Andrew Tate Explains Why Adin Ross is a BOT

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can I just say something first off before we start the stream by the way guys the notifications go out or no I want to let you know bro three things the first of all thank you for inviting me out here that's first of all you're welcome second of all um you changed my life bro bye-bye yes tell me why and I see a little bit getting a little Smiley here I've changed a lot of people's lives you have here's my thing right the thing is this right you have changed my life in a better way I've realized a lot of things of the things you've spoken into okay and I'm really starting to take my life seriously this time I think you could tell that I'm serious I came out here literally to be under your wing in a way and um I don't know I feel good about myself bro what have you changed what action have you taken or is it still still in the stage where it's in your mind and you're starting to understand it's great you asked uh I'm currently not uh anybody okay uh no hoes or anything like that I'm um what do you mean there's nothing wrong you told me girls no I said you're supposed to stay away from degeneracy but you can still get like four wives oh okay well so I can still like girls you can have four wives yeah of course how many wives do you have four you got four girls four why why sorry I didn't mean to disrespect it's fine sorry but no I'm not saying I've never actually let's make this clear I say avoid degeneracy as a whole and a lot of degeneracy involves women doing stupid [ __ ] and parties and this kind of crap but I don't advocate for avoiding sexually hold on everyone's like I look like a [ __ ] little person right now I I don't I don't even said when I first met him that I'm actually very tall and I'm skinny in real life you did say that vouch you said that to me you said wow wow young man you actually are really fit where's your wife you need to get a good wholesome woman well it's kind of [ __ ] hard we're in 20 20 22. there's really hard to get a [ __ ] a nice pleasant lady bro find them how well first things first you have to find a good blueprint I don't believe you find a good completed woman you find a good blueprint one who's capable of learning and understanding that you can help grow and then you turn her into the perfect woman you must build the woman how by Leading by where do I get the blueprint where you know what I like about him he's trying not to break here you're smiling a lot he's smiling you are you're admired you're not be honest did you do are you happy I'm happy to smile because I like the questions you're asking good okay good okay go ahead how do you find the blueprint in a woman all right so I'm just and I'm actually smiling the true reason I'm smiling is every single time I answer anything about women I smile a little bit because I know that there's gonna be a field day of The Matrix but truthfully you need to find a woman who's not completely corrupted by society and not broken oh that's what you have to do I'm one who's got broken and corrupted and then you need to show her that there's more happiness for you and her living a life of truth right living a life of away from the degeneracy and then you need to be man enough for her to respect you and allow you to lead her to the promised land that's how you're never going to find a complete and perfect complete woman you're gonna have to build it in you're gonna have to build her okay there's two either you are programming your woman's mind or Society is programming your woman's mind and if you're going to allow Society to program her mind do you think she's going to be an honest good person no what is society telling her to do tell her to not do that well society's telling her to be a 304. what's that well let's just I'm saying things I'm allowed to say on Twitch but what's a 304. you could you could tell me you can work it out but 304 yeah ask Russian fit they'll tell you Society is telling her to be degenerate and promiscuous right okay but you have to tell her the opposite so it's your programming against society's programming if you just leave her to be empty without programming I don't believe that women truly operate in that realm I think to one to one degree or another they're always programmed by someone or something so you have to combat society's programming as a whole that's how you build a good woman you have to sit with your woman let me ask you a question can you take a hoe and could you make her a queen I could could I no at the absolute Elite at the top echelons of masculine experience you can turn out into a housewife but why would I want to do that you want to just take a housewife and build no you don't find a housewife this is my exact point I have to find a good woman yeah and then you sit there and watch Netflix with her and say this is garbage and she'll sit there and go yes you're right this is garbage and you awaken her to the Matrix when you find a good woman she watches the [ __ ] from The Matrix this is garbage I don't want to be that I don't want to be like these other girls you're right Andrew thank you for saving me you saved me from the degeneracy Andrew you are my Lord what would you like me to do for you that's what happens hmm wow it's true I have a question if you're with a girl laying in your bed and she turns on an Aiden raw stream what would you do if she said curiosity that's a very interesting scenario because I cannot possibly fathom the level of female which would watch you for entertainment hey no but I mean no this is not an insult I'm trying to think so there's a chick like a female I want to watch Aiden Ross which what kind of I can't even see that happen I can't see I can't see the Bro not in my room all right hold on how many everyone in the show how many guys have a [ __ ] in here put me in the chat let's just show me people got [ __ ] all right how many guys got a [ __ ] all right how many guys would [ __ ] me and Andrew how many of you guys got a [ __ ] here let's just look what they say look me me look me me they're all putting me Andrew look somebody named Katie me anyway let's go back to the point women are built so I'll give you examples of this right people will see me with my one of my wives and she'll be respectful she'll be getting everybody drinks she'll be tidying up after everybody should be making sure we all have a good time should be a great host she'll be gorgeous Etc and they'll go wow where'd you find her I didn't find her anywhere I made her that way she wants to be that way for me oh she wants to be that way for me if she was with some [ __ ] then she wouldn't act that way okay and there's endless proof of this any real G who's out here long enough knows a girl who was a complete nightmare for her ex and now she's a complete pussycat for the next dude oh I see what you're saying a woman is a reflection of her man so if you want a good woman you have to be a good man and and and please understand like I said earlier it's absolutely not really true women are programmed by one of two things either you or Society if you allow Society to program your female she's only going to be a detriment on your life and I would like to add in with Aiden Ross's advice um women in our program society and so are men you're so scared okay okay buddy we're on [ __ ] twitch I think I want to get [ __ ] hey bro I'm not like you I can't make millions out the [ __ ] internet I need this [ __ ] or I'm [ __ ] done I'm smoked then I have to work for you they're gonna yell at me all [ __ ] day yeah I would if I lose myself if I lose this [ __ ] I'm working with you you're taking me on your bathroom bro bro if you can't work for me you don't you're not ready for the war I'm I'm an endless battle against the Matrix agents of the machine are trying to [ __ ] destroy me wait so am I gonna get into my team you can't handle life online wait am I gonna get destroyed am I part of this now no you're a new you're uh you're a neutral civilian at MPC I'm not a bot dumbass or a little bit no I'm not I know what's going on we had some very intellectual conversations off camera you know I I right I was talking to my [ __ ] I was saying good things and I and I know about the world to go back to your point earlier about men being programmed by The Matrix of society also yeah I agree of course everybody's programmed by Society is a [ __ ] NPC bro no everybody's programmed by Society that's true yes thank you but men operate and live in a slightly different realm than females because men living a realm of absolute accountability and competency so do girls no they don't girls have accountability and responsibility to who women if you're beautiful please understand me if you're a beautiful woman you're afforded luxuries and one of the luxuries you're afforded is the ability to be wrong women can go through life and be wrong about things because they're hot okay a man can't be wrong because you're living in a world of Competency and accountability you have to find the best way to possibly perform to get ahead a woman doesn't have to do that you can sit you can go on a date with a woman and sit there and she can tell you about magical crystal skulls and how she believes in them and this magical Crystal Skull gives her positive energy and it helps her feel good and every time she's sick she rubs the Crystal Skull and she feels better that and because she's smoking hot nine times out of ten a man will sit there and go yeah interesting and she'll just believe this fantasy until her tits get saggy yeah it's fine yeah but dude I said dude you can't do that okay I can look let's look at this let's say it's all the way around maybe maybe I'm with a girl and she's like oh my God Ian Ross you're so [ __ ] hot I want to [ __ ] the [ __ ] out of you but I'm like okay and that's never happened really don't don't [ __ ] on me like that much bro but let's be honest that's never happened I'm better looking than you perhaps but that's never happened okay has that ever happened to you what someone's like Aiden Ross you're so hot yeah it's so hot I want to [ __ ] you yes it is my chat seen it that thousand times that's never happened bro bro it literally has on stream it literally has I get what you're saying however it can go both ways what if a girl is super duper attractive to a guy okay and the guy happens to maybe say something that like is like oh my god what the [ __ ] he's talking about the girl's like oh my God okay it could be like this too what if the guy's super duper [ __ ] Rich yeah yeah and the girl's like and maybe I'm talking about [ __ ] crystals and Aliens [ __ ] in the butt and the girl's like oh that's kind of weird but [ __ ] I want to [ __ ] him how did the dude get super rich because what you just described you're making false comparisons they're not the same I'm about to explain to you why I said that the woman is allowed to be incorrect on certain issues and not live in the real world because she was born with an innate value she's born with beauty which is given to her by God you are comparing that to a man's money which is fine not just it's an example okay it's an example but in most cases perhaps he's has daddy's money but in most cases the man had to earn that money he earned that value so they're different things comparing innate value and an earned value are completely different scenarios sure understand are we Frozen yo yo yep maybe it's them trying to stop us from having this combo The Matrix I mean Frozen G we're not that sounds really scary for a second I think we were yeah we were frozen for a second that's scary Andrew you call that scary but are you not scared your life has been easy you're scared of a frozen stream yo Andrew okay has anyone tried to kill you yeah okay then what the [ __ ] you worried about Brown's hot in here I'm sorry I do you can't get mad bro it's hot it's it's ridiculously hot man you have the AC at like 80 degrees Fahrenheit bro it's ridiculous there's no air coming in I can't do this if you're prepared to show that to the world then come on don't body shame me man I'm body shame I'm Gonna Cancel you for body shaming in 20 20 22. oh no don't cancel me oh no no I'm scared of that castle yeah I am body shaming you I'm trying to inspire you body shaming is a fantastic inspiration in fact I think that you know bullying as a whole has always been a good way to get a lot of [ __ ] done okay what was your first impression when you saw me in person uh I have nothing bad to say about you I do like I know you do I know you like me no I'm nothing against you I know I think you're like a perfect example of everything that let me say this in the right way you are the perfect example of like just the normalish dude okay you know so it's like I'm here trying to inspire excellence and there's nothing about you that's excellent so it's perfect for me to sit here with you and say look you could be better I know I could be better I'm potentially not on my potential exactly yes I could be better I could do things that I could better my life I could better my body I could better my mindset the better about everything correct this is my first time really ever traveling across the [ __ ] world and I came for you I didn't come for anything else you you you came all the way here with broken YouTube bro it's because I'm in the Dubai [ __ ] servers bro they [ __ ] put [ __ ] flew all the way here broke you broke YouTube on your phone bro it's because I'm in the Dubai YouTube servers bro the YouTube [ __ ] kicked me out I swear bro anyway what was I saying earlier I was talking about something important like I usually am the realm of Competency in which a man must operate Aiden you must operate inside of a realm of absolute competency that you're you're your goal is a man your mission as a man is to discover the truth because you must find the truth of the universe and truth of the world because only the truth will set you free you're not born with an innate value like a female is a female can be born beautiful she doesn't need to be interested in the truth so you can just be happy believe in fairies and crystal skulls and go through life and be happy what's actually interesting is men find that attractive I find permanently happy women attractive women who don't live in the harsh brutal realities of the world who are perhaps a bit too optimistic and Airy fairy or very attractive to men because if a man has a very difficult life he likes the idea of always being around a happy woman I don't want a woman who's gone through the same kind of trauma and stress that I have but as a man you must go through a process of discovering what is true and what is false about the world and developing absolute competency so you can out-compete other men life is a competition all of this is a competition we are constantly competing against each other right and men are in constant competitions is why there's been endless Wars at the beginning of human time and not understand yes I do you don't understand yes I do the Aztecs were at war with somebody The Mao dynasty was at war with somebody there was endless wars in the savannah when we before we were even born the Mongols the Mongols were sieging Vienna there has been endless war constant competition and that has been forgotten okay fine I understand that I don't compete every other man for everything you have ever wanted that's fine no it's not fine play me to arm wrestle right now what's arm wrestle
Channel: Adin Live
Views: 1,285,628
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Keywords: ADIN ROSS LIVE, ADIN LIVE, ADINROSS LIVE, ADIN ROSS, ADINROSS, adin ross, adin ross 2k, adin ig live, adin ig, adinross ig live, adin ross ig live, adin ross ig live today, adin ross ig live full, adin ross full stream, adin ross twitch, adin ross stream, full adin stream, adin full stream, adin ross and andrew, adin live, andrew tate, adin andrew full stream, adin andrew, adin ross and andrew stream, adin ross andrew, adin ross andrew pushups, adin andrew reaction
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 40sec (820 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 10 2022
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