Building a Disruptive Garage Door Brand with Dan Antonelli at IDA Expo Vegas

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here's Cody's brand oh my God it's um how much time do we have to talk about this [Music] [Applause] um um first of off just thank you so much for everyone showing up here today um I know you could have gone to Magic mic but I'm just glad that you guys decided to come here instead I'll be at Magic miks later if you guys want to hang out like it'll be a good time um so a lot of people come to my seminars and they leave sometimes feeling a little um dejected they feel maybe like I've maybe targeted them they feel maybe triggered um so if that happens during here it's not unusual but it's not my intent my intent is to really just try to teach you as much as I know about this topic to really try to help you build a brand and help you better understand how to leverage a brand in your market so um obviously you heard a little bit about me um we have about 35 employees right now we've done I think at this point it's a little over 2500 Home Service Brands this year we'll probably do about 250 Home Service Brands you probably know some of the Home Service Brands we've done some of the bigger companies like A1 Garage we've done um ghetto in Phoenix and in Las Vegas and um you know the great thing about what we get to do is because of people like you I essentially and my team get to live our w why and basically the biggest thing that we have that I love about what we do is we get to change lives with the work that we do and we consider that responsibility sacred it's a really important thing to be playing with the livelihood of people um and their businesses through their brands and it's something that we considered really sacred and that responsibility is enormous um I also like to just talk and just express my gratitude that I'm standing here today before you I I am a heart surgery Survivor I had open heart surgery about three and a half years ago or 1163 days ago and I try to remember that number every day and just Express gratitude for the fact that I'm standing here today and then I got a second chance to live and to live my why so thank you for the opportunity to speak to you guys today and I'm super grateful to be here to be able to talk about this so we're going to talk a lot about obviously branding um and we're going to give you a lot of examples of work that we've done before and afters and just try to have you think about the psychology behind branding try to think about how it is you can create a brand in your community that disrupts and how to make you less relling on some other marketing channels that are quite expensive so looking at this really quick and going back and forth this is essentially what is happening in the communities that you're servicing and the messages that the consumers that you're you're targeting are receiving so what are you doing for your brand to make it memorable one of these Brands looks different than all the rest there's something different about one of these Brands and if you look at the way this one brand sits at a supply house you'll notice that this one is obviously very different than all the others and this is essentially what is happening out in the streets today so we're going to talk a lot about how we build this brand that is actually disruptive that people remember does anyone know what this sickness is called what do we call that white white van syndrome we call that okay there's a it's it's really awful you know about it Cody yeah we have an example of Cody's white van syndrome um so the this is the thing that we're trying to avoid we're trying to use your vehicle as a mechanism to be disruptive in your community so that you don't blend in so the whole notion of what we do when building Brands is the idea of renting space in people's minds okay that's the you know you want to distill branding into one of its simplistic ideas that's one of the most important ideal regarding branding is living in people's minds because the idea is I want them to think about you when they need service I want them to remember your name okay and again weak branding certainly inspires no one there is one organization that loves weak branding who can tell me who it is Google thank you who said Google by the way did all right you you went a copy of this book by the way it's it's an amazing book that I wrote there um so Google loves you when no one knows who you are when they have to go in and type in garage door repair near me or garage door repair Sacramento California and you have to pay them to put your name in front of the people that are trying to find you and that's what we're trying to avoid that's what great brands do is they rely Less on this paid advertising and they rely more on people just remembering you so what can we do to be more rememberable keep in mind that our ideal target audience is a woman okay and unfortunately she probably has no idea who you are what have we done to make your brand memorable to her certainly Google loves it when they don't know your name because they make a ton of money off of you this stat is really scary when you think about it but essentially 84% of the people who are trying to search for a home service contractor do not know the name of that contractor before they go on Google that's a lot of missed opportunities again what if they knew your name before they were searching okay what would that mean how much less would you need to spend on your marketing so like I said to you when it comes to Home Service decisions 80% are made by women okay so Brandy 101 number one women rule above all else you know if we're guys we know that okay we'll see at Magic mics later um so win on the streets and we can win on Google and that's Again leveraging The Impressions that your vehicle makes leveraging the opportunities at community events some of that Grassroots stuff we spend so much money because sometimes it's easier to just to throw money at Google instead of doing the leg work to become visible within our community okay so just showing like a brand that we launched for a company called rocks Roofing so instead of avoiding we're using that stereotypical kind of clip art roof logo for a roofing company we developed this brand like a rockstar and look at the stats as far as how much increase they had over here in terms of the organic traffic that came from branded keyword searches this is another company that we rebranded and look at the spike that happened immediately subsequent to the Rebrand in terms of inbound traffic literally like a day after launching their new brand and this one is really impressive because this is 1,500 branded keyword searches in the month of July for ber heating and air conditioning or air conditioning actually okay what would you pay for $15 00 leads directly to your website in a month if you were paying them to LSA what's the average like what do most people pay 50 $60 a lead maybe so it's like $100,000 worth of leads delivered just from their vehicles alone okay so I love pretty things I love creating pretty logos pretty Brands pretty truck ws and all that stuff is great the end of the day who cares if it doesn't deliver results so the most important thing is the data behind the pretty Brands and the pretty logos so we have a digital marketing company that we work with and they've done about 50 they've done over 50 but I asked them to compare 25 brands that we had created that they had designed the websites for versus 25 brands that we did not create the logos for I said what what does the data show us about this concept of becoming sticky within the communities that we serve and it was really interesting so they averaged out the 25 brand versus non-brand and on average it's almost 10x the number of branded keyword searches that are happening for the companies with better Brands so again will would you pay for 10 times the amount of inbound traffic coming to your website via branded keyword sentes which are very intentional keywords they convert better so then I said to well what's the conversion rate on those those same inbound leads and the Branded companies are converting basically double the non-branded companies so you extrapolate that and it's almost 50 or 60 leads more a month coming in VIA that mechanism so we know what's happening is they see the brand in the community they're remembering it they're assigning a promise to it meaning I believe something positive about the experience I might get if I actually chose to hire them therefore the conversion rates are going to be higher because they hit the website oh my God I've seen that truck in my neighbor's yard I've seen that truck all over my town that's establishing the notion that they're credible reliable they're in the community that I serve and that's also helping with the conversions so you also look at branding as what is the promise I would say most of you that are here are here because you're trying to better your business you're probably doing all the things that are normal for Best Practices right so you're practicing best practices you guys probably ring the doorbell and you guys kill it you provide an amazing service if Mrs Jones saw your truck and knew nothing else about you would she think that you guys would kill it or does it have to happen after she experiences it I'm trying to control what happens before she gets there okay so thinking about branding in terms of how critical it is to get the logo done properly so I have this thing that we developed I talk about it in my book called The Brand wheel okay within the center of that wheel is your logo if you don't get that piece right then nothing around that wheel is going to function properly okay and by the way I see some guys taken pictures of this the entire presentation I have a QR code at the end you could download the entire thing okay so I mean you can still take pictures if you want but just FYI the whole thing you guys can can download so if you don't get that logo right that wheel will not turn as well so if it's not going to turn as well what does it need then it needs more money to make a turn the notion is is how do we build an effective brand that will allow us to spend less money on marketing so again without a good brand without a good logo the ROI and all your marketing is going to be compromised so if you think about this notion have any anyone else heard the term Five Mile famous so it's this idea that if everyone 5 miles around where your home base was knew who you were you wouldn't need to go well beyond that five miles because there would be enough business for you if everyone in that Community knew who you were so that's essentially the goal of what we're trying to do when you build a disruptive brand so again your truck wraps your sight signs and billboards attending home shows social media those are all things that you're doing to try to make sure that the people within that F mile radius is know who you are but they're only going to work better with a better brand so even just thinking about the notion of you know investing in a logo investing in a brand it's not cheap to have it done correctly but the most expensive logo you'll ever buy is one that you pay the least for and why is that what does that mean because weak brands are going to translate into all these other things going to translate into lower average tickets lower booking and close rates your marketing spend is going to be high we hear people talking about their marketing spends and they're like well you need to spend 10% to grow well I can tell you that there's a lot of clients of ours that are spending 5% that are growing so fast so sometimes I hear people say 10% to grow and then I look at their branding and now I know why they're spending 10% because they don't have a brand that's really functioning properly that wheel is not turning properly because they don't have a great brand think about the recruitment costs jod Underhill here you know he can talk and he probably talked this morning and I'm sorry I missed your class but I've heard you talk and your team talk about the effect of branding on recruitment when people say I can't find anyone to work for me well sometimes it doesn't look like a company that people want to work for right so fixing that problem um will will also you know is so important to make it look like a place that people want to work you're going to save money on recruitment costs and again it translates into culture okay the great Roy Williams if anyone has read any of Roy Williams book it's great books he's from The Wizard of ads and he came up with this quote overspending on Advertising is a tax businesses spend for being unremarkable and that really in a nutshell distills the problem with poor branding everything you're trying to do is become remarkable in your communities okay so again the weaker the brand the more money you're going to spend on marketing it so you could look at this and you may see logos that look similar to your own logo right here there is one logo on here that doesn't really look the same as the other ones it's just slightly different it's a chameleon by the way if you didn't pick that up um this is the original brand for Nathan he's somewhere in here there he is he's trying to hide he's like being a chameleon over there um functional right I know what they do why would Mrs Jones remember that is there any reason that she would remember having seen that and becoming memorable like oh my God I saw that amazing Pro garage door van like and it's stuck in my mind no like that never happened it's never happened right Nathan um but this one I'm pretty sure she might remember seeing this right and one of the interesting things that Nathan said to me is he said you know we've had these customers that think we just moved here and we've been here for years and and they never knew we existed because we had that white van syndrome happening we had that white van that Blended in no one remembered us it's pretty hard to ignore this branding very unique very disruptive this is another example of a roofing company that we did The Branding for why would anyone ever really remember this the colors are awful the logo is awful it's not maximized and we changed it and we used colors that could be unique ownable memorable and we introduced the tagline consider it done with months to help them Aid in Remembering it okay that's the whole point of everything we're trying to do again renting space in their mind and you could see the way the colors are used again the idea of being Five Mile Fame is just doing simple things like sight signs putting them out while you guys are working in addition to having a a a really disruptive truck W sitting on the driveway and you can see the way all these trucks look pretty hard to ignore this brand and that Community but more importantly again look at the numbers look at the direct searches that happen afterwards okay it's a lot of money that would have been spent to get that same amount of traffic and this is the revenue increase since the Rebrand happened and we did it in March and you could see what the numbers did is for a roofing company just outside of Philly naming one of the most important parts in my book it's the biggest chapter it's one of the things that so many get wrong literally from the day that they start their company is they name their company wrong okay the worst names for home service and I'm going to probably upset some people um initial based Brands you know JP garage Services why would Mrs Jones remember JP garage Services versus Jolly goat garage or something like that last name brands also really really hard to become sticky really hard to assign a promise to it okay there's probably a lot of people who who in here has a last name brand nobody it's got they're afraid to yeah that's fine um so but why is that hard well I need to experience what that's like in order for me to form an impression of what that last name brand would signify to me conversely wouldn't it be better if I can control or at least attempt to control what Mrs Jones thinks about the experience before she even interacts with my company wouldn't that be better so a lot of companies start that process needing to spend so much money to overcome those initial obstacles okay this is a company we Rebrand garage door Solutions okay so I know that they do garage door solutions that sounds much more like a search term on Google than an actual brand name right so this is the Rebrand for Jolly goat and Jeff's here there's Jeff like Jeff gets goats and brings them to his home service events do you know know what kind of magnet a goat is to Mrs Jones and her kids that don't want to be at the home store but she dragged them over there and like Jeff you said like they just swarm up and they want to pet the goat isn't that a lot more memorable than this like why would Mrs Jones connect with this on any level okay this is another company we did The Branding for Rebrand called garage door repair company which say well that's that's a good name like I can tell what they do well that is also another Google search term so now you're fighting with everyone else that's trying to be number one for garage door repair company and that's the actual name of your brand okay so we renamed them rise and shine and we created this rooster and look at the revenue numbers on this they went up from 3.3 to 4.7 44% increase and they've really embraced it like they've taken to a whole other level like when I came up with this logo I'm like really you guys are going to dress up like roosters all right but you know they have videos go to their Tik Tok Channel if you want to watch some funny stuff but oh my God is it memorable do people remember them they show up with a with a a van that's branded like this and people do not forget them okay so keep in mind too that the brand is also the things that they talk about to their neighbors what is that experience like everything that your technicians are doing when they're interacting with their home owner is helping them also to form an impression of your brand okay the idea is is controlling those first impressions okay there's a song I'm going to date myself um Suicidal Tendencies anyone Jake is probably a fan yeah I do that um there's a song that they have called their it's it's called subliminal and the the the chorus goes they're effing with me subliminally I'm basically doing the same thing okay maybe that's not politically correct to say but essentially that's what we're trying to do is we're trying to make them believe something about the experience before they actually get to hire you so Eminem garage doors rolls up the driveway what does Mrs Jones think that she's going to get from that experience do you think he's going to get a higher average ticket with a van like that or is he going to get a higher average ticket with a van like this it's the same company same processes same technicians but which one feels like a company that delivers a premium service so that's the thing match ing the brand with the amazing service that you all provide and if the brand isn't communicating that promise then you're going to have a much hard harder time increasing your average tickets your booking rates are going to be low lower your close rates things like that same thing here cooler garage I couldn't find a better picture of their old brand and one of them is here I think anyway um versus this one looks super high-end and one looks you know middle of the road kind of kind of thing so when we talk about average tickets so many things that go into a consumer believing that there's a reason why they should pay you more for your service but a lot of it is being delivered to her before you even get to ring the doorbell all those Impressions that we're making out on the street are signifying to her what that experience might look like okay so the brand doesn't make people believe there's a reason why to spend more with you then your close rates are going to be down you're going to have to lower your price because you're not able to convince them that there's a reason to pay a premium for your service so again who looks more professional the magnetic sign look like this guy might be out of business next week he's here somewhere too there he is he's in the back he's hiding or or this one which one is more memorable and just case in point on this prior brand 500 to 800 on his average tickets and the Rebrand 1,200 to 2300 and with that contributed Topline Revenue a Topline profit another brand that we did I know there a couple of these guys here yep so functionally this isn't an awful brand it's actually a really cool brand like I love this logo when they came to us and said hey we want to redesign this I was like well there's aspects of this that I really actually like and I think we can work with but did we maximize the canvas it's a huge canvas we got a little small logo on the door right versus this okay and we changed the colors too why did we change the colors from black and red to brown and ivory and red because I wanted the brand to appeal to women more I wanted to be less masculine okay so even just thinking about how colors and how colors affect psychology and again Revenue numbers up 150% in 18 months average tickets up 230% which is huge and then look at the traffic that was happening I was inbound search traffic okay another company we did branding for another white van syndrome here air source America which would be a great name for a heating and air conditioning company um or actually an oxygen supply company I should say um but the owner's last name was bu I don't know this is the exception to the last name brand rule um bu how do we miss this one so we renamed them buer and this is the beauty of this one and I love this one this example average tickets 6,100 to 13,000 um Revenue up to18 million in 5 years with less than 5% ad spend so again how did that happen well, 1500 branded keyword searches in Ju is certainly helping an awful lot everyone within the community knowing that name Bueller stay cooler with buer is helping an awful lot but do you think that would ever have happened with this why would Mrs Jones ever remember this brand name why because it's got the red and blue arrows for heating and air conditioning woohoo red and blue arrows never seen that before right so um another one just just showing that wheel and how every piece of that wheel is on brand so no matter where that homeowner is communicating with that brand it's communicating that promise that expectation of Excellence okay so again like I said better Brands mean better booking and close rates um grasshopper is a company that we rebranded she has a 93% booking rate well well why is the booking rate so high she has amazing amazing csrs I don't want to take anything away from the csrs that answer her phones but I will say this that the people that are calling already have an expectation of what the experience is going to be like they've seen the vans in the community they're active in the community they know that this is a solid company and that's why the booking rate is so high and again too like we said the longer you wait to build a better brand the more expensive it's going to be it's going to be more expensive for your marketing it's going to be more expensive for Recruitment and all those other things that go along with it so why do I love the opportunity to build better brand because in most communities there aren't a lot of great Brands so being remarkable is actually easy in a lot of different communities because most people don't embrace it you think about how many white Vans are in your communities right now what if you had the only brand that people remembered then it would be a lot easier to be disruptive so thinking about the notion to that a comfort zone is a beautiful place but nothing ever grows there so that really is something that has to do with branding as well and I get the notion that whatever you have today has taken you here to what you are right and I get the notion that it's comfortable to you but is it represent does it represent who you've become today if people looked at your brand can they judge and think that they're going to get this amazing service that you deliver today or is it that same brand that you started 10 years ago you know you had a bootstrap it then you've kind of kept growing and growing but but it doesn't really match what you guys actually do today so just think about that right what got you here probably won't get you there and some really famous guy said this saying here success in spite of a poor brand is not a valid reason to perpetuate who knows who said that me yeah I said it just just want to make sure you got that so Tommy Melo came to us about 3 years ago and he was at $32 million in Revenue at the time and he said this this isn't really good Dan is it and I said no Tommy it's it's not very good um but by all benchmarks you would say the dude's at $32 million in Revenue like you're going to throw away the branding that got him to $32 million in Revenue that that's that's ballsy I mean it's a little scary right but he knew that what he had wasn't going to take him to where he wanted to go and so we rebranded him with this and again some color changes were done very deliberate why did we pick red Ivory and the brown color again trying to soften the brand his prior brand was red and black with a really weird ponac car in that logo I don't know why Tommy had a Pontiac there but in any event very difficult to even figure out what was happening on this truck rep with the use of Photography okay another brand has the classic problems of having too much content on there so again like this may upset some people if they have this on their truck but things like service sales installation like if you have that on your truck like please take it off next time like you don't need it it's obvious that you do sales service and installation Mrs Jones is not choosing you because it says sales service installation on the side of your truck okay so which company looks like a company that can get higher average ticket and this one the phone number is the most important thing again another thing May trigger some people if your phone number is the most important thing on your van you're doing it wrong like just change that it shouldn't be the bigger the bigger the phone number the weaker the brand okay so another company this is a $42 million company when we rebranded them and they're up $16 million in a year since we rebranded them and this is a smaller company again with that sales service installation thing um rebranded them more unique colors Revenue up install average is up close rates up and net profit is up here's Cody's brand oh my god um all right well it's um how much time do we have to talk about this um yeah so this is not good but we we fixed them all up we got them we got them a little bit better uh with this average tickets up 60% um from 4 million to 12 million in two years and more importantly net profit 500 to three and a half U million one year so awesome job there I mean but again a really good example and not to sort of be painfully obvious about it but doesn't really speak about promise so when is it time to Rebrand like I mentioned earlier does the service that you provide today match the deliverable right is it actually look as good as what you do when you walk in the home is the color scheme that you use unique in your community can you own your own colors or are there 10 other companies that have the same exact colors that you have if so it's going to be really difficult for people to remember your unique colors in comparison to your competitors um certainly if your if your marketing spend is a coaching 10% that's typically an indication that there may be something else at play that's causing you or or making you rely on having such a high marketing spend um and certainly there's a lot of ego involved and I totally understand that and I get that you know I always I say in my book that you know brands are like a warm blanket to their owner you know they're so comfortable with it they've been using it for so long they say oh my God it's been working so well why would I ever change it so just give that some thought the other thing to keep in mind is is who are we selling to so in my book I talk a lot about the psychology behind branding okay and the bias that consumers have when dealing with Home Service contractors in general and it sucks that there's this bias against you but that's the reality they're afraid of who's coming to the home they don't trust you they think they might get scammed they have all these things going through their minds so what are we doing to diffuse that bias what are we making them feel about the brand and your company before before you even get to ring their doorbell okay so you see a lot of Brands like this you know literally this guy's coming to your house right it's gonna beat the crap out of you if you don't pay and this is what a lot of guys do like they put Brands like this out there and they forget that the audience is a woman do you think she's super stoked that this dude's coming to her house and I know that it's not the real dude that's coming to the house but he like somebody like that she may think well maybe they're all big muscled guys and I'm going to be alone and I don't want this guy coming so what do we do to diffuse that think about something like this instead right right cool Willies Co Willies is coming over man like I'm stoked right he's not going to rip me off he's cute right and the old brand is on the bottom we renamed them they used to be called Williamson with the the famous sun and snowflake logo you know I don't know why anyone would ever remember that brand and that's why we changed it but Revenue numbers almost doubled in in one year and more importantly they sold so many more memberships you think about you guys trying to sell membership agreement plans to your customers well what reason does Mrs Jones have to sign up for a membership agreement plan do we give her a reason to think there's a value in what you provide that's the other piece of it right and this is just a great example of the notion of being sticky for this company so this is a a coffee shop right in the heart of where they service and they made a Facebook post about their trucks and they said we haven't used Superior Comfort but every time I see their trucks all around down river I smile it's the cutest logo soothing color scheme whoever created that logo was a genius thank you um I see Superior Comfort all all down river so do you think when she's ready for service she's typing into Google Heating Repair down river or is she typing in Superior Comfort because it got stuck in her mind because she already has this impression of what that experience is going to look like so the other thing too is don't mistake VIs ability with delivering brand promise okay you could make your trucks you know pink with polka dots and everyone would say that they see your trucks all over but the other thing to consider is is what is the promise being told okay so even looking at this when we did this brand and they said everyone sees my trucks all over and then we changed it to something that at least was delivering that promise that was more memorable in 5 and 1 half to 9 and 1 half in the two years on a 4 and a half ad space spend okay again that's the beauty of it is that lowered ad spend this is another company where literally everyone said we see your trucks all over really like probably but does anyone know the name of this company like that's a real question by the way you can answer at any time no it's it's it's right here it's Jay's HVAC unlimited LLC by the way if you have LLC in your logo it's not not a good thing either by the way so in any um we rebranded them to this made it more memorable easier to read okay and this is their actual truck on on the road delivering prom is while being memorable it disrupts with that color scheme okay so thinking about colors is so important for your business I want you to think about if you went back after this event and you literally printed out your top five competitors and put them on a board where does your brand live within that does it have the same colors as everyone else in your community so if so why would anyone remember it unique to you so think about that so I try to say avoid red white and blue you say well Dan you're not patriotic then well it's hard to be hard to own red white and blue when there's Americana that's why I don't like red white blue I love this country but I wouldn't want to Brand my company with red white blue because it's just so hard to own it's so hard to see a blue van and every time I see that blue van I think of your company only right so think about colors that are a little bit more unique avoid those colors try to think more disruptive just a couple of examples of more disruptive color schemes here that you can see that feel different that feel not like stuff that you've seen before here's a really cool one for a company here um that we rebranded another another company too were just using colors and how the colors integrate on all their marketing channels so this is the brochure we did for these guys at pondosa and you can see the van there but these colors are like kind of weird colors right you probably haven't seen together but that's also what makes it more unique more ownable um another company too with that white van syndrome the red white and blue thing 24/7 versus this company hummingbird 100% geared towards women when we rebranded them and renamed them we wanted to be memorable sticky using colors that were more unique um again &m garage doors U feels like a lot more premium brand experience so again like I said talking about even with jod earlier the idea of recruitment you know a lot of you would say that sometimes the hardest part of your job is finding qualified people well think about the message that you give to the people that you're trying to recruit um is it a company that I want to represent do I want to drive that van do I want to put that uniform on a lot goes into their their decision- making and they're judging you as far as do they want to actually represent your brand so again the idea of better Brands mean better culture the same thing too for grasshopper like I mentioned earlier grasshopper is not just a brand that's sticky because I can say the name grasshopper and I could already Envision what that brand will look like but the notion of their tagline is not just a tagline that speaks to the people they're selling to but it's a cultural internal cultural tagline so forward is a way of life that's the culture that they Embrace within their company so we will move forward as a company we will do the right thing for our customers as well and forward is a way of life at grasshopper the original name of that company was PMA mechanical and when Amanda came to me who runs that company wanted me to Rebrand PMA mechanical and I and I told her no I'm not going to do it because it's not going to work it's never going to get you to where you want to go so she was at 100 million in Revenue at the time we rebranded grass rebranded to grasshopper and she's built that company to $13 million in three years which is amazing she's in Albany of all places it's not like a huge economic you know crazy place it's Albany you know nothing against Albany if you got people from Albany but it's not like doing it in some other market so it's pretty remarkable what she's been able to do and this is what it looks like inside of her space so you can see how the The Branding lives and breeds and how they reinforce the core values um and when you walk into this space this does not look like every other HVAC company that you may have been recruiting at or trying to get a job at you know that this is a different place that this is a special place the other thing I want to talk about too is just the notion of the the enthusiasm that comes along with the Rebrand now there's a lot of companies that come to us and they say damn we you know we want to Rebrand because you know the logo is not great the truck's not great whatever the case may be and then they go through the process and then afterwards it's like a light switch gets turned on and they're so re-engaged with the business they're so enthusiastic about where the business is company going and it's not just them it's the employees because you've signaled to the employees that you're re investing in their future as well so that's something also to just keep in mind is how much is that worth to you how much is that enthusiasm that it brings to your culture worth to you so this is Jake's vehicle and I'm gonna have Jake talk a little bit about it but this exhibits some of the very typical challenges first of all with an initial based brand RW Garage Doors why why why would I remember this what about this is speaking to that promise to Mrs Jones what says to Mrs Jones about what does this say to Mrs Jones does it say oh my God I'm gonna get an amazing experience the thing is is Jake and his team they delivered amazing experiences after they got in the door but when he came to me I said like we we got to change the name like I can't I can't do much with this I can't build a brand that's going to really speak to how amazing your organization is so we changed the name to to right way so we went from RW Garage which has no promise right if I said to you I worked at RW Garage there's no promise but if I say I work at RightWay garage now all of a sudden there's a direct promise and the notion that we will do things the right way and the tagline we developed was get it done the right way now the promise is being delivered not only individuals but in the tagline itself so I wanted Jake this is what the the truck wind up looking like I wanted Jake just to come up for a minute and just talk a little bit about what it's done for Culture tickets because this is a lot of where you guys come from is the notion of that brand not delivering promise and not speaking to the ideal customer that you're trying to sell to so I don't know everyone can hear me um I think it's really cool that dance here that shows you kind of how like the Ida Expo is um evolving I advocated for that D to be here I'm excited everybody that's that's gotten to see the the presentation and I hope everybody's enjoyed it um for me it very simple we want to look cool number one we want to look cool for our employees we want our culture to be built around our brand and for us our W garage doors was you know we've been in business longer than I've been a lot 43 years and when we went to Dan it was really not about building an average ticket it was just about how can we be more are memorable customers and I think for something that really clicked with when D and I were discussing this as he said first of all your name sucks and I said I said a lot nicer than that though like seriously my my my partner's last name's Reed my last name's Walt his old partner had a last name W it worked out it was meant to be he said we can't work with it um I had never thought in the 15 years I've been with RW that RW stands for right way and a customer mentioned it I mentioned it to Dan he's like that's your new name I'm like oh so one thing that really stuck with me and this is a it was the biggest part is I said Dan I don't know how we can undo 40 plus years um RW and he said not only does RightWay speak to your external customers but way more importantly it speaks to your internal customers so when somebody calls you know somebody in operations and says hey I'm doing a spring change um I kind of configured it it's off by 20 lbs you know can I just make it work is that doing it the right way no so now everything is all about getting it done the right way and it's it's really been the base of our culture when it comes to average tickets I think it's not that we're charging more it's not like all of a sudden we just raised our prices because we have cooler looking bands we're more organized our technicians look better it's about now the customer feels more comfortable going with us so now they're picking that top option we have a SE and I hope a lot of you guys have heard about it um I've spoken a lot you know on podcast about value and if you if the value meets or exceeds the price then you have a transaction and what the Brand's really done for us is it set our technicians up and our sales people up to win because as soon as they pull up and the customer goes out and sees that fan you can just tell that all of a sudden this task of you know getting the garage door fixed and worrying if they're going to get ripped off they automatically just feel sens and I think you know moving forward we're only getting better one thing that we really see now is recruitment before we had a thing we would never hire experienced installers never hire experienced technicians a lot of you guys probably have gone through this where you know you can't teach an old dog new tricks now our company is so strong because it's built around our brand and our culture is so strong and we're actually winning with guys from competitors coming over and wanting to work with us and I just keep seeing it every month it just gets better and better our guys are learning to sell better um you know we we use service Titan so we're giving all the options and um I'm just excited we now have there's your numbers too you know so 964 right now if this is in service only we're at 1364 year to day and we have eight technicians um and it's just continuing to go up we have uh four more vans that got delivered um so we'll have 12 we have eight sales Vans we have 15 trucks on the road and we're going to do about 20 million in Revenue this year and wow thanks to this day that's awesome thanks man [Music] [Applause] so here's the QR code to download this presentation um you know you guys have any questions I have some copies of my book out here I don't have enough for everybody in the room but I have about 20 copies if you guys want a copy I guess it's first come first serve kind of thing but you're welcome to a copy um but certainly like even if you never become a kick charge client and you want somebody to just take a look at what you're do and you want you know me to just maybe there's some things that can be fixed there's some things that can be done better on your truck like just hit me up at the end of the day honestly I seriously want everybody in this room to win I want everybody to do as well as they possibly can regardless of whether or not you ever become a customer um a lot of times there's things about what you're doing with the current brand that maybe there's some small tweaks or small improvements that can really dramatically make it more effective so just hit me up anytime and I will do my best best to to help you guys out in any way I can again thank you so much for the opportunity to speak here today in front of you I'm super grateful and uh I hope you guys enjoy this so thank you [Applause] [Music]
Channel: KickCharge Creative
Views: 450
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: branding, home service, contractors
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 45min 17sec (2717 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 30 2024
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