Adin Ross Introduces Adam22 & Lena The Plug To ANDREW TATE

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hello hey Lana hi guys do you hear me yes yeah I can hear you all hello Lemma this Adam we can't hear you Elena this is my friend um I don't know if you've heard of him before his name is um Andrew Tate never heard of him hi nice to meet you nice to meet you how are you I'm pretty good that's good yeah good when I could see you know you have a black microphone in your face it's very nice uh Andrew we have to be very careful with this conversation and I'm going to explain why let's start by setting some ground rules because it's very nice to meet these two people and I've never met them in real life and I believe in being respectful to everybody that's who I am as a person I believe in treating everybody with respect and even if we're going to have an interesting conversation I'm going to have disagreements in this debate perhaps that might evolve I'm not going to sit here and insult anybody that's not who I am so I know what you're trying to make me do it and you're trying to make me say something which could be deemed offensive and that's not what I'm going to do I'm not sure we're all individuals and we can all make our own choices you have a lot more in common than we have uh separating us because believe it or not the Matrix has been out to get me too so that's it tell me how oh they've been trying to cancel me for years all kinds of made up sexual assault [ __ ] and everything under the sun the same exact Playbook that they've been using to try to take you out the game so you may disagree with uh some of our sexual proclivities but believe me me and Andrew tell you we're victims of the same struggle the Tupac and I think once you get to a certain level of Fame and influence every single man is going to be hit with this I mean the reason ain't hasn't been hit by us because it's just so unbelievable I literally have though bro I got cancer like 30 times bro for hanging around with chicks they said you like had sex with a girl or whatever you got sexual nothing like that thank God yeah because everyone knows you're not getting laid so that's fine but when you're in actually High status whatever bro whatever bro cool say again sorry I know trans girls I know girls who have [ __ ] Aiden so I don't think that's totally true what how do you know this I know all about you Aiden tell me all about Aiden bro hey what is this I know like 10 trans chicks that even [ __ ] all right see now people are gonna believe that [ __ ] it's not true at all come on bro you know it's not true Andrew I swear to God I've never fought the transgender before all my life let me let me tell you all a story when I was about 25 I was living in Thailand and I must be the only man who lived in Thailand for because I was fighting so I lived there for two years and I lived there and I must be the only man who lived in Thailand I've never paid for sex never slept with a prostitute none of none of the weird [ __ ] so I'm living in Thailand and I had this Russian girlfriend and then she went back to Russia and I was a bit lonely and I thought okay I'm gonna try and get myself a new girlfriend and by coincidence the same day I met this beautiful Swedish girl and she was backpacking and I met her I went up to her and started saying hello blah blah blah we agreed to go for a drink that night after talking to her I was walking home and as I was walking this transsexual who must have been about 55 56 had a couple teeth missing some man clearly a man I don't want to you know misgender clearly a man but was a transsexual was walking across the road from me and he slash she pointed at me and said hey I could tell by how you walk you have a big dick what the [ __ ] and I look back at this transsexual and thought well I'll take the compliment and I said yes that's true thank you very much and I continued on my walk that was the end of the story until nine o'clock rolls around I get on my motorcycle I go down to this bar to meet this Swedish girl I'm sitting there I get drinks on the table she turns up 20 minutes late and I'm sitting there with a Swedish girl and after an hour and a half of drinking and enjoying each other's company I'd already kissed her twice I was due to go back to her house because my house was a dump and she had more money than me and we're gonna go and stay at hers when the transsexual walks in the bar and in front of the entire bar she walks in and points to me across the bar and goes and the entire bar stops it looks big dick she said big dick and the entire bar stops and looks at her the old transsexual with missing teeth and then looks at me and I tried to explain for the following 10 minutes of this Swedish girl that I've never slept with this person I don't know why she says I have a big dick and I've never been there and I just saw her on the street and she didn't believe me she went toilet and never returned that's a story from when my lonely night in Thailand that's true and it completely happened you never give a [ __ ] a shot I've never given a [ __ ] a shot no am I missing out Adam I haven't done it either but I went out to Thailand when I was like uh 19 20 and the lady boys are out there and some of them even back then this was like 20 years ago they were doing a pretty impressive ruse like they they looked like more of a woman than a lot of women that I know so yeah I've seen a lady yeah I'm a dude it was a really interesting site he was saying some [ __ ] to her running his mouth and she literally fought like a man and beat the [ __ ] out of him and it was pretty interesting to see heels on and everything all right can I just address the elephant elephant we talked yeah I was finished I heard the videos going crazy on PornHub you guys crashed it um it's all my only fans no oh sorry so Adam if you don't I'm sorry uh Andrew what happened was this uh yeah I don't know if you heard Andrew they did a video um basically Adam and them they're married they're you know they've been married for a while they have a beautiful family um and uh basically one day uh they decided to uh basically Adam said uh hey hun you can go ahead and get a BBC by this guy so they had a big black uh [ __ ] insert her puss and uh it's not in the video and um that's for pretty much what happened and uh uh thoughts Andrew Well I think I mentioned this on one of my previous podcasts I said that I wouldn't personally do that bro but it's not my personal preference but I want to make something clear I I I I'm really careful about what I say to people I don't want to insult anybody that's not who I am as a person if that's their personal decision to make then they can make their own personal decisions and do as they please I'm not here to sit and say they shouldn't do it all I can say is that I wouldn't personally do that that's not something I would allow my woman to do so perhaps I'm missing something maybe I maybe you can tell me why I'm I'm wrong I'm not sure would you guys let your wife do that the thing that he's the most important piece of context that is missing is the fact that we already had been doing porn for I mean maybe five six years or really since the very beginning of our relationship and you know she is 32. she is a mother realistically she's not gonna be doing this forever but we decided that it made a lot of sense for her to you know seize upon the moment the fact that she's still got her youth about her and slurp up a black [ __ ] for the [ __ ] paper man he liked it he liked watching the video yeah I was kind of turned on but I'm not gonna lie do you think that you have an emotional attachment to this man now or like you literally wouldn't care what happened to him let's say heaven forbid something I don't know he he got locked up and went to jail or something like would you care or would you literally you have zero interest in him as an individual feel for him as I would feel for like almost anyone I'd ever met who went to jail but like no funds Jason I see you as like a male sex doll like no no emotional attachment to him whatsoever no this is where I have my emotional attachment okay well then if you if you're if you're capable of keeping that divide then I'm not here to insult you and the reason I don't install [Music] maybe it's just I've lived but I think the internet has [ __ ] the world up and I think one of the ways has messed the world up is everybody's constantly running their mouths and the world I'm from and the life I've lived if you insult somebody it's it's you have to be prepared to defend that opinion and I know people who have run their mouths and then have got you getting shot for it and I I don't like to sit around and insult people unless I have a genuine beef with them so I'm not here to judge you or your life object can just say that it's not something I would personally do if you feel like you have no emotional attachment to the guy I think that's a good thing I think he's your heart should be in one place objectively you could definitely beat the [ __ ] out of me but one time I was hanging out with the UFC fighter Donald cowboy Cerrone and he pulled up some old Andrew tape uh kickboxing matches and was showing me them and did a pretty good job of making the point of this guy can't fight which I am not uh in a position to judge but I have had that experience where a former UFC champion has basically told me about what a [ __ ] you are which I don't agree with I'm a fan of the top G I like everything that you're doing out here but I I I think you and Donald Cerrone need to settle this in the in the Square Park well that's the thing about fighting all right the thing about fighting as a sport is that everybody who watches it goes this guy can't fight or everyone at home who's never even fought since this guy can't fight or the other Fighters say this guy can't fight which is why as a fighter you constantly feel like you have something to prove even if you win 100 fights in a row there's always gonna be someone out there since you can't fight I'd like to think that my record stands for itself I've had eight and eight fights I've had a bunch of fights a four-time world champion I fought a bunch of rules including MMA and I did my very best and I won a bunch of titles and made some money and beat a bunch of people and of course there's always going to be someone who watches me and says I can fight there's a bunch of videos that say I can and there's the Oddity who says I can't but I'm very happy with who I am in my career and what I've achieved and I'm very confident in my abilities so it is what it is and as for Cerrone I've heard of him didn't he get didn't McGregor finish him pretty quick sure but either way we need to settle that score at some point I just want to throw that out okay but you know I don't know we do I don't know if I need you know because and this is something I want to make clear as well I don't know if I need beef with people on the internet I see a lot of this I see a lot of people actually beating each other and all these arguments Etc I don't need any of those things I'm fighting against the judicial system I'm fighting against the most powerful people in the world trying to silence me I have enough battles in my life I don't have time to be [ __ ] tweet beefing with some dude if he has a problem with me you can come to my house he knows where I am everyone knows where I am until then I have no problems with anybody so as for Cerrone if he thinks I can't fight then if he wants to tell me to my face and kick my ass he's welcome to try [Applause] we believe you would regret that decision and that's as far as I need to take it right so your brother Tristan was in my DMs like really sincerely trying to convince me that I have made a very grave error a massive mistake as a result of having let my wife shoot with another man myself personally having been you know a couple weeks removed from the actual incident happening I don't really feel like I made a mistake it feels like some pretty regular problem you know I was a little bit jealous at first it's kind of a weird feeling knowing that your your woman was in the arms of another man Even if it was uh only for a few hours but it's interesting you don't seem like you have as much of a a real like moral issue with oh well I can give you my opinion on why I wouldn't ever do it and I think the reason I wouldn't ever do it is because I believe that a man and a woman have a connection between them and I think that connection is solidified by sexual exclusivity from the females part and I believe there's an energy Court between and I think that once that's broken with another man I do believe there's a degree of the connection which is damaged and I think that when the relationship is good perhaps you will not feel it but when the relationship is bad or when arguments start to happen or you start to get on each other's nerves you might notice a slight difference in Behavior because I do also think that once the seal has been broken I'll give you an example four minute mile was impossible to achieve they believed until one man ran the four minute mile and then a bunch of people around the four minute mile so once the seal has been broken for example let's say your wife's sleeping with another man the idea I'll see when the other man is not as intimidating as it was once once was and perhaps the idea of sitting through an argument or sitting through a rough patch in a relationship and continuing to try to work it out as opposed to just jumping on a new man it might be less appealing than it once was previously so I believe personally if my woman had already sent another man she's more likely to just give up in the relationship and sleep with another man again in a rough patch that's my personal facts chat no say again why would I I mean I've never cheated on you like even in the lowest terms of cheating like responding to a DM from somebody or anything like I've never done any of that everything in our relationship has been out in the open um you know like all my messages with the person that I worked with I was like hey just so you know like these are the messages um and like Adam has [ __ ] up about 200 women in front of me and he cheated on me so like you know Adam Adam that's terrible we all got our issues hey let me just tell you about a half hour ago I was laying on the floor in the adjacent office with a large Italian ass shaking on top of my face she does this thing called Brazilian face sitting uh he almost died it's gonna appear on which is our weekly podcast where we interview and then [ __ ] a different girl every single week and this girl was really cutting off my ability to breathe and when I would grab her ass and try to move her ass off of my face she would grab my hands and hold on to them so that I wasn't able to escape and Lena was was involved she was giving me head drawing all this and so I don't know do you feel like that affects our connection at all because I can after having you shot with this guy I can kind of understand why that [ __ ] doesn't matter to you because you and the other guy don't really matter to me at this point I I think it's well my personal view is that it's very different from for a woman than it is for a man and I think that and I hope I'm wrong if your relationship reaches a rough patch perhaps the idea of being with another man will be more tempting than once it previously was because the Seal's already been broken that's my personal view I don't with all due respect care what you want to do with your own relationship if it makes you happy you should make you happy and that's fine and it's your decision to make it's not my decision to make I'm just telling you that I wouldn't do it I can give you admiration for a degree to how well you've dealt with the pressure I guess or the hate or the backlash I mean you've handled it pretty well which I guess is good not a lot of people can do that so I have to give you some degree of respect for that but um I guess you expected all that before you made the decision to do it right yeah I did and I mean I've got I've caught a lot of flack because when you first commented on Me on the uh Tucker Carlson show I left an Instagram comment that said if he's the top G I want to be the bottom G so I do want to extend an invite that if you were ever interested in doing your first ever double penetration scene that me and Lena I mean I I don't want to speak for you but I feel like Yo dude would he be a suitable candidate can I tap him in I don't know no [Music] you're not in this conversation anymore would you would you you double penetrator bro would you would you do that Andrew go ahead finish the answer is that chill there's absolutely zero percent chance of that happening and it's not because Elena is particularly unattractive it's because she's married to Adam and I have no interest in degenerate pointless sex and I have no interest in making a spectacle of myself or even just involving myself in anything which I deem to be overall Haram and pointless that's just not something I'd be interested in there's not no there's not a single amount of money on the planet you could pay me to to undertake so shout out to you because I I respect you all so much um I'm with Andrew by the way I couldn't get paid any amount of money the [ __ ] no no offense and respect you degenerate sex I'm not with that no matter you make dollars a month sitting on your ass so uh and that's from one sponsor I think right so uh stop exposing it no I mean I read it I read it online um but yeah I'm with Andrew on that one uh Andrew so do you two Think You're Gonna Stay Together Forever [Music] um I mean in life Adam she's on me again maybe not but I'm not a cheater anymore I left that in the past like yeah divorce but you think people are going to attribute it to this event I like I always think that we're gonna be together forever I mean we didn't get married a long time ago we just got married but uh it is unfortunate that if like in 10 years we break up because like let's say he cheated on me everyone's gonna blame it on the fact that I [ __ ] Jason in July of 2023. I don't think anyone's gonna think about anything else nobody's gonna be thinking about the fact that we did this in 10 years which when you're in the middle of the storm and everybody's freaking out on you every day it's kind of easy to feel like oh this is going to Define my life going forward now that may be true to some extent because this has been such a thing but I don't really think that it's that likely to follow us 10 years into the future my hopes is to my hope is to be with Adam forever that is what I want and again last thing I want to say is this well not lasting but I think I asked this but wait Selena which which sex was better because you haven't had it Adam's you an app sorry Jason was the first Dick you had right you know what let me let me say something I find this very uncomfortable to talk about there's not many things I find uncomfortable but I just find this uncomfortable to talk about and the reason is it's not because I mean I'm an adult I know what sex is of course I've lived a very varied life I just feel like I don't know we have so many people watching us and we're just talking about dick and vagina do you think this is below us I don't know we're all pretty intelligent people we talk about the Matrix and how they're trying to dumb us all down and trying to control all of our minds and this base Instinct talk I find it very uncomfortable I don't find I'm not comfortable being on this stream if I was sitting with a woman next to me the last thing I would talk about is our personal life I just don't think it's the smart thing to do and I don't think that it is I don't have any interest in the personal sex life of any married couple and I don't want to hear about it and I don't want to talk about it and I just find it very uncomfortable I'm extremely uncomfortable in this situation that's the truth and I'm not saying that from a position of weakness I'm saying it from a position of strength I don't like talking about these things I don't like talking about women getting [ __ ] I don't like talk about what I do with women I don't like talking about any of it I think that what I do in the bedroom with a woman who I care about should be two degrees sacred and I think it should be completely private absolutely and I don't want to hear about anyone else [ __ ] I want to make something clear to this I've never watched I don't watch porn I've never bought and only fans I've never paid for sex my relationship with sex is involves love and I don't think it should happen outside of love and I think that's the way that sex should operate and I think that when you decide and once again I could be wrong when you decide to keep sex exclusively for love just something beautiful and special about it and if you decide not to do that then you keep chasing a new high and you can have threesomes and [ __ ] a bunch of girls and I'm not saying I haven't done it but eventually you're constantly just chasing a new high and you end up just doing something weird let me just say I always have sex with girls I loved and it's always special and it's always pretty sacred and you get to just enjoy it that way and beautiful children are birthed and Life Goes On uh in maybe like the last five years of our relationship I can really only think of maybe like one or two times that we've had sex with a girl off camera for the most part we are monogamous uh we just [ __ ] around on camera and I think if anything our realization is is that the world is so extremely fascinated by a couple like us who are open-minded sexually because there's a lot of conversations about polyamorous relationships and you know in our case I do think it's kind of disingenuous for everybody to act like we're in this crazy poly relationship when we actually are monogamous uh besides on camera but I mean for us it's really like a porn thing you know she shot this scene with this dude as much as she may have enjoyed it or not enjoyed it it was a money decision it was like oh this is going to be a big move for my career and for our family we're going to be able to retire off of this money so that was the reason for it not like oh I'm just dying I have another dick in my mouth I understand and I'm not a saint I'm not saying sitting here trying to say I'm insane I'm not trying to talk from a position of authority but I have perhaps maybe it's my fight career which surround doesn't respect or maybe it's something else but I think that you can achieve a lot of happiness in life through actually reducing your exposure to certain things I'll give you an example I'm not particularly a foodie but I will only eat once a day sometimes I don't eat for two or three days at a time and that's the reason I love the steak so right now I have unlimited sexual options because I am the top G and I'm the most famous man on the planet and thousands of women a week are constantly trying to throw themselves at me and the reason I reject them all is because I don't think I would enjoy sex as a whole if I slept with all these women the reason I enjoy sex is because I say no to everybody and say no to everything and by reducing my exposure to something that's how I still find it interesting and that's how I still enjoy it so I know what you're saying I'm just talking from my personal experience I I try very hard to not give in to any Temptations and try to avoid them and I'm not saying I'm a perfect person but by doing that I find satisfaction in the world so if I feel like [ __ ] I quite often don't [ __ ] uh corollary to that is that we were just on uh we were all over Italy and Spain and France on our honeymoon and we're in and five-star restaurants every single day the best food that's out there and by the end of it I didn't give a [ __ ] at all about what I was and now that I'm back home and I'm uh you know eating on a pretty strict diet and exercising and everything like that you could go get me a McDonald's [ __ ] Big Mac and I'm gonna be on cloud nine because it's just so much more potent than the stuff that I'm eating on a day-to-day basis so I would say that in the sense that there are a lot of guys out there who think that the the key to happiness is just sleeping with as many women as possible from my perspective I'm infinitely more happy just being in a nice solid relationship where I can really trust my partner as opposed to the way I was Andrew before I got into this relationship with her I was in the streets I saved you I was bad I was [ __ ] like five six seven girls a week New Girls well it was disgusting doing cocaine drinking to an absurd degree popping Xanax snorting perfect [ __ ] drugs [ __ ] drugs man yeah I was drinking lean like Aiden Ross and now you know I'm much happier I'm sitting here like that's crazy all right well I agree and and I just want to say that before before you guys leave I agree I just want to say that I wish you absolutely the best I wish the best for everybody on the planet and I have nothing against you and I'm glad that you are happy with your decision I hope it works out fantastically for you and I hope you stay together forever and you raise your children because that's a beautiful thing and that's what the world needs more of so I wish you the absolute best I think a lot of people expect it I'll start arguing I don't feel that way about about you or your decisions and you seem like very nice people so I wish you the absolute best and Lena I hope you had fun and I hope you enjoy your marriage
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Id: 3V33MIIcXjM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 11sec (1391 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 18 2023
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