"You F*cking Racist" - Bassem Youssef's HEATED Debate Over Israel vs Palestine

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actually think you're a smart guy actually think you know your stuff you're just so fixated that Israel's the problem the problem in the Middle East like I said follow the money the countries that are succeeding the qataris even the Saudis these days they're coming into the modern world they're leaving the the sixth Century mentality behind and say let's get into the 21st century where where they need to succeed in whether it's Gaza or whether it's Lebanon or whether it's Syria and whether Afghanistan they need to focus on GDP not gdt gross domestic product not gross domestic terrorism and the problem is they're obsessed put the guns down put the Quran down actually start living by the words that the Quran says not some false uh equivalent of what they think is actually going on there you talk about the genocide in Israel or in Gaza as if it's just a matter of fact well let me let me let me show some stats for you because after you see these stats Israel's the worst genocide ever the numbers the according to the world data if you trust data between 1990 and 2022 the Palestinian population overall went from 2 million to 5 million okay pretty bad at genocide if that's what's happening right there in Gaza it went from 645,000 to 2.1 million it's 3x that ain't genocide to me now to 20,000 people 30,000 people needlessly killed during this [ __ ] war that was started by Hamas is that horrible 1 million per and any Jew or any Israeli give me that number again 600,000 to what 645,000 to 2.1 million from one from from one to this is in 1990 to 2022 do you know why they increased cuz they're having babies like crazy no you see this is how in how how like when you watch data while being uninformed makes me look makes you look very stupid tell me why tell me how the tell me how the population has gone from 2 million to 5 million yeah because most of the 1.5 extra million didn't come from Gaza they were pushed away from other parts of Israel so most of these people they have increased because of refugees being if you're talking about the settlers those are tens of thousands Stop Those aren millions of people D dud listen my wife family is not from Gaza and yet they found themselves in Gaza because they were sitting in other other cities and Villages outside Gaza this is the systemic pushing of people from other parts of Israel pushing them that's not millions of people this is why I said that you're intellectually dishonest we're intellectually lazy that's not the cause of millions of people being mov with the settler stuff and the disengagement know what you're talking about these are people millions of people okay the people who belong to Gaza are 700,000 people right now Gaza is 2.2 million that is not birth rate my friend these are people pushed from and by the way that's not the first time 1948 at the night of the Declaration of the state of Israel 1.5 million 1.5 million Palestinians were like moved overnight so it's not the first thing so before you tell giving me numbers to you want to appear smart know what are behind the numbers because these are not people that g in babies these are people being pushed from other places in order to be part of the open air prison that it is okay so then so it's so if you want to fact check me let me fact check you anytime that there's numbers increasing bosev going from 650 450 whatever you want to call it to 2 million however it happens that's the exact opposite of a genocide so the genocide the whole open air prison are talking points are talking points of BS and this is why I said you're intellectually lazy or you just hate isra basically just you dis this whole thing about you hate Israel and hate Islam this is a very lazy way to talk to people kind of like kind of like your thing what what did I tell you that is so lazy what did I tell you like you're [ __ ] racist because I'm you've already said that multiple times you said that multiple undertone is racist so not not me but what's going on inside of me some and some like you the way that you analyze numbers is very lazy because again really when I actually use stats and data from the most credible sources that's these are numbers that were outside of no stats you give a [ __ ] whole that California has increased triple or like people in Texas increased because of birth rate no they increased because people from California started moving voluntarily you have pushed 1.5 million people outside of Gaza inside of Gaza in a matter of 12 years and that's why the number has inflated it's not because they were giving birth rate gen they were evacu where this alleged genocide that's happening right now under your eyes so as of as of three months ago there was no genocide so it's just a new thing well we didn't actually use the word genocide before 3 months ago okay but you've been calling for the river for the sea we didn't use it for decades well well also also Israel have a lot of maps that is putting in the greater Israel from the island the eates that's that a genocide for five countries there and this is not by people in the street or people YouTube these are min ministers these are officials in the official government of Netanyahu if you have someone an Arab pres like the Egyptian president or the Jordanian King tells you from the river and the Sea it's like oh it's the Arab authorities you are basically complaining people on Facebook and the official uh view point of the Israeli government you're basically comparing apples to oranges it doesn't make any sense you're basically comparing activists with people with power with money and with weapons so I don't know how come you're comparing so what's your solution cuz you got all these answers and we have no Solutions what's your solution Justice stop killing people and and give them back their land that's it okay and giving them back the land that it's going to be a much more complicating thing who's going to lead your negotiations Mahmud abas 88 years old I have no idea man I have no idea that's the point is you don't have an idea well I'm I'm when I say I have no idea I'm being humble because there's a million people who can do it but like I'm not a politicians I'm a comedian I come here to tell some of my opinions but the thing is you want to put me and and you use that and you give me I'm sorry to say butchered political information and number that doesn't say St are really butchered political but but it's interesting how you have all the solutions for Israel but you have no solutions for Gaza or Hamas very interesting very interesting how you can critique everything that's going on in Israel yes they do have some things they need to rectify just like the United States just like any democracy you've got all the answers there boss when I said what do they do over here in Gaza what do they do I have no idea I'm just a comedian don't listen to me so which one is it you either know your [ __ ] or you're actually so what was question what's the solution for is the land for Gaza how about you stop the killing and then we can Okay so let's say we do that so I I here's what I believe why need I think we need to demil demilitarize Gaza we need to Der radicalize because they're the leading how we going to D der how you do that well maybe let's stop let's stop Summer Schools where they teach about Jihad and they start playing football and how about the religious schools in Israel that actually tell people that we should kill all Arabs and these videos you know all those Jews that are running around bombing everywhere around the world no it doesn't [ __ ] exist it's only in Islam really but what about the Jews killing the Palestinians inside I'm talking about around the world if I said there was we're bad people oh we're bad people take us out that's what I'm saying no no no we're very a terrorist religion we are a terrorist religion take us out you said it your let's do it you said it do yeah let's do it I mean like this is like you have you have a really interesting outlook for people who look like me you look at me and I'm Muslim and you could you have all of these assumptions about me being a terrorist while is is not a terrorist said the difference between they go on on like some groups and they kill and they do shitty stuff but you have like a whole country with a whole military Arsenal who is committing terrorism every single day backed up by there there's Israel talking Israel talk talk I'm that's my opinion that's my opinion totally that's my opinion totally cool it's all good but you're trying to tell me that Islam doesn't have a terrorist problem Islam Muslims have a terrorist problem correct it's like when you say Islam has a Muslim problem when you say judism has a Muslim problem all right a lot of Muslims are [ __ ] and they're doing horrible stuff and I I do not feel the need to defend those people because those people don't represent me the thing is if Jews were running around all over the world blowing themselves up as suicide bombers as a Jew I'd be like guys what the [ __ ] are we doing here what are we doing here this is accomplishing nothing but here's the the reality Jews aren't doing that and Christians AR doing that Jews are not let me ask you they're not doing that in Gaza they're not doing that in the everything you talk about is Gaza you're so obsessed with this one topic I'm trying to because my family lives there but my family's in Israel really so only your family counts my family doesn't count no no no okay but like did your family are like Liv in an open air prison and being killed every day the open air prison the genocide get you see how you new talking only Israel left in 200 it didn't leave it left and it put it under Block it's called the disengage why do they have a blockade maybe because they're shooting missiles hundreds of times a day yeah I pretty country in a blockade if they were shooting Miss cut from a cut them from the sea cut them from the water and like okay go live how do you do that let's move on from Israel cuz I know you're hyper obsessed with it why I'm not hyper obsessed you keep asking me about Israel no I ask you about the world and I'm asking you about Christianity and Muslims and Judaism you want to focus on Israel why can Muslims move to any Christian country they want but Christians and Jews can move to zero Muslim countries why is that what about Dubai what about what about all of these countri what what are you talking about you mean the you just mentioning Qatar and Dubai and all there like of exps leing there so the middle this is my point and I'm glad you're catching on yeah that I'm not racist I'm I'm pointing out well there are Christian countries who like like [ __ ] I wouldn't lose that because of the economy I'm pointing out that in certain Muslim countries they're getting it right or at least attempting to good for them okay yeah yes good for them good for Qatar good for UAE good for Saudi and what MBs is doing good for them they example of what could be done Gaza if they took the billions of government of of international Aid could be Dubai but they decided to make a terror state so the question that I'm asking is you are you saying that there's so many money coming in and just like Hamas used it in order to make weapons there's people of Hamas who are literal billionaires Living in Qatar flying around on private jets how do you explain that they're horrible people and I don't condone them all right I'm talking about the millions of people Gaz but all horrible people Hamas let's not not talking about that we'll move on but Israel let's let let me let me give you a dissertation you you you have I'm trying to give you you're just like shouting over me make because every time I'm talking you are basically going around all of the stuff that's happening with Muslim people that is bad and then you Bas what you're doing is you are under toning you are trying to find an excuse to keep that killing and Gaza continue because because Muslims are bad Muslims are terrorists Muslims are poor so let's just like kill those people in Gaza this exactly intellectually lazy it's it's comical because I'm not even talking about Gaza you keep insulting me like you are a you are a [ __ ] racist you know like you how would you said that's racist I'm saying everything that you say about racist the way that you speak about Muslims that we are terrorists and we are horrible people basically you're telling people that we deserve to to die and Israel has everything to do in order to kill those people so anyways if zero of those words hopefully you were putting all those words in my mouth cousin who's a doctor get killed tomorrow I'm going to send you a postard so if my actual cousin gets killed in Israel that's okay they will not because you know what they are safe because he's not living in an open air prison oh why are they safe maybe because they have the Israeli Defense Force the Iron Dome that stops all the missil they don't have that yeah maybe you should have built that instead ofel with what with all the billions of foreign aid that what what billion foreign aid are you the these how much Mone money does Iran give how much money does Qatar how muchal trickled through Israel you understand that Israel is actually your argument holds no weight cuz all you're doing is defending Hamas zero argument I'm the last one to defend Hamas by the way and I've actually said the terrorist group and I don't be and I'm big fan of Hamas but I'm just giving you some fact every single money that goes into Gaza go through Israel as a matter of fact Biden has a big problem with Netanyahu because he's withholding the tax money that paid by the Palestinian people to the Palestinian Authority and M is holding it back have you heard about that have you read about that just two days ago if you're reading your stuff you don't but the thing is Netanyahu is holding back the tax money from the Palestinian in West Bank and he's not giving him so funny man you're so funny all you're saying you're saying all the money that's going to Hamas is coming through Israel sure filtered through Israel sure all the money through Israel all the money from Iran going right through Israel sure that's all the money from by n 2019 the L party telling them that he is actually over overlooking the amount of money coming from Qatar and he is doing that in order to split the the Palestinian Authority listen to me I'm familiar with this I'm not disagreeing how about you how about you listen educate yourself about that I'm not disagreeing that Netanyahu has done some [ __ ] up things oh here it is here it is oh my God here it is Biden is in frustrating called told BB to solve Palestinian tax revenue issue because Israel is who was holding the taxes you understand every single money transac argument right there every no that's part of the argument every single money transaction whether it's taxes whether AIDS has to go through the Israeli government so all the money that Iran is funding Hamas you're saying that goes through Israel is that what you're saying through Qatar through Israel okay that's so false it's so flagrantly false I want you to educate yourself more okay I will I'll go read up on this but if you mean to tell me that Israel is intercepting the money that Iran is sending to Hamas and says yeah we'll send it to you guys believe me they're not doing way read the transcrip it's 11:15 we're going to wrap up here's what I will say um uh I'm I'm going to be very honest with both of you guys I mean I'm I've been listening to both of you guys and I love this I love this let me tell you why the average American right now is sitting there there's a group that agrees with you there's a group that agrees with you regardless of what it is a lot was said and it was actually pretty educated discussion for me I'm normally not this quiet I love the fact that I heard this conversation I loved it so if you like this clip and you want to watch another one click right here and if you want to watch the entire podcast click right here [Music]
Channel: Valuetainment
Views: 2,317,724
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Entrepreneur, Entrepreneurs, Entrepreneurship, Entrepreneur Motivation, Entrepreneur Advice, Startup Entrepreneurs, Patrick Bet-David, PBD, Valuetainment podcast, PBD podcast, Patrick Bet-David Podcast, Valuetainment, Podcast Patrick, Patrick Bet David, The PBD Podcast, Valuetainment Media, Bassem Youssef, Bassem, Youssef, Dr. Bassem Youssef, Politics, Satire, Israel, Palestine, Israel vs Palestine, Gaza, War, Middle East, Israeli, IDF, Israeli Defense Force, Hamas, Taliban, ISIS
Id: LHcg2u1AYag
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 32sec (872 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 12 2024
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