Andrew Tate Explains WHY Pami Broke up w/ Adin Ross

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you haven't done anything of note since I've seen you yeah yeah I me and my girlfriend broke up why did you and your girlfriend break up okay so hear this right we broke up I just feel like it was more of an outgrown type of thing we both wanted different things I'm not gonna lie you know we broke up um and then uh she she made an only fans yesterday we wanted different things what did you want then what did you want that she didn't want me I just wanted to kind of like seclude myself and I wanted to find myself because I'm lost and I wanted to find myself and I feel like I wanted to find myself so you agree with me you are lost you're a lost soul 100 yes I want you to donate a significant portion of money a significant amount of money to charity right now okay how much and what charity about a hundred thousand dollars Andrew let me explain everyone is watching you Aiden you waste your life we've just discussed how you do nothing but hedonistic garbage your entire life so you have all this opportunity at your young age and you're sitting around doing nothing with a thank you you're going to donate 100 000 you're going to donate hundred thousand dollars to an animal shelter because puppies deserve it right now that's actually really sweet what if I'm waiting okay I don't know the legit one like what if they just like steal my money and [ __ ] they don't do anything on the phone oh no let's hope they don't steal your money let's hope they they're more honorable than the drug dealers you fund I don't know you do drugs don't lie no the only thing I do is drink alcohol that's it okay you live in L.A if you live in L.A you're a [ __ ] drug head like everybody else that place is Godless it's a cesspit it's disgusting every single female's [ __ ] twerking on some perk [ __ ] we're taking Adderall or Valium so she can calm down the amount of [ __ ] she's been through it's a [ __ ] [ __ ] there's nobody of any kind of moral substance or Fiber in the entire city you should leave immediately you know this but that's why it attracted you it attracted you because you want the degeneracy because you're a degenerate person you are donating a hundred thousand dollars to a [ __ ] animal charity today fine so pick one I've had enough with your [ __ ] Aiden okay okay where have you been dude like seriously where the [ __ ] have you been why'd the internet do that to you but it's not even fair bro it's it's not it's a pretty good attempt to change something I don't see you on Instagram I don't see you on Tick Tock anymore why they do that to you I'm all over Tick Tock I still take talk okay yes but not as much as I used to see you like what's what happened dude I'm gonna allow you to change subject I want to know that you don't fool me or trick me okay I'm gonna allow him thank you just as long as the internet knows that you're a stingy [ __ ] and you want puppies to die then I'm happy to sit here and change subjects with you so you don't give a [ __ ] about the puppies that's fine Aiden doesn't care he only cares about [ __ ] degenerate [ __ ] La slags doing drugs and all this other garbage if you agree with that then fine let's talk about something else let's talk about something else bro one second dude where the [ __ ] is this guy bro why does he look bro nobody's just having La number oh God this Hat's weird as [ __ ] no no I literally look at you guys all differently bro I swear to God guys are being all weird bro stop dick sucking bro I'm about to run ads all stream and you're gonna [ __ ] suck [ __ ] [ __ ] you guys you guys are being [ __ ] bro why is it daytime where he's at too where the [ __ ] is he bro dude you guys are being weird bro [Music] howdy I missed you thank you very much I appreciate that you got Vigor and you got stronger I am very big and very strong I'm a very big very strong man and also a massive thank you you know what upsets me the most everyone accuses me of being everyone accused me of being on steroids and I'm not and actually annoys me that steroids exist because my Monumental size and power would be respected a lot more if everyone else wasn't on [ __ ] steroids everyone else is on juice besides me I want to do every single drug test on the planet to prove that I am gifted by God a rabbit needs drugs to look like a tiger when God creates a predator he just has natural ability you understand I'm not Logan I don't need to [ __ ] juice yo wait why are you and Logan gonna like each other his time is coming yo yo Andrew yo what are you doing with your laptop what are you doing on your laptop bro it's a deviation what's funny I don't know bro why are you laughing I don't know why are you laughing what are you doing on your laptop you're not very entertaining so I said one second to get my laptop so I could also do my work my important things while talking to you because you're not very entertaining or engaging or smart or intelligent you don't say anything that's very insightful it's very not very often you make me think in fact I can't think of a single time you said a sentence and I've had to sit and contemplate and go wow that's a very interesting articulate unique astute Point never ever once so because I can basically talk to you while I'm asleep I may as well do my work at the same time wow you just really [ __ ] on me I'm just telling you the truth young man not good for you I don't I don't lie to you about anything I want the absolute best for you and for the world I'm a man of God it would be disingenuous for me to sit here and pretend you're interesting funny or cool I have a question you said you said call on Telegram and then you said call I [ __ ] said in all caps why were you like screaming at me through the app because you had exactly one minute left till I decided not to turn off anymore I have things to do obey comply instantly where are you right now I'm in Dubai oh how's that going have you ever been no I need to go though I need to I really want to go there's no drugs in Dubai I know it's a shame I don't do drugs bro I swore my look at me look at me you live in L.A why are you lying to me stereotype bro stop doing that bro then you do steroids you [ __ ] steroid using [ __ ] you small shrink dick [ __ ] you kidding me hard you've wrecked out as functional I made you laugh so you missed me what have you been up to Robin I've really been missing you real [ __ ] we've been up to I've been I'm more famous than I've ever been the cancellation is completely and hardly failed so in Dubai are you getting like treated like a I don't know what do you call it over there what are you doing over in Dubai like what do you are they treating you well I get treated well everywhere I go um but yeah Dubai is certainly the city of the future Dubai is not collapsing in real time like most western cities are so I love Dubai I always have I usually come here every winter but I'm gonna spend a lot more time here so good it's a great place good I might have to fly I'm gonna have to link you know be kind of fun um finally we should we should we should you should fly out and I should uh we should Spar train yeah do important things we can film it all not for sure for sure okay so cool there's direct flights from LA so why don't you book a flight right now stop making excuses no I'm not doing that no I hate going on okay I'm Gonna Fly you're not gonna make money to charity what are you doing I'm going through a breakup bro it's hard bro stop being so hard on me damn dude yourself even though heartbreak hurts heartbreak does hurt yeah I agree with you heartbreak hurts okay so come on bear with me a little bit bro how long ago did you break up about a month or two ago why do you think she left you no it was Mutual why do you think she left you it was Mutual Listen People outgrow each other bro people sometimes in life they don't work out and that's how life is bro you gotta understand respect that you know what I mean that's what girls say when they're [ __ ] someone else people outgrow each other it's not you it's me you know what you're a really good friend I don't see you that way once they have a new [ __ ] to gobble on that usually what happens so who does she [ __ ] do you know yet did you even find out no I don't think she is [ __ ] anyone oh yeah she left you to be by herself she left you to sit at home alone and watched TV yeah 100 100 that's why she left you g she left you because you just really wanted to sit at home by herself not to run around with some other dude you're totally right she's a good person she's different than all the rest completely agree she ain't [ __ ] nobody don't worry you can sleep just fine tonight maybe you should text her when you're lonely send her a text she might text back this time she's definitely not with some dude you know all those other times she didn't reply she was tired she was asleep don't worry about it this time she might text back miss you too wish we could have worked out there's not some dude like me sitting next to her laughing at your messages [Laughter] so your group so you grew apart you grew apart Okay carry on with the the fairy tale okay Carry On then I moved to LA and then after then I moved to show me her let me see if she's even hot show me here um come here I don't see what we're talking about I mean you could look her up yourself I mean I don't you know I don't care on what on social media foreign joke's on you [ __ ] oh no I don't get to see your ex that's absolutely devastating terrible I was trying to do you a favor here because you know what as an extremely experienced man what I have is Flawless hodar so I can look and instantly tell you not only if she's a hoe but who she's sleeping with now everything head to toe I'm I'm Flawless so I try to offer you my I offer you my services fly to Dubai fly to Dubai now we'll talk come here you want to come to you bring that [ __ ] bring your ex maybe you can make up get back together I'll fix it I'll mediate imagine the twitch stream where I'm the mediator I'm the marriage counselor you and her and I get it all fixed listen but she will have to admit I was right that no one grew apart she just grew onto a new dick she she made she made an only fans yesterday she's been doing a lot more than that G I don't know you're worried about [ __ ] website holy fans don't have a website don't worry about that she's been up to a lot [ __ ] more how many times she not replied to at night how many times she been asleep by 9 p.m yeah she's super different bro 100 She's so different you know your problem if I split up with a girl I sit there and understand that females don't like to downgrade and I say okay she now has to meet another man with hundreds of millions of dollars he was an ex-athlete or kickboxing world champion who's strong and smart and interesting and funny and the most famous martyr of Earth for trying to crack the Matrix there's no competition but your problem is you're so [ __ ] normal yeah you have a twitch stream who gives a [ __ ] you look like Joe schmoe you act like Joe Schmo you do Joe Schmo [ __ ] so she'll [ __ ] a man like you she'll [ __ ] basically anybody and that means that she can get a guy from KFC or Starbucks or [ __ ] some other random twitch clown and you can get replaced so quick that's what your problem is I don't have that problem you do that you're so if you think you're so [ __ ] special Aiden that through all these months she couldn't find some other guy in terrible shape who drinks soy lattes with enough money to afford a shitty apartment in [ __ ] L.A then you are out of your mind because I guarantee she could and has and it's done you're weird as [ __ ] okay listen bro I'm not weird I tell you the truth you are bro what's weird about the truth the truth is beautiful you must accept and embrace it you must look in the mirror and accept that I am right I need to become a formidable force of man that cannot be replaced or replicated anywhere else on God's green earth that's what you must do you are failing yourself and God that's why she left you Aiden that's why she left you oh God I'm correct you're a failing God if you were the best version of yourself and you were waking up every day trying your absolute best to be unique and special individual then you would not be failing God any longer and he would not play you with this bad luck now you're sitting here upset over some [ __ ] who has replaced you and you deserve it so what do I do Andrew I've told you what to do I've told you what to do since we've ever started [ __ ] talking I told you to become a man of substance I said come here and I will train you I'll turn you into an animal a predator or a Monster yeah yeah yeah maybe later soy latte please from Starbucks you're a [ __ ] up Aiden you're a [ __ ] up um
Channel: Adin Live
Views: 2,312,412
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Keywords: ADIN ROSS LIVE, ADIN LIVE, ADINROSS LIVE, ADIN ROSS, ADINROSS, adin ross, adin ross 2k, adin ig live, adin ig, adinross ig live, adin ross ig live, adin ross ig live today, adin ross ig live full, adin ross full stream, adin ross twitch, adin ross stream, full adin stream, adin full stream
Id: KvbnAZSM2rI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 1sec (781 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 04 2022
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