the things that we don't want to break up um so i'll do a little bit of research before next week and we'll try and catch the rest of those bugs and those snacks and find out what the heckins happened to egg but i think i think um ecabel and elizabeth there's gonna be some interesting stuff there and i think next week will probably be the last one but for now i invite you to go over to outside xbox so if you go to forward slash outside xbox forward slash live to see what they are live streaming right now um or about to start live streaming right now uh they're gonna be playing some jackpots um i will probably be hanging around in the background being like hey mid chat i'll have a look see how you all doing but in the meantime thank you for joining me for bug snacks for this very chill stream um thank you so much for your kind donations and oh wow well i hope let's hope let's hope that this isn't okay let's just hope anyway thank you so much for joining go over to outside xbox right now uh outside xbox slash live so forward slash outside xbox forward slash live and you'll get there right away um and yeah sorry i'm just like i'm just like what what is this what is this this is wild see you everyone outside xbox go now oh hang on what do we say what do we say [Music] what are you flutter jam any bugs choose a bug snack of your of your kind flatter gem is the one i think but feel free to go with bunga bunga bunga bunga bye everyone bye [Music] um [Music] now [Music] bye [Music] you
Channel: Outside Xtra
Views: 45,731
Rating: 4.9659038 out of 5
Keywords: Ellen Rose, Luke Westaway, Outside Xtra, bugsnax, bug snacks, playstation 5, ps5, playstation5
Id: lfVXowodB5Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 121min 46sec (7306 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 27 2021
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