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hello everybody my name is markiplier and welcome to imposter hide an among us horror game now i know among us might be a horror game to some of you but this one is a 3d free roam ish i'm not 100 sure but a game where you have to hide from imposters and apparently they're quite deadly but why don't we give it a try level one here we go okay inspect sample electrical man the field of view on this son of a [ __ ] what oh it's me this is one of the boy what is that that's new um that's weird and new and uh why oh oh oh that's why oh that's why hey bud oh god okay um okay okay okay okay hide [Music] [Applause] hey is your ash bleeding oh no wait no hang on oh wait isn't the reactor is that on the other side i don't remember where that is oh no whoa sorry also god damn it i'm sorry if the audio is a little strange my go xlr mysteriously got soylent spilled all over it completely not my fault i don't know what's happening uh no not power definitely not power it's probably a reactor thing i don't know oh boy oh boy oh boy oh boy oh boy oh boy wait wait that's it just have to open that doesn't seem to be my thing um well it's probably to do with the thing that was on the other side but then again i don't exactly know what's happening so i'm kind of screwed oh oh god no hey how's it going friend oh okay i'm just gonna run around [Music] good god and they sure do a good job of making this intense but also hang on whoa i did it i don't know map is there a map oh oh uh oh okay it's like a star over here okay there we go jesus okay thanks buddy now i know exactly what i'm supposed to do at all times god i don't know why my audio is just redlining like that it's freaking loud dude and also my keyboard got super broken bam i'm the best especially at moons you know there's a lot of crew here and there are a lot of kinds of dead i don't know if that's my problem i'm gonna guess no okay you i did it whatever i did i did it all right oh no that ain't good oh fix lights oh no i can see my own jiggly ass from my side view oh can they use the vents can they use the vents i don't like the power being out oh please oh please okay we're good to go i think anyway there's a lot freakier than i thought it'd be hope it doesn't never turn into like a 2v1 or something like that all right hello i would like to boink boink okay did it i would like to boing us troingus i did it i did it i didn't i did it he's not very fast but i'd hate to lose this right when i'm about to win it gotta hope the audio is okay i've never seen a redline the way it is that's probably fun oh god hey bud how you doing good to see you okay yeah all right a flavoring oh how did you do that from where you are why do i keep slamming into the right also this keyboard that i have as a backup sucks ass god i keep accidentally pressing buttons okay please please please please please please please please please please please please please please thank goodness you're not nearly as fast as i am these custom games sure are nice to me what is that by the way by the by what in the world is that floating outside i think we got a lot of more questions about the universe of among us than i previously imagined that we would like flying amoeba monsters and that's being nice that's being real nice i've been ignoring all the invaginations all over your body i can call you much meaner things hey i'm not gonna though i'm not gonna look this douche is kind of persistent and he seems to be kind of stuck seems to be kind of smart about some things ye ah oh am i cornered oh am i cornered oh am i cornered oh am i cornered oh am i cornered what am i doing oh no i'll hide there was a hide ah he'll never check the vents i'm perfectly safe i have to fix the goddamn lights is that what happened in the middle of that test i can i get a sodi pop i would definitely not mind a sodi pop i would also definitely not mind being able to do my goddamn job all right let me exp inspect the goddamn sample before i have to i don't know go somewhere where are we going anyway that's what i've always wanted to know and that's what i've always asked in among us lobbies but no one seems to ever want to talk about it no one seems to want to question the reality of our situation you know what i mean oh i did it i'm the best but no one ever wants to question the reality of the situation heck maybe that's just my yearning for role play and maybe i just want stand the water man back but in among us maybe i'm just looking for human connection now whatever i'm going to the next level okay thank you what do i do what do i do oh right good that's great i don't hear anybody which i'm assuming is okay i'm really nailing all my tasks come on no no get down there we go so far so good okay we're fine we're fine we're fine good thing they announced themselves by screaming i mean so do i but like it's only fair that i play fair okay almost there almost there almost there diverting power that was easy i'm gonna freaking nail this oh [ __ ] god damn you where are you where are you are you are you over here you overhear you over here no you're not hey yeah you went the wrong way why is it is there a ghost on the ship i mean i know that technically when people die there are ghosts floating all around and these ghosts of these bodies are definitely judging me for my actions and my inability to successfully do what i need to do but oh god one two three four five seven eight nine bam what do i get the points for i mean obviously there should be a lot more fanfare once i'm done with this like uh definitely some balloons and some confetti going on here but what are the what are the what inventory oh oh hats i don't care i don't care all right well is it gonna get tough that's what i gotta ask about this is ever gonna get hard can i bring an emergency meeting oh my god oh my goodness god ow ah wait why did i go in here oh my god oh my god this is terrible why am i doing this now why am i doing this now oh my god oh my god i'm an idiot you'll never find me [ __ ] he's stupid and i'm smart you an idiot and i'm so big brained yeah well i don't like the sound of that but uh thankfully i don't have to deal with it because i'm smart and they're dumb okay what is it what am i doing here uploading uploading why do i have to stand here when it's imploding shouldn't i be able to literally go anywhere else while it's imploding i'd really appreciate it okay what am i doing here oh more wires god damn it oh yeah oh yeah okay that's good that's good that's good this is all very good ah oh i see i see i see okay that's one now that i know i need to get two of these i hear something gurgling all right whatever the gurgles can be there i don't need to worry about that all i need to worry about is getting these things fixed and then i'm on my way okay all done yay there he is that's good hey good to see you buddy how are you oh god okay in here [Music] i mean you know i gotta give it to him this is a pretty faithful recreation of a plot frickin what the frick are you talking about no one should be able to moan at those volumes played a lot of games bro there's a lot of moaning going on not like that but you know i played a lot of games where there's a lot of owning going on maybe like that but this guy's moaning ability really is stellar oh and boom i win i'm the best i'm incredible these guys kind of suck you know i'm not going to lie these guys kind of suck the difficulty isn't exactly going up the way it should be got to keep playing it's good it's kind of fun solo among us solomongas when do they start going in vents when do they start appearing out of nowhere oh swipe card got it is this where they get all big brained and they start popping out of random places i'd like to think that it gets smarter more devious oh okay i'm gonna fix the lights now please all right i'm gonna go around god i hate games where the run is just only slightly faster than the whoa hey pal well you're kind of where i need to be don't you ain't you ain't you isn't you you know this game kind of hides between its cartoonish exterior but it actually is quite a horrible violent game what are you doing over there oh my god wait is there two of them oh wait wait a minute oh wait how do i how do i how do i how do i how do i uh what do i do hey oh i'm gonna win i'm gonna [Music] [Laughter] okay now we're getting a little more difficult here now we're getting somewhere now i'm starting to feel something instead of the numbness that permeates my soul now i'm starting to feel a thrill yeah i don't want to feel the thrill that early and wait no no the thrill can wait for the thrill can wait okay don't come in here he's gonna come in here he's coming in here basically [Music] that's bad that's a bad thing that's a bad sign oh okay we're fine so far so good okay good i'm going the wrong way now i decided to go not the correct way and i went around that's good oh whoa i'm one of you all right all right all right okay lights lie lights lights in here lights oh you dick you really gotta start all the way over if you goof it oh i did it i'm a genius that sounds bad but i'm gonna assume it's okay it was wasn't really a line but who really cares not me definitely not me okay i win i'm the greatest all right here we go come on present me with a challenge i'm going the wrong way present me with a challenge present me present thyself i think the moaning is coming from the creature outside the ship you know the big tentacle creature that looks like an amoeba and other things but that doesn't really make sense because kind of breaks the laws of physics considering that would mean that it's able to send sound across time and space a medium that does not transfer any sound waves which kind of ain't a thing kind of weird that i haven't seen any of them kind of odd kind of kind of a little bizarre i'm kind of questioning the reality of my situation there's more moaning okay well good i was hoping for that kind of weird kind of strange don't know where they are kind of bizarre this is stressful come on hurry up hurry hurry hurry hurry okay now the sample and i'm out of here home free okay there you are hey i was wondering i was wondering you know i was wondering where he was it does however seem like it's only the one which is cool i guess oh hey okay we're good we're good we're good we're good we're good okay this is going great all right good man um is this going to get hard anytime soon or am i just going to cruise my way through this because i am such a badass nice what was that sound what was that that was a new one what is over here what oh what are you what are you oh no the other way around i don't even remember that one oh no but you're in the way aren't you oh no you're in the way aren't you can i go around oh can i go run please i'll be around this way oh that'd be bad okay where'd you go oh where did you go oh i don't like that oh i don't like that okay we're fine stop moaning you're gonna give away my position there's a little bit more i don't know why i keep trying to go deeper on this oh i hear i hear things okay blah blah you know what i'm actually going to buy a hat i'm enjoying this i'm enjoying this oh plunger that's nice i like that that's good i'll buy that oh there i go and then uh color uh piss yellow so i'm walking toilet that's what i'd like to think all right here we go and away here we go eventually i'm going to have to take advantage of the hiding mechanics i know that but not before i try every single type of thing that i can do where am i going where am i going bang bang boom boom any day now okay good god i'm just gonna keep going until i die i wanna see how good i get at this and whether or not they actually get smarter there i go hello hi who was that hi okay it's fine you know if if the monsters had to actually the imposters actually had to announce themselves the way that you guys do the reel among us would not be that difficult at all right lightning speed not very lighting speed okay you keep saying it's getting harder but i'm not feeling the hardness i want to feel it hard ah give me a challenge i'm only getting better at this game you guys are getting worse you guys are sucking it up you guys gotta get good no don't like the sound of that whoa at what point are they just gonna turn into regular people and actually try to be stealthy about it and lights are gonna go out or something by the time i get this okay that's gonna come back yep i knew it how did i know it maybe i'm a genius maybe i'm some kind of big smart maybe i'm some kind of among us pro where are the among us leagues well that sounds bad is bad it is bad well funnily enough when i go around the corner it is bad you know before you know you could still do the things that you needed to do without having to go back and fix the lights couldn't you wasn't that a thing was that like a thing hey okay you're really cutting me off here and i don't like it i don't push much what if i hide there's no way you would oh hi oh hi i really don't like those sounds i'm gonna go for it i'm gonna go for it i'm gonna go for it oh i need to get these lights back on because this place is not fun at night i mean it's in space so it's always night i guess okay i'm gonna go inspect my sample oh no don't corner me [Music] oh no oh all right i'll go the long way around you freaking [ __ ] freaking goose bags yeah you better stop thumping lumping just let me do what i came here to do which is what i don't know why are we in space where is we going what is we doing what is any of this why is any of this who are we what are we even doing okay level 10 the final level if ever there was a way for them to get really good and kill me now might be the chance for them to do exactly that and i'm gonna do if there's a goddamn inspect thing i'm gonna do it first part of back and forthing around this thing scan me i'm not really in there someone's going to be suspicious of me okay now it'd be a global sorry the hurry is what you would do now oh hey what's up hey how are you doing this is going to take a while oh god oh god oh no oh no oh no oh no oh no that was a door behind me oh no oh no now hey hey hi hi how are you hey what's up hey how you doing okay good to see you okay bye oh oh oh oh oh okay okay okay okay there was something in there that i needed to do okay that's fine that's fine that's fine no hurry oh my god oh my god click it oh my god oh my god oh my god i'm gonna die i'm dead i'm a dead man who walks around whoo i'm fine i'm fine i'm fine i'm fine i really blew out the microphone there i could hear it oh i'm trying not to i'm really trying not to go damn it i'm a dead man oh i'm a dead man oh i'm dead oh i'm not dead i'm not dead i am a winner [Laughter] turns out i win i'm the best all right you guys better actually get good because this is pathetic of you that's not good [Music] yeah yeah yeah [Music] you better not box me in here oh no oh that's not good um um thankfully that doesn't seem to blow up the ship like it has in the past yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah oh okay good good good good good good i gotta go to the reactor all the way back there okay we're good we're clear we're clear last thing last thing last thing last thing we're good we're good we're good okay done i'm the best try me difficulty 200. you guys better be good this is getting purely pathetic god how many upload datas do i have oh come on all the plotting all of the bloating oh my god the floating oh the bloating come on come on come on come on come on oh shoot oh shooty tooty okay shooty oh all right if they could just not be go ma oh oh wait wait oh no um bring around the rosie okay ring around my rosie you gonna ring around my rosie hello i don't know they're an idiot i'm smart they're just dumb and bad bam lucky number 13. [Music] did i do it okay hey what's up buddy hey how you doing hey what's up what's up yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah maybe i'm being a little bolder but i think i can get this before you get me i'm out of here oh no no no no no no no no no no no no no no none of that none of that thank you very much none of that of course oh my god good thing i'm in the room where i need to do that thing good thing i'm here okay good and all the other stuff is over over there anyway so this is all good okay clear okay i just need to chart a course and then i need to clear the asteroids and then i'm good to go okay is there anything else here that i'm missing i've never actually taken a moment to look at anything around here no oh that's something i'm not supposed to see what are you what are you oh my god it's mouth or is that it's butthole how would you ever know don't don't don't you even think about it don't even think about it oh it was look at you oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] oh okay hi hi oh no ah [Music] shoot the thing oh my god oh my god what is that about i can't save oh you [ __ ] oh fix the goddamn lights oh my god oh my god oh my god oh my god you are a douche freaking block in my view like that okay now for realsies now for realsies now for realsies let's do this without someone's fat ass in the way of my gun oh okay well this is gonna be dicey oh this is gonna be down to the wire well this is probably a gamble i shouldn't take okay kaboom come on damn it kaboom kaboom uh i'm the best i'm the best i'm goddamn great i am unstoppable unflappable i can't be flapped no one's ever flapped me before they're probably a lot of other details in this game that i'm just not aware of i haven't been paying attention or something i'm gonna actually save this one because it's near the electric actually no i'll just keep the one in electrical to do the electrical one you you never noticed a thing was that three i think that might have been three i think that might have been three i see your game good thing i know an alternate path through all this [ __ ] [Music] oh oh it is three it's three okay let me get one thing straight you guys not very threatening not very fast not very smart i'm curious i'm really curious [Music] if i just go around the corner they lose me oh god oh no wait wait a minute wait a minute where are you oh hey okay how close you oh god ow all right okay i've been playing this for like 40 minutes it's actually quite fun i don't know if it's completely like endless but it is very interesting you know i gotta give it that it's a faithful recreation like i think it was quite fun not too shabby so thank you everybody so much for watching if you want to play this who is free over on ichio uh link is in the description hey did you know that me bob and wade have a podcast if you want to go listen to it that link is also in the description it's called distractable i've talked about it a lot and i'm going to keep talking about it because very fun and very funny and if you want to get a good laugh there's a link to the bob's fridge episode where bob uh bob talks about his fridge delivery that didn't go so well so link is in the description or you can look it up on any podcast thing thank you everybody so much for watching and as always i will see you in the next video bye-bye you
Channel: Markiplier
Views: 5,550,134
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: markiplier, imposter hide, among us, among us horror game, indie horror, fan game, scary game, impostor hide
Id: SOk6wvU5KBU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 27sec (1767 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 03 2021
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