Andrew Tate: Why I'm Anti Drugs

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I don't take drugs at this point I stopped drinking had you ever taken drugs never in my life I've never tried a drug in my life never even tried weed never no I know some idiot is going to sit and say caffeine and nicotine are drugs correct technically but I've never tried any illegal substance in my life never tried steroids none of them so I've never tried drugs I've always been no test nothing I've always been firmly anti-drugs maybe it was I it's a good question maybe it was the DARE officer I don't know what it is but I don't know I've always been super anti-drugs I just felt like if I tried the drug and I like it I now want the drug which has to be bad for my life right and if I try the drug and I don't like it I'll wish I never tried the drug so why Try it so I just never tried it plus I was a professional athlete for so long and when you get to a certain age having never done drugs I got to 31 or 32 and i' retired and i' never tried drugs do I really need to start now plus some of the some of the drugs speaking as somebody who's a complete Layman to these things I don't know drugs but some of the drugs look semi- appealing but some of them really don't like cocaine I look at and I think okay if that gives you confidence and makes you feel hyper and happy I can understand why that's attractive but everyone I know who's ever done cocaine acted like an idiot and I didn't want to be an idiot so I've never been tempted by cocaine MH and then MDMA or whatever these other ones are ketamin or whatever MH you just lose your mind and jump up and down and sweat a bunch that doesn't look fun to me either right weed is the least appealing of all because people say oh but it's only weed but why would you want a drug that makes you just want to sit and watch TV and eat food I could do that without drugs I could be a lazy idiot without drugs just fine I mean magic mushrooms okay I think anyone with a brain would sit and go the idea of taking a mushroom and the whole room changing would be kind of cool but I still refuse to do it but the drugs that most people take I don't even understand why they take them most people have such terrible choice in life such terrible choices that even the drugs they choose to use are crap I I don't get it magic mushrooms enter an alternate reality fine but to smoke weed just to eat popey's delivery and watch TV I do not understand
Channel: UseYourBrain
Views: 65,751
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: Soa54BnvAQM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 2min 21sec (141 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 27 2024
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