Adin Ross & Andrew Tate Press JAKE PAUL

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Jake what up man Jake turning hard oh [ __ ] yeah dude don't stop honestly this is my the best shape I've I've been in I'm I'm excited for this fight 18 days away damn when are you getting to narrating actually you know uh soon okay um he's gonna fight his battle against lean first bro what is going on with this lean [ __ ] yes clean I want to get it I want to I want to get in some work with you you know we'll do some Miami training on the hot sun you know what I'm saying on the beach it's not just no Aiden it's not just about the training I think every man should have a professional fight at some point in his life one because of the pressure you're under and how scary it is because there's a lot of pressure because you're putting your ego on the line and secondly because you have to dedicate yourself to a training camp completely and fully you can't just do one bad session and put it on the [ __ ] internet and talk about being a fighter you need to dedicate yourself and try hard and set a date where you have a fair competition against another man and put on the line that's what you need to do as a man so you learn about yourself okay yeah don't you don't you have beef with like a some other streamers and stuff too like one guy named Hassan but he's like seven foot tall and he wears dresses so I'm not I'm not gonna fight that guy you're Andrew oh there you go is that the guy the guy I think it is yes it is oh my God you're mate yeah um but nah man I would love to get in the ring I swear I actually really really would on one day I think if you had a reason to to stop sipping lean it would help you like you know I'm excited I'm gonna clean for a while now about a month but you were you were texting my friend like three days ago asking for a lean plug okay Andrew is lying no I'm not I'm not you're talking about Jasper okay yeah it was not three days ago I texted him like a couple months ago about lead I haven't done lead in over a month you can drug I'll take a drug test on stream tomorrow if you want me to do it do it chat chat we want to see this okay okay fine I'll do it no no all right we won't talk about it we don't want to talk about it I'm gonna do it for I'm gonna do it do it all right got you um yeah I got you so look I know you won't I will you talk Sherry you guys are getting up on me Jake are you gonna fight Andrew Andrew gonna fight James would you guys are fighting well I'll tell you something let's talk about this because there was a time where I called out Jake Paul there was that time so let's talk about that it's when Jake first called out Conor I think this was like four or five years ago is that correct a long a while ago and I said Jake I'll fight you I remember saying it to him at the time I wasn't nearly as known as I am now and then since then I've made it very clear also to the world I said that Jake I believe is the best YouTube boxer I believe you can beat them all and I think he's trading very hard and a fight against Jake would be a real fight and I do believe he's working hard in the gym and he's more of a boxer than he is a YouTuber now I don't think we're gonna fight especially because of my current legal situation I can't even leave my house however I do think that in terms of YouTube boxing I'm glad it's came I'm glad it's a space now I like the idea of people would be fighting each other and I do also and I want to make this clear to everyone I've said it multiple times I do think Jake is the best of all the YouTube boxes I don't think that can be denied well thank you no I appreciate that I I think yeah my answer to it would have would be like if you figured out your legal situation I I think you should get in there because it would be massive maybe maybe not with me maybe with whoever it is but my friends everyone wants to see it it would make a bunch of money and I don't want to say but before I was arrested in December there was a conversation on going about me fighting someone and I'm not going to say who it is because it didn't happen and I asked for a lot of money and they offered me all the money I wanted and it was very close to being signed and then I obviously ended up in a presentation certain things changed but um yeah I know the whole world wants to see it the whole world would love for me to get in there and fight somebody I'm very aware of that but uh if we could ever figure it out I'll be down to do MMA or boxing either like the pfl would make it happen so if if you ever figure out the situation I think it would be huge wait James no we should you know we should do Jake waiting I know you're only 18 days away from a fight but next time you're training and you want some sparring fly to Romania and we'll Spar and we'll film it and we'll decide if we want to release it or not afterwards but I have no problem we could have a sparring match anytime but we can't release it for free that's like it's like giving the people what they want for nothing that's kind of crazy yeah hey guys I would love to you know I'll spar two for you with you guys [ __ ] uh Jake let's just go to Romania I'm with it why do you make everything sound weird dude I'm down to just spar with you guys for fun guys being dudes anyway yeah have you ever been outside you look pale uh I actually been outside in a long time but uh Jake I have you know that I'm gonna be going outside a lot more now and and that's a jake made an important point because when it comes to these fights he made an important point about the people who want to see it and that's very valuable so it's not as easy as people think to just fight there's a whole bunch of promotion behind it and things must be done Etc because if it was that easy like I said Jake and I could Spar of course but that video would be worth millions of dollars so we can't just throw it on Twitter for free because the whole world wants to see it I mean I I'd be up for it but I understand Jake's a professional fighter when you're a prize fighter you want a prize right I know we should I mean we can still Spar like ah that would be fun anyways and maybe we put like little Clips out not the whole thing or give people a little teaser or something I don't know we'll we'll figure it out Jay you know where I am well I can't leave the house Jake so you know where I am I'm all going anywhere I'm here Jake oh you know they're they're asking I knew they're gonna ask um still anything updates on fighting KSI are you you would used to be down to fight him is that still a thing that's gonna happen in the future I've been down you know I've been down I've been trying to make it happen for a long time and I think everyone can see that and he's the one that has always had an excuse with music or touring um and then he wants to drain the weight down to 180 pounds which I agree to if he wanted to do Winner Takes all for all the money and so he says okay sure we'll do Winner Takes all he says it on Twitter and then we go behind the scenes for the negotiations with his manager and his manager Ducks the whole entire thing they're like oh no not winner takes all like only of extra million dollars um so then there's like a weight thing going back and forth and it just seems to me that he doesn't want to get it done are Logan and and KSI really close or is it all just a weird like promotional thing I think it's it's they're like acquaintances okay but it is like this weird thing but they both kind of like joke about that like I've seen Logan be like yeah we're best friends like and kind of say it say it jokingly um but obviously they're business partners and that that whole entire thing so um yeah interesting I just thought I'd ask and I have nothing against Logan either I think a lot of people think I have a problem with Logan I don't have problems with anybody I live with a pure heart I'm a happy man but I just thought they'd be I was just curious about that because when KSI is running his mouth to you I'm like why is Logan not punching him in the face what the [ __ ] yeah business I guess is business um it is it is weird it puts me in a weird spot because like I don't know how to feel about I personally don't like it because it's like here's this guy that constantly is dragging me down constantly jumping at every opportunity to to pull me down and to defame me and to say anything bad about me and then my brother is like acting like he's best friends with them and that even when people ask like oh you know they asked Logan like oh who would you pick in the fight and Logan's like oh I don't know that would be tough for me like no it's really not like wait wait wait so when you ask me who eventually says like well I would have to pick Jake but he he plays both sides definitely and it it does get it does get annoying but it's like I also respect his hustle as an entrepreneur and as a businessman because he you know created this multi-billion dollar company now with his enemy and I can't hate on that I want my brother to accomplish his goals and I want I'm happy for him and he's so successful and doing amazing and to me that's I'm just proud of him I'm proud to be related to him I'm happy for him but definitely it hurts me sometimes seeing that [ __ ] for sure what age do you think you're retired Jake what do you guys got ksr Jake in the fight man I have no idea I want to be world champion and and that really is my goal and to prove to anyone that I actually can do it and to go from a Disney Channel kid who you know was not in the gym at all to a world champion I think um would be a remarkable story and I think it would inspire a lot of other kids to chase their dreams no matter how wild or crazy or Sensational that they are so that's my goal and I think I could do it in the next three four years so probably maybe retire when I'm like 30. hey can I ask you guys a question real quick when you guys are fighting uh like do you guys did you guys develop like any problems from it like brain damage or anything like that like does it like you're like do you guys develop any like physical issues well you can be unfortunate you can be unlucky and that's the whole thing about fighting it's why it's so universally respected yeah and I even said I even said this to KSI I said it when he then he replied something stupid because he's low IQ and I said ultimately at the end of the day anybody who interested the ring to a degree I respect because you're putting your ego on the line and you're also putting your health on the line it's pretty as close as you can get to the Gladiator pit in Modern Times And I know people who have entered the ring and unfortunately they've exited and they've never been the same and some of them are my teammates and some of them are my opponents and it's sad always and it's yeah bad things can happen in there it's it's real I've been very fortunate and I wish there was a world in which nobody ever picked up any kind of damage from it but it's a real possibility you have to keep in mind every time you're training for a fight so yeah it's scary gotcha I think lean is the worst for your brain than boxing though facts man that's why I kicked the cup had to Jake how to kick are you still Amy this is really crazy bro I can't bro like I'm not gonna lie I can't get away from lean why you know I'm not you know I'm not Jake I know you're nuts it's been a while since we talked what do you mean like a month ago well like a heart to heart yeah true yeah um no I'm not I'm not I'm not Jake no yeah well this YouTube boxing thing I think is a fantastic opportunity for a bunch of people who are constantly just talking [ __ ] to each other to actually do something about it and I think if people have a genuine issue with each other then they should fight and sort it out I don't think there's anything wrong with that I think that's that's the best thing about it and uh it's interesting to hear what Jake's saying about KSI and not wanting to fight him because I think that's the fight everybody would really want to see I think that's gonna be the biggest one perhaps one of the biggest ones you can make right now for sure for sure and I've done everything I can to make it happen multiple multiple times um but at some point he has to step up to the plate and I think at some point it has to happen just for the culture and I know he wants it it's just a matter of timing and All Things Considered uh let's see let's see who's Corner Logan's in well hopefully he's in the right corner because you know Brotherhood is the most important thing and I I think you would I'd like to believe he would choose you of course with push game to shove yeah no I I think deep down he wants me to win a hundred percent but it just the way he like presents that sometimes um and that's what's weird about it for me is he's the one who when he lost to KSI he's like you have to go beat him and that's really at first like what motivated me a lot to get into the gym and train so hard as I saw my brother being broken and sad and and the loss was really affecting him and he was like he kind of like bestowed this thing on me to like go get our family's name back um and so then that's why it's like confusing for me the situation that they're they're really in is Logan there now no no he I mean he's in Puerto Rico but he's not at the house right now I was gonna say hello Nate Diaz is here actually in Puerto Rico he's a he's like in the other house over here have you seen him training [Music] um if we go can we get him yeah yeah oh [ __ ] I can get I can get oh my God Andrew I'm a big fan of Diaz brothers bro holy [ __ ] I think I'm gonna fan out I think good good they deserve respect they're Legends of the sport Andrew could you introduce me to them please I don't know them I've never spoke to them before why would I introduce you oh okay I'm gonna get nervous yourself all right you're right right I got this [ __ ] nervous over a [ __ ] stream look at that computer screen I'm sorry right you're a nerd bro hey shut up dude let's see if Nate's there oh what's up with that Focus God damn it I have to go in and you said you were you said you were nervous hey I'm a big fan bro I'm a big fan I I don't give a [ __ ] [ __ ] I heard you like Jake Paul Jake that's my bro who who you think's gonna win the fight I gotta go my brother Jake man I'm gonna rock my bro [ __ ] you man no but Mr Diaz you lucky we were in person off Stockton slap the [ __ ] off you [ __ ] Mr Diaz I'm a big fan you don't understand Mr Diaz have a picture no you're lucky I'm even on your [ __ ] ass stream damn bro the [ __ ] bro I'm a big fan bro I just want a picture please [ __ ] about you bam is that really how it would go down Andrew hey by the way thanks for having my back [ __ ] sorry about that dude I thought you had an interesting interesting life yeah he's in a bad mood ah man ah [ __ ] I kind of for a second I kind of believe that and because and I'll tell you why I'm I'm from I'm a bit older right I'm 36 I retired when I was 30 just like you said and when I was fighting when I was 24 25 it was before social media so I turn up to fights and I didn't even know who I was fighting now it's all about who the person is and promo et cetera I turn up to a fight in Russia or Moscow and I'd say to my coach who am I fighting and obviously all the Russian names are in Cyrillic and we're like maybe him maybe him maybe him we've done OT getting the ring and there's always the guy you it's the biggest of them all of course the one you hope it's not but uh there was times where yeah I was training in the same place as the guy I was fighting or I heard the guy I was or me and the guy I was fighting were warming up in the same room in in Slovenia so there's been times of the fight days Hey Jake what do you think's gonna happen in the DS fight man I think he's gonna be tough but um I'm feeling so sharp right now I brought in a new team new strengths and conditioning coaches new nutritionist so this is the best I've ever felt um and I'm getting better and better as the rounds go on so I could see me stopping him in like the sixth or seventh round I just think he's not gonna be able to keep up with my speed and Power okay so you're very confident I like that are you gonna bet on it I am I'm gonna put a hundred thousand dollars on you on God on God I want to see the screenshot of that bet I will I'm gonna post it yo when I put a hundred thousand dollars on you Jake and you secure my money you know I'll take you out uh we'll go out take you out take me on the date bro exactly and Andrew can you know go with us unfortunately due to unforeseen circumstances I'm not allowed to leave my house so I'm gonna miss it uh but I'll just stay here and I hope you guys have fun uh I'm on month six of house arrest so far and we'll see how long this continues for so I'm gonna have to miss it unfortunately damn so um that's [ __ ] it's really been six months hey do you do you do a lot of do you like have girls over do you like do a lot of jerking off are you talking to me yeah yeah I have the odd visitor Jake and I don't jerk off because it's Haram and God is always watching so that's not something I partake in I'm allowed visitors I just didn't know how it was with house arrest like if you could have visitors or not yeah I am allowed I am Andrew you know you actually helped me stop masturbating because every time that I would masturbate I would think of you and I'm like nah this is not right I'm gonna stop what the [ __ ] I said I'ma stop doing this [ __ ] now no for real you put in my brain now I never I haven't done it in a month swear to God [Music] months bro thank you for actually stopping that porn addiction [ __ ] porn I don't know how men can be addicted to porn I don't understand you must have very few options in your life to find yourself addicted to porn I mean every guy is jacked off in their life before bro but if you're I'm talking about a porn addiction you're making sound like it's something you can't help doing you must have very few options if you end up addicted to porn yeah true I've only been really really severely been addicted to lean it's bad bro Hey Jake all right Jake I got stabbed by a knife before do you want to see it I'm gonna check I swear to God what happened I was sleeping right and my uh my uncle he was on meth and he stabbed me in my sleep or like just no reason or he was mad at you or something uh he was on drugs he thought I worked for the FBI yeah that's funny what the hell Jake no this is this [ __ ] you say it's just like I don't know if you're like special or what but it's just crazy well it's actually funny you say that Jake Andrew I actually figured this out by myself I'm definitely off in some way I believe that I'm Autistic or like on the spectrum of autism or something no no I'm not even my joke and all [ __ ] I appreciate you not laughing Andrew and Jake I don't know why you're laughing I'm pretty sure I'm autistic I'm Gonna Be With You you're just outrageous individuals really I'm kind of going I can't I can't do this it's us again me and you hey Andrew listen bro you know I love you right or some real [ __ ] you like my big bro thank you I mean this is very first day I love you too you're like my little brother you're not like my little brother at all because my little brother is a man of upstanding moral character hard work discipline you're none of those things I do have a little brother and he's a fantastic individual and you are absolutely nothing like him if he wasn't a fantastic individual he wouldn't be able to be my brother if I had a brother who's addicted to lean I'd kick the [ __ ] out oh fair enough sorry it's okay Jake so Jake how much money do you think it would make if you and I fall what's your price what's your price if we could start bidding I don't know probably probably like 1.5 million pay-per-view buys at like sixty dollars so like 90 million just in pay-per-views and then probably like another five million dollars in gate and then like 10 million dollars in sponsorships million 100 million you guys would fight foreign I'm trying to calculate because if I were to fight Jake I'd have to take it very seriously it'd be a six month training camp I'd have to go to the mountains of Bosnia and not do much else so yeah about 100 million that's quite a lot of money I don't I don't know how much these YouTube fights make so far like I don't know which one's been biggest or how much they've made or but I do think me and Jake will be probably the biggest pull you know what's crazy I'm not even joking I don't even know who I would who I'd hope for you guys are both like my boys who would you bet on Aiden God damn it [ __ ] um I really it just depends who's who's training harder that's really all it's about I said this right now but be vocal about it I don't care if anyone doesn't like it right now if Jake and KSI got in the ring Jake's winning if KSI whoever trains harder would be the winner I believe if KSI and Jake on The Ring right now Jake would win and that doesn't mean that KSI doesn't train harder he has you know what I mean that's all I'm saying it's all about how hard you train so with that being said if take trains Harder They will win if Jake trains harder Jake will win that's a cop-out answer it is I think we should do it regardless we should definitely do the sparring session just for even if the video never gets released just so between Jake and I we can you know have it'll be fun it can be relatively light-hearted but just between Jake and I it'll be done just for for our own sometimes everything's not about cloud and it's not always about the internet and it's always about views sometimes it's just you know two guys and we're like you know what [ __ ] it we talked about it a few times let's put some gloves on and let's try we're glad I think what happened MMA I think it should be MMA because that would Peak more people's interests and it would make things way more that's what we should do if we're gonna do it can you train MMA now are you still only training boxing no I'm only training boxing um but I I could start you know like if we really were gonna do it like you said it would be like six months to a year and just focusing on that so if I were let me ask you a question how much would you guys want to get paid to do to do a spar live I mean if we're gonna yeah like you're gonna tomorrow you're gonna fight I mean what's the difference yeah exactly oh I see it's the same yeah um yeah I was saying sparring just for I don't know I'm sure Jake has plenty of sparring partners but if you want a new one he's very welcome to at my house no problem I'd love to I once you're a fighter you always want to fight you never go you never get to an age where you don't want to fight anymore you never wake up and go oh I don't want to fight anymore it's something that's inside of you and it's always inside of you and the hardest thing about fighting is actually retiring it's knowing when it's very addicting and like fun and anybody box something to keep your mind occupied and just like the glory the training the challenge like everything about it is is really fun so it's hard is it addicting to like once you're a boxer to like the feeling of it yeah yeah 100 100 and the hard thing is knowing when to stop because if you go on too long you have a bunch of losses at the end of your career and then you want to retire then you want to come out of retirement and do it again it takes a lot of mental control to decide to stop I decided when I was in my early 20s I was going to retire at a certain age and I stuck to that and I finished on a win streak for that reason because otherwise it could easily go wrong and you can ruin your legacy Etc it's not easy to do it's very hard but you're always going to want to fight that's the thing when you're a fighter when someone says I'll fight you part you is always going to be like okay come and then fight me you're just something that's inside of you is never going to go away if I'm fortunate that Time Marches on someone once very smart said to me that years come what did they say it's been a year since it's been a year something very intelligent and insightful I can't remember who it was it was a philosopher I think I love that one the it's been a year since it's been a year yeah it's great ever since I heard that it was really mind-blowing and uh unfortunate Time Marches On and we all get a bit older so there has come a point where you decide to stop but I'm really not that old people I talk about myself like I'm old 36 isn't old in 10 years you're you're about to be 50 bro it's kind of crazy 10 years are going to be 46 I wonder if I'll still be on house arrest hopefully not who knows damn man did your did your uncle like go to jail for stabbing you I didn't press charges instead well he went to jail and then I said hey I'm not gonna charge this and then he went to a mental Asylum damn yeah what's the most traumatic thing you've ever been to Jake I'm just I'm generally curious oh man I've been through a lot of [ __ ] in my career to be honest I'm trying to think of the I don't know if I can name like one thing specifically like there's like a whole jumble of things who's Erica they're saying Erica Erica oh my my ex Act yeah I've been through I've been through a lot of fallouts with people and like crazy [ __ ] lawsuits like whenever whenever I was the the biggest like YouTuber it felt like the world was like caving in on me because everyone just wanted to like strip me down and see me fail and make up rumors like it was like a giant giant Target on my back and every day there was something new to deal with mentally I think that was like the toughest toughest part of my life gotcha have you been canceled before Aiden when were you canceled what for uh I was recently canceled um for saying there was two genders in the world I got canceled for that uh I got banned on Twitch for that specific reason I think that's when they started to like not [ __ ] with me um so um that's my recent cancellation I believe there's been more uh more [ __ ] foreign ever been to jail have I ever been to jail no I have not been in jail sir try and avoid it if you can do your best okay Jacob you're gonna jail or not no yeah there you go so good and I don't wish upon anybody there's no need to go there but I was just curious yeah I'm on my best behavior I'm on my best behavior like lately I've kept my nose out of trouble for like two three years now and and I think that's because of boxing like I'm just always focused and it's helped me like mature and stuff so yeah I have a question which I find interesting if you lost the next five fights in a row would you retire oh wow um that would be pretty traumatic but at the same time like this man I've already exceeded my own expectations in the sport so like I'm I'm happy with where I've gotten regarding our questions what happens moving forward um to even just beat some of these Legends some of my Idols Anderson Silva to win knockout of the Year cover Sports Illustrated like I've accomplished my goals and Beyond um and I love this Sport and it's changed my life for the better so I think I'll always be boxing you know even if it just staying in shape in the gym but I'll always be a promoter I have my Foundation boxing bullies which is like opening up gyms across the United States and all these places for underprivileged kids to go in and be able to box for free we're up to like seven gyms now in less than two years um so I just love the sport man I've it changed my life for the better and pulled me out of like some dark places so I'll always definitely box yeah I have more questions I'm probably not supposed to ask but I'm gonna ask them anyway do you genuinely dislike Dana does that be for real yeah no the beef is definitely real the beef is definitely real 100 and wait they got beef I think I don't know him as a person so I can't say whether or not I dislike him for who he is in real life but I dislike his business tactics I dislike that you know Fighters only get paid 15 of the total revenue I dislike that um he has a monopoly basically in MMA and that the fighters are the ones who lose from that and these Fighters are putting their health on the line they're risking everything um you know it's the toughest sport in the world they're paying their own coaches they're paying their own gym fees and all these other sports NFL NBA they get everything paid for and they make more money so really he's been able to take advantage of Fighters and that's what I don't like and even the fighter minimum you know the the fighter getting paid uh twelve thousand five hundred dollars to go in there that's the minimum that the UFC fighters get paid so they're risking their life basically for twelve thousand dollars um and if he just increased that to fifty thousand dollars it would change so many fighters lives and it would only cost the UFC annually 15 million dollars but these Fighters would be able to actually afford being able to be full-time Fighters so yes he's made a lot of money he's changed the sport I love what he's done for MMA he's made the sport massive um but now it's time to tree Fighters better and that's that's my biggest problem with him do you think you'd still fight if so my first fight I got paid 150 do you think you'd still fight if you were like not famous and you had to start the ball on and the money was zero and you were still working a job and you were training after the job like your first 20 fights you got paid basically nothing and do you think you'd still do it yeah I believe my life would have probably always led me to fighting I truly believe it it feels like what I was destined to do um it's it's who I am deep down is a fighter so so I genuinely wish you the best I said it even before we started talking I wish you the best I could tell you're taking it seriously and that's what fighting's for and I respect anybody who gets in the ring and I hope you win I hope you do very well and I don't know Nick and I'm sure he's training very hard as well it's good oh sorry Nate it's gonna be uh interesting to see that's for sure that's for sure 100 Jake I got a question I got a question um do you Tommy Fury is that is the rematch ever gonna happen would you guys ever fight again um is that something sure yeah there's there's talks behind the scenes of it I know he wants to do it um and it only makes sense right it's one of the biggest Pay-Per-View fights of the last couple of years and it was a split decision to Victory on his end so I think we need to go back in there and and leave no doubt and really settle it gotcha okay I'm about to I'm about to go off to uh to sparring here but it was awesome talking to you guys Hey Jake I love you bro Hey Jake oh sorry Andrew I'm sorry sorry Andrew go ahead sorry no go on no it's fine let him go oh uh Jake I love you thanks for coming on um and I love you bro talk to you talk to you later wish you the best all right I'll see you guys later I'll text you Aiden all right bro peace it's just us yes Aiden just you and I
Channel: Adin Live
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Id: p7nXpAsS7jw
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Length: 32min 34sec (1954 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 19 2023
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