Adin Ross Introduces N3ON To Andrew Tate

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this is my best friend his name is Mikhail his name's going on so my name is Neo nice to meet you so this is nice to meet you since you got locked up and went to prison this is my best friend we were kindled and we went on a 100 game win streak in 2K we were playing for 13 hours straight we are grinding video games all day it was the funnest time in my life yeah but you know what I'm gonna say something about video games because I haven't played video games in years and now because I'm on house arrest and I'm entering my sixth month of house arrest I decided I need to do something to relax my brain instead of just endlessly train you can play games I decided to start trying to play video games so what I did is I picked up where I left off because I haven't played games in so long and I've picked up with Super Smash Brothers because that's the game I used to play about literally 20 years ago literally on the first ever N64 right so now I've got Super Smash Brothers ultimate and I want you to know Aiden that I would beat the [ __ ] out of you Smash Brothers all right I would beat you to a pulp in that game I promise you wouldn't we could put up money we could play I don't give a [ __ ] we can put up here's what we're gonna do shut up and listen here's what we're gonna do first first thing we're gonna do is see if you were lying to me earlier because you love to lie you said you'd do something for me I need you to go to Santiago and Argentina I want you to go next week and I will pay for first class flights for you and another person to go along with a hotel so you can meet somebody who knows me and collect something I need collected will you actually go it's Tuesday shut up what the [ __ ] is this hey you're not gonna [ __ ] him around bro yes I am because he lied to me he said he'd do anything I need him to do so now he turns out he's a liar are you going to do it or not don't tell my boy a liar watch your [ __ ] mouth bro all right hold on a second oh my gosh hold on I wanna I want you guys to be on good for you guys are both my best yeah that's all right yep yep we're good okay do you know who this guy is you ever heard him before probably not right oh yeah I saw him on the news reports for being a prisoner but that's about it well he's a good guy he's like a nice guy I don't know yeah he's a great guy but it's certainly highlighted my Global flame that must be true but um Macau pretty much anyway so I know will you do something for me or not Aiden okay Macau can you come with me bro you're my best basketball yes I'll come with you I got you your other Bad are there bad [ __ ] there I don't know I I don't know if there are I don't know if you'll be able to find them or if they'll talk to you the point is no I don't I'm sorry you're telling me a girl is [ __ ] your poet ass over me hmm is that SpongeBob on your T-shirt talking to these children you guys okay you take your you take your inhaler G that'll turn the girls on right Aiden while he's busy with his inhaler because he can't seem to handle air without assistance you tell me you're gonna do something for me like you promised you would or if you're simply lying okay I said by the end of the year why Why by the end of the year I need you to go next week just admit you're not going to do it just admit you're not gonna do it or I'll book the flights right here on stream you're gonna go or not okay so what do you attack after meet someone pick something up and then leave okay you know what can I have somebody do it for me no you and a friend will go to Santiago then Argentina next week yes or no okay she's [ __ ] killed there wait is it's bad out there yes they kidnap and like cut your body parts off and [ __ ] there bro it's setting you up wait they won't cut oh they won't cut yours off they can't mess with you you got a SpongeBob t-shirt on and an inhaler don't worry about that you just tear it up and you tell it you tell him yes you you [ __ ] better on house arrest you [ __ ] you [ __ ] loser you and your dirty ass brother [ __ ] him too dumb [ __ ] look at you just sitting there you bald Refugee [ __ ] you all right hold on hold on I don't know why you're laughing all right all right all right all right everyone coming down a notch listen I'm just I'm calm I'm just saying bro about your tough guy go over there I got a better deal on my life me and Neon versus you in the ring I swear to God meet him or knocking you the [ __ ] out we will [ __ ] kill you bro oh my God this is the biggest waste of my time why don't house arrest this is a waste of my time how right so you're not gonna go next so you're not going to go there you know why do you need I'll do it [ __ ] it what do you want what do you want done no no don't Aiden this is not gonna be like every other time you lied to me you're either gonna do it you're not gonna do it my word he will do it you have my word I want you to go you can film it all you can make a big documentary how you did what topic you needed to do in Santiago Chile dude I don't know where that is what what hold on what what constant even is that where does that even exist on the globe it's in South America you dumb [ __ ] and that certainly chop you up and sell your body parts yes bro it's dangerous dude listen Andrew you know I love you and I would do anything for you realistically you want me to go to another consonant I know nothing about named chili and meet somebody and I'm probably gonna not making them back alive are you saying constant on purpose what okay so you fail on that test next As for Smash Bros I actually would like to see how good you are at this game so what I'm actually going to do then even though you failed me and the task I need you to do I will invite you instead to Romania next week to come and we will pay we will pay ten thousand dollars a game Smash Bros live for the world to see you versus me 10 grand a game money up front we're gonna put 100 Grand down each I'm gonna play 10 games what do you think a hundred thousand dollars at least minimum and we're gonna play Smash Bros with everyone who loses every time you lose a game it's 10 G's I'm not gonna lie I like that but can we play my game too no we can't play your game because I like I said I've not played video games for 20 years and I'm only playing one game I picked up the game I played when I was younger and I don't want to play any other game I don't know about any other game I don't want to hear about any other game I'm uninterested I play Smash Bros because that's why I used to play you told me you'd beat me and you lied or lying 10 grand a game will you come here get your ass kicked and pay me every time I destroy you or as usual you just saying words on a [ __ ] stream trying to be entertaining lying because you can't think of anything actually insightful and interesting to say get off his dick a little bro hey thank you brother no problem brother um all right so am I done with the [ __ ] what the [ __ ] is this bro shut up we're gonna talk about I want to talk about Islam with both of you that's why yeah because my friend Mikhail is a Muslim Andrew hey bald [ __ ] salaam alaikum I was just about to reply to you but then you insulted me and I I don't think that was necessary you're right I'm sorry but Kyle okay how long have you been practicing Islam for ever since I was born okay Islam is a beautiful thing and I don't think it should be discussed on this stream because I don't think this stream is halal enough to also with Islam as a whole because I think we're talking about people are swearing and we're talking about subjects which are not particularly deeper insightful and I think we should keep the two separate sorry Aiden oh no it's okay I was out of respect for the religion I think we should just talk I'm glad I respect you I actually respect you for that on God good thank you thank you no problem so we've so far all we've concluded is that Aiden's a liar everything he says aren't we going on a double date with those two supermodels yes we have two bad [ __ ] coming up very soon uh you wanna be a part of it uh Kate wait wait show me the what what double date show the girl show the girl you're talking to show him okay uh her name is uh wait no just show the picture just show the picture of the girl you're talking to okay I'm happy for you though bro I think this one's the one for you bro I know you're saving your virginity for but this is uh this is me and uh her ass next to me that's uh it's hard for me to see the screen I don't know if it's a joke or not I can't see it's just a normal picture I'm assuming that's good uh yeah it should be showcasing her fat ass you see it okay well I hope you I hope you end up married and happy and have a beautiful family and you respect each other and treat each other as you deserve to be creative I mean my plan is just to [ __ ] [ __ ] until I die so that's your plan you don't ever plan to be anything more serious than that I'm gonna be honest bro Life's a [ __ ] joke bro you die you know who gives a [ __ ] bro live life to the fullest right in no you're wrong about that it's all about leaving a print here correct are you gonna have treatment or not I mean yeah bro I want mini me's they're gonna come out looking good as [ __ ] okay well it sounds like you have a very well thought through so Andrew what is the point of life though why does there have to be a point well like why are we hear it yeah but you're here anyway why does there have to be a why you now exist but don't you ever question why I think I think hold on I think Adam's when Jules John oh my God only three people at a time so if Adam joins then we have to say goodbye to our friend yo uh hit the [ __ ] off bro you wanna kick me no chill chill Macau not yet he's not kicking me [ __ ] um neon it's actually it's actually his stream today not mine so um just listen listen man I I don't want to be around the Adam guy anyway bro hey then you have to choose who you like more me or uh your little friend of the green t-shirt okay good question who do you like more what is this are you guys both gay for me which one you guys want to marry you or some [ __ ] no who's who gets to stay and who gets to go I'll leave right now if you want me to leave I'll leave here we go this [ __ ] you attention [ __ ] just kick me bro just kick me you got it bro hold on hold on to be fair neon I I have to just say one thing you know I love you neon but cool bro wait am I being a fake friend yeah he loves you but he just wants to kick you off the stream so no big deal bro it's all good don't care he has like three Real views anyway he don't give a [ __ ] all right have a great day man why are you leaving me Leon you could just stay here stay for a little bit you guys could both stay get out bro but you guys are both my friends why can't everyone just stay and be happy you said you want Adam to come on if Adam's not coming then I'm happy to entertain your little friend with the inhaler I think Adam's wrapping up something let's talk about disability bro Adam's in a shoe right now he said he's shooting with his wife at least he is yeah yeah but right so are you are you gonna fly to Romania and lose it video games or not or is there some more lies out your mouth it's not lies bro when have I ever lie to you he's telling me bro please all you do is lie Aiden everything that comes out your mouth is just a lie everything you do is just talk you just say things and none of it has any weight your word has no value you don't say anything and think oh [ __ ] I said it so now I have to do it my word is my bond I'm a man and all I have is my word you don't give a [ __ ] you'll sit here and say I'm gonna get in best shape ever and then you'll just go and do drugs and it's amazing that the words out your mouth have no weight in your mind at all you don't give a [ __ ] what you say you'll say anything you just talk garbage all day long you don't even think about what you've said what Duty you have to yourself or the universe or to other people no you just say things I was going through a very dark time and I picked up a bottle of lean I'm sorry bro but you don't know what it's like to go through an addiction that's one thing you don't know how to do what it's like so you can't be ignorant hold on you cannot be ignorant and level that out I [ __ ] up I realized I [ __ ] up and thank God I got clean off it I was unless you for months shipping crazy amounts of lean you don't know what addictions like so you need to zip it before you um lose it I'll argue with you on that point firstly I'll ask what was this dark time what inspired this dark time that made you feel like you needed lean an escape out of my mind because I was going through it why what happened that made you want to go through it personal issues okay do you think that your personal issues were more difficult than let's say the personal issues I've perhaps dealt with in the last four to five months yes no that's not what happened my girlfriend hey neon that's not what [ __ ] happened bro my girl didn't get [ __ ] dude shut up bro yeah Amy lives in Houston oh God I [ __ ] her in the ass that's what happened it's weird ass kid in my [ __ ] bro I know where she lives too and her mom and I [ __ ] her too [ __ ] that [ __ ] you're such a loser [ __ ] you see Andrew and you're laughing Andrew what the hell dude is that a bad word yes wait what you know it is nice bro well I'm [ __ ] bro yeah oh my god what have I done apologize stop taking your inhaler and then follow it up bro can you please apologize bro sorry bro okay Jake Paul is on the way soon Jake Paul will be here about 15 minutes I'm trying to get Adam in there I think he's just shooting a porn scene regardless though it's none of everyone's business why I said to pick up the bottle you know it's personal [ __ ] Andrew are you okay yeah I'm just bored of you wait neon apologize chat should he apologize I think he doesn't like me bro it's all good why no I like you I like you oh thanks I like you too man no it's nothing personal and uh hold up so you do like me on you do like neon yeah why would I dislike him if we're I have nothing personal against him thank you man I appreciate it I like you too and you know the [ __ ] you spread and stuff you're a great guy thank you very much see we just gotta get rid of Aiden we can kick him off this one get the [ __ ] out of here bro it'll be good what is your idea listen I respect I get it because you guys are both you know Muslims and I both you like my brothers would you ever convert what would you ever convert to become a Muslim this question foreign you know I I just I never thought deeply deeply about it okay are you making that face what the [ __ ] I mean well let me ask you a question part of being a part of your your culture and religion neon like how devoted are you to it I grown on mosque every Friday I pray around two or three times a day I'm working on it bro do you commit any like Haram no I'm still a virgin I'm waiting to [ __ ] you know until marriage okay just curious yeah so you don't jerk off or anything nothing more wait I used to back in the day but I stopped oh that's good do you gamble [ __ ] no okay yeah okay all right whatever what is what it is all right let's uh let me let me text this [ __ ] real quick uh let me call Jakey I love Jake Paul Bro nerds are boring I'm gonna work dude what is Neil what's this not a shirt bro what the [ __ ] no no here is he a train he broke his [ __ ] period dude what is wrong with him bro why are you acting like that he's going through it emotionally bro I can't blame him well what does he do for work I don't know neon before you get off before you know you you get kicked because my whole chat is spamming to kick you um yeah brother they're taking dick suckers I'm gonna just leave bro it's all good bro I I just want to say bro I thought it would take for the next six months before he gets [ __ ] GG bye dude what is wrong why would you say you're such an insensitive piece of [ __ ] neon oh neon the [ __ ] chat bro
Channel: Adin Live
Views: 1,894,901
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Keywords: ADIN ROSS LIVE, ADIN LIVE, ADINROSS LIVE, ADIN ROSS, ADINROSS, adin ross, adin ross 2k, adin ig live, adin ig, adinross ig live, adin ross ig live, adin ross ig live today, adin ross ig live full, adin ross full stream, adin ross twitch, adin ross stream, full adin stream, adin full stream
Id: aibLO0clPBs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 49sec (1009 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 19 2023
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