Adin Ross Tries To RIZZ UP a Nurse..😂

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do you want to like do you want to be here I feel weird if you don't sure I don't want you to feel weird no I don't cuz if you feel weird I'm going to feel weird no I don't I don't I don't they just like you so they wanted like to ask you some questions okay let's um the first thing wanted see what they got the first thing they wanted to ask was um uh like how old you are and like where you're from and stuff but you already talked about how old you are I mean where you're from but right I'm 30 you don't look 30 you look you look really good for your age you you look like you're like 23 how old are you take a guess 25 23 I'm 23 23 yeah you're a fool um let's see what else CH what else you guys want to know about it bro what else do you guys want to know oh do you have any like kids I have no kids do you plan on having some one day one day I meet the right person maybe nice uh what's your type oh God it depends I'm big personality girl so you may look good and I may not like you but you never know okay gotcha um TTS oh yeah let me put that on you got Leo go ahead and put TTS on wait where's the uh yeah it's on you have to just enable it put over here so do you know what streaming is or anything or no I mean a little bit do you know any streamers no I don't oh so then how do you know about streaming I mean I've seen some streams I've seen some of yours but oh you have yeah like randomly I'm like okay I've seen this kid before wait so wait where you where where have you seen it at didn't like randomly like Instagram YouTube or like what like what clip have you seen like what have you seen like random stuff I don't even remember yeah I'm like okay you look familiar for sure yeah yeah yeah yeah I'm curious what you've seen um maybe one with like a car oh really yeah like you bought a Lambo or something no not maybe that was in someone else then my Rolls-Royce maybe maybe I think it was my Rolls-Royce I never really a nice car yeah it was probably the rollsroyce or the Tesla truck maybe I don't know oh I bought somebody a car have you done IVs for anything oh I know what you're talking about wait let me uh let me put this on real quick someone asked have you ever done an IV for anyone famous I have can few people I can't name them but okay I respect that um let me see if that worked why is the speaker not on that's so weird okay there we go should be on um someone wants to know are you with anyone right now are you in a relationship I am not I'm very single why I'm focusing on myself my career and uh someone will come along eventually yeah it'll be like when you're least expecting you know exactly yeah that's cool um do you guys have any other questions for her alexor to tipped $1 I hate to ruin the surprise but Aiden said he was going to TI You music if you do who's your favorite like person to listen to I gonna be honest I love rap music um I love future I love young Dolph oh wow yeah those are my top two I'd say but uh I'm open to anything I like house music I have you know I like country music grew up to Country so I like everything that's nice um yeah so the reason why I hate the like needles and stuff in my arm is because when I was 12 I got stabbed with a knife in my sleep um that's pretty traumatizing yeah so ever since then I just don't like sharp stuff like inside of me you know yeah I wouldn't either yeah um but like what made you just one day be like I want to inject people with needles well it was actually kind of random um I it was right around the time of Co I got really sick with Co and the guys were just opening their new location and so I went in to get an IV and they were looking for nurs so I was just at the right spot at the right time gotcha and uh yeah picked up really quick that's cool that's really really uh nice you know you're saving people from getting sick and stuff wait but does it even actually help I think it helps I I really do I get them regularly so they want to know about your tattoos what about them like how many do you have what do they mean I have a sleeve and I have some random ones everywhere um there are not necessarily anything meaningful um a lot of them were done when I was younger so just art basically gotcha gotcha um it's not playing through the speakers I don't know why it's not I don't know why it's not is this your first time on a live uh yeah I think so so how does it feel to be like live and watched in front of thousands people it's not as bad as I thought it would be but you're doing pretty good you don't seem shy or anything yeah you seem like you know what you're doing um what type of food do you like um a big foodie so I like everything um the only thing I won't eat is like eyeballs and tongue and weird like that I'm open to everything there's very few things I don't like people want me to eat like frog legs and that that I wouldn't do me neither and then my buddy like he just came back from Japan and he told me he had aore tipped $1 that's what I said it's [ __ ] have you given an IV toy um um my my buddy um wants to know what's your favorite restaurant in Miami yeah that's tough I like Carbone's very good Osaka's good good sushi there yeah I don't go out in Miami too too often but so what do you do when you're not working I work a lot but you know I'm in the gym oh you work out yeah I just started getting into it how long you been working out for a long time nice like how long ever since I can remember I was a gymnast growing up so I've always had an athletic background you played Sports in school yeah yep one second oh my goodness gracious did I spill some on your feet no I did not oh my food thank you will you want to put it right on yeah you put on the table okay so what do you normally talk about when you're on here what's your favorite thing random I don't even know why they like it so much I swear to God like I will sit here and just say the most random outrageous and they just they love it yeah they they with it but you know I built up for a long time years like a very core community that like really lik with me no matter what I do and stuff so okay you know it's they're they're amazing and they tune in like basic basically whenever I'm here so whenever I'm live so they're great people um but I don't get it sometimes I don't get it I wonder why you guys watch me why do you guys watch me it's actually a really good uh question um but what who is that bored um Jew you're funny cuz we're bored nothing else to do there you go nothing else to do yeah got um so if so when you're not working you got to have something besides jym and not do you watch shows or anything yeah what do you watch I mean a lot of the time I put it on and it's just like background stuff I feel you yeah um here and there I'll find something I like you watch um like Breaking Bad I have it's a really good show it is it's like my top one of all time Drake is not in here relax you guys tagging Drake um yeah they're troll oh they want to know would you ever make and only fans no why not I would not um I've thought about it but you know I've come a long way and I've worked really hard to get where I'm at and I feel like there's just a fine line of you know morals and stuff morals and for professionalism especially with what I do for a living and it's just for me at least it's not appropriate I'm not against it and anyway but it's just not for me good for you that's that's actually really really uh good cuz most women especially in Miami they're like always it's an easy it's definitely easy you know I'm not well not easy but I mean no it's pretty easy it's accessible if I had a body I could just take pcks of my ass and tits make hundreds of thousands and it's crazy I mean it's just insane um but no I respect that you know um but no it's like almost everybody in Miami has only f it seems like it's [ __ ] up but then you kind of get categorized into it is being a pretty girl it's like oh you must have an only fans and it's just like okay yeah yeah sure yeah no it's good that's that's good um someone said who what is the what is how old is the youngest guy you ever dated like age difference I'd say four years older than me oh okay that's not bad have you ever dated someone younger I've never dated anyone younger no I'm not opposed to it but it's never happened gotcha gotcha gotcha um let's see have you ever dated a girl I've never dated a girl no no what else do you guys want what else do you guys want to know she's really cool she's really cool to come on live and you know answer freely I I appreciate that I respect that um let's see what the oh okay that's a good question um does size matter I mean I'm not going to say it doesn't but it's not the only thing that matters gotcha gotcha gotcha um sorry about that oh wait all right prismo let's see um wait so okay what else matters then you have to have a connection with someone um I feel like chemistry is super important because if that's not there it's honestly not interesting for me at all anyway so yeah no 100% I feel like if there's no established connection then everything else is pretty much dull you know yeah exactly um what else do you guys want to know about her anything else anything else anything else I already asked her that I already asked her that Chad I already asked her all that I'm only acting weird because there's a IV in me and I suck with needles and stuff I suck ass with they think you're acting weird yeah they think I'm acting awkward um is it because of me or the IV it's the IV 100% yes the IV 100% um um I've never got an iv like done like in front of everyone so it's really weird wait what's your ethnicity I am German and Irish H that's crazy German and Irish what would you assume I was not German that so how are you German like through what side I I mean my mother and my father oh they're both German they're both German that's great I think our parents would have gone along uh my mom is Jewish say are they jewi um wait are so they're from Germany I mean this is just what my mom told me so know I've never been tested or she just told you yeah yeah so yeah that's what I was told my background was gotcha this got do you have any siblings I have four Ed tipped $1 can you rate Aiden's friend c one older one younger wait so is the middle child treatment like real I'm definitely the black sheep really yeah so what it's I'm not saying you're mistreated but like you're like I wasn't mistreated in any way it's just um you know I was young when I moved out I was ambitious I wanted you know I was homeschooled growing up so there was a lot of rebellion what was being homeschooled like it wasn't bad it really wasn't bad and um but after that I was ready to go and figure [ __ ] out on my own so was it hard to develop like social skills being homeschooled or not was no we weren't your normal typical home you know yeah Status for that but wait so why why were you homeschooled just cuz it was just her preference yeah so I want to um can I ask you to rate my friend sure all right cool I'm I'm going to pull him up right now um yo give me a picture from the community someone um post your pictures from the community oh you already got she already got it one second let me go like this um okay all right ready it's going to be on this side of the monitor where my mouse is ready what do you rate him rate in what way looks just by looks and be honest I promise you he's not going to be offended and you got to be honest who is this guy to you is it someone random or is it your friend I I know him on the internet you know he's my buddy but you know I'm just you know I just I just want you to be honest you know I give him like a solid six and a half six why well you know I have a you know I have a different type and that's my personal preference it's nothing against him but that's are you being nice I'm not you're actually being honest I mean it's kind of hard to tell like I have to get to know them too it's kind of hard to just judge someone based on you know they look yeah true true true true true I'll give you that okay a six sure okay or six and a half whatever you said send me uh who else who else you guys want me to is this IV supposed to make me feel tired not necessarily why do I feel so lightheaded right now is that normal might be in a little in your head okay it's anxiety got it a little anxiety yeah yeah yeah you're right you're right right just send it from the community send the you guys post pictures in the community what you guys want me to pull up on you oh Duke oh yeah go to Duke let me see real quick here one second all right what do you rate my boy Duke Dennis I need a better picture of his face better picture of his face let's see let me get one up close um I'd say the same like a six so he's the same as cuam like it's just because I I mean for me in order to get anything above that I like really have to be attracted to you yeah and you know it's it's hard to so he's the same as C it's in a different way oh I feel you all right I got one I got one it's not like I'm I get you I get you different I know what you mean I know you mean I know what you let me let me show you something let me show you something hold on all right what do you rate this guy right here is that you yeah all right let's say a seven and a half okay I'll take that seven and a half so what is your type if I'm a seven and a half he's a six I'm I'm I'm not easy oh okay okay okay I'm trying to think then what is uh okay I got what do you rate me if we're going to rate each other I would say you're about an eight and a half because the other the other one and a half would have to come through personality right yeah okay I agree with you I'm very big on personality too cuz guess what you could be dropped dead gorgeous and have the ugliest personality and you're like a two at that point exactly yeah so I agree who else you guys got but based off purely looks you rate him a six true okay s send them through send them through it's easier if you send it through uh pris like links but I he I'll look at it up too what about my boy right here let me show you him um what do you rate him right here I can't really see his face yeah he's kind of he's a little I'd say like a five that's amazing oh that's so good all right that's cool I'm not trying to hurt anyone n be be real what about my dog Los poos what do you Los like a a five six all these guys are on the same level I feel like yeah yeah yeah yeah okay to me personally but I got it who's your celebrity crush that's tough it could be a rapper an actor I I was thinking about that the other day and it's like um I don't really have one no one off the top of my head I'm like wow he's hot I got you I got one I want to show you I think my celebrity crush would be Megan Fox though if I had you know are you are are you bisexual I mean yeah I would say so you like both yeah have you ever I could go both ways have you ever um had a um what you know you know maybe once oh okay okay I I just had to ask all right rate um all right they want they want you to rate her okay I give her like a seven so the same as well you give me a seven and a half yeah okay all right so you give her seven nice all right just thought I had asked there what about my boy this is my boy right here my boy Mac it's my boy Mac right here would you rate Mac I kind of feel really [ __ ] up for doing this what in that picture I'd give him like an eight you get Mac an eight yeah okay in that picture really the other picture not so much okay okay so I my picture too okay okay okay okay okay let's be Mac right here he's a good guy he's a really tattoos for sure yeah he's a really good guy he works out what do you rate him like all around hi Hi how are you I'm Cony what you doing bro n cuz I ain't going to lie bro she gave me like a five bro a five that's you I mean yeah that's me so hold on why but just take it that's what you gr you don't look like the same person so she okay I I understand it but like bro like just take your rating and you know it is what it isit on now you you see me in person what do you give me I give you like a seven seven already got up to that was better yeah go so I yeah I mean yeah yeah those pictures you were showing it was like three years ago and Sh like that you're cute I would never yeah appreciate it thank you all right you got up to a seven that's good there you go all right so I don't like your personality so all apprciate thank you so what do you rate him in this picture right here all I'm done his body I'd say like a nine mhm face seven and a half all right fair enough fair enough fair enough fair enough um sorry about that by the way I didn't think he was going to Burge in like that God could have given me a little warning he was in the Next Room I know I should have damn U okay x2c yeah yeah yeah yeah send me AES wait let me see okay what about X do you see this a good picture of him too I don't know who that is but um his name is just Felix like it's six and a half seven okay all right fair enough what about show me a more recent picture of cheer because the one on his Instagrams are like older actually I mean I can just show them this one you know what do you rate cheer these are really bad pictures he yeah he doesn't I mean this is from like a couple years ago um this is the most recent one like a six six what do you rate Ed this is fun for you it's so fun I'm enjoying my time what do your rate speed five okay okay I got this so what are you trying to accomplish here I want to find you trying to figure out my tide yes yes I want to find out your just ask me okay what's your type I mean I guess I mean I like tall I like you'd be in the gym um I don't really care preference hair yeah color eyes it just all depends sweet how tall are you I'm 5'9 so I'm I'm taller than most girls MH probably taller than you I don't know about that one uh we'll see after this but uh I don't think that's true um okay um so tall JY okay I like tattoos I'm in a tattoos I'm in you have to have swag okay so M can so m i mean you did rate Mac the highest the one that I showed you with the tattoos right yeah he's all tatted up um yeah I'm trying to think that's not a like definite thing I have to have either I get you I get you I get you um and you said you're a celebrity like Megan Fox is like you're like that's like your who you think is the most attractive out of your celebrity crushes yeah okay um let's see I mean pris Mel she said tall she said tall tats in gy let me all right they want they want you to rate Kai it's not a good picture of his face yeah I feel you it's yeah I guess it's not um okay that's a good one sh one okay last guy last guy okay let's see um um let's see what about HS this is HS right here I'm not a big fan all I'm going to say wait what why I'm just not like they just not gotcha okay um all right fair enough fair enough well chat we had to rate everyone that was cool thank you for doing that by the way yeah you're actually really awesome you should you know what I thought you should do well actually it wouldn't work it'd be cool cuz I'm always thinking of like people's like careers and what they do and like implementing into streaming I was just thinking it'd be cool like to see you like stream like doing IVs for all these people but it's probably a privacy thing like some people don't want to be well I actually do that my Instagram yeah I take a lot of videos yeah I mean there's certain people I don't bother with but you know a lot of promoting on my my Instagram social media have you had some like pretty like like high up people I can say I've had rappers um you know I have a lot of athletes but yeah gotcha gotcha our clientes are pretty high yeah yeah yeah nice nice no so you're telling me at 11:00 p.m. whenever I need an IV last minute you'll come every time for you yes thank you so much that's thank you last one be done I'm almost done how much longer um like 15 minutes oh last one I'm sorry they want me to just last one oh wait hold on yeah H yeah I'd say like a six okay fair enough that's my manager who introduced you and I together so it's cool he's a good guy though he's a good guy you're just throwing me under the bus um yeah but yeah so wait what are you going to do after this go home are you excited to go home yeah yeah cuz whenever like I I'm like I feel like when you're like working for throughout the whole day and you go home it's like the best thing ever it really is yeah it's like the best feeling ever my bad um do you have any pets I have a cat oh you're a cat girl I am I'm an animal person period but I have a cat at the moment do you like dogs love dogs so why don't you get a dog I'm too busy for a dog right now cats are is it it true that cats are really easy to take care of the easiest so like they can basically do everything on their own I mean you got to feed them but yeah of course you can take care of any animal they're just more independent and easier to take care of you can leave them alone longer yeah I've had a few dogs yeah I'm pretty good at uh being a parent of dogs I just um I had to give them one away that hurt but yeah it does hurt yeah I miss them a lot but it is what it is so you don't have any dogs now right now no you're too busy too busy cuz you want to give you know the pet the best possible life I feel when you're not busy and you can't walk them a lot and all these things like it's just selfish to keep them at that point you know so but yeah um so what's everyone saying they're just putting the pictures of my old dog that's him I don't if you can see it like right there his name was hona a MH yeah he's really cute BBE yeah well I want to ask you a question cuz you're a girl and you seem really really cool and open to conversating about stuff so my question to you is can a girl have guy friends that's in a committed relationship so like can like if you had a boyfriend and you guys were serious can a girl have guy friends I feel like it depends on like when the Friendship started um you know if it's friends you've had your whole life and there's boundaries and you know you're you are with someone and if you trust them I don't think that's a problem but like going out every night meeting new people meeting new guy friends I don't think that's appropriate I like that answer because I feel like that's see that is good like if you met the guy literally when you were like a kid or like if you met him like whenever like you were like in your adolescence it's different at that point right but don't you think do you think do you think that like that I don't think you should have you know separate Friends of the opposite sex I mean going to have them and they've been around and you want to make them a part of like you know of your girlfriend you know I think everybody should be friends and comfortable with each other hanging out but as far as like going out meeting new guy friends all the time I don't think that's right no that's not good answer I like that answer you should some should have some respect I mean trust in the relationship as for sure for sure for sure um that's good very very good God there's something in here that's like making me feel weird it's the vitamin C what it is that what it is so what what am I supposed to like feel cuz I feel really weird off it like weird how like my head I feel like I'm being drugged like I don't know not drug but it can make you feel maybe a little dizzy a little Buzzy feeling yeah yeah yeah yeah confused confused yeah I don't know like where am I right now you to stop it nah n you can let it do its course but like I just feel so confused like [ __ ] do you want a water by the way thank you all right there's some drinks in the fridge oh yeah got be confused though did you drug me or something no did you I did not okay did you want to um you could have slipped something in there I'd have been all right with it wait do you have do you ever have you ever done drugs you know I've had I've had my days where I've partied before um not So Much Anymore why my mindsets different I'm focused on different things and partying isn't one of them I like that that's good so do you still Drinker at all or no I like to have fun yeah I mean I'm not a yeah I mean I like to have a some cocktails at dinner and I'm just not out all hours of the night anymore what do you do on like your day off depends on what I have going on but you know stuff I need to take care of I'm always working on my days off too so I'm always putting client calls I'm there damn damn so you're you're a hustler that's that's that's that's good well one time if you're free um we should go out okay yeah we can go to uh you never told me your favorite restaurant I didn't told you a couple of them you did actually remember no you said Carbone I said Carbone that was one of them yeah n you did say Carbone Carbone we go to Carbone to be what's your favorite restaurant Carbone's up there my top three I like Carbone um noou but the one here is not that good I like like the one in California I agree yeah you've been to one of Malibu I've been to both Malibu's way better I go to this one often um on Collins but the one in Mal is way better way better um and then I have a couple of like spots like lowkey spots but um for the mo I mean like you've had like Koto and stuff too right Koto gecko like those are really all good too like that whole super super good um God I feel so weird from that vitamin C that is crazy God a bad like a head weird dizziness feeling it's so weird like a buzz yeah oh is it CU it's energy is that what it is it's just it's it's a high dose so it's going to make you feel a little buzzy gotcha gotcha gotcha um any other questions you guys have for her at all bro I told you guys why I'm acting weird if I'm acting weird it's cuz this and now I feel it to my head it's so weird that feeling I have [ __ ] weird U let's see um have you ever had a deal with someone who's like super sick and like pull up on them like and they're like not like I would say like yeah like hospitalization type sick like I've had to send three people to the ER so how did you know to I take them to the ER I assess them I take their Vital Signs um just basic nursing assessment you should know just by looking at them um and if further assessment's done um and then I notify the doctor and we agree that he need they need to go to the ER gotcha do you do any other um IV IVs besides like the regular one yeah we do um a lot of like anti-aging regenerative medicine n stem cells oh wow so wait NAD that is I I read that it's it's supposed to make you like anti-ag it's like the opposite like slows the aging process down when you age you lose NAD and when you replace it on a regular basis is that is that real though like it's actually like helps yeah it really it really does it does wait so what's a stem cell exactly stem cells are basically like we get our stem cells from amnionic fluid and they're like little Messengers in the cells that communicate with each other and help like with repairing and like um like tissues and and muscles and ligaments and stuff like that um as what our exosomes got you will do um if you have an injury or anything like that it's supposed to heal speed the healing process so gotcha damn so it's like regrowth pretty much gotcha gotcha gotcha gotcha um TTS I don't know why it's not working wait Leo so it's not popping through the speaker should be I have it on the speaker do you guys hear it do you guys hear it is this LeBron night tipped $1 the only reason we watch you is because we can't afford NyQuil this is a free quill pill alternative I I don't know why I can't hear it see this is why I need Citrus here oh yeah my buddy has a he said he has a respiratory infection okay um so what is a respiratory infection these it's a it's a respiratory infection um it's real though it's yeah it's real oh okay yeah yeah I mean it could be you know bronchitis I don't I don't know you have to get you know a test done to determine what kind of infection is exactly but damn it could be anything it's just I have a question for you um I'm actually concerned about it I get sick a lot why is that because I just had Co like two weeks ago it could have something I mean your immune system's low do you get enough nutrients you take vitamins daily no then that's probably why you take vitamins every day you should do you I I get the IVs often enough I don't really need to gotcha um but it does make a difference like even just by like your complexion your hair vitamins so vitamins are like they actually work yeah just staying hydrated properly works you know it's it's a big difference yeah cuz I so like all the vitamins could you recom recommend me some cuz I get the like I've I've done them before but I've still gotten sick when I take like daily vitamins well I mean when you're taking I mean if you're chewing a little like Flintstone vitamin it's not going to really do it oh the chewy one don't work I mean you don't really know it's it's a much lower dose you don't really know how much your gut's actually absorbing all of that so it's not going to be as effective as getting the with the true so why do they sell it that's they're scamming us I mean it's not it is what it is I don't know okay so the best thing you can do is the IV then second is what like the capsule version of yeah you can take I mean by mouth it's still doing something you know it's just not as effective like as like injections injection this is going directly into your bloodstream it's a higher dose you know the the absorption rate's up there so you know your body is actually getting everything so you you can live off an IV I heard for like weeks without eating right I mean it's a it's not a vitamin IV it's got like nutrients in there but yes okay that's a I want to actually ask that question has don't don't look at me like I'm creepy cuz they asked it okay has any anyone ever gotten a dick enlargement stem cell injection I don't know if they have this nothing that I'm aware of but I mean it's possible alod dog is so weird oh my God okay so you don't okay got you got you damn I need to start taking daily vitamins then sure I get sick so much I should just get an IV with me once a week we could do that do that we can make it like a weekly thing make it like a date or yeah yeah hey I'm with it we could definitely do that oh yeah how much does this cost by the way this one let's see probably like 250 oh okay not too bad gotcha yeah um they were saying that my chat was the reason why they asked about the dick enlargement stem cells CU they said Drake might have that yeah you saw that yeah unfortunately I did yeah yeah yeah oh my God this all get into my Dome [ __ ] it you could speed it up if you want yeah I mean there we go how much more minutes do you think it has left maybe like 10 keep your arms open it's going a little faster like that mean you don't have to like freeze or anything oh okay just keep it like that yeah all right so once a week I get this it'll stop me from getting sick it would definitely help I rarely get sick you get IV once a week I'd say at least once maybe twice a month okay so like every two weeks gotcha gotcha gotcha you need to eat I do eat pretty good I don't understand why I get sick so much you're you're probably right I'm just lacking a lot of nutrition last time you had blood work done like a couple months ago okay everything was good no cuz I was my testosterone was low but I but I just started working out like almost four months ago now it's upped now it's up to little I got it up a lot yeah okay and they were recommending at first my chat and like people were like just do trt but I think I'm too young for that I mean you're getting close really I mean I know 23y olds that take testosterone but but like isn't that bad cuz I feel like our body can produce it it does prod yeah yeah but I don't know I mean it's it's at a pretty good level now then that's good yeah yeah without doing that so cuz I think like being in the gym doing legs twice a week itself it boosts your testosterone naturally you know so that's what I've been doing oh yeah what did you hit today at the gym today I didn't make it to the gym you slack slack today so did you go yesterday I went yesterday did Legs yesterday what are you doing tomorrow probably a little full body nice very nice what are you going to work out tomorrow's legs for me yep um you could use my gym by the way if you want to sometime work out we can here yeah did you see the gym when you walked in I might have I wasn't really paying attention but on the way out you'll see it it's a really nice gym so this is where you work out all the time I work out downstairs relax a little bit then I come here in stream yeah yeah wait how far do you live from here I live in Fort Lauderdale oh you're a trip oh yeah you're a trip the way here tonight was I swear roadblock after roadblock spring break right getting off the beach was impossible yeah it was it was extra tonight but typically it's it's like 40 minutes damn what was it tonight it was like over an hour I feel like the traffic's that bad oh yeah what yeah 95 blocked off and stuff when does Spring Break end probably like two weeks from now hopefully soon they're doing um they're doing what's now like my buddy was going to South Beach last night and they're doing like random DUI stops though oh yeah which is good they're stopping from like drinking and driving which is really good um but yeah um you're going to be done soon I'm GNA go grab you some stuff to take this out okay okay minutes yep bro the IV stuff I I'm just it just I'm not used to it bro okay now that she's going I can bite my toes no she's cool bro she's cool Chad would you guys want me to get a weekly IV with her I will I'm not smelling her chair stop so you guys are telling me right now that you guys would what the [ __ ] to wanted her well to she wants me so to I'm really sorry I'm not spping her chair what the [ __ ] is this dude guys I'm not I was sipping cuz I'm thirsty no I'll I'll I'll tip her I'll tip her I'll tip her sweet chat you guys know more than me like do you think she FS with me I don't I mean how do you know dude I'm so itchy oh God she's coming here you are a white boy so what and you're black you mean I'm a white boy pranker the balls or the balls should I balls pranker or don't do it why she already knows she saw him and she didn't even care she's 30 yeah oh God you're right not you're right you're right oh my God you're so right yep what's going on what's up what did you just go get some gloves why how did my chair smell I didn't smell your chair you didn't no they they wanted me to they were you wanted me to they were they were telling me not to I mean they were telling me to smell it I was like a real gentleman doesn't smell chairs oh you're right yeah that'd be a little creepy I guess yeah yeah I don't want to creep you out yeah they're crazy wait they told you I did I just had a feeling honestly no I didn't smell it trust me you you could run it back I didn't you know um so why'd you get gloves because I'm going have to take your IV out soon and I'm going have to give you shot on the arm I don't want your blood on my oh wait does the shot in the arm hurt it's a little pinch okay um so wait why do some people get injections in their butt because it hurts less and it's a muscle it's a bigger muscle typically when you're putting an IM injection that's it's an oil base so it's thicker and the butt hurts oh I see I see I see yeah damn uh no I'm not I don't want to get in my butt [ __ ] that I rather get in M wa you don't want to show everybody your butt hell no no no they'd be weird about it too they've never seen it and I don't want them to see wait who wants to see his butt who who wants to see a shot in his butt compared to his arm they're going to say the butt they're going to say oh don't you want to give them what they want my God bro you guys have never seen it bro shut up you have not seen it before wait so it would hurt less I would yeah I prefer I prefer it and uh yeah all right I'll do it okay I'll do it I got to take your IV out first but okay we'll do it all right and it does not hurt as bad all right I'll do it oh my God so you never given your shot of you know you've never given yourself a shot of anything I okay so one time they have given me D12 cuz I was insufficient in my ass but it didn't hurt at all this was like two years ago and I was living back back West but I've done that before but it didn't hurt but I don't know like I'm still scared to do it I guess because they like I don't know doing it yourself is always a little more no I didn't do it myself or just period just having they they just yeah I'm just scared I hate needles and stuff I just I don't know it always weird like let me ask you like when you see a spider in your house do you get scared yeah I don't like it me me neither yeah I get scared God see who's taller all right when I'm done I'll stand up yeah we got to see who's taller I'm definitely taller than you you think so yep I don't know I mean I have longer legs wait oh so you've been working out for a long time what do you like press you know how much you like press So lately I've been squatting my body weight what do you squat it's around like 140 nice nice nice nice godamn no I'm not 5'6 I'm I'm actually 5'9 too so we'll probably be the same height but you got a little like fro going on there hair down like this my God this is making me pee is that normal yeah that's normal I mean you're getting a lot of fluid oh okay okay is this going to um completely hydrate me too yes nice you're getting a bunch of electrolytes nice so wait raising it actually makes it go oh I guess it does gravity yep gravity they're saying you look really nice today thank you um oh someone said how many boyfriends have you had and how many girlfriends have you had serious boyfriends I've had three and I've had no girlfriends so then how did you know that like you wanted to like get with a girl you just tried and you liked it I've actually never been with a girl but um oh I I am attracted to girls it's not something I would ever turn down gotcha I don't think I would ever date a girl seriously though I mean physical attraction is one thing but mentally I need a man of course do you know your signs of do you know your love signs like love language love language yeah I think about I you know it's a little bit of all of them but I'm very I like to give and like show of service and stuff like that um to other people but yeah I have the same one honestly I'm I'm giving as well you know I love to give um like I can go do something for myself but it doesn't feel as good as doing it for somebody else you know yeah yeah so I've always been like that yep what you say cofam I saw C typ what' he say I have to be so bad it's crazy godamn that's the this is the needle right here that's the needle yeah God damn that's a it's not that big it's huge look how long it is that whole needle's got to go inside of me that's not that's only an inch oh it's not that bad I'll be as gentle as okay feel in your but yep yeah I am a little nervous of that yeah no someone like why are you nervous no you got you so you telling me right now you guys would take this by her in your butt you guys are telling me that you would let her do that to you yeah let's see who would let me they're saying yes okay I guess they wouldn't but okay you must be really lucky I must be very lucky then [ __ ] I'm like cold too my body's cold like shivering what the [ __ ] what what's making me shiver vitamin C makes you cold yeah it's kind of it's like kind of you're cleaning your body out it's detoxing you know yep wait so why did you keep sniffing your nose are you you have a cold I do do you cuz you keep going yeah so what oh notice it until you said something but now I guess I am okay we're almost done with the IV yes they're so stupid like you're sniffling because you're doing it no it's because you're doing it no you're contagious I was I think I just realized every time you do it I do it because it's like I'm trying to like I I don't know you're trying to what I don't know I'm trying to like make it so like I don't even [ __ ] know honestly I think it's just contagious your Sni your sniffling is just contagious I think it's your sniffling no came it's like yawning if you were sitting there yawning I'd probably be yeah but you started it you came in the room I don't think so so I'm just reciprocating you're the sick one right yeah I'm giving you the IV right very true very true I'll give you that I gotta be so bad this is crazy God oh how many how many times a day is it normal to pee at least three two to three what about taking a [ __ ] like once a day twice a day once a day I would say everyone's different but got you got to be so bad this is crazy you hold it I'm gonna cross my legs here you gonna have to PE in a bottle no I'll be good I'll be straight almost minutes okay okay what's that for oh it's wrap sorry I'm being anxious sorry I'm gonna put it around your neck stop it try to turn this way just a little yeah I got you I'm tripping is not even that bad okay okay you do the shot now or you gonna go pee um we could do it now let's do it now I agree yeah um so it's just a quick little poke in the butt quick little poke in the butt just stand yeah um okay I want to be off the camera while I do it yeah okay all right how about I stay like just in there a little bit you stay there right here you can do it yeah all right all right so just have it down like that you got a nice butt thank you I'm nervous nervous okay is it done it's done no way that was it that's it what I'm not lie that was actually not bad at all not bad right yeah yeah yeah it was a little bit startling but it was good God damn good so you're about to leave now I think so yeah here put your number in my phone and I'll call you next um don't read it out loud cuz I don't want them to say it I'm so shivering I got to put a hood it's under cast remedy got you all right guys had fun tonight it was a lot of fun no seriously thank thank you so much for coming on so much wait who's taller real quick real quick oh yeah who's taller let me stand back over here this real quick oh just come over here and stand oh my God you're taller taller [ __ ] that's actually really bad wait I have shoes on too hold on and and I thought your hair was going to be taller all right I think it's me no it's not you're you're taller I think I'm tall yeah you are taller like a half inch maybe like a half inch that's yeah but if I'm wearing shoes then it's it's it's fine so that's that's good Perfect all right well thank you so much you're welcome bye guys appreciate you shout out to her she was awesome bye oh my God my God bro my God God she was amazing guys I miss her already
Channel: Adin Live
Views: 136,062
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Keywords: ADIN ROSS LIVE, ADIN LIVE, ADINROSS LIVE, ADIN ROSS, ADINROSS, adin ross, adin ross 2k, adin ig live, adin ig, adinross ig live, adin ross ig live, adin ross ig live today, adin ross ig live full, adin ross full stream, adin ross twitch, adin ross stream, full adin stream, adin full stream, Adin Ross Kick, Adin Ross Kick Stream, Adin Ross Full Kick Stream
Id: nXbmFGQnNt8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 57min 24sec (3444 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 12 2024
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